Jewish Media Power
Jews have disproportionate influence on the medias in the West; the press, TV/Satellite channels, radio stations, publishing houses, and also in the film industry where for instance the Jewish dominance over Hollywood is used to promote their Apartheid state of Israel and Jewish values, and where the political enemies of Zionism are portrayed as sub-human. We also recommend reading on the different Jewish media magnates in our respective sections on for instance Britain, Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia. Many of these magnates/tycoons/oligarchs have direct contacts with Israel and the highest echelons of that state.
Hollywood is mainly -
according to Jewish sources - in Jewish hands, and is misused as an
instrument of propaganda. The Hollywood films shape the minds of
Westerners but also, due to their Global reach, the rest of the world as
"Four of the largest five entertainment giants are now run or owned by Jews. Murdoch's News Corp (at number four) is the only gentile holdout -- however Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so."
-- Los Angeles Jewish Times, 'Yes, Virginia, Jews Do Control the Media', Oct. 29-Nov. 11, 1999, p. 14.
"Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom-CBS, News Corporation and Universal rule the entertainment world in a way that the old Hollywood studio chiefs only dreamed of. And, after all the deals and buyouts, four of the five are run by Jews. We're back to where we started, bigger than ever."
-- Jewish Week, 9-17-1999, 12.
"Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. [...] Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"
-- Jewish journalist Elad Nehorai in "Jews DO control the media", The Times of Israel, July 1, 2012.
• Most important articles/documents
The Jewish Hollywood
Names of the actors, companies, analysis Jewish admissions,
the names, the influence
Murdoch empire and Fox News
Murdoch and Israel, bias, censorship Connection to Israel, op-methods
Examples on bias/censorship
Knows the Power of the Media
Articles to illustrate
Examples Netanyahu, Barak, Rabin, harassment
Other Zionist tactics
Middle East "Experts", Slogan/Myth Drilling
• Arab
vs. Israel:
Belligerent Rhetoric vs Belligerent Action
• Hebrew (i.e. Israeli) Press
Where Jews write what the really think
Read also
- Jewish influence over the Internet -
special section
Israeli interventions, Jewish Net censorship
Most important articles/documents |
Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt.1)
[362 Kilobytes] [about 76 paper pages] Jewish control of the mass media; Jewish filmmakers, comedians; the popularity of psychoanalysis in Hollywood; non-Jewish movie stars in the Jewish world; the Jewish "shiksa cult" and its role in institutionalized sexual predation in Hollywood; Jewish dominance of major Hollywood studios; Jewish screenwriters; Jewish nepotism; pre-eminence of Jewish women in the Hollywood power elite; Norman Lear, Aaron Spelling, and other powerful Jewish executives of note; the name-changing of Jewish celebrities; African-American resistance to Jewish Hollywood hegemony; the semantic issue of whether "Jews control Hollywood" or "Jewish individuals control Hollywood." -
Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt.2)
[591 Kilobytes] [about 123 paper pages] Laurence Tisch's pro-Israel CBS experiment; Time-Warner; erosion of family values at Jewish-dominated Disney-ABC; prevalence of drug glorification in Hollywood; Jewish pre-eminence in the strip tease and pornography worlds; the usual Hollywood double standard: a loving portrayal of Judaism and deconstructive attack upon Christianity; TV's celebration of Jewish identity and mass media defamation of Italian Americans, Ukrainians, Muslims, Arabs, and others; Jews at the helm of sleazy entertainment; Jewish pre-eminence in the news world, the publishing trades, the talent agency scene, radio, music; international Jewish pre-eminence in the mass media from Brazil to Poland - Jewish
Influence in the Mass Media (pt.3)
[513 Kilobytes] [about 103 paper pages] The mass media's censorship of critical stories about Jews or Israel; Jews and the "intellectual" and "radical" media; Jewish dominance in the music world; Dear Abby, Ann Landers, and Jewish domination of the "agony aunt" field. - Who Rules America?
The Jewish Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must Be Broken (updated 2002) - Who Rules America Through The
- Jewish Power in the American Medias
An analysis of Jewish influence in U.S. TV, radio, newspapers
"The greatest concentration of Jews, however, is at the producer level --
and it is the producers who decide which stories will go on the air, and how long, and in what order, they will run. In 1982, before a shift in assignments, the executive producers of all three evening newscasts were Jewish, as were the executive producers of CBS's 60 Minutes and ABC's 20/20. And Jews are almost equally prominent at the 'senior producer' and 'broadcast producer' levels as well as in senior management. When Reuven Frank stepped down as president of NBC News in 1984, for example, he was replaced by Laurence Grossman, who left the presidency of PBS to take the position."
-- Charles Silberman, A Certain People. American Jews and Their Lives Today, Summit Books, 1985, p. 154. -
Rules Hollywood And US TV Today?
- Jewish Media Moguls in Action
Important collection of quotes and articles on Jewish Media Power
- Jewish Magnates in the U.S. Medias and Finance
List of Jews in control of U.S. media, finance and Economy
- Jewish
influence over Disney and thus over what the kids watch
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt.2). See also info further down in the document on Chaim Saban. - The
Jews themselves on the importance and result of Jewish media influence
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt.3).
Safanov, a writer at the Seawanhaka newspaper of Long Island
University in New York, agreed. 'I'm a Jew before being a
journalist, before someone pays me to write,' he said. 'If I
find a negative thing about Israel, I will not print it and
I will sink into why did it happen and what can I do to
change it.'
Safanov said that even if he eventually wrote about negative incidents that happen in Israel, he would try to find the way 'to shift the blame.' " - Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, November 23, 2001, in an article reporting on a Jewish journalist meeting at "Do the Write Thing", a special program for student journalists sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the World Zionist Organization at the General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities. |
See also:
- Jewish influence in British
Zionist Concentration in Canadian Media
Article on the Jew Israel Asper's CanWest Media Empire
- Jewish Mafia Takes Over Ukrainian Television
Media Influence in Sweden (and Finland)
A concerned Swede reveals Jewish mafia overtake -
"Independent" media in Serbia financed by Jew George Soros
- Jewish Media influence in
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2). -
Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration
- important document - to be spread!
By Freedom Research, January 2012
- Cartoons/Caricatures on Jewish Media Power
- Jewish Media
Personalities - photos
Includes copys of media connected articles
- Jews and the Media: Shaping Ways of Seeing
By Kevin McDonald, California State University
- How the Jewish-Zionist Grip on American Film and Television Promotes bias Against
By Abdullah Mohammad Sindi - The
Jewish medias are used to misinform and to instill hatred against the Islamic peoples
By Ernst Zündel
- Midas Ears: Zionist Control of Media
By Israel Shamir
- Jews in American Film and
By Mark Weber - "Culture wars" - Subverting
the Disney Legacy - How Michael Eisner
Has Transformed the "Magic Kingdom"
By Mark Weber - The Big Hollywood Lie: Denying that Jews Control the Film Business
By the IHR
Outright media provocations by the Jews
To get the "Clash of Civilizations" going...- The Caricatures in Middle East Politics
By James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya
- Flemming Rose - A Ukrainian
Jew Working for Mossad?
Articles by Christopher Bollyn - Mohammed
Cartoons - Jewish Media Provokes to Inflame 'Clash Of Civilizations'
- The Mohammed
Cartoons - Recruiting Europe For Bush's War On Iran
- Uncovering the Israeli-Republican-Evangelical Networks behind the
“Obsession” DVD
By Omid Safi, Palestine Think Tank, Oct 19th, 2008
Who Are Behind Pushing
By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton, PRA Right Web, October 18, 2008 -
Who was behind the "Danish" cartoons?
By Ahmed Rami
The Great Islamophobic
Crusade - How the Israel Lobby
engineered Islamophobia - Chernick, Koch, Saban, Geller,
Jacobs, Weiner, Horowitz, Pipes, Foxman...
By Max Blumenthal
The Connection Between Zionism & Organized Islamophobia – The
Some Media Actors
(see also Murdoch's Fox News and the Jews behind Hollywood,
CNN:s Wolf Blitzer - agent of Zionism, and CNN:s Larry King and "femme sioniste" Christiane Amanpour
By Freedom Research. Includes video clip of Blitzer in debate with the anti-Zionist Jew Norman Finkelstein.
- A.M. Rosenthal's pro-Zionism
Article from The Jewish World Review -
Zionist Jew Pehr Gyllenhammar infiltrates the
Reuters News
- US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy
Article from The Guardian - ADL indoctrination of journalists
Hollywood |
Reel Bad Arabs - Planet of the Arab - videos
Revealing the racist Jewish-controlled Hollywood propaganda war against the Arabs
Cover of Jewish Moment Magazine Aug. 1996. - "Jews Run Hollywood - So What?"
Jewish Moment Magazine reveals the Jewish domination in Hollywood - "Do Jews run Hollywood?" You bet they do - and what of it?
On Jews and Hollywood - the Jew Ben Stein brags.
How Jewish is Hollywood?
By Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times. More Jewish boasting: "I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them." -
Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags
Revealing article from The Times of Israel, July 1, 2012: "We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. [...] Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"
- The Big Hollywood Lie: Denying that Jews Control the Film Business
By the IHR - Jewish Stars Over
Hollywood - The Name Changers
- Jewish Actor
Kirk Douglas and Israel
- The Jewess Heidi Fleiss -
Hollywood "madam” trafficker of prostitutes to the stars
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage. -
Israel to Seek Celebrity Support
Article from The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles -
Israeli President Shimon
Peres Applauds Hollywood's Influence on Youth
Article from The Hollywood Reporter, 2012: “Peres [...] spoke of how today ''children believe the actors more than the politicians''”
- Photos of
Celebrities bowing to their Jewish masters
"Hollywood is run by Jews. It is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering"
-- Actor Marlon Brando on Larry King Live 04/05/1996
"It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews."
-- Steven Steinlight, one of the leading Jews of the United States, former head of National Affairs for the American Jewish Committee (AJC), "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography", CIS, October 2001
Note: The vast documents
Influence in the Mass Media (pt.
1) and
Influence in the Mass Media (pt.
2) contain a lot of info specifically on Hollywood.
![]() ![]() Regency's Arnon Milchan with arch-Zionists Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu |
Arnon Milchan is an Israeli film producer in Hollywood behind the famous "Regency" production brand. The Los Angeles Magazine (April, 2000) writes: "Throughout the 1970s, '80s, and even up until the Gulf War in 1991, Milchan was Israel's foremost weapons procurer". The Hollywood producer Milchan was also involved in the cooperation and military arrangements between Apartheid South Africa and Israel, to circumvent the boycotts. Milchan told CBS "60 Minutes" (3/5/2000 edition): "I was playing an important role in the system of collecting money from South Africa, or transferring money, or helping South Africa in their financial transactions." According to "60 Minutes", some of the money Milchan moved around the world came from an illegal $100 million slush fund set up by the South African government used to buy off politicians and foreign media outlets critical of its policies.
- Hollywood in
Zionist hands - Life and career of Zionist Jew and Israeli agent Arnon
hot for Israel at Paramount gala
Jewish Journal article on Milchan's big 2008 Hollywood party with famous actors and representatives for Israel
Israel-Hollywood nuclear
Revealing article on Arnon Milchan from MSNBC News - The last Tycoon
Article on Zionist Jew Arnon Milchan from Los Angeles Magazine - Israeli secrets
could be exposed by nuclear trigger dealer's arrest
Article on Arnon Milchan from Israeli Newspaper Ha'aretz -
fugitive held in arms trade inquiry
Article from The Guardian
- Photos of
Celebrities bowing to their Jewish masters
Includes pics of Arnon Milchan and friends
Haim Saban, Jewish Hollywood Mogul:
"His greatest concern, he says, is to protect Israel, by
strengthening the United States-Israel relationship. At a conference
last fall in Israel, Saban described his formula. His “three ways to
be influential in American politics,” he said, were: make donations
to political parties, establish think tanks, and control media
- The New Yorker, on Chaim Saban
"The Influencer", May 10, 2010.
- The career of
Zionist Jew Haim Saban
Jewish media mogul Haim Saban's pro-Israel credentials
The New Yorker's revealing article "The Influencer" from 2010: “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel.” - Foreign
Influence - American contributions to Israeli political campaigns are
raising concerns
Article from The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles on Jewish Hollywood Mogul Haim Saban, "the biggest Israeli player in Hollywood" - Mighty
Morphin' Power Brokers
By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, on Jewish Hollywood Mogul Haim Saban - Israeli
millionaire to purchase 50% of Al-Jazeera shares
Article from Pravda
Saban Group to Increase ProSiebenSat.1 Stake to 50.5%
More articles:
- The one
serious subject Hollywood doesn't avoid: More than 170 films about the Holocaust
have been made since 1989. Six more are out this fall
Christian Science Monitor, November 22, 2002
- The
Holocaust: Using it as a propaganda
machine by Israel
By Alfred Lilienthal. Extracted from chapter 13 of the book The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? - The
Jewish Establishment
By Joseph Sobran (12/1997). An anti-Semite used to be a person who hates Jews. Now, however, it is a person whom the Jews hates, or a person who disagrees with Israel's policies. The anti-Semitism charge is an effective tool used to silence the critics of Israel. - Rabid
By Joseph Sobran (12/1997)
At a ceremony in Los Angeles in 2002, Jerry Weintraub - a famous Jewish Hollywood agent/producer/executive - was awarded the "Golan Fund's Humanitarian Award" by right-wing (at the time former) Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanjahu. The Golan Fund is a Zionist organization, described at one Internet web site as "a non-profit organization in the U.S. Its objective is to support developing Jewish life in the Golan [Heights -- part of the Occupied Territories of Israel] by strengthening the 32 [Jewish] communities and the city of Qatzrin.") |
Murdoch's media empire and the Fox News |
In 1997, the United Jewish Appeal revealed the real colours of the Jewish community by awarding its "Humanitarian of the Year" award to media mogul Rupert Murdoch at a fund-raising dinner that raised $2.3 million for the organization. Mother Jones magazine wondered about the surreal moral reasoning behind the award: "The media baron is better known to labor and human rights groups for his union-busting and for catering to the Chinese government (in 1994 he yanked the BBC off his Asian satellite network because officials in Beijing were angered by its reporting on Chinese human rights violations)." (Mother Jones, 9/10-1997, p. 18)
"By what criteria has the UJA chosen the worldwide robber baron for this
years' award over, say, Radovan Karadzic [accused of war crimes in Bosnia],
or perhaps Larry Flynt [the pornographer]?" wondered Eric Alterman
in the Nation, "... Murdoch was chosen, the UJA says, for his 'longtime
support of the security of the state of Israel, his friendship for the Jewish
people, and his support of UJA.'" [ALTERMAN, p. 6-7] The
Australian-born Murdoch had earlier been honored in 1982 as the "Communications
Man of the Year" by the American Jewish Congress. He was presented that award by
AJC president Howard Squadron, who was also Murdoch's American lawyer, his guide
to visit right-wing politician Ariel Sharon in Israel, and an opinion page
writer for Murdoch's New York Post. [GOLDSTEIN, T, p. 69; KIERNAN, T., 1986, p.
262] "The Jewish national cause is one that is extremely important to me, to
my family, and to my company," Murdoch told the UJA audience,
We're also in Israel [Murdoch has investments there] because of
faith in the integrity and worthiness of the Zionist undertaking. I have been
accused of being pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, pro-Jewish -- charges to which I plead
guilty." [LEON, M., 7-4-1997, p. 16]
(See the
following link to trace
the quotes above)
- More on Rupert
Murdoch's connection to influential Jews and the state of Israel
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2). -
Murdoch Concedes that his Aims are
"I have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals of the international Jewish community"
Excerpts from the Jewish Magazine "15 Minutes" -
Friendship to the Butcher
Excerpts from the Jewish Magazine "15 Minutes"
Pro-Zionist Censorship
Article from the Evening Standard
The US Jewish War on Iran for Israel - Fox News Fans the Hysteria
By Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.
Turner Calls Rival Media Mogul Murdoch 'Warmonger'
Murdoch bilk Israel of $150 million?
From Jewish Telegraphic Agency
- Kissing the
Boots of a Media Goliath
By Norman Solomon (Creators Sydicate 04/04/1997)
More on Murdoch's influence in the world of Internet and on-line information can be read in the document:
The Jewish hand behind Internet
The Jews behind Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...
Thousands of "independent" journalists all over the Globe get
dispatches from this Israel-controlled organization, articles and videos
edited to suit Israel's propaganda goals.
- MEMRI - Guardian exposes a US "Arab" news agency as a clandestine Israeli Intelligence operation
MEMRI is propaganda machine, expert says
By Lawrence Swaim, InFocus - Israeli Center Opened In Baghdad
From the Islamic News Agency
The result - Media bias |
Media bias in the U.S. is the manifestation and endresult of Israel's power in the Western world. It is not always so much in blatant lies, but rather, it is in telling half-truths, taking events out of their historical context, and giving gentler names to actions by Israel vice vile ones to actions by Palestinians and Arabs.
- On Jewish media bias and
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2). - Concrete
examples of Jewish media censorship
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 3). - Jewish/Israeli Censorship
A huge collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review - US
Journalists Consistently Ignore Israeli State
By Sheldon L. Richman (Washington Report 05/1991) -
John Pilger on Israel and the media
By John Pilger, News Statesman. "If you got your news only from the television, you would have no idea of the roots of the Middle East conflict, or that the Palestinians are victims of an illegal military occupation." - Media
Myopia Some Booby Prizes for Myths,
Mistakes, Misplacement, and More By John Law (Washington
Report 05/1991)
Hatemonger Steven Emerson Enraged by CAIR-Chicagos Positive
Social Engagement By CAIR-Chicago
Anti-Hate Center (May 5, 2009)
- Steven
Emerson's Crusade By John F. Sugg
(FAIR 01/1999).
See also Emerson's Ties to Spies in the article Israeli Agent Found Dead In Washington, DC. On Emerson's Israeli intelligence connection (National, December 8, 2004). The Jerusalem Post (9/17/1994) has noted that Emerson has "close ties to Israeli intelligence."
- Media Coverage of
the "Peace Process" By Noam
Chomsky. Excerpts from his book Necessary Illusions
(1989). Especially the coverage by Thomas Friedman and the New
York Times.
- Vanunu is
Still a Non-Person in U.S. Media By
Norman Solomon (Creators Sydicate)
spin remains in sync with israeli occupation By Norman Solomon
- A Free Press in
the U.S.? Not Where Our Special Relationship with Israel is Involved
By Susan Madeiros
- Annan
Answers Media Critics By Nicole
Winfield (Associated Press 01/20/1999). It is a coincidence
that the same hard-core pro-Israel columnists (Rosenthal) and
magazines (New Republic) that happen to be the ones attacking
Annan for averting the bombing of Feb 1998? And why aren't those
columnist raising an issue about UN:s Ekéus and
Butler being American puppets? It wasn't until recently (Jan 1999) that
the US espionage on Iraq via UNSCOM became an issue.
- Netanyahu
Benefits from Chronic Media Bias By
Norman Solomon (02/14/1997)
and FLAME Pressuring U.S. Media By
Mitchell Kaidy (Washington Report 07/1993)
- Washington Post
Responds to CAMERA's Andrea Levin.
(Commentary 02/1998) CAMERA pro-Israel organization that ensures
the Western Press present "accurate" information about Israel
(i.e. information in line with pro-Israel themes).
- "Extremist"
Author Silenced for Lack of "Moderate" Opponent
By Sam Husseini (FAIR 1993)
- Zuckerman
Unbound By Sam Husseini and
Jim Naureckas (FAIR 02/1993)
- Repetition
doesn't make a lie the truth -- this is how I know
By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel
- Book
on Times' Editor Helps Explain Media Bias for Israel
By Alfred Lilienthal (Washington Report
- American
Jewish Fantasies of Israel: Coping
With Cognitive Dissonance
By Leon Hadar (Washington Report 08/1989). Discusses how the image of Israel in the minds of American Jews is basically a fantasy that is quite different from reality. Also, tells how the Israeli Hebrew press describes a vastly more accurate picture of the events and sins of Israel, than the image of Israel in Ameircan Jews' minds. When not told about the origin of some Israeli press articles they were asked to examine, most of American Jews thought it was from an anti-Semitic or anti-Israel Arab press. No one guessed it was the Israeli press. The difference between the Israeli and the American Jewish press are a further testament to that.
"...of an average of 3,000 olim from the US each year, there are more than a few, and perhaps far too many compared to other communities, with a tendency toward acute extremism, to the point of violence"
-- Eitan Haber quoted in the Jerusalem Post at
- Popular
New Heikal Book 'Out of Print' Three Months After U.S. Release By
Adbeen Jabara (Washington
Report 12/1997)
- Internal
Criticism of Racism Would Be Called "Anti-Semitic" Outside Israel
By Israel Shahak (Washington
Report 08/1991) One of the ways anti-Israel critics are silenced
is to stigmatize them as anti-Semites.
- Retaliating
in Advance: U.S. Reports Reverse Chronology of Israeli Airstrikes on Lebanon
By Hussein
Ibish (Extra 09/1999)
Coverage of Israel's Occupation of Southern
Lebanon A letter from ADC
Communications Director Hussein Ibish to CBS News. (ADC
- How
America Swallows the Israelis' Lies By
Robert Fisk (The Indepdendent 02/14/2000)
- U.S. news
media: A security zone for Israel By
Norman Solomon, (The Free Press 05/25/2000)
- Press
Coverage of Palestinian Uprising Reveals Extreme Anti-Arab
Hostility (ADC
- Meticulously
Planned Exodus Saga Gained Sympathy For Zionist Cause
By Donald Neff (Washington Report
- US
urges curb on Arab TV channel (BBC)
Chief Orders 'Balance' in War News By Howard Kurtz
(Washington Post)
caves in to Israel over its references to illegal
settlements By Robert
Fisk (Independent 09/03/2001)
- Subtle CNN Bias By Mazin Qumsiyeh (03/31/2001)
- In Search Of
Truth, Not Dogma By Amy
Pagnozzi (Hartford Courant 12/19/2000)
- Robert
Fisk: I am being vilified for telling the truth about
Palestinians By Robert Fisk
(Independent 12/13/2000) 'The abuse being directed at anyone
who dares to criticise Israel is reaching McCarthyite
- Where
'caught in the crossfire' can leave no room for
doubt By Robert Fisk
(Independent 10/02/2000)
- U.S. Media
Mirror Distorts Middle East.
Discusses subtlety of U.S. media bias in covering the Middle East,
another manifestation of Israel's power within the
- Not telling
the whole Truth By
- Gentler Names to
Inhumane Actions by Israel By
- Public
Spectacle, Public History By
Edward Said (Al-Ahram 02/18-24/1999) Analysis of how the
media defines the context, and hence the official history. Here
the example Said uses is that of the media glorification of King
Hussein, whose elevated status comes from his acceptance of
U.S./Israeli peace, and not the true and just peace.
- Media
in Cruise Control On the Bombing of
Sudan al-Shifa Factory and Afghanistan By Jeff Cohen and
Seth Ackerman (FAIR 08/1998)
- A
Few Things Journalists Forgot to Tell Their Audiences By John Law (Washington Report
- Letter To
NPR - Criticism of media Middle East coverage By Ali Abunimah
- "Spin
machine" blames the victim By
Hanan Ashrawi (Middle East Times 10/2000)
- Toughest Foreign Story By Rick Salutin (Toronto Globe & Mail 10/20/2000) AL AQSA UPRISING
- Israel
turns to P.R. firm for makeover amid
violence By Peter
Hermann (Baltimore Sun 07/29/2001)
- Israel
to launch global public relations blitz
(Agence France Presse 08/07/2001)
- Israel
furious at BBC for Sharon claim
By Brian Whitaker and Vikram Dodd (The Guardian
staff are told not to call Israeli killings
'assassination' By
Robert Fisk (Independent 08/04/2001)
editorials largely support Israel
By Joshua Ronen (Jerusalem Post 06/25/2001)
head slams Bush administration
(Ha'aretz 10/25/2001)
- U.S.
press sympathetic to Israel, ADL finds
By Shlomo Shamir, (Ha'aretz 10/25/2000). If even the ADL
--a pro-Israel organization-- thinks the US media coverage of the
uprising is "sympathetic to Israel", then no doubt should remain
in anyone's mind that the US media is extremely biased for
- Press
Coverage of Palestinian Uprising Reveals Extreme Anti-Arab
Hostility (ADC
- Where
'caught in the crossfire' can leave no room for
doubt By Robert
Fisk (Independent 10/02/2000)
- The
biased reporting that makes killing acceptable
By Robert Fisk
(Independent 11/14/2000)
is the victim as the same old double standards prevail
By Robert Fisk
(Independent 10/29/2000)
- In
Search Of Truth, Not Dogma
By Amy Pagnozzi (Hartford Courant 12/19/2000)
Roll out the propaganda war By Phil Reeves (Independent 10/29/2000)
- Israel
wins war of words By Brian Whitaker (Guardian 04/09/2001) on the dangers of
sloppy journalism
- Bias
and fear tilting coverage of Israel
By Norman Solomon (04/19/2001)
journalists refuse to tell the truth about
Israel 'Fear of being
slandered as "anti-Semites" means we are abetting terrible deeds
in the Middle East' By Robert Fisk (Independent
- Biased
Coverage of Israel Prolongs Conflict
By Salim Muwakkil (Chicago Tribune 04/23/2001)
defense minister gloats over world silence at Palestinian
deaths (AFP
- When journalists forget that murder is murder
By Robert Fisk (Independent 08/18/2001)
- On "Political
A collection of misc. articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review on Jewish media campaigns and censorship

For examples of the Zionist manipulation of American public and media in the war against Iraq, see
our special Iraq section.
Other Zionist Tactics |
Middle East "Experts": The spectrum of news analysts and commentators is divided between the hard-core pro-Israel individuals, such as George Will and William Safire, versus the mildly pro-Israel ones, such as Tom Friedman and Ted Koppel. By selective criticism of Israel, the latters are made to appear as anti-Israel hence, giving the unsuspecting audience the illusion of balance reporting and equal representations on both sides of the issue. In addition Middle East guests on shows usually span the same spectrum of opinion of hardcore versus mildly pro-Israel. So not surprisingly, the only Arab-American who appears with frequency as a "Middle East expert" is professor Fouad Ajami, who was reportedly viewed, even by president Bush, as "more anti-Arabs than the Israelis," after the latter summoned Ajami to a meeting before the Gulf War (see a review of Ajami's book, the dream palace of the Arabs, by Andrew Robin from the Nation dated 03/23/1997.) Rarely, if ever, does one see such true Middle East experts as Edward Said, Norman Finkelstein, and Noam Chomsky, anywhere near media outlets. (This is also partially due to these experts themselves turning down invitations to shows which usually dictates on them presenting their case in few minutes.)
Slogan/Myth Drilling (with Response)
The deception in Middle East politics lies
in the detail, not the headlines where most people "get their news
about the Middle East". This accounts for some of the distorted
view of the true Middle East in people's minds. Other methods of
media deceptions is the continuous drilling of false slogans and
cliches into people's minds, so that when one is too lazy to seek
a detailed book for the facts, as most people are, he/she will
fall back on to these "truths." These slogans also serve to
mobilize diaspora Jews to pressure the US to accept Israeli
position. Such slogans include:
- "Israel is the only democracy in the
Middle East" rather than a democracy for Jews, a
colonialist and a religiously exclusive state. Even Jews (of
denominations other than Orthodox and/or of Sephardi origin)
are discriminated against in Israel.
- "Israel made the desert bloom",
but no mention of the sources of water such as the headwaters
of the Jordan river, Sea of Galilee and the lakes above it that
were being used to irrigate Arab lands, which now, as a result
of water shortage, were turning into desert. See page 131 of
Cockburn Dangerous Liaison, 1991. (Of course not to
mention the erasing of 418 Palestinian villages and uprooting
of 726,000 and enslaving the rest, as part of blooming the
desert.) Also noted is Israel's systematic uprooting of tens of
thousands of Palestinian trees, 50,000 since the beginning of
the Oslo "Peace Process" alone (See
by Gideon Levy and an
by Michael Browning and Larry Kaplow,
(American-Statesman 11/28/2000)
- "Israel's purity of Arms" not
counting the cluster, phosphoric, and implosion bombs used in
Lebanon against civilians and the resultant 20,000 deaths, 85
percent of which were civilians, killing of prisoners of war by
Israel, countless devastations and massacres, and killing and
maiming during the Intifada of over 70,000 Palestinians many of
whom children under 14. See an interview in Al-Hamishmar of
Israel's Chief of Staff Gur where he bluntly admitt how Israel
customarily bombs civilians, cited in Edward Said's
intorduction to the Question of Palestine,
- "[Poor] Israel is haunted by
terrorism", without really alluding to the reasons for
that, such as provoking, dispossessing, killing, harassing,
uprooting, and torturing the Palestinians.
- "Israel our [US] valued
ally", but avoiding such sensitive issues as Pollard, USS
Liberty, Israeli espionage, Israel Lobby's neck-hold on such
US-ME policies as blocking Billions of Dollars of airplane
deals to Saudi Arabia and competing with U.S. defense
- "The Palestinians still refuse to
truly recognize Israel", as if an elephant, Israel, really
cares if an ant, the Palestinians, recognizes its existence.
Just in the same manner that the US would not really care if,
say Micronisia, recognizes its existence.
- "The Peace Process" is a
"land-for-peace" Deal, but never mind the astronomical
growth of 50 percent of settler population on the occupied
Palestinian West Bank just since Oslo, or the thousands of
Palestinian homes demolished on Palestinian lands since Oslo to
build settler-exclusive highways and others.
- In 1948 The Palestinians were asked by Arab governments to leave in order to comback after an anticipated victory. Israeli historian Benny Morris dispelled this myth a decade ago. But the reason for the departure of the Palestinians is irrelevant here, since according to the Internationl Declaration of Human Rights they have a right to return. (See Benny Morris' The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1989, and Edward Said's The Question of Palestine, 1979)
Of the many manifestations of Israel's/Jewish media power is:
Infitely many movies dehumanizing Palestinians and Arabs as mere terrorists who are in constant lust for blood and lack for a legitimate cause ("True Lies" and "Executive Decision").
Infinitely many movies nourishing the many negative stereotypes about Arab culture in general ("Best Defense" and "Father of the Bride II").
Infinitely many movies, books, documentaries, shows, etc, collecting charity of public opinion for, and allegiance to the suffering of the Jews ("Shindler's List" and "Diaries of Anne Franks"), while obscuring the massacres of others throughout the ages, such as the Ukranians by Stalin or the Armenians by the Turks, but mainly, the atrocities against today's Palestinians at the hands of "holocaust" "survivors".
Almost all U.S. TV announcers and other public figures will not forget to juxtapose "Happy Chanukah" next to the customary "Merry Christmas", a gesture only granted to Judaism among the many religions whose followers in the U.S. number more than Jews.
Such biases and deceptions are aimed at molding a more human image of Israel and inhumane one of the Arabs and the Palestinians in the U.S. and hence creating and maintaining a more ignorant public, whose tax money and ignorance are necessary to maintain the US support of every atrocity Israel commits.
Knows the Power of the Media
Knowing the power of the media, Israel
selects its officials based on their knowledge of American manners
and culture, i.e., have the ability to: play on the right emotion,
maneuver skillfully to avoid sensitive issues, focus on irrelevant
but catchy buzz-words, hence deceiving the American public who
pays the bill, as explained by Israel Shahak (Washington Report
11/1996). This was the case of Benjamin Netanyahu who was
"discovered" in July 1982 by Moshe Arens (then foreign minister)
who needed somebody with American manners to "explain" the
invasion of Lebanon to congress. When the issue concerns the
Palestinians, Israel bases its actions not necessarily on morals,
(rarely so in fact), but on the optimal way to avoid media
attention. Here are two such illustrations by prime ministers
Netanyahu and Rabin. The Rabin example also illustrates the
difference in style, but with the similar outcome (as far as the
Palestinians are concerned), between Labor and
While campaigning for the prime ministership, he criticized
his Labor party opponents for missing an opportunity during
the Tiannamen Square massacre. "Had he been prime minister,
he said, he would have seized the chance then, while the
world was watching China, to carry out the transfer of the
Blaming Netanyahu for opening the tunnel in 1996 which
caused riots and the killing of about 70 people, mostly
Palestinians. Barak said that Netanyahu did it the wrong
way. Instead of opening the tunnel directly, he should have
first announced some new housing for Palestinians, to
distract the media, THEN open the tunnel. Rabin:
"For all its faults, Labor has done
more and remains capable of doing more in the future [in
expanding Jewish settlements] than Likud with all of its doing.
We have never talked about Jerusalem. We have just made a 'fait
accompli.' It was we who built the suburbs in [the annexed part
of] Jerusalem. The Americans didn't say a word, because we built
these suburbs cleverly." |
- Israeli-Jewish Propaganda
A collection of articles on Israeli propaganda campaigns compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
- Israel to launch global public
relations blitz (Agence France Presse)
- Israel turns to P.R. firm
for makeover amid violence By Peter Hermann (Baltimore
- UK
Jews Plan Israeli Propaganda Group - BICOM
and FLAME Pressuring U.S. Media By
Mitchell Kaidy (Washington Report 07/1993)
- Washington Post
Responds to CAMERA's Andrea Levin
(Commentary 02/1998) CAMERA pro-Israel organization that ensures
the Western Press present "accurate" information about Israel
(i.e. information in line with pro-Israel themes).
Israel's fake "U.S. organizations" on a mission to stop Hezbollah's Al-Manar
TV station reaching Western audiences
On "The Coalition Against Terrorist Media" and "The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies"
By Resistance Research, July 2008
For examples on the Jewish offensive against the Internet, please see our special section on Jews, Israel and the Net.
And if manipulations don't work, why not
shoot the journalists on the spot...
- Israelis take revenge
- target journalists
By Sam Kiley, The Times - Foreign
press: Israel ignoring IDF shooting of
By Tamar Hausman (Ha'aretz 05/29/2001) - Protest Letter.
Israel and the Occupied Territories. Journalist Injured in Ramallah.
Reporters Without Boundaries, May 15, 2001
"This is the fourth journalist to be shot and injured in 2001 during confrontations between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli soldiers. Close to forty media professionals have been shot by Tsahal [Israeli Defense Forces] in the last three years." - The
first casualty of war -
Israelis say Western reports are biased. But the media complain
Israel is harassing them
By Peter Beaumont, Brian Whitaker and Edward Helmore (The Observer 06/17/2001) - Reporters Without Borders places the
Palestinian Authority higher than Israel in terms of press freedom
Press freedom has been ranked
- US
plane bombs Kabul, al-Jazeera office targeted
(Times Of India)
Arab vs. Israel: Belligerent Rhetoric vs Belligerent Action |
By Rosemary and Herman
Ruether in their book "The Wrath of Jonah"
"Efforts of Arabs to communicate with the west have been hampered by deep anti-Arab racism in Western culture.. as well as by differences of culture that make the Arabs very inept at organizing mass communication for the Western mass democratic culture. Precisely in this area of mass communication to the western world, however, the Jews have excelled. Vehement Arab anti-Zionist (sometimes anti-Jewish) rhetoric has been exploited by world zionism to convince Jews and Christians that Arabs are irrationally violent, in contrast to Israeli "reasonableness". While Arab leaders tend to be militant in rhetoric, but conservative and often indecisive in practice, Israeli leaders are usually carefully moderate in public rhetoric but decisively opportunistic in diplomatic and military action. "It is ironic that most American Jews, who are strongly committed to the view of the secular and pluralistic state in the U.S., support an ethnically and religiously exclusive Jewish state in Israel." |
- Arafat's
Dilemma is one of Perception
By Ray Hanania (09/13/1996) - Poor
Palestinian Politics Injures Hillary
and Our Righteous Cause
By Ray Hanania (Arab Media Syndicate 11/13/1999)
unilateralism tends to the rhetorical, Israeli to be the
" |
Hebrew (i.e. Israeli) Press |
Careful comparison between the Israeli press (such as Ha'aretz, Ma'ariv, and Yediot Aharonot but not the oriented-towards-American Jerusalem Post) and the American (NY Times, Washington Post, U.S. News, CNN, .... etc) shows that the former is way more informative when it comes to Israel and the Middle East. While the American press and TV is dominated by pro-Israel apologists and others who either fear blacklisting (i.e. being branded anti-Semites), or blindly defend Israel, the Israeli press, on the other hand, is often more revealing and way more informative. The American press version of events is usually watered down, or put into some irrelevant context, leaving the average American ignorant or naive when it comes to the Middle East. Observe, for example, the treatment of the following issues by both the American versus Israeli press: Israel's nuclear weapons, terrorism by Israeli settlers, American Aid, Israel's monopoly of water resources in the area, settlement expansion, Palestinian human rights ... etc
- IDF using
Israeli press for psych warfare
By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 10/19/1999)
"It doesn't
matter what government the country has. The power is held
by those who own and control medias." - Ahmed Rami |
Other sections on the U.S.:
- The cost of Israel - Israel's
Effects on U.S. Interests
- The Jewish Lobby in the US
- Jewish power in US politics
- U.S. and World Business and Finance
- When Jews Rule... -
The most thorough work to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA.
- Nation of Islam and the Black Resistance