Jewish Power and Influence in U.S.
and World Business and Finance
As we noted a few years ago the U.S. Federal Reserve
was in the hands of Jewish chairman Alan Greenspan, the World Bank in
the hands of Jewish chairman James Wolfensohn and his top deputy, the
Jew Josef Stieglitz, and the IMF was under its Jewish director
Stanley Fischer. Since then the Jew Paul Wolfowitz has been
President of the World Bank, the fanatic Zionist
Jew Dominique Strauss-Kahn has taken over the IMF, and the Jew
Ben Bernanke is the new boss of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
And with the Jew George Soros and countless Jewish
so-called oligarchs/tycoons/moguls dictating the financial markets,
one can really talk of an international Jewish predominance in the
highest positions of finance and economics.
The Jewish paper Jewish Week, even writes in the article
"Market Meltdown. As the World Economic Crisis Turns Scary,
Scapegoating Looms. Watch Your Back", (October 16, 1998, p.
"[Jewish billionaire George Soros] is often accused of masterminding some world conspiracy ... if the [economic] global crisis keeps spreading -- as most experts expect -- you won't hear much more talk about blaming Soros and his Jewish cronies. Anger will probably focus increasingly on the leaders of the [International Monetary Fund] and the Washington policy makers who stand behind it. The bad news is that most of them are Jewish too. Israel's daily Yediot Achronot recently published an unintentionally chilling list of senior economic policymakers known to be attending Kol Nidre services in Washington on the eve of the IMF summit. Among them: Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and his top deputy Lawrence Summers [who later succeeded Rubin as Treasury Secretary], World Bank Chairman James Wolfenson and his top deputy, Josef Stieglitz; Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and IMF Director Stanley Fischer. That's scary. And it's only a partial list."
- Collection of Quotes on Jewish Economic Power and Influence
- Jewish Banking & Financial Manipulations
Based on quotes from Gerald Krefetz, author of "Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality"
Written Jewish Plan to Take Over the World with Usury
Researcher Christopher Jon Bjerknes explains, backed up with quotes from Jewish scriptures.
This video is feared by the Jews and constantly deleted - save and spread!
Alternative version, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here
Modern World Economy is much shaped by Jewish self-proclaimed
economic "Gurus", without any democratic possibility to elect or
depose them.
In the West post-WW2 the Jew
Dexter White very much shaped "the postwar economic
order" and was "a major architect of the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank".
In post-Soviet East Europe/Russia the Jew
Jeffrey Sachs
called the shots with his "shock therapy" and in Latin America
Neo-Liberalism was ushered by the doctrines of the Jew
Milton Friedman,
"the founder of monetarism".
So now you understand why present World Economics has been so
tailored for Jewish vulture capitalism, and thus also why Jews today
make out such an unproportional large part of the Global 1%:ers.
Strauss-Kahn - IMF chief and member of Israel lobby group
Article on how Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who says that every Jew should work for Israel, has taken over an important international body!
- Lev Leviev - diamond tycoon,
Jewish king of Africa, supporter of Settlements
Diamond market
heavily contaminated with Israeli blood diamonds
Press Release from Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign, 2007
Diamond Merchant 'Tropes'
From a revealing "official" documentary on who runs the diamond business. Compiled by Know More News.
Benjamin Netanyahu's Plan to Rule the World
"Israeli technology is driving the World!" Revealing video on the growing Jewish-Israeli control of Cybertech, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative versions, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here and here
Jewish ownership in the Internet world
Section which documents Jewish control of companies like Google and Facebook
and the Computer World
Collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
From "Jewish Influence
in America"
Updated 2017. Names, positions, pictures...
Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 1)
Who Controls the Federal Reserve?
Who Controls the Group of Thirty?
Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2)
Who Controls the Treasury Department?
Who Controls the Bilderberg Group?
Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 3)
The 17 richest Jews, their
284 billion dollars and their scams - a must read!
Wide Awake Gentile, April 21, 2014.
God’s Chosen People (Banned by YouTube)
On Jewish dominance and supremacy, compiled by Know More News. Alternative versions, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here and here and here
1:03:30- Israel strategic control and China's Belt and Road initiative (the new "Silk Road"), Israel's tech and internet control, cyber security, cryptocurrencies
- The Rothschild Dynasty
Gentile Folly: the Rothschilds
Book on the Rothschilds' influence, by Arnold Leese
Collection of Quotes
on the Jewish Rothschild Banking Family
- Rothschild
reveals crucial role his ancestors played in the Balfour Declaration
and creation of Israel [VIDEO]
If Americans Knew, February 9, 2017. Lord Jacob Rothschild talks to former Israeli ambassador Daniel Taub as part of the Balfour 100 project.
Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker
Control of Russian-Jewish oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky's shares in the Russian oil giant Yukos have passed to renowned British-Jewish banker Jacob Rothschild, under a deal they concluded prior to Mr. Khodorkovsky's arrest in 2003.
West European "Old World" Jewry interacting with and aiding East European "New Ascending" Jewry – on the Goyim's behalf!
Article originally published in The Washington Times (November 2, 2003), re-published with commentary noting that Leonid Nevzlin, Yukos' biggest shareholder not yet in jail, has been granted Israeli citizenship.
- Rothschild - King of
the Jews
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Large collection of
articles on the Rothschilds and Jewish influence
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Banksters and Warmongers
By Giorgio Spagnol, L'institut Européen Des Relations Internationales (IERI), 2019.
"War is profitable. The Rothschild family have funded the losers and the winners of all wars since the Napoleonic Wars of 1803 to 1815. They fund both sides so that whichever side wins, they profit."
1912: 300
German Jews run Europe, says German Jew politician
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
1912: Jew bankers financing new Chinese government
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Marx rages against "the free-masonry of Jews"
Super-revealing text by Karl Marx on Jewish financial power in 19th Century Europe and how "every tyrant" is "backed by a Jew".
- World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global
Influencers for Israel
By Alison Weir, If Americans Knew, November 24, 2019.
Billionaires, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian ambassadors, international financiers, the Rothschilds, and glitterati of all sorts gathered at the 2019 gala for the World Jewish Congress. The gathering represented unparalleled power & wealth… martialled on behalf of Israel…
- Jewish Magnates in the U.S. Medias and Finance
List of Jews in control of U.S. Media, Finance and Economy
- The Jews of Forbes 1999 list of the 400
- The Economic Plans of International Jews
From "The International Jew", by Henry Ford
Jewish History in the United States
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company. Article on the Jewish economic takeover in the U.S., from "The International Jew".
- Mahathir Charges George Soros With
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accuses Jewish Billionaire George Soros
- George Soros, Imperial Wizard
By Heather Coffin, Covert Action Quarterly, Fall 2002. Details Soros' background and his foreign interventions.
- Profile: George Soros
By Neil Clark, New Statesman
- George Soros - wolf in sheeps clothing
A Conversation Between Shimon Peres and George Soros
From the Los Angeles Times
- Soros in Georgia
Article from the Herald Sun
- Soros – Real Father of Reforms in Poland
By Stanislaw Tyminski. George Soros vs Poland.
- Soros vs Russia
ZGram from the Zundelsite
George Soros buys Ukraine
By Connie Bruck, The New Yorker
- At
Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires
The Jerusalem Post, June 26, 2012. Jews mentioned in the article: Mikhail Fridman, Moshe Kantor, Leonid Nevzlin, Gabriel Mirilashvili, Lev Leviev. "Watching the group of mega-wealthy interact, one cannot help but wonder how so many affluent businessmen in the former Soviet Union are Jewish."
settlers' Chelsea boss backer
BBC News documentary and article, 21 September 2020.
Chelsea owner and Jewish-Israeli oligarch, Roman Abramovich, usually labelled as "Russian", funnels money to Israel's illegal settlements - AND - is revealed to have secret investments in rival football players! Using money cheated from Goyim to steal land from Goyim!
1999: 80% of the Russian economy in Jewish hands
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
More Jewish Money-Men for Israel:
Pro-Israeli Jewish billionaires fuel NYC Mayor crackdown on pro-Palestine students
Article from Al Mayadeen English, 17 May 2024.
Daniel Lubetzky, founder of Kind Snack company, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz,
Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman, Joshua Kushner, founder of Thrive Capital (brother of Jared Kushner,
son-in-law of former President Donald Trump).
Follow the Money: How Israel-Linked Billionaires Silenced US Campus Protests
By Alan Macleod, MintPress News, May 22, 2024.
Jewish money-men Robert Kraft (billionaire businessman and sports executive), Leon Cooperman (hedge fund manager), Len Blavatnik (Soviet-born oligarch),
Idan Ofer (Israeli shipping magnate), Leslie Wexner (former Victoria’s Secret CEO), Marc Rowan (billionaire investor).
Jews/Israel, the Coronavirus Pandemic and the COVID-19 vaccine
COVID response shows that Jews now are the special privilege group of Mankind!
companies in the service of Israel - a Jewish site reveals the
From the "Greater Altoona Jewish Federation".
List of Jewish
Economists - from a Jewish site
List from
The Secret Kosher Tax That Raises Food Prices
Rabbi Yaron
Reuven on Adolf Hitler and WW2
Rabbi Reuven conceding that Jews ran Germany, "controlling the financial system", destroying the country, before the rise of Hitler.
Also includes long, revealing, speech to his fellow Jews about Jews and business, financial speculations...
- Rabbi explains
how Jews "made a mint" off European wars and "back stabbed" their
countries in the process
By Christians For Truth, January 5, 2022
No nation can wage prolonged war without Jewish money
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Chinese & Japanese blaming Jews for the World's woes
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
New York Times: International Jewish Bankers conspiracy theory
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Jewish Royalty
Articles on Jewish banking families/dynasties - from the surpressed blog Wide Awake Gentile:
Jewish Royalty 1 - Oppenheim, Goldman–Sachs, Ephrussi, Mendelssohn
Jewish Royalty 2 - Warburg, Fould (Fuld), Bleichröder, Arnhold, Bischoffsheim, Goldschmidt
Jewish Royalty 3 - Sassoon, Péreire/Pereira, Hart (Hirsch), Barnato, Alexander, Kadoorie
Danish Levites - The Hambro
Wide Awake Gentile, November 4, 2015.
One Hambro (real surname: "Levy") becoming the banker to the King of Denmark and another Hambro giving loans to the Danish government.
This German/Danish Jewish Power Family since metastasing its power to banking and the intelligence circles of the United Kingdom/British Empire, the absolute West of Europe - and also metastasing to gold exploration in Russia, the absolute East of Europe!
The Warburg Family ...Five Hamburgers of Mass Destruction
Wide Awake Gentile, July 30, 2018.
Second to the Rothschilds, the Warburgs were considered the most important international banking family of the 19th and 20th centuries.
More on the Rothschilds and India and China - from the
surpressed blog Wide Awake Gentile:
Rothschild's Bank of China and 400 Chinese billionaires
Reserve Bank of India and Rothschilds - Jews Alfred Rothschild and Everard Hambro scheming to create an unpopular Central Bank in India.
South Sudan – Oil, Gold,
Uranium, Rothschild, and the coup that failed
Wide Awake Gentile, December 16, 2013.
Within days of declaring itself a sovereign nation, South Sudan’s state oil company, Nilepet formed a joint venture with Glencore International Plc to market its oil. Glencore is controlled by the Rothschilds.
On Jews/Judaism and Money/Gold/Wealth - from the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Tax Farming, Talmudic Agriculture
Gold is ours, it's all ours - says the Jewish Talmud... Includes interesting Napoleon Bonaparte quote
God works thru Goldman Sachs - Jewish quotes on silver and gold riches
How to get out of debt: Become a Jew
1884: "Jewism" aka unscrupulous business practices - on Karl Marx, the "Jewish Age" and Jewish business speculation
The Men Who Stole the World (and got away with it)
Richard Fuld, Jewish CEO of Lehman Brothers and the man behind
the largest single bankruptcy in the history of financial institutions!
Documentary aired by Al Jazeera English in 2019, with the title: "The Men Who Stole the World: Inside the 2008 Financial Crisis".
The entire world had to suffer the consequences of their actions. They impoverished countries, drove millions of workers into unemployment.
Their character traits as described by insiders: "narcissism", "anti-social personality disorders", driven by "greed".
Highlights the arrogant chutzpah Jew Richard Fuld, CEO of famous Jewish investment banking firm Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest in the world.“Lehman was one of the largest makers and sellers of the absolute most toxic loans in the entire world. Lehman Brothers was one of the largest fraud vectors in the history of the world.”
The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was the largest single bankruptcy in the history of financial institutions - total amount: 693 billion US dollars!
– William K. Black, white collar criminologist, former US bank regulator, associate professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and author of "The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One"
and Real Estate
Collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
Israeli real estate acquisitions around the world in 2002
As noted by the "Global Jewish Agenda" -- a newsletter of the Jewish Agency
The quiet benefactor: Lowy's close ties with Israel
By Jason Koutsoukis, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 29, 2008. On Australian-Israeli billlionaire, Frank Lowy.
"When a US Senate committee alleged Frank Lowy concealed $US68 million from the Australian Tax Office in Liechtenstein, Lowy said he had given the money to Israeli charities and insisted he had met all his tax obligations."
So much for the notion that Jewish activities "oil the wheels of the Nation's economy" - they simply enrich the Jews and Israel, full stop!
and the Fashion Industry
Collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
Jews and Las
Vegas and the Gambling Business
Collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
Jews and Usury
[110 Kilobytes] [about 21 paper pages] Domination of Jewish money lending for interest in the Middle Ages; Christian condemnation of usury; Jewish prohibitions of usury within intra-Jewish dealing; Jews popularly known as economic exploiters; uprisings against Jewish money lenders; Jewish double standards of morality; Jewish organized crime in the Middle Ages and later; Jewish "fencing" operations; medieval Christian investigations into Jewish double standards of morality, and identity.
2005 Jewish World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn, right, happily greeting Jewish World Bank President-designate Paul Wolfowitz.
It's all within the family!
Wolfowitz at pro-Israel rally.
Jews and Yicchus
[109 Kilobytes] [about 18 paper pages] Traditional Jewish concerns with social status; money and status; Jewish folklore about money; Reform Judaism's changing of synagogue decorum; auctioning rights to read prayers in the synagogue; widespread Jewish celebration of ostentation; Jewish ostentation as a contribution to anti-Semitism; the opulent Jewish enclaves of Beverly Hills, CA and Palm Beach, FL.
Money and Economic Influence: the Historical
[362 Kilobytes] [about 79 paper pages] The works by Max Weber and Werner Sombart about Jewish influence in the development of capitalism; the relationship between Jewish religious belief, ethics, and capitalism; the international folklore tradition that Jews are misers, cheats, deceivers, and frauds; Jewish international networking; the rise of the opulent Court Jews; centuries-old Jewish domination as war profiteers; the Rothschilds and the rise of other Jewish banking firms; medieval Jewish dominance of Spain by Jews who pretended to be Christians; Jewish economic and cultural pre-eminence in pre-World War II Germany, Austria, France, Italy, England, and Eastern Europe (including Poland, Hungary, Russia, and other countries); Jews as economic elites in South Africa, South America, Central America, Hong Kong, and Iran; Benjamin Disraeli, the Jews, and western imperialism; Jewish pre-eminence in the leadership of Soviet communism, including Jewish pre-eminence in the Soviet terrorist secret police.
- Money,
Class, Power
[408 Kilobytes] [about 88 paper pages] Jews as the wealthiest ethnic group in America and as a key strata in western societies; Jewish pre-eminence in the fashion and clothing industry; Jewish monopolization of the diamond business; extinction of a Jewish proletariat; Jewish American billionaires; prominent Jewish entrepreneurs in Europe; Jewish international influence in real estate; Jewish-owned department stores, liquor conglomerates, and numerous other companies, from toy- to weapons-manufacturing; Jewish CEOs of giant American companies; growing Jewish dominance of the business side of the sports world, as team owners, agents, and professional league officials; Jewish money and entrepreneurial power in basketball, baseball, football, boxing, skiing, wrestling, body building; traditional Jewish tribalism in the marketplace.
Street/Jewish-Israeli Ethics, and the World of Fund
[299 Kilobytes] [about 64 paper pages] The Jewish "Old Crowd" and "New Crowd" on Wall Street; Jewish activism in corporate mergers and acquisitions; investment banking; Jewish corporate raiders; Michael Milken and the Jewish-centered Wall Street scandals of the 1980s; Jews and international white collar crime; financial and other scandals in Israel; protective flight to Israel for Jewish criminals throughout the world; Jewish professional scam artists; Jewish criminal contributions to the state of Israel and major Jewish organizations; sexual harassment and exploitation in the Jewish-dominated psychoanalytic field; Jewish organizations' focus on raising money above all other considerations; the question of Jewish values and ethics.
and Drug Money Laundering within Jewish Networks: the "Russian"
Mafia, the "Ultra-Orthodox," and
[294 Kilobytes] [about 62 paper pages]
Jewish historical influence in the criminal drug world; drug money laundering in New York City's Jewish diamond world; the international cocaine triangle: Israelis, other Jewish couriers and launderers, and the Colombian drug cartel; drug money laundering through Jewish ultra-Orthodox religious networks; special privileges afforded Jews in prison; Jewish pre-eminence in the smuggling of marijuana and Ecstasy; Jewish pre-eminence in the "Russian" Mafia; Jewish Russian influence in the giant International Monetary Fund scandal; crime in the ultra-Orthodox community; criminals' protection from being identified as Jewish in the mass media; the exploitation of the accusation of anti-Semitism by Jewish criminals; the Jewish ethnic media's self-reflections about the crisis in Jewish ethics.
- Jews and Crime
A collection of articles and facts on the taboo subject of Jewish predominance in criminal activities:
Jewish Gangsters --- Jewish Money Laundering
Jews and Drugs --- Jewish Fraud --- Israel Haven for Jewish Criminals
Jews and Slave Trade --- Jews and Piracy --- Jewish Scandals
Jews and the Sex Industry --- Jews and Arms Sales --- Jewish "Moral"
Cartoons/caricatures on
Jewish Economic Power
Boycott of Israel and
the Zionist-Jewish financiers - posters, ads, cartoons
Boycott Israel
Page - info, material, strategies
"The fact that Jewish
companies completely dominated the distribution of diamonds
at the end of the nineteenth century was not particularly
surprising. For a thousand years, diamonds had been almost
entirely a Jewish business." - Edward Jay Epstein, chapter 8, "The Jewish Connection", from his book "The Rise and Fall of Diamonds" (1982) |
"When we [Jews] sink, we
become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers
of all revolutionaly parties; and at the same time,
when we rise, there rises also
our terrible power of the purse." - Theodor Herzl, Jew and founder of modern Zionism, in his book "The Jewish Question", p. 90 (underline added by Radio Islam). |
Globalist Jews...
1) Lord Jacob de Rothschild 2) Nathaniel de Rothschild 3) Baron John de Rothschild
4) Sir Evelyn de Rothschild 5) David Rockefeller 6) Nathan Warburg
7) Henry Kissinger 8) George Soros 9) Paul Volcker 10) Larry Summers
11) Lloyd Blankfein 12) Ben Shalom Bernanke
Top five billionaire Hedge Fund managers are all Jewish.
Some Jewish Banking Crooks...
Professor Maurice Obstfeld, Jewish Chief Economist at the International
Monetary Fund (IMF).
Professor Kenneth Rogoff, former Jewish Chief Economist at the
International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Other sections on the U.S.:
- The cost of Israel - Israel's Effects on U.S. Interests
- Jewish power in U.S. politics
- The Jewish Lobby in the U.S.
- Media Power of the Jews in U.S. (and the world)
- When Jews Rule... - The most thorough work to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA.
- Nation of Islam and the Black Resistance