Rami is fighting
for freedom of
something that so uncompromisingly in the
West is granted Rushdie and his, blasphemous
Since half
a year I am reading with great interest your
paper. As I have understood it is the largest
English - speaking Iranian paper. At the same
time I also find that your paper has almost no
news at all about or from Sweden.
question is if you believe your readers would be
interested to read articles from Sweden about,
e.g. society, politics, events etc. At the
moment I can offer you a story about a Swedish
citizen and a Moslem who is on trial for quoting
from the Christian Bible (the Old Testament) in
broadcasts from his small local radio station in
the Stockholm area.
It might
sound cryptic to you, but to put it shortly, Mr.
Ahmed Rami has explained the connection between
certain texts and today's (and yesterday's)
situation in Palestine. He has also thrown
lights upon the worldwide Zionistic movement,
its power of Western media, which we Swedes are
brutally experiencing right now, and its control
of capital and influence.
For this
he is now on trial risking two years of prison.
And mind you, everything I have checked up of
what he has said, is true! He is now fighting
for his freedom of expression; something that so
uncompromisingly was granted Rushdie and his
,blasphemous book late this spring.
freedom of expression concerns every journalist
and author but, as it seems, is not applicable
to issues concerning the Palestine conflict and
the long story behind!
I am
myself a journalist and employee at the Swedish
Television since more than 20 years. It is my
opinion that the story about Mr. Rami and his
devoted solidarity with the Palestinians, and
who, furthermore, dared to break the unwritten
law not to criticize Israel or Judaism, outright
to be told. Besides, this is the most I would
appreciate to hear, from you soon.
Birgitta Grenz
25 STOCKHOLM / Sweden