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From The Office Of IAP (The Islamic Association for Palestine)
P.O. Box 743533 - Dallas, Texas 75374-
Tel 972/669-9595 - Fax 972/669-9597-

Amnesty International Report on House Demolitions In The Occupied Territories

(December 13th, 1999)

The Islamic Association For Palestine (IAP) condemns the continued wanton destruction of Palestinian homes at the hands of the Israeli government. In its latest report titled "ISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES: Demolition and Dispossession : the destruction of Palestinian homes," Amnesty International outlines the destruction of Palestinian homes which have taken place in the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Gaza is not included in this report. In its summary of the report, Amnesty writes:

"Since 1987 the Israeli authorities have demolished at least 2,650 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, because they did not have a building permit. As a result 16,700 Palestinians (including 7,300 children ) have lost their homes. The number of demolitions per year has not fallen since the Declaration of Principles, signed in 1993, initiated a series of peace accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. On the contrary - although the number of Palestinians under direct Israeli control is now only one eighth what it was before, the average number of house demolitions per year - 226 - has even shown a slight increase."

The report goes on to say that although the number of destroyed homes is indeed large, it is small compared to the number of homes which now have a demolition order on them. The report reads:

"At the present time it is believed that 1,300 homes, housing a quarter of the population in Area C (the area of the West Bank still under full Israeli control) are under demolition order and perhaps 12,000 homes in East Jerusalem (over a third of the population)."

The report correctly pointed out that this continued destruction of Palestinian homes and the denial of opportunity to build legally are related to a policy of land confiscation from private Palestinian ownership which is then used exclusively for Israeli development. Furthermore, discriminatory laws prevent non-Israelis from leasing confiscated land.

Of course these events have traumatic emotional consequences for those whose homes have been demolished. They are given no warning of the time and date of a demolition and the bulldozers arrive accompanied by scores of soldiers armed with batons and guns. On many occasions members of the family and other protestors have been beaten by batons or wounded (and once even killed) by rubber-coated metal bullets.

This policy of continued destruction is a breach of international humanitarian and human rights treaties which Israel has ratified including: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and The International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). Israel has been condemned by the United Nations many times for its violations of these treaties. For example, in 1998 the United Nations Human Rights Committee examined the initial report of Israel on its implementation of the ICCPR wrote:

"The Committee deplores the demolition of Arab homes as a means of punishment. It also deplores the practice of demolitions, in part or in whole, of 'illegally' constructed Arab homes. The Committee notes with regret the difficulties imposed on Palestinian families seeking to obtain legitimate construction permits. The Committee considers the demolition of homes to conflict directly with the obligation of the State party to ensure without discrimination the right not to be subjected to arbitrary interference with one's home (art.17), the freedom to choose one's residence (art.12) and equality of all persons before the law and equal protection of the law (art. 26)." (CCPR/C/79/Add.93, para.24)

In addition, in 1998 The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, considered Israel's report on its implementation of the ICERD and called "for a halt to the demolition of Arab properties in East Jerusalem and for respect for property rights irrespective of the ethnic origin of the owner". (CERD/C/304/Add.45, para.11) Furthermore, the house demolitions are a breach of Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, states:

"Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations".

There are no "necessary by military operations" for this destruction. Article 147 of the same Geneva convention defines a number of "grave breaches" of the Geneva Convention and includes among them: "extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly".

By its continued policy of destruction and lack of respect for the rights of Palestinians, Israel has ignored the many international treaties which they have agreed to hold up. If this is not state sponsored terrorism, then we don't know what is. We join our voices with Amnesty International and urge the United States, Israel's biggest supporter, to exert pressure on the Israeli government to put an end to its policy of house demolitions in the Occupied Territories.

The full text of the Amnesty report can be read on the internet at the following website:


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