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Sunday, 6 February 2011

Cannibal Holocaust

Freddie Knoller, yet another Jew who survived Auschwitz, says he saw cannibalism happen in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp:
"There was no food left," he says. "I saw people cutting out flesh from bodies and roasting it behind the barracks. There were dead people everywhere."

Moshe Peer, who was a boy of nine in 1942 when he was sent to Bergen-Belsen. He also states cannibalism happened there. (He also claims to have survived six gas chambers, in a camp with zero gas chambers):
""Peer said Russian prisoners were kept in an open-air camp "like stallions" and were given no food or water. "Some people went mad with hunger and turned to cannibalism," Peer said."
Dr. Franz Blaha stated at the Nuremberg Trial, that cannibalism happened on the Nazi trains:
"Transports arrived frequently in Dachau from Struthof, Belsen, Auschwitz, Mauthausen and other camps. Many of these were 10 to 14 days on the way without water or food. On one transport which arrived in November 1942 I found evidence of cannibalism. The living persons had eaten the flesh from the dead bodies"

Dr. Fritz Leo stated at the 1945 Bergen-Belsen trial, that prisoners ate the genitals of others, raw:
"I myself have witnessed two or three hundred cases of cannibalism. I have seen ears cut off, cheeks cut off, parts of the shoulder cut off, parts of the back cut off and even parts of the sexual organs cut off. All the pieces which were cut off were only cut off out of hunger because the prisoners wanted to eat them raw immediately, or, if they could, cook it after and eat it then. I myself have seen several who had pieces of human flesh either in their pockets or in their small cooking utensils where they hoped to cook them later on."

Stephan Ross survivor of no less than 10 separate death and concentration camps, admits he ate some of his fellow Jews during WWII:
"To survive, we were resorting to cannibalism," Ross said. "We were eating each other to survive."

Norman Jaffe says Jews were eating each other on the Death March from Auschwitz in January 1945, when Auschwitz was evacuated:
"On a death march for two weeks thousands froze to death. We were then put onto open coal railcars with no food; hunger drove some to cannibalism."

Yehiel De-Nur claims he witnessed a Dutch-Jew (nick-named "Baby") being eaten alive by 1000 prisoners at Auschwitz. An SS man had poured a significant quantity of marmalade over him, and then asked other prisoners , how'd they'd like like a lick of marmalade:
"Inmates all over Baby. A voracious multitude, limbs tangling, arms and legs flailing, biting and being bitten in a mass frenzy. The two German spectators were convulsed with laughter. Later, on the deserted parade ground, only a chewed carcass remained, gnawed as if by a horde of famished rats."

Auschwitzer Maurice Siidmarc tells school children that cannibalism happened on the trains from Auschwitz:
"By 1944, 42,000 prisoners were evacuated from Auschwitz and sent to other camps. While in cattle cars, prisoners were forced to steal clothes from the dead to keep warm and even resort to eating their fallen peers."

Daniel Chanoch claims the Nazis actually served human-soup at Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria:
"The living conditions there were extremely difficult and the Germans used to prepare soups cooked with human flesh for the prisoners."


  1. I personally talked to a jew, who was in a camp. He said the camp immediately got a lot of meat,
    because a german town was hit by an air raid, an by that a lot of cattle came to death. And from that dead cattle also the concentration camp got a share of meat. This happenend in the end of 1944 or beginning of 1945, when the german people also was hungry and starving, and germanys infrastructure was more and more destroyed. And the concentration camp got a nevertheless a share of meat.

  2. "nevertheless a share of meat." What exactly do you think that means? Are you trying to make a case than cannibalism is ridiculous based on an unexpected overload of dead cow, therefore the prisoners had no reason to resort to cannibalism? But again, think about it. Do you really think that if a concentration camp received any sort of meat that it would go anywhere near the Jews? Nazi's ate the meat. They didn't want to waste money on feeding them.

    1. Read up on Dr. Russell Barton, who in 1945, was a young British Army doctor stationed at post-liberation Bergen-Belsen.


Addendum - by this Site:


"Cannibal Holocaust", the Italian djungle horror classic.
The courtroom of the first Belsen Trial, Sept 17, 1945, where cannibalism-witness Dr. Fritz Leo participated.

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