and Rushdie:
Thev Swedish
double standards
Ahmed Rami, director of Radio Islam in Sweden
has been given a six-month sentence by a Swedish
court following a complaint filed against him on
his alleged anti-Jewish propaganda. The court
has also ordered the station closed down.
According to many of the Radio Islam
listeners, the station always only attacked
Zionism for its macabre global designs.
Regrettably, the Swedish courts that claim to
belong to a reputably impartial and just
judicial system has condemned the radio and its
director on anti-Semitic grounds. Sweden's
judicial authorities too have upheld the court's
position claiming that it has been in defense of
a religious minority.
The Swedish governement claims that the
court's ha handling of Rami's case has not been
meted out in defense of a religious minority
Another nagging question is why the Swedish
government does not recognize the same right for
its Moslem community and does not defend them
against injury to their beliefs?
A case in point is that of the blashphemous
book "The Satanic Verses". One is surprised as
to how the so-called democratic Swedish
government covers itself in cheap excuses and-
lets a book as insulting as Salman Rushdie's
novel be freely published and distributed in
that country in spite of numerous appeals by
Moslems to ban it.
In their legal pursuits, the Swedish Moslems
filed their complaints against the book merely
on the grounds of its outright effrontery to
Islamic sanctities. Yet the "just" Swedish
judiciary turned a deaf ear to the appeal and
allowed the book to be published in that
Double standards of the Swedish government
and it's judicial system have undoubtedly
jeopardized and made a mockery of the high
democratic ideals claimed by that country.