Books and References on
Israel and the Middle East
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- Israel's Sacred Terrorism: A study based on Moshe Sharett's Personal Diary, and other documents. by Livia Rokach. Foreword by Noam Chomsky (1986)
The Fateful Triangle:
The U.S., Israel and the Palestinians
by Noam Chomsky (1999)
Read Review and Excerpt.
For information including ordering click here.- Pirates and Emperors: International Terrorism in the Real World by Noam Chomsky, 1986.
- The Gun and the Olive Branch: Roots of Violence in the Middle East by David Hirst (1977).
- Jewish History; Jewish Religion. The Weight of Three Thousands Years by Israel Shahak (1996) forward by Edward Said.
Read reviews of this book in Washington Report and Z Magazine. Another copy of the book may be found here
- Open Secrets: Israel Nuclear and Foreign Policies by Israel Shahak 1997. Review by Norton Mezvinsky and by Daniel Burton-Rose
- Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak and Norton Mexzvinsky, 1999. Reviewed by Allan C. Brownfeld
- Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A Reappraisal by Lenni Brenner. A book on Zionist-Nazi-Fascist collaboration. (1983)
- The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust by Tom Segev. (1993) (Review)
- 1949: The First Israelis by Tom Segev. (1986)
- The Holocaust in American Life a book by Peter Novick reviewed by Rachelle Marshall (Washington Report 01/2000). See page about it.
- Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship by Andrew and Leslie Cockburn (1991) (Review)
- The Arab Israeli Dilemma by Fred Khoury 3rd edition (1985)
- Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts about American-Israeli Relations by Paul Findley A book on the many sins of Israel towards Palestinians, Arabs and Americans. (1996) Reviewed by Richard Curtiss.
- They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby by Paul Findley A book on Israel's control, through its lobby AIPAC, of American foreign policy (1989). Read review here .
- Pity the Nation by Robert Fisk (1990). Review
- War In The Gulf 1990-1991: The Iraq Kuwait Conflict and its Implications by Majid Khadduri and Edmund Ghareeb, (1997)
- The Fire This Time: U.S. Crimes in the Gulf by Ramsey Clark (1993). Excerpts
- The Arabs and Israel for Beginners by Ron David (1993) (Reviewed by Ronald Bleier. Page at
- The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination : 1969-1994 by Edward Said (1995) (Review)
- The Yellow Wind by David Grossman (1988). Read a review by Catherine M. Willford.
- The Question of Palestine by Edward Said (1979)
- The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of Religious Nationalism in the Middle East Conflict by Rosemay and Herman Ruether (1989). Reviewed by Fouad Moughrabi.
- The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace by Alfred Lilienthal (1978, 1982). Reviewed by Grace Halsell
- The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time by Moshe Menuhin (1969)
- The Controversy of Zion. Jewish Nationalism, the Jewish State, and the Unresolved Jewish Dilemma by Geoffrey Wheatcroft (1996)
- A Fire in Zion: The Israeli-Palestinian Search For Peace by Mark Perry. William Morrow and Co., Inc., (1994). Reviewed by Andrew Killgore.
- Zionism and the Palestinians by Simha Flapan (1979)
- The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities by Simha Flapan (1987). Review by Andrew Killgore.
- The Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 Expulsion of a People from Their Homeland by Michael Palumbo
- The Obstruction of peace: The U.S., Israel, and The Palestinians by Naseer Aruri Common Courage Press Box 702, Monroe, ME 04951 (1995). Review by Cheryl Rubenberg and Ed Said. Another review by Kathleen Christison.
- Israel, an Apartheid State by Uri Davis (1987)
- The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem 1947-1949 by Benny Morris (1989). Review
- Israel's Border Wars, 1949-1956: Arab Infiltration, Israeli Retaliation, and the Countdown to the Suez War. By Benny Morris. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, 451 pp. Reviewed by William Quandt.
- The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1947-51 by Ilan Pappe (1994)
- Collusion Across the Jordan by Avi Schlaim (198?)
- Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel by Stephen Green (1984). Reviewed by Donald Neff
- The Passionate Attachment: America's Involvement with Israel 1947 to the Present by George and Douglas Ball
- Palestine and Israel: a Challenge to Justice by John Quigley
- The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy by Seymour Hersh (1993)
- Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad by Gordon Thomas (1999). Reviewed by Richard Curtiss
- Original Sins: Reflections on the History of Zionism and Israel by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi 1993. Reviewed by H. J. Skutel
- From Haven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem Until 1948 by Walid Khalidi (1987)
- Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of "Transfer" in Zionist Political Thought 1882-1948 by Nur Masalha
- A Land Without A People: Israel, Transfer and the Palestinians, 1949-1996 by Nur Masalha, 1997
- The Holocaust Industry by Norman G. Finkelstein (2000) Read Extracts
- Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict by Norman G. Finkelstein (1995).
- The Rise and Fall of Palestine:A Personal Account of the Intifada Years. by Norman G. Finkelstein (1998). Reviewed in the Nation by Ian Gilmour. From the cover.
- Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy Towards Palestine and Israel Since 1945 by Donald Neff, 1995. Read Chapter one. (Jewish Americans and the State Department, 1897-1945.) Reviewed by Andrew Killgore
- Warriors Against Israel: by Donald Neff, 1988. Reviewed by R. Annick Avera
- War in the Gulf 1990-'91 The Iraq-Kuwait Conflict and its Implications by Majid Khadduri & Edmund Ghareeb, 1997. Summary.
- The Scourging Of Iraq by Geoff Simons, 1996.
Iraq Under Siege Edited by Anthony Arnove (2000). Authors include Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk, Howard Zinn and Denis Halliday. Read a review by the Economist (03/24/2000)
- By Way of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy (1991)
- The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda by Victor Ostrovsky (1994). Reviewed by Andrew Killgore.
- Israel A Colonial-Settler State? by Maxine Rodinson Monad Press, 1973
- The Transformation of Palestine: Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Arnold J. Toynbee Northwestern Univ Pr, (1987)
- Necessary Illusions: Thought Control In Democratic Societies by Noam Chomsky (1989)
- Deterring Democracy by Noam Chomsky (1992)
- Israel: A Country Study Edited by Helen Chapin Metz Federal Research Division Library of Congress (1988).
See also Israel Army Area Handbook- One Nation, Under Israel Andrew Hurley, 1999. Reviewed by Richard Curtiss
- The Invention of Ancient Israel and the Silencing of Palestinian History by Keith Whitelam (1997)
- For the Land and the Lord: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel By Ian S. Lustick, 1988
- Sanctuary and Survival: The PLO in Lebanon by Rex Brynen (Boulder: Westview Press, 1990).
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