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Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

CHAPTER 7 — Part 5 of 6


7 MARCH 1948
At 1100 hours, Dodge truck (3-ton) with vehicle number 5678965 and owned by W.D. was stolen by armed Jews at Balfour Street, Haifa.
CO 537/3856

7 MARCH 1948
At 1300 hours, 7 March 1948, Dodge truck (3-ton) with Vehicle number 5612109 and D.2 painted on both doors and owned by W.D. was stolen at Herzliya Street, Haifa, by armed Jews.
CO 537/3856

7 MARCH 1948
Haifa, approximately 1615 hours. Jews in Kiriat Eliahu opened fire on the HaifaJJaffa road and the Carmel Station area. Mr. H. Astor (27), 'Times' correspondent, was shot in the leg and slightly injured. He was removed to the B.M.H. An Arab, Ali Ahmed Mohammed (23.) of Iraq, was shot and seriously injured whilst in the Carmel Station area. He was admitted to Government Hospital. Two Beretta automatic pistols and two magazines were found when military searched Kiriat Eliahu following the shooting.
CO 537/3856

7 MARCH 1948
At 1700 hours, 7 March, Rishon Le Zion Police Station was fired on with Small Arms fire, while, at the same time, 300 yards North of the Police station, an SIB jeep was fired on. No damage or casualty.
WO 261/660

7 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1700 hours. Near Beit Jirja abandoned military camp on the main GazaJJaffa road, a taxi, containing eight Arabs, was fired upon by the occupants of a passing Jewish armoured car, and the following casualties resulted: Dead - Sadah Hijazi Isnaytir (25); Feisal Hijazi Isnaytir (30); Sheikh Abed Rissa (35); Mohammed Ahmed Ammero (28); Abdul Jalil Shaker Salameh (30); all of Hebron. Injured: Rubin Ahmed Ammero (40) - not serious. The dead and injured were removed to Hebron.
CO 537/3856

7 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2340 hours. The body of an unidentified female Arab (approximately 40), was found near a public convenience in Kingsway, opposite Harbour Street. The woman had been shot in the legs and abdomen. The body was removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3856

8 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0700 hours, Jaffa. Ahmed Arhan Abu Fammad (32) of Tell Er Rish, who was admitted to the French Hospital at 0500 hours, suffering from wounds received from an exploding mortar bomb in the Tell Er Rish quarter, succumbed to his injuries. The bomb is said to have been fired from the direction of Holon.
CO 537/3856

8 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 0800 hours. Said Mohammed Khader, of Tireh, was shot and seriously injured by unknown persons on the HaifaJJaffa road near his village. He was admitted to the Government Hospital, Haifa.
CO 537/3856

8 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0930 hours, Jaffa. Mohammed Abdullah Yanani (30) of Jaffa, was shot and fatally injured in Arlin Street, Manshieh, by a Jewish sniper. The body was removed to the Dajani Hospital.
CO 537/3856

8 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1330 hours. A grenade was thrown at an Arab jeep from inside a Jewish armoured car at the junction of the Beerot YitzhakJGazaJBeersheba road, causing the following casualties: Slightly Injured-Mohammed Abu Sittah; Abdul Azziz el Hanjouri; Ibrahim Abu Sittah.

The injured men, who are from Beersheba, were permitted to go home after treatment at Gaza Government Hospital. The jeep in which they were travelling is alleged to have been taken into Nir'am colony by the occupants of the armoured car.
CO 537/3856

8 MARCH 1948
At approximately 1445 hours, Morris 30 cwt (color grey) with vehicle number M58 and owned by G.P.O., and which contained 50 telephones and tools, was stolen at Ruhama Road, Jerusalem, by 20 armed Jewish youths. At approximately 1445 hours, Morris 30 cwt (color grey) with vehicle number M197S and owned by G.P.O. was stolen at Ruhama Road, Jerusalem, by 20 armed Jewish youths. At approximately 1445 hours, Morris '8' van (color red) with vehicle number M55 and owned by G.P.O. was stolen at Ruhama Road, Jerusalem, by 20 armed Jewish youths. At approximately 1445 hours, Morris Bulldog van (color red) with vehicle number M183S and owned by G.P.O. was stolen at Ruhama Road, Jerusalem, by 20 armed Jewish youths.

At approximately 1445 hours, Morris '10' van (color red) with vehicle number M185S and owned by G.P.O. was stolen at Ruhama Road, Jerusalem, by 20 armed Jewish youths. At approximately 1445 hours, Chevrolet converted saloon (color grey) with vehicle number M630P and owned by G.P.O. was stolen at Ruhama Road, Jerusalem, by 20 armed Jewish youths.

The Jewish drivers of these six G.P.O. vehicles were detained in Ruhama School yard by four of the armed Jews and released at 1820 hours.
CO 537/3856

8 MARCH 1948
1910 hours, 8 March. Car threw grenades at Regimental Zionist Crimes and Terrorism in Palestine 1948 203 Headquarters, South Lancashire Regiment, Jerusalem. Two Privates slightly injured. 1 Signalmen seriously injured.
WO 261/660

8 MARCH 1948
At 2050 hours, 8 March, a series of attacks were made on military and police buildings in Jaffa-Tel Aviv, including Sarona Camp Gate, Citrus House and Police Headquarters, Jaffa. All roads were mined and 2 Police armoured cars were blown up. 2 Foresters were mortared without casualty. Casualties: 1 Guardsman - fatally wounded; 1 British Police Constable - dangerously wounded; 1 Arab TAC - wounded.

Full details of Jewish casualties unknown, but the bodies of 2 Jews and 2 Jewesses have been recovered, and 11 Jews are in hospital suffering from bullet wounds.
WO 261/660

8 MARCH 1948
Lydda. Approximately 2200 hours, Jaffa. Hassan Khalil Sarkoury (26) of Jebeliya Quarter was injured in the right shoulder when a bomb was thrown by Jews on the Bat Yam/Jebeliya border. He was removed to the Government Hospital, Jaffa. His condition is not serious.
CO 537/3856

9 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0930 hours, Jaffa. In the Jabaliyeh Quarter, Shafiq Ahmed (22) was wounded in the head by splinters believed to have been caused by a mortar bomb. He was removed to Government Hospital, condition not serious.
CO 537/3856

9 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1500 hours, Acre. An Arab truck carrying a load of furniture and seven passengers (three women and four men) from Haifa to the Lebanon via Kabri, was stopped by a Jewish armoured car near the Jeddin Colony road junction. The passengers, seeing the Jews, jumped off the truck and ran away. The Jews opened fire with rifles, fatally injuring Wadish Khalil(25). The truck and the furniture were set on fire and completely destroyed.
CO 537/3856

9 MARCH 1948
At 2000 hours, 9 March, Camp 87, Hadera, was attacked with grenades and TSMG fire.

Casualties: 1 British soldier - killed; 6 British soldiers - wounded.
WO 261/660

9/10 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1124 hours, Urban. Small arms fire was directed at Qatamon from Jewish houses to the north, and a number of small explosions occurred. A party of approximately 25 Jews then penetrated into western Qatamon, blew up and partially destroyed an Arab house. Following this explosion, intensive small arms fire broke out between Qatamon and Rehavia. The area was reported quiet at 0015 hours on 10 March, 1948. The following Arabcasualties have been reported: Hussein Dikhderie (16), of Iraq - dead; Mohammed Yunis Jaber (22), a Sudanese - seriously injured. Both casualties were caused by small arms fire.
CO 537/3856

10 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 0830 hours, Nablus. No. 12988, T.A.C. Mohammed Ali Abdul Rahim, of Burqa village, stationed at Nablus Urban Police Station, was wounded in the head by a stray bullet on the outskirts of Burqavillage. He was removed to Government Hospital, Nablus, where upon admission it was found that his condition was not serious.
CO 537/3856

10 MARCH 1948
At 1215 hours, Chevrolet 15 cwt pick-up (color green), vehicle number M5 15P and owned by P.H.D., was stolen near the Sephardic Orphanage, Jerusalem, by ten armed Jews. Also, Morris 2-ton truck, vehicle number M97 owned by P.H.D., was stolen near the Sephardic Orphanage, Jerusalem, by ten armed Jews. Both drivers blindfolded and driven around area until 1445 hours when they were released in Mahne Yehuda Market.
CO 537/3856

10 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1400 hours, Rural. Mohammed Mustafa Gazelle (20), of Beit Hanina village, whilst on his way to Jerusalem, was fired at near Heve Yacov Colony. He was wounded in the left arm and admitted to the French Hospital, Jerusalem, where his conditionis reported as not serious.
CO 537/3856

10 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1432 hours, Jaffa. A police armoured carpatrolling the Manshieh Quarter was fired on in the Hassan Bey Road by four men, believed to have been Jews and armed with rifles. The fire was returned. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3856

10 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1510 hours, Jaffa. Arabs employed at the iron foundry situated on the JaffaIJerusalem road near Holon were fired upon by Jews from the direction of Miqve Israel colony. The Arabs returned the fire, which ceased when police armoured cars appeared on the scene. There were no casualties.
CO 537/3856

10 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 2040 hours, Jaffa. No. 2878, F.P.C. Enias Hassan, of Central Police Station, Jaffa, was shot and slightly wounded whilst on his way to assumed duty at Police Headquarters, Jaffa. He was removed to the Government Hospital, Jaffa, and discharged after treatment. The shots which wounded this Constable came from the direction of the Salameh Road.
CO 537/3856

10 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 2205 hours, Urban. Six armed Jews entered the Boys' Reformatory School in the Sanhedriya Quarter, where they held up the person in charge and released the following prisoners: 1) Yehskiel Mizrahi; 2) Ya'acov Shaul Mizrahi; 3) Shalom Turjoman. CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
Gaza. 0001 hours, Beersheba. Near Imara Police Post, two Jewish armoured cars which were patrolling the area fired one round at a patrol of the 2nd K.R.R.C.'s. Military returned the fire, and the Jewish vehicles made off.
CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
At 0900 hours, Ford tender No. M3951 and owned by Jerusalem Municipality was stolen near Mustashfa P.S., Jerusalem, by armed Jews.
CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0910 hours, Urban. Mustafa Mohammed Sasawi of Shafr Amr (26) was shot and slightly injured from a passing taxi in Carmel Avenue - removed to Government Hospital where he succumbed to his wounds at 1650 hours.
CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 1000 hours, Nablus. Near the Eden Hotel, Nathanya, a W.D. 3-ton 'Dodge' truck was held up by five armed Jews. The escorts, two Mauritian soldiers, were relieved of a rifle and 10 rounds and a Sten gun and magazine filled with 25 rounds. The occupants of thetruck were ordered out, and the Jews then drove away.
CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1445 hours, Tiberias. In the Arab Suq, Abu El Wahad Sheikh Salim (55) of Tiberias was shot in the stomach by snipers - removed to Scotch Mission Hospital - condition serious.
CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
At 1500 hours, Dodge truck (15-cwt) No. 472822 and owned by the W.D. was stolen near Sarafand by armed Jews. The driver was detained for two hours.
CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. Night, Rural. A party of armed Jews entered Qastel village. A short engagement followed and the Jews retired, leaving four land mines on the track leading to the main road. A military bomb disposal squad went to the scene and dismantled them. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3856

11 MARCH 1948
2200 hours, 1 1 March, vehicle belonging to 2 Foresters fired on by Bren at 14091892 North Nathanya cross roads. Casualty - 1 British soldier slightly injured.
WO 261/660

11 MARCH 1948
Galilee. Midnight, Nazareth. Two parties of approximately 100 Jews each, attacked Kefr Kenna village from the East and South. The attack lasted for about one hour. The following casualties have been reported: Slightly Injured - Yusef Mohammed Yusef (21) of Sedjara village; Ahmed Hussein Es Shatir (20) of Arab Es Subeih village; Ahmed Haj Khalil (22) of Ein Mahil village.

Arabs report that there were 25 Jewish casualties. Blood stains and tracks in the area appear to support this contention. The Arabs also state that they have captured a quantity of arms, including a number of Bren guns, four Sten guns and some mortar, and smoke bombs and grenades.
CO 537/3856

12 MARCH 1948
0423 hours, 12 March, Syrian Orphanage compound Jerusalem attacked. Raiding party blew hole in outside wall of compound and placed charges inside one of main buildings belonging to RAPC. Four large explosions followed causing severe damage to the building. Supporting fire was given to attacking party from breach in wall and from houses outside perimeter. Fire also directed at guard Room. Casualties to RAPC personnel, 1 soldier killed, 3 soldiers seriously injured and 5 soldiers slightly injured.
WO 261/660

12 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1 135 hours, Urban. A goods train from Lydda to Jerusalem was fired upon by Jews from Mekor Haim. A number of bullets hit the engine and first wagon. The military escort did not return the fire.
CO 537/3856

12 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 16 10 hours, Urban. Khadra Abdul Jaber Ahmed el Kahn (25), of Beita village, Nablus, was shot in the head and seriously injured in the Old City by unknown persons. He was admitted to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3856

12 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1800 hours. Ghubaiya Et Tahta village was attacked by a number of colonists from Mishmar Ha'emeq. During the course of the attack, two of the villagers, Lafi Suleiman Yacoub and Hussein Said Saffouri, sustained slight bullet wounds and were removed to the Amin Hospital, Haifa. One of the Jews, Alaisha Leen of Mishmar Ha'emeq, was seriously wounded and was removed to the Afula Hospital.
CO 537/3856

12 MARCH 1948
Night 1 1/12 March, 2 columns of approximately 100 Jews attacked Kefr Kanna 18202390; Arabs captured small quantity of Small Arms. 2 Arabs wounded; 25 Jews killed and wounded. (Not confirmed).
WO 26 1/573

12/13 MARCH 1948
Galilee. Midnight, Tiberias. Whilst in her house in Tiberias, Yezra bint Abdul Rahim Mohammed Eid (65) was shot dead by unknown person.
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 0140 hours, Safad. A party of approximately 50 armed Jews attacked El Husseiniya village from north, south and west. Mortars and automatic weapons were used and 12 houses were destroyed. The village has not been evacuated. Two hand grenades and a rucksack of explosives found on Zionist Crimes and Terrorism in Palestine 1948 205 the scene have been disposed of by military. A curfew has been imposed on all roads north of Rosh Pina from 0800 hours on 14 March to 0800 hours on 15 March. Casualties are as follows: Dead - 1) Paris Ahmed Taher (55); 2) Naim Mayed Taher (32); 3) Shehadi Ahmad Imeri (65); 4) Mahmoud Hussein Amar (21); 5) Sureh bint Hussein Ashrar (55); 6) Hamneh bint Walkel Rabeh (1 8); 7) Mahjoubeh Saleh Bashir (2 1); 8) Kheria Rabi Hadi (2); 9) Kheriah Abdulla Amar (5); 10) Ali Said Taher (3); 11) Abdul Ahmad Mohammed (35); 12) Sambreh Othman Zayeh (1).
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
1 130 hours, 13 March, 8 armed Jews entered a small bank in Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv, held it up, and got away with LP 14,000. They are described as all 20-22 years old, dark, but not necessarily Yemenites.
WO 261/660

13 MARCH 1948
Haifa, morning. At approximately 1545 hours, Arabs travelling in a taxi on the Haifa/Acre road were held up by armed Jews, taken prisoner and their taxi stolen.
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1322 hours, Urban. Two mortar bombs were fired by Jews in Nachlat Shimon Quarter - one landing near a military post east of St. George's Road and the other in St. George's Road.
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1500 hours. Approximately 120 armed Jews approached Faluja village from the direction of Gat Colony and opened fire with small arms on Arab sheperds. The Arabs escaped to the village and returned with party of armed villagers, who engaged the attackers. During the engagement, a Jewish convoy en route from Negba to Gat Colony passed through the village and, it is alleged, the occupants threw grenades and opened fire on the villagers. The armoured cars of the convoy halted at a point 2 kilos South-East of the village, and the occupants taking up static position, engaged the Arabs in the vicinity. The armoured cars withdrew at 22 15 hours and the firing ceased. The Jews sustained the following casualties, details of which are not known: 7 dead, 6 injured.
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 15 15 hours, Urban. In the Old City, unknown Jews threw two grenades from the roof of a house in Khabbat Street into Bishura Quarter injuring two Arab children.
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1600 hours, Ramle. Unknown persons armed with automatic weapons attacked a number of Arab labourers working in orange groves on the Qatra lands. The following casualties resulted: 1) Jabrin Hassan Ismail (30) - serious; 2) Eissa Abdul Hamia (25) - serious; 3) Ezel Deir Erriad Hassan (13) - not serious; 4) Abdul Azziz Hassan Ismail (50) - not serious; 5) Mohammed Abu Isbaileh (17) - not serious.

All are of Qatra village and have been removed to the Omaya Emergency Hospital, Ramle.
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 2134 hours, Urban. Heavy automatic fire and a number of heavy explosions were heard in the Katamon area. A party of Jews had penetrated into the area, placed explosives in a building, believed to be Shahin House, and after detonating the charges, retreated under covering fire. During the attack on Katamon, shots were exchanged between Yemen Moshe and Jaffa Gate area. The house of Dr. Friej in the Katamon Quarter was also damaged by explosives placed at the rear of the building. No Arab casualties were inflicted by the attackers, but Arabs claim two Jewish casualties.
CO 537/3856

13 MARCH 1948
22 15 hours, 13 March, goods train mined between Battir 163 126 and Jerusalem. Casualties - one Arab fireman killed, one other Arab injured. Engine and first two trucks derailed and thrown into Wadi. Probably not recoverable.
WO 261/660

13 MARCH 1948
Haifa. The following were admitted to the Government Hospital having been shot and wounded in Wadi Nismas by Jewish snipers: Hamid Ibrahim Abdul Gruni (24) of Tireh village - condition serious; Husni Eissa Kassim (35) of Halisa Quarter - condition not serious.
CO 537/3856

13/14 MARCH 1948
Hagana themselves, however, have been concerned in more than one action; and in an effort to regain the initiative, they have been instrumental in the general stepping up of military activity between Arab and Jew. Their main action occurred on the night of 13/14 March, when a party of about 30 Jews attacked the village of Al Huseinya 204271 simultaneously from the North, South and West. The village was apparently ill-defended, and the inhabitants suffered a severe defeat; twelve of them being killed, and about twelve houses being destroyed, while many more were rendered uninhabitable. The village was later evacuated.
WO 261/573

13/14 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. Night, Jaffa. On Bassa lands, the ice factory of Hassan Tewfic Abu Ghazaleh, of Jaffa, was attacked by Jews, with mortars and small arms fire. The factory watchman, Ibrahim Getani (22) of Jaffa, was slightly injured and removed to the Dejani Hospital. The building was partly demolished, damage being estimated at approximately LP. 6,000.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
0030 hours, bridge at 17042 16 1 at kilo 120 on road Jenin- Lajjun blown up. 40-feet gap road impassable to traffic. Responsibility believed Jews.
WO 261/573

14 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 0100 hours. Ein Ghazel village was attacked by armed Jews. Mobadla Sheikh Ahmed (32), of Ein Ghazel was killed and five other Arabs, no details of whom are available, were injured. Four houses in the village were damaged by bombs. The attackers suffered no casualties.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0130 hours, Jaffa. In the Abu Kebir Quarter, Ali Hassan el Weish (23) of that quarter was killed by snipers. His body was removed to the Government Hospital, Jaffa.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 0140 hours. In Stanton Street, the body of an unknown female Christian Arab was found by police and removed to the Government Hospital. The body bore gunshot wounds.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 0630 hours. A party of Jews travelling in fourteen armoured vehicles attacked Faluja village. They placed barrel- type bombs in the Post Office and municipal buildings. Both these buildings were completely destroyed and others in the same vicinity were extensively damaged. An attempt was also made to blow up the Government Boys' School, but this was foiled by the villagers. The damage caused in this attack is estimated at LP. 30,000. Jewish casualties in this incident are unknown, but one Arab is believed to be killed and two were slightly injured.
CO 537813856

14 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1 139 hours. In Carmel Avenue, the following were wounded when fired on by unknown persons from a passing taxi: Farsoun Annis Asker (36) of Wadi Fisnas - serious; George Hassan Eissa, of Carmel Station - not serious; Mohammed Moussa Abdul Khader (27), of Beit Jann village -not serious. All were removed to the Government Hospital.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
1200 hours, officer of 819 Para Battalion shot at near Arab Market, Haifa; during subsequent search, one Jew shot attempting to escape.
WO 261/573

14 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1525 hours. An Arab 'bus (No.1) proceeding to Haifa along the Nazareth road was fired on from the direction of Iraq Street by unknown persons. The following casualties resulted: Mohammed Naji Subhi (30), of Nazareth - dead; Abdul Haj Hussein Ali Kubri (19), of Safad - serious. The injured man was admitted to hospital.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1615 hours. The military searched a house in Bilu Street from which it was reported that Jews had been sniping. Nothing was found in the House, but three Jews on the premises were taken outside for interrogation. One of them, Menachem Antonowsky, of Magidim Street, Haifa, attempted to escape and while doing so was shot and fatally wounded by the military. The body was removed to the B.M.H. and later to the Hadassah Hospital.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 2320 hours, Jaffa. An unknown person, believed Jewish, fired a number of rounds from a T.S.M.C. into the Jaffoun compound from the Maccabi Quarter. The bullets smashed the searchlight, which was not at the time operating. There were no casualties.
CO 537/3856

14 MARCH 1948
Lydda, Petah Tikva. On the JaffaIHaifa road near Lydda Junction Station No. 2239, F.P.C. Masarak Ta'atur Kakour, of Rana'na Police Station, was held up by a party of armed Jews. He was taken to a nearby orange grove and robbed of the following: LP. 55, 1 Police tunic (blue, with numerals), Certificate of Appointment, 1 Kalpak, tool box containing farrier's kit.

He was held for approximately five minutes, after which the Jews made off in a truck, the number of which is not known.
CO 537/3856

14/15 MARCH 1948
Haifa, night. A party of Jews entered Ghubaiya Et Tahta and placed charges against several buildings in the village. Fourteen houses were completely demolished and a further ten damaged. There were no casualties. The village had been evacuated two days previously.
CO 537/3856

15 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1215 hours, Tel Aviv. Mr. Lawrence, A.D.C. Lydda District, was proceeding into Tel Aviv by the JaffalTel Aviv road and had passed through the barriers at the Mishmar boundary when he was compelled to stop as a truck parked across the road. He saw several Jews taking objects out of a store and asked them if it was Arab property - they informed him it was Jewish. Two armed Jews then ordered him out of the car and drove it into Tel Aviv. Hagana information states that the vehicle was to be used in an attempt to blow up buildings in the Jaffoon compound hut, but, at 1230 hours, the car was observed by the crew of a police armoured car proceeding towards Jerusalem. Description of vehicle - make 'Allard' -color dark blue - four heater open sports model - fitted with 'Ford V8' engine and gear box - registration number 288Z.
CO 537/3856

15 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1230 hours, Tel Aviv. Two Jews, one armed, stole private car No. 780E.
CO 537/3856

15 MARCH 1948
Haifa. 1400 hours. In Vine Street, a Jewish taxi, number unknown, fired at an unknown Arab and slightly wounded him in the hand. Neither taxi nor the Arab can be traced.
CO 537/3855 Zionist Crimes and Terrorism in Palestine 1948 207

15 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 2030 hours, Urban. John Baditcho (76), a Greek Christian of Katamon, was shot in the shoulder by Jewish snipers in lower Katamon Quarter. He was admitted to the Government Hospital, where his condition is reported to be not serious.
CO 537/3856

16 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 11 15 hours. In Kafr Ata colony, two armed Jews held up the occupants of a cafe belonging to Ben Dov Itzhak. They relieved No. 1492, F.P.C. Moshe Rotievesky, of his licensed pistol No. 4619, a 9 mlm Parabellum, and one magazine containing seven rounds.
CO 537/3856

16 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1230 hours, Petah Tikva. At kilo 79 on the HaifaiTel Aviv road, P.W.D. truck No. M 109 S, driven by Eliahu Hayoun, of Tel Aviv, was held up by four unarmed Jews, who ordered the driver out of the vehicle and drove off in it. The truck is a 15 cwt green Morris Commercial.
CO 537/3856

16 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1300 hours, Urban. Eleanor Kinda Marian (13) of Musrara Quarter, the daughter of an official of the Ethiopian Consulate, left her home and failed to return. She was later located in a school near Bat's Bakery in the Street of the Prophets and was suffering from shock. It is stated that she was detained by Jews at the Mishmar Ha'am roadblock in Jaffa road and taken to the school for interrogation.
CO 537/3856

16 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1500 hours, Jaffa. A police armoured car on patrol in the Manshieh Quarter was fired upon from a Jewish snipers' position near Manshieh Police Station. The fire was returned, but there were no known casualties.

At 1530 hours, the snipers' post was silenced by military with the aid of two-pounders. There were no known casualties.
CO 537/3856

16 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1530 hours, Jaffa. In Tel er Rish Yousef Ali Abdul Khalil(26), of Mi'ilya village, was shot and fatally wounded by snipers from the Holon area. His body was removed to the Government Hospital, Jaffa.
CO 537/3856

16 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1730 hours, Acre. Automatic fire was directed at Dawwara village. The firing ceased and shortly after, two mortar bombs landed near the village. Only one exploded. There were no casualties.
CO 537/3856

16 MARCH 1948
Galilee. Evening, Safad. Three Arab women of An Maima village, whilst walking near Mesheq Schwartz settlement, were slightly injured by an exploding scare bomb. They are: Fathmi Nimer, Hassena Abdullah Diab, Husiba Mohammed Yessin.
CO 537/3856

17 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 0200 hours, Rural. Kastel village was attacked this morning by a party of Jews. The mosque suffered some damage before the attackers were driven off by the villagers. The attackers advanced from a westerly direction and retreated to the west. Arabs claim that five of the attackers had been either killed or wounded and that there were no Arab casualties.
CO 537/3856

17 MARCH 1948
In the afternoon, an Arab convoy, consisting of two trucks and two cars, was proceeding from Acre to Haifa on the main road when it encountered a Jewish road block at Zabina. Convoy apparently tried to rush the road block and was met by heavy automatic fire from the Jews. One of the trucks blew up with terrific force and the other, which contained ammunition, grenades and firearms, took fire and exploded. The two cars were badly damaged by the explosions, and a military truck which was passing by was also damaged and its crew of two British soldiers seriously injured. Other casualties were: Arabs - 10 killed, 7 wounded. Jews - 10 seriously wounded, 29 slightly wounded. The explosion caused widespread damage to surrounding houses and brought down electric pylons and telegraph cables. The road is impassable owing to a crater 30 feet in diameter.
CO 733/477

18 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 0610 hours, Jaffa. A composite Arab and British Police patrol observed a number of Jews building a sangar near the flour mill in Salama road. On seeing the police, the Jews opened fire and then made off. The fire was not returned, and there were no casualties.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Samaria. 0930 hours, Tulkarm. A W.D. vehicle, driven by a Jew and escorted by two Mauritian soldiers, was held up near Beit Yitzhak by a party of armed Jews who stole the vehicle and the escorts' rifles. No further details are known at present.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1030 hours. Three armed Jews entered the house of No. 1788 F.P. Corporal Herman Tie1 at 33, Blue Coast Road and stole his Parabellum automatic pistol No. 4999 and two magazines containing 20 rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1400 hours, Acre. During the course of firing in Acre town, No. 11973 T.A.C. Saleh Ka'anan Abu Zeid of Rama village sustained a bullet wound in the leg and was removed to the Emergency Hospital. His condition is not serious.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1430 hours, Jaffa. On Bassa lands, Ahmed Hussein Tustani (35), of Hebron, was shot and fatally wounded by a sniper from the direction of Tel Aviv. The body was removed to the Dajani Hospital.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1500 hours, Jaffa. The body of Said Butros (25) of Tel er Rish was admitted to the French Hospital in Jaffa. He had been killed by snipers' bullets in Tel er Rish.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1630 hours, Jaffa. Jews blew up eight unoccupied Arab houses in Arlin Street, Manshieh Quarter. They also fired at the Manshieh Police Station and at a police armoured car which approached the scene. The fire was returned by the police, but there were no known casualties.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1706 hours. A bomb exploded near the wall of an Arab-owned house situated at the corner of Mukhallis and Shabatai Levy streets, Hadar Hacarmel. The building, together with others in the vicinity, was damaged and a number of windows were broken. Two persons are reported to have been slightly injured by flying glass.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2050 hours. At No. 3, Hashenish Street, six armed Jews entered the house of No. 1028, P/Corporal Nahnu Sassoun, held him up and stole his personal weapon, a Browning 7.65 m/m automatic No. 626357 and eleven rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2055 hours. Whilst No. 482, F.P.C. Nathan Dashon, and No. 564, P/Sergeant Bensld, were proceeding to the Armon Cinema, they were held up by five armed Jews, who stole their personal weapons, a Bayard .38 pistol No. 17873, with four rounds of ammunition, and a Walther 7.65 m/m pistol No. 103507, with nine rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2105 hours, At No. 45, Arlossoroff Street, three armed Jews entered the house of No. 1015, F.P.C. Yacob Lempert, held him up and stole his personal weapon, a Walther 9 m/m pistol No. 970533 and 14 rounds of ammunition, CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2 120 hours. Two armed Jews and a Jewess entered the house of No. 2005 Shahna Weirib at 3, Gilead Street and demanded the constable's private firearm from his wife. She handed over .38 calibre 'Bayard' revolver No. 70592 and seven rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2130 hours. In Sirkin Street, two armed Jews entered the house of P/Corporal Eliahu Shitreet, held him up and stole his personal weapon, a Brevere 7.65 m/m pistol No. 301523 and 18 rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2130 hours. At 27A, Massada Street, a number of armed Jews entered the flat of No. 181 1, F.P.C. Paul Kleinberger, held him up and stole his personal weapon, a Walther 9 m/m pistol No. 959464 and two magazines containing 14 rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2140 hours. At 24, Akiba Street, four armed Jews entered the house of No. 1170, F.P.C. Pesach Veisserg, held him up and stole his personal weapon, a Mauser 7.65 m/m pistol No. 533612 and two magazines containing 36 rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2145 hours. An unknown person, dressed in the uniform of a Jewish Settlement Police, approached the wife of No. 1886 F.P.C. Pfau Zvi at their flat in Ahuza Quarter and demanded the constable's private firearm. She handed over Parabellum automatic pistol No. 97 and five rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 2205 hours. At 27, Michel Street, three armed Jews entered the house of No. 1741, F.P.C. Betthelp Nonnererd, held him up and stole his personal weapon, a Beretta 7.65 m/m pistol No. 403934, two magazines and 53 rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3856

18 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 2345 hours, Ramle. Whilst riding motor-cycle and side-car No. M638M, the property of the P.W.D., in Ra'anana, Benjamin Zozian of Tel Aviv was held up by five armed Jews who ordered him to dismount. He did so and one of the Jews rode off on the machine towards Petah Tiqva. The remaining Jews followed in a tender.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 0600 hours, Acre. Two trucks, Chevrolet No. M.391 and Dodge No. M.216K, drivers unknown, were proceeding from Zeeb village to Acre along the main Acremaqura road when they were stopped by a Jewish truck which had blocked the road at the road junction with Gaaton colony. The Arab vehicles were forced to drive off the road, and the 13 occupants made to alight. The Jews manning the roadblock, numbering about 50, then fired on the Arabs killing the following: Hassan Mohammed Raya (28); Mohammed Eissa Atiya (24); Hamed Mohammed Khatib (30); Mohammed Kassim Ibrahim (22); Mustafa Ahmed Skier (22); Younis Mahmoud Khatib (40); Jawad Abed Jawad (25); Mohammed Ahmed Haj Kaifeh (25); Salim Ali Paris (25) - all of Zeeb village. The following were seriously Zionist Crimes and Terrorism in Palestine 1948 209 wounded: Ahmed Mohammed Abed Turq (22), of Zeeb. He was removed to Camp 253.

The remaining three Arabs made off and Younis Omar Yousef and Mohammed Ali Amin, both of Zeeb, were wounded while escaping, and later removed to the hospital in Saida. Khalil Mohammed Khalil, of Zeeb, managed to escape uninjured and returned to his village. The Jews retired to Ga'aton colony, after having set fire to the two Arab vehicles, which were completely destroyed.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 0800 hours. Two Jewish armoured cars approached Khirbet Beit Harb and opened fire on the village. Fire was returned by the villagers, and the Jews withdrew. There are no known casualties.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 0830 hours, Safad. Between kilos 216 and 217 on the SafadIAcre road, an explosion occurred as an Arab 'bus travelling to Safad was passing. Mohammed Khalil Sard Kurdi and Mohammed Hussein Sard Kurdi (32), both of Safad, were seriously injured and removed to the Government Hospital, Safad. Another Arab passenger, name unknown, travelling from Safsaf village to Safad, was killed and the body returned to Safsaf. The 'bus was undamaged, but the road has been rendered impassable to all traffic.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
At 0900 hours, 19 March, 1948, Civilian truck, No. M 65 R, owned by Ahmed Abdul Hafiz Shamtash, was stolen near Even Yehuda by armed Jews.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1030 hours, Tel Aviv. A Jewish snipers' position in Abu Kebir Quarter directed moderate automatic fire into Salama Road, Jaffa. A police arrnoured car proceeded to the scene at approximately 1 100 hours, and the area then became quiet. No casualties have been reported.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
At 1 130 hours on 19 March, 1948, Chevrolet truck (color Green), number M778S, owned by Ahmed Mustafa Badawi, was stolen at Hadera by armed Jews.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1230 hours. Near Jaba village, a Jewish taxi travelling North stopped near the village where the occupants shot Fakri Mohammed Hussein, of Jaba. He was removed to the Government Hospital, where his condition is reported to be serious. Investigations are proceeding.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Gaza. 1245 hours, Beersheba. In the vicinity of the Imara Police Post, an Arab was abducted by a party of Jews travelling in two armoured cars. Police and military are investigating.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1300 hours, Jaffa. Municipal Guard No. 29, Ali Mohammed Hatrieh (24), of Abu Kebir Quarter, was shot and killed in that quarter by Jewish snipers. The body was removed to the Government Hospital, Jaffa. The deceased was not on duty at the time.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 13 15 hours. Charles Peter Gillam, a British subject living in the Appinger Hotel, and employed by Cable and Wireless Ltd., was shot in the shoulder whilst in the police security area in Kingsway. He was removed to the B.M.H., Haifa, where it is stated that his condition is favorable. The bullets were directed from a window in the Rose Hotel, Kingsway, which was later searched by military and police, and the following were found in a room overlooking Kingsway: Spent .303 cartridge cases; 1 Mk.36 grenade; 2 American grenades; 1 sack containing 604 rounds of .45 automatic ammunition. No arrests were made.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1400 hours, Tiberias. Yusef Men Hassan (26) of Obeidiya village was fired upon by a party of Jews whom he observed undergoing military training near Afakim Colony.
CO 537/3857

19 MARCH 1948
At 1430 hours, on 19 March, 1948, Morris truck number M105S, owned by P.W.D. was stolen at Hassolel Street, Haifa, by armed Jews. PWD was painted on doors.
CO 537/3856

19 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1630 hours. Three armed Jews held up Number 62 F.P.C. Ruben near Benyamin Gardens in Nordau Street and stole his Mauser automatic pistol and sixteen rounds of ammunition.
CO 537/3857

19 MARCH 1948
48 Police patrol fired on by Jewish snipers Manshaya area, Jerusalem. Armoured car 17/21 L fired 10 rounds HE at post.
WO 261/573

19 MARCH 1948
A party of five Jews attempting to attack Nouris Arab village, Jenin, during the morning was ambushed by Arabs and all were killed. A further party of Jews arrived and engaged the Arabs. Firing continued until security forces arrived and silenced the Arabs by means of mortar fire. One Arab is believed to have been wounded in these engagements.
CO 733/477

19 MARCH 1948
During the morning near Acre, two Arab trucks were stopped at a Jewish road block. The Arab vehicles were forced to drive off the road, and the passengers were made to alight. The Jews, numbering about 50, then opened fire, killing nine and wounding three of the Arabs. Only one passenger escaped uninjured. The Jews set fire to the Arab vehicles, which were completely destroyed.
CO 733/477

20 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 1610 hours. Two armed Jews entered the house of Number 1436 F.P.C. Marcusa in Degania Tivon Street and stole his private firearm, a 7.65 mm Baretta automatic pistol and two magazines containing eighteen rounds of ammunition. I CO 537/3856

20 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 1700 hours, Rural. Two Jewish armoured cars, proceeding along the Suba track, opened fire on Suba village, and Arabs in the village returned the fire. The armoured cars then carried on to a nearby stone quarry where they were attacked by other Arabs. Leaving the quarry, the armoured cars opened fire on Qastal and Qaluniya villages with Bren gun fire. Two bombs were also thrown into Qaluniya. In both cases, Arabs returned the fire. There were no known casualties. At about the same time, some twenty armed Jews left Arza Colony and proceeded into the hills just north of the JaffdJerusalem road at kilo 10. Here, they were attacked by Arabs, and three of the party were killed. The remainder of the Jews then returned to Arza Colony. The three bodies have been recovered. The dead Jews are: Itzhak Kadushi (42) of Upper Motza; Abraham Boxer (21) of Upper Motza; Boaz Avivi (22) of Upper Motza.
CO 537/3857

20 MARCH 1948
2 Non-Commissioned Officers held up by armed Jews in RACS uniform in cafe 14021735. Later, 3 British soldiers entered cafe, also held up. Theft of 2 pistols, and 1 Sten, from Non-Commissioned Officers. Theft of 2 rifles, and 1 Sten, from British soldiers.
WO 261/573

20 MARCH 1948
20 armed Jews dressed in Military uniform raided Naafi stores, Harbour Road, Haifa. Cigarettes valued at LP 3385 stolen.
WO 261/573

21 MARCH 1948
Haifa, 03 10 hours. Two unoccupied Arab houses in Abu Bakher Street were blown up by Jews who placed explosive charges inside the buildings. The following casualties resulted: Mahmoud Sulieman Bakir (17) -dead.
CO 537/3857

21 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 0830 hours. At kilo 90 on the BeershebdGaza road, an Arab truck, driven by Siad Abu Khalan of Hebron, was held up by a Jewish armoured car. The driver and two Arab passengers abandoned the truck and fled as the Jews opened fire on them. The truck was then seized and driven off in the direction of Mishmar Hanagev. Police and military visited this Settlement and Ruhama Colony, but found no trace of the missing vehicle. The Settlers of both places deny all knowledge of the incident.
CO 537/3857

21 MARCH 1948
Galilee. 1000 hours, Beisan. Mohammed Abdullah Katib of Murassas village was working nearby with his son, Deeb Hamed Katib (18), wheneight armed Jews approached. These Jews abducted his son and made off. The boy was returned to his village at 1330 hours the same day, unharmed.
CO 537/3857

21 MARCH 1948
Lydda. 1530 hours, Jaffa. Two police armoured cars patrolling in the Manshieh Quarter were fired on by Jews positioned in Arlin Street. Police returned the fire. The Jews continued to fire, and two military armoured cars arrived on the scene and silenced the positions with two pounders. No police or military casualties resulted.
CO 537/3857

21 MARCH 1948
During the afternoon in Jerusalem, there was heavy firing between Yemen Moshe Quarter and the Old City. Some mortar bombs were fired into the quarter from Jaffa Gate area. Shooting is believed to have started with Jews firing at an Arab bus proceeding towards Jaffa Gate. It is reported that five Arabs were wounded, but this is not confirmed.
CO 4331477

21 MARCH 1948
Gaza, 1800 hours. An Arab truck travelling from Jaffa to Gaza, with a load of oranges, was fired upon whilst passing Yad Mordechai. The driver was killed, but two Arab passengers escaped on foot. Shortly afterwards, an armoured car from Yad Mordechai removed the abandoned truck into the Colony.
CO 537/3857

21 MARCH 1948
Of the two wounded Arabs who were taken from a military ambulance by Jews as the vehicle was passing through Rosh Pinna on 21 March, one was later returned dead. The other who was with him was also returned but in a condition that left no doubt he had been tortured.
WO 261/574

21 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 2000 hours, Urban. Several armed Jews entered the Ratisbon Convent near King George Avenue and abducted Carmel Ed Din (33, an Arab who is employed there as watchman.
CO 537/3857

21 MARCH 1948
Jerusalem. 200 hours, Urban. With reference to item 10 of yesterday's summary - Kamel Eddin was abducted by Jews and taken in a car to an unknown place where he was questioned about his own movements and those of his family. During his confinement, he was well treated but kept blindfolded all the time.

At approximately 0700 hours (22 March, 1948), he was taken in a car and released near Mustaspha P.S. where he was instructed to report to the police.
CO 537/3857


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Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
By Issa Nakhleh

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