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Races? Only one Human race
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Radio Islam
Know Your enemy!
No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late































Communism works in the United States through precisely the same channels as it used in Russia and through the same agents -Revolutionary and Predatory Unionism, as distinct from Business and Uplift Unionism, and Jewish agitators. When Martens, the so-called Soviet Ambassador, "left" the United States after being deported, he appointed as the representative of Communism in the United States one Charles Recht, a Jew, a lawyer by profession, who maintained an office in New York. This office was the rendezvous of all the Jewish labor union leaders in the city, many of the labor leaders throughout the country, and frequently of American government officials and other political leaders known to be the henchmen of Jewish aspirations in the United States and sympathizers with predatory radicalism. The organization has since spread from coast to coast, from north to south. The situation of Communist headquarters in New York was, and is, important because from that center lines of authority and action radiate to all the other cities of the Union. New York is the laboratory in which the emissaries of revolution learn their lesson, and their knowledge is daily increased by the counsel and experience of travelling delegates straight out of Russia.

American citizens do not realize that all the public disturbances, the labor differences, strikes and political confusions of which they read are not mere sudden outbreaks, but the deliberately planned movements of leaders who know exactly what they are doing.

Mobs are methodical; there is always an intelligent core which gets done under the appearance of excitement what has been planned beforehand. Up through the French Revolution, up through the German Revolution, up through the Russian Revolution, and the world disorders since, came the previously chosen men, and to this day the groups thus raised to power have not lessened their power -and they are Jewish groups. Russia is not more Jewish controlled than France; Germany tried in vain to loosen the grip of Judah from her throat. So it is in America.

  The first step of the Jewish organizations supporting Communism in the United States was the control and expansion of the Hebrew labor movement among the millions of immigrants during 50 years; with the view to eventual Jewish control of all labor unions. The Jews have captured American trade union movements as completely as if they had stormed them with the bayonet.

  There is a mass of moving literature (mostly written by Jews) pretending to describe the glowing hearts with which these alien throngs of liberty-loving-democrats, workers' comrades, look upon America, their intense longing for the "American way of life," their love of the people and American institutions. The actions of these people and the utterances of their leaders all too clearly give the lie to this fair picture which gullible American Gentiles would fain believe.

  The resistance offered to the "American way of life," consisting in the limitations put on the Americanization program, has been sufficient to convince alert observers that, so far as the Jewish invasion is concerned, it is not their desire to go the way America is going, but to influence America to go the way they are going. They talk a great deal of what they bring to America but nothing at all of what they found there. America is presented to them as a big piece of putty to be moulded as they desire. "The Melting Pot," a term which the Jewish writer Zangwill gave currency, is not a dignified name for the Republic, and it is more and more challenged as descriptive of the process that goes on. There are some substances in the pot that will not melt; but more significant still, there are rapidly increasing influences who want to melt the pot!

  The two divisions of Jewish wealth and political power are-first, German Jewish, represented by the Schiffs, the Speyers, the Warburgs, the Kahns, the Lewisohns and the Guggenheims. These play the game with the aid of the financial resources of the nonJews. the other division is composed of the Russian and Polish Jews who monopolize the lower ranks of trade and industry. Between them their grip and influence is absolute. They may sometimes have internecine quarrels regarding the division of the spoils, and eager publicists may zealously call attention to these quarrels as evidence of the utter lack of unity among the Jews, but in the Kehillah and elsewhere they understand each other quite well, and on the question of Jew vs. "goy" they are indivisibly one.

  There is a distinction between what this Jewish coalition would do and what it could do, but its will and power never so closely correspond as when the non-Jewish element in the nation is asleep. Never are Jewish will and power 80 widely divorced as when the non-Jewish mind is alert. The only thing to fear is not the alert Jew, but the consequences of sleepiness among the Gentiles. The Jewish program is checked the moment it is perceived and identified.



There are more Communists in the United States than there are in Soviet Russia. Their aim is the same and their racial character is the same. If they have not yet been able to do in America what they have done in Eastern Europe, it is because of the greater dissemination of information, the higher degree of intelligence, and particularly the wider diffusion of the agencies of government, than ever obtained in Russia and Eastern Europe. The power house of Communist influence and propaganda in the United States is in the Jewish trade unions which, almost without exception, adhere to a Bolshevik program for the respective industries and for the country as a whole. The fact proves most embarrassing to the Jewish leaders in the recognized political parties very frequently. It is bad enough that Russian Bolshevism, Communism, should be so predominantly Jewish, but to confront the ; same situation in the United States is a problem which Jewish leaders have to use much ingenuity and deception to explain away or avoid. Yet the International Jew of America cannot be absolved from bearing sole responsibility for it. Russian Bolshevism came out of the East Side of New York where it was fostered by the encouragement-the religious, moral and financial encouragement - of Jewish leaders.

  Leon Trotsky ( Braunstein) was an East Sider. The forces which fostered what he stood for centered in the Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee. Both were interested in the work he set out to do-the overthrow of an established government, one of the allies of the United States in world war one. Russian Bolshevism was helped to its objective by Jewish gold f rom the United States-and by the ignorance and indolence of the Gentile citizens of the United States whose crimes of omission are almost as grave as those of bolshevik commission.

  Now that the influence of Communism is found to be numerically stronger here than in Russia, the fact causes no little embarrassment to "patriotic" Jews. 'the big Jewish labor organizations are the direct offspring of the Jewish Socialist Bund of Russia. Bundists swarmed to the United States after the abortive revolution of 1905 at which time they failed to put Bolshevism over in Russia, and these Bundists gave their time to the Bolshevising of the Hebrew Trade Unions in America. An Agitation Bureau was formed which propagated radical Socialism through the medium of the Yiddish language. The Bundists incorporated in 1905 in New York an organization known as "The Workmen's Circle" and "swelled the ranks of the Jewish trade unions," to quote the Kehillah's Register. After a brief attempt to propagate Socialism without reference to the Jewish Question, it was given up, and in 1913 a resolution was adopted declaring that the whole purpose of the work was Jewish. This is attributed, in the Kehillah record, to the spread of "the idea of Jewish nationalism."

  What amazes the student of the Jewish Question in the United States is the stupidity which permitted Jewish Bolshevism to flaunt itself so openly. The only explanation that seems at all adequate is that the Jews never dreamed that the American people would become sufficiently awake to challenge them. The occasional exposure of Jewish tactics in America comes as a surprise to the Jewish leaders, and is accounted for because they are confident they have gained too strong a grip on the American mind to make such challenges possible.

  But, the Jewish leaders must admit that the Jewish Question does not consist in American citizens uncovering the facts and helping other citizens to become aware of them; the Jewish Question inheres in the facts themselves and in Jewish responsibility for the facts.

  If it is "anti-Semitism" to say that Communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it; but to the unprejudiced mind it will look very like Americanism.



When the British Army passed into Jerusalem in the memorable capture of the city in 1917, the Protocols went in with it. A symbolic circle was thus closed, though not in the way the Protocolists had hoped. The man who carried the Protocols knew what they signified, and they were carried not in triumph but as the plans of the enemies of world liberty.

  Zionism is the best advertised of all present Jewish activities and has exerted a greater influence upon world: events than the average man realizes. In its more romantic aspects it makes an appeal to Christians as well as to Jews, because there are certain prophecies which are held to concern the return of the Jews to Jerusalem. When this return takes place, certain great events are scheduled to ensue.

  Because of this admixture of the "religious" sentiment, it is sometimes difficult for a certain class of people to scrutinize modern Political Zionism. They have been too well propagandized into believing that political Zionism and the "return" promised by the prophets are the same thing. Having succumbed to the initial confusion of mistaking Judah for Israel they have entirely mistaken the ancient writings that relate to these two and have made the tribe of Judah (whence comes the name of Jew) the hub around which all history and humanity swing. Judah was the single tribe with which Israel could not live in peace over 2,000 years ago, and which has the baleful gift of stirring up the same kind of dissension today. Yet no one ever thought of charging the Ten Tribes of Israel with "anti-Semitism."

  Zionism is challenging the attention of the world today because it is creating a situation out of which many believe the next war will come.*

  To adopt a phraseology familiar to students of prophecy, it is believed by many students of world affairs that Armageddon will be the direct result of what is now beginning to be manifested in Palestine.

  With Zionism as a dream of pious Jews this investigation has nothing to do. With Zionism as a political fact, every government is now compelled to have something to do. It is a bigger question than any other world question, it lies back of all world problems, large or small, national or international, and is rapidly proceeding under cover of many other interests.

  It is worthy of note that Zionism in the active modern political sense took its rise racially and geographically where Bolshevism arose, namely, in Russia, and that there was always a close relationship between the Zionists of Russia and the New York Kehillah, as was evidenced by public utterances made in Russia after the revolution in which the Kehillah was extolled.

  At the time war was declared in 1914, the Zionist Inner Actions Committee was spread about in various countries. For example: Dr. Schmarya Levin, of Berlin, was in the United States and remained there. He was a Russian ram bi, German scholar, and cosmopolitan. Although, in 1914, the Zionist center and seat of Inner Actions Committee was at Berlin, he remained in the United States and became recognized as the leader of the leaders of Zionism, until the great Jewish shift to Versailles. Another member of the Inner Actions Committee was Jacobson, who was in Constantinople.

  "When he saw that Constantinople could no longer be a center of Zionist politics, he left and went to Copenhagen, Denmark, where in a neutral country he could be of practical usefulness to the Zionists by transmitting information and funds." ("Guide to Zionism," page 80).

  In fact, the entire Inner Actions Committee, with headquarters in Berlin, moved freely through a war-locked world, the only two exceptions being Warburg and Hantke and there was no need for the Berlin Warburg to move about, for there were others who represented him.

  Dr. Levin gave his sanction for the shifting of the center of Jewish gravity from Berlin to America, and "As early as August 80, 1914, a month after the outbreak of war, an extraordinary conference of American Zionists was called in New York."

  What this change of seat meant, has formed the subject of much discussion. In 1914 the Jews apparently knew more about the probable duration of the Great War than did the principals. It was not to be a mere excursion through Belgium, as some fancied. There was time to dicker, time to show the value of certain Jewish support to the governments. Germany gladly pledged the land of Palestine to the Jews, but the Jews had already seen what Wilhelm TI had done in that ancient country when he enthroned himself on the Mount of Olives. Evidently the Allies won in the contest of making promises and submissions to Jewry, for on November 2, 1917, when General Allenby was pushing up through Palestine with his British Army, Arthur James Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, issued the famous declaration approving Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people.

  "The wording of it came from the British Foreign Office, but the text had been revised in the Zionist offices in America as well as in England. The British Declaration was made in the form in which the Zionists desired it, and the Zest clauses were added in order to appease a certain section of timid anti-Zionist opinion." ("Guide to Zionism," pp. 85-86.)

  Now read the Declaration and note the italicized clauses just referred to:

  "His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clear1y understood that nothing 8i1 be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed bay Jews in any other country."

  Zionism is of particular interest, not merely because of the quarrels which have arisen among the leaders over money-it is the war of "interest" against "capital"- but also because of the light it throws on the two great armies of Jews in the world, the way in which they use their power where they can, and the trouble that always embroils due nations which become Jewish tools.

  People sometimes ask why Jewry. which is capitalistic,


PDF-file in English (the complete book) 


CONTENTS (HTML-version, abridged from the original)  


Chapter 1. Jewish History in the United States

Chapter 2 .Angles of Jewish Influence

Chapter 3. Victims, or Persecutors?

Chapter 4. Are the Jews a Nation?

Chapter 5. The Jewish Political Program

Chapter 6. Introduction to the "Jewish Protocols"

Chapter 7. How the Jews Use Power

Chapter 8. Jewish Influence in American Politics

Chapter 9. Bolshevism and Zionism

Chapter 10. Jewish power in the Theatre and Cinema

Chapter 11. Jewish Jazz Becomes our National Music

Chapter 12. Liquor, Gambling, Vice and Corruption

Chapter 13. The World's Foremost Problem

Chapter 14. The Jewish Money Power

Chapter 15. The Battle for Press Control

Chapter 16. The State of All-Judaan


"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

Palestine banner
Viva Palestina!

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Jewish World Power
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Americas          Asia
Middle East       Africa
      U.N.              E.U.


The Internet and Israeli-Jewish infiltration/manipulations

Books - Important collection of titles

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Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action - By David Duke

The Power of Jews in France

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Israel's attack on US warship USS Liberty - Massacre in the Mediterranean

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Videos - Important collection 

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Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

Activism! - Join the Fight!