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Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action
By David Duke

Page 6 of 19

The resistance against
Israeli´s perpetual war of conquest

Unlike the bloody scenes of the aftermath of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel, Americans and Europeans never saw the butchery that Fisk describes. The media very seldom draw our attention to sufferings inflicted by Jews, it is suffering inflicted on Jews that they focus on. Those who wear the six-pointed star and who bomb United Nations shelters, ambulances, civilian refugee camps and civilian automobiles are never described as terrorists. They are simply referred to as "commandos" or simply "military forces." In contrast, Palestinian fighters outside the borders of Israel are, of course, routinely described as terrorists.

The remarks of the unknown old man at Qana that he "would like to be made into a bomb and blow myself up amid the Israelis," proved tragically prophetic, for just a year and a half later a number of Palestinians, desperate to exact revenge, sacrificed their lives to do just that in a Jerusalem marketplace. No one can defend any acts that kill or maim the innocent, but it is important to understand the horror that has induced hundreds of Palestinians to sacrifice their own lives to strike their feeble blows at those who have murdered their loved ones and stolen their homeland. In their grief and rage they also commit acts of violence against the innocent. The Zionist leaders also know full well that such Jewish losses, stroked by their media airing the blood-splashed video around the world, only increases Jewish solidarity and augment non-Jewish sympathy for the eternally suffering Jewish people.

When Saddam Hussein tried to take back Kuwait, which just a few decades before had been part of Iraq, the Western world went to war - encouraged to do so most notably by Israel. Were Iraq´s actions any more imperialistic than Israel´s against the Palestinians or the Lebanese?

Other than the scale of the conflict, what is the difference between Israel´s perpetual war of conquest compared to Nazi Germany seeking Lebensraum in the 1940s? Germany treated no nation worse than Israel did Palestine, with its terrorizing and driving out three-fourths of its Palestinian residents. No populations of any European nation, other than those in some of the Soviet-occupied sectors of Germany, had been so massively displaced. It is Interesting to note that Jews also directed the terror against the Germans as well, but in that war they wore the uniform of Soviet commissars rather than that of the terrorist Stern Gang or Haganah.

Within the borders of Israel and her occupied territories, under the heel of a harsh military occupation, Israel continues to expropriate land from the Palestinians, settlement by settlement. Naturally the Palestinians resist such confiscation. The greatest uprising in recent years was the Intifada. The statistics of Palestinian casualties are ominous. Here are the figures compiled by the major French magazine Le Monde:

1,116 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the Intifada (the stone-throwing revolt) on 9 December 1987, shot by soldiers, policemen or settlers. The figures break down as follows : 626 deaths in 1988 and 1989, 134 in 1990, 93 in 1991, 108 in 1992 and 155 from 1 January to 11 September 1993. Among the victims were 233 children under 17 years old according to a study carried out by Betselem, the Israeli association for human rights.
Military sources give a figure of nearly 20,000 for the number of Palestinians wounded by bullets and the U.N. Relief and Works agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) gives a figure of 90,000.
...This humanitarian organization also indicates that at least 20,000 detainees are tortured every year during interrogation in the military detention centers.

No country in peacetime - not even the Soviets or the Red Chinese in the heyday of their gulags - has held as many prisoners per capita as the nation of Israel. It is one of the few nations that will not officially renounce the use of torture. It has long been high on the list of the offenders compiled by Amnesty International. The London Times Magazine did an extensive exposé on Israeli torture in both the 1970s and the í80s. The inescapable fact is that Israel was born and built by invasion, murder, and theft. Such injustice requires the use of force and terror to maintain its power.

Meanwhile, Americans and Europeans grow up on mother's milk and the sacred intonation that Israel is the "only democracy in the Middle East." But does our Jewish-dominated media ever ask what kind of democracy simply expels three-fourths of the residents who might vote the wrong way? The terrorizing, dispossessing, imprisoning, killing and expelling have taken away from the Palestinians a lot more than just their votes, for the exiles have lost their country.

  1. Le Monde. (1993). September 12. p.118.


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