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Islam and the Islamic World
• On Islam, Islamism, the Islamic World• The Jewish orchestrated "Islamophobia"
• Jewish "holocaust" propaganda legitimizing atrocities against Muslims
On Islam, Islamism, the Islamic World |
- Islam and Revolution
By Ahmed Rami
Islam and the Islamic world - What is Islam?
By Ahmed Rami
- Ahmed Rami about Islam and democracy
- A combat with unequal weapons
Interview with Rami published in Maroc-Hebdo International, a Moroccan weekly
- Morocco and the Revolution
By Ahmed Rami
Hitler on Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Ayatollah Khamenei supporting the Intifada
The leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei's Speech, Tehran, April 24, 2001
Fight With
Israel Urged
Iran's supreme leader Khamenei called on militant Palestinians to continue their struggle against Israel, saying the liberation of south Lebanon from Israeli occupation showed what was possible.
Imam Khamenei's message to the pilgrims
The President Khatami in support of The Palestinian Intifada
The Speech of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada, Tehran, April 24, 2001
- President Khatami's speech at the Islamic Teheran Summit
Seize the Chaos - Israel, the Neocons,
and their Bloody, Blundering “Art” of War
Israeli strategist Oren: “... we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran... This was the case ... even if the other ‘bad guys’ were affiliated to al-Qaida."
Videos on the Israeli support of ISIS/"Jihadi" groups
Quotes from former Mossad boss Efraim Halevy, former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon, director of Israeli intelligence agency Ami Ayalon, Israeli politician Naftali Bennett, Israeli Major General Yair Golan, Jewish writer and Zionist activist Bernard-Henri Lévy, Jewish professor Efraim Imbar.
Israeli think tank: Don’t
destroy ISIS; it’s a “useful tool” against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria
Jewish professor Efraim Imbar, director of the Israeli Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies.
Will ISIS Prepare the Biblically Promised Land for Israel at End of Days?
Rabbi Gimpel quotes from the Jewish scriptures...
Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist
By David Duke. ISIS - the product of years of intrigue, subversion, torture, terrorism and wars, all caused by the Jews-only state of Israel and the Jewish Lobby...
Cartoons/caricatures connected to Islam
and the Jewish campaign to sow a "sunni" "shia" rift, division with
Christianity, "Islamophobia" and the real masters behind
Full text of Osama bin Laden's
letter to America
First the excerpted version as presented by the Jewish Tribal Review, highlighting Osama bin Laden's quotes on Palestine, Jewry and Jewish Power in America. Then we also reproduce the whole letter in its entirety (taken from The Guardian, 24th November 2002).
"[...] the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense; precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against. [...] Your law is the law of the rich and wealthy people, who hold sway in their political parties, and fund their election campaigns with their gifts. Behind them stand the Jews, who control your policies, media and economy."
Note: It is interesting to see how these very poignant bin Laden statements on Jewish control of the USA have been downplayed and even hidden away, by the Jewish controlled Media, only focusing on the anti-Western aspects of his rhetorics. Thus al-Qaeda and other bin Laden followers and their offshoots, have been easily manipulated - and - infiltrated, by agents of Israel's Mossad, the Saudi secret services, CIA, MI6, to serve their needs - and foremostly the needs of Israel; To forment a "clash of civilizations", on whose ruins "Eretz Israel" can reign unchallenged, all opposition - military and spiritual - smashed to pieces.
- Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech in Madison Square
Garden, New York - a must hear!
The fantastic speech by Farrakhan on the Jews and their campaigns against him
- The Million Family March
By the Nation of Islam, October 16, 2000 in Washington, D.C.
- An organized snubbing of the Million Family March
- Establishing Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Unity in the United States of
America and Abroad
- Final Communiqué From The 2nd Islamic Peoples Leadership
Conference Held in America
To read more about Min. Louis Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam in the U.S.A.,
see our section on "Blacks and Jews".
The Bloodbaths of the Crusades Against Muslims (1095-1291)
By Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi
Arab Civilization and its Impact on
the West
By Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi
Abdessalam Yassine
Morocco: Letter to the Dictator
Nasser: Deeds and Legacy of a Leader
By Donald Neff
- Jewish occupied Egyptian Authority muzzles a political party!
Arafat: From Defender to Dictator
- Sadat's death was greeted with jubilation
Khalid al-Islambuli, the people's spear in the heart of treason
To eliminate existing economic models
means Jewish power would diminish greatly, hence the basic fault lines of the conflict.
Comments about Mr. Howeidi's book
"Taliban, soldiers in the Wrong Battle"
Silence in the face of Injustice is a Crime
By Fahmi Howeidi
- What is really going on in Iran?
A letter to Radio Islam.
- I want to be an Islamic freedom fighter
By Sana. A letter to Radio Islam.
- The Arabic language
A letter to Radio Islam.
Boycott and
- Fatwas on the Boycott of Israel
Judaism's war against Islam |
As Islam strives against oppression and poverty, logically sooner or later
the Jews will feel threatened in their pursuit for control and
dictatorship. The Jews are 100% convinced that real Islam is a threat
and have thus since decades waged a war, trying to recruit Christians and other
non-Jews - through political bribes and racist propaganda - to do the dirty work
of occuping Muslim states and defame the Islamic teachings.
Jewish War with Islam
Collection of articles on Judaism vs Islam, compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
- Islam's Resistance War with Israel and the Jews
- "An Islamic Anti-Jewishness"
By Yossef Bodansky
Islamic Revivalism: The Jewish Lobby's Impact on U.S. Foreign
By Dr. Ahmad Yousef & Terry Rauch
Islam and the West
By Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi
Penguin Books Desecrates
Penguin Books has committed a despicable act of disrespect and arrogance. It has filed legal ownership of The Holy Koran.
Israel's destruction, desecration and usurpation of Muslim
holy places and the violation of Muslim religious rights -
1 -
2 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Thirteen.
Survey of Israeli Acts of Aggression Against Al-Aqsa Mosque Since 1967
Barak Opens
New Dig near Aqsa Mosque
(Reuters 10/05/1999)
Saudi Arabia in
‘secret’ talks with Israel over control of Al-Aqsa
Middle East Monitor, June 1, 2020. Saudi Arabia, Israel and Jordan are working together in a bid to repel Turkey's growing influence in Jerusalem, an Israeli newspaper revealed.
File also includes articles on the same subject by The Times of Israel and The New Arab.
Facts every Muslim and Christian should know
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim! (Part 1 of 3)
Jewry's four pronged Strategy
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim! - (Part 2 of 3) By Lt. Col. Mohr
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim!
(Part 3 of 3) By Lt. Col. Mohr
- "Judaism
created Zionism and not the other way round"
What is going on in Morocco... A letter to Radio Islam on Ahmed Rami's TV appearance in Al-Jazeera.
Jews incite
war between Christians and Muslims - for Israel´s benefit
Rabbis now speak overtly...
Turkish "Muslim"
preacher Adnan Oktar to Jewish Rabbis from Israel: "We love you all
very much"
Adnan Oktar ("Harun Yahya"), former "anti-Semitic" writer-cum-"Islamic cult leader", turns pro-Jewish, pro-Israel and is hailed by the Jews. His harem of plastic surgery enhanced fem-bots - "Kittens" - and his vulgarly eccentric ways, poses no moral problem for the Jews, until his cult empire suddenly collapses.
Note: The Jews don't actually have a grudge against "Islam" as long as it is preached and propagated by someone under their total control.
The problems only start if the person and associated movement is acting contrary to Jewish Power.
The Jewish propaganda campaigns against Muslims |
The Jews are responsible for present "Islamophobia"!
What every Muslim (and Christian) must know:
The Jewish bible - the Torah - states:
"And I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian - brother will fight against brother, neighbour against neighbour, city against city, kingdom against kingdom."As part of this campaign the Jews in the West try to stir up the Westerners to be anti-Muslim by inventing a "Global Muslim Threat". But the only group which favours because of the present war-situation is the Jews and Israel - both the Westerners, and the Muslims are the loosers.
(Isaiah, 19; 2)
"The man who translated Salman Rushdie's 'Satanic Verses' into Persian -- and was threatened with death for his work -- is seeking asylum in Israel. Dr. Jamshid Hasni, 57, is married to an Israeli woman and is undergoing a conversion to Judaism. He told the Ma'ariv newspaper that he could not "return to my homeland because extremists will harm me. I prefer to live in a Jewish country. I want to be part of the Jewish people." |
The Great Islamophobic
Crusade - How the Israel Lobby
engineered Islamophobia - Chernick, Koch, Saban, Geller,
Jacobs, Weiner, Horowitz, Pipes, Foxman...
By Max Blumenthal
The Connection Between Zionism & Organized Islamophobia – The
Uncovering the Israeli-Republican-Evangelical Networks behind the
“Obsession” DVD
By Omid Safi, Palestine Think Tank, Oct 19th, 2008
Who Are Behind Pushing
By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton, PRA Right Web, October 18, 2008
- The West, War, and
Islam - The
Jewish medias are used to misinform and to instill hatred against the Islamic peoples
By Ernst Zündel
- How the Jewish-Zionist Grip on American Film and Television Promotes bias Against
By Abdullah Mohammad Sindi
Reel Bad Arabs
- Planet of the Arab - videos
Revealing the racist Jewish-controlled Hollywood propaganda war against the Arabs
- The Caricatures in Middle East Politics
By James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya
- Flemming Rose - A Ukrainian
Jew Working for Mossad?
Articles by Christopher Bollyn
- Mohammed
Cartoons - Jewish Media Provokes to Inflame 'Clash Of Civilizations'
The Mohammed
Cartoons - Recruiting Europe For Bush's War On Iran
Who was behind the "Danish" cartoons?
By Ahmed Rami
Cartoons/caricatures connected to Islam and the Jewish campaign to sow a "sunni" "shia" rift, division
with Christianity, "Islamophobia" and the real
masters behind IS/ISIS/ISIL
- Back to the section above on Judaism's war against Islam
Jewish "holocaust" propaganda legitimizing atrocities against Muslims |
Suggestions for a Muslim
It is a fact that anybody spending some length of time in mainstream Western society notes, that the Jewish victimology around the supposed WW II "holocaust" in magical gas chambers, is hammered - day and night - into the Western non-Jewish media consumers. Not a day passes by without TV, radio, the cultural pages of the main news papers, carrying something on this subject - usually produced by Jews. Even the Western schoolchildren get visits from Jewish so-called "survivors of the holocaust", telling their fantastic tales of Germans making soap from Jewish body fat, their miraculous escapes from Nazi "death camps", etc. - in front of weeping audiences of young minds.
The end result is a brainwash that effectively erases all feelings of sympathy for the modern victims of the Jews. The IDF slaughtermachine can thus openly massacre thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, but from the indoctrinated Westerners at most you will hear something like lame critique: "It is a sad thing what happens now, but it has to be understood in the context of the terrible deeds made by the Nazis against the Jews during the Second World War..."
Here we publish some articles on the Jewish use of this myth and
how it can be combatted, so that Westerners can be liberated from
this vicious propaganda and thus not be used as simple tools in
the Jews' war against Arabs, Muslims - against anybody standing in
the way of their expanZionist plans.
- The "Holocaust", a Typical Zionist Myth
By Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi
- A battle against all Jewish myths at once!
By Mohamed Hasanein Heikal. Foreword to the Arabic edition of Garaudy's The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics
A Conversation with Dr. Ibrahim
From The Journal for Historical Review. Interview with the Jordanian revisionist Ibrahim Alloush.
Practical Suggestions for Moslem Use Of Revisionist Works to Counter Zionist Propaganda
By Robert H. Countess
The Leaders of the Arab States should Quit their Silence on
the Imposture of the "Holocaust"
By Robert Faurisson. Written for the cancelled March 2001 Beirut Conference on Revisionism and Zionism.
For more information please see
section on Revisionism.