Jewish Racism towards Blacks |
Black people have been subjected to Jewish racism for hundreds of years; but the end to that is closing. Black resistance is becoming organized, and is now posing a serious threat to World Zionism.
for telling the truth" -- Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam |
ADL Freaks Out Over Farrakhan's Latest 2009 Speech
Farrakhan speaks out against the pro-Israeli lobby
Video collection on Min. Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam (NOI), and the conflict between Blacks and Jews
- Louis Farrakhan's
Epic Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York - a must see and hear!
The great 1985 speech by Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam on the Jews and their campaigns against him and the liberation movement.
This high-octane mobilizing speech should be seen/heard by everyone as it is directed towards all oppressed peoples, not only Blacks and Muslims."Jewish control of Black organizations has to be busted up and broken. Listen! The old Jewish relationship with Black people has to be changed. We don't want to relate to Jews on a Master/Slave relationship..."
Cartoons/caricatures on the
conflict between Blacks and Jews
More than 200 cartoons, memes, quotes, articles!
Photos of Black Muslim
leader Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam with world
leaders, "radicals", celebrities, rappers, sportsmen, clerics...
Mandela, Saddam, Obama, Michael Jackson, Harry Belafonte, Ice Cube, Spike Lee, Eminem, Jesse Jackson, Fidel Castro, Stevie Wonder...
Video collection on the Jewish controlled Black Slave Trade
Including Farrakhan's speeches, documentaries on the facts, professor Tony Martin's speeches.
The Million Man March - 1995
Organized by Louis Farrakhan's
Nation of Islam.
(click here for more)
Who brought the Slaves to America? - Slavery and the Jews - HTML
By Walter White Jr., 1968
Who Brought the Slaves
to America? - Slavery and the Jews - PDF
By Walter White Jr., 1968. Also links to audio/video versions.
- Jews and the Black Holocaust
On the Jewish involvment in the Black Slave trade
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Volume 1
By the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam. The entire book in PDF-format
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Highlights
of books 1 and 2 - Version 1 (PDF)
By the Nation of Islam Research Group.
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Highlights of books 1 and 2
- Version 2 (PDF)
By the Nation of Islam Research Group.
Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews
Important arguments against Jewish disinformation - and in support of the latest revelations.
By the Nation of Islam Research Group.
Amazon Bans The Secret Relationship Between Blacks
& Jews
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, March 16, 2019
Prof. Tony Martin: Blacks and Jews at Wellesley College - Broadside 1
Speech by Professor Tony Martin on the Jewish involvement in the Transatlantic slave trade and African slavery, March 1, 1993.
Published by the Nation of Islam Research Group, November 5, 2018
Prof. Tony Martin:
Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech
Transcript of Prof. Tony Martin's speech at the 14th IHR-Conference (2002).
What the Jews fear most: Young
Blacks/Afro-Americans learning the truth about the Jewish control of the Slave
Trade - click arrow to switch between photos!
Photos of youths reading "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews" volume one and two!
Black leader Louis Farrakhan's 2010 letter to the ADL and the Jewish leadership
"Armed with this knowledge [of Jewish responsability for the Slave Tade] from the pens of Jewish scholars, Rabbis, and historians, we could now charge you with the most vehement anti-Black behavior in the annals of our history in America and the world. We could charge you with being the most deceitful so-called friend, while your history with us shows you have been our worst enemy. [...]
[...] should you choose to make our struggle to civilize our people more difficult, then I respectfully warn you [...] that the more you fight and oppose me rather than belp me to lift my people from their degraded state, Allah (God) and His Messiah will bring you and your people to disgrace and ruin and destroy your power and influence here and throughout the world."
Farrakhan Spoke the Truth about the Talmud
Farrakhan on the Jewish Talmud, which condemns Jesus to boil in excrements. Nation of Islam Research Group, May 25, 2018.
Article includes link to PDF document "Talmud, the Tricknology of the Jews".
Blacks & Jews Facts & Quotes
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, March 21, 2012
Quotes and Facts
Information on Jewish racism towards Blacks, Jewish control over Black Slavery, etc
Current Events
List and description of events connected to the confrontation between Blacks and Jews
Buy your Negroes from Jacob Cohen & Son
Jewish slave trader's ads. From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
On the Jewish control of slave trade in Blacks/Africans. Includes facsimiles of original quotes from Jewish literature on the subject.
From Josh's research archive.
- White Supremacist Jews & the
Ku Klux Klan
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, August 13, 2020
Jews were allowed to join the original Ku Klux Klan, some made
it to rank of Grand Cyclops
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
1868; Ku Klux Klan is a Hebrew term
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
targeting Blacks - quotes (PDF)
Excerpts from anti-Judaic researcher and writer Christopher Jon Bjerknes' book "The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein".
On the Jewish anti-Black concepts of "Ham" and the "mark of Cain".
NEW BOOK: Blacks Picked Cotton, For Jewish Wealth
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, October 2, 2019
Jews Scapegoating Blacks: A Long History of Hate
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, August 31, 2010.
"Mr. Foxman’s ADL gives to its worthies the “Maimonides Award,” named for the race-hating rabbi who taught that Black Africans were “lower than the rank of man but higher than the rank of the apes.” Both of these “great thinkers” helped make the enslavement of the African practically a religious commandment."
Black Voices Also Matter
By Jewish dissident Gilad Atzmon, July 1, 2020. "In European Jewish culture the word shvartze (Black, Yiddish) is an offensive term referring to a low being, specifically a Black person (“She’s dating a shvartze. Her grandmother is probably rolling over in her grave”). Zein Shver, a Jewish Black American, points out that “Shvartze isn’t Yiddish for Black. Shvartze is Yiddish for Nigger!”."
How Farrakhan Solved the
Crime & Drug Problem
...And How the Jews Attacked Him
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, October 25, 2015."Despite the Muslim Dope Buster’s total success at stopping drugs at the street level and the testimonies of a cabinet secretary and a thousand delighted drug- and violence-free residents, a gaggle of Jewish groups led by Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) dedicated themselves to actually un-win the War on Drugs. In one of the most incredible acts of Jewish betrayal since their immense role in the African slave trade, Jews forced Congress to hold hearings and proceeded to counter the Nation of Islam’s extraordinary success."
Jewish Complicity in the Jewish Holocaust
By the Truth Establishment Institute (associated with the American Black organization Nation of Islam - NOI).
On Jewish WWII cooperation with Nazi occupation forces through the Judenrats and Kapos. -
The Simon Wiesenthal Center: A house built on lies
By Jackie Muhammad, Nation of Islam Research Group, June 12, 2020.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, one of the most powerful Jewish organizations in the world has targeted the American Black leader Minister Louis Farrakhan because of his publication of The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2.The Jews behind NAACP
A Message For Black People
Black Ops Matter — Video Proof of Agent
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, June 4, 2020."A 1967 FBI-COINTELPRO memo is clear: “No opportunity should be missed…to disrupt or neutralize black nationalist, hate-type organizations…[I]n every instance careful attention must be given to the proposal to insure the targeted group is disrupted, ridiculed, or discredited through the publicity and not merely publicized.” Here is proof that this COINTELPRO directive is in full effect today."
Pro-Israel racist group ADL moves to co-opt Black
Lives Matter
By Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 29 June 2020
ADL's upsurge in “Anti-Semitism”
has disturbing Jewish
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, May 6, 2017
ADL and the Jewish Leo Frank Myth
Short video by the by the Nation of Islam Research Group, 2019, promoting the new book: "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Volume 3".
Leo Frank tried to blame a black man, James Conley, for his murder of a non-Jewish 13-year old girl, Mary Phagan.
We'll torture him until he admits it
ADL and Jewish child rapist & murder Leo Frank, and the use of a specialist in extracting confessions from suspects on the "negro" Jim Conley, who reported the murder to the police.
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Minstrel Show
And ADL are supposed to be anti-racist!
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Operation “Israel Cyber Shield”
Exposed: The Attack on Black America
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, February 11, 2019."The history of Jewish espionage against Black American citizens is long and deep [...]. Jewish agents seeking to maintain control over the rate and direction of Black progress infiltrated the NAACP leadership from the very start, forcing it into political subservience and funneling its internal documents to US government officials. [...] When the FBI established the notorious and illegal Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) under J. Edgar Hoover in 1956, it was Jewish Assistant Director Alex Rosen whose name was on the FBI’s secret memos detailing the FBI’s plans and actions to undermine the work of many Black leaders and organizations [...]."
Zionist Logic
By Malcolm X, The Egyptian Gazette, Sept. 17, 1964.
"The Zionists have mastered the science of dollarism: the ability to come posing as a friend and benefactor, bearing gifts and all other forms of economic aid and offers of technical assistance. Thus, the power and influence of Zionist Israel in many of the newly “independent” African nations has fast-become even more unshakeable than that of the 18th century European colonialists… and this new kind of Zionist colonialism differs only in form and method, but never in motive or objective."
Malcolm X’s final written words were about Zionism. Here is what
he said.
For Malcolm X, Zionism was inextricably linked to wider European colonialism. In a little known passage written just before his assassination, he made it clear he saw Zionism as not just a threat to Palestine, but to the entire Third World.
By Ali Hammoud, Mondoweiss, March 23, 2024.
- Israeli paper on Israeli
sex-tourism in Kenya
"Paradise Mombassa", translated and introduced by Jewish dissident Gilad Atzmon:
"Israeliness is a radical form of blind cruelty and the Israelis have no problem taking it with them wherever they go. [...] There is an old and famous saying, ‘you can take the man out of Israel but you can never take Israel out of the man’. You may want to take a nice deep breath before you read what the men of Israel are up to."
- Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly "democratic" country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as "infiltrators" by Jewish politicians and activists.
- Israel's apartheid and
discrimination of African migrants and refugees - collection of articles,
photos, videos
- Video: Israeli Jewish crowd
cheers as Africans called “slaves” "AS BLACK AMERICANS we must ask ourselves why is the first black president totally loyal and dedicated to the most racist and anti black/AFRICAN society in the world."
Anti-African Racism in Israel
big archive!
Huge collection of documentation including videos collected by Zionism critic/Jewish dissident, David Sheen.
- CNN supporting
anti-Black racist "rebels" in Libya
Segment from our document "Zionist CNN: Lair of hypocrites", with information and images on Zionist supported anti-Gaddafi Libyan rebels' atrocities against Black Africans, atrocities totally underreported in the Western, Zionist-dominated, medias.
- Israel Exports Its Brutal Police Training to the US, and it Shows
Inside Arabia, June 17, 2020. In the wake of the May 2020 death of Black man George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, USA, important information the Zio-controlled media left out:
Israeli police brutality has been exported to cities, counties, and states’ police precincts all across the United States.
"You mayors, you governors, stop your police from going to Israel to learn how to kill better.
Your days of killing us without consequences are over."
- Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of Nation of Islam, in his 4th July Speech, 2020.
Source: Jewish site, July 8, 2020.
Labour boss and Zionist stooge Keir Starmer cracks down
on Labour politician for revealing connection U.S.
police brutality-Israel
Labour MP Rebecca Long-Bailey sacked by Keir Starmer for mentioning the connection U.S. police brutality-Israel. Includes lots of information on the Israeli company "Israeli Tactical School", information that proves her right.
Obama the "black mascot of Wall St."
According to professor Cornel West, Obama is: "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats. And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it."
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage
Jewish exploitation in the Black music
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage. Jews have long gravitated to an entrepreneurial exploitation of the Black cultural scene.
Jews overseeing of the Black
community's jazz life, including the control of musical clubs in Black
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage's "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 3).
Further down i the same document there is also info on the Jewish agent-producer's exploitation of Black recording artists in the early rhythm and blues era of the 1940s and 1950s (and later).
Articles on the Secret Relationship between Rappers and Jews
Also includes a speech by Louis Farrakhan on Jewish control of Black culture and an interview with rapper Scarface who says that "the people that are in control of what Hip Hop does is ... so fucking Jewish" and the present industry "dictate what the Black community hears and listens to", they "brainwash a generation" African-Americans to "look stupid" and "dumb".
Jews Control Hip-Hop Jewish Heeb Magazine
"Some of the biggest names in hip hop are Jewish—just not the ones on stage."
Also includes other documents including listing of Jewish Hip Hop bosses.
Controls the Music Industry?
Revealing video on Jewish control of the Rap and the Black music industry, compiled by Know More News.
Creating "Gangsta Rap" To Feed The
Private Prison Industry
Revealing 2012 letter sent to, and published by, Hip Hop Is Read. Information on a secret meeting...
Includes commentaries by Black youth, rappers and Louis Farrakhan.
Important note: The culture around "Gangsta Rap" is not isolated to America. Due to the mechanism of U.S. "Cultural Imperialism" this malignant culture permeates into the Brown/Black/non-European youths gathered in the ghettoes and hoods of the suburbs of Europe, distorting their value systems and making them act upon what they are brainwashed with through the Jewish-controlled medias. As a direct result of this "Gangsterizing" dark force and its ensuing criminalizing of the affected youth, you see the counter reaction in the form of the rise of what is labelled as "Right Wing" "anti-Immigrant", "Populist" movements. Action provokes counteraction, and so the Jews have sown the seeds of future ethnical/racial conflicts beteen minorities and majorities...
Always separate symptoms from the disease!
Lyor Cohen -
Jewish-Israeli Hip-Hop Mogul and YouTube Music boss and Censor-in-Chief
Updated entry from the epic work "The Jewish hand behind Internet".
The Jewish Slumlords
Jewish exploitation of African-American
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage.
On the Jewish medias and Blacks and
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage.
Jewish control
on dominance over Mass Media connected to the African-American community
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage.
Jewish/Israeli inroad into the Black
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage. The Jerusalem Post writes under the heading: "The Israeli 'Secret' Diplomacy Inside the Afro-American Community":"There are 100 Black colleges and universities in this country but only 41 are members of the United Negro College Fund presided over by William H. Gray, III, the ex-congressman. And he is the 'secret weapon' of Israel ... Black scholars, intellectuals and students are the new Israeli target group."
Jewish Dominance and Exploitation of the Black Civil Rights Movement
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage.
When Israel Was
Apartheid’s Open Ally
By Leni Brenner, CounterPunch, December 20, 2013
Includes info on the Jewish organization ADL:s work against the liberation of Blacks in South Africa, in support of the Apartheid Régime.
Spy vs
On how the Jewish organization the ADL has helped spying on anti-Apartheid activists.
- The Synagogue of Satan - on the book written by
Ashahed M. Muhammad
Document also includes includes PDF-file of "The Ugly Truth about the ADL"
- Videos of Ashahed M. Muhammad
from Nation of Islam on ADL and The Synagogue of Satan
Jewish Rabbi likens Blacks with monkeys!
Rabbi M. Friedman, close comrade of the Jewish racist Meir Kahane, speaks out his racist Jewish opinions on Blacks.
Click on this image to activate the video.
(Alternative link: click here)
in Zionist hands - Life and career of Zionist Jew and Israeli
agent Arnon Milchan
Article on Hollywood producer, Israeli Jew Arnon Milchan, which describes how he coordinated transactions between Israel and Apartheid South Africa.
This has to be remembered as the same Hollywood Jews now - in the name of "diversity" - pretend to be pro-Black/pro-African. It should thus be noted that arch-Zionist Milchan, agent of Zionism and Apartheid and personal friend of Israel's murderous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with his company Regency was behind the movie "12 Years a Slave"!
- Min. Farrakhan and the Jews
What Black leader Louis Farrakhan really says about the Jews
- Important quotes on Jewish domination
Quotes by Farrakhan, Napoleon, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill etc...
- NBC interviews Min. Farrakhan
Excerpts from the famous interview with Farrakhan, aired on April 13, 1997
- Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York - a must hear!
The fantastic speech by Farrakhan on the Jews and their campaigns against him
- Louis Farrakhan: Why do they hate America?
Farrakhan's speech in response to the 9-11 attacks
‘Nation of Islam' Leader Farrakhan
Declares Support for Iran's Nuclear Program, Says Because U.S. Ignored His
Warnings, ‘The Time for the Chastisement of Allah is Here'
Quotes from an Al-Jazeera interview with Min. Farrakhan in 2007.
- Louis Farrakhan speaks out on the
Sanctions Genocide perpetrated againt Iraq
Louis Farrakhan blasted the sanctions at a press conference in Baghdad while on a 1995 visit to meet President Saddam Hussein.
- Why must USA occupy foreign capital cities...?
Asks black Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Article from Nation of Islam's Final Call.
America's Black Muslims of the Nation of Islam on the 2023 Gaza
Slaughter/"Gaza War"
"This is a textbook case of genocide." As the slaughter of Palestinians continues, demands grow to hold Israel and the West accountable.
By Brian E. Muhammad, The Final Call, November 14, 2023.
- What Exacly Did Ahmadinejad Say?
- Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Others Victimized by
Those Who Fight Against Truth & Logic
By Ashahed M. Muhammad, from Nation of Islam, December 2005
Nelson Mandela's grandson calls for protest at the "Apartheid Israel"
embassy in South Africa
In the wake of the Israeli aggressions in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza, May 2021. Alternative versions: here and here
Reiterating his legendary grandfather's stance: "Our freedom is incomplete until Palestine is free."
He even has the voice of Nelson Mandela!
Ashahed M. Muhammad from Nation of Islam speaks on the Jewish Anti-Defamation League - ADL.
Nation of Islam's The Final Call on Jewish racism against
When the Jews Attacked the Asians (The Final Call, August 6, 2012)
What is Behind Berkeley's Jewish Onslaught? (The Final Call, April 3, 2012)
Cartoons/caricatures on the
conflict between Blacks and Jews
More than 200 cartoons, memes, quotes, articles!
Nation of Islam (NOI) and the Awakening
- The Million Family March
By the Nation of Islam, October 16, 2000 in Washington, D.C.
- Why Should There Be A National Agenda?
Statement from the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan, Convener of The Million Family March, January 4, 2000.
- An organized snubbing of the Million Family March
Scores Hear Farrakhan's Cry to Rebuild
Families, Cities at Million Family March
- The Million Family March and The Media
Remembering Dewayne Wickham
- Farrakhan: "Choose Life Over Death"
By Nayaba Arinde
- Establishing Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Unity in the United States of
America and Abroad
- Final Communiqué From The 2nd Islamic Peoples Leadership
Conference Held in America
- Link to Nation of Islam official homepage
- Link to the blog of Ashahed M. Muhammad, from Nation of Islam
- Link to NOI:s paper The Final Call
- Link to the Nation of Islam Research Group
- Link to the Nation of Islam Research Group
Instagram feed
Lots of memes on Jewish racism vs Blacks, "The Synagogue of Satan", Jews and slavery, etc.
- Link to the
Blacks and
Jews homepage [archived]
- Link to the Anti-African Racism
in Israel homepage
"The Zionist Organization of America has denounced two universities
for inviting Nobel laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu to speak on their
campuses. Citing at least half a dozen instances in which the anti-apartheid
activist spoke out against Israel, ZOA president
Morton Klein criticized
Yeshiva University's Cardozo School of Law for hosting Tutu last week
and the University of Pennsylvania for inviting Tutu to be its commencement
speaker in May. Tutu, said Klein, 'is
viciously anti-Israel. To give a podium
[to a] man who hates Israel, who
compared Israel to Hitler, is shameful.'" |
For information on Jewish/Israeli involvement in Africa, blood diamonds, supporting Apartheid - please see our large archive on African nations.