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Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

CHAPTER SEVEN — Part 6 of 7


22 MARCH 1948
0420 hours, Jews from Hagan House 13291 560 laid charges in unoccupied Arab House 13311569 under cover of Small Arms and mortar fire. 1 Arab house demolished.
WO 261/573

22 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0420 hours, Ramle. An explosion, believed to have been caused by Jews, resulted in extensive damage to the house of Sheikh Abdul Khader Abu Rabah on the main JaffaIRamle road near the Beit Dajan crossroads. There were no casualties. At the same time, guards on the Golden Spindle textile factory opened fire on persons attempting to enter the factory from the rear. Mortar fire was directed at the factory from a position behind Beit Shugelman. Power lines and telephone wires were cut by the firing but have since been repaired.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Gaza. 0600 hours, Beersheba. At Ka'at el Masriyeen village, Imara Police Post area, fire was exchanged between Arabs and Jews following the arrival of a party of Jews in armoured cars, who blew up a well. The Jews are believed to have come from Sharamhim, to which colony they returned after the engagement. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0700 hours, Tel Aviv. Three Jews armed with a Sten gun and revolvers held up Dr. Itzhak Pronvaminsky, of 22, Weisl Street, outside his residence, ordered him out of the pickup which he was driving and drove off in the vehicle. Dr. Ponvaminsky is employed with the Government Veterinary Services, and the pickup is the property of that Department.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 0910 hours, Rural. A party of Jews held up a taxi containing five Arabs and took them to Neve Ya'acov colony. Rumours of this abduction spread to the Arab area and firing broke out between Jews and Arabs, in which mortars were used. It is reported that four Arabs have been killed and two wounded. A military patrol went to the scene but the engagement had ceased when they arrived, and it was not possible to obtain further particulars.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1015 hours, Urban. A Jewish convoy passing through Sheikh Jarrah opened fire on an Arab truck, driven by Moussa Ahmed Allan, of Arab Sawahira, seriously injuring him in the legs and stomach. A passenger, Abed Aliyan Ali, of Sur Bahir, was slightly injured by flying glass. Both men were removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1200 hours, Rural. A Jaffa/Jerusalem 'bus was fired upon by Jews from Neve Ya'acov colony, and the following casualties were caused: Dead - Attieh Ahmed Ibrahim of Kasra village; Elias George Kallones (45), a Greek, from Jaffa; an unidentified Arab.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1200 hours, Ramle. Yusef Abdul Na'ani, of Wadi Hunein, was stopped by a party of armed Jews whilst driving a truck load of oranges. He was taken to a nearby orange grove, where he was held until 1300 hours. He was then released and drove to Wadi Hunein. On the way, an orange box in the box in the back of the truckexploded, causing slight damage to the vehicle. He continued to drive his truck to Sarafand Camp, where it is held by the Royal Engineers for examination for further explosives.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1400 hours, Urban. Twelve armed Jews entered the P.W.D. garage in Bezalel Street and held up the watchman, Aharon Kolornik and stole machinery, tires, furniture and two old trucks without engines or number plates. The trucks were towed away and the stolen property was transported in three other trucks, the numbers of which are unknown. The watchman was released at 1900 hours and instructed to report to the police.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1530 hours, Safid. Hasiza bint Mustafa Sheikh Ali (60) was $not in the leg by a sniper from the Jewish Quarter whilst standing in the door of her house. She was removed to the Government Hospital, where her condition is serious.
CO 537/3857

22 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1545 hours, Urban. Jews opened fire on Mamillah Road with automatic weapons from a point in the vicinity of Hesse's Bar. Police armoured car proceeded to the scene and firing ceased.
CO 537/3856

22 MARCH 1948
At 1600 hours, 22 March, 1947, during a search of the Tel Arza Area, Jerusalem, troops discovered small explosive cache. Explosives which were concealed in a cave included 8 1 sticks of gelignite, a small amount of ammunition, and 29 explosive charges.
WO 261/660

22 MARCH 1948
1740 hours, 1 Jeep and 5 ton Military-type vehicle, manned by 6 Jews in British Airborne uniform, entered Iraq Street, Haifa. 5 ton vehicle abandoned, later blew up. Extensive damage to Arab property. 4 Arabs killed and 19 Arabs injured.
WO 261/573

22 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 2330 hours, Nazareth. Jews approaching from the east attacked Kfar Kanna with automatic weapons. The attack lasted for some forty minutes, but no damage was caused and there were no casualties.
CO 537/3857

22/23 MARCH 1948
Lydda. Between 2350 hours 22 March, 1948, and 0145 hours 23 March, 1948, Jaffa. Jebeliya Quarter was attacked by Jews. During the course of the attack, eleven houses and a small mosque were demolished, believed by mortars. The following casualties were admitted to the Government Hospital from the quarter on the morning of 23 March, 1948: Seriously Injured- Dahiel Eissa Ed Dibis (45); Mohammed Marouf El Kaban (35); Abdul Fattah Samara (27).
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Haifa. 0700 hours, Rural. Two Arab 'buses and a truck under military escort transporting labourers to Haifa were fired upon from a Jewish truck between Ein Ghazal and Jaba village. Four Arabs were wounded, two seriously and two slightly, and removed to Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
At 0800 hours, a three-ton Commercial truck, of Vehicle Number M 1036, and owned by Abdul Khader Abdul Rahman, was stolen near Ramat Hakovesh by four armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 0830 hours, Tulkarm. A truck loaded with Arab labourers proceeding from Jaljuliya to Lydda District area was ambushed on a track southeast of Jaljuliya at MR. 14191714 by a large party of armed Jews who opened fire with automatic weapons. Two Arabs, Omar Ismail of Jaljuliya and Mahmoud El Ahmed Hejaz were killed. It is known that a third person is missing.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 0900 hours. Near the D.I.D. Camp at Majdal, taxi M 662K whilst proceeding from Isdud to Gaza was fired upon by a northbound Jewish convoy. The following persons were killed: 1) Abdul Faddah Mohammed Abdul Rizzik; 2) Abdullah Mohammed Rizzik; 3) Mahmoud Abdul Rahman Rizzik; 4) Abdul Azziz Abdul Khader Durzi; 5) Mohammed Abdul Rahrnan Takaf of Isdud village.
CO 537/3856

23 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1130 hours, Jaffa. Jewish snipers near Bassa lands commenced firing into King George Avenue, Jaffa. Two Arabs were killed, Ali Darwish Wazieh (12) of Jaffa and Hassan Muharram (30) of Jaffa. At approximately 1230 hours, the Jewish snipers post was silenced by military using two pounders.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
During the morning near Majdal, an Arab taxi was fired at by Jews. Five Arabs were killed and two wounded.
CO 733/477

23 MARCH 1948
Haifa, Morning. In Jaffa road, Eissa Saliba Tahda (50), of Haifa, was shot by unknown persons - removed to Government Hospital — condition not serious.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Haifa, Morning. In Bank Street, Sirhan Assas Shehadeh (23), of Haifa, was shot dead by unknown persons.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1200 hours. North of Sa'ad settlement, Eid Ibn Salim Manuna of Sawarka tribe complained to a military patrol that he had been attacked by three Jews who had taken his flock of 21 sheep to Sa'ad colony. Military patrol carried out investigations at the colony, but no trace of the missing sheep could be found and the settlers denied all knowledge of the incident. The flock is valued at LP.80.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1610 hours, Ramle. A party of armed Jews dressed in army uniform drove up to Beer Yaacov Hospital in a jeep, a 15-cwt truck and a three-ton truck, all of military type. The gate guards examined the work ticket presented to them and allowed the vehicle to enter the camp. The Jews then entered the main guard room, held up the occupants and stole seven rifles. Several shots were fired by the Jews into the camp as they retreated to Beer Ya'acov colony. Mines were also laid on the road and later cleared by military personnel. One British soldier, name as yet unknown, is believed to have been slightly injured. Numbers of the stolen firearms are as follows: 7 rifles - 006199, 17587, 0022135, 9A23450A, 6905329, AW14158, BW10283. 1 revolver - .38 caliber, Number 5922.

Three steel helmets and parts 1 and 2 of army paybook, the property of 19001 172 Private Hill, V.S. were also stolen.
CO 537/3856

23 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1620 hours, Urban. Jews at Ramat Rahel commenced sniping at Arab vehicles on the Bethlehem road. At 1800 hours, military at El Alemain Camp fired three two-inch mortar smoke bombs in the direction of Kefar Yeladim and at a building on the road to Ramat Rahel, silencing the snipers.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1620 hours, Rehovoth. In Rishon, Number 14052643 Sergeant Sox, A.G. and Number 19094225 Corporal Home, both F.S.S., Headquarters 1st Infantry Division personnel, whilst riding their motorcycles, Number M502A and 946522, were held up by approximately thirty armed Jews. They stole their two revolvers, their ammunition and their Matchless motorcycles. The numbers of the arms stolen are .38 Colt 139 13 and .38 Enfield E2362 and fourteen rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

23 MARCH 1948
In the afternoon near Majdal, an unidentified aircraft escorting a southbound Jewish convoy is alleged to have fired on Arab labourers working at Government Agricultural Station. No casualties resulted.
CO 733/477

23 MARCH 1948
During the afternoon, armed Jews dressed in army uniform drove up to Beer Yaacov Hospital, Ramle area, in military type trucks and were admitted on producing of work tickets. Jews entered main guard room, held up occupants and stole 7 rifles and one revolver. One British soldier was slightly injured.
CO 733/477

23 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 1900 hours, Nablus. Qa'un village and a number of encampments of Arab Saqr were attacked by three parties of Jews who had entered the area. Some eight or ten houses in Qa'un were demolished by explosives. Two bridges at kilos 108 and 114 on the JerichoBeisan road were blown up and completely destroyed, but these can be by-passed by traffic. Several mines were laid on the road between Tubas village and the JerichoBeisan road junction. These were removed by police. The following Arab casualties resulted: Dead - Eissa Fallah Ibaishi; Subha Jabati; Harbi Harouj; Sada Jabat; Ibrahim Fallah Abu Jamas. Injured - Faris Eid Zagel; Eid Zamel; Miriam Gubati.
CO 537/3857

23 MARCH 1948
Another attack, on this occasion carried out by local Haganah, was made on the Islamic Club in Kingsway, Haifa, on the night of 23 March. It was from this club that the operation, in which a vehicle blew up in Harbour Street, was launched. A small grey car driven by two Jews parked outside the club, and the occupants climbed into a Jewish armoured bus which was following them. The fuse allowed sufficient time for the nearby buildings to be evacuated, and there were no fatal casualties. The Islamic Club and the building next to it were heavily damaged. Immediately after the explosion, Arabs along Kingsway began fortifying themselves and building sand-bagged positions.
WO 275/79

24 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0230 hours, Jaffa. Several heavy mortar bombs fired from the direction of Tel Aviv in the area of the Hassan Bey Mosque. Some damage was caused to the surrounding wall of the Mosque and to a nearby house. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 0615 hours, Tulkarm. Two Arab trucks were ambushed and attacked by a party of Jews near Qalqilya. The following casualties were sustained: Dead - Hamdan Mohammed Darwish, of Lydda; One unidentified Arab. Serious - Natur Mahmoud Darwish, of Lydda; One unidentified Arab.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 0635 hours. An Arab 'bus belonging to the Nazareth 'Bus Company was stopped by a Jewish pickup blocking the road between Jalama Police Station and Moshek Yagour. Two incendiary bombs were thrown at the 'bus and intensive small arms fire was directed at the passengers. The pickup made off in the direction of Haifa. The following casualties have been reported: Dead - Faris Salama Saba (25), of Majoul. Seriously Injured - Mohammed Abdul Kerim (27), of Saffourieh, ('bus driver); Sarid Khalil Aid (35), of Um Jedal; Abdul Kerim Mohammed Hussein (23), of Kawlab el Haja, Syria; Ibrahim Mohammed Kassim (28), of Reina; Mustafa Mohammed (26), of Um Jedal; Hussein Najib Mohammed el Khatib (35), of Saffourieh; Mohammed Ali Khalil (25), of Saffourieh; S hehadi Mustafa Mohammed Mustafa (24), of Reina; Mohammed Hussein Khalil (20), of Urn Jedal; Ragheb Abdul Latif Thazi (45), of Urn Jedal.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 0645 hours. An Arab truck travelling to Haifa was fired on by a party of Jews from an orange grove near Jaba village. Subhi Said (1 5), of Ein Ghazal, was killed. The body was removed to the Government Hospital, Haifa. The Jews escaped in the direction of Athlit.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 0730 hours, Tulkarm. An Arab private car was held up by Jews near Mishmar Hasaron. The Jews opened fire with automatic weapons and inflicted the following casualties: Dead - Hami bint Abdullah; Amin Fawzi el Wazifeyeh; Mohammed Yousef Jundiyeh. Serious - Nasra bint el Mustafa Abdullah. Slight - Hamdi bint Abdullah Salim; Amneh bint Saleh Et Turki. With the exception of the second person, who is from Tulkarm, all are from Wadi Hawareth.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 0745 hours, Urban. Mohammed Ahmed Ali Dahoud (23), of Yatta village, was shot and slightly wounded in the Katamon Quarter by unknown persons firing from Jewish Katamon.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 0955 hours, Urban. Fire was opened by unknown persons from the vicinity of the municipal gardens in King George Avenue at Arabs in Mamillah Road. The Arabs returned the fire and also fired up Princess Mary Avenue. Jewish positions in Princess Mary Avenue replied and firing became general. The Palestinian Constable on point duty at Mamillah crossroads was slightly injured by a bullet wound in the face. Another Arab is known to have been slightly injured.

At 1000 hours, the outburst of shooting was taken up by persons at Jaffa Gate and the Old Montefiore Quarter. One Arab, Hanna Jabra, is reported to have been wounded, but his condition is unknown.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1038 hours, Jaffa. A police armoured car on patrol near the Jaffa Slaughter House on the Jaffa/Jerusalem road was fired on by a Jewish armoured car on the Miqve Israel/ Hatikva track. The fire was returned and the Jewish car made off. There are no known casualties.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1045 hours, Tiberias. At 1045 hours, a Dodge truck, of Vehicle Number 46124647, and owned by W.D., was stolen near Tabigha village, Tiberias, by ten armed Jews dressed as Arabs.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1045 hours, Tiberias. Ten armed Jews, wearing Arab dress, held up Privates, Numbers 2705183 and 144592 16, of the Para. Regiment, Samakh, near Tabigha, and stole their truck and two rifles and forty rounds.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1 130 hours. An Arab 'bus was damaged by a mine near Yad Mordechai. The vehicle continued to Beit Hanoun village, where it was found that one passenger, Mohammed Jaber el Ghoul, of Hirbiya village, had been killed, and another passenger, Attieh Mohammed Aliyan, of Hirbiya, was slightly wounded. The injured man has been removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
During the morning, an Arab bus was stopped east of Haifa by a Jewish pickup blocking the road. Incendiary bombs were thrown at the bus and intensive small arms fire directed at passengers. One Arab was killed and 11 seriously wounded.
CO 733/477

24 MARCH 1948
During the morning near Mishmar Hasharon Tulkaim, Jews held up and fired at an Arab private car. Three Arabs were killed and three wounded.
CO 733/477

24 MARCH 1948
Gaza. 1345 hours, Beersheba. An unconfirmed report from Imara Police Post states that Jews in an armoured car abducted Abdullah Atwa Ettawi, of Arab Hanajira, from the tribal lands.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1200 hours, Ramle. A party of Jews entered the orange grove of Ali Mahmoud on the main Jaffa/Jerusalem road, near Miqve Israel, and opened fire on the Arab orange pickers, causing the following casualties: Dead - Ahmed Najib el Azziz (60). Slightly Injured - Kadezeh Ahmed bint Najib el Azziz, deceased's daughter - bullet wound in leg.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1430 hours. An Arab 'bus proceeding along Allenby road was fired at near the junction of Freres Street. Two grenades were also thrown at the 'bus. The following casualties were caused: Admitted to Government Hospital - Hanna Hajar (351, of Wadi Nisnas, driver - not serious; Farid Eissa Moussa (25), of Haifa - not serious. Discharged after treatment - Tewfik Abdul Martuf, of Haifa.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1500 hours, Jaffa. Ahmed Sabri el Rehawi (20) of Syria, was slightly wounded in the leg by a bullet fired by unknown persons near the Bat Yam Mental Home. He was admitted to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1600 hours. A private car, driven by Abdullah Abdul Mohammed Shandur, was fired upon from the New Business Centre. Ibrahirn Ali Adham, principal secretary to the Egyptian Consul in Haifa, who was one of the passengers, was killed, but the driver and the other passenger escaped uninjured. The body was removed to the Government Hospital, Haifa.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1610 hours. Persons travelling in a 15-cwt truck fired on Arabs working in the vicinity of the Acre check post, killing one Arab and injuring two others. The truck was stopped by military, and the occupants have been arrested. No arms were found in the vehicle. No further particulars are yet available.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1635 hours, Rural. Two Arab 'buses on the Jemsalem/Nablus Road were fired on from Neve Ya'acov colony. No casualties have been reported. Jews from that colony appear to have been firing indiscriminately at traffic on the Nablus Road.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1645 hours, Urban. Heavy fire was opened on the Mamillah Road area by Jews firing across the Mamillah Cemetery. Three or four mortar bombs also fell in the Mamillah Road area. Arabs returned the fire and police went to the scene but were also fired upon by Jewish snipers. The fire was returned, and at 1650 hours, the area was reported quiet. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1725 hours, Urban. Three mortar bombs fired from Nahlet Shimon Quarter landed in Godfrey de Bouillon Street, Musrara Quarter, causing the following casualties: Dead - Sakik Toumayan, of Musrara Quarter. Slightly Injured - Mme. Tomayan; Margo Tomayan; Rachai Awad; Robert Awad, Edmond Awad; Tewfik Safil. The injured persons were removed to the Government Hospital. Following the explosions, small arms fire broke out in the Sheikh Jarrah Quarter but died down after a short time.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
During the afternoon of March 24th, Arab and British transport on the Jerusalem-Nablus road came under fire directed by Jews from Atarot colony, Jerusalem district.
CO 733/477

24 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1935 hours, Jaffa. Jews from Abu Kebir opened fire with mortars on the flour mill in Salama Road. Arabs replied and firing was still continuing at 2000 hours. No further details are yet available.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 2130 hours, Jaffa. Manshieh Police Station was subjected to heavy mortar and small arms fire from Tel Aviv. The attack lasted for approximately half an hour. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

24 MARCH 1948
Samaria. Night, Nablus. Qa'un village was attacked during the night by Jews. A military patrol proceeded to the scene but ran into mines laid on the road and were forced to return. Captain Hendrick, of the 1st Para. Battalion, is reported to have been injured. It is reported locally that a number of Arab villages in the Tubas and Beisan areas were attacked during the night. A second report states that six Arabs were killed and three wounded, and that eight houses have been demolished by explosives.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 0730 hours. At 0730 hours, a Chevrolet truck, of Vehicle Number M 342 M, owner unknown, was stolen at Hadera/Affuleh road, by approximately thirty armed Jews. Two occupants killed.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 0730 hours. At kilo 130 on the HaderafAffuleh road, approximately thirty armed Jews attacked 'Chevrolet' truck, Number M342M, killing two and injuring one of the Arab occupants. The two bodies and injured man were removed to Government Hospital, Haifa. The truck is missing.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1130 hours. At kilo 117 on the HaifaIJaffa road, approximately 300 yards south of Hadera Police Station, unknown persons fired on a W.D. vehicle, number unknown, wounding Trooper A. Ross of Camp 21, a passenger. He was removed to hospital - condition unknown.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1200 hours, Acre. On the seashore at Mishmar Hayam, near Acre, Mohammed Ali Jabbali Elias Musni (25) of Acre, was shot and injured in the chest by three Jews. He was removed to hospital - condition not serious.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1255 hours, Urban. Private Wiley, number unknown, of the Highland Light Infantry, was slightly injured when a booby-trap exploded on the roadway in Habat Street, Jewish Quarter of the Old City. He was treated and discharged from the First Aid in Notre Dame de France.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1600 hours, Jaffa. Ali Morffi el Rahidi (35) of Egypt was admitted to the Government Hospital suffering from a bullet wound in the back which he sustained when a Jewish armoured car fired at him in Zarmuqa village. His condition is serious.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1635 hours, Jaffa. Military armoured cars patrolling on Bassa lands were fired on from a Jewish machine post in Salameh road. Military returned the fire with six twopounder shells, silencing the position. No casualties.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1645 hours, Rural. A police armoured car travelling from Ramallah to Jerusalem found a Food Control truck broken down near Yeve Colony and fire being directed at it from the colony. Police returned the fire wounding two Jews. An Arab, George Azadian of Jerusalem, was wounded during this incident.
CO 537/3857

25 MARCH 1948
Lydda, Jaffa. The house of Farid Jaber in Karton Quarter was destroyed by fire in unknown circumstances. The damage caused is estimated at L.P. 5,000. On the same day at Jaber's orange grove, situated in Salameh village, damage estimated at L.P. 13,000 is stated to have been caused by Jews using explosive charges.
CO 537/3857

26 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 0930 hours. At the southern end of the Gaza by-pass, the occupants of two Jewish armoured vehicles opened fire upon Arab truck No. M 807 K. The occupants of the truck alighted and escaped on foot, and the Jews then set the vehicle on fire.
CO 537/3857

26 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1400 hours. At approximately kilo 100 on the Gazameersheba road, five-ton Dodge truck, Number M 85 T, driven by Mahmoud Abdullah Navieh and containing two passengers, was stopped by two Jewish armoured vehicles containing twenty armed Jews. One of the passengers, Mahmoud Abdullah Abu Sa'ada, was abducted by the Jews who also stole the truck. The other two passengers were left by the roadside, unharmed.
CO 537/3857

26 MARCH 1948
The body of a Jewess who had been abducted by Jews in Jerusalem on 26th was found yesterday. Deceased had been shot through the head.
CO 537/3857

26 MARCH 1948
Samaria, Nablus. The following Arabs were shot by Jews, whilst travelling from Jaffa to Tulkarm and were admitted to the Government Hospital, Nablus: Awad Mahmoud Said - serious, of Qasna village; Hilal Samara, of Qasna village - serious.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 01 00 hours, Tel Aviv. Four Jews, one of whom was armed with a revolver, entered the flat of Urshula Glickman (33), a German Christian, at 3, Khen Boulevarde, Tel Aviv, and asked her to accompany them. She did so and has not been seen since.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0640 hours, Ramle. At Beit Dajan a pumping house, owned by Abed Ahmed Yaneh of Beit Dajan, was blown up and destroyed by an electrically detonated bomb. The following casualties were sustained: Dead - Hassan Salim, of Beit Dajan; Hussein Salim Ali Derbash, of Beit Dajan. Slightly Injured - Mohammed Hassan el Abed (16), of Gaza. All were removed to the P.H.D., Ramle.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 133 1 hours, Rural. An Arab woman, believed to have been shot from Ramat Rahel, was found dead on the road at kilo 5 on the Bethlehem Road. Police removed the body to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1530 hours, Urban. In Silwan village, the following Arabs were wounded by fire directed from the Old City into the village: Mohammed AbdulFattah Abu Gharbiya (70) -seriously injured; Hamdi Mohammed Abu Katter (35) - not seriously injured. Both were removed to the Govemment Hospital.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
At 1630 hours, a 15 cwt armoured scout car, Vehicle Number unknown, and owned by W.D., was stolen near Benyamina by armed Jews. The occupants of the armoured scout car were two army officers, who were held prisoner until 1 100 hours on 28 March, 1948.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1630 hours, Petah Tiqva. Captain Hall and Captain Hartley, of 12th Anti-Tank Regiment R.A., were held up by armed Jews whilst travelling in a "White" scout car at the level crossroads near Benyamina. They were forced to get into a waiting car and were driven to a house where they were kept the night. They were released at 1100 hours today (28 March, 1948), but the vehicle in which they were travelling and their personal weapons were stolen.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1700 hours, Urban. Jews opened fire with automatic weapons from the flats in King George Avenue following up quickly with mortar fire directed at Mamillah road. The latter were fired from the vicinity of the District Commissioner's Offices and from Hasolel Street. Firing quickly spread to the Mea Shearim area, and at 1720 hours, reports were received that Arabs were firing mortar shells into the Mea Shearim area. Yemen Moshe and Jaffa Gate areas also joined in. At 1805 hours, Arabs from the Musrara Quarter were firing mortar shells into the Beit Israel Quarter. The area became comparatively quiet by about 1930 hours. The following is a list of known casualties who were wounded by mortar fire at Damascus Gate and admitted to the Government Hospital: Dead - Mahfouz El Kayyo (37) of Jerusalem. Seriously Injured - Zacharia Khalil Ashari (22) of Jerusalem; Nazir Ardel Abdo (13) of Jerusalem; Taki Margoulas (22), a Greek, of Jerusalem; Arafat Wafa Dajani (42) of Jerusalem; Fouad Wafa Dajani (24) of Jerusalem; Miri Abdul Hadi (20) of Jenin; Georgette Kafatie (13) of Jerusalem; Shukri Saleh Sha'alan (12) of Jerusalem; Said Saleh Moussa (24) of Jerusalem; Akran Ahmed Hamieh (1 6) of Jerusalem; Ibrahim Najib Magloub (16) of Jerusalem; Mohammed Abdul Fateh Abu Ghabaiyeh (65) of Jerusalem.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1925 hours, Urban. Ali Hamid Khalyblieh (1 8) of the Lebanon, was shot and wounded by unknown persons in Bashan Street. He was removed to the Government Hospital where his condition is reported as not serious.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. Evening, Urban. Mohammed Yusef Kharaein (31), of Jerusalem, was killed by small arms fire near the St. John Eye Hospital.
CO 537/3857

27 MARCH 1948
27 March. Jews used Auster-type aircraft to strafe Arab positions, which also immobilized one armoured car belonging to LG. On 28 March, Jews used three Auster aircrafts to drop anti-personnel bombs on Arab positions.
WO 261/573

27 MARCH 1948
Samaria, Tulkarm. Sabri Sulieman Mardi of Taiyiba village was shot in the stomach and seriously wounded by two armed Jews whilst he was working on an Arab orange grove south of Ben YehudaColony. He was admitted to the Govemment Hospital, Nablus, CO 537/3857

27/28 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 2230 hours, Jenin. A large party of Jews attacked Sandala village with small arms fire. The villagers returned the fire until approximately midnight, when the villagers evacuated due to lack of ammunition. The attackers then entered the village and blew up and demolished three houses. Twenty-seven animals were killed during the attack. The following Arab casualties have been reported: Safiyeh Moussa Abed - dead; Nami Yassin Eissa - slightly injured; Ahmed Haj Ahmed - slightly injured.

An unconfirmed report states that a further six Arabs were injured, but this has yet to be verified. During the attack, the Jews blew up a culvert on the JeninfAffula road. The bridge is considered unsafe to traffic, and the Affula/Lajun/Jenin road may be used as a deviation. The Jews withdrew in the direction of Affula at approximately 0030 hours on 28 March, 1948.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
At 0600 hours, a 2 112 ton Fordson truck (color green), with white canvas cover on vehicle, Vehicle Number M73 lR, and owned by Moshe Pardi, was stolen at Tel Aviv by four armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
At 1000 hours, afive-ton Dodge (color grey), with Vehicle Number M143S, and owned by Lydda Airport, was stolen at Aliah Street, Tel Aviv, by five armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1000 hours. An Arab taxi on the main GazaJKhan Younis road was overtaken by two Jewish armoured cars, one of which tried to ditch the Arab vehicle and overturned it, causing the following casualties who were removed to the Gaza Government Hospital: Dead - Mahmoud Ali el Hurtani, of Gaza; Abdul Khader Rasoul, of Gaza, Serious - Mohammed Abdul el Masri, of Gaza.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
At 1008 hours, 28th March, Miss Mildred Marston, a teacher of Jerusalem Girls' High School (Anglican Mission), was wounded in Jerusalem by a shot fired from a Jewish quarter. She died shortly after 1300 hours.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1100 hours, Urban. Major Brodie, O.C., the Highland Light Infantry detachment in the Old City, found a mortar bomb in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. When he attempted to remove the bomb, a Jew tried to stop him. Unknown persons then fired a shot, causing both Jews and military in the area to open fire. As a result of the firing, the following casualties were caused: Dead - No. 74434, Corporal Ford, of the Highland Light Infantry. Serious - No. 2101 1246, Private McGregor.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1330 hours, Rural. Ali Omar el Kurni, of the Arab Ta'arnreh, encamped near Bethlehem, was shot and injured by a Jewish sniper near Mekor Haim. He was removed to the Government Hospital, near Jerusalem, where his condition is reported as not serious.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1500 hours, Ramle. A party of Jews attacked Mughar village with automatic weapons and grenades. The villagers returned the fire and, during the engagement, a Jewish armoured car blew up. No further details of the action are yet available, and no casualties have so far been reported.
CO 537/3857

28 MARCH 1948
At 1830 hours, a Standard '8' private car (color Black), with Vehicle Number M897D, and owned by Haim Papo, was stolen at Steel Bros. 7, JaffatTel Aviv road, Tel Aviv, by ten armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

29 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1300 hours, Rural. Whilst travelling from Jerusalem to Beit Fajjar village, a private car, driven by George Musleh and containing two passengers, was fired upon by Jews between kilos 20 and 21 on the Hebron road. There were no casualties and the car carried on.
CO 537/3857

29 MARCH 1948
During the afternoon on the Haifa-Tel Aviv Road, armed Jews held up two British and two Mauritian soldiers, stole their firearms (two Sten guns and two rifles) and two 10-ton army trucks. There were no casualties.
CO 733/477

30 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 11 15 hours. Two Arab trucks, loaded with foodstuff, proceeding from Haifa to Nazareth, were stopped by armed Jews near Jeida Colony. The Jews confiscated both vehicles and took them to Beit Sherim Colony, together with the drivers, Abdo Haj Eissa and Badawi Noslan. The drivers were handed over to police that evening, unharmed. The trucks are still missing.
CO 537/3857

30 MARCH 1948
At 1140 hours, a Dodge truck (five-ton), owned by Abdul Haj Eissa, with Vehicle number M 279 K was stolen near Jeida Colony by armed Jews.
CO 537/3856

30 MARCH 1948
At 1145 hours, an International truck, owned by Badawi Noslan, Vehicle number unknown, was stolen near Jeida Colony by armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

30 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1300 hours, Rural. Miss Thompson, the Jerusalem District Probation Officer, whilst driving her car in the direction of Bethlehem, was shot and fatally injured by Jews at Kilo 5 on the Bethlehem road.

An Arab nurse who witnessed the incident states that Miss Thompson left Beit Safafa Hospital, driving her own car, in the direction of Bethlehem. Approximately 150 yards from the Beit Safafa crossroads, the witness observed three Jews, armed with automatic weapons, walking towards the main road from a house approximately fifty yards away from the road on the Ramat Rahel side. The witness heard Miss Thompson call out, "I am British", but the Jews advanced to within approximately twenty-five yards of the car and opened fire. The car was riddled and Miss Thompson received a bullet wound in the head. She was taken to Beit Safafa Hospital and later removed to the Government Hospital, Jerusalem, where she died at 1745 hours.
CO 537/3857

30 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1230 hours, Ramle. Abdul Rahim Mahmoud Salim, Abdul Salam Abdul Rahim Yunis, Abdul Kadir Mohammed Ibrahim and Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim, all of Bariya village, were abducted from Bariya lands by several Jews and taken to Gezer Colony. At 1900 hours the same day, Yunis' body was found outside the colony. Salim is stated to be missing, but the remaining two persons returned to their village safely at 2 100 hours. No further details are known at present.
CO 537/3857

30 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1545 hours, Urban. Mohammed Ahmed Ja'abari, of Hebron, was slightly wounded in the Old City by an explosion. He stated that he was injured by a mortar bomb which had been fired from the Jewish Quarter, but no record of any such explosion has been received.
CO 537/3856

30 MARCH 1948
Haifa. 1615 hours, Rural. Stolen by four armed Jews from Hadera, Police arrnoured personnel carrier, together with three -38 pistols, numbers 9624,9691 and a third one, number unknown, with 21 rounds of ammunition; Certificates of Appointment belonging to Number 643, British Constable Allman and Number 127, British Constable Rowley; two blue uniform jackets: one battledress blouse: and three blue Police caps with badges.
CO 537/3857

30 MARCH 1948
Haifa. Approximately 1800 hours, Rural. Approximately twelve Jews, armed with pistols, entered a military store near Camp 87, Pardess Hanna. They held up the watchman and stole: 1 3-ton lorry; 1 12-ton roller; carpenters' equipment ; plumbing and electrical stores; wood, etc.
CO 537/3856

30 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 2100 hours, Tel Aviv. S.P.C. Menachem Moussaioff and his brother, Yerushalmi, were abducted from their home in Lafal Street, Tel Aviv, by four armed Jews. They have not yet returned.
CO 537/3857

31 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1230 hours, Urban. Jowdat Salim el Kassim (48), of Nablus, living in Jerusalem, was shot and slightly injured whilst in the Bethlehem Road (Jaffa Gate) by a sniper in the Yemin Moshe Quarter. He was removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

31 MARCH 1948
At 1300 hours, a Chevrolet truck (15-cwt), owned by W.D., with Vehicle number 1327637 was stolen at Tulkarm/Beit Lid road by four armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

31 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1440 hours, Urban. Mr. Jacoman, of District Police Headquarters, whilst travelling in a police 15-cwt vehicle through Allenby Square, was struck in the leg by a bullet. He was removed to the French Hospital, where his condition is reported to be not serious.
CO 537/3857

31 MARCH 1948
During the afternoon, Jews carried out an attack on Arab positions dominating Jerusalem-Jaffa road at Bab el Wad and there was heavy firing on both sides. During the engagement, Jews were seen retreating in direction of Neve Illan carrying two casualties. Situation was quiet by 1900 hours. Over 150 Jews are known to have taken part. There are no confirmed figures of casualties but Jews claim to have killed 22 Arabs.
CO 733/477

31 MARCH 1948
During the afternoon, Police in Jerusalem searched offices of a British firm which had not been occupied for some days and found three Jews in possession of guns, automatics, grenades and ammunition. One of the Jews was found in next door office of the British Commercial Agent with a Sten gun and three magazines. The premises were evidently intended for use as a sniper's nest. The three Jews were arrested.
CO 733/477

31 MARCH 1948
At 2100 hours, a Hudson private car, owned by David Lubinsky, with Vehicle number M633A was stolen at Petah Tiqva Road, Tel Aviv, by five armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

31 MARCH 1948
The only known activity indulged in by the Stern, apart from the murder of Mrs. Ducas, who was unjustly suspected of being an informer, has been the blowing up of the Haifa train at Binyamina on 31 March, when some 40 Arabs were killed. The Stern announced that they were responsible for the action but omitted to mention their motive.
WO 261/574

1 APRIL 1948
Lydda. 0955 hours, Jaffa. A mortar bomb, believed to have been fired from Bat Yam, exploded on the house of Assad El Dejani, near Ajami P.S. Slight damage was sustained by the building, but no casualties were caused.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
Gaza, 1000 hours. A party of Jews from Tekuma Colony went to the house of Mohammed Abu Dahranny, of Arab Hanajira, which is situated about five kilos from the colony. The house was set on fire, but the extent of the damage is not yet known.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
Jerusalem. 1030 hours, Rural. Fathmi Abeid Jaber (34), of Saris, was seriously injured in the chest whilst standing on the roof of her house in Saris, by a shot believed to have been fired from the direction of Neve Ellan Colony. She was removed to the Ramle Hospital.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
Galilee. 1100 hours, Safad. Ahmed Mahmoud Esh Sheikh (52), of Safad, was shot and slightly injured by a Jewish sniper. He was removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
During the morning, a heavy exchange of fire took place between Yemin Moshe and Deir Abu Tor, Jerusalem, and mortars were used. Firing is believed to have been provoked by a sniping attack on an Arab vehicle delivered from Yemin Moshe.
CO 733/477

1 APRIL 1948
During afternoon 1st April near Rishon Police Station, Lydda District, armed Jews entered a Jewish owned orange grove in which 11 Arabs were working. Jews opened fire on the labourers, one of whom managed to escape and informed the Police. When Police went to the scene, they found the bodies of 10 Arabs, all of whom had been shot through the head.
CO 733/477

1 APRIL 1948
Gaza, 1940 hours. An electrically detonated mine exploded on the road North of Sa'ad Settlement, killing Eissa Mahmoud Kharbishi and five donkeys which were with him. It appears that the mine was intended for an Arab truck which had just passed the scene. The road is damaged but still passable to traffic.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
Gaza, 2030 hours. Two Arab trucks on the main Jaffa/Gaza road were fired on from the direction of Yad Mordechai. No casualties were caused, but one of the trucks received a bullet in the petrol tank.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
At 2130 hours, a Studebaker 3 112 ton truck (color green), owned by the Forestry Department, with Vehicle number M 601 P was stolen outside Kefar Sirkin by four armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
Jerusalem. 2156 hours, Urban. Jews in the Old City fired two shots from a Sten gun at a military post in Habat Street and military replied with Bren gun fire. A short time later, Jews again opened fire on the post with a silenced rifle and the military replied with five P.I.A.T. shells and twelve mm. shells. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
30 March, 1948, regarding the theft of a police armoured personnel carrier - it has been reported that the vehicle, which contained three British Constables, was proceeding to Hadera Colony. On arriving at the Opera Cafe, Hadera, the vehicle stopped; and whilst one British constable guarded the vehicle, the other two entered the cafe, A short while later, a number of armed Jews entered the cafe and held up the constables. The third member of the party was then brought in, and the uniforms of all three and their Certificates of Appointment were stolen. They were then taken to the cafe kitchen and bound up with wire. On leaving, the Jews warned the cafe owner not to release them for ten minutes.
CO 537/3857

1 APRIL 1948
Lydda, Jaffa. Salim Rajab Sha'aban El Moghrabi reports that his house on the Bat YamlJebeliya border was demolished by Jewish mortar fire.
CO 537/3857

2 APRIL 1948
Galilee. 1055 hours, Safad. The following persons, who had been wounded by Jewish snipers, were admitted to the Government Hospital, Safad: Serious - Aishab Khalil Mafadis (20). Not Serious - Mahmoud el Bastouni (32); Ibrahim Said (8).
CO 537/3857

2 APRIL 1948
Gaza. 1 1 15 hours. On the Jaffa/Gaza road near Yad Mordechai, a south-bound Arab bus was fired upon by Jews whilst passing the colony. No casualties or damage have been reported.
CO 537/3857

2 APRIL 1948
Galilee. 11 25 hours, Safad. Vehicles travelling along the main road between Ein Zeitoun and Safad were fired upon by Jewish snipers from a pill box in the Jewish quarter of Safad. The military ordered the Jews to cease firing and, when the order was ignored, fired a number of A.P. and H.E. shells. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

2 APRIL 1948
At 1430 hours, a Chevrolet 15cwt truck, owned by Y.M.C.A., with Vehicle number YN 10018 was stolen near Baqa el Gharbiya, Tulkarm, by two armed Jews. The driver was released on the outskirts of Jenin.
CO 537/3857

2 APRIL 1948
Jerusalem. 1430 hours, Urban. At a Jewish road block at the junction of the Jerusalem/Beit Hakerem roads, a party of Jews stopped two military 10-ton Leyland trucks, numbers 5864695 and 627 1044, which were proceeding from Sarafand to Jerusalem loaded with flour. They were driven by Drivers Roberts andHarrison, of 285 Company, R.A.S.C., Sarafand, accompanied by two Mauritian escorts, Sappers Kedwi Jale and Ispivili, both of 2044 Company, R.P.C. The soldiers were made to alight from the vehicles and their arms, two Stens and two rifles, numbers unknown, were taken from them. The trucks were driven off by the Jews towards the town in the direction of Romema Quarter. The soldiers reported the incident to Mustashpha Police Station.
CO 537/3857

2 APRIL 1948
Lydda. 1700 hours, Jaffa. Ali Abu Hajas (30), of Manshieh Quarter, was shot and seriously wounded by Jewish snipers in Arlin Street. He was removed to the Dajani Hospital.
CO 537/3857

2 APRIL 1948
Irgun Z'vai Leumi steal two army 5 ton lorry loads of flour at Romema.
WO 261/574

2/3 APRIL 1948
Jews blow up the railway line in four places in the Lydda area.
WO 261/574

3 APRIL 1948
Jerusalem. 0330 hours, Rural. A large party of Jews attacked Qastel village and captured it at 0400 hours. The village is believed to have been occupied by approximately ten guards. After the occupation, the attackers opened fire on 'Suba village.

Later report states that the Arabs from Suba' were replying to the Jewish fire and the Military, that they have removed nine Jewish wounded from Qastel and that a Jewish 'plane had dropped a number of packages at Ha' Hamisha, Three explosions and small arms fire were reported at 2200 hours from the direction of Qastel where the engagement appears to be still in progress.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
Lydda. 0400 hours, Ramle. The house of Rageb Khalil Hamoudeh, of Jaffa, situated at the Beit Dajan crossroads, was blown up by unknown persons. The house of Mohammed Abdul Ahmed Arakat, approximately fifty metres away, was badly damaged by fire which broke out when an oil lamp was blown over by the explosion. No casualties have so far been reported.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
Lydda. 0700 hours, Jaffa. Mohammed Ahmed Eissa (291, of Egypt, was shot and slightly injured by Jewish snipers in the Karm Et Tut area. He was removed to the Government Hospital, Jaffa.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
Jerusalem. 0750 hours, Rural. An electrically detonated mine exploded near an Arab 'bus proceeding from Jerusalem to Beit Jala, at kilo 5 on the Bethlehem road. No casualties or damage were caused, and the 'bus proceeded on its journey.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
At 1000 hours, a Chevrolet truck (three-ton), owned by Awad Sultana, Vehicle number M 909 T was stolen at Tira village lands by fifteen armed Jews.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
1000 hours, 3 April, Jews open fire from Yad Mordekhai settlement at Arab taxi on RED route. Arab casualties: 1 killed and 1 wounded.
WO 275/66

3 APRIL 1948
Gaza, 1030 hours. On the Jaffa/Gaza road, an Arab private car was fired upon from Yad Mordechai Settlement. The driver, Rabi Fayyad Ashour (55), of Nablus, was seriously injured and removed to the Government Hospital, Gaza, where he later succumbed to his injuries.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
Lydda. 1100 hours, Jaffa. Four mortar bombs, believed to have been fired from Tel Aviv area, and one mine exploded in the Suq El Yehud causing damage to unoccupied property. The exploding of the mine is believed to have been detonated by one of the bombs. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
Jerusalem. 1705 hours, Urban. Fire was directed by Jews, positioned in the area of King George Avenue, across Mamillah cemetery, at Arab traffic and pedestrians in Mamillah Road. The fire was returned by the Arabs. No casualties or damage have been reported.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
Lydda. Night, Jaffa. An Arab house, situated in the Jebaliyeh Quarter of Jaffa, was blown up and extensively damaged by Jews and an occupant, Fathmi Shlean (68), was killed.
CO 537/3857

3 APRIL 1948
Lydda, Jaffa. Mohammed Ahmed Eissa, of Kami Et Tut, was shot and seriously injured, by unknown persons, whilst in his village. He was removed to the Government Hospital, Jaffa, where he died shortly after admission.
CO 537/3857

3/4 APRIL 1948
During night of 3rd/4th April, an Army post in Jewish quarters of the Old City was fired on by Jews. Military returned the fire. There were no known casualties.
CO 733/477

4 APRIL 1948
Jerusalem. 02 15 hours, Urban. An army post in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City was fired on by Jews. The fire was returned by the military using small arms and P.I.A.T.s, and the area was quiet at 0330 hours. There were no known casualties.
CO 537/3857

4 APRIL 1948
Haifa. 1140 hours, Urban. Five armed Jews entered the Levant Buildings in Harbour Street. Three of them went to the floor occupied by the Customs Department, where they held up the clerks and ordered them into a large store, the door of which had been broken down. They then forced other clerks to assist them in removing parcels containing Customs Department uniforms to sixteen lorries which were waiting outside. The telephone wires had been cut; and before the police could be informed, the Jews had made good their escape. The actual quantity and the value of the uniforms stolen is not at present known.
CO 537/3857


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Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
By Issa Nakhleh

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