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"One Nation, Under Israel" |
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is Israel's main lobby in the U.S. There are about 126 other political action committees (PAC), listed under deceptive names to hide their actual purpose, that can be mobilized at any time to rain money on any congressman ousting his disobedient opponent who dared criticize any aspect of U.S.-Israeli relationship. No wonder AIPAC is referred to on the Capitol Hill as "The Lobby". Many congressmen (now all ex's), such as the late Fullbright, Findley, and Percy, felt its power when daring to mildly criticize U.S.-Israeli relationship. Such criticism would also induce the wrath of the numerous pro-Israel columnists around the nation's major newspapers, such the New York Times' Safire, A.M. Rosenthal and the more subtle Thomas Friedman, the Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer and George Will, the Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby, or the New Republic's Martin Peretz and Steven Emerson.
Those who are in line with AIPAC's will
--commonly seen prostituting themselves and their country for the
sake of Jewish vote-- such as Gephardt, Forbes,
Helms, Gilman, D'Amato,
Moynihan, Harkin, Levin,
Specter, Lieberman and Gingrich,
are generously rewarded. All Netanyahu (or any Israeli leader) has
to do is make up a catchy phrase, regardless of how false or
out-of-context it may be, e.g. "Arafat is not keeping his
promise of locking terrorists up" or that "the Palestinian
Authority has not changed their charter which calls for Israel's
destruction". Immediately following that the whole flock of
these pro-Israel congressmen are seen parroting in unison the same
statements over and over until a new is devised. It is sad to see
the many policy makers of today having their own political gains
in mind, rather than the good of their country and the world.
The Israel Lobby
By John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. Excerpts from their acclaimed book.
A Look at The 'Powerful Jewish Lobby'
By Mark Weber
Pat Buchanan: In His Own Words On American
Jews and the Pro-Israel Lobby
A collection of quotes allegedly made by the U.S. politician Pat Buchanan
and taken from the Zionist-Jewish organization ADL:s Homepage.
AIPAC's influence on US
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage on Jews and Government part 1.
- Them or Us - AIPAC on Trial
By James Petras
Israel Lobby Organizations & Individuals: The List - a must
read and spread!
Published and updated by
Entrenched Hypocrisy - Hillary Clinton, AIPAC and Iran
By Joshua Frank
- Former U.S. congressman James Traficant on the power of
the Jewish lobby
Includes a videoclip from his TV-appearance on Greta van Sustern's show, Fox News, September 10th 2009
- Pro-Israel
Lobby Sways U.S. Policy
About AIPAC - "American Israel Public Affairs Committee", (New York Times Service 07/06/1987)
- Spy Probe Scans Neocon-Israel Ties
By Jim Lobe
- Lobby's influence on Israeli policy due to skill in Congress
New York Times about AIPAC's influence
- AIPAC - The No 1 Lobby Group in Washington
- The Israeli-Zionist Lobby in the United States
By French intellectual and politician Roger Garaudy
How Obama was interviewed by AIPAC
Unprecedented: Presidential candidate Obama interviewed by AIPAC's Board of Directors - i.e. kissing the ring!
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Can Obama escape the Domination of AIPAC and the American Jewish/Zionist
Israeli lobby?
By Debbie Menon
- A Strange Kind of Freedom
Robert Fisk: on the Jewish lobby in USA
- AIPAC Trains US Student Pro-Israel Activists
From Cleveland Jewish
- Restrictions on Rice speech worry Israeli lobbying group
Article from The Chicago Tribune
Mahatma Gandhi and
the pro-Israeli lobby in the US
By Robi Chakravorti. On the forced resignation of Arun Gandhi and the Jewish lobby vis-a-vis Mahatma Gandhi.
- AIPAC Ranked
#2 for Second Consecutive Year in
FORTUNE Magazine's "Power 25" (AIPAC WebSite
- AIPAC Ranked 4th
(Fortune Magazine)
- Gingrich
Prostration Caps Month of Congressional
Prostitution for Pro-Israel Votes,
Campaign Contributions
By Shirl McArthur (Washington Report 07/1998)
- While AIPAC
By Daniel Bloch (Jerusalem Post 10/03/1999). An interesting article from an Israeli right-wing paper, addressing AIPAC's influence and "slips" in service of Israel.
- Pro-Israel
PAC Donations Soared in Final Months of 1996 Election Cycle
By Richard Curtiss (Washington Report 04/1997) also here (10/1996).
- The
Pro-Israel Lobby
By Edward Herman (Z Magazine 07/1994)
- Labor Accuses
AIPAC of Being 'extreme right-wing'
group By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 08/04/1998). Even Labor
thinks that AIPAC is too pro right-wing.
- Safire
Media Attacks Began When Inman
Blocked Israeli Access to U.S. Satellite Intelligence.
Excerpts from transcript of televised news conference by Admiral Bobby Ray Inman in Austin, TX, Jan. 18, 1994 (Washington Report 02/1994).
Another article by Richard Curtiss on this issue (Washington Report 02/1994).
The Pro-Israeli Lobby in the US and the Inman Affair
A chapter from Israel Shahak's book "Open Secrets".
What’s in Al
Jazeera’s undercover film on the US Israel lobby?
The Electronic Intifada, 5 March, 2018. "Multiple Israel lobby sources told Israel’s Haaretz newspaper last month that they had received assurances from Qatari leaders late last year that the Al Jazeera documentary will not be aired."
Will Al Jazeera Air The
Lobby Before AIPAC Meets?
Israel’s lobbyists are working to suppress U.S. exposé., February 14, 2018.
Also includes article from British Jewish News: "Qatar won’t air American ‘Lobby’ film"
- UAE leadership
praised at AIPAC
Al Jazeera English, 6 March 2018
- Saudi Arabia's MBS
meets AIPAC, anti-BDS leaders during US visit
Articles from Al Jazeera English, Ha'aretz/Jewish Insider, PressTV, March 2018
- Mahmoud Abbas meets AIPAC, ADL
Palestinian "leader" Abbas tells U.S. Jews: "I Would Never Deny Jewish Right to the Land of Israel"
- Pro-Israel
Lobbies Urging Agenda Inimical to Israel ...
By Neve Gordon (Washington Report 01/1998)
- The Israel Lobby in
America - Special Report
By Robert Hazo (Washington Report, August 12, 1985, Page 1)
- The Jews who Run
Clinton's Court
By Avinoam Bar-Yosef (Ma'ariv 09/02/1994)
- Demonizing
Islamic Revivalism: The Jewish Lobby's Impact on U.S. Foreign
By Dr. Ahmad Yousef & Terry Rauch
- Kosher
White House
(Middle East Realities 6/16/1997)
- Political
By Joseph Harsch (Christian Science Monitor 08/16/1984)
- U.S.
Policy-Makers' Voting Record on
Israel in 1997-98
By Shirl McArthur (Washington Report 09/1998)
- Under
Prodding of a Zionist Al Gore Fires
a Speech Writer
By Donald Neff (Washington Report 07/1998)
- Dear
Bill, a call on Bill Clinton from an
Israeli peace activist, to toughen up against Netanyahu and
"disregard those bought senators"
By Uri Avnery (Ma'ariv 08/24/1998)
- The
By Michael Poulin (Palestine Papers 06/1989)
- Israel's
Powerful Friends
By George Szamuely ( 06/2000)
- They Dare to
Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby (PDF)
The whole book by Paul Findley.
An Illustrated History of Zionism in Modern America - Part 1 (PDF)
The power of Jewish organizations such as B'nai B'rith, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, ADL, AIPAC, JINSA, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Zionist Organization of America.
An Illustrated History of Zionism in Modern America - Part 2 (PDF)
America-Israel political relationship. The Jewish Lobby in action, photos of U.S. politicians bending over.
President Resigns
By Sheldon L. Richman (Washington Report 12/1992)
- Donald Trump
kissing Zionist ass at AIPAC
Video of the highlights of Trump's speech at pro-Israel AIPAC lobby group rally, March 2016.
Ambassador Nikki Haley brags about bullying UN for Israel
Video of US Ambassador Haley´s disgusting performance at AIPAC - a true shabbos goy.
- Sen. John
McCain's Speech to AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee
June 02, 2008
- See also: McCain Addresses AIPAC
Annual Policy Conference 2002
Senator Hillary Clinton's Remarks to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
February 1, 2007
- Colin Powell Kisses Ass At AIPAC
Transcript of Powell's speech
- Al Gore Prostitutes Himself in Front of the Israeli Lobby
Al Gore delivered a speech at the 39th Annual Policy Conference of AIPAC
- Licking the boot: "Address
of the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić at
the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC)"
Published by the Presidency of Serbia, 02.03.2020.
This spineless speech is especially repulsive as Jews actually hate/despise Slavs, and U.S. Jews were leading in the 1990:s wars on Yugoslavia/Serbia; Judeostooge Bill Clinton and the gang of Jews Madeleine Albright, William Cohen, Sandy Berger, Richard Holbrooke.
- The networked Jew
…Zionist NGOs from 1843-2012
Published by Wide Awake Gentile, April 11, 2016. (Alternative article link: here)
- The Israel Lobby Archive
- external site
Good site with lots of info on the Jewish Lobby in the U.S.
- Cartoons/Caricatures on
the Jewish Lobby
Other Jewish lobbies
- The Israeli-Zionist Lobby in France
By Roger Garaudy, extract from his book "The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics"
- Mitterrand
Complained About a "Zionist Lobby"
(Reuters/Ha'aretz 08/27/1999)
The Israel lobby in the United Kingdom
The entire 2009 Wikipedia entry on the subject, naming their most important organizations
Exposed: the Israeli-Jewish lobby in the U.K. - Documentary
The Lobby: Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. Four-part documentary released in 2017.
"Inside Britain's Israel Lobby"
Documentary aired on Channel 4, November 16, 2009. Alternative links: here and here
The Jewish lobby and the Iraq war
- Jewish Lobby pushes US to war against Iraq
By David Rogers (Wall Street Journal 01/28/1991)
- Israel's Role in the Gulf War
"The Jewish lobbyists in the USA are deeply involved in the propaganda work promoting a war against Iraq." -- Ha'aretz, 01/13/1991
AIPAC Asking Its Members to sign PRO-Sanction Letter
(AIPAC Update 03/14/2000)
- AIPAC and the Iraqi opposition
Article published Online by the Israeli Newspaper Ha'aretz
Presently the same Jewish lobby is active for boycott and
war against Iran.
We, the Jewish people, control America
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
-- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.
"I've never seen a president --I
don't care who he is-- stand up to them
Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get
what they want. The Israelis know what's going on all the
time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything
down. If the American people understood what grip those
people have on our government, they would rise up in arms.
Our citizens don't have any idea what goes
on." |
"... terrific control the Jews have
over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up
on congressmen .... I am very much concerned over the fact
that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the
scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do
anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is
practically dictating to the congress through influential
Jewish people in the
country" |
"The Israeli Prime Minister
has a lot more influence over the foreign policy of the
United States in the Middle East than he has in his own
country." |
"The Israelis control the
policy in the congress and the senate ... somewhere around
80 percent of the senate of the United States is completely
in support of Israel -- of anything Israel
wants...." |
"We have exhausted our
requests. President Clinton has answered all our needs.
There has been no American president in history like
President Clinton, in his support of Israel and the Jewish
people." |
"President Clinton
behaves like an obedient child of Israel and does not know
how to say `No.'" |
"There is definitely an
anti-Arab bias in America, and I regret it" |
"The Capitol Hill is an Israeli
occupied territory". |
"I am aware how almost impossible
it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy
[in the Middle East] not approved by the
Jews. [Former Secretary of State George]
Marshall and [former Defense Secretary James]
Forrestral learned that" |
"I know I was elected by the votes
of American Jews. I owe them my victory. Tell me, is there
something I ought to do?" |
"The little
Knesset" |
"I do not think I ever had as much
pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in
this instance" |
"But I believe that Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American
government. They control both members of the House, the House and the Senate.
They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. |
Other sections on the U.S.:
- The cost of Israel - Israel's
Effects on U.S. Interests
- Jewish power in U.S. politics
Media Power of the Jews in U.S.
(and the world)
U.S. and World Business and Finance
- When Jews Rule... -
The most thorough work to this day on Jewish power and influence in the USA.
- Nation of Islam and the Black Resistance