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The Americas

Any addressing of Jewish political empowerment in Latin America must inevitably consider the implications following 1998 observations by professor Judith Elkin, whose specialty is the Jews of Latin America:
"Following formation of the state of Israel, Yiddish was replaced by Hebrew in most Jewish schools, and Israel became the preferred locus for teacher training. Financial subsidies for Latin American schools were allocated by the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency. Zionism conquered the schools on the way to conquering the [Jewish] communities as a whole ... [Judith Laikin Elkin in "The Jews of Latin America", 1998, p. 176]
...  Organized Jewish life came to revolve around Zionist activities:
the sale of Israel Bonds, celebration of Israel Independence Day, the training and hiring of Hebrew teachers, and so forth ... Jews living in Latin America are occasionally able to apply political leverage in support of the government of Israel ... The close relationship between Latin American Jews and Israelis sustain the suspicion among nacionalistas that Jews' extraterritorial loyalties exceed the bounds of patriotic propriety. The accusation of double loyalty dogged the communities from the start, and continues today." [Judith Laikin Elkin in "The Jews of Latin America", 1998, p. 232-233]
USA Canada Argentina Colombia
Cuba Panama Nicaragua Honduras
Costa Rica Venezuela Mexico Brazil
Jamaica Curacao Peru Chile
Uruguay Bolivia Guatemala Guyana

See also:


Canada's pro-Jewish, pro-Israeli Prime Minister Stephen Harper, sends Canada's young men to die in the struggle for Zion in far-away Afghanistan, while he is deeply involved in the Jewish mafia. In December 2008, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations presented Stephen Harper, and his government as a whole, with its inaugural International Leadership Award for his support for Israel.
  Canada is becoming a "B'naiBrithistan" where this shadowy Jewish, Israel-firster, organization decides what is "hate speech" - i.e. criticism of Jewish power and Israel - and demands the incarceration of Canadian citizens, for speaking the truth. The Jewish Brave New World to come!
  All talk about unique Jewish "tolerance" and Jewish "moral high ground" is just blah, blah, blah. It's all about hegemony of power and the crushing of dissent.

"The Zionists can muster not merely the threat of the Jewish vote, and the no less important Jewish financial and organization skills,
but also the blackmail of attacking anyone who opposes the political aims of Israel, as an anti-Semite."

- Davis Reisman, American Jew, in The Jewish Newsletter, January 9th, 1961.

In Canada, while comprising under 1% of the national population, by 1981 "both Jewish men and Jewish women tend to be concentrated at the top of the occupational hierarchy." In a 1986 Toronto Life list of the most influential people in Toronto, "almost one in four was Jewish." [TROPER, p. 40]

Active Canadian Jews, I have observed, live with a completely different dynamic. They're proud of their Canadian citizenship, but don't have a deep sense of Canadian national identity. Their national identity is ebulliently Jewish, belonging to the Jewish nation.
- Gary Wexler, "US Jews can learn from the Canadian community", The Jerusalem Post, 3 April 2007 - and also in "What we need: Philanthropreneurship", Jewish Journal, 2 March, 2007.

Another example of Jewish oppression in Canada

In 1988, yet another Jewish business mogul family - Canada's Reichmanns - at the time owners of the largest real estate empire on earth, sought to censor the truth about their past. The (Montreal) Gazette (February 1, 1997) noted that:

"These are dangerous waters for any journalist. In 1988, Toronto Life magazine was hit with a $102 million libel suit for publishing an article by freelance writer Elaine Dewar which investigates [patriarch] Samuel Reichmann's murky past as an egg dealer in pre-war Austria and then as a currency speculator in wartime Tangiers. Toronto Life's eventual apology and out-of-court settlement suggested that 'libel chill' can be an effective deterrent for any wealthy family seeking to keep a curtain of privacy around itself."


Stephen Harper with his Jewish pals
Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper with his Jewish pals.


Although "over the decades" the Jews of Argentina "established themselves as one of the nation's most affluent communities," with the controversial collapse of two Jewish-owned banks under charges of corruption, $28 million in Jewish "communal assets were lost overnight." [JORDAN, M., 6-28-2001]
Among the prominent Jews of Argentina is the Werthein family, owners of Banco Mercantil Argentino, ISA Fabrica ("the largest woolen mill in Latin America"), Argentina's "biggest television manufacturer," as well as companies involved in fruit, fashion and cattle. A Zionist activist, Julio Werthein has also invested in Israeli companies. [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 286-288]
   In November 2024 Jew-wannabe President Javier Milei (of Jewish ancestry) announced the sudden replacement of Argentina's non-Jewish Foreign Minister, with the orthodox Jew, Gerardo Werthein. The Times of Israel (November 2, 2024) bragging: "Today, the Werthein Group has interests in agriculture and livestock, retail, telecommunications, real estate, financial services, wineries and energy." and also noting that: "The US ambassador to Argentina, Marc Stanley, is also Jewish and active in the local Jewish community in Buenos Aires."


  • The political power of the Jews in Argentina
    From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage on "Jews and Government" (pt. 2).

  • Jewish Media influence in Argentina
    From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2).

  • On Jews involved in fraud/financial scandals in Argentina
    From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage.

  • The Jews running Brazil's and Argentina's economies 
    Wide Awake Gentile, December 8, 2014.

  • Argentina’s far-right presidential frontrunner wants to become Jewish  
    "Javier Milei studies Jewish topics regularly with Buenos Aires rabbi... he also vows to move country’s embassy to Jerusalem."
    By Juan Melamed and Gabe Friedman, The Times of Israel, August 17, 2023.
    In public appearances, Milei often quotes Torah passages. [...] Milei is staunchly pro-Israel and has said that his “two great allies are the United States and Israel.” If elected, he has vowed to move the Argentine embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — and make his first foreign trip as president to Israel, where he said he would “delve deeper into his studies of the Torah, Talmud, and other Jewish scriptures,” according to local news outlet La Nacion.
  • Milei reveals family Jewish link as he visits US for meeting with Musk  
    Buenos Aires Times, 11-04-2024, emphasis in bold below added by Radio Islam):
    Attending a dinner organised by the Chabad Lubavitch Jewish community, an orthodox congregation whose headquarters in New York he visited on two occasions, he was recognised as an “International Ambassador of Light" for his services at a synagogue.

    During the event, Milei – who grew up Catholic but has a professed "fanaticism" for Judaism – revealed a previously unknown familial tie to the faith, saying that his grandfather had discovered he was Jewish shortly before his death.

    "My grandfather was a great influence, with whom I spoke frequently, took values and learned a lot. The most interesting thing is that shortly after he left, he found out he was Jewish. He didn't know and they told him: 'But if your mother was Jewish, you are Jewish,'" said Milei on stage, wearing a kippah.

    "He was very close to his mother and his grandfather was also a rabbi. That is to say, all the education he had received from them was deeply linked to Judaism and all the values he transmitted to me were Jewish," continued the president, who was hailed by a rabbi at the event as "a light" that can "dispel darkness."
  • Eduardo Elsztain - Argentina's Chabad billionaire  
    Jewish businessman Eduardo Sergio Elsztain is Argentine’s largest landowner and real-estate developer. According to one Israeli news source he is considered the wealthiest Jew in South America.
    Wide Awake Gentile, October 15, 2014.

  • Argentine Jewry's dark secret - Jewish brothels
    By Rona Kupferboim, Ynet News

  • The Jewish terrorist State - texts in the wake of the Gaza massacre 2008-2009
    By the Argentine Second Republic Movement
    Cabbalistic Jewish Mathematics, A Call to all Jews around the World. Also includes...

  • Ten Key Questions to The Jews
    Is it safe for the world to be dominated by very small minorities? And especially Question 10: Why isn't a highly plausible ISRAELI connection investigated as prime suspect in the two bomb attacks against the Israeli Embassy (1992), and AMIA Jewish Community Association (1994) in Buenos Aires?

  • Israel Allowed Argentinian Jews to Die
    (Return 12/1990)

  • Israel in Latin America
    By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh. Includes information on Israel's support to the military régime, even when it killed Jews.

  • Top 40 Latin American pro-Israel advocates and leaders 
    A listing of the top Zionist agents for Judeoracist rule over the land of Palestine, compiled by the Jewish News Syndicate (February 10, 2021). Names for Argentina; Leah Soibel, Daniela Roitstein, Claudio Avruj, Jorge Knoblovits, Gabriel Bem-Tasgal.

  • Listado de Judíos famosos y influyentes en Latinoamérica y España  
    Document in Spanish that lists the names of influent Jews in Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Spain.

  • Jewish Genealogy in Argentina - external site  
    "Origin and Meaning of the Jewish Surnames - Finding relatives in Argentina"
    Link to the Jewish site

  • What Is Israel’s Project in Argentina?  
    By French researcher Thierry Meyssan, GlobalResearch, December 16, 2017.
    Convicted Jewish-British billionaire Joe Lewis has acquired immense territories in the South of Argentina and neighbouring Chile.

  • Plan Andinia - The Andinia Plan    
    Documentary on the secret Andinia Colonization Plan in Argentina/Chile, that caused such consternation in Zionist circles that when it was aired in the Islam Channel, the enraged Jews had the channel fined and forced it to apologise (see "Islam Channel fined £40,000 over 'antisemitic' conspiracy theory documentary", Jewish Chronicle, September 26, 2023).
    Alternative video link: here



In Colombia, Ernesto Corescos, a Jewish entrepreneur, founded the Colombian airline (totally called Avianca). [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 267] (Jewish Money and Economic Influence: the Historical Context)



Meyer Lansky's Cuba Crime Empire
Before the Cuban Revolution the small Caribbean island was the fiefdom of crooks, among who reigned supreme was the American-Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky - an open criminal - and a devout Zionist.

Among anti-Castro opportunist Cuban Jews - "Jewbans" - who have since made a career in the U.S. we have Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, "granddaughter of Turkish Jews who immigrated to Cuba", "considered one of the Jewish state’s best friends in Congress" (Jewish News Syndicate, February 10, 2021).

We also have the openly criminal Jewish elements that are well portrayed in the classic 1983 movie "Scarface" - see screencap of Cuban-Jewish crook character "Frank Lopez", donning the Jewish "Chai" necklace (see closeup).

"Several members of [dictator Fulgencio] Batista's government from 1952 to 1958 were close to local Jews." [LEVINE, p. 211] Among those was Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky, who built his own resort hotel, the Rivera, in Cuba, "the largest casino hotel in the world outside Las Vegas." [LEVINE, p. 203] Among American Jewish industrialists, developers, financiers, and department store owners in the area, Jacob Branden was knighted by Batista, the Habif family owned the largest perfume factory, and Philip Rosenberg was head of one of the largest Cuban sugar plantations, the General Sugar Corporation. 

  • Israeli Cultivation of Cuba Reflects Contempt for U.S. Policies
    By Israel Shahak (Washington Report 01/1994)

    You did not know that there were Cuban Jews?
    Who do you think is down there in Miami, when Fidel Castro took the land from them - and gave it to the poor.
    Those never forgave him - they don't have that kind of heart!
    So that great singer of songs - Gloria Estefan - she use the term "Jewbans" - because they are Cuban Jews, that Castro's policies, ran out of Cuba. But now they have taken over Miami - and Florida, and if you don't speak Spanish down there, you're kinda lost.

    - Black American Muslim Leader, Louis Farrakhan, in his Saviours Day address in Chicago, March 7, 2004.

  • Secret aliyah from the Caribbean
    Article from Ha'aretz. The Mossad and the Jewish Agency, not Fidel Castro, were responsible for preventing news coverage of the campaign to bring Cuban Jews to Israel.

  • Henry Kissinger 'considered Cuba air strikes' in 1976  
    Article from BBC News, 1 October 2014.
    In 1975 Fidel Castro's Cuban forces intervened militarily vs Apartheid South Africa in "Operation Carlota", thwarting the South African/CIA-coordinated two-front invasion of the African nation Angola in 1975. For this the Jewish super-schemer Kissinger stated with his usual chutzpah: "I think we are going to have to smash Castro."

  • Henry Kissinger’s Legacy of Bloodshed in Latin America 
    By Ramona Wadi, Inkstick Media, December 6, 2023.
    Empire-Enforcer-in-Chief and court-Jew Henry Kissinger to U.S. President Ford in March 1976: "I think sooner or later we have to crack the Cubans… If they move into Namibia or Rhodesia, I would be in favor of clobbering them."
    "...Henry Kissinger, who died last week, was responsible for the killing of between three million and four million people across the world between 1969 and 1976, according to historian Greg Grandin."



Already in 1838 the Jew Augustin Solomon, a French citizen who lived on the Caribbean island of Guadelupe, obtained a concession from the Colombian government to develop a canal, railroad and highway across the isthmus of Panama, which then was part of Colombia. Colombia revoked its agreement but had Solomon been successful, the Jew would have had a 60-year grant to operate the world-strategic canal, and a 40-year grant to operate a highway and a railroad.

The Jews have since advanced their positions in this Central American territory: the Jewish Daily Forward (January 4, 2013) writes: "[...] Panama is also the only country outside of Israel to have had two Jewish presidents in the 20th century: Max Shalom Delvalle, in 1969, and Eric Delvalle Maduro, from 1987-1988."

Israeli paper Ha'aretz, August 16, 2002, writes on the Delvalles in an article on Jewish President of Honduras, Ricardo Maduro ("The World's Other Jewish President"):

Ricardo Maduro is not the first member of his family to become the president of a country.
A distant relative, Eric Arturo Delvalle, was sworn in as president of Panama in 1987.
During his presidency, Delvalle brought a Torah scroll from Jerusalem and donated it to the
Spanish-Portuguese synagogue in Panama City, Kol Shearith Israel, of which he was a
member. His uncle, Max Delvalle, became president of Panama in 1969. In an address he
delivered after his election, he said, "Today there are two Jewish presidents in the world - the
president of the State of Israel and I." On the day of his inauguration, the British ambassador
to Panama told him that Delvalle's inauguration as a Jewish president reminded him of
Benjamin Disraeli. To which President Delvalle replied, "Yes, but Disraeli was only a prime
minister. I am the president of a country."

Across the world, in Panama, by the 1980s, under the dictatorship of Manuel Noreiga, "the Jewish community as a whole, many of whose ancestors had arrived as Syrian traders at the turn of the century, was exceedingly rich".

In Panama in the 1980s, a criminal enterprise run by Jewish entrepreneur Isaac Zafrani "in two years time, had become the most powerful video pirate in the world. By selling fraudulent copies of first-run films, Zafrani, more than any other single operation world-wide, posed the greatest threat to legitimate video and theatrical interests." By 1984, his profits in the bootleg business were about $20 million. [FRANKLIN, P., p. 113] 

Panama's Medias

In Panama, the largest newspaper, La Prensa, is owned by Jewish mogul Robert Eisenmann.



  • Jewish Money and Economic Influence: the Historical Context
    Includes information on the influence of the Jews in Nicaragua:
    "... most of Nicaragua's handful of pre- [Sandanista] revolution Jews had close ties to the [former] dictator, Anastasio Somoza".

  • Israel in Latin America
    By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh. "...Israeli arms sales to the Somoza regime likewise received an important boost from the Carter administration's policy [...] Israeli weapons had become critical to the regime's survival"



"Sam the Banana Man" Zemurray, a Bessarabian Jewish immigrant, made millions of dollars in his Cuyamel Fruit company, and by the 1930s was "the major shareholder in the largest banana company in Central America" (United Fruit -- later called United Brands).

  • The Jewish families that run Honduras
    Article from El Mundo reveals the Jewish rulers of Honduras

  • Israel: Death Squads   
    Israelis training Honduran Special Forces and death squads.

  • The World's Other Jewish President  
    By Mordechai Arbell, Israeli paper Ha'aretz, August 16, 2002. A copy of the full article can be read here (PDF).
    The Jew Ricardo Maduro from the Levy-Maduro family, served as President of Honduras from 2002 to 2006.

  • Top 40 Latin American pro-Israel advocates and leaders 
    A listing of the top Zionist agents for Judeoracist rule over the land of Palestine, compiled by the Jewish News Syndicate (February 10, 2021). Names for Honduras; President Juan Orlando Hernández, who announced his plans to move the Honduran embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


  Costa Rica

  • Jewish Money and Economic Influence: the Historical Context
    Includes information on the economic power of the Jews in Costa Rica:
    In Costa Rica, the Jewish community built their economic power in clothing manufacture and sales. "Jewish men and women of letters have occupied leading positions [in universities] since the early 1970s." [GUDMUNDSON, p. 229]



In Venezuela, Jewish "Marrano" refugees from Portugal "intermarried and were numbered eventually among Venezuela's most aristocratic families." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 266] By the mid-1980s, among the 17,000 Venezuelan Jews (living mostly in Caracas) were 350 factory-owners.

Vanessa Neumann, transvestite-looking-anti-Hugo Chavez-hawk from a super-rich Jewish oligarch family in
Venezuela, now acting as "Venezuelan opposition's UK ambassador" (2019-2020), here with John Bolton,
stooge of Zion, with Juan Guaidó, the Venezuelan "opposition leader", and with Madeleine Albright
teenage idol
"), Jewish former U.S. Secretary of State.

This macabre Jewish persona, Neumann, figures regularly in the Main Stream Media as an "objective"
commentator on Venezuelan politics!



One of the conqueror of the Aztec empire, Hernan Cortez’ five captains was Diego de Ordaz, a crypto-Jew (see "The Jewish Conquistadors"), who participated in the Spanish conquest of Tenochtitlán, the Aztec capital.

   In 1579 the crypto-Jew and conquistador Luis de Carvajal de la Cueva/Don Luis de Carvajal the Older, was awarded territory in New Spain known as Nuevo Reino de León, and thus became conqueror and governor of the colonial Mexican Northeast.
   In Mexico this Jewish conquistador - who already had been trading with African slaves - "Carvajal was an experienced Atlantic sea merchant in European wheat and African slaves by the time he made his way to New Spain as a venture capitalist" (see source) - was accused of illegally enslaving the indigenous peoples of Mexico, "the Indians". In these ventures, Carvajal, teamed up with another crypto-Jew and slaver, Gaspar Castaño de Sosa (also of Portuguese-Jewish extraction).

   The conquistador Diego de Montemayor of alleged crypto-Jewish heritage also held the post of governor of Nuevo Reino de León and founded the city of Monterrey.
   The Jewish author David T. Raphael writes in "The Conquistadores and Crypto-Jews of Monterrey" (2001) on the Jewish contribution to the colonial effort versus the Indian indigenous population:

"It is evident then that the crypto-Jewish warriors of Monterrey had become invaluable and indispensable to the government of Nuevo Leon, and that without their participation the colonial enterprise in that region might falter."
(see source)



The Sephardic-Jewish financier and merchant Fernão de Loronha (who had strategically converted to Christianity, a so-called cristão-novo), is attributed to have given the name "Brazil" to the territory, from the brazilwood he traded there.
   Fernão de Loronha was one of the large contigent of unscrupulous Jews who drove European Colonial Expansionism heeding the Jewish call to exploit the riches of the Goyim, Fernão attaining a royal Portuguese lease to map and exploit the richest in the newly acquired territory in Eastern South America. This while his Jewish "New-Christian" brother Martim Afonso infiltrated the super-influential Christian Order of Christ.
   The Judaism of these de Loronhas seems to have been open as one of the ships of Fernão even bore the name Judia ("Jewess").

Cary Silverstein, Jewish Professor Emeritus of DeVry University, points out in his lecture on the "Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean":

"The Jews of Brazil resided in Recife, the port of Jews with Dutch, and their fortune in the sugar and slave trades. They made up 30% of the white population in Brazil in the 1640s. They sold African slaves to the sugar plantation owners, and owned ten of the best sugar plantations. They sent their production back to Holland to be refined by the Jewish merchants. That's how sugar came to the Old World from the New World.
But here's the thing: They were the first slave traders. They brought the slaves from Africa to South America."
(see source)

In the 19th and early 20th centuries a new wave of Jews - this time from Morocco - arrived to exploit the riches in the Amazon basis, the "Amazonian Jews". In 1999, it was estimated that about 300,000 people in northern Brazil had Moroccan-Jewish ancestry.

The Jewish grip on the Brazilian territory has since persisted, now combined with Zionism - support for the war-mongering Jewish state of "Israel":
   "This is a Zionist community," noted Fiszel Czeresnia, chairman of Brazil's Zionist Organization, in 1985, "Zionism animated every Jewish institution we have in this country." (See Howard Sachar, "Diaspora. An Inquiry into the Contemporary Jewish World", 1985, p. 262)

For more on the former colonial power founding and controlling Brazil, see our section on Portugal.


Jewish author Ed Kritzler in a discussion on his book "Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean" and Jamaica, talks of "the fact that there were so many secret Jews in the new world disguised as 'Portuguese Christians'" (see source). Kritzler also points out Jamaica as a haven for Jews running away from the Inquisition, some of them turning to piracy.

Cary Silverstein, Jewish Professor Emeritus of DeVry University, points out in his lecture on the "Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean":

"Jews of Jamaica: At one point twenty percent of Kingston's population were Jews of Portuguese-Spanish ancestry. Spanish Town [which was the Spanish and British capital of Jamaica from 1534 until 1872] was founded by Jews who escaped Spain. The first years Jews landed in the island in 1534. 1534 we were already in the Caribbean! Now called Spanish Town - it was called Villa de la Vega, was the earliest documented settlement of converted Jews in the New World.

The Jews aided by the British conquest of the isle, under the British, Port Royal Jamaica, was home to a large Jewish community, which economically backed the raids against the Spanish."
(see source)

By 1974-75 Jamaican Jews amounted to only .025% of that country's population, but accounted for 24% of the national entrepreneurial elite "as measured by the number of Stock Exchange company boards they served on as directors and chairmen ... By 1978 ... six of the 14 most active national entrepreneurs were Jewish." [HOLZBERG, p. 118]

Even in Jamaica, that country's most prominent newspaper -- the Gleaner -- is most publicly associated with the Ashenheim family. [HOLZBERG, p. 146] See source.

  • The Forgotten Jewish Pirates of Jamaica 
    Bob Marley with a Jewish "Chai" necklace. A Jewmaican?
    By Ross Kenneth Urken, Smithsonian Magazine, July 7, 2016.
    Pro-Jewish/Judeophile article on Jamaican Jewish history and Jewmaican residents. Points out that before the 1692 earthquake, the central thoroughfare in Port Royal was called "Jews Street". It also notes:
    For some, “heritage” in Jamaica might be synonymous with Rastafarianism. In fact, Rastafarianism is inextricably intertwined with Judaism: the religion’s messiah, the Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie, claimed descendance from King Solomon and it shares symbols like the Lion of Judah and kosher laws.

It can be added that Rastafarian and Jamaican music legend Bob Marley's early career was sponsored by the Jewish record producer and music mogul, the founder of Island Records, Chris Blackwell (whose Sephardic-Jewish mother Blanche from the merchant and banking Lindo family, was a friend/mistress of the Jamaica-based James Bond-author, Ian Fleming).

Lately Jews have tried to claim Bob Marley as Jewish himself, and that his White/British father was of Jewish-Syrian heritage (see "Bob Marley’s Jewish Father", Jewish Tablet Magazine, February 6, 2013). What is verified though, is his son Ziggy Marley’s marriage to the Israeli artist manager Orly Agai.

It should also be noted that Jewish actor Kingsley Ben-Adir is Bob Marley in the hit new movie "One Love" (see "One Love star takes his Hebrew name to Hollywood",, February 14, 2024).



"... As one rabbi told me, Curacaoan Jews have long been the 'Brahmins' of their little island. There is no 'community outside Israel where Jews [have] occupied that status in society,' the rabbi said ... The Jews are deeply entrenched in the island’s business elite. Jews own the island’s main bank, Maduro & Curiel’s."



Peru, a country with a large native Indian population, has no-representative governments and as a travesty of "democracy" has instead an imposed  "judeocracy" with three Jewish Prime Ministers in modern days, Yehude Simon, Efrain Goldenberg and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski - where the latter also ended up serving as the President of the Andean country.

President Alejandro Toledo even had a Jewish second Vice-President, David Waisman, and an Israeli personal security chief, Avi Danon.

And Pesident Toledo´s wife is a Jewess from a Zionist family (see our article on political power below):

In 2001, Alejandro Toledo was elected President of Peru and Elaine Karp became Peru's First Lady. Karp was "born in Paris to a staunchly Zionist family [and] settled in Israel as a teenager ... Her father was a member of the right wing Zionist youth group, Betar, while her mother belonged to the left-wing Zionist youth group Hashomer Hatza'ir."

Peruvian medias

In Peru, preeminent media mogul Baruch Ivcher is an immigrant from Israel and owns the country's largest television station. In 1997, during political troubles with the government for a series of television exposes, Ivcher lived in Miami and Israel. His minority partners in the station, also Jewish, ran the company in his stead. [FORWARD, 11-7-1997, p. 3] 
See source.



Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet shaking hands
with the Jew Henry Kissinger in 1976

Pinochet with representatives of the Tribe of the Chosen - The Jews
"Marranos [the Spanish and Portuguese Jews who faked, en masse, conversion to Christianity] figured prominently [in Chile] among the early conquistadors and Jewish converts of the sixteenth century. Gunther Bohm's volume, Chilean Jews in the Colonial Period, published by the National Academy, lists 150 names of Marrano origin currently borne by aristocratic Chilean families." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 275] 
Immigrant Jews "rapidly achieved their characteristic eminence in commerce and played a major role in the establishment of Chilean light industry." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 275]





Even in a place like Guyana, in South America, Janet (Rosenberg) Jagan, who was born in Chicago and had married a prominent Guyanan, became that country's President in 1998.




There are only 44,000 Jews living in Uruguay, but: 
"in recent decades, there have been Jewish senators, ministers and deputy ministers, directors of the Central Bank and the central tax collection office, a rector of the university. Uruguay was the first Latin American government to recognize Israel ... The single lingering consequence of these political changes [a Uruguayan army coups] has been an intensification of Uruguayan Jewry's Zionist commitment ... Leaders of the Jewish institutions [in Uruguay] dutifully consult the Israeli ambassador -- their status symbol -- on matters not only related to Israel but to domestic Jewish affairs ... Jewish education, both the day schools, and in some eleven Sunday schools, has remained Israel-centered."
(Howard Sachar, Jewish author, in "Diaspora. An Inquiry into the Contemporary Jewish World", 1985, p. 273)

  • Israel in Latin America
    By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh: Guatemala and Uruguay, especially, made significant contributions to advancing the Zionist cause at the United Nations Session on Palestine.




In Bolivia, a country that had less than 500 Jews in the whole country in 1987, "publisher and book dealer Werner Guttentag [is] a major presence on the national cultural scene." (Judith Laikin Elkin, "The Jews of Latin America", 1998, p. 127)



  • Israel in Latin America
    By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh:
    - Guatemala and Uruguay, especially, made significant contributions to advancing the Zionist cause at the United Nations Session on Palestine.
    - Professor Israel Shahak, then chair of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, stated in a lecture in New York October 1985: "All weapons or practically all weapons of the Guatemalan Army are made in Israel... ".  Israel is "training the Guatemalan secret police and helping it, the so-called death squads".

  • Israel: Death Squads   
    Israeli Knesset member General Peled said in Central America Israel is 'dirty work' contractor for U.S.
    Israel behind computer system making up death lists: Israeli firm Tadiran (then partly U.S.-owned) supplied Guatemalan military with computerized intelligence system to track potential subversives. Those on computer list had an excellent chance of being "disappeared."

  • Top 40 Latin American pro-Israel advocates and leaders 
    A listing of the top Zionist agents for Judeoracist rule over the land of Palestine, compiled by the Jewish News Syndicate (February 10, 2021). Names for Guatemala; Jimmy Morales, Gloria Garcés, Fidel Reyes Lee, Rav Yosef Garmon.


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- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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By Robert Faurisson

The Gaza atrocity 2008-2009

Iraq under Jewish occupation
Iraq - war and occupation

Jewish War On Syria!

CNN's Jewish version of "diversity" - Lists the main Jewish agents

Hezbollah the Beautiful
Americans, where is your own Hezbollah?

Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan's Epic Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York  - A must see!

"War on Terror" - on Israel's behalf!

World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

Interview with anti-Zionist veteran Ahmed Rami of Radio Islam - On ISIS, "Neo-Nazis", Syria, Judaism, Islam, Russia...

Britain under Jewish occupation!

Jewish World Power
West Europe    East Europe
Americas          Asia
Middle East       Africa
      U.N.              E.U.


The Internet and Israeli-Jewish infiltration/manipulations

Books - Important collection of titles

The Judaization of China

Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action - By David Duke

The Power of Jews in France

Jew Goldstone appointed by UN to investigate War Crimes in Gaza

When Jews rule...
The best book on Jewish Power

The Israel Lobby - From the book

Jews and Crime - The archive

Sayanim - Israel's and Mossad's Jewish helpers abroad

Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech - A must hear!

The Israeli Nuclear Threat

The "Six Million" Myth

"Jewish History" - a bookreview

Putin and the Jews of Russia

Israel's attack on US warship USS Liberty - Massacre in the Mediterranean

Jewish "Religion" - What is it?

Medias in the hands of racists

Strauss-Kahn - IMF chief and member of Israel lobby group

Down with Zio-Apartheid
Stop Jewish Apartheid!

The Jews behind Islamophobia

Israel controls U.S. Presidents
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton...

The Victories of Revisionism
By Professor Robert Faurisson

The Jewish hand behind Internet The Jews behind Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...

"Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"

Jewish War Against Iran

Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders

Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Garaudy's "The Founding Myths
of Israeli Politics"

Jewish hate against Christians
By Prof. Israel Shahak

Introduction to Revisionist
- By Ernst Zündel

Karl Marx: The Jewish Question

Reel Bad Arabs - Revealing the racist Jewish Hollywood propaganda

"Anti-Semitism" - What is it?

Videos - Important collection 

The Jews Banished 47 Times in 1000 Years - Why?

Zionist strategies - Plotting invasions, formenting civil wars, interreligious strife, stoking racial hatreds and race war

The International Jew
By Henry Ford

Pravda interviews Ahmed Rami

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel
Shahak's "Jewish History,
Jewish Religion"

The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries - From the World Zionist Organization

Judaism and Zionism inseparable

Revealing photos of the Jews 

Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy - By David Duke

Racist Jewish Fundamentalism

The Freedom Fighters:
   Hezbollah - Lebanon
   Nation of Islam - U.S.A.

Jewish Influence in America
- Government, Media, Finance...

"Jews" from Khazaria stealing the land of Palestine

The U.S. cost of supporting Israel

Turkey, Ataturk and the Jews

Talmud unmasked
The truth about the Talmud

Israel and the Ongoing Holocaust in Congo

Jews DO control the media - a Jew brags! - Revealing Jewish article

Abbas - The Traitor

Protocols of Zion - The whole book!

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
Encyclopedia of the
Palestine Problem

The "Holocaust" - 120 Questions and Answers

Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

Activism! - Join the Fight!