Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action
By David Duke
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Zionism/Nazism: Born in Each Other´s Image
In the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, Julius Streicher, the notorious publisher of the crudely anti-Semitic Der Stürmer, gave the following testimony when asked if he had helped develop Germany´s racial laws:The accused (Streicher) : Yes,...I had been writing that all mixing of German and Jewish blood had to be prevented in the future. I wrote articles to that effect, and I have always repeated that we had to take the Jewish race, or the Jewish people, as a model. I have always repeated in my articles that the Jews were to be regarded as a model by other races, for they have given themselves a racial law, the law of Moses, which says: "If you go unto foreign lands, you must not take foreign wives." And this, Gentlemen, is of great importance in judging the Nuremberg laws. It was these Jewish laws that were taken as a model. When, centuries later, the Jewish legislator Ezra saw that, despite this, many Jews had married non-Jewish wives, these bonds were broken. This was the origin of Jewry which, thanks to its racial laws, survived for centuries, whereas all the other races and civilizations were destroyed.1The racial awakening in Europe of the 19th and 20th centuries grew in great part because of the presence of the Jewish people. There were no Blacks or Orientals in Europe, but there was no shortage of Jews. Scientific and social observers noted that their character and appearance differed from those of the indigenous races of Europe.
One of the first major figures to recognize the dynamic power of race and write extensively about it was the British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, who himself was of Jewish heritage. He stated: "The racial question is the key to world history - all is race, there is no other truth." Scholars who recognized the role of race in history knew that the power and perseverance of the Jewish race rests in its ethnocentrism and prohibitions against intermarriage, enabling it to survive after 2,000 years of living among Gentiles. As Stretcher´s testimony proves, the formulators of European racial ideology had learned a lot from studying Jewish institutions and history. Although Zionists and Nazis saw each other as mortal enemies, many of the leaders of both movements saw similarities of ideas, and some collaborated in pursuit of mutual aims.
The National Socialists wanted their own nation free of Jewish influence, and the Zionists sought nonassimilation with Gentiles and a nation of their own. (Even today in modern America and Europe most major Jewish organizations oppose intermarriage.) At first glance, it seems unbelievable that Zionism and Nazism sometimes had worked together, but the historical record reveals fascinating evidence.
Most Jews in Europe and the rest of the world virulently opposed Hitler and National Socialist Germany. In fact, as Hitler gained power, the World Jewish Congress, claiming to speak for Jews worldwide, declared economic war on Germany and announced their intention to do everything in their power to destroy Germany and National Socialism.2
Within the Jewish community, however, there were many Zionists who saw the anti-Semitic policies of Germany as an aid to the creation of the Jewish state. They saw those policies as encouraging emigration to Palestine and increasing Jewish anger and solidarity. And, interestingly enough, they viewed the racial thinking of Hitler as analogous to what they desired for their own people. For these Jews, collusion between the Zionists and the Nazis served the interests of both.
Britain had difficulty dealing with the increased Jewish immigration into Palestine in the 1930s, as it caused marked unrest in the Arab sectors of the mandate. To lessen tensions, the British attempted to limit Jewish immigration into Palestine. Into this opportunity stepped Hitler and Nazi Germany. Even though Hitler had misgivings about Israel becoming a center for international Jewish power in the same way the Soviet Union had become one for international Communism, and although he had concerns about damaging German relations with the Arab world, he saw the emigration of the Jews from Germany and all Europe as paramount. In his mind, a Jewish state in Palestine might be a practical destination for Europe´s Jews.
- Trial Of The Major War Criminals Before The International Military Court. Nuremberg : November 14th 1945 Oct. 1 1946. Official French Text. 26th April 1946. Debates, Tome XII. D 321.
- Daily Express. (1933). Judea Declares War on Germany. March 24. p.1.