No hate. No violence
Races? Only one Human race
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Know Your enemy!
-No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late
You are what you know and what you do with what you know -¤- Freedom of Speech - Use it or lose it!

Judaism + Zionism + Israel
= Jewish Apartheid --

¤ Jewish Stat's Apartheid and Racism

¤ Massacres of Palestinians

¤ Zionist-Nazi Alliance and the Holocaust

¤ Torture and Human Rights

Judaism´s, Zionism's and Israel's Apartheid and Racism

Zionist-Nazi Alliance, Anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust

Politicizing the Holocaust
The Holocaust has been turned by Israel and its supporters into a political tool to silence criticism against its expansionist actions as anti-Semitism. It has also been turned into a money-making, and vote-collecting tool for lawyers and politicians. Indeed the reason why some Arabs are sometimes more inclined than others to adopt Holocaust Revisionism/Denial is the use by Israel's supporters of the Holocaust as a weapon to silence critics of Israel in its treatement of Palestinians.

Massacres of Palestinians

Deir Yassin Massacre

Hebron Massacre

Inter-Jewish Discrimination and Violence
Discrimination in Israel extends further to Jews, where Ashkenazim (European Jews) look down to/discriminate against Sephardim (oriental Jews), and the ultra-religious (Orthodox, who control many aspects of civil law, e.g. marriages and burial) against other Jewish sects (Reform/Conservative) and secular Jews. The majority of U.S. Jews --thanks to whom Israel virtually controls American Middle East policy-- are of the Reform/Conservative sects, while the U.S. Orthodox Jews are a minority. In Israel, reform and consevative Judaism has very little following. About 85 percent of Jews in Israel are secular, (but still call for control of the land based on biblical accounts). Famous victims of inner Jewish discrimination include the family of Mordecai Vanunu, the Dimona nuclear technician who exposed Israel's nuclear program to the London Sunday Times. His family emigrated to Israel hoping to live in Haifa, but were instead forced to live in the desert town of Beersheba (see A Cockburn Dangerous Liaison, 1991, p.95). Perhaps the constant state of mobilization and fear of war created by Israel's rulers is one way to divert attention from those differences which may otherwise ignite bitter internal conflict.

Torture and Human Rights

Ha'aretz on Israel's Human Rights Record

Expansionism, Expropriation & Settlements (Colonies)
Jewish Aggressions, Expansionism & Israel's Terrorism


Ethnic Cleansing ("transfer"), the "Demography Problem", Home Demolitions, Tree Uprooting

"Importing" Jews, even if they weren't Jews

Israel's Aggression

1956 War (The Suez War)

1967 War (Six-Day War)

1973 War (Yom Kippur War)

Israel's Terrorism

1948, Israel's Birth Myths, the "New Historians", and the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe)

"Only then [after an internal revolution] will the young and old in our land realize how great was our responsibility to those miserable Arab refugees in whose towns we have settled from afar; whose homes we have inherited, whose fields we now sow and harvest; the fruit of whose gardens, orchards and vineyards we gather; and in whose cities that we robbed, we put up houses of education, charity and prayer." -- Philosopher Martin Buber addressing fellow Jews in 1961. (Source).

Israel Murders Prisoners of War

Labor vs Likud: No Difference in Actions. Israel's "Left"
"You are exactly like the Likud. Don't you think that the Arabs need someplace to live?" member of Knesset Shulamit Aloni complained to Rabin after he made up his wide settlement plan of 1995, on 01/25/1995, Rabin Responded "I think about Israelis,". (Quoted in Settlements and the Israel-Palestinian Negotiations by Geoffrey Aronson, 1996)

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Ahmed Rami (the founder of the station Radio Islam), Box 316, 10126 Stockholm. Phone:+46 708 121240