Jewish Power
Note: Except for a few links still to be added, the links to the volume have been established. (you will see them as underlined numbers in green). The numbers reflect the page numbers of the book. Volume I goes up to page 556.
Israel is an Illegitimate Regime (see Israel Not a State in Fact or in Law), 905-922 |
Israel is Not Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy, (see Biblical Prophecy), 975-1021 |
Israel Not a Legitimate State, (see Israel Not a State in Fact or in Law), 905-922 |
Israel Not a State in Fact or in Law, 905-922 |
Acts contrary to international law are invalid and cannot be the source of legal rights, 911 |
Admission of Israel to the United Nations was illegal, 918 |
Void ab inition, 918 |
Aim of mandates to ensure the well-being and development of peoples inhabiting the territories in question, not of immigrants to those territories, 913 |
American states in their conferences from 1932 until today upheld the following principles: 911-912 |
Acquisition of territories by force cannot be permitted, 912 |
Do not recognize the validity of territorial conquests, 911-912 |
They will not recognize any territorial arrangements not obtained by peaceful means, 912 |
Balfour declaration, 905 |
Balfour declaration stated no prejudice to civil and religious rights of Palestinians or rights and political status of Jews in any other country, 905 |
Balfour declaration was illegal, 917 |
Balfour declaration was injected in article 2 of Palestine mandate, 906 |
Ben-Gurion, David, admits in 1946, that Jews own only 6.7% of total land in Palestine, 907 |
Boundary of Palestine in North determined December 1920, 905 |
British government recognized independence of Arab governments, including Palestine, 905 |
British government submitted Palestine problem to United Nations, 907 |
British sent Royal Commission in 1937 to investigate causes of disturbances, 906 |
British White Papers of 1922 and 1939 recognized the rights of Palestinians to independence, 917 |
Chen, Professor T. C., states: 911 |
"There can be no physical existence of a State independent of legal existence," 911 |
Christian Palestinian descendants of first Christians who adopted Christianity at the hands of the Apostles, 905 |
Christian Palestinians, 20% of the Palestinian people, 905 |
Churchill, Winston, interprets the Balfour declaration: 906 |
Balfour declaration does not mean imposing Jewish nationality upon inhabitants of Palestine, 906 |
Balfour declaration does not mean Palestine converted into Jewish National Home, but such a home be founded in Palestine, 906 |
States, "Britain never contemplated disappearance or subordination of Arab population in Palestine," 906 |
This interpretation need not cause alarm to Arab population or disappointment to Jews, 906 |
Conquest by force of arms and occupation cannot be recognized, 911-912 |
Conquest shall not be recognized as legitimate, 911 |
Covenant of League of Nations recognized Palestinians as provisionally independent nation in Article 22, paragraph 4, 905 |
Declaration of independence by a minority after expelling the majority a violation of international law, 912 |
Declaration of independence by Zionist leaders in 1948 has no validity in international law, 916-917 |
Disturbances in Palestine from 1919 to 1939, 906 |
Doctrine of non-recognition: A state cannot be recognized unless it has a legitimate existence, 911 |
Great Britain, the mandatory of Palestine could not annex the territory of Palestine and the minority of Jews cannot annex 80% of Palestine territory by force, violence and War Crimes, 920 |
Historical facts, 905-909 |
House of Lords of Great Britain opposes Palestine mandate after injecting in it the Balfour declaration, 906 |
Lord Islington submitted motion condemning draft of Palestine mandate, including Balfour declaration, 906 |
Resolution of Lord Islington carried by 60 votes against 29, 906 |
Resolution states, "Palestine mandate violates pledges by British Government to Palestinian people and opposed to sentiments of majority of Palestinians," 906 |
Hussein-McMahon agreement, 905 |
Illegal acts constitute a violation of international law and are invalid, 912 |
Illegality cannot become a source of legal rights to the wrongdoer, 911 |
Independence of Palestinians provisionally recognized by Article 22, Paragraph 4, of League of Nations covenant, 905 |
Indigenous population in Palestine descendants of all races which lived and conquered Palestine, 905 |
International Court of Justice opinion upheld "The principle of non-annexation and the principle of wellbeing and development of peoples of mandated territories as a sacred trust of civilization," 919-921 |
Israel not a state in international law, 917-921 |
Balfour declaration was illegal, 917 |
Israeli government in 1948 illegitimately composed of War Criminals, 918 |
Israeli political and military leaders of today were members of Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang terrorist organizations from 1939-1948, 907 |
Israel's declaration of independence May 14, 1948, 908 |
Israel's declaration of independence was based on partition resolution dated November 29, 1947, 908 |
Jewish aliens in Palestine cannot expel Palestinian citizens, 918-919 |
Jewish citizens of Palestine cannot expel Palestinian citizens, 918 |
Jewish population in Palestine in 19th century only 12,000, 906 |
Jewish possession of 80% of Palestine in 1948 was illegal as a result of committing aggression and War Crimes, 918 |
Jews in Israel in 1948 were as follows: 909 |
born abroad 463,000 |
born in Palestine 253,700 |
Jews in Palestine in 1882 were only 24,000, 906 |
Jews in 1946 owned only 6.7% of the total area of Palestine, 907 |
Jews were not the indigenous population of Palestine, 917-918 |
Land ownership in Palestine, 907 |
Jews own only 6.7%, 907 |
Percentage of land ownership by districts of Palestine, 907 |
Lauterpacht, Professor Sir Hersch states: 911 |
Acts contrary to international law are invalid and cannot be the source of legal rights, 911 |
League of Nations covenant, Article 22, Paragraph 4, recognized Palestinians as provisionally independent nation, 905 |
League of Nations study about mandates states, "Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Trans-Jordan and Iraq are each recognized as provisionally independent but receives advice and assistance from a Mandatory until it is able to stand alone", 913-914 |
Legal existence, a legitimate state must have, 911 |
Legitimacy of a state depends on its fulfillment of requisites of a state, 911-912 |
Population being habitually settled in territory, 911 |
Requisites include acquisition of territory being legitimate, 911 |
Legitimate existence of a state a requirement for recognition, 911 |
Legitimate states must have indigenous population habitually settled in the territory and the acquisition of territory must be legitimate, 911 |
Legitimate states must have legal existence, 911 |
London conference of 1939, 906 |
Mandatory power cannot annex mandated territory, 919-921 |
Minority cannot expel the majority in a country, 912 |
Expelling the majority is an act of aggression and a War Crime, 912 |
Minority cannot enjoy the fruits of its War Crimes and cannot be recognized as a state, 912 |
Northern boundary of Palestine was determined by Franco-British convention of December, 1920, 905 |
Occupation of Palestine by Zionists illegal, 919 |
Palestine part of the Ottoman empire, 905 |
Palestine people represented in Turkish Parliament by six members, 905 |
Palestine placed under Class A Mandate, 905 |
Palestine problem submitted to United Nations, 907 |
Palestinian Arabs were part of the Arab national movement, 905 |
Partition resolution adopted by 33 votes in favor, 13 opposed and 10 abstentions, 29 November, 1947, 907, 915 |
Arabs were a majority in proposed Jewish state, 907 |
509,780 Muslims and Christians lived in Jewish state and 499,020 Jews lived in proposed Jewish state, 907 |
Jewish state was given 5,579 square miles, Arab state given 4,421 square miles, 907 |
Partition resolution by United Nations has no effect on Palestinian rights, 915-916 |
United Nations had no right to dispose of any part of Palestine and deprive the majority of their territory, 915-916 |
United Nations has no jurisdiction to recommend the partition of Palestine, 915 |
People of the state must belong to the country as its population, 910 |
Percentage of population and land ownership in the districts of Palestine in 1947, 907 |
Permanent court of international justice held: 912 |
Illegal acts constitute a violation of international law and are invalid, 912 |
Population of Israel in 1948 was 716,700 Jews, 155,300 Palestinians who remained after Zionists expelled 800,000, 909 |
Population of Palestine in 1919, 906 |
58,000 Jews, recent immigrants from Europe and Russia, 906 |
568,000 Muslims and Christians, 906 |
Population of Palestine in 1947, 907 |
1,350,000 Muslims and Christians and 650,000 Jews, 907 |
253,700 Jews born in Palestine, 396,000 Jews alien immigrants, 907 |
Position of Palestine under international law, 915 |
At the termination of the mandate, the people of Palestine became an independent sovereign nation, 915 |
Sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine, exercised on behalf of the people by the mandatory power, 915 |
Position of Palestine under the mandate, 913-915 |
Recognition depends on treatment of minorities, 912 |
Recognition of a state, 911-912 |
Requisites of a state in international law, 909-910 |
Oppenheim international law, 909 |
Professor Alf Ross, 909 |
Professor Charles Cheney Hyde, 909 |
Professor John Bassett Moore, 909 |
Results of illegal acts or aggression cannot be recognized, 911 |
Rights of Palestinians under the mandate, 913-915 |
Royal commission 1937, 906 |
Second special session of United Nations general assembly convened April 16, 1948, to consider the future government of Palestine, 907 |
Secret negotiations between British war cabinet and Zionist leaders, 905 |
Self-determination, right of declared by President Woodrow Wilson "an imperative principle," 913 |
British Prime Minister Lloyd George stated in 1918, "Arabia, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine are entitled to recognition of their separate national conditions," 913 |
Sovereignty in mandated territories, 914-915 |
Sovereignty in a mandated territory resides in the people of the mandated territory, 914 |
Soviet Bloc, United States and western Europe pressured for partition, 907 |
State requisites in international law, 909-910 |
State territory must be the territorial property of the state, 910-911 |
Territory must not belong to the territory of any existing state, 910 |
Thirty-seven Zionist leaders sign declaration of independence, 908-909 |
Country of birth and ethnic origin of signers, 908-909 |
One was born in Palestine, the other 36 were born in foreign countries, 908-909 |
United Nations duty to expel Israel from the United Nations and recognize the independence of a Palestine state, 921 |
United Nations general assembly appointed United Nations special committee to investigate Palestine problem and to recommend solutions, 907 |
United Nations general assembly had no jurisdiction to recommend the partition of Palestine, 915 |
United Nations special committee submits a majority plan for partition and a minority plan for a federal state, 907 |
United Nations special session to consider future government of Palestine, 907-908 |
United States delegation submitted working paper on trusteeship of Palestine pending a peaceful settlement, 908 |
United States, western Europe and Soviet Bloc pressured for partition, 907 |
White Paper of 1939, 906 |
Declared object of British Government to establish an independent Palestine state, 906 |
Rejected partition of Palestine, 906 |
Woodhead commission of 1938 recommended partition of Palestine, 906 |
Zionist leaders committed War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, 917 |
Zionist leaders use their influence to railroad United States into World War I in consideration of Balfour declaration, 905 |
Zionists occupied in 1948 80% of Palestine, including 2,421 square miles more than had been allotted to the proposed Jewish state, 907 |
Zionists reject White Paper of 1939, 907 |
Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang commit crimes of terrorism from 1939-1948, 907 |
Zionists used force in defiance of the United Nations, 919 |
Israeli Crimes 1948 to 1988 (United Nations Records), 413-424, 433-480 |
Assaults by helicopters, 440, 445-446, 449, 457, 465, 468, 476-477, 479-480 |
Commando Unit 101 and its crimes, 413-415 |
Commando Unit 101 formed by Sharon, 413-414 |
Dismemberment of Arab world is a Zionist objective, 413 |
Gaza Strip Massacres, 419-420 |
Hussan massacre, 420 |
Kibya massacre, 417 |
Liquidation of Palestinian claims to Palestine is a Zionist objective, 413 |
Gaza Strip, 419-420 |
Hussan, 420 |
Kibya, 417 |
Nahalin, 418 |
Sabra and Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camps, 472 |
Nahalin massacre 418 |
Objective to occupy Sinai, 414 |
Sabra and Shatila massacre, 472 |
Sharett, Moshe, Diaries, 413-415 |
Sharon responsible for Kibya massacre, 414-415 |
Territorial conquest through war is a Zionist objective, 413 |
Types of Crimes committed by Israel from 1948 to 1988, 415, 433-434 |
Assault by armed Jews on Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, 469-470, 473 |
Attacks on villages, destroying houses and murdering civilians, 416-424, 434-440, 443, 446-447, 449, 451, 457-459, 466, 468, 470, 474-480 |
Bombing and shelling attacks against civilian centers, 436, 438-439, 441-451, 453-460, 462-480 |
Closing of Palestinian schools and universities, 473, 475, 477 |
Destruction of houses, 435, 442, 445, 448-450, 455-456, 459-461, 463 |
Destruction of Mosques and Waqf property, 454 |
Expelling Palestinian villagers, 416, 434-435, 439, 448, 453 |
Indiscriminate shelling of Egypt, 436 |
Intercepting boats and civilian aircraft, 445, 452, 453, 458, 473-474, 478 |
Mass arrests and incarceration of Palestinians in concentration camps, 460 |
Murder of unarmed Egyptian and Syrian prisoners of war, 450, 453 |
Murdering a medical doctor on the Bethlehem-Hebron road, 417 |
Shelling and air attack against villages, 417-424 |
Shooting down unarmed Libyan civilian passenger plane, 451-452 |
Using Syrian prisoners of war to walk through minefields, 453 |
Use of tear gas bombs inside the synagogue used by anti-Zionist Jews, 468-469 |
Zionist criminal objectives analyzed by Livia Rokach, 413-414 |
Israeli Piracy and Terrorism at Sea, (see Piracy and Terrorism Committed by Israel at Sea), 851-859 |
Israeli War Crimes Committed in Lebanon, (see Lebanon, Israeli War Crimes Committed in), 789-818 |
By Issa Nakhleh Return to Table of Contents |