- Introductory Quotes
- Israeli Position
- Peace Proposals and Israel's Rejectionism
- History of the "Peace Process", Oslo, Wye ,
- Expert opinion on the "Peace Process";
Edward Said, Noam Chomsky, Charley Reese, Naseer Aruri, Israel
Shahak and Robert Fisk.
- Misc. articles on the "Peace Process"
- Refugee issues
- The Corruption of Arafat-Abbas and Fatah as Israel's occupation enforcer
- Netanyahu's and Barak's government
- Historical Documents and Chronologies
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice." -- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. |
" The Oslo "Peace Process"
is "A new instrument for reaching traditional
[Israeli] objectives." |
"It's stupid for any colonial power
to try to run the local people with its own forces. Much
better to get local mercenaries usually brought from some
other region... And Israel is finally recognizing that the
only thing that MAKes any sense is to revert to the classic
colonial pattern -- the South African,
Indian...British-in-India type pattern -- in the areas that
it is handing over to some degree of Palestinian
Authority... I doubt that Israel will keep all the
territories it has now. That would be completely crazy in
fact. Probably they will go back to something like the
extreme demands that have been put forth in the past. The
current agreement is, in fact, way out at the extreme. In
fact, what it looks like now is the Sharon Plan of
1981." |
Israeli Position |
"I ask Rabin to make concessions,
and he says he can't because Israel is too weak. So I give
him arms, and he says he doesn't need to make concessions
because Israel is strong" |
"Whenever we seemed to be having
some success with the Arabs, Begin would proclaim the
establishment of new settlements or make provocative
statements. This behavior ... seriously endangered prospects
of peace" |
"I have to tell you that
everybody over there [in Israel]
should know what the [White House] telephone is:
1-212-456-1414. When you're serious about peace, call us." |
Peace Proposals and Israel's Rejectionism |
- 1967-1971: The UN Jarring Mission peace plan.
- 1969: The Rogers plan.
- 1971: As soon as he assumed power, Sadat offered Israel full peace in 1971.
- 1976: January, the PLO offered Israel full peace.
- 1977: The Carter Comprehensive Peace Plan (later modified to meet Israeli conditions)
- 1981: The Prince Fahd Peace Plan.
- 1882: The Reagan Peace Plan
- 1982: The Arab Fez Peace Plan.
- 1988: The PLO Peace Plan.
- 1989: the Bush Peace plan
Despite their inclusion of recognition of Israel, all these plans were rejected and ridiculed by Israel, as they included an Israeli withdrawal to the June 4, 1967 borders (and eventual Palestinian self determination). In addition, Israel often would counter a peace offer with the announcement of a new settlement establishment, e.g. after the Reagan/Bush/Baker peace plans. This was usually done by Likud governments demonstrating their defiance and in-your-face style settlement expansion, over the "clever" (i.e. covert) Labor methods of achieving the same goals. (See Findley's Deliberate Deceptions, pp. 201-205).
Finally a negotiation counterpart... acceptable to Israel
Sadat's Camp David "Peace" Agreement |
- What Sadat's
Peace forgot By Edward Said
(Excerpted from "The Question of Palestine," 1979). Western media
role, Begin's in-your-face settlement declaration.
- Sadat's
Jerusalem Trip Begins Difficult Path
of Egyptian-Israeli Peace By Donald Neff (Washington Report
- Camp David
Fairy Tale Editorial (Washington
Report 04/05/1982)
"... the peace with Egypt engendered the expropriation of half the land in the West Bank and the establishment of dozens of new settlements; the conclusion of the evacuation of Sinai was the signal for the Lebanon War.... The Oslo process also exacted a heavy price by legitimizing the "settlement blocs" -- Meron Benvenisti (Ha'aretz 12/16/1999)
By signing the peace treaty with Israel, Sadat basically ignored the Palestinian problem, the core of the whole conflict, and neutralized his country as the strongest Arab country facing Israel, while now Israel is free to bomb Lebanon, invade it (1982) killing 10s of thousands of civilians, occupy its southern part calling it "Security Zone", annex Jerusalem (1980) and Golan Heights, (1981), bomb Iraq's nuclear reactor (1981), attack Tunisia (PLO headquarters in 1985), mercilessly try to crush the Intifada (1987-), tighten its grip on the W. Bank and Gaza by boosting settlements, dispossessing Palestinians of yet more land (1980's & 1990's).. all with total impunity.
The "Peace Process" |
Settlements Population Increase on the West Bank and Gaza Mostly AFTER the Oslo agreements. Illustrates Israel actual desire for continuing the occupation disguised under the "Oslo Peace Process". (Map source Foundation for Middle East Peace) |
East Peace Process Documents
from http://www.un.int/palestine/, website of the Permanent
Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations
- West Bank Map According to Oslo II + Other detailed maps of Settlements/Jerusalem (Foundation for M.E. Peace)
Today we have the Israeli-Fatah "Peace Process". Aside from the fanfare, this process has brought more misery on the Palestinians than the actual occupation, where now the Palestinian Authority (PA) has become the oppressors, crushing any signs of little Intifadas, torturing people, jailing hamas followers with no charges, and other practices usually attributed to Israel. (Note: in the early 80's in an effort to undermine the rising political legitimacy of the PLO, Israel backed Islamic fundamentalists, who without this backing, would not have evolved to the organization known today as Hamas. That, of course, is not important information to be shared with the public by the media.)
The GNP (Gross National Product) of the Palestinian "entity" is 40% less now than before Oslo. 629 Palestinian houses have been demolished by Israel since Sep 1993 (until early 1998). Settlement population have increased by 40% from 120,000 in 1992 to 170,000 in 1998.
The West Bank and Gaza are split into three areas according to Oslo. Area A: 3-4%, under total Palestinian control, area B: 30-40% under joint Israeli (military)-Palestinian (civilian) control, and area C: 60-70% under total Israeli control. (Under the Wye agreement, 13% of B will go to A, and 13% from C to B). The result is: Palestinian areas are disconnected islands scattered around the West Bank, dissected by for-Jews-only highways built on demolished Palestinian houses and confiscated Palestinian land. The Palestinian control is now limited to collecting garbage and tax collection. Everything else is under Israel's mercy including the control of water resources. Hence, the current peace process is basically the old Allon Plan, (but with more fanfare and fireworks,) which was designed to enable Israel to maintain the advantages of the occupation, while avoiding dealing with the domestic problems. The Peace Process has made the Israeli occupation legitimate and the Palestinian's rightful resistance to occupation terrorism.
If Abbas truly cares about his people, rather than his newly acquired powers, he would step down, in protest over this fake peace.
"This is your problem but I warn
you that every line in the Oslo accord calls for another
accord.... The Oslo accord is very mysterious and when a
document is mysterious, it usually is in favor of the
stronger party." |
Wye Agreement |
of Land Under Israeli/Palestinian
Control (Areas A, B and C) Before, During and After Wye
"It is the Israelis that have not fulfilled any of their phase 2 obligations" according to Wye River agreement -- Department of State Spokesman, Wednesday, 6 January 1999. Source (See U.S. Report on the Middle East)
Wye Agreement: A lot of fanfare added to an ordinary step in the "Peace Process." Perhaps the purpose of it is to give the sinking American president some "credit." Wye resulted from Israel's refusal to carry out the second redeployment called for in Oslo II. The outcome of this agreement is the same as previous ones: Israel signs along with the Palestinians, then adds new conditions, and claims the Palestinians are not honoring their part of the deal. The result, as usual, the party with more power --Israel-- does what it wants ignoring the accord. This is evident as Israel embarks on a new settlement frenzy encouraged by Sharon who called on the settlers to grap as many West Bank hills as they can.
"There is no such thing as a freeze [on construction].... Our policy is to grow and expand... This issue must be coordinated behind closed doors with the army and not in front of the media."
-- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Quoted in Ha'aretz 11/24/1998)
- Fun and
games at Camp Gimmick By David
Makovsky (Ha'aretz 10/23/1998). Humiliating the U.S.: another
- The psychology of
Wye By Zvi Bar'el (Ha'aretz
- The Wye
Bother Summit By Phyllis
Bennis (Baltimore Sun 10/25/1998)
- Sharon
Encourages Settlers to Grab What
They Can of Palestinian Land after the Wye Agreement, Editorial
(Ha'aretz 11/17/1998)
- The Price of
Suspending Wye By Ze'ev
Schiff (Ha'aretz 01/08/1999)
- Burying
Wye Editorial (Ha'aretz
- PM Insists
PA Frees Terrorists By David
Makovsky (Ha'aretz 02/24/1999). Even the pro-Israel Martin
Indyk and the U.S. disagrees with Israel on this.
- PA Help Thwart Terrorist Attack in Tel Aviv By
Amos Harel and Nicole Krau (Ha'aretz
- Gaza
Airport: Instead of a Gateway to
Heaven, it is Just Another Israeli Check-Point By Maureen
Meehan (Washington Report 03/1999)
- Securing the
Occupation: The Real Meaning of the
Wye River Memorandum By prof. Norman Finkelstein
- Netanyahu:
"There is no Such Thing as Freeze on
settlements construction By Nadav Shragai and Sharon
Gal (Ha'aretz 11/24/1998).
- U.S. Says
Netanyahu Broke Secret Promise to
Stop settlements By David Makovsky (Ha'aretz
- Palestinian
Prisoners By Dana Budeiri
(Associated Press 12/09/1998)
- Jerusalem Stabbing, Palestinian Prisoners
after Wye By Patrick Cockburn (The Independent
- Man Who Shot
Bound Palestinian to be Freed Early By Nina Pinto (Ha'aretz 03/07/2000)
- Don't
Release Killers: B'Tselem's response
to President Weizman's decision to reduce the sentence of five
Jews who murdered Palestinians (B'Tselem 02/04/1999)
- Israel
Pardoning Jewish Killers By
Laurie Copans/Batsheva Tsur (Associated Press/Jerusalem
Post 02/04/1999).
"This justice minister should be
reminded that murder is murder and bloodshed is bloodshed, and one absolutely
cannot give preference to one murderer over another or one terrorist over
another just because the murderer 'is one of ours,' as it were."
-- Meretz
MK (Knesset Member) Yossi Sarid quote-of-the-day on Jerusalem Post Internet
Edition of 02/04/1999.
- Further release
of Palestinian prisoners expected
tomorrow, but not those "with blood on their hands" By David
Makovsky and Amira Haas (Ha'aretz
- The Burden of the
Lie By Amira Haas (Ha'aretz
"Palestinian unilateralism tends to the rhetorical, Israeli to be the real. "
-- Washigton Post Editorial 03/24/1999 (commenting on Israel's complain about the possible Palestinian "unilateral" action, of declaring a state)
- Recapitulating
the Redeployments: The Israel-PLO 'Interim
Agreements' By Geoffrey
Aronson (Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
- Patrick Seale:
Rabin's message of a possible
withdrawal from the Golan that Christopher carried to Al-Assad was
a "deception" (U.S. Report on the Middle East 10/28/1998)
- U.S. The
Weak? By David Makovsky
(Ha'aretz 06/03/1998)
- Yasser Arafat on a
Hook (Washington Post Editorial
- Israel
Confiscates Palestinian Land. By
Mark Lavie (Associated Press 11/20/1998) A sad Palestinian
daily experience.
- Kissinger: Israel
Need NOT Return More Land. (MidEast
Dispatch 11/24/1998)
- Hebron: Heart
of Madness Editorial (Challenge
- The Real
"Peace Now" (Middle East Realities
- Netanyahu
Benefits from Chronic Media Bias By
Norman Solomon (02/14/1997)
- Al Shara
assails PM's 'credibility' By
David Makovsky, Yossi Verter & Daniel
Sobelman (Ha'aretz 08/18/1998).
Ariel Sharon: the Golan Heights are of "enormous importance" for Israel's security because of the water sources there. (emphasis added). - Ignoring
Justice to Protect the Budget By
Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 12/21/1997). Regarding compensation
to Intifada victims. What would happen if Germany did the same
regarding compensating Holocaust victims?
- Fifty Years of
Dispossession By Jan de Jong
(Le Monde Diplomatique 08/1997)
Expert Opinion on the "Peace Process" |
Intellectuals such as Edward Said, Noam Chomsky
and others have addressed the inequities of the "Peace Process" and
exposed the injustice under the heavy gloss and loud fanfare cast by
western media.
Edward Said
- Essay by Edward Said (Guardian 08/16/1997)
- Arafat's Gamble: The Lost Liberation (Guardian)
- An Orphaned People (The Nation 05/04/1998)
- Rally and Resist for Palestinian Independence
- How Do you Spell Apartheid? O-S-L-O (Ha'aretz/Al-Ahram 10/11/1998)
- Is It War? (1998)
- Sold Down the River (Guardian 11/07/1998)
- The End of the Interim Arrangements (Al-Ahram Oct 29-Nov 4, 1998)
- Paying the Price for Personal Politics (Al-Ahram 09/30-10/06/1999)
- A protest too long delayed By Edward Said (Al-Ahram Weekly, 12/9-15/1999)
- Double
standards (Guardian 10/12/2000)
Noam Chomsky
- A Painful Peace (Z Magazine 01/1996)
- Israel Lebanon, and the Peace Process (04/23/1996)
- Middle East Diplomacy (Z Magazine 11/1991)
- The Israel-Arafat Agreement (Z Magazine 10/1993)
- The Middle East Settlement: Its Sources and Contours from chapter six of the book Power and Prospects (1996)
- "Peace
Process" Prospects By Noam
Chomsky (07/2000)
Israel Shahak
- The Jews in the so-called "US" peace mission
Prof. Shahak writes on the Zionist Jews in the US peace mission during the Clinton Régime - Can Religious Settlers Scuttle an Israeli-Palestinian Peace? (Washington Report 07/1993) From the Hebrew Press.
- Oslo Agreement Makes PLO Israel's Enforcer (Washington Report 11/1993)
- Ideology & Israeli Policy (Shahak Report #154 05/12/1995)
- "Peace Process" and the CIA: Harry Clark interviews Israel Shahak. (Against the Current 01-02/1999)
- The Future of Israel & Palestine Harry Clark interviews Israel Shahak. (Against the Current 03-04/1999)
- Why
the Palestinians are eliminating their traitors
By Prof. Israel Shahak
Naseer Aruri
- Oslo: Cover for Territorial Conquest, interview with Naseer Aruri (International Socialist Review Issue 15, December 2000-January 2001)
- U.S. Brokerage: From Madrid to Hebron
- The
Incidental Fruit of Oslo (Al-Ahram
Weekly 08/13-19/1998)
Oslo II map, or, as the Palestinians call it, the "Leopard Skin" for obvious reasons. Israel will control fully the light grey area (A~=56%) and partially the dark grey area (B~=40%). Only the black area (C~=4%) is under full Palestinian control. This is the map of the much-lauded land-for-peace deal. (Map source The Foundation for Middle East Peace. |
Robert Fisk (the British Independent)
- Where 'caught in the crossfire' can leave no room for doubt (10/02/2000)
- Clinton Adopts Assad Language on Peace (10/28/1994). Summarizing Syria's stand on peace with Israel.
- Peace Deal is Dead (05/05/98)
- Myth of the 'Pax Americana' (The Nation 10/14/1996)
- Clinton, and the Hopeless Middle East Peace (The Independent 10/14/1996)
- Security Comes from Peace not the Other Way Around (10/24/1998)
- And They Called It Peace (12/16/1998)
- For the 'Lion of Damascus', peace can only follow land (03/27/2000)
- Wheels Come Off a Golden Carriage that Was Always Just a Pumpkin (07/26/2000)
- Globe-trotting Arafat takes statehood off the map (08/19/2000)
- Lies,
hatred and the language of force
(10/13/2000). On the Arab view of the al-Aqsa Uprising.
Charlie Reese (Orlando Sentinel)
- Netanyahu's Peace (07/14/1996)
- Clinton, Netanyahu Must Think That Arafat is a Miracle Worker (09/21/1997) U.S. and Israel are asking Arafat to stop terrorists, something neither they, nor any other world leader has been able to do in their countries.
- Netanyahu's Mossad Mess in Amman (10/16/1997) After the bungled Mossad assassination attempt against Khaled Mash'al in Jordan.
- Clinton & the Peace Process: A Failure (08/12/1997)
- Extinguish Fires of Mideast hate Before More Children Perish (11/08/1998). Israelis are selling guns to anyone who wanted them in Gaza ... to make a civil war more likely.
- When it comes to
crafting a peace plan, Clinton plays
the dummy (04/04/2000)
Misc. articles on the "peace process" |
- The Jews in the so-called "US" peace mission
Prof. Shahak writes on the Zionist Jews in the US peace mission during the Clinton Régime
- The Great Middle East Peace Process
Scam By Henry Siegman (London Review of Books, 16
August 2007)
- From Madrid to
Wye Plantation The mirage of Palestinian
Statehood (Le Monde Diplomatique
- The 94 Percent
Solution: A Matrix of Control By
Jeff Halper (Middle East Report Fall/2000)
- Separation
means economic punishment By
Danny Rubinstein (Ha'aretz 10/23/2000)
- The
suffocating border that breathes By
Meron Benvenisti (Ha'aretz 10/26/2000). Separation =
- Israel's
Last Chance By Amira Hass
(Ha'aretz 09/20/2000)
- Born-Again
Apartheid By Eqbal Ahmad
(Dawn 1998)
- Report:
West Bank, Gaza Among Poorest Areas in the
World By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz
- Clashes in
the West Bank and Gaza: The Underlying
Causes By Hisham Sharabi
(Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine 05/18/2000)
- What if
we've All Been Wrong About the Peace
Process? By Danny Rabinowitz
(Ha'aretz 03/19/2000)
- The Demise of
the Oslo Process By Joel
Beinin (Middle East Report 03/26/1999)
- Peace
At Palestinian Expense By Steve Niva and Simona
Sharoni (Z Magazine 03/1995)
- Netanyahu
Wants CIA Out of the PLO Talks
(Reuters/Ha'aretz 01/30/1998) perhaps because the CIA found out
that the Palestinian Authority was "moving in the right direction
against terrorism," and hence stripping Netanyahu from his only
excuse at killing the Peace Process.
- Begin's Great
Offensive By Joseph Harsch
(Christian Science Monitor 01/11/1983)
- Myths and
Facts About Israel and Palestine By
Richard Curtiss (Washington Report 01/1998)
- Oslo
II: Recipe for Apartheid, not
"Divorce" By Nancy Murray (Middle East Justice Network
- Reflections
on the Peace Process and a Durable
Settlement: A Roundup of Views
By several scholars: Abdel Moneim Said Aly, Rashid Khalidi, Ian Lustick, Camille Mansour, Moshe Ma'oz, Sir Anthony Parsons, William Quandt, Eric Rouleau, Ghassan Salame, Khalil Shikaki (Institute of Palestinian Studies Autumn 1996)
"We are making a constant effort
to preserve the maximum, including territories I would
fight for even if they had no security value." |
- Pope criticizes Israel
for threatening peace By Ruth E.
Gruber (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 03/14/1997)
- The Jewish Maginot
Line the real purpose of the
building at Har Homa in East Jerusalem By
- Forcefeeding
Peace to the Middle East By Eric
Margolis (10/25/1998)
- Camp
David II: World's Most Expensive Kabuki
Show By Eric Margolis
(07/23/2000) CAMP
- Peace is a
Two-Way Street By Eric
Margolis (07/25/1999) on Barak.
- No Less Than
Equal Partners By Sam
Husseini (Washington Post 07/27/2000)
- Palestinians'
Rights Ignored By Edmund R.
Hanauer (USA Today 07/26/2000)
- Camp David
Exposes `Final Status' Fallacy By
David Hirst (Daily Star 07/28/2000)
- Arafat's
Got the Real Problem By David
Hirst (Daily Star 07/12/2000).
- Middle East
peace in the balance Comment by
Martin Woollacott (Guardian 1996)
- Netanyahu/Likud
Never Miss an Opportunity to Mock
the U.S. By Patrick Cockburn (The Independent 10/07/1998)
First it was Begin, then Shamir and now Netanyahu, who declares a
new settlement while the U.S. is asking for a "time-out." Begin
did that to Reagan and Shamir did it to Bush. It also shows the
real desire Likud has for peace.
- Illusory
Peace By Eve Anderson (Living
Marxism 10/1993)
- Israel's new
Berlin Wall
By Eve Anderson (Living
Marxism 04/1995)
- Netanyahu's
Iron Wall By Christopher Hitchens (The
Nation 04/17/1998). To Western media the reason Netanyahu will not
withdraw from lands in the West Bank is to avoid "jeopardizing the
security of Israel." However, to his right wing audience the story
is a little different.
- List of
Israeli Violations of the Oslo Peace Process
Agreement (Gush
Shalom 01/28/1998)
- "Palestinian
Nationalism and the Struggle for
National Self-Determination" By Gordon Welty
- The Real
Lesson of the Oslo Accord:
"Localize" the Arab-Israeli Conflict By Leon Hadar. Foreign
Policy Brief No.31 (CATO Institute 05/09/1994).
Why Syria Must
Regain the Golan to Make Peace By
Alon Ben-Meir (Middle East Policy Council
- U.S. Policy
Toward Syria: Contending with the Post-Assad
Era By Stephen Zunes (Center
for Policy Analysis on Palestine 07/13//2000)
May 1999 and Palestinian Statehood:
to Declare or Not to Declare? By Azmi Bishara (Institute
for Palestine Studies winter/1999)
Peace Nor Security in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip By Tim Wise and Nuhad Jamal
Grassroots International Delegation and Program Trip
- Israeli
Security: Reality and Myth By
David Newman (Palestine-Israel Journal)
- The Struggle
for Palestine By Lance Selfa
(International Socialist Review, Spring 1998)
Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai: "The depth of withdrawal from the Golan Heights would be the depth of security," quoted in the German paper FOCUS (reported by Ha'aretz 08/17/1998). Mordechai later denied saying this. Indeed, only when there is a just peace will Israel have its security.
Refugee Issues |
"We must do
everything to ensure they [the Palestinian
refugees] never do return!" |
- Palestinian
Refugees Must Be Allowed to Choose
By Elia Zureik (LA Times 08/10/2000) Israel's rejection of
the right of return goes against international law.
- Palestinians
Have a Right to Go Home By Janice
Haydn (Providence Journal 7/18/2000)
- An End to
Exile By Salman Abu Sitta (Al
Ahram Weekly 03/9-15/2000)
- Painful
Glimpse of Home for Palestinians By
Deborah Sontag (New York Times 05/30/2000)
- The refugees
of peace By Amira Hass
(Ha'aretz 07/21/1999)
UNRWA-registered Palestinian refugees' distribution in the Middle East.
Refugees and the Peace Process By
Elia Zureik (Institute for Palestine Studies
- A Report on
the Refugee Problem By Ilan
Pappe (Boston Refugee Conference 2000)
- Return or
Permanent Exile? By Joseph
Massad. Palestinian Refugees and the Ends of Oslo.
- The Right of
Return For All Palestinian Refugees
UN on the Palestinian refugees and the admittance of Israel to the
UN. (The Islamic Association for Palestine 12/20/1999)
Refugees and the Right to Return - a
useful link list
- Facts
and Figures on Palestinian Refugees
(from badil.org)
- The
Politics of Denial: Israel and the Palestinian Refugee
Problem, review of a book written by
Nur Masalha, reviewed by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad
(spinwatch.org.uk, 16 January 2007)
Palestinian Refugee Problem: Israeli Plans to Resettle The
Palestinian Refugees 1948-1972 By
Nur Masalha
Potential of UNRWA Data for Research
on Palestinian Refugees - A study of UNRWA Administrative Data by
Lena C. Endresen and Geir Ovensen (FAFO, Institute
for Applied Social Science, Norway 1994)
- The Refugees:
Facts and Figures By Alain
Gresh (Le Monde Diplomatique 02/1999)
- MK Katz:
Israel Partially Responsible for
Palestinian Refugee Problem By Ben Lynfield and David
Zev Harris (Jerusalem Post 11/22/1999)
- Uri Avnery - no to right of return to within Israel (Israel Wire 08/08/1999).
See also our section on Israel's
"Birth Myths", the 1948 Palestinian Nakba
one who speaks in favor of bringing the Arab refugees back
must also say how he expects to take the responsibility for
it, if he is interested in the state of Israel. It is better
that things are stated clearly and plainly: We shall not let
happen." -- Golda Meir, 1961, in a speech to the Knesset, reported in Ner, October 1961 |
and Abbas Authority's Corruption: PA as the Occupier's Subcontractor |
In occupied Palestine the consequence of the long Zionist campaign of killing off
all the good leaders in the Fatah-camp, is
that you only have the traitors left; people who only have the Jews' agenda, and
not that of their Palestinian brethren, before them. These Quislings have been
ordered to turn on the real freedom fighters, the Hamas and likes, who continue
to resist the forces of occupation - just like the Apartheid regime in South
Africa used Blacks from Inkatha against the freedom fighters of
the ANC.
A process which we call the "Inkathization" of the Fatah-movemen
and whereby Fatah has been transformed into a tool for the
- Mahmoud Abbas is a Traitor
Israeli paper reveals Israeli Arms transfer to help Abbas take on Hamas,
British paper on Abbas treason and an article by Mike Whitney on the same subject
Mahmoud Abbas meets AIPAC, ADL
Abbas Tells U.S. Jews: "I Would Never Deny Jewish Right to the Land of Israel"
Abbas: Zionist Puppet,
Palestinian Traitor
America trains Abbas loyalists in a secret camp in Jericho
Vanity Fair: Abbas, Dahlan conspired with Israel, US, to topple
Important article on the truth behind Hamas' Gaza overtake
- Images of a traitor
Collection of images revealing which people Abbas considers as his real friends
- The problem is Israel, not Hamas
By Khaled Amayreh in Al-Ahram Weekly 2-8 February 2006 - Arafat: From Defender to Dictator
Revealing biography of Arafat
- Anatomy of a traitor:
Who is Mohammad Dahlan?
By Arjan El Fassed, The Electronic Intifada -
assassination promise to Israel: Overcoming the conspiracy
against Palestine
By Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
PA-Israeli document liquidating Right of Return unveiled
By the Palestinian Information Center -
CIA working with Palestinian
security agents
Article from The Guardian - Oslo
Agreement Makes PLO Israel's Enforcer
By Israel Shahak (Washington Report 11/1993)
- Why
the Palestinians are eliminating their traitors
By Prof. Israel Shahak
![]() Abbas with Shimon Peres |
![]() Fatah-henchman Dahlan between Israel's Olmert and Mofaz |
- A Secret
Account in Tel Aviv Funds Arafat's
By Michael Schwartz (Challenge 05-06/1997) - Neither Peace
Nor Security in the West Bank and Gaza
By Tim Wise (Grassroots International 07/1997). Corruption within the Palestinian Authority has contributed to this dampening of investment. The commission set up by the elected Palestinian Legislative Council to investigate alleged misuses of $326 million of public funds concluded that corruption was endemic in the PA and its ministries. The report resulted in 16 out of 18 of the PA's ministers resigning. David Hirst, a veteran Middle East reporter for the Guardian Weekly, reported in April on what he called "Arafat's takeover of the Gazan economy." According to Hirst, a company belonging to PA President Yasir Arafat's wife controls the importation of many basic commodities-cement, gasoline, flour. Hirst reports that "out of the $74 for which a ton of cement is sold in Gaza, $17 goes to the Authority, and $17 into [Arafat's] own account in a Tel Aviv bank." - Not
Much of a Choice
By Abdel-Jawad Saleh (Al-Ahram Weekly 06/22/2000). On Arafat corruption/becoming a dictator with the help of Israel and US, and the ramification for Palestinians. - Shameless
in Gaza
By David Hirst (The Guardian Weekly 04/27/1997) - Israel Has
Transferred 500 Million Shekels to
Secret Arafat Bank Account in Tel Aviv since 1994
By Ronen Bergman and David Ratner (Ha'aretz/Middle East Realities 02/02/1997) - Arafat Spent
EU's $20M on luxury Homes for PA
By Douglas Davis and Hillel Kuttler (Jerusalem Post 11/30/1998) - Arafat showered Clintons with gifts
The Jerusalem Post, 04/05/2001
Now a "Pathetic, Collaborating
By Tanya Reinhart (Yediot Aharonot/Middle East Realities, 04/07/1997) - Arafat as
a Partner or a Collaborator
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 11/17/1998)
"The Palestinian Authority's
"deplorable" human rights record has been extensively
documented. Without extenuating PA culpability, it bears
recalling that Israel recruited Arafat precisely in order
to facilitate repression. Thus Rabin boasted that the PA
would quell Palestinian resistance "without problems
caused by appeals to the High Court of Justice, without
problems made by [the human rights
organization] B'Tselem, and without problems from
all sorts of bleeding hearts and mothers and fathers."
Truth be told, "Palestinian Authority" is a misnomer.
Apart from what Israel and the US authorize it to do, the
PA exercises no authority whatsoever: in all respects it
is in thrall to them. The Oslo process marked, in Meron
Benvenisti's phrase, the continuation of
"occupation...albeit by remote control." In exchange for
the perquisites of collaboration, the PA must ruthlessly
crush all opposition to continued Israeli occupation." |
- Pleasing the
PLO at the People's Expense By
Danny Rubinstein (Ha'aretz 08/09/1999) On the return of
only the "elite" ex-terrorist Palestinians, but not the three
Million other refugees.
- Something's
Rotten in the Nonstate of Palestine
Corruption Under Arafat: the Legislators Speak By Roni
Ben-Efrat with Assaf Adiv & Stephen Langfur (Israel
Resource Review 09/08/1997)
- Israel
deposited 1.5billion Shekels in
Arafat's personal account By Ronen Bergman (Ha'aretz
- PA Furious
Over Intellectuals' Manifesto By
Amira Haas (Ha'aretz 11/29/1999). Prematurely released
declaration accuses authority of corruption, oppression. Also
includes a related The Indendent's 11/30/1999 and AP's 12/01
- Report: Arafat
would allow West Bank Jewish settlements
By Naomi Segal (Jewish Telegraphic Agency
- Profile:
Yasser Arafat; The Broken Revolutionary
By Robert Fisk (07/08/2000)
- Amnesty
International slams PA's draconian press policy By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz
The Barak Government: Any Different from Netanyahu's? |
"Israel's negotiating partners shouldn't expect Mr. Barak to make substantive concessions.... Barak's vision of peace will differ from Mr. Netanyahu's only on the margins, and the new prime minister, with greater personal credibility and political support than his predecessor enjoyed, will be a more effective exponent of Israel's position."
-- Robert Satloff's Wall Street Journal (05/19/1999)
"Israel's Peace Now group said Barak's government is expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank at a faster pace than Netanyahu did. In the month since Barak took office, Housing Minister Yitzhak Levy has issued tenders for the construction of 1,517 apartments in the settlements. `This is six times the average monthly rate of house construction in the settlements for the Netanyahu government,' said Peace Now chairman Mossi Raz. A Housing Ministry spokesman said the Peace Now figures are incorrect and that tenders had been issued for only 678 new homes." [i.e. ONLY three-times more than Netanyahu, not six]
-- from an Associated Press report by Sari Bashi 08/10/1999.
- Barak admires Sharon and Shamir
- Barak Compares
Palestinians to Crocodiles (30-08-2000)
- Between Hope and
the Abyss By Abdel-Jawwad
Saleh (Al-Ahram Weekly 08/5-11/1999)
- Wye must be
implemented (Ha'aretz Editorial
- Does Mr Barak's
Victory Really Change Anything? (The
Independent 05/19/1999)
- It's not Wye,
it's Oslo By Aluf Benn
(Ha'aretz 08/04/1999)
settlers return to abandoned outpost By Nadav Shragai (Ha'aretz 10/25/2000)
- 'Barak Will
Not Remove W.Bank/Gaza Hilltop
Settlements' By Nadav Shragai (Ha'aretz/IsraelWire
- PM-Elect
Promises to Move Ahead with Maale
Adumim Annexation (Israel Wire 06/15/1999).
- Barak Promises
NRP that Har Homa Will Continue By
Nadav Shragai, Yossi Verter and Amira Segev
(Ha'aretz 06/15/1999)
- Choosing Barak
In Spite Everything By Gideon
Levy (Ha'aretz 5/16/1999)
- Barak
Assassinated Abu Jihad and Crushed
the Intifada (Middle East Realities/Reuter 06/09/1997)
- Barak to CIA: Butt
Out By Matt Rees (Newsweek
08/23/1999). Like Netanyahu, his predecessor, Barak asked CIA out,
after it showed that Palestinians are complying with clamping down
on terrorism -- their end of the deal. Conclusion: Israel's does
not want to relinquish land to the Palestinians, so it eliminated
a major aliby --the CIA-- that they are upholding their end of the
deal and hence, that the ball is now in Israel's
- Pursuing
Their Agenda By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 09/26/1999)
- Regrets,
Ltd. By Meron Benvenisti
(Ha'aretz 10/07/1999)
- Safe (For
Whom?) Passage By Uri Avnery
(Ma'ariv 10/04/1999)
The March of
Folly By Uri Avnery (Ma'ariv
- Given
Pre-Conditions for Peace, What's to
Negotiate in Mideast? By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel
- Barak gets
green light in Ras al-Amud By
Danny Rubinstein (Ha'aretz 11/09/1999)
- Apartheid by Any Other
Name: Creeping annexation of
the West Bank By Eitan Felner (Le Monde Diplomatique
- But what
about the Palestinian track? By
Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 12/15/1999)
- Document
Shows Netanyahu Was Ready to Return
Golan (Associated Press 12/16/1999)
- Either Golan
or Peace By Daniel Bloch
(Jerusalem Post 09/26/1999). Contains also an article from Arabic
News (09/23) reporting about Le Monde's calling the Golan
Heights "Syrian Territory" and saying that Israel to oppose
restoration of it to Syria.
- An Israeli
settlement plan in the Golan
(ArabicNews 12/8/2000)
- Settlement
building up 96% in 2000 By Nadav
Shragai (Ha'aretz 09/12/2000). Also, Settlement building up
81% in first quarter by Baruch Kra (Ha'aretz
- Barak's
Ministry Outpaces Netanyahu's on
Settlement Growth By Deborah Sontag (NY Times
09/28/1999/AFP 09/26/1999)
- New Golan
settlement under Barak, who is
"sincerely" looking for ways to reach peace with Syria!!! (BBC
- New Hotel
Planned for Katzrin in the Golan By
Sharon Gal (Ha'aretz 11/10/1999). Again Barak's sincerety
about peace with Syria is evident.
- The refugees
of peace By Amira Hass
(Ha'aretz 07/21/1999)
- Peace Now:
Settlements flourishing By Nadav
Shragai (Ha'aretz 07/19/1999)
- High Court
Rejects Peace Now Petition (Israel
Wire 12/03/1999)
- And for Barak's
Next Act, Juggling the
Settlements By Nadav Shragai (Ha'aretz
- US Seeks
to Postpone UN Session on
Settlements By Hillel Kuttler (Jerusalem Post 07/07/1999).
"because the event sends a bad signal to Prime Minister-elect Ehud
Barak, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs
Martin Indyk [a former official of Israel's U.S. Lobby]
said yesterday." So in other words, to avoid sending a "bad
signal" to Israel's new PM, Israel is thus left free to continue
building illegal settlements on confiscated Palestinian
- Barak urged
attack on Syria in 1982 By Amir
Oren (Ha'aretz 01/08/1999)
- The Best Peace
You'll Get By Uri Avnery
(Independent 09/05/1999)
- Barak Opens
New Dig near Aqsa Mosque (Reuters
- Some 400
Bedouins Evicted by Israel
(Associated Press 11/16/1999)
- A
Three-minute Drive from Here By
Meron Benvenisti (Ha'aretz 10/28/1999). House Demolitions
Continue Under Barak Government
- A Struggle
for the Open Spaces By Danny
Rubinstein (Ha'aretz 01/10/2000)
To read more on the invented difference between
Israel's Leftist "doves" and the Rightist "hawks", please see our
section on Zionism.
Historical Documents and Chronologies |
- Maps
from MidEast Web
- Historical
and Peace Process Documents from
MidEast Web
Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
the most comprehensive collection of facts/documents on the Zionist theft of Palestine
the basis of the real "Nuremberg" trial against Zionism and its leaders
- History
and information on Palestine - loads
of information from the website of the Permanent Observer Mission
of Palestine to the United Nations
- United
Nation's Resolution on Palestine
- Status
of Palestine at the U.N.
- Important
Events in Palestine/Israel of the Last 100
Years, 1895 - till
- Resolution
- The Balfour
Declaration of 1917 "...it being
clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice
the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities
in Palestine..." -- Lord Arthur Balfour 11/02/1917, extracted
from Balfour's infamous letter. (Could it be that Balfour didn't
know the land was empty? Note also, how Balfour does not mention
the political rights of the non-Jewish communities in
from Yale Law school: Avalon
- List
of Relevant Documents and Other
Resources, from the Mount Holyoke College
- UN
Chronology: From 1940s to 2000s from
Other archives on Zionism and the occupation of Palestine:

• Zionism - history, background, Apartheid
• Israeli Wars, Nukes
• Jewish Terror
• Palestinian Uprising
• The U.S. Cost of Israel