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CNN's Jewish version of "diversity"

Freedom Research, February 2020

Introductory notes

Some captured examples of "diversity", Jewish-style

Spotlight on some Jewish profiles in CNN

CNN's Jewish "experts"

Some non-Jewish actors in CNN - the "shabbos goyim"

CNN's crackdown on dissent within its ranks

Introductory notes

Watching CNN nowadays is more and more like seeing John Carpenter's old Sci-Fi classic "They Live", where aliens in advanced human-like disguise, have penetrated the absolute echelons of power, using their new won positions for their own selfish material interests, on Mankinds behalf - while propagating messages of consumerism and "respect for authority", to pacify the unsuspecting masses.


Left: a pic from the movie "They Live". Right: a political caricature using the same visual language in a modern context.


The prevalance of Jews in the Global human population is usually put at 0.2 %, i.e. 99.8 % of the Earth's inhabitants are non-Jews.

Last time we checked the prevalance of Jews in the USA was 2% among the total population, but looking at the higher levels of society and especially the circles of media, the percentage of Jewish participation is incredibly much higher, completly out of touch with the national demographic figures. Those circles look more like a secluded "Jewish Club", reserved for the ones with the right, Jewish, identity ticket.

This of course completely goes against the criteria of real diversity and real democracy - "rule by the people". Here instead we have members of a diminutive "tribe" (yes, they often refer themselves to exactly that, "The Tribe"), calling the shots. A new kind of ethnocentrist "Apartheid" system, with a tribal non-electable "Nomenklatura" running the show.

Before anybody plays out "The Antisemitism Card" against this text, there are some quotes from the Jewish-Zionist Establishment that should be reiterated, so things can be put into a correct contemporary geopolitical context, and not rebuked as "old Nazi-styled lists of Jews" "like those listings compiled in the 1930's totalitarian Europe". 

During the years after the formation of Israel, we have noted quotes by prominent Jews such as:

Every Jew is an Ambassador for Israel

- Rabbi Aron Moss, Arutz Sheva, Israel National News, 25 July, 2006.

Every French Jew is a representative of Israel... Rest assured that every Jew in France is a defender of that which you defend.

- France's Chief Rabbi Sitruk in a declaration to Israel's leader Yitzhak Shamir, quoted in Le Monde, 9 July, 1990. Shamir was behind the 1948 murder of the UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte.

I consider that all Jews in the Diaspora, and thus it is true in France, should everywhere they can lend their support to Israel. This is why it is also important that Jews take political responsabilities.
[...]. In sum, in my functions and in my everyday life, through the whole of my actions, I try to make so that my modest stone is brought to the construction of the land of Israel.

- Dominique Strauss-Kahn, French Jew and chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in Passages, No 35 - February/March 1991.

Every Jew in the world is an Israeli even if he's not aware of it. Anyone who doesn't know it is making a big mistake.

- Fiamma Nirenstein, Italian-Jewish politician, in Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, 18 April, 2008.

When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel.

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister, "Rebirth and Destiny of Israel", 1954, p. 489.


We also advise reading former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky's revelations on the Sayanim system, by which the state of Israel uses its Jewish Diaspora in the West, activating them as cells to subvertly aid the Jewish state, their real "motherland".

Now over to CNN, the Cable News Network. 

The Judaization of this important and influential news channel has reached its peak after the takeover by the Jew Jeff Zucker.


We will below give real life examples of this new CNN, version 2.0 propagating ZioNews in the service of Israel, looks like.

Some captured examples of "diversity", Jewish-style


Above: CNN's Jewish moderators, keeping the debate in check, deciding what to speak about - and what to not speak about. The exclusive privilege of "problem formulation".

Trump Presidency inauguration ceremony 20th January 2017. "Diversity" CNN style;
all 4 live commentators are Jewish! Jews John King, Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Debate in CNN: Jews Wolf Blitzer, David Chalian, and Dana Bash. Here Chalian even doing the classic Jewish "palms-out" pose! 

CNN Jews John King, Gloria Borger, Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper on CNN, 21st January 2020.
4 out of 6 commentators, that is a 67% presence! 

A few hours later, in the same CNN studio on 21st January, 2020, discussing the Donald Trump impeachment process. Apart from King, Borger, Blitzer, Tapper - now the studio with added Jews Jeffrey Toobin, Michael Gerhardt and Jamie Gangel joining CNN's analytical team.

Now the Jews are 7 out of 9 persons in the studio, i.e. a 78% presence. Not so much of a "diversity", or?

The program "Reliable Sources" with Jew Brian Stelter as host which according to CNN "examines the media world".
In this edition on alleged Russian influence on Trump, aired 15th July 2018, Stelter and all 3 guests are Jews!

Pictured from left to right:
- CNN's Brian Stelter.
- Carl Bernstein, investigative reporter.
- CNN National Security Analyst Samantha Vinograd.
- New York Magazine’s Jewish staffer Jonathan Chait

CNN Jews Brian Stelter, Timothy Naftali, Jeffrey Toobin and Ross Garber, aired on 24th January, 2020.

4 out of 6 of the commentators are Jewish, i.e. a 67% Jewish presence.  

A 28 December 2016 CNN panel "reacting" to Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech on Israel. Only Jews participating! A 100% kosher event!
- Elise Labott, Jewish CNN Correspondent
- Kate Bolduan, Jewish CNN Anchor
- Oren Liebermann, Jewish CNN Israel Correspondent
- David Rohde, Jewish journalist
- Ron Brownstein, Jewish CNN Political Commentator
- Aaron David Miller, Jewish Mid-East "expert" that boasts: "I've written speeches for Republican and Democratic secretaries of state on the Middle East before..."

Note that in the program also former Israeli Ambassador Danny Ayalon was interviewed (see transcript).
Note that Secretary of State John Kerry himself is a crypto-Jew.

Another CNN show with Jews: (from left) Ron Brownstein, David Swerdlick, Gloria Borger and Wolf Blitzer.

4 out of 5 are thus Jews, i.e. a 80% Jewish presence.  

CNN 31st October 2019 live special on the Trump impeachment vote, 5 of 6 are Jewish!

From left to right; Jew Michael Gerhardt (constitutional law professor), Jewess Susan Glasser (CNN Global Affairs Analyst), Jewess Dana Bash, Jew Wolf Blitzer, a female non-Jew, and Jew Ross Garber (CNN Legal Analyst). 

2 Jews, 1 non-Jew. The Jew Norman Ornstein, Political Scientist and Congressional Expert, the Jewess Susan Glasser, CNN Global Affairs Analyst, with Christiane Amanpour. Aired on "Amanpour", 6th May 2019.

Note that the non-Jew Amanpour has been married to Jewish activist James Rubin, with whom she even has a child.

Indian CNN host Fareed Zakaria in his high profile program "GPS - Global Public Square", aired on 6th August 2017. All 3 of his guest panelists are Jews!

The Jews are: Gideon Rose, Dan Senor and Julia Ioffe.

Julia Ioffe, Jewish Staff Writer for The Atlantic

Gideon Rose, Editor of Foreign Affairs magazine and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The Jewish activist Rose has been a staff member of the U.S. National Security Council under the Clinton Administration. It should be noted that Gideon Rose took over as managing editor of CFR's magazine Foreign Affairs, after Fareed Zakaria, the latter now at CNN.  

Dan Senor, Jew and here labelled by CNN as the "Co-founder of Foreign Policy Initiative".

It should here be added - to people who have forgotten - that this Jew Senor is non other than one of the prime agents of the destruction of the Arab country of Iraq. After the invasion and occupation in 2003, this agent of Israel served as the U.S. Chief Spokesperson for the U.S.-Zionist occupation forces in Iraq and as a Senior Advisor to occupation governor Paul Bremer.  

Jewish Tablet Magazine calls Senor "Romney´s Jewish Connector" (July 27, 2012), relating "how Dan Senor became the GOP candidate’s key emissary to Israel’s intelligentsia and the Washington policy scene". The article writes:

Dan Senor, a Republican politico-turned-investor who is a close adviser to the Romney campaign. Senor—who is famous in pro-Israel circles as the author of the best-selling 2009 book Start-Up Nation—has taken Romney to Israel twice before, once in 2007, before the governor’s first presidential bid, and again last year. 
To some, Senor remains best known as the spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority, a role that made him a regular television fixture in the immediate aftermath of the 2003 Iraq invasion. In the years since, he’s reinvented himself as a cable news commentator and Israel advocate and has simultaneously amassed his own fortune working on Wall Street. 
More importantly, Senor has been a vital emissary over the past six years for Romney not just to the Israelis and the American Jewish community, but to a Republican foreign-policy establishment that, even today, remains somewhat alien territory.

According to sources Senor, who has worked for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), was the man who brought to the Mit Romney campaign a network of close ties to Israel, including his sister Wendy Singer, who runs the Jerusalem office of the AIPAC.

Dan Senor
as Iraq occupation forces U.S. chief Spokesperson and Senior Advisor.

Dan Senor holding a Israel Bonds-lecture at a conference, Invest in Israel, 2015. Showing his real - Zionist - colours.

Dan Senor as co-author of "Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle", here making ad for a book on an Israeli army elite unit "Talpiot" and their weaponry research. Click to enlarge.  

Dan Senor with felllow Jews at a Jewish event on Israel and High-Tech. 

Dan Senor in profile - a Humanist in the service of Mankind - OR - an aggressive Zionist mole in the service of the racist state of "Israel".

You be the judge! 

Jews talking to Jews...

"Super Tuesday" 2016. In the studio CNN Jews Dana Bash and Jake Tapper

"Super Tuesday" 2016. CNN's Jewish commentators Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, explaining U.S. politics for the majority non-Jewish, CNN audience. 

Jewish monologues. 2017, Liberal Jew Peter Beinart and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach "face off" about whether the Trump Administration and Breitbart News are responsible for an alleged rise in "anti-Semitic" incidents. Hosted by CNN's Jew Don Lemon

Jewish monologues: David Axelrod in discussion with CNN's likewise Jewish political commentator Gloria Borger

Jake Tapper & Wolf Blitzer. Again - two Jews discussing U.S. politics, the former doing the classic Jewish "palms-out" pose.  

Jewish monologues. CNN Jews Samantha Vinograd with co-tribalist Elie Honig, aired November 2019. 

Jewish monologues. CNN Jews Dana Bash and Elie Honig in analytical discussion, aired 24th December 2018. 

More Jewish monologues. Jew talks to Jew - Jake Tapper and Elie Honig, CNN's "The Lead", April 2019. 

More inter-Jewish dialogue presented as "debate". CNN Jews Susan Glasser (L) and Elie Honig (R) with Jewish CNN host Don Lemon in the middle.

It should be noted that Susan Glasser is Editor and Chief International Affairs Correspondent at Politico and cooperates with the Zionist infested Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Her husband Peter Baker is the Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times and has also had the post of New York Times' Jerusalem Bureau Chief, "explaining" the situation in Jewish-occupied Palestine for the American people.  

Iowa Democratic Caucus watch 2020:

Iowa Democratic Caucus watch, 3rd February, 2020. Only Jews commenting; Blitzer, King and Chalian

Iowa Democratic Caucus watch, 4th February, 2020 - a day later. Only Jews commenting; Blitzer, King, Tapper and Bash

U.S. Midterm Election watch 2018:

CNN's U.S. Midterm Election watch, 7th November, 2018: Jews Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash... 

... and Jew John King

Jews Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper discussing U.S. politics, CNN's U.S. Midterm Election watch, 7th November, 2018.

So 4 out of 4 are Jewish, to reiterate thus part of a minority group that only represents 2% of U.S. society. So with the new Jewish "diversity" policies of CNN under Jeff Zucker's régime, the Jewish presence in this important election watch-show is 100%

Spotlight on some Jewish profiles in CNN

Wolf Blitzer

Wolf Blitzer is CNN's lead Political Anchor and the anchor of "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer". We deal with this fomer journalist for Israeli media and activist for the Jewish Israel-lobby AIPAC, in our text: Wolf Blitzer - agent of Zionism.

Wolf Blitzer.

Wolf Blitzer
& Jake Tapper

CNN's Jewish anchor Wolf Blitzer with Chabad Jews. 

The article "CNN is Israel's biggest cheerleader-in-chief " by Middle East Eye (February 13, 2015) writes more on Blitzer's Zionist leanings:
News anchor, Wolf Blitzer has become the face of CNN. He is the network’s Washington DC Bureau Chief. Blitzer began his career as a correspondent for the ultra-Zionist and hyper-right-wing Jerusalem Post. Before making his way to CNN, Blitzer served a stint as the public relations spokesperson for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) - aka the Israel lobby.
“Blitzer paraded his true colors during his numerous interviews of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu by calling him ‘Bibi’ on air,” American journalist Wayne Masden wrote in a recent op-ed for the Intrepid Report.
“Every time a glorified bottle rocket is fired from Gaza into Israel, Blitzer flies off to his old paper’s hometown, to provide ‘on air’ descriptions of life in a ‘besieged’ Israel, air raid sirens wailing in the background. Blitzer’s reports are pure theater, designed to pull at the heart strings of Americans whose knowledge of Middle Eastern affairs could fit into a thimble.”
Masden goes on to argue that “Blitzer’s rapid rise from reporter to Washington bureau chief took place after CNN founder Ted Turner lost control of his company to Gerald Levin of Time Warner”.
It was that move that was instrumental in “turning the network, considered to be relatively unbiased on Middle East issues, into an echo chamber for Israel and its US Lobby,” Masden added.

Top: Zionist mole Wolf Blitzer in the role of journalist for Israeli paper The Jerusalem Post

Right: The cover of Blitzer's book on the Jonathan Pollard Israel spy scandal. Notice Blitzer's headtitle wording; " he was betrayed". This reveals the extreme Zionist mindset of mr Blitzer. The only real "betrayal" here is that of the Jewish activist, Jonathan Pollard, versus the USA.

Sam Feist

Sam Feist is CNN's Jewish Washington Bureau Chief and Senior Vice President. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Sam Feist. Leads the production of CNN's campaign and election coverage.

Israeli paper Ha'aretz lets us know that Jews now have direct access to CNN; in 2018 a group of Chabad Jews visited the offices of CNN, under the direction of CNN's top leading Jews Wolf Blitzer and Sam Feist, see article from the Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff, "Chabad at George Washington University met with Wolf Blitzer and CNN's D.C. Bureau Chief Sam Feist", Ha'aretz, 24th January, 2018. The event was documented by the Chabad Jews themselves on their Facebook page - see pics below.

Chabad Jews at CNN, Wolf Blitzer and Sam Feist in the middle.


Jake Tapper

Jake Tapper is CNN's Jewish Chief Washington Correspondent and hosts the weekly show "The Lead with Jake Tapper" and the Sunday morning program "State of the Union".

Jake Tapper of CNN.  

Jake Tapper showing his real colours. Posing in front of the Israeli flag at the Barrack Hebrew Academy Gala, March 2015.  

reveals that "his upbringing was fiercely Jewish", and that Jake Tapper also has a "famous chutzpah" (i.e., shameless Jewish audacity).

On December 2, 2016, Tapper really showed his Zionist leanings, leading an open session with Israel's criminal Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, hosted by the likewise Zionist Brookings Institution Saban Forum. (See at least the first segment of the C-SPAN videoclip of the whole event: click this link)

Jake Tapper with Israel's Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Brookings Institution Saban Forum, December 2, 2016. Note that
Lieberman - who wants to deprive the Palestinians of their homeland, Palestine, actually is born in Moldova, a former Soviet Republic!
Note also that Lieberman, who CNN's Jake Tapper so happily interacts with, in 2015 stated that Palestinian Israeli citizens disloyal to the
country "deserve to have their heads chopped off with an axe"! ("Behead Arab-Israelis Opposed to State, Says Foreign Minister",
, 3/9/2015).
For another picture of Tapper and Lieberman from the 2016 event: click here

For more on Tapper's Zionist activism see also: "WATCH: CNN Anchor, Jake Tapper, Hammers UN for Anti-Israel Bias" (Jewish Breaking News, 2017/12/26)

Tapper’s alma mater, Barrack Hebrew Academy, emphasizes: “…we are committed to the centrality of Israel and the State of Israel.” 

See the article: "CNN’s Jake Tapper was taught to recognize the “essential importance” of Israel"

Dana Bash

Dana Bash is CNN's Jewish Chief Political Correspondent

Dana Bash was married to former CIA and U.S. Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash from 1998 to 2007. In 2008 she married fellow CNN correspondent John King. Bash gave birth to a son, Jonah, in June 2011 and separated from her husband in 2012.

Dana Bash's Jewish marriage with CNN's John King in 2008.
Note the kippah on King's head.  

Her former husband John King - a convert to Judaism - is CNN's Chief National Correspondent and anchor of "Inside Politics".
Please read: "John King Converting For His Jewish CNN Sweetheart" (HuffPost, May 25, 2011).

Dana Bash combines her work within CNN with Jewish activism: "CAA Holds Celebration of Egalitarianism and Tradition" (The Jewish Outlook, 2018):
The panel discussion will be moderated by Bash, CNN’s chief political correspondent. Bash has often spoken about being a Jewish woman in media and politics. Her father was the senior broadcast producer for “Good Morning America,” and her mother is an author and educator in Jewish studies.

CNN's Dana Bash was moderator at a American Jewish Committee (AJC) Global Forum 2019, plenary session, June 2019.  

Gloria Borger

Gloria Borger is CNN's Jewish Senior Political Analyst.

CNN's Gloria Borger.

Borger's likewise Jewish son is married to the daughter of Republican politician and former U.S.-ambassador, Jon Huntsman Jr..

David Axelrod

David Axelrod is CNN's Senior Political Commentator and has his own show called "The Axe Files". Axelrod has formerly been Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama.

David Axelrod and the "The Axe Files".

David Axelrod
in discussion with CNN's likewise Jewish political commentator Gloria Borger

Axelrod at the Israeli Embassy's Hannukah party.

Politico, 2/01/2010 comments the picture above:

At the Israeli Embassy's Hannukah party tonight, David Axelrod gamely poses with former McCain aide Michael Goldfarb, who now advises Emergency Committee for Israel, and ECI executive director Noah Pollak, not exactly fans of the Administration's policy in the region.

David Gergen

David Gergen is CNN's Jewish Senior Political Analyst and has served as an adviser to four presidents of both parties (Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton). Gergen is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Trilateral Commission.

David Gergen, CNN Senior Political Analyst.

Please read: "Gergen: U.S. Jews must have voice in White House" (, December 16, 2013)

CNN Senior Political Analyst David Gergen delivering a speech at The Jewish Federations of North America.


David Gergen at a Greater Miami Jewish Federation event in 2016. 

Brian Stelter

Bian Stelter is CNN's Jewish Senior Media Correspondent and the host of the CNN's media watch program "Reliable Sources".


Brian Stelter and his not so-"Reliable Sources".

CNN Brian Stelter and Jamie Shupak's wedding kippah/yarmulke. 

Brian Stelter and Jamie Shupak's Jewish wedding 2014, the kippah all well set on Stelter's head.

Richard Quest

Richard Quest is CNN's Jewish anchor and Business Editor at Large, running his show "Business Traveller", "The Express" and "Quest's World of Wonder", but also special focus segments on World Economic Forum in Davos, air travel, Brexit - you name it...

The Guardian (13th November 2006) reported that Quest turned down an offer to work for the Arabic channel Al Jazeera English:
Richard Quest of CNN said he turned down an offer on the grounds that being gay and Jewish might not be suitable.

Richard Quest with Jewfro.  

CNN's Richard Quest with his gay lover. 

Richard Quest in Israel...

... meeting Israeli war criminal Shimon Peres, "The Butcher of Qana". 

Don Lemon

Don Lemon is CNN's Jewish and gay anchor for the program "Tonight with Don Lemon".

When you hear something coming from him, don't think of it as coming from a Black man, because Don Lemon is Jewish. At least that's how he self identifies: 

Don Lemon
, labels himself "as a non-practising Jew" - see clip from CNN (aired February 4, 2012) and transcript.

Addendum 2021:
Ad for Don Lemon's (virtual) speech at the synagogue Temple Emanu-El's Streicker Center in New York, March 16th, 2021. According to its website: "The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center is a home for all things Jewish in this shtetl we call New York."
Other events at this NYC-center - that Lemon so happily cooperates with - focus on Zionists such as the children of the war criminals Ariel Sharon and Yitzhak Rabin and an event with Israel's former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit (see ads below).

Don Lemon with his gay boy.  

David Swerdlick

David Swerdlick is a CNN Political Commentator, like Don Lemon looking "Black", but essentially Jewish.

David Swerdlick

To dwelve deeper into his mindset, please read David Swerdlick's article "Why Jews Should Vote for Obama" (The Root, 10/22/2008)

Jeffrey Toobin

Jeffrey Toobin
is CNN's Jewish Chief Legal Analyst. Toobin is a longtime friend of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan.

Jeffrey Toobin, Jewish CNN Chief Legal Analyst. 

In October 2020 CNN's Chief Legal Analyst was literally caught pants down; Toobin was suspended from CNN after for masturbating(!) in front of colleagues during a live video on-line "election simulation featuring New Yorker all-stars".

The VICE News article entitled "New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Masturbating on Zoom Call" (October 19, 2020) delved further in the matter:

The New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating on a Zoom video chat between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio last week. Toobin says he did not realize his video was on.
Both people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity [...] said that they saw Toobin jerking off. [...] they said, it seemed like Toobin was on a second video call. The sources said that when the groups returned from their break out rooms, Toobin lowered the camera. The people on the call said they could see Toobin touching his penis. Toobin then left the call. Moments later, he called back in, seemingly unaware of what his colleagues had been able to see, and the simulation continued.

This affaire reveals the moral fabric of the people working in CNN, this "the most trusted name in news", as CNN usually labels itself in its ads.

A small concluding poem on the incident:

"There was once a man named Toobin, who yanked his root on a Zoomin,
 he just couldn't wait, to take hold of his snake, and turned his life into ruin!"

August 5th 2021 we suddenly noted that Jeffrey Toobin was back in the studio as "CNN Chief Legal Analyst", as if nothing had happened! (see screencap)

David Chalian

David Chalian is CNN's Jewish and gay Political Director.

's doppelganger/human double - David Chalian, CNN's Jewish and gay Political Director. 

The Jewish article "Temple Har Zion Presidents Circle presents David Chalian (CNN)", writes on an event for 4th June 2017:

Temple Har Zion Presidents Circle presents David Chalian (CNN)
Join us for a special evening with David Chalian in conversation with CBC's Michael Enright. David Chalian will be discussing the recent U.S. election, the Trump Administration and worldwide implications including those for Canada and Israel. David Chalian oversees political coverage across all CNN platforms, playing an instrumental role in the network’s daily coverage, providing on-air political analysis across the network’s programs.
Includes a Dessert Reception following the presentation.
For tickets, please call 905-889-2252 ext. 109
Temple Members before May 26: $20
General Public and Temple Members after May 26:$25

Here we also publish a sum-up of Jewish Politruk David Chalian's career before CNN:




Kate Bolduan

Kate Bolduan is CNN's convert Jewish Anchor who has been connected to CNN programs such as "At This Hour with Kate Bolduan" and "State of America with Kate Bolduan".

Kate Bolduan.

Kate Bolduan
and her Jewish husband Michael Gershenson, to the right.  

Kate Bolduan appears to break down when talking about Jewish mass-shooting victims. Note: it doesn't happen when non-Jews in Palestine get massacred. Sobbings are only reserved for the members of the Tribe of the Chosen...
(see "CNN's Kate Bolduan chokes up while talking about Pittsburgh synagogue tribute", The Hill,

Harry Enten

Harry Enten is CNN's Jewish Senior Writer and Analyst for CNN Politics.

For more, read/listen to Jewish Tablet Magazine (July 31, 2017) on Harry Enten, "Our Jew of the week".

Harry Enten

The article "An Interview with Harry Enten" (The Dartmouth Review, ), delves further on Enten's Jewishness:
TDR: You use the “Jewish echoes” and the hashtag “#RenegadeJew” on your Twitter. What does being Jewish mean to you and what does it mean in your field?

HE: Those were started by Rosenberg, who is a writer with Tablet: good guy, really respect him. He took the lead on that. Am I a religious guy? Not necessarily sure you can say that. Some things shake people in different ways. That being said, I’ll never run from who I am. Various groups have persecuted the Jewish people through the ages. I think during this election cycle, there was a small, select group of people who decided to make that an issue again. I don’t think that will ever not be an issue. I just wanted to take a stand because I think my last name does not really make it clear as to what my background is. I wanted to make sure I was clear about what I was and who I was. Judaism means different things to different people. To me, it is who I am, and I wanted to make sure that people understood that.
TDR: You’ve done a few articles on American-Jewish political views and a few articles on the American-Israeli relationship. In doing that research, was there anything that surprised you?
HE: I don’t know if there’s anything that surprised me so much. People tend to think of voters as blocks. Jewish voters are overwhelmingly Democrats. Among Jews, there are many diverse viewpoints. We know that if someone goes to synagogue once a week, he is far more likely to be Republican. Something that I’m going to look at in the next few years is how specifically Orthodox Jews differ from Reform Jews, especially as Orthodox Jews rise as a proportion of the Jewish population. You see these very different viewpoints in the Jewish community. In terms of Israeli relations, one of the unfortunate things that has occurred (if you’re a fan of Israel) is that we are starting to form a real partisan regarding the way in which Republicans and Democrats view Israeli-U.S relations. One of the reasons Israel has always been able to maintain a strong tie with the U.S. is that it’s been a bipartisan issue. That may be starting to change, and both sides of the aisle need to be keeping an eye out for that. Depending on your political viewpoint, it could be a good thing or a bad thing, but we will begin to see a change over the next decade.

Even the press in the usurper state, Israel, has taken notice of their Jewish brethren in the CNN crew. The Israeli paper The Jerusalem Post, even dedicate a special article to him, "CNN election forecaster Harry Enten speaks about his Jewishness" (July 26, 2020). They make a special highlight of Enten's regular habit of opening his CNN segments with the Jewish greeting "Shalom".
Harry Enten, the CNN Politics election forecaster, demonstrates his Jewish bonafides just about every time he appears on TV. [...] A native of the Bronx, Enten speaks with a thick New York accent and regularly drops a “Shalom” during his frequent TV appearances. The trademark signoff feels only natural for Enten, who celebrated his bar mitzvah in Israel [...].
The Jerusalem Post continues:
"I went to Riverdale Country School, where I know the population of the student body was largely Jewish, even though the school itself was obviously not. I went to Hebrew school for a little while, then I had a private tutor, and I had a bar mitzvah in Israel. I still know most of my Torah portion, and I could even do it for you right now, I had pretty much memorized — [chants a couple of verses] — I could go on from there.

I saw my father cry very few times in my life, but that bar mitzvah, as we stood on top of Masada, was one of them. And for me, just generally speaking, I want to be very clear of who I am. And I don’t want to lie to folks, I don’t want to be something that I’m not, but I am Jewish, and proud of the fact that I’m Jewish, and I want people to know that."

So now we know.


Amy Entelis

Amy Entelis is CNN's Executive Vice President, Talent and Content Development for CNN Worldwide.

Amy Entelis.

She is hailed by the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), May 2019, receiving their award at a special Jewish event:


CNN Jew Brian Stelter writes on this Jewish event as noted by the Times of Israel in its "Jewish Insider’s Daily Kickoff" (7th May 2019):
Honoring Amy Entelis

Amy Entelis shaped the lives of hundreds of TV journalists, first at ABC and then at CNN. And she redefined CNN by shepherding an award-winning lineup of original series and documentaries. Her impact was celebrated by the UJA Federation of New York on Monday evening... Van Jones took the words out of my mouth when he said "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Amy." Like Jones, I didn't have a TV background when Entelis called me one day in 2013... 

Spotted: Jeff Zucker, Allison Gollust, Poppy Harlow, Jeffrey Toobin, Bill Weir, Kate Bolduan, Dana Bash, Izzy Povich, John Avlon, Margaret Hoover, John Berman, Alisyn Camerota, Jim Murphy, Sam Feist, Abby Phillip, Barbara Levin, Eric Sherling, Bianna Golodryga, Peter Orszag, Carole Cooper, Richard Leibner, Lisa Reeves, Chris Licht, Al Roker, Deborah Roberts, Phil Kent, Brian Jacobs, Jay Sures, Michael Glantz, Nancy Duffy, Rebecca Kutler, Ken Jautz, Allie Kleva, Nima Elbagir, Ramon Escobar, Jon Adler, Rachel Adler, Lisa Greene, Robin Garfield, Matthew Hiltzik, and many more...

Bianna Golodryga

Bianna Golodryga, USSR-born Jewess, is CNN's Senior Global Affairs Analyst. She is married to co-Jew Peter Orszag, from the Zionist-infested Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) who has been a Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Barack Obama and has served as the Director of the Congressional Budget Office.

Bianna Golodryga

Bianna Golodryga at a United Jewish Appeal (UJA) event in 2014. 

See also Bianna Golodryga emotionally talking on the HIAS Jewish organization: "Bianna Golodryga's personal connection to HIAS, group assailed by synagogue shooting suspect" (CBS News, October 29, 2018). Much like Kate Bolduan, see above, getting all emotional on live TV when her Jewish brethren are affected.

Golodryga congratulating CNN's Amy Entelis on her UJA award. Listen to the familial tone, all within "The Tribe". 


CNN's Bianna Golodryga with her Jewish husband Peter Orszag. Note their arrogant grins, representatives of the new "herrenvolk"...

CNN's Golodryga scores a high "Jew Score". She even gets the verdict: "Jew" in the Jewish site "Jew or not Jew".

Jamie Gangel

Jamie Gangel is CNN's Jewish Special Reporter.

Jamie Gangel
commenting on the White House. 

Jamie Gangel
's Jewish convert husband is the spybook author Daniel Silva, here in an ad for a book on an "Israeli superspy"

Jamie Gangel and Daniel Silva also cooperate with United Jewish Appeal (UJA):



David Gregory

David Gregory, is another Jewish CNN Political Analyst, a man deeply embedded in Judaism.

David Gregory
, CNN Political Analyst.

Gregory's father, a famous Jewish Broadway producer, originally bore the surname "Ginsburg", but changed it to the less Jewish sounding name, Gregory.

The article "David Gregory’s Jewish roots, and how they define him" (Jewish Journal, November 5, 2015) by Steve North, writes on David Gregory:

Some years ago, I’d heard through the Jewish grapevine that Gregory had joined an informal Torah study group in Washington whose members, at various times, included journalists Jeffrey Goldberg, David Brooks and Franklin Foer, along with ambassadors Michael Oren and Martin Indyk. Bush had heard the same rumor, and one day asked Gregory, “How’s your faith?”
Here we can see Gregory interacting with the most ardent of Zionist Jews, Michael Oren (Israeli politician, former Israeli paratrooper), and Martin Indyk (activist for AIPAC and CFR).

In the same interview Gregory speaks of his all-Jewish background:
I was surrounded by Jews; I went to school mostly with Jews, so I was in the thick of the Jewish community there.
I just had Jewish identity because most of the people I knew were Jewish! 

He delves further on his Jewishness:
I guess I feel now that I live a Jewish life. I’m trying to become a better Jew, and I think I have a legitimate place within the Jewish community. I have a commitment to the Jewish people moving forward; I’m trying to raise Jewish children and, hopefully, Jewish grandchildren. I feel I’m who Moses was talking about just as much as anyone else, when he said, “For all those who are gathered here, and for those not gathered here, as well, you’re to take heed of God’s commandments.”

David Gregory
with kippah on head, at a Jewish event in a synagogue in Cleveland Heights, 2018.


In the interview by Jeffrey Goldberg "David Gregory's Public Discussion of His Private Faith" (The Atlantic, September 21, 2015), Gregory labels Jewishness as "an ethnic thing":

Again, I'm talking about myself; this is how I grew up. I think a lot of Jews are like that. So I think it's very easy to simply be Jewish. You know, my Dad talks about that. He was just Jewish, meaning that's just who you are. It's an ethnic thing. 

On Israel, Gregory states in the same interview, that the Jewish state's existence is "very important" to him:

Look, I believe that a focus on Israel’s existence, and on remembrance of the Holocaust, these are very important to me, and they go to this question of whether the Jewish people will survive. 


And in the article "Gregory finds faith along the way to Park150's speaker forum" (Cleveland Jewish News, October 25, 2018), one can read that the CNN journalist "claims to be a dedicated Zionist":

His relationship with Israel is complicated. His wife is Protestant and he has raised three Jewish children in the Reform movement. Israel matters for what it stands for, he said, and he claims to be a dedicated Zionist, but he doesn't feel that Israel loves him back as he isn't recognized as a Jew because his mother isn't Jewish.


Elie Honig

Elie Honig, is CNN's Jewish Legal Analyst and a CNN Opinion writer, with "a special nose" for legal matters.

Elie Honig
, CNN legal analyst. 

In "IsraelCast Episode 49" one can read:
This week on IsraelCast, we talk to Elie Honig, a CNN Legal Analyst who previously worked for 14 years as a federal and state prosecutor. Honig discusses his recent (and first) trip to Israel, where he had the opportunity to meet with Gabriel Bach, the Israeli jurist who was the deputy prosecutor in the prosecution of Adolf Eichmann.


Some other Jewish profiles in CNN...

Ross Garber is CNN's Jewish CNN Legal Analyst, specialized on impeachment processes.  

Hadas Gold
, Israeli-born Media and Business Reporter for CNN, whose father is an Israeli Defense Forces veteran.

Alison Kosik
is s CNN Business Correspondent who covers the New York Stock Exchange. 

Alison Kosik speaks to Jew Wolf Blitzer on a "Security Warning" issued to Jewish institutions across U.S. 


Shimon Prokupec is CNN's Jewish Crime and Justice Producer.  

John Berman is CNN's co-anchor of "New Day" and regular relief presenter of "Anderson Cooper 360°". Note: "Sephardic Jew" John Berman was embedded with the 3rd Battalion 2nd Marines during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

John Berman in discussion with fellow Jew and CNN's Israel correspondent, Oren Liebermann.

Ron Brownstein is CNN's Senior Political Analyst. Note that this Jew in In 2005 married Eileen Nicole McMenamin, the former Communications Director for pro-Zionist Republican Senator John McCain.

David Sanger is a CNN Political & National Security Analyst. Note that Sanger also is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Richard Roth, CNN's Senior United Nations Correspondent. 

Carl Bernstein, CNN Political Commentator/Analyst. 

Julian Zelizer, CNN Political Analyst.

Josh Rogin
, CNN Political Analyst. 

Jeremy Diamond
, CNN White House Correspondent.  


Elise Labott, CNN Global Affairs Correspondent.  

Sally Kohn, CNN Jewish and Lesbian Political Commentator.

Catherine Rampell, CNN Political Commentator.

Gary Tuchman, CNN National Correspondent.

Al Goodman, CNN Madrid Correspondent and Bureau Chief. CNN writes: "Goodman’s won a National Headliner Award as part of CNN's Investigation Team covering the September 11th attacks and their aftermath, including links to Spain". Spain?

Goodman reporting on his Jewish co-tribalists' angst.

Samuel Burke, CNN Jewish Tech and Business Correspondent. Previously served as the digital producer for Christiane Amanpour. This Jew has also reported for CNN's audiences on "Israel" and the Middle East, especially interesting as Burke is a former writer for the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix.

CNN's Samuel Burke (right) interviews Israel’s Chief Scientist Avi Hasson. Special access to Israel's echelons? - No problemo!

Elisabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical Correspondent.

Jonathan Reiner, CNN Medical Analyst.

Dr. Larry Brilliant, CNN Medical Analyst.

Laurie Segall, has for more than a decade been CNN's Jewish Senior Technology Correspondent and an Editor-at-large. 

Tal Kopan
, CNN's Digital Politics Reporter. 

Antoine Sanfuentes
, CNN's Vice President and Managing Editor for White House and Capitol Hill coverage. According to an interview in Bethesda Magazine (3 March, 2012) his mother is Jewish.

Also not to be forgotten:
CNN Jew Larry King here with kippah on head
at an event organized by Jewish Chabad fanatics. Larry King has since left
CNN for the Russian RT Network, something that must have caused a lot
of pain for CNN.

Larry King tweeting on the passing of Zionist war criminal Shimon Peres in 2016, "a remarkable man": "My thoughts are with his family & Israel"

More on Larry King can be read in our text: Wolf Blitzer - agent of Zionism, also CNN:s Larry King and Christiane Amanpour 

CNN's Jewish "experts"

CNN's Jewish anchor John Berman in interview with Jewish Ambassador Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). 

This Jew Haass has also been Director of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State and a "close" advisor to Secretary of State Colin Powell.


Aaron David Miller, an often CNN-consulted Mid-East "expert", as Global Affairs Analyst for CNN, is also Vice President for New Initiatives at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 

This Jew, Miller, has worked in the United States Department of State and has served six(!) Secretaries of State as an advisor on Arab-Israeli negotiations.

Jewish lesbian journalist and Russia-affairs "expert" Masha Gessen, columnist at The New Yorker.  


Jessica Levinson, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School. 

Jewish Law Professor Jessica Levinson suddenly also an expert on Iran affairs, here consulted by CNN in the aftermath of the U.S. assassination of Iranian Major General Soleimani (screencap 13th January 2020).  

Timothy Naftali, Jewish Presidential expert in CNN. 

Thomas Friedman, is another Jewish CNN "expert" with tentacles in the Jewish-American media establishment, but also in Israel, consulted by CNN on anything from U.S. internal politics to the Middle East.

For more on the level of morality of this activist for Israel, read:
NYT columnist Thomas Friedman gets Twitter-skewered after defending his honeyed flattery of Saudi Arabia

Ezra Klein, Jewish journalist and founder of the news and opinion site (to the right in picture, the other - bald - guy, being CNN's Brian Stelter of the CNN show "Reliable Sources"), is another of the long list of Chosenite experts, regularly consulted by CNN and explaining for the mainly non-Jewish CNN audience, their take on the news - thus getting the dual privilege of both the problem formulation - and the explanation!

Russian-born Jew Max Boot, regularly figuring in CNN as a Russia expert. This Jew, born in Russia, is full of chutzpah, talking agitated in CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360°" November 21, 2019, about "foreign interference" in the U.S., himself being foreign-born.  

Max Boot is also engaged in the Jew-controlled entity the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

For more information on the mindset of this monstrous Zionist Max Boot, read the article "Neocon Max Boot: Legal and illegal aliens need to enlist in the US army and die for Israel" (Veterans Today, October 16, 2107).

Neocon hawks like Max Boot know that American soldiers are dying by the thousands for Israel. As a result, Boot proposed what seemed to be a diabolical project in 2005, and here it is:

The military would do well today to open its ranks not only to legal immigrants but also to illegal ones and, as important, to untold numbers of young men and women who are not here now but would like to come.

“No doubt many would be willing to serve for some set period in return for one of the world’s most precious commodities — U.S. citizenship.”

Did you catch that? The U.S. military should open its ranks to everyone, both legal and illegal, so that they can go ahead and die in the Middle East. Boot never told the American people about the cost of this diabolical plan. He never told people that no country on earth can survive with that principle.

We recommend also the following clip: 


The level of Judaization of CNN has now reached such heights, that when the channel lets in a person of "Native American" background into its studios, even that persons is Jewish!

This happened in CNN's "Amanpour & Co" on 24th of January 2019, when CNN's Jewish journalist Walter Isaacson sat down with "Native American" writer David Treuer, to discuss the latters new memoir and why he believes America is at war with itself.

CNN introduces Treuer:
David Treuer is a Native American writer. He grew up as part of the Ojibwe tribe on the Leech Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota. And he’s now welding memoir with his history and a new book, “The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee”. It’s a timely counter-narrative of life for modern Native Americans and he tells our Walter Isaacson why he believes America is at war with itself.

Then the "Native-American" Treuer tells his story:
You know, my mother is Ojibwe from Leech Lake Reservation and that’s the reservation where I was raised, where I grew up. And my father is an Austrian Holocaust survivor. He’s Jewish, was Jewish. He passed away a couple years ago. And he had a lot of life adventures which are too long for our program and really deserves a book of its own.

The video segment and a transcript can be accessed here: "Author David Treuer on Why America is at War With Itself"

CNN's Jewish journalist Walter Isaacson (left) with likewise Jewish "Native American"(!) writer David Treuer (to the right).

Some non-Jewish actors in CNN - the "shabbos goyim"

Apart from this bunch of Jews, CNN is populated by non-Jews, many of foreign - non-U.S. - background. These people represent the new type of hybrid identities, people born in a foreign land who suddenly show allegence to a new country, speaking as "Americans", talking about American matters in the "we"-form, talking of "our values", etc.

These people know that if they don't perform as they are supposed, they are gonna lose their new-found access to the cauldrons of power. Thus they are very sensitive for the whims of their newfound Masters, the U.S. Jews.

They follow the dollar trail all the way to the pockets of their Jewish Masters from "The Tribe of the Chosen".

This new breed of hybrid pro-Zionist stooges, parrotting each other and the slogans of their Masters - are the new face of Jewish Power, the new Gentile Front.

In CNN you have a great example in the character Chistiane Amanpour, who literally had herself deepely inserted/inbedded in the Zionist Ruling Elite, being married and having a child together with Arch-Zionist activist James Rubin.

Amanpour is upheld as an "Iranian/Persian" diversity clique in the CNN fold but is nothing but a reprensentative of a minority Elite group, revealed by her English upper-class accent and upbringing, even displaying a UK citizenship. And when she married mr Rubin, the event took place in the fabled Castello Orsini-Odescalchi, by Lago di Bracciano, Italy. Not really a commoners marriage spot.

The Jew-wannabees like Amanpour have understood the drill, and during the years we have seen many examples of her bias and outright disinformation.

As an example of the latter we can name her show "Amanpour" aired on CNN 7th January 2015, on the evening after the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris. This attack, where "Muslim terrorists" killed 12 persons, was labelled by Chistiane Amanpour as the worst terror attack in Europe since 2005 (alluding to the Muslim bombings that year in London). Thus Amanpour completly negated mentioning the deed of the anti-Muslim terrorist, the Norwegian Anders Breivik's massacre in Norway in July 2011 which killed 8 + 69 persons, that being 77 killed in total!

It should be noted that the 2005 London bombings caused the death of 52 civilians, even less than those killed by Breivik. It should also be noted that the  2004 train bombings in Madrid killed a total of 191 people and are the biggest terrorist killings in modern European times (since the PanAm-crash).

In this manipulation of facts, Chistiane Amanpour, is not alone. Former CIA Deputy Director and CBS News Senior Security Consultant Mike Morell, used the same trick which was noted in the article: "Remembering Victims of Terror–and Forgetting Some Others" (, 7th January 2015).

The Zio-Globalist Christiane Amanpour also revealed her political leanings in her program "Amanpour" aired CNN, November 27, 2019, which had a special segment on "anti-Semitism" in the UK. In the program one could hear Amanpour, to Senior Rabbi Julia Neuberger, complain on:
"[...] for instance, Nigel Farage, Brexit Party leader, he's also been criticized for using tropes and conspiracy theories associated with anti-Semitism, using horrible terms as globalist and new world order [...]"

(See transcript)
So calling someone a "Globalist" is now a "horrible term".

CNN's Christiane Amanpour hugging Israeli Prime Minister and war criminal Shimon Peres, amongst many crimes the man behind the brutal 1996 attack on Lebanon and the ensuing Massacre at Qana.

Fareed Zakaria is another example. Zakaria is the "Indian" guy at the CNN who after his plagiarism scandal - is more than willing to retain his job and please his CNN masters when it comes to choice of topics, guests (lots of Jews from CFR), his political interpretations.


Fareed Zakaria in the middle, with arch-Zionist and Israel Firsters Martin Indyk (AIPAC, CFR, to left) and Michael Oren (Israeli politician, to right).

Fareed Zakaria invité Bernard-Henri Lévy criticizing the pro-Palestinian BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), CNN February 2017. Bernard-Henri Lévy, who recently write the book "The Genius of Judaism":
“I want to say to the sincere followers of this BDS campaign, I want to tell them from the bottom of my heart, because I’m not sure they know it, this is an anti-Semitic campaign,” Lévy said during an appearance on Zakaria’s “GPS” program. “This BDS campaign takes its roots a long time ago, 60 years ago, in the fringes of the dying Nazism.”

On September 8th 2013, Fareed Zakaria in his CNN program "GPS - Global Public Square" held a show with the heading "What should U.S. do about Syria?".

Zakaria's Zionist panel: From Left, Wesley Clark (Jew), Nicholas Burns (non-Jew), Paul Wolfowitz (Jew) and James Steinberg (Jew).

Thus out of Zakaria's "experts" on Syria - 4 of 5 are Jewish!

More on Fareed Zakaria can be read in our article: CNN's "experts" on Syria - 4 of 5 are Jewish!

Indian-born Fareed Zakaria is a good example of this new hybrid breed, downplaying his Indian roots, and talking as if he was "American", something that is rather ridiculous. For instance in Zakaria's show "GPS" on CNN, October 7, 2018, we could hear Zakaria talk as an American, in the "we"-form, saying: "We always represented certain ideals..."

But in a hardcore situatuon, such as a real war erupting betwen America and for instance, Russia, would you for one second believe that Zakaria would be ready to die for America, on the frontlines, weapon in hand? No we don't think so.

His reason for being "American" is utterly opportunistic, this guy just follows the dollar trail.

Fareed Zakaria with Israeli Prime Minister and war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu at Davos World Economic Forum, 2016.

Another important non-Jewish CNN profile we must mention is Anderson Cooper.

Anderson Cooper is the anchor of CNN's Global news program "Anderson Cooper 360°" - according to Anderson Cooper in his regularly aired ad for the program, "holding the powerful accountable".

Anderson Cooper with his gay partner.  

It should be noted that Cooper is no ordinary blue-collar American, but hails from an elitist family, addicted to wealth and related to the famous business magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt, who founded the prominent Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune.

Anderson Cooper has a long history of whoring for his Jewish masters, even "off-duty"...

CNN's anchor and reporter Anderson Cooper with Chabad Jew.


The article "Deep talk, shallow tales" (Washington Jewish Week,

Cooper, the non-Jew in this gay male duo, went on to lament how he never had a bar mitzvah.

“I begged my mother for a bar mitzvah when I was in the eighth grade,” the New York City native said.

“I was pretty much the only person in my class who didn’t get bar mitzvahed. I knew all the readings.”

See also "Anderson Cooper's Jewish Side" on how: "Anderson Cooper shows off his Yiddish skills and talks about wanting a Bar Mitzvah as a kid."

And Anderson Cooper lends his services to the Jewish community as a speaker at their events. In "Anderson Cooper at IU Hillel" (2019), the organization IU Hillel, "the center of Jewish life on the Indiana University campus; serving over 4000 Jewish students, and the Bloomington Jewish community", boasts of having the CNN celebrity as their speaker:
IU Hillel and the Union Board Co-Sponsored a night with Anderson Cooper in honor of Lou Mervis, a staunch supporter of IU Hillel. Hillel student leaders, the Union Board, and student leaders from around IU were invited to dine with Anderson Cooper at Hillel followed by a Q&A led by Henry Rosenstein. After the dinner, IU Hillel student leader Audra Mervis gave a speech at the university wide event honoring her grandfather, Lou. The university wide event Q&A was co-led by IU Hillel student leader and IU Hillel Birthright Israel participant Ethan Schwartz. It was certainly a wonderful night to remember!

Birthright Israel is a Zionist organization that sees so Jewish youths abroad for free can visit occupied Palestine - "Israel".


Left pic: Anderson Cooper speaking at IU Hillel. Note Star of David in the background. Right pic: The IU Hillel logo.  

We finish this segment with mentioning than CNN anchor Erin Burnett, who hosts CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront", is not Jewish but, should be noted, is a member of the Zionist infested think tank Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

CNN's crackdown on dissent within its ranks

And if the non-Jewish CNN journalists don't follow the unwritten codes of Zionist reporting, these wannabees in the circles of power - are solemnly fired.

This was richly illustrated by CNN's Lebanese-born journalist Octavia Nasr, who was to be the "Arab face in CNN" but lost her job immediately, when she didn't follow CNN's Zionist stance on the Lebanese liberation movement Hezbollah.

The tweet that cost CNN reporter Octavia Nasr her job... 

Read also: "Octavia Nasr fired by CNN over tweet praising late ayatollah" (The Guardian, 8 July 2010).

Black CNN journalist Marc Lamont Hill, a man supposed to fill in CNN's "diversity" checklist, was also fired when his views collided with the Zionist dictates of CNN:

The article "CNN fires journalist who criticised Israel and called for 'free Palestine'" (The Independent, 30 November 2018), tells how:
CNN fired Marc Lamont Hill on Thursday after the longtime contributor made comments about Israel during a United Nations speech.
"Marc Lamont Hill is no longer under contract with CNN," [Jewish!] spokeswoman Barbara Levin told The Washington Post. The company did not answer questions about why he was dismissed.

Article on CNN's firing of Marc Lamont Hill published by the Black group Nation Of Islam Research Group (NOIRG), "Jewish Attack on Marc Lamont Hill Exposes Israel’s Targeting of Black Youth" (December 10, 2018), condemning Zucker's CNN; "CNN’s role as a mouthpiece and cheerleader for U.S. militarism around the globe has long ago disqualified it as a serious news agency."

In 2010 Cuban-born CNN anchor Rick Sanchez was fired for calling The Daily Show Jewish host Jon Stewart a bigot and implying that Jews control the media. ("Everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart", he had said, trying to explain that Jews are not an oppressed minority.)

Rick Sanchez

Rick Sanchez - fired by CNN.

In 2018 long serving CNN anchor Jim Clancy felt the collective wrath from the Jewish Inquisition's Thought Police, as he had the audacity to mention that there is a name for the concerted pro-Israel media efforts, an operation that goes by the Hebrew-name "Hasbara" - and whose mentioning is a big No-No in official media circles.

After this debacle - mentioning what is not to be mentioned - followed mr Clancy's resignation!

For more on the subject read the Middle East Eye article "CNN anchor resigns after criticising pro-Israel Twitter accounts" (November 30, 2018).

A Jewish pro-Israel fanatic, Adam Kredo, calls Jim Clancy a "CNN resident anti-Israel psycho", and mentioning the Israeli propaganda effort a "bizarra 'hasbara' meltdown".

British journalist Sam Kiley, now employed by CNN, has learned the lesson earlier in his journalistic career. He was formerly quoted by Radio Islam when he was a journalist for the UK paper The Times, publishing well written and brave articles such as:

  "Israelis take revenge - target journalists" (2000)

  "No bangs, no smoking guns: victims just fell and bled" (2000)

  "Israelis plan to give up torture" (1999)

  "Rabbi Tells of Conversation with Messiah" (2001)

Sam Kiley.

But Sam Kiley has since burnt his fingers, as revealed in the article "A kosher conspiracy" (New Statesman, 14 January 2002):

Nevertheless, many journalists have spoken out against the Zionist lobby over the past 12 months. Last spring, there was a spat in the Spectator between Lord Black of Crossharbour, the magazine's proprietor, and three well-known contributors to his newspapers. William Dalrymple, A N Wilson and Piers Paul Read wrote a letter complaining that "under Black's proprietorship, serious, critical reporting of Israel is no longer tolerated in the Telegraph Group". Conrad Black (who also owns the Jerusalem Post and is married to Barbara Amiel, the enthusiastic Zionist columnist) promptly returned fire. The troublesome trio, he alleged, illustrated "the depths of the problem of anti-Semitism in the British media".

A few months later, Sam Kiley, a foreign correspondent for the Times, resigned after a row with his editors. Kiley had succeeded in tracking down and interviewing the Israeli soldiers who had shot dead Mohammed al-Durrah, the 12-year-old boy who had become, posthumously, an icon of the intifada. Middle managers at Wapping, Kiley claims, know that Rupert Murdoch has business interests in Israel and would "fly into hysterical terror every time a pro-Israel lobbying group wrote in with a quibble". The instruction Kiley received to file his piece "without mentioning the dead kid" was the last straw.

But now - as CNN's Senior International Correspondent - Kiley's tune is much different, adopted to the new realities of Master and Slave.

Click to enlarge!

More reading:

"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

Palestine banner
Viva Palestina!

Latest Additions - in English

What is this Jewish carnage really about? - The background to atrocities

Videos on Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam and Blacks and Jews  

How Jewish Films and Television Promotes bias Against Muslims

Judaism is Nobody's Friend
Judaism is the Jews' strategy to dominate non-Jews.

Jewish War Against Lebanon!

Islam and Revolution
By Ahmed Rami

Hasbara - The Jewish manual for media deceptions

Celebrities bowing to their Jewish masters

Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witness
By Robert Faurisson

The Gaza atrocity 2008-2009

Iraq under Jewish occupation
Iraq - war and occupation

Jewish War On Syria!

CNN's Jewish version of "diversity" - Lists the main Jewish agents

Hezbollah the Beautiful
Americans, where is your own Hezbollah?

Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan's Epic Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York  - A must see!

"War on Terror" - on Israel's behalf!

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Interview with anti-Zionist veteran Ahmed Rami of Radio Islam - On ISIS, "Neo-Nazis", Syria, Judaism, Islam, Russia...

Britain under Jewish occupation!

Jewish World Power
West Europe    East Europe
Americas          Asia
Middle East       Africa
      U.N.              E.U.


The Internet and Israeli-Jewish infiltration/manipulations

Books - Important collection of titles

The Judaization of China

Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action - By David Duke

The Power of Jews in France

Jew Goldstone appointed by UN to investigate War Crimes in Gaza

When Jews rule...
The best book on Jewish Power

The Israel Lobby - From the book

Jews and Crime - The archive

Sayanim - Israel's and Mossad's Jewish helpers abroad

Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech - A must hear!

The Israeli Nuclear Threat

The "Six Million" Myth

"Jewish History" - a bookreview

Putin and the Jews of Russia

Israel's attack on US warship USS Liberty - Massacre in the Mediterranean

Jewish "Religion" - What is it?

Medias in the hands of racists

Strauss-Kahn - IMF chief and member of Israel lobby group

Down with Zio-Apartheid
Stop Jewish Apartheid!

The Jews behind Islamophobia

Israel controls U.S. Presidents
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton...

The Victories of Revisionism
By Professor Robert Faurisson

The Jewish hand behind Internet The Jews behind Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...

"Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"

Jewish War Against Iran

Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders

Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Garaudy's "The Founding Myths
of Israeli Politics"

Jewish hate against Christians
By Prof. Israel Shahak

Introduction to Revisionist
- By Ernst Zündel

Karl Marx: The Jewish Question

Reel Bad Arabs - Revealing the racist Jewish Hollywood propaganda

"Anti-Semitism" - What is it?

Videos - Important collection 

The Jews Banished 47 Times in 1000 Years - Why?

Zionist strategies - Plotting invasions, formenting civil wars, interreligious strife, stoking racial hatreds and race war

The International Jew
By Henry Ford

Pravda interviews Ahmed Rami

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Shahak's "Jewish History,
Jewish Religion"

The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries - From the World Zionist Organization

Judaism and Zionism inseparable

Revealing photos of the Jews 

Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy - By David Duke

Racist Jewish Fundamentalism

The Freedom Fighters:
   Hezbollah - Lebanon
   Nation of Islam - U.S.A.

Jewish Influence in America
- Government, Media, Finance...

"Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine

The U.S. cost of supporting Israel

Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews

Talmud unmasked
The truth about the Talmud

Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article

Abbas - The Traitor

Protocols of Zion - The whole book!

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
Encyclopedia of the
Palestine Problem

The "Holocaust" - 120 Questions and Answers

Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

Activism! - Join the Fight!