The Old Testament (the Torah) and
the Talmud constitute the basics of Judaism and contain the
principles by which todays Jews live. But see what an abyss of racial
hatred and intolerance they contain, as one closer studies these
Jewish scriptures.
The Jewish scriptures and their racism
Talmud, Torah, hatred/racism against non-Jews, anti-Christianism
Purim, Amalek, Yom Kippur, Kol Nidre
More on Jewish racism, exclusivism, Chabad Jews
Israel's policies = applied Judaism
Israels genocidal policies sanctioned by rabbis
Mental disease, pedophilic rituals, blood libel
In depth analysis of "Jews", Judaism
Judaism as a strategy for domination
Khazar Jews from Russia
"Anti-Semitism" - What is it?
The Jewish scriptures and their racism |
![]() Israeli soldiers reading from the Jewish Holy Scriptures. |
- The Truth About The Talmud
By Michael A. Hoffman II and Alan R. Critchley
- Jewish Racism towards Non-Jews as expressed in the
The Talmud Teaches on Gentiles (PDF-file)
By Israeli-Jewish site Daat Emet
- The Talmud's Teachings Concerning Christians Unmasked
By Rev. I. B. Pranaitis
- Jesus in the Rabbinic Traditions
- The name of Jesus in Hebrew!
By Dr. James D. Price
- What the Jewish Talmud teaches the Jews concerning non-Jews
By Jewish convert to Christianity Benjamin H. Freedman on Judaism vs Christianity
The Plot Against Christianity (book also known as "The
Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today")
By Elisabeth Dilling. HTML-version, includes photocopy Exhibits of original Talmud quotes. Also: PDF-version (but without the Talmud Exhibits)
- On the subject of Jewish hatred towards Christianity
By Prof. Israel Shahak
Rabbi Clips
- Straight "from the horse's mouth" - collection of
Rabbi videos
Jews now talk openly about their plans for the non-Jewish majority... A must see and spread!
Videos on the Jewish hatred
against Jesus Christ and Christianity
Farrakhan Spoke the Truth about the Talmud
Black leader Louis Farrakhan on the Jewish Talmud condemning Jesus to boil in excrements. Nation of Islam Research Group, May 25, 2018.
Article includes link to PDF document "Talmud, the Tricknology of the Jews".
Talmudic Judaism - Dr. William L. Pierce
On the basic tenets of the Jewish Supremacist so-called "religion", and the Christian reformer Martin Luther's shocking findings as he himself studied the Jewish scriptures.
Jewish Anti-Christian Tendencies
Documentation provided by the Jews & Poles Database.
More on Jewish anti-Christianism -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Killing Christians isn't murder for Jews
Talmudic Judaism is anti-Christian
Spitting on the Christian Cross
Jewish aversion for the international plus symbol and the Christian Cross
Jews commanded to burn the Christian New Testament
Jewish names for Jesus
Christians must give up Jesus, says rabbi
Jesus according to the Talmud; has sex with his donkey and performed magic with his penis
Gas chambers replaced Christian cross, says rabbi
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
Against Spitting +
By Jewish dissident Gilad Atzmon. On "the growing tendency of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem to spit on their Christian neighbours".
Also includes the video "The Battle for Israel’s Soul" on the fanatical Jewish Orthodox Haredi group's growing influence and power in Israel.
- Prof. Shahak's book
"Jewish History, Jewish Religion" (HTML)
The widely acclaimed book on Jewish racism.
Some basic Jewish terminologyGoy - non-Jew (sing.) Includes Christians, Muslims, everyone not belonging to the "chosen people".
Chutzpah - Jewish audacity, when for instance blatantly lying to non-Jews (goyim).
Mitzvah - a Jewish "religious" good deed.
Amalek - The Jews' eternal enemies, has shifted to Armenians, Germans, Palestinians, Iranians...
Amalek Mitzvah - the Jewish "religious" commandment of exterminating the "Amalek".
Esau/Edom/Edomites - different terms for non-Jews/Gentiles, used for Rome/Christianity, and the Western World, Europe and the USA.
Shiksa - non-Jewish female, synonymous to "abomination", "impure," or "object of loathing".
Schwartzer - a Black person in jiddisch, used in a deregatory manner.
Halacha - the collective body of Jewish religious law (Torah, Talmud, Mitzvot).
Balak - Halacha permits the killing of gentiles and "apostates".
Korach - the Torah permits killing people to consecrate them to the Jewish God.
Matot - one is permitted to kill a gentile, according to the Torah and Halacha.
Prof. Shahak's book
"Jewish History, Jewish Religion" (PDF)
The widely acclaimed book on Jewish racism.
- The Laws Against
Chapter 5 from Shahak's book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion".
- "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" - Reviewed
A bookreview of Prof. Israel Shahak's book
Collection of quotes from Shahak's book "Jewish
Quotes illuminating the Jews' racist views of non-Jews.
- Answer to the
slanders against "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel"
Response by Israel Shahak
- Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel
The whole book by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky.
- Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel
The whole book by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky.
According to the Jewish Cabalah, Talmud and Torah,
Gentiles Are the Slaves of the Jews
By Christopher Jon Bjerknes
The Psalms of the Elders of Zion
The "religious" background to Jewish supremacy, quotes from the Jewish Bible.
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Jewish world domination, non-Jews as slaves, and the Prophecy of Isaiah
Rabbis on the coming of Jewish World supremacy. Religious Jews asked about the Talmud...
"When Israel Is
Mighty" - Jewish Supremacy explained by Jewish writer Yossi
Subtitled video and full transcript from Hebrew to English.
The interview reveals the Jewish religious strategy employed when in a weak position among non-Jews, and when strong - as Israel and Jewry today - the instruction to be totally merciless, “when Israel is mighty”. Also deals with Judaism's stance on the killing of non-Jews and their children, Jews and slavery, the rape of three-year olds(!), theft from non-Jews, the outrageous Jewish treatment of Christians in Israel...
Supremacy EXPOSED
Revealing video with Jews speaking overtly on non-Jews, compiled by Know More News.
God’s Chosen People (Banned by YouTube)
+2 hour video on Jewish dominance and supremacy, compiled by Know More News. Alternative versions, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here and here and here
54:25- Jewish racist fantasies about their superiority, their "intelligence", being especially "smart"
1:25:45- Israel, Jerusalem, the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple, the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
2:09:15- Jews as God's "chosen people", non-Jews/Gentiles/Goyim as slaves - Jews caught on tape revealing!
Kabbalah, Chabad, & Noahide Laws EXPOSED!!!
Heavy information from Jewish primary sources, compiled by Know More News.
Rabbis Reveal Shocking Kabbalah Secrets
Uploaded by Know More News. Very informative KMN Live session with author and Judaism researcher Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
Alternative version: here
Quebec Government funds
Racist Jewish cult that claims all Christians and Muslims are
By Michael Samuel, former professor in the Judaic studies department of Concordia University, Montreal.
In 1998, the government of Quebec promised nearly one million dollars to the fanatical messianic Jewish cult known as "Chabad-Lubavitch." Yet this cult has brazenly published, disseminated, taught and promoted the hatred of Christians, Muslims, and all other non-Jews by casting them as subhuman and demonic.
- Noahide Laws, The
Sanhedrin, and the Gentile Servants of Israel
By "This requires for all living Gentiles to comply with the 7 Noahide Laws or be summarily executed by decapitation."
- The Fate of the
By Jewish professor David Berger, Tablet Magazine, October 22, 2021.
This Jewish article again confirms that the Jews actually envision a Jewish future, the End of Days/Kingdom to Come, where the non-Jews/"idolaters"/"nations" will be destroyed physically/exterminated and the rest to live in some "Noahide" status, in servitude/slavery under the Jews.
Rabbi Friedman:
Revenge and Hate - that's the Jewish way - "arise and kill´em first"
Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, close comrade of the Jewish racist Meir Kahane, speaks on "authentic Judaism".
The Genocidal Jewish God Commands the Jews to Exterminate
the Goyim
On the racist Jewish myths which render the Jews murderous to the rest of humanity.
Research compiled by Judaism researcher Christopher Jon Bjerknes, taken from "The Universal Enslavement of the Non-Jew, Part 3".
Judaism - Religion or
Manual for Deadly Sins?
Includes an index of revealing passages from the Jewish Torah
Quotes calling Jews a race, mostly from Jews but also a
president & primeminister
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Causes of Hostility Toward Jews: A Historical
[419 kilobytes] [about 102 paper pages] The religious origins of Jewish identity; the Torah (Old Testament); the Chosen People concept; the Code of Jewish Law; Jewish self-conception as a "nation apart"; brief overview of Israelite Old Testament violence; the Talmud; Jewish apostates and medieval Christian investigation of the Talmud; traditional Jewish racism, elitism, ethnocentrism, tribalism, and exclusionism; modern Jewish apologetics for traditional beliefs; the importance of Maimonides; the Jacob-Esau tradition; Reform Judaism and the modern euphemism of Jewish "particularism" (versus pan-human universalism); traditional Jewish messianic chauvinism in left-wing secular political movements; and more.
- From the Hebrew Press -
A collection of revealing articles translated by Israel Shahak:
Goyim will be destroyed and annihilated!
"Goyim" is the Jewish term for non-Jews
Israel is a Paradise for Money Launderers
Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in Israel
A Farm for Raising Pure Priests to be Established Soon
- Storytellers in the
Talmudic Tradition
By Professor Arthur R. Butz. On Jewish mathematics.
- Is there a connection between
the word "racist" and the name "Razis"?
Checking out the Jewish Old Testament, the Torah
- Samples of Torah
Some revealing quotes
- Profiles of Zionist Racists, War
Criminals and Fanatics
Collection of quotes researched by Michael Hoffman
- Gems
from "Jewish Medical Law"
From Jewish Medical Law has som interesting views on when and when not a
non-Jew should get medical treatment from a Jewish doctor.
More on Jewish anti-Gentile racism and hatred -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Even the best of the gentiles should be killed
Influential rabbi promoting killing of non-Jewish babies
All will be slaves to Israel
the Jewish nation is the elite of the human race
Jews superior to angels
Why Jews are morally superior
Non-Jews aren't human and Jews can steal our livers. So says this rabbi
ALL non-Jewish women, even those who convert to Judaism are considered a "harlot"
Non-Jews are donkeys
Non-Jews are dogs
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
Daat Emet
- Israeli-Jewish site revealing the racism and madness in
Jewish religion - A must read!
Read their huge collection of articles in the "Daily Peppers" ("Daily PilPul"), filled with crazy examples taken straight from the Jewish holy scriptures!
As backup: Daat Emet [archived, older version]
- Jewish Racism towards Blacks
Section on an aspect of Jewish racism that the Zionist controlled medias in the West have been very good in hiding from the ordinary folks
- Judaism's
War Against Islam - collection of articles
New French rap music video by Rude-Goy Recordz with excellent graphics and text: "I'm not an 'anti-Semite', I'm a Talmudophobe!"
Spread it - as we speak the Jews are putting an effort on its suppression!
No to Jewish anti-Christianity and racism!
From Italian Christian site Centro Culturale San Giorgio. Click here to read the text in English, via Google Translate.
Cartoons/caricatures on
Jewish racism, Judaism, the Jewish "religion"
Revealing photos of the
Jews, the "master race", the "chosen people"
Includes Kapparot chicken slaughter, Purim binge drink...
“Foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you. [...]
Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night,
so that men may bring you the wealth of the nations — their kings led in triumphal procession.
For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined.”
["utterly wasted", "utterly destroyed" in some translations]
- The Jewish Bible, Isaiah, Chapter 60:10-12, "The Glory of Zion".
Purim, Amalek (Mitzvah), Yom Kippur, Kol Nidre |
The Jewish religious holiday of Purim which today is a big feast amongst Jews in Israel and the "diaspora" is nothing other but the celebration of a Jewish massacre of 75 000 Persians in ancient Persia, as the Jews via their infiltrators Esther and Mordechai were taking over the country...
This feast has always been tainted with the blood of non-Jews. Jew Baruch Goldstein's Hebron massacre of Palestinians in 1994 was perpetrated on Purim. Jewish authors Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky also write in their important book "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" that there are "[...] many well-documented cases of massacres of Christians and mock repetitions of the crucifixion of Jesus on Purim" (see Chapter 7).
The Jewish
Purim: What's
It All About?
Collection of articles
Jews Seek New Purim
Massacre in Iran
By David Duke
Kabbalah, Amalek, Purim, Holocaust, 9/11, & the Destruction
of America - MUST WATCH
On the Jews' eternal enemy "Amalek" and the Jewish mitzvah of Amalek's total destruction, the murderous Jewish feast of "Purim" and the annihilation of the Jews' perceived enemies, on "Esau" as Edom/Rome/Christianity/The West/USA and the Jewish prophecies of their coming destruction, Jews and their prophecies of Hitler and their war with Germany and the so-called "holocaust", the Jewish prophecies of the fall of the WTC-buildings-9/11, their prophecies of war between Christianity and Islam ("War on Terror") - all for the benefit of the Israelites/Jews in "The World to Come"!
Documentary full of authentic clips of leading Jewish rabbis speaking out, accompanied with scans/screencaps of original Jewish written sources.
Great and super important research compiled by Know More News. TO BE SPREAD!
Alternative video version: here (HD)
Jewish "Persecution", Political Zionism, Armilus, Esau, Purim, & Amalek
Second part of a video on the Jewish religious background to the 6 million "holocaust" myth, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative version: here (HD)
Videos on the genocidal Jewish Purim festivity
- Updated!
- Purim Binge Drink
Photos of pious Jews celebrating Purim by heavy drinking
- On the Jewish
concept of Amalek and Amalekites
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage. On the Jews' eternal enemy that they are ordered to exterminate.
The Jewish Genocide of Christian Armenians (PDF)
Includes lots of information on the Jewish concept of "Amalek" and their murder.
NOTE: In June 2012, the site originally creating and hosting this book was shut down and censored - see article. Spread knowledge of this important book!
Jewish "Persecution", Political Zionism, Armilus, Esau, Purim, & Amalek
Second part of a video on the Jewish religious background to the 6 million "holocaust" myth, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative version: here
versus Germany: Collection of shocking Jewish quotes on
their hatred of Germany and Germans
Germans regarded as "Amalek", the Jews' eternal enemy.
Rabbis on Amalek and the Killing of Children
"No Mercy!"
(Note: Hashem = Jewish God)
- The Jewish
Yom Kippur: What Is It?
On the Jewish prayer "Kol Nidre" - the annulment of vows!
More on Yom Kippur, Kabbalah and Satan -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Jews sacrifice goats to Satan & eat goat's heads
Sacrificing chickens to Satan
Even Satan kisses the feet of Jews
The shofar is sounded by Jews for Satan - so says the sacred Zohar
Hasidic Jews believe many sacrifices to Satan were made in their temple in Jerusalem
Satan & the Son of the living God
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
Jewish "Kol Nidre" and "Eli, Eli" Explained
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, from "The International Jew".
More on Jewish racism, exclusivism, Chabad Jews |
Jewish Contributions to Modern Racist
[53 Kilobytes] [about 20 paper pages] Prominent Jewish racial theorists in the early 1900s; the Jew as "genius"; Jewish superiority claims based upon Ashkenazi (European Jewish) models -- not the Sephardim (Jews from the Middle East); Jewish genetic diseases from centuries of interbreeding; genetic myths of Jewish identity.
Jewish Self-Conception of Intellectual, Moral, and
[85 Kilobytes] [about 11 paper pages] The Jewish celebration of Jewish Nobel prize winners; Jewish celebration of alleged Jewish superiority in intelligence over other peoples; racist arguments that Jews are genetically more intelligent than others; Jewish arrogance as a solicitation of non-Jewish hostility; Jewish chutzpah -- pushiness, nerviness; Jewish claims to superiority as part of Chosen People ethnocentrism.
Is a Jew?
[60 Kilobytes] [about 13 paper pages] Paradoxical lack of Jewish consensus about who exactly is a Jew; traditional racial definitions of Jewish identity; the enduring racial undercurrent definition today; popular Jewish identity as being "History's Greatest Victims"; Jewish need for anti-Semitism as an identity anchor; Jewish self-conception of superior intelligence; Jewish arrogance; lack of Jewish humility as an anti-Gentile hostility; Jewish preoccupation with "materialism and superiority."
to Judaism
[89 Kilobytes] [about 15 paper pages] Traditional Jewish resistance to intermarriage (marriage to a non-Jew); recent Jewish alarm at high rates of intermarriage; Gentile spouses' conversion to Judaism; Jewish spouses' intense connection to Jewish identity; popular Jewish rejection of converts to Judaism; centrality of Jewish racial belief that real Jews are born that way.
Judaism - a collection of articles
The Jewish Tribal Review's article collection on Jews and Judaism
Ethnocentrism, Racism and Resistance to Assimilation
Another collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
- More on Jewish exclusivism and intermarriage -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
1945: Britain's chief rabbi effectively bans mixed marriage
Israel's Inglourious Basterds
Converts to Judaism and their offspring, will always been seen as inferior in the eyes of many Jews
Inferior Jewish converts & Jews listed from most to least important
Inbreeding legal in Israel and popular with the Rothschilds
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
Jewish Ethics and the Traditional Jewish View of Other Peoples
A collection of quotes compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
More on Jewish "moral" and
From the section on Jews and Crime
Quotations from "You Gentiles"
From the book by the Jew Maurice Samuel. "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."
The whole book can also be read in PDF-format.
Jews concede that Judaism is not a real "Religion":
Judaism Is Not A Religion
Israeli-American-French Jewish influencer Rudy Rochman. He has since been sent to murder Arabs in their homeland as
an IDF paratrooper attacking Palestinian indigenous population in the Jewish 2023 onslaught on Gaza (see Ben Shapiro video).
"... yet a Jew, even if they don't believe in Torah and Hashem [God] – although it's a fundamental part of our culture – is still a Jew."
From video description: "Judaism is way more than just a belief system and it is only for one People."
Judaism Is Not a Religion with Rabbi Manis Friedman
From Jewish Original Media. Influential rabbi Manis Friedman: "Judaism is not a religion."
"There is no word for 'religion' in the entire Torah." "We're not trying to get to heaven, we don't wanna go to heaven..."
"There are not three Biblical religions - there are two [Christianity, Islam]. Judaism IS the Bible, it's not the religion about the Bible."
Manis Friedman is the same Chabad rabbi that in 2009 advocated that Jews should kill Arab men, women and children during war.
Rabbi Friedman:
Revenge and Hate - that's the Jewish way - "arise and kill´em first" |
The Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish sect |
![]() |
Putin's and Biden's Chabad rabbis |
The powerful Jewish Chabad sect has tentacles into all corridors of power in both the West but also East, such as Russia and Ukraine, along with centers of business-and-political influence in for instance India, Congo (D.R.C.) and Argentina, and even a presence at the U.N.!
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: 'Let us differentiate.' Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of 'let us differentiate' between totally different species.
This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world ... A non-Jew's entire reality is only vanity. The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
– Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, "The Lubavitcher Rebbe", Chabad icon/Über-rabbi, quoted by Brownfeld in the Washington Report of Middle East Affairs, March 2000, p. 105-106
Rabbi Schneerson's gang mix Jewish
mysticism - Kabbalah, the Zohar - with
Zionism, working hand-in-hand with Israel's
politico-military establishment. It should be noted that
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson himself has nothing to do with
the Middle East and Palestine, being born in Mykolaiv in
southern Ukraine - and most of his activism being centered
in New York, where he is even buried!
Among the tenets of Chabad is the establishment of the so-called Third Temple in Jerusalem - on the ruins of the Muslim Al-Aqsa Mosque(!) and the drive to promote "The Seven Laws of Noah" among non-Jews, making them into "Noahides" - i.e. somekind of pseudo-Jews/Jew-wannabees - as permanent Shabbos Goyim. The small "catch" here is that transgression of these 7 Jewish Laws - according to the original Jewish scriptures - is penalized with the death of the non-Jewish transgressor - and that by decapitation!
- Noahide Laws, The
Sanhedrin, and the Gentile Servants of Israel
By "This requires for all living Gentiles to comply with the 7 Noahide Laws or be summarily executed by decapitation."
The punishment if a Gentile transgresses the Jewish Noahide
Laws - Death!
A Jewish rabbi explains...
1990: Benjamin Netanyahu – Israeli-Prime-Minister-to-be – promises Chabad's Rebbe,
Menachem Mendel Schneerson, to step up the arrival of the Moshiach, "a Jewish
leader... a righteous scion of King David", thus ushering "the culmination of the master plan".
Quebec Government funds
Racist Jewish cult that claims all Christians and Muslims are
By Michael Samuel, former professor in the Judaic studies department of Concordia University, Montreal.
In 1998, the government of Quebec promised nearly one million dollars to the fanatical messianic Jewish cult known as "Chabad-Lubavitch." Yet this cult has brazenly published, disseminated, taught and promoted the hatred of Christians, Muslims, and all other non-Jews by casting them as subhuman and demonic.
- Jewish
religious teachings: Muhammad and Jesus Christ are buried in a dung
heap as "dead dogs"!
Freedom Research, July 2021. Teachings from the Zohar of the Jews.
- Chabad rabbi: Jews should
kill Arab men, women and children during war
From The [Jewish] Forward and published on Israeli paper Ha'aretz website, 09/06/2009:“The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)”
Chabad rabbi Manis Friedman was nothing but the English translator for the Chabad Rebbe and today has a YouTube channel with +450K subscribers!
Every Israeli leader are Chabadniks / connected to Chabad
From Josh's research archive.
Kabbalah, Chabad, & Noahide Laws EXPOSED!!!
Heavy information from Jewish primary sources, compiled by Know More News.
Rabbis Reveal Shocking Kabbalah Secrets
Uploaded by Know More News. Very informative KMN Live session with author and Judaism researcher Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
Alternative version: here
If a non-Jew transgresses a "Noahide Law"?
Death by Decapitation!
Screencap from the This is no joke!
The Rebbe in His Own Words: Highlights of Meaningful
Messages of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Propaganda video by the Chabad info office. See from 46:30 into the clip, how top Zionist figures from Israel's politico-military establishment, hail the influence of this Jewish fundamentalist and racist fanatic; Menachem Schneerson. People like:
Brigadier-General, Ran Pecker
Mossad Chief, Efraim Halevi
Senior Israeli Diplomat, Ambassador Yehuda Avner
Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon
IDF Chief Rabbi, General Mordechai Piron
IDF Special Forces, Israel Hero, Moshe Levy
Commander, IDF Armored Corps, Major General Yossi Ben Hanan
Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
Rebbe’s Man in Washington
By Gershon Burstyn, Mishpacha Magazine, June 17, 2020. Chabad Rabbi Levi Shemtov: "possesses a contact list that is the envy of every lobbyist in the nation’s capital [...] Rabbi Shemtov is, in a sense, American Jewry’s man in Washington."
Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders
Lots of World leaders bowing their heads to "The Men in Black Hats"!
See also our collection of photos on Donald Trump and Joe Biden of the U.S.A., Vladimir Putin of Russia, Boris Johnson of the U.K., Justin Trudeau of Canada, Vladimir Zelensky of Ukraine.
Celebrities bowing to their Jewish masters
Embracing Kabbalah...
Putin, Russia & Chabad
Important news video on Putin, Jewish oligarchs and the Chabad Jewish group - in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine 2022 war, from Know More News.
Putin the Good Goy
By Eduard Hodos, former Jewish leader turned Christian. Excerpt from Hodos' book "The Jewish Syndrome-3", taken from Wikispooks.
Also includes article on the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish mafia.
Trump controlled by Mossad: Part
Fitzpatrick Informer - Exposing the Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy, May 13, 2018.
Chabad and Jewish crime syndicates in Russia, and their connections to Donald Trump.
- More on Chabad and Noahidism -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Ku Klux Judaism - on the hyperinfluential Chabad Lubavitch Jewish cult
Congress meets to fulfil Jewish law
- Chabad rabbi speaks in Congress promoting a Noahide law, missing out the small "catch";
if a non-Jew breaks a Noahide Law – according to the original Jewish scriptures – he/she is penalized to
death by decapitation!
Even the best of the gentiles should be killed
Jews forbidden to even look at Christian crosses - according to Jewish sage Maimonides [the Rambam], Christians are "idolaters"
Spitting in Judaism - "a common Chabad practice"
Rabbi Gordon on intimacy with 3 year old girls
Jewish rules on raping non-Jewish infants - and Gentile women to be executed!
Chabad Lubavitch, ritual murder accusations - Immensely influential Hasidic-Jewish cult Chabad accused of involvement in a ritual murder
of five boys aged 9-12 in Russia.
Four slogans of the Kingdom of God
- Noahidism!
Jewish rules for putting on shoes - from allegedly "the most intelligent people in the world"!
Many more articles on Chabad and Kabbalah to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
On Chabad Lubavitcher Jews
A collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
See also:
- Stop Noahide
Law blogspot - external site
Extensive blog exposing Chabad activites around the World and their pushing the implementation of "The Seven Noahide Laws" for the non-Jews.
- Chabad Mafia
- external site
Jewish site mapping the crimes of orthodox Chabad Jews; drugs, fraud, organized crime...
Israel's policies = applied Judaism |
The murderous doctrines in the Jewish holy scriptures are not
just something peripheral or a thing "from the past". One has to
understand that these very doctrines are today
indoctrinated in the Yeshivas (Jewish religious
schools) and by Israeli Army rabbis to the soldiers of the
Jewish state. Israel, with F-15,
F-16, F-35 warplanes, Apache helicopters, Merkava tanks, missiles, submarines and nuclear weapons thus
has a military permeated with teachings of racism and genocide.
And if any one tries to call this "anti-Semitic fantasies",
please see the evidence from leading rabbis below AND the
murderous policies of Israel's military in for instance the 2006
Lebanon war and the 2008-09, 2014, 2023-24 Gaza wars, and also
remember the statements on divine
rights and biblical references by Zionist leaders such as
Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir and likes.
- The Ideology Behind Hebron Massacre
By Prof. Israel Shahak
Discriminatory Practices are Rooted
in Jewish Religious Law
By Israel Shahak (Washington Report 07/1995)
KAHANISTAN: How Jewish extremists remade the mainstream
2022 lecture by David Sheen, Israeli-Jewish investigative journalist and dissident. (The lecture really kicks off at the 10:00-mark; from here on the quotes, the names and high positions of the mentioned Jewish-Israelis, should be remembered – and spread to a wider audience!)
This is exactly what likewise Israeli-Jewish dissident Israel Shahak warned about in his books Jewish History, Jewish Religion (1994) and Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (1999) and Yossi Gurvitz did in the interview-video "When Israel Is Mighty" - Jewish Supremacy explained.
Isn't it absurd that we constantly have to have Jews telling the truth about the real face of unmasked Judaism, while there are armies of non-Jews who either won't see the facts as tough as they are, including Palestinians(!) – or other non-Jews ("Zionist Christians"/Shabbos Goyim), even trying to hide these facts.
Leading Israeli Rabbi says that non-Jews are made to serve Jews!
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel”
Includes pics of the many powerful friends of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
- The Old Testament and the Genocide in Gaza
By Gilad Atzmon. “The Jewish state is the ultimate threat to humanity and our notion of humanism.”
IDF rabbinate publication
during Gaza war: We will show no mercy on the cruel
From Israeli paper Ha'aretz. “As for the population, it is not innocent ...”
IDF Chief Rabbi:
Troops who show mercy to enemy will be 'damned'
From Israeli paper Ha'aretz. “In times of war, whoever doesn't fight with all his heart and soul is damned - if he keeps his sword from bloodshed, if he shows mercy toward his enemy when no mercy should be shown.”
Settler Rabbi publishes “The complete guide to killing non-Jews”
Article translated from Hebrew, originally published in the Israeli paper Ma'ariv:
“There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us ...”
- Chabad rabbi: Jews should
kill Arab men, women and children during war
From The [Jewish] Forward and published on Israeli paper Ha'aretz website, 09/06/2009, famous Chabad rabbi Manis Friedman:
“The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)”
- Eliyahu advocates
carpet bombing Gaza
Article from The Jerusalem Post: “If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand,” said Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu. “And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even a million.”
The Wit and Wisdom
of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef - Israeli rabbi calls on God to
annihilate Arabs
Former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-Orthodox Shas party, called in a sermon on God to annihilate Arabs: “It is forbidden to be merciful to them, you must give them missiles, with relish - annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones”
in Hebron Says Annihilation of Non-Jews Acceptable
Palestine Chronicle, November 16, 2002: “ 'Hashmadat goyem' (the extermination of non-Jews), he said was an established principle in Jewish theology.”
A prominent Jew
wants relatives of Palestinian suicide bombers to be killed
Article by the Jew Nathan Levin: “... can Jewish law and tradition accept this seeming punishment of innocents? The Torah commanded the total eradication - including women and children - of certain nations (Amalek being a singular illustration) because of the continuing threat its members presented to the survival of Israel.”
Rabbi Lau: IDF liquidations justified under Jewish law
(Reuters 07/27/2001)
- God must kill 'evil' Arabs,
says rabbi
By Phil Reeves (Independent 04/10/2001)
- Israel’s Chief Rabbi
calls for ethnic cleansing of non-Jews in Palestine
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger says that the Palestinian people could have a nice country... in the Sinai desert. -
Ovadia Yosef: Six Million Were Sinners; Arabs are
(Jerusalem Post 08/06/2000)
Rightist rabbis urge 'measure for measure' revenge on foes
By Ha'aretz Service, 15/03/2008
Rabbis: Israel Too Worried Over Civilian Deaths
By Rebecca Spence, The Jewish Daily Forward, Aug 25, 2006
Zionist rabbis says Torah permits killing Palestinian civilians
Source: PIC, 06-03-2008
Rabbinic Council Says Dead Lebanon Kids Not Innocent
By Rev. Ted Pike
Israeli rabbis: Don't spare civilians
By Khalid Amayreh in Hebron,, September 07, 2004
Settler Rabbi: Killing Civilians Permitted
By Eetta Prince-Gibson, The Jewish Daily Forward, May 28, 2004
Israel rabbi to paramedics: ‘Leave Palestinians to die’
By Jonathan Cook, Al Jazeera English, Israeli ambulance crews adopt a policy of denying injured Palestinians treatment, say rights groups.
to Kill a Palestinian
By Dr. Elias Akleh:
“All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts” cries the religious opinion of Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, the director of the long-established Tsomet Religious Institute. [...] The Torah states: “Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys.”
Jewish Holy scriptures speak of occupation of Lebanon and
slaughter of its inhabitants
Facts that every Lebanese citizen - Muslim, Christian, Druze - should know!
Racist Jewish Fundamentalism a Factor
By Omar Barghouti, Electronic Lebanon, 30 July 2006

![]() IDF fashion and Jewish mathematics 2009: 1 shot on a pregnant woman = two civilian Palestinians killed. |
“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” |
the Bible's Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine
By Michael Prior (AMEU 12/2000). The Jewish bible - the Torah - commands atrocities and ethnic cleansing.
- 'Thou shalt destroy them utterly'
By Emad Gad, Al-Ahram Weekly
By Saleh Al-Naami, Al-Ahram Weekly
Religious Jews blessing rockets
Pictures from the 2006 July War on Lebanon
Israeli soldiers with their source of inspiration: The Jewish Holy Scriptures...
Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' Speech at Solidarity Rally
for Israel
London, during Israel's murderous 2006 war on Lebanon: “Today we stand in solidarity with Israel, and rarely have I felt so proud of Anglo-Jewry as I have done these past few days.”
Jewish Supremacist Psychopaths vs. Palestine
A must watch compilation by Know More News. Alternative version: here
Rabbis, Jewish settlers, Zionist leaders speak...
Settler Avantguard: The Homocidal Maniacs of Israel's
"Hilltop Youth"
Burning Palestinian children alive, "Price Tag"-attacks, harassment - Judaism applied!
Documentary from Al Jazeera's "Radicalised Youth"-series, November 15, 2018.
Israeli veteran, 95, rallies troops to 'erase' Palestinian children
By Rayhan Uddin, Middle East Eye, October 14, 2023.
Jewish veteran soldier and Israel army reservist Ezra Yachin, who was involved in the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre - clearly inspired by the Amalek teachings - tells Israeli troops:“Be triumphant and finish them off and don't leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can no longer live.”
Ezra Yachin continues:“Every Jew with a weapon should go out to kill them. If you have an Arab neighbour, don't wait - go to his home and shoot him. [...] Let them drop bombs on them and erase them. All of the prophecies sent by the prophets are about to occur.”
Israeli soldiers cheer and chant "to wipe off the seed of
Video posted by Israeli journalist Yinon Magal, Dec 2023.
Israeli rabbi calls for genocide of all Palestinians in Gaza
Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, the head of the religious school "Shirat Moshe", whose students continue their service in the Israeli army, during a conference for the religious school, called for the killing of all Palestinians including infants, children, women, and the elderly in the Gaza Strip.
(March 2024. Hebrew speech subtitled in English.)
See also: Yaffa Rabbi: ‘According to Jewish law, all Gaza residents must be killed’ (Middle East Monitor, March 9, 2024 )
endorses using "the Atomic Bomb" in Gaza!
American rabbi Yossi Paltiel on "How to Actually Win a War".
In case video is down, the clip can also be seen here: Rabbi Yossi Paltiel suggests using the atomic bomb to end Gaza war (Middle East Eye, April 17, 2024)
See also: Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ (The Times of Israel, November 5, 2023)
Eulogies for slain Israeli soldier who 'wanted to kill' -
Israeli settler who boasted of killings in Gaza
By Nadav Rapaport, Middle East Eye, 13 December 2024.
"Avraham went to this war out of a tremendous desire to elevate the people of Israel. He was so happy to enter Gaza and lead attacks, he wanted to kill, take revenge and destroy as much as possible..."
Video Documentation of Jewish-Israeli Crimes in Gaza 2023–2025
Archive compiled by Middle East Monitor.Indiscriminate Killing
Celebrating Genocide
Degradation and Humiliation
Wanton Destruction of Civilian Infrastructure
- Reporter feels
mob's hate in the Holy City
By correspondent Anne Barker, ABC News, who first-hand experienced the rage of orthodox Jews
Mamilla Pool
By Israel Shamir (04/27/2001)
- UN: Zionism - "a movement based on racial superiority"
By Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post)
- The
Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel
Book by Jack Bernstein
- My Farewell
to Israel, Thorn of the Middle
Book by Jack Bernstein
- Judaism
in its finest hour! - The Hanukkah Massacre in Gaza.
By Mark Glenn.
- Jewish leaders kill for
Jewish votes
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Commander-in-Chief – with his
Chabad Rabbi Menachem Schneerson
Benjamin Netanyahu thanks Chabad's Rebbe Schneerson for
his spiritual guidance to "all Jews".
Schneerson has famously stated that non-Jews are a "totally different species"
and that "the entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews"
(see quote).
Thus you don't have to wonder why Netanyahu without blinking
an eye can order the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.
- Israel's anti-Christian
Link to our section on the Jewish war against Christianity. Israel does what Judaism teaches.
Jewish scriptures: “The
future destruction of Palmyra will be a day of rejoicing for Israel”
According to the Talmud...
Will ISIS Prepare the Biblically Promised Land for Israel at End of Days?
Rabbi Gimpel quotes from the Jewish scriptures...
- Israel and Judaism hand-in hand:
World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global
Influencers for Israel
If Americans New, November 24, 2019. Destroying the myth that there is difference between Jews/Judaism and Zionism, Israel.
Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress. The gathering represented unparalleled power & wealth… martialled on behalf of Israel…
Every Israeli leader are Chabadniks / connected to Chabad
From Josh's research archive.
The Rebbe in His Own Words: Highlights of Meaningful
Messages of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Propaganda video by the Chabad info office. See from 46:30 into the clip, how top Zionist figures from Israel's politico-military establishment hail the influence of this Jewish fundamentalist and racist fanatic; Menachem Schneerson.
- Are Jewish
fundamentalists more dangerous than the secularists? Ask
their Palestinian victims
By Joseph Massad, Middle East Eye, 12 April 2023. “There is nothing Zionist Jewish fundamentalists have called for that has not already been committed or advocated by secular Zionists”
Also includes the article "Netanyahu’s Comeback; Israeli Fascist Right Solidifies its Grip on Power" (by Hussam AbdelKareem, Al Mayadeen English, 25 Nov 2022), on the alliance between "secular" Zionism and the Jewish religious maniacs.
Apartheid: Israeli Style
By David Paul. Documents Judaism's historical Apartheid character, now applied in the Jewish state of Israel.
- More on Judaism and its application; Zionism -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Influential rabbi promoting killing of non-Jewish babies
Land Jews believe is theirs
Jews haven't forgotten about all the land they were promised by God
God's chosen people are stoning people again in the Promised Land
Once upon a time there was a urinal on the most sacred site in Judaism - Jews vs Muslim Mosque
- Photos: Israeli soldiers' deep connection to Judaism
- Photos: Jewish settlers - the armed
vanguard of Judaism
Jewish kids on Arabs/Palestinians and the destruction of the
Al-Aqsa Mosque
Jewish kids in "Israel" from childhood indoctrinated in toxic racism reveal their Jewish Supremacy: Palestinians to be killed or become slaves, Al-Aqsa Mosque to be destroyed!
Hebrew with English subtitles.
Broken Cameras
"5 Broken Cameras" is an award-winning 2011 documentary film on the struggle of ordinary Palestinian villagers vs the brutal might of the Israeli-Jewish stooges of the occupation, trying to seize their ancestral lands.
Alternative video link: here
The movie shows the incredible bravery and humanism of the Palestinians - and - the cruel zombie-like mentality of the cowardly Jewish soldiers, soldiers of the purported "master race".
Knowing the true nature of the Jewish "religious" doctrines, these soldiers depicable behaviour makes complete sense; they are what they read/hear!
For information on the Jewish state's massacres and war
atrocities, please
see our section on Israeli violence,
terror, massacres.
For information on the Jewish state's anti-Christian policies, please
see our section on Christianity - under Jewish attack.
For information on the Jewish state's anti-Muslim policies, please
see our section on Judaism vs Islam.
For information on the Jewish state's Apartheid policies, please
see our section on Zionism - the practical
application of Judaism.
Psycho-"religion" |
New Jewish revelations
on Jewish ritual murder and "blood libel"
Articles on Ariel Toaff - Israeli historian and the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome - and his new book "Blood Passover"
"Blood Passover" - "Pasque di sangue" - HTML
Jewish-Israeli scholar Ariel Toaff's complete book in English translation in HTML-format, includes graphics.
The version as revised by the original translators, Feb. 2011.
"Blood Passover" - "Pasque di sangue" - PDF
Ariel Toaff's complete book in English translation with graphics, in PDF-format.
The revised version as of August 1, 2016 that according to annuls and replaces all previous versions.
Note: now also as separate special edition with spaces between paragraphs for easy reading (all corrections made - different pagination due to spaces between paragraphs).
- Jewish "Ritual Murder"
The book by Arnold Leese
More on Ritual Murder/Blood Libel -
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
A Jew admits that sacrificing children is common amongst American Jews
Human Sacrifice Among Fanatical Hasidic Cults
How Jews purloined the bloodbath blood libel
Ye Olde Jewish atrocity propaganda
Aleister Crowley & Jewish ritual murder
Another Jew admits to Jewish ritual murder
Another Jew admits Jews sacrificed children
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
- Pedophilic Jewish "Religious" Rituals
The bizarre metzitzah b’peh sucking ritual. Content warning!
More on Jewish pedophiliac customs -
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Kosher sex with your infant daughter - straight from the Talmud...
Rabbi Gordon on intimacy with 3 year old girls
1833, rich Jews pimping their own children, says Jew
Can you guess which religion these 9 passages, which all condone sex with 3 year old infants comes from?
The Talmud on sodomising boys younger than three
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
- Physician Claims Jews are
Schizo Carriers: "Is Mental Illness the Jewish Disease?"
From Psychiatric News, published by the American Psychiatric Association. Oct. 25, 1972
- The Lunatics of
Jewish quotes on Jewish mental instability. "Maybe Jews are not so excellent by high intelligence but by their disturbed psyche"
Nazis using
Jewish approved methods of identifying Jews
The Jewish Encyclopedia endorsing skull measuring! Also on the result of the high degree of Jewish inbreeding: "It has been contended that the neurotic tendency of Jews is due to these consanguineous marriages."
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
- The Wit and Wisdom
of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
"... interprets bowel movements as Messianic sign"
The Fecal
Fixation of the Chosen Ones
Leap ahead
in treatment for Jews' genetic disease
By Charlotte Halle (Ha'aretz 09/08/2000). Again proof that Ashkenazi East-European Jews are interrelated and share a common, Khazar, origin. And a "religion" with genetic disease? Can Christians and Muslims also get genetic disorders? This shows again that the Jews are nothing else than ultra-racists, and that their policy of isolation from other peoples and intermarrying is finally taking its toll.
Is Israel
a psychopath?
By Laurent Guyénot. "...Israel is the psychopath among nations, and that means a tremendous capacity to manipulate, intimidate, corrupt morally, get what they want, and leave a trail of misery behind."
The Specifically Jewy
Perviness of Harvey Weinstein
Revealing title and article straight from Jewish Tablet Magazine, October 9, 2017, on the Democratic Party donator Harvey Weinstein:
"The disgraced film producer is a character straight out of Philip Roth, playing out his revenge fantasies on the Goyim"
- Are Jewish Men
Pigs? - Personal Reflections on the role of Jewish education
in the wake of #metoo
By Rabbi Daniel Brenner,, January 19, 2018. "[...] our private game of counting off the Jewish men whose names we have heard in the news went into double overtime. [...] That’s a lot of Jewish men with some atrocious sexual behavior."
Revealing photos of the
Jews, the "master race", the "chosen people"
Includes Kapparot chicken slaughter, Purim binge drink...
The Jewish
Kapparot chicken slaughter ritual
A sacrifice for Satan - according to Jewish sources.
See also on Yom Kippur and Kapparot from the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Jews sacrifice goats to Satan & eat goat's heads
Sacrificing chickens to Satan
More on bizarre Jewish "religious" beliefs and customs
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Standing in shit & praying with an unwiped bum
Semen Demon Dance
Jewish widows, dogs & bestiality
Wet Dream Prayer
"A woman is a sack full of excrement"
Eating foreskins & the Israeli government
Jewish cannibals - They fought over who ate the babies' freshly severed foreskin
Jews are not supposed to touch their own penis... even whilst urinating
The Jewish toilet prayer: Asher Yatzar
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
Daat Emet -
Israeli-Jewish site revealing the racism and madness in Jewish
religion [archived]
Read their huge collection of articles in the "Daily PilPul", filled with crazy examples taken straight from the Jewish holy scriptures!
- The Shikse's Guide to Jewish
Men - Excerpts from a revealing book
- On Jewish
predominance in the Porn business and sex/trafficking industry
From the section on Jews and Crime
![]() Book cover of "Jewish Genetic Disorders: A Layman's Guide", by Jewish author Ernest L. Abel. Isn't that a strange "religion" - Judaism - where its adherents even can be plagued by genetic disorders?
See also:
For more on modern "Jews"´ connection to the Khazar people of southern Russia,
please see our section on Khazar Jews.
On the phenomena
of "Crypto Jews" see our section on the
marranos/"New Christian" Jews in
Portugal (and
Spain), and on the fake
the doenmeh Jews; see our section on
Analysis on Jews, Judaism |
- Jews: A Religious
Community, a People, or a Race?
By Mark Weber
- "Judaism created
Zionism and not the other way around"
A letter to Radio Islam on Ahmed Rami's TV appearance in Al-Jazeera.
- Can we really separate
Judaism from Zionism?
By Ibrahim Alloush
- Judaism is Nobody's Friend
By Mark Glenn: Judaism is not a religion. Judaism is not a race. Judaism is not a people. Judaism is a strategy. Judaism is the Jews' strategy to dominate non-Jews.
- "Jews,
who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"
By Kevin MacDonald
Jewish terrorist
By the Argentine Second Republic Movement
Cabbalistic Jewish Mathematics, A Call to all Jews around the World. Also includes...
Key Questions to
The Jews
Is it safe for the world to be dominated by very small minorities? How do Zionists explain the unconditional support that the United States of America gives International Zionism and the State of Israel? ...
- "Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America" By
Stephen G. Bloom
A bookreview by Chad Powers, Jewish Tribal Review. What happens when Jews move into a small American town...
- Karl Marx on the Jewish
Jewish Racism - Unmasked!
"Arabs & Other Animals"
Original title of a chapter from Jewish "feminist" Erica Jong's highly promoted book "Fear Of Flying" (click pic above to see a scan of the entire chapter page).
In the same chapter you can see her writing: “There was a greasy Egyptian (is there any other kind?) sitting next to me, … He had a huge nose like Nasser’s (all Egyptians look like Nasser to me) …”.
Cover of the special "40th Anniversary Edition" of Jong's book, promoted as a #1 New York Times "bestseller"!
Where is CNN and the other mainstream media, denouncing this overt racism "against people of color" (using CNN's terminology), even likening them to "animals"?
Karl Marx: On the Jewish Question
English translation of the Jewish writer Karl Marx´s famous 1843 work "Zur Judenfrage".
- "The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church.
The whole booklet is now also available in PDF (1948 edition), click on this link.
Protestant reformer Martin Luther cracks a funny about the
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Voltaire on the Jews
Legendary French Enlightenment thinker Voltaire gives his honest opinion on the Jews...
See also: Voltaire on Holocaust denial
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Protocollum de Erudite Seniorum de Sion
Quotes on Jews by Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius.
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Tacitus on the Jews /
The Roman Empire’s Jewish Problem
Collection of revealing historical quotes.
- The Catechism of the Jew in the Former Soviet Union
Text published in Tel Aviv, but not in Russia
- The Hidden Tyranny
The most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew. "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer."
- The mind slaves!
By Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr
- Facts every Muslim and Christian should know
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim! (Part 1 of 3)
- Jewry's four pronged Strategy
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim! - (Part 2 of 3) By Lt. Col. Mohr
- The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim!
(Part 3 of 3) By Lt. Col. Mohr
- Israel:
Jewish Supremacy in Action (PDF)
By David Duke, The whole book "Jewish Supremacy"!
- Israel:
Jewish Supremacy in Action
By David Duke, observe that these are just short excerpts and not the whole book "Jewish Supremacy"
- The Secret Kosher Tax That Raises Food Prices
- Jewish Communist Mass Mind-Control
The Jewish Mentality
By Michael A. Hoffman II. Chapter one in Volume one.
The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish
Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political
Movements (PDF)
By Kevin MacDonald. 2013 version.
Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish
Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and
Political Movements
Preface to the first paperback edition, by Kevin MacDonald
Psychopathology of Judaism (PDF)
By French researcher Hervé Ryssen.
Note: In 2020 Hervé Ryssen was jailed for 9 months for his publications on the Jews, incarcerated in Fleury-Mérogis in France, Europe's biggest prison complex (see image). This while the very same state, France, had been releasing prisoners due to the ongoing Corona Pandemic and as Emmanuel Macron - the former Rothschild banker-cum-President of France - had repeatedly said that blasphemy was tolerated ("In France we can criticize rulers, a President, blaspheme.", "The law is clear: we have the right to blasphemy, to criticize, to caricature religions.") But for Thought Crimes Against Zion, no exemptions are made! This is the Brave New World of the Jews; a totalitarian Jewish dictatorship where Jewish dictates set the rules.
- Judaism
is a Political Project
By Hervé Ryssen
The Eschatologic War (PDF)
Hervé Ryssen. Interview by Margaret Huffstickler in Paris for The Barnes Review magazine.
The Religious Origins of Globalism (PDF)
An Interview with Hervé Ryssen.
“Manifesto to the Governments and Peoples of the Christian
Nations Threatened by Judaism”: The First Anti-Jewish
Congress in Dresden (September 11-12, 1882)
Interesting historical document as it highlights the main points of criticism against Jewish Power at the end of the 19th century, decades before the revelation and publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The text shows that already in the 19th Century, Europeans had grasped what Judaism was really about:
"According to the Jews’ religious and national traditions, all of these peoples were created merely to serve them.
[...] a race that does not wish to be equal with us, that considers itself a people privileged by God and [regards] the rest of mankind as lower beings, impure animals.
[...] a race that does not even acknowledge non-Jews as neighbors and fellow human beings and according to whose Talmud non-Jews are enemies destined for eradication. Moreover, cheating, stealing from them, bleeding them dry, bringing ruin upon them, perjuring against them, dishonoring, and even killing them constitutes an activity pleasing to their God." -
The Kalergi Plan: Practical
Idealism" by Coudenhove Kalergi - The Racist and
Supremacist Roots of the Ideology behind the European Union
Europeans to become "Eurasian-Negroid" "mongrels", in contrast to "Europe's spiritual leader race the Jews..."
English translation of selections of "Practical Idealism" (Praktischer Idealismus). Count R. N. Courdenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the modern European Union.
incite war between Christians and Muslims - for Israel´s
benefit (videos)
Rabbis now speak overtly...
The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, from "The International Jew". Insightful article written in 1921!“To mollify a suspicion held against them wherever they have lived (a suspicion so general and so persistent as to be explainable only on the assumption that it was abundantly justified) the Jews have been quick to adopt the names and colors of whatever country they may be living in. [...] Jews are great coiners of catchwords that are not true, inventors of slogans that do not move. [...] This passion for misleading people by names is deep and varied in its expression.”
Jewish Testimony on "Are Jews a Nation?"
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, from "The International Jew".
Influential American Jew, Justice Brandeis: "Let us all recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality, of which every Jew, whatever his country,
his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member."
The Controversy of Zion (PDF)
By Douglas Reed
Introduction to the German translation of Douglas
Reed’s book “The Controversy of Zion”
By Jürgen Graf
historical-religious background to the Jewish "Holocaust" myth
Absurd Jewish stories of massacres of Jews, committed by the Romans.
Includes video of Chabad rabbi lecturing about "Running Rivers of Boiling Blood".
Kabbalah Rabbis Reveal Shocking Holocaust Secrets
- with commentary
Revealing Jewish clips supported with illustrative quotes/screencaps - compiled by Know More News.
Raw version without commentary: here
1: The
Burnt Offering Atonement Ritual, Mystical 6 Million, 1948, &
2/3rds Refined Through the Fire
Very important video on the Jewish religious background to the 6 million "holocaust" myth, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative version: here (HD)
Part 2:
Jewish "Persecution", Political Zionism, Armilus, Esau, Purim, & Amalek
Second part on the Jewish religious background to the 6 million "holocaust" myth, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative version: here (HD)
The Jewish "Exodus" Myth:
Exodus Hoaxes: The Myth of the Jewish Slaves and the Myth of the Jewish Holocaust Victims
Collection of articles.
Exodus Redux: Jewish Identity and the Shaping of History
By Andrew Joyce, The Occidental Observer, January 7, 2017.
“... the Exodus looms large as an early and extremely influential psychological landmark in the lachrymose and highly dubious pseudo-history
of the Jewish people.”
Important quotes on Jewish domination
Quotes by Farrakhan, Napoleon, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill etc...
1000 Quotes By and About Jews
A fantastic collection of quotes with many subcategories like; Media, Finance, Talmud, Zionism...
Important Quotations For A
Better Understanding Of WW II
Jewry's war on Germany...
Cartoons/caricatures on
Jewish racism, Judaism, the Jewish "religion"
Miscellaneous cartoons/caricatures on
![]() "Jewish humour" Anno 2009: "How to cook a Gentile". Comic strip taken from the Jewish homepage of Heeb Magazine, issue No15, 2009 (called "The Goy Issue"). The whole strip with its blood dripping gore and absurdities can be viewed, checking this link (recommended). |
See also:
• Khazar Jews from Russia
• "Anti-Semitism" - What is it?
The end result of indoctrination...