AfricaThe Jews despise Black people, anti-Black Jewish racism is well documented. But that doesn't hinder Jews from involving themselves in lucrative gold and diamond ventures in Africa, often in collusion with the Zionist state.
After the fall of Israel's ally the racist Apartheid régime in South Africa, Israel has tried new ways of excerting influence and amassing wealth from the sub-Saharan continent, often in complete disregard of the human, non-Jewish, cost of these "blood diamonds" and likes.
One such actor is the Israeli Jew Beny Steinmetz. Born and raised in Israel, Steinmetz served in the Israeli army but moved to Belgium in 1978 to run his father's diamond business. He became chairman of the Geneva-headquartered Steinmetz Diamond Group, which is South African (Jewish) De Beers' largest buyer of rough diamonds. Back in Israel, Steinmetz expanded into natural resource mining and real estate, the Beny Steinmetz Group mines copper and cobalt in Congo and Zambia, iron and bauxite in Guinea and diamonds in Sierra Leone, to name a few.
Another actor is the diamond-tycoon and Russian Jew Lev Leviev, who is seriously competing with De Beers of the Oppenheimer Jews. Leviev is well embedded in the Israeli establishment and is even using his wealth to finance illegal Jewish settlements in occupied Palestine.
Another good illustration is the "Angolagate" affair where the French Jew and kibbutznik Jean-Christophe Mitterrand (son of President Francois Mitterrand) colluded with a Russian-Israeli mobster Arcadi Gaydamak (the latter with good Mossad connections) and sold weapons illegaly to Angola's MPLA-Government, when the country was struck by civil war. Other Jews connected to this dirty affair were Jacques Attali, Marc Rich and Samuel Mandelsaft. The Angolan opposition Unita-leader Jonas Savimbi, who during the Cold War had been supported by the Israelis and CIA, now became regarded as an obstacle to the access to Angola's oil and diamonds and was thus hunted down and killed with Israeli cooperation.
Congo (Zaire) South Africa Nigeria Ethiopia Angola Kenya Somalia Zimbabwe (fmr Rhodesia) Uganda Rwanda
For more information on Jewish racism against Blacks, on the Jewish influence over the Black slave trade, on Nation of Islam, Min. Louis Farrakhan and the Black resistance, please see our Blacks and Jews section.
See also:
![]() |
Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly "democratic" country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by Jewish politicians and activists.
- Israel's apartheid
and discrimination of African migrants and refugees
Collection of articles, photos, videos
Israeli arms fuel atrocities in Africa
The Electronic Intifada, 16 September 2015
- Israel's
Role in Worldwide Repression
By The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, 2012.
Document also available as PDF for easy spreading.
supporting anti-Black racist "rebels" in Libya
Segment from our document "Zionist CNN: Lair of hypocrites", with information and images on Zionist supported anti-Gaddafi Libyan rebels' atrocities against Black Africans, atrocities totally underreported in the Western, Zionist-dominated, medias.
“In European Jewish culture the word shvartze (Black, Yiddish) is an offensive term referring to a low being, specifically a Black person (“She’s dating a shvartze. Her grandmother is probably rolling over in her grave”). Zein Shver, a Jewish Black American, points out that “Shvartze isn’t Yiddish for Black. Shvartze is Yiddish for Nigger!”.”
– Jewish dissident Gilad Atzmon, July 1, 2020, Black Voices Also Matter.
Zionist Logic
By Malcolm X, The Egyptian Gazette, Sept. 17, 1964.
"The Zionists have mastered the science of dollarism: the ability to come posing as a friend and benefactor, bearing gifts and all other forms of economic aid and offers of technical assistance. Thus, the power and influence of Zionist Israel in many of the newly “independent” African nations has fast-become even more unshakeable than that of the 18th century European colonialists… and this new kind of Zionist colonialism differs only in form and method, but never in motive or objective."
Malcolm X’s final written words were about Zionism. Here is
what he said.
For Malcolm X, Zionism was inextricably linked to wider European colonialism. In a little known passage written just before his assassination, he made it clear he saw Zionism as not just a threat to Palestine, but to the entire Third World.
By Ali Hammoud, Mondoweiss, March 23, 2024.
Group's Yevgeny Prigozhin - the Jew masquerading as Putin's
"Russian" mercenary boss
Freedom Research, October 2021 (+ updates 2022/23). The news are full of storys on Wagner Group interventions; Libya, Syria, Mozambique, Sudan, the C.A.R., and latest... Mali and Ukraine. But who's the man behind it all?
Anti-African Racism in Israel -
big archive!
Huge collection of documentation including videos collected by Zionism critic/Jewish dissident, David Sheen.
Cartoons/caricatures on the
conflict between Blacks and Jews
More than 200 cartoons, memes, quotes, articles!
Congo (Zaire) |
![]() Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi with Rabbi-Businessman Avraham Moyal ![]() Joseph Kabila with Israeli Orthodox Jew and minining magnate, Dan Gertler |
"In Zaire," says Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, "the regime of Mobuto Sese Seko ... can only be described as a murderous tyranny ... When we look at the record carefully, we discover that Israel has played a continuous role for twenty-five years in keeping Zaire under western control and under Mobutu's." [BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 55] MOSSAD agent Meir Meyohas was even "Mobutu's personal right hand man for over twenty years." [BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 60]
Mobutu believed "in the great power of the Jews to influence governments and the press, especially in the United States." [BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 57] To pander to this conviction, it was arranged for Kenneth Bialkin, chairman of the President's Conference on American-Jewish Leaders, "to represent Mobutu in the United States." [BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 57]
Israel and
the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo
On Jewish operations in the heart of Africa, including those of Obama-Clinton backer Maurice Templesman.
Israel’s Heart of Darkness in the Congo
By Eitay Mack. Translated from Hebrew and published by the International State Crime Initiative, Queen Mary University of London.
For 32 years General Mobutu Sese Seko ruled Congo as one of the world’s most corrupt and oppressive dictatorships where "the State of Israel played a significant role in the military, economic and political survival of Mobutu".
And the support to oppression continues: "The State of Israel went on to support the dictators of the Kabila family who ruled the country and robbed its treasures until 2019."
interests in Congo and Angola
Article on interventions in Congo and the death of Angolan Cold War warrior and CIA-stooge, Jonas Savimbi.
Lev Leviev - diamond tycoon,
Jewish king of Africa, supporter of Settlements
Diamond market
heavily contaminated with Israeli blood diamonds
Press Release from Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign, 2007
Israel's Role in
Worldwide Repression
By The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, 2012.
Document also available as PDF for easy spreading.
U.S. a factor in 6 million Congo deaths
Details the Jewnited States complicity. People's World, February 14, 2013.
For the 6 million Congo deaths figure, see also pro-Zionist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): here
Christian aid organization Caritas: here
The Dan Gertler / Congo Files / Paradise Papers
Info on Israeli Orthodox Jew and usurper of
African wealth, Dan Gertler:
Congo Files: Cash Was Deposited Into Dan Gertler's
Accounts, Then Millions Were Transferred to Top
Israeli Figures
By Gur Megiddo and Hagar Shezaf. Israeli paper Ha'aretz, July 2, 2020.
Mossad Chief Cohen Kicked Out of
DRC, on a Mission That Could Jeopardize Israel
By Gur Megiddo. Israeli paper Ha'aretz, May 19, 2022. Israeli "military censor has barred publication of information" on the issue! Ha'aretz:"As first reported by Bloomberg News, Cohen visited Congo several times in 2019 while he was still head of the Mossad. He was accompanied by billionaire Dan Gertler, who is suspected by the British authorities of paying an enormous bribe, $360 million, in exchange for mining rights in Congo. The American and Swiss authorities suspect Gertler of similar crimes. Later, Cohen worked to get the U.S. administration to remove the sanctions it imposed on Gertler in late 2017."
- Dan Gertler - the man
at the centre of DR Congo corruption allegations
BBC News, 23 March 2021."In 2000, when civil war risked ending [Laurent-Desirée] Kabila's reign as suddenly as it had begun, Mr Gertler promised millions of dollars and, according to a United Nations report, access to arms - the two things that could best help the new leader stay in power. In return, he received a monopoly on DR Congo's substantial diamond exports."
Dan Gertler Revelations
Whistleblower organization PPLAAF (Plateforme de Protection des Lanceurs d'Alerte en Afrique), 2020."[...] uncovered evidence indicating controversial mining magnate Dan Gertler allegedly used an international money laundering network to attempt to evade US sanctions and continue doing business in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This scheme seems to have allowed him to funnel millions of dollars abroad and acquire new mining assets in DRC. [...]
PPLAAF and its chairman have been subjected to other direct threats openly intended to inhibit publication. Journalists were under threat too: an Haaretz journalist working on the investigation reported Gertler threatened to “finish his career”. [...]
PPLAAF West Africa coordinator Fadel Barro intervened to explain how such corrupt practices expose African economies to grave danger."
According to media Dan Gertler's
"grandfather co-founded Israel’s diamond exchange 70
years ago". (,
December 21, 2017)
DRC's Mines of
Death a.k.a. The Congo
Minocaust![]() ![]() |
"Black Lives Matter"?!? "Women's Rights"? - "Children's Rights"? Where is the media exposure? [click images to enlarge] |
South Africa |
There are so many Jews in Johannesburg that the city is not only called
"Jo-burg", but even "Jew-burg"! It should never be forgotten that the
absolute majority of South African Jews endorsed the racist
Apartheid system and saluted the alliance between the Apartheid régime and the
Zionist State of Israel.
“[...] the South African Zionist Federation [...] reflects the mainstream Jewish establishment in South Africa. [...] the ANC deputy president [Nelson Mandela], who was freed by the government this year after 28 years in prison, is not a favorite with most South African Jews.”
– Jewish Telegraphic Agency, September 20, 1990, in the article "Johannesburg Rabbi Under Attack After Inviting Mandela to Temple", that also tells how a rabbi "received at least 23 death threats from anonymous Jewish callers after inviting African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela to address his synagogue". Jewish "liberalism" at work!
“South African Jewry … shows a very strong attachment to Israel and Zionism.”
“Overall, South African Jews are Zionists...”
– Reported in Jews of the 'new South Africa': National Survey of South African Jews, Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Cape Town and Institute for Jewish Policy Research (London), 1998.
“After the establishment of the state of Israel, nearly everyone seemed to jump on the Israel bandwagon. "There is no longer any distinction between Zionists and non-Zionists in South Africa. Jews in almost every ideological camp now work for Israel." [...] South African Jewry was practically unanimous in its support for Israel.”
– Terry Kegel, The Effect of the Zionist Youth Movement on South African Jewry, History Thesis, Haverford College, May 2003.
“The vast proportion of young South African Jews are fully supportive of Israel and proudly Zionist.”
– Alana Pugh-Jones, Justice and Identity: The 'Non-Jewish Jew', 2003.
Money and Economic Influence: the Historical
Includes information on the economic power of the Jews in South Africa:
"In South Africa," diplomatically noted South African civil rights activists Desmund Tutu to a Jewish interviewer, "Jews in their success, especially as industrialists and business people and as traders would be seen as people who have benefited from the exploitation of Blacks, because the South African system is a capitalist system which has tended to favor the strong and successful ... [HOFFMAN, p. 14] think there is a perception [among many South African Blacks] that Jews are not entirely innocent. Most of us oppose capitalism, because what we have experienced of capitalism tends to favor the privileged and the strong and [it] seems to be exploitive." [HOFFMAN, p. 14]
Jewish support
of Apartheid South Africa |
Speech by Black American editor and writer Ashahed M. Muhammad from Nation of Islam, on the Jewish ADL's cooperation with the Apartheid Régime |
- The political power of the Jews in
South Africa
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage on "Jews and Government" (pt. 2).
The Boer Wars were fought for the Jews
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
The Royal links that go back to ‘Natty’ Rothschild
By Zaki Cooper & John Cooper, The Jewish Chronicle, January 15, 2020.“Rothschild was friendly with the other giant figures of his age: Disraeli, Balfour and Asquith as well as Theodor Herzl and Cecil Rhodes. He benefited from Britain’s imperial expansion - and also played a role in this, particularly in Egypt and South Africa. His friendship with Rhodes enabled him to invest heavily in the diamond mines of South Africa, particularly De Beers, and to participate fully in the expansion of the deep gold mines in the Rand.”
Note: The name "De Beers" and "Anglo-American" diamond conglomerates is hugely misleading as the companies have no connection to either the Dutch, nor to the English or Americans, as they for decennia have been in the hands of the Jewish capitalist of German extraction, Ernest Oppenheimer. His grandson, South-African billionaire Nicky Oppenheimer, is presently "the third richest man in Africa"!
1936: Shabbos goy "Urges war on Nazism"
In South Africa, Colonel Reitz, "who had at all times been on the friendliest terms with Jews".
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
South Africa & Israel (PDF)
- a must see/read!
Documentary and pictorial evidence, 549 pages (46 MB)!
Highlights both "Israel’s Secret Pact with Apartheid South Africa" and "South African Jewish support for Apartheid", but most importantly "The Mandela Legacy and Israel: Irony or Hypocrisy?", "Mandela’s Irony: Cavorting with Zionism while professing pro-Palestine" and the present "new" South African elite's collusion with the forces of Zionism and Jewish Supremacy.
Israeli infiltration in South Africa (PDF)
Ivor Ichikowitz, Zionist Jew and African arms baron
Exposing the South African Jew and Arms Peddler
Freedom Research, January 2025
"Another method is personal lobbying of politicians. An example is the lobbying by Zionist groups in South Africa of the ANC’s Treasurer-General Matthews Phosa, who is a regular guest at Zionist and Jewish functions..."
When Israel Was
Apartheid’s Open Ally
By Leni Brenner, CounterPunch, December 20, 2013
- Israel's
Alliance with Apartheid South Africa
Excerpt from Israel: An Apartheid State? a primer by US Campaign Advisory Board member, Nancy Murrary
- Israel's military and security
connections to the Apartheid régime in South Africa
Excerpt from the Jewish Tribal Review's chapter on Israel and Zionism.
- Revealed: how Israel offered to
sell South Africa nuclear weapons
The Guardian, 24 May 2010. The blood contract between P. W. Botha, the butcher of the peoples of Angola and Mozambique, and Shimon Peres, the butcher of the peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.
- When Israel invited a
South African Nazi on a state visit
By Asa Winstanley. Middle East Monitor, January 22, 2018:
"[...] Rabin and his “defence” minister Shimon Peres – both still sometimes bizarrely hailed by politicians in the West as “men of peace” – enthusiastically embraced collaboration with the racist white minority South African regime."
- The alliance between Israel and South Africa
Includes photocopies of UN resolutions. The UN General Assembly has for several years adopted resolutions condemning the collaboration of Israel with the racist régime of South Africa, especially in the military field.
The Alliance South Africa - Israel
(Google Translate link, from Swedish original to English)
Booklet published in 1986 by the solidarity group Afrikagrupperna, in Stockholm.
A document that maps Israel's alliance with Apartheid South Africa. A long-term and intimate collaboration that Mandela and the leadership of the ANC have long condemned.
Note that the text contains some scan errors.
"The Zionist Organization of America has denounced two universities
for inviting Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu to speak on their
campuses. Citing at least half a dozen instances in which the anti-apartheid
activist spoke out against Israel, ZOA president Morton Klein criticized
Yeshiva University's Cardozo School of Law for hosting Tutu last week
and the University of Pennsylvania for inviting Tutu to be its commencement
speaker in May. Tutu, said Klein, 'is
viciously anti-Israel. To give a podium [to a] man who hates Israel, who
compared Israel to Hitler, is shameful.'" |
and South Africa: Two Forms of Apartheid
By Uri Davis (excerpts from "Israel - An Apartheid State" 1987)
A racist alliance, left to right: Eschel Rhoodie - South African Director of Propaganda, Yitzhak Rabin - Israeli Prime Minister, Henrik van den Bergh - Director of the South African Secret Service, and Shimon Peres - Israeli Defence Minister. Meeting at the Israeli PMs residence, April 11, 1975.
Apartheid´s John Vorster at the Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, occupied Palestine.
Israel should learn from
the Boers
By Liz McGregor (Guardian 05/17/2001). It was no coincidence that Israel was one of apartheid South Africa's few friends. In both societies, fear fed racial bigotry.
in Zionist hands - Life and career of Zionist Jew and Israeli
agent Arnon Milchan
Article on Hollywood Israeli Jew Arnon Milchan which contains data on how he coordinated transactions between Israel and Apartheid South Africa.
Israel's Role in
Worldwide Repression
By The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, 2012.
Document also available as PDF for easy spreading.
- Israel:
Death Squads
1986-1991 Israel trained members of Inkatha hit squads aimed at African National Congress (ANC), a disillusioned former leader of Zulu organization has revealed.
and the Jewish connection - a collection of articles
On Israeli weapon smuggler Gaydamak, Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, Leviev, Rich, Attali, Mandelsaft
includes information on how Jewish Clinton-donor Marc Rich helped Apartheid South Africa
Spy vs
On how the Jewish organization the ADL has helped spying on anti-Apartheid activists.
Waived Against Israel for sale to S.
(Washington Post News Service 10/27/1991)
U.S.-financed Israeli
Fighter Flies into Storm of
By Charles R. Babcock (Palm Beach Post/Washington Post 08/18/1986). Eventually, after $1.5 Billions of U.S. tax-payers' money, the project was cancelled by the U.S. due to cost overrun. Many Israeli engineers laid off from work on the Lavi moved to S. Africa, which in August of 1988 produced the Cheetah-E warplane with many features common to planes produced earlier in Israel. See "Deliberate Deceptions." 214-215, by Paul Findley (1995).
- "Israeli
Mafia" in South Africa Makes News with Recent
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency 03/29/2000)
- A South African Jewish Report
article tells of
objections from the SA Jewish Board of
(March 9, 2001) against a planned Revisionist conference in Beirut, Lebanon.
- Israeli spies infiltrate
Johannesburg airport
By Jonathan Cook, The National
Malema says Jews are training right wingers as snipers to kill black
The Citizen, 23 August 2018.
We don't know the grounds of this accusation but we have noted that while the other anti-Apartheid revolutionaries are growing fat - forgetting the cause and getting all comfy with The Enemy - Julius Malema is still "hot" and dares challenge the real masters and architects of racial oppression!
- Nelson
Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]
Extracts from a 1990 town hall meeting with Nelson Mandela, held in New York, chaired by Jewish journalist Ted Koppel of ABC Networks.
Nelson Mandela's grandson calls for protest at the "Apartheid
Israel" embassy in South Africa
In the wake of the Israeli aggressions in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza, May 2021. Alternative versions: here and here
Reiterating his legendary grandfather's stance: "Our freedom is incomplete until Palestine is free."
He even has the voice of Nelson Mandela!
Controlled Opposition - grooming
Mandela, surrounding him with Jews, Zionist ideology
In the typically Jewish deceptive way, Jews were both instrumental in the political, economical and military support of the Apartheid racist system in South Africa - while Jews who many had a Communist, but also a Zionist leaning, where behind the "White opposition" to that very system, attaining top positions in the ANC.
As Jews are the arch-racists in history, their participation in any "anti-racist" movement is most dubious.
Zionist Jew Arthur Goldreich, veteran from the war against the Palestinians, introduces Mandela to Zionist Palmach military tactics and Menachem Begin's memoirs
Article from Israeli paper Ha'aretz (August 20, 2018), "The Anti-apartheid Fighter Who Turned Palestinian Ruins Into Jewish Tourist Sites".
Begin was one of the worst Zionist terrorists in Palestine, and Palmach was one of the main units in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine of its original Arab inhabitants.
After Arthur Goodreich's grooming of the ANC top brass, this South African Jew made aliyah to Israel, where as an architect Goodreich amongst other things "did the
interior design for the headquarters of the Shin Bet security service in Tel Aviv".
Nelson Mandela 'received weapons training from Mossad agents in 1962'
The Guardian, 20 December 2013.
Mandela declares taking ANC's organisational structure from Jewish-Zionist groups in Palestine
Nelson Mandela's declaration at his defence speech in court in the Rivonia Trial, Pretoria Supreme Court, 20 April 1964:
"Incidentally, the terms High Command and Regional Command were an importation from the Jewish national underground organization Irgun Zvai Leumi,
which operated in Israel between 1944 and 1948."
Nelson Mandela Was a Revolutionary—and These Jews Made Common Cause With Him
Article from Zionist-Jewish media outlet Tablet Magazine, November 26, 2013, on what they label as "Mandela's Jewish Helpers".
Mainstream Jewry which for years through their media control have efficiently surpressed the story of Israel's participation on Apartheid's side in South Africa, now have
the chutzpah to try to take full credit for the anti-Apartheid struggle - suddenly mentioning and propagating the names of the Jews in the anti-Apartheid movement,
while still not mentioning Israel's and mainstream SA Jewry's fullblown support for the Apartheid side!
In the early anti-Apartheid-struggle phase we have Jews grooming
Mandela with Jewish-Zionist values such as
Arthur Goldreich, Harold Wolpe,
Lazar Sidelsky, Nat Bregman. Also we shall
menton Jews James Kantor, Lionel "Rusty"
Bernstein, Michael Harmel, Bob
Hepple, Hilliard Festenstein,
Baruch Hirson.
In the armed struggle phase we have prominent ANC Jews like
Joe Slovo, Ronnie Kasrils, Denis
Goldberg, also to mention Ruth First,
Albie Sachs, David Rabkin, and the writer
Nadine Gordimer.
Apart from ANC we have the anti-Apartheid activist politician
Helen Suzman, and long-time political opposition
leader Harry Schwarz. (also see
Wiki: "Jewish
South African anti-apartheid activists")
And in post-Apartheid era we can mention
ANC Jewish members such as Andrew Feinstein,
Max Ozinsky and the Jewish ANC financier, the
weapons and arms peddler
Ivo Ichikowitz.
Among other Jews in post-Apartheid era we can mention influential
Jewish politician Anthony Leon, who led the led the
Democratic Party from 1994 and served as leader of the
post-Apartheid opposition from as leader of the Democratic Alliance
(DA), Arthur Chaskalson, Chief Justice of South
Africa, and the judge
Richard Goldstone, serving in the Constitutional Court
of South Africa.
Declaration by South Africans on Apartheid Israel
Issued by the Palestine Solidarity Committee in 2001.
South Africa - The Jewish Ramaphosa Coup
The problem with revolutionairies-cum-businessmen - the lure of Jew-money ---> corruption!
On Ramaphosa and Jewish capitalists Brian Joffe, Stephan Kosseff, Bernard Kantor...
Article from the Indian site, Wide Awake Gentile, February 15, 2018.
We in Radio Islam supported the ANC during the struggle in the 1970's and 1980's against the Apartheid racists, but since, the former revolutionaires have turned into simple money-men. It seems to have been either this choice - or sticking to your guns - and suffer the fate of murdered co-fighters Samora Machel (Mozambique) or Thomas Sankara - "Africa's Che Guevara" (Burkina Faso).
Cartoons/caricatures on the
conflict between Blacks and Jews
More than 200 cartoons, memes, quotes, articles!
"In an early test of press freedom under South Africa's new constitution, a well-known international casino magnate has delayed the publication of a book about him and is trying to ban it. The book, 'Kerzner Unauthorized' ... profiles Sol Kerzner [who] made his fortune operating [casinos] under apartheid in south Africa's black ‘homeland’.... [He] has threatened to sue local newspapers if they excerpted it. As a result, a major Sunday newspaper withheld publication of an excerpt from the book."
We can also mention the South Africa-born Jewish TV and film
producer Eric Abraham, who has married into the
powerful Swedish capitalist Rausing family (the
Tetra Pak food packaging empire).
See also:
Henry Kissinger
'considered Cuba air strikes' in 1976
Because Fidel Castro's Cuban forces intervened militarily vs Apartheid South Africa in "Operation Carlota", thwarting the South African/CIA-coordinated two-front invasion of Angola in 1975. For this the Jewish super-schemer Kissinger stated with his usual chutzpah: "I think we are going to have to smash Castro"
Article from BBC News, 1 October 2014.
![]() The Jewnited States vs. ANC and Nelson Mandela! How come the younger people don't know of this fact? Hollywood - in Jewish hands - pretends to hail Mandela and his struggle, but deceitfully hides info on who were systematically helping the South African racists; Israel and the JewSA! See also: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
More on CIA's collusion with the brutal and racist Apartheid
régime in South Africa can be read in
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II,
by William Blum - the epic history book on covert CIA operations and
United States military interventions during the second half of the
20th century. Check Chapter 41, "Angola 1975 to 1980s: The Great
Powers Poker Game", beginning at p.249 and the revelations of CIA
operative John Stockwell, the head of the CIA's
Angola task force.
Nigeria |
The Biafra Zionist Movement
Wide Awake Gentile, May 8, 2014.
"Our relationship with Israel will be very strong. We shall support the Israelis every where we can. They are our brothers and sisters. If you attack them you are attacking the Biafran people too and we shall fight back. All our abundant natural resources like the OIL & GAS we shall use them to bless the Israelis and the Jews around the world."
Includes video clip with the Shabbos Goy Ben Onwuka.
Nigeria, Sudan, Biafra, and the Boko Haram
Wide Awake Gentile, May 7, 2014.
Both groups have been founded and funded by the same group CIA-Mossad and Big Oil for one and only one purpose. The splitting up of Nigeria into a Muslim North and a Christian pro-Israel pro-U.S. oil pump called Biafra.
The Mossad
Kidnap Of Nigerian dissident Umaru Dikko
By Max Siollun, on an Israeli Mossad operation in London
Israeli crime figure gunned down in
Israeli-Jewish criminal Abutbul had been involved in the Mossad attempt to kidnap an exiled Nigerian minister.
Nigeria - another CIA Mossad mess
Wide Awake Gentile, January 28, 2014.
As the world battles the American government over its invasive Prism project that has snooped on Americans and other world leaders, workers of Israeli defence electronics firm, Elbit Systems, have quietly landed in Abuja, to install a comprehensive spying facility that will help the Nigerian government spy on all online activities by its citizens.
Ethiopia |
In Ethiopia, Israel joined with the United States and Britain in trying to
prevent the collapse of the Haile Selassie regime to the Eritrean Liberation
Front. Israelis had earlier helped train the Ethiopian secret police.
[BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 51-52] "INCODA, a wholly-owned company that exported
Ethiopians beef was a useful commercial front for intelligence activities ... In
December 1960 the Israelis helped [Emperor] Haile Selassie crush a coup
attempt." [BLACK/MORRIS, p. 186-187]
- US
axes Ethiopian aid over border war
"Information obtained by Africa Analysis indicates that the US and Israeli intelligence services - anxious to shield Meles from the risk of a palace coup as bad news leaked back from the front-line - passed on satellite photos of Eritrean positions and troop movements." (Africa Analysis, June 25, 1999)
- Israel Trades
Falasha for Weapons
By Donald Neff (Washington Report 05/1996)
Christians Paid for Summer Airlift of Ethiopian Jews
By Catherine Cohen (Ha'aretz 12/31/1999)
Sudan's Probe of CIA Role in Airlift of Ethiopian Jews (PDF)
By Christopher Dickey, The Washington Post, July 20, 1985.
The probe revealed "extensive payoffs to Sudanese officials by U.S. and Israeli intelligence services", "the largest single payment was said to have been $2 million, paid by 'Zionist organizations in Geneva' to a London bank account".
Note that this facsimile of the article is from CIA's website as a "Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release".
America's Role in the Rescue of Ethiopian Jewry
By Mitchell Bard and Howard Lenhoff, Jewish Virtual Library.
The whole secret op by CIA-Mossad now revealed by the Jews themselves: "The refugee affairs coordinator at the U.S. embassy in Khartoum, Jerry Weaver, met with Sudanese Vice President and Security Chief Omar Tayeb and secured his agreement to a plan for evacuating the Ethiopian Jews. Weaver, the Israeli Mossad, and the Sudanese secret police then devised the secret operation."
- Racism Against
Ethiopian Jews in Israel
By Danna Harman (Associated Press 03/17/1998)
- Mugabe Says
U.S., Canada Asked Him to Shield War Criminal Mengistu
(ABC News 12/20/1999)
More on Israeli Falasha Jews in Israel can be read in our section
Intra-Jewish Discrimination and Violence and
article screencaps in the caricature section
Blacks and
Angola |
“We were involved in Angola as consultants to the [South African Apartheid] army. You had Israeli officers there cooperating with the army. The link was very intimate.”
– Alon Liel, former Israeli ambassador to Pretoria and head of the Israeli foreign ministry's South Africa desk in the 1980s (The Guardian, 7 February 2006).
Orthodox Jew and "superlobbyist"
Jack Abramoff used his
services and political connections in the USA during the Ronald Reagan era to furnish support for the South African
Apartheid army's proxy group in Angola,
the so-called "freedom fighters" of UNITA under leadership of the CIA-payoff,
Jonas Savimbi.
The same Abramoff was also behind the 1988 propaganda movie
"Red Scorpion" starring Dolph Lundgren, loosely based on
the US/South African proxy war vs. Angola, with Dolph fighting Cubans and Soviets. A movie assisted by
elements of the Apartheid army where the South African Defence Force (SADF)
provided Abramoff with military equipment to use during the production,
including captured Soviet T-54 tanks and with active duty South African soldiers
serving as movie extras.
A tragic picture: José Eduardo Dos Santos, President
of Angola and who was pivotal in the struggle against
the South African racists and their Israeli backers
during the 1970's and 80's – post-Cold War
succumbing to the allure of Jew-Money,
here with the Israeli-Russian businessman,
Lev Leviev, "Angola's Diamond Czar".
Article on interventions in Congo and the death of Angolan Cold War warrior and CIA-stooge, Jonas Savimbi.
- Angolagate
and the Jewish connection - a collection of articles
On Israeli weapon smuggler Gaydamak, Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, Leviev, Rich, Attali, Mandelsaft.
Includes information on how Jewish Clinton-donor Marc Rich helped Apartheid South Africa.
- Lev Leviev - diamond tycoon,
Jewish king of Africa, supporter of Settlements
Diamond market
heavily contaminated with Israeli blood diamonds
Press Release from Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign, 2007.
See also:
Henry Kissinger
'considered Cuba air strikes' in 1976
Because Fidel Castro's Cuban forces intervened militarily vs Apartheid South Africa in "Operation Carlota", thwarting the South African/CIA-coordinated two-front invasion of Angola in 1975. For this the Jewish super-schemer Kissinger stated with his usual chutzpah: "I think we are going to have to smash Castro"
Article from BBC News, 1 October 2014.
CIA's Secret War in Angola (PDF)
A 1975 Intelligence Report, Volume 1 No. 1, Center for National Security Studies.
Note that this document is accessed from the website of the CIA! (Approved for release in 2004.) Among many heavy admissions of CIA intervening in support of the Apartheid racists in South Africa, the doc states on the Angolan pseudo-Liberation group "FNLA" under Holden Roberto, based in Mobuto's Zaire:"The CIA has been funding the FNLA and Holden Roberto since 1962, according to five different Administration sources. [...]
The document also states that the Jew "Kissinger pushed hard for the increased CIA intervention" in Angola.
During those same years, the policy towards the nearby Portuguese colonies, including Angola, was to "play all ends against the middle," according to an ex-White House aide. This policy ment providing Portugal with some military and political support, and taking a public stance in favor of nonviolent change in the colonies. In secret, however, the CIA subsidized independence groups committed to armed revolution against Portugal, but never with enough support to turn the tide. [...] The CIA funded various liberation movements from 1960 on, and FNLA's Holden Roberto was a major recipient. [...] President Ford chose to intervene, supporting FNLA and UNITA with $50 million."
FNLA's Road of Death: 40 or 50 km of
corpses strewn along the road... The work of CIA-henchmen! - Where is the accountability? Excerpt from the animated film "Another Day of Life", based on the book by world-famous Polish reporter Ryszard Kapuściński, on actual events in 1975 Angola. In Sweden the CIA-stooges of FNLA were heavily promoted in the media as "Angolan freedom fighters" by the Jewish-Zionist activist, Olle Wästberg (Hirsch), of the Liberal Party, who even travelled down to Africa to meet the group in 1969. (see sources here and here) |
More on CIA's actions in Angola and its collusion with the brutal and racist Apartheid
régime in South Africa can be read in
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II,
by William Blum - the epic history book on covert CIA operations and
United States military interventions during the second half of the
20th century.
Check Chapter 41, "Angola 1975 to 1980s: The Great
Powers Poker Game", beginning at p.249 and the revelations of CIA
operative John Stockwell, the head of the CIA's
Angola task force.
Kenya |
Jews were also part of the colonial occupation-apparatus in Kenya with the Jewish businessman Israel "Issy" Somen serving in the top-strategic position as Mayor of the Kenyan capital of Nairobi in 1955. According to Wikipedia this Jew "Somen played a leading role in establishing amicable relations between Kenya and Israel both pre and post independence".
- Israeli paper on Israeli
sex-tourism in Kenya
"Paradise Mombassa", translated and introduced by Gilad Atzmon.
- Mombasa 2002 Attacks: A
Strong Message to Mossad in Africa
By Khaled Hanafi,
- Unpacking the Israel-Kenya
deal to help wage war in Somalia
Mondoweiss, November 16, 2011
"Kenya long seen as key Israeli ally in troubled region"
Fox News. 24 September, 2013.
Israeli intelligence agents operating on Kenyan soil...
Shalom From Kenya
By Rhona Lewis,, February 9, 2015.
This Jewess, writing for a Zionist magazine, boasts about the Jewish-Israeli influence over Kenya's economy:
"During the1970s, Israelis began arriving in search of economic opportunities [...] Airports, bridges, dams, petroleum refineries, high-rise buildings, roads and hotels all mushroomed thanks to the Israelis."
"Kenya’s horticulture industry, launched in 1963 by Israeli-owned Amiran, the largest horticultural and floricultural export earner in East Africa, has continued to bloom."
- Kenya follows
Malawi in sending farm workers to Israel amid Hamas war
From BBC News, 7 December, 2023.
The Jews now luring poor Africans with contracts of $1,500 USD(!) monthly.
See also: Kenya to send 1,500 agriculture workers to Israel amid farm labour shortage, Al Jazeera English, 12 December, 2023.
Manipulated Kenyan "Christians" praying for the racist Jewish state of
From the X/Twitter account (Nov 27, 2023) of the Israeli Embassy, "Israel in Kenya":
"Thank you to The Coalition of Kenyan Churches for Israel for organizing this important event of prayers for the State of Israel."
Commentary: Non-Jews doing the Jews' bidding are in the Jewish world called Shabboz Goyim - i.e. useful idiots.
Somalia |
Somalia is labelled a "failed state" but the consequent Zionist policies of
the Jewnited States has been exactly to crush all attempts by the
Somalis themselves of bringing order after the fall of the Siad Barre
régime in 1991. Mohamed Farrah Aidid - a man with pretention of stabilizing the
country and who even had
a son in the U.S. Marines was labelled an
"extremist" and attacked by U.S. forces, including the Black Hawk Down massacre
of some 1000 people in 1993. And when Somali klansmen held a peace meeting
they were massacred by U.S. choppers!
All the time under the pretext of curbing "islamist extremism".
Then when calm finally arrived under the rule of the Union of Islamic Courts,
the Jewnited States orchestrated an
Ethiopian invasion in 2006 where the foreign
invaders even captured the capital, Mogadishu, creating one of the
worst humanitarian disaster of the time with some 400 000 refugees. It was
this invasion and cold blooded killings that gave incitament for the more
radical islamist group - Al Shabaab to form - as the Union of Islamic Courts had
been crushed. Then finally the Jewnited States got the "islamist
extremist" movement to fight that never had been there in the first place!
Very much in line with the Somali Pirate problem, where actually the policies of foreign powers including Western illegal fishing and toxic waste dumping off the Somali coast forced destitute Somali fishermen to arm themselves to fend off foreign illiegal fishing vessels and then actually overtaking them, and finally to pirateering them. Thus turning from peaceful fishermen to "pirates".
- General
Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
Sensational revelation by Jewish former top general of the US Armed Forces.
The countries mentioned are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
- 'US, Israel behind
disaster in Somalia'
PressTV, Aug 17, 2011
- Drought didn’t cause
Somalia's famine - War did. And food aid may well make it worse
By Aidan Hartley, The Spectator, 6 August 2011
- The Essence of
Modern America in Somalia’s Blood-drenched Soil
By Chris Floyd, 11 September 2011
- Blowback in Somalia -
CIA support of warlords
By Jeremy Scahill, The Nation, September 7, 2011
- U.S. support key to Ethiopia's invasion
USA Today.
Ethiopia's Zionist-sponsored invasion has caused a humanitarian disaster, thousands have been killed and the glimpse of hope and stability that the Union of Islamic Courts had offered, has been shattered (which of course also was the intended result).
- Unpacking the Israel-Kenya
deal to help wage war in Somalia
Mondoweiss, November 16, 2011
- U.S. Atrocities - the historical record
Samples of the US military's massacres and atrocities in the Philippines, Japan, Somalia (1993) and Afghanistan.
- Black Hawk Down: naked propaganda masquerading as entertainment
- Israel and
Somaliland - Israel Eyes New Alliances In Africa
Israel is the first country that is ready to recognise Somaliland for the second time.
- Arab League condemns Israel over Somaliland recognition
- A Lost Jewish Tribe From
Somalia Looks To Israel For Salvation
- Israeli, American
indicted for gun running to Somalia, June 28, 2010
- Israeli lied about
Somaliland acquiring arms
Ha'aretz, 1 July 2010
- Somali Piracy - The
facts media hides - A collection of articles on the root causes
Zimbabwe (fmr Rhodesia) |
about the African nation of Zimbabwe, home to 750 Jews? In 2001, that
country's (Jewish) Chief Justice, Anthony Gubbay (born in Manchester,
Great Britain) resigned his post after political troubles with president
Robert Mugabe.
In Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) Israel supported
the colonial white minority regime in various ways, including the construction
of a 500-mile long mine field along the Rhodesian border with Mozambique and
Zambia. There were even Israeli mercenaries in the Rhodesian army. [BEIT-HALLAHMI,
p. 63]
Mugabe Says
U.S., Canada Asked Him to Shield War
Criminal Mengistu
(ABC News 12/20/1999)
Israeli riot-gear sale fuels concern
Israelis debate the pending sale of water cannons, armored vehicles to Zimbabwe regime.
The Christian Science Monitor, August 23, 2001.
Israel's Role in Worldwide
By The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, 2012
Document also available as PDF for easy spreading.
Uganda |
Idi Amin’s Israeli Connection
By Helen Epstein, The New Yorker, June 27, 2016."Israel itself helped install Amin in power, creating a monster who turned on his former patrons. [...]
The same article also writes on Uganda's present dictator, Yoweri Museveni:
As part of what became known as the Peripheral Doctrine, Israel trained and equipped Uganda’s military and carried out construction, agriculture, and other development projects.
Just months after the Six-Day War, in 1967, Israel sold Uganda weapons worth seven million dollars. In 1969, Israel began funnelling weapons through Uganda into southern Sudan, where a ragtag rebel group known as the Anyanya had been fighting the Arab-dominated Sudanese government since the nineteen-fifties. Israel’s purpose was to distract the Sudanese Army so that it would not join forces with Egypt, which was mobilizing to retaliate for the capture of the Sinai Peninsula. [...]
But Amin, the Ugandan Army’s commander at the time, was a great admirer of Israel. He had briefly enrolled in a paratrooper course there (uncompleted), and was friendly with Colonel Baruch Bar-Lev, Israel’s military attaché in Uganda; Amin’s numerous wives and children even socialized with Bar-Lev’s wife and children. [...]
Bar-Lev was eager to help Amin, who was serving Israel’s interests in Sudan, and he advised the Ugandan commander to form a battalion within the Army to protect himself. The Israelis would train it. This unit, consisting of paratroopers, tanks, and armed jeeps, proved instrumental a few months later when, in January, 1971, Amin overthrew the regime while Obote was in Singapore for a meeting of the British Commonwealth. [...]
Amin’s first diplomatic visit was to Israel, followed by Britain, where he dined with Queen Elizabeth.
"Early in Museveni’s tenure, Uganda once again became a pawn in the seemingly endless undeclared war between the Arab world and the West. In 1994, the Clinton Administration began funding Uganda and other countries to destabilize the government of Sudan’s Omar Hassan al-Bashir, whom it held partly responsible for the bombing of the World Trade Center, in 1993. Ugandan troops have also been deployed, at the West’s beckoning, in Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. [...]
Unlike Amin, Museveni knows better than to betray his patrons, and he remains a strong ally of the West and Israel. Although the Israelis have not had an Embassy in Uganda since Amin threw them out, in 1972, Museveni, his wife, and senior Ugandan politicians visit Israel frequently; Uganda usually votes with Israel at the United Nations, and Ugandan military officers receive training from Israelis. Israel also sells weapons to Uganda, and Netanyahu has visited at least once before, although not as Prime Minister. Recently, Israel began exporting its Eritrean and Sudanese refugees to Uganda under a “third country” arrangement. According to the BBC, this secretive program is rife with human-rights abuses; many of the Ugandan arrivals receive no assistance at all, and aren’t even registered with the U.N. Refugee Agency. It’s likely that the refugees, and more weapons sales, will be on the agenda when Netanyahu and Museveni meet."
Israeli Asserts He Helped Amin Achieve Rule in ’71
By Moshe Brilliant special to The New York Times, July 17, 1976.
"A retired Israeli colonel [Bar-Lev] who headed a military mission in Kampala said today that he helped make Gen. Idi Amin President of Uganda in 1971."
Rwanda |
Files of the Israeli Defense Ministry reveals that already during
the Kayibanda dictatorship between 1963-1973,
Israel was involved in building up the Rwandan security forces,
and sought to benefit politically from the ethnic divisions there.
Israeli Foreign Ministry documents also show that Israel was aware
of the massacres against the Tutsi minority way back in the 1960s -
and turned a blind eye, and in 1994 Israel continued sending weapons
- including guns, ammunition, and grenades - to the Hutus as the
infamous 1994 genocide on Tutsis was taking place (see +972
Magazine source below).
Lately Rwanda under President Paul Kagame - "the West's Favorite Autocrat"
- has been acting out as "France's bitch" "saving" the gas interests
of French energy company Total in northern Mozambique vs Islamist
insurgents (2021– ), and backing the invasion of M23 "rebels" in East
D. R. Congo (2025, see
source), securing coltan, gold and other
mineral resources - with no open opposition by "the West". Rwanda
has also helped out in the immigrant-relocation schemes of Britain
and Israel, also with no real scrutiny or exposition by the
"Liberal" Western
MSM media - media that usually pretend to be pro-immigrant,
pro-"people of colour".
Did Israel arm Rwanda during the 1994 genocide?
Middle East Eye, 13 February 2015.
Investigator finds evidence Israel was supplying weapons to Rwanda via Albania after UN embargo was imposed. MEE interviews Israeli historian, professor Yair Auron.
According to UN officials, 800,000 men, women and children were massacred in Rwanda in the space of 100 days in 1994, the fastest genocide in human history.
How Israel helped prop up Rwanda’s Hutu regime before the
By Eitay Mack, published in Israeli investigative site +972 Magazine, April 29, 2019.
- What
happened when Israel sent its refugees to Rwanda
By Daisy Walsh, BBC News, 23 June 2022.
BBC has heard evidence that, as recently as 2017, refugees despatched there by Israel were rapidly deported and are now in Europe.
Jewish chutzpah in action!
More on Jewish power / Israeli influence in the World:
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Americas | Asia | Middle East - Arab World |
United Nations | Africa | |