Jewish terror, massacres, torture
Jewish Terrorism |
The Zionists are leading a
war of
terrorism against their opponents, using organisations such as Mossad,
Betar-Tagar, the Jewish Defense League, and the Anti-Defamation
Jewish Terrorgroups/Networks, JDL, Betar-Tagar
- The
Zionist Terror Network
By Mark Weber
Fifteen years of Jewish terrorism in France
By Robert Faurisson
- From the Irv Rubin Bust to the Stern Gang: The Rich History of Jewish
By Jason Vest
- FBI Arrests JDL Chairman,
By Greg Krikorian and Richard Winton (AP/LA Times)
Also includes articles:
Two Jewish Defense League leaders arrested in alleged bomb plot
Militant JDL Members Arrested by FBI
JDL Leader Accused in Mosque Bomb Plot
threatens to "eliminate" Jewish Revisionist and "monstrous
traitor" David Cole - saved copy of threat
Original threat as published on the JDL website. Includes link to David Cole's letter of recantation – written to save his neck,
as well as to his Revisionist video on Auschwitz – "David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper" – that caused the murderous JDL fury.
KAHANISTAN: How Jewish extremists remade the mainstream
2022 lecture by David Sheen, Israeli-Jewish investigative journalist and dissident. The lecture kicks off especially from the 10:00-mark; from here on the quotes, the names and high positions of the mentioned Jewish-Israelis, should be remembered – and spread to a wider audience!
- Jewish fascists spread terror in Paris
A group of Betar activists has attacked a bookshop in Paris, known to sell the book of Roger Garaudy, "The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics".
- Violent Jewish Attack in... Paris!
(Press Release)
![]() ![]() ![]() JDL's Philadelphia boss, the Jew Mordechai Levy, pictures left and centre when posing as a fake "neo-Nazi", organizing an anti-Jewish, "White supremacist", "Nazi" rally. Deceit is JDL's trade! ![]() ![]() (alternative link, from KMN: here) |
- Jewish terrorism against Internet!
French President and Rothschild banker Emmanuel Macron, held
in tight grip by the leader of French Jewry - the CRIF, Francis Kalifat.
Kalifat is a former militant from the Jewish terror group Betar.
See revealing video: HERE
- Jewish
Defence League Canada block pro-Palestinian British MP George
Galloway from visiting Canada
Meir Weinstein, national director of the Canadian branch of the Jewish Defence League threatens...
The decision to ban George Galloway from Canada seems odd, but now it emerges that the Jewish Defence League (JDL) pressured the Canadian Government to do so.
The action takes on very sinister connotations for Canada as the Jewish Defence League, according to the FBI, is a Terrorist Group! In its report, "Terrorism 2000/2001", FBI referred to JDL as "a violent extremist Jewish organization". This "violent extremist Jewish organization" now has power and influence over the Canadian Government.
Ahmed Rami has received a Jewish death threat!
"... you will die a horrible death!!!" Threat from Jewish terror group Betar, based in France.
These death threats are no joke:
In 1993 Radio Islam and Ahmed Rami hosted a lecture by Robert Faurisson in Stockholm, Sweden, that was attacked by 32 armed Jewish psychopaths from Betar, under leadership of former Israeli military, Moshe Cohen!
Note: In 2016 Francis Kalifat, a former Betar militant, attained the top position of Jews in France, becoming the President of CRIF (Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France). This proves that these fanatics and hoodlums are not a fringe tendency, but actually represent the Jewish majority!
More on JDL terror in France:
Different than Jewish media portrayed it: Violent Jews rampage in Paris
Original article: Middle East Monitor, 15 July, 2014.
Jewish vigilantes jailed over Paris attack on Gaza fundraising event
Middle East Eye, 21 March 2016. Six members of JDL participated in "lynching" of two men and chanted "Death to Arabs" during 2009 assaults.
French Branch of Jewish Terror Group Coming to Israel 'To Defend Settlements'
Israeli paper Haaretz, September 15, 2011. Jewish JDL terrorists and settlers – hand-in-hand.
Haaretz notes that while JDL is banned in Israel and America "as a terrorist group", its French branch – La Ligue de Defense Juive – is legal in France(!).
Mossad Terror and Assassinations
- Mossad's
Punishment: When Israel's Mossad Set Out
to "Break" Me, It Found Its Helpers Here at Home
By former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky (Washington Report 10/1997).
Jewish death threats against ex-Mossad agent:
An ex Mossad's experience after blowing the whistle on his organization's dirty work. Plus, an article openly appealing to the murder of Ostrovsky in the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv (includes some revelations of Mossad's assassination of Western experts who helped Arab nations.)
Ex-Mossad agent speaks out
Tells of the Mossad-Australia connection. Interview with Victor Ostrovsky (in the Australian magazine New Dawn 10-11/1995).
Ostrovsky published two books on his experiences as a former Intelligence agent working for the State of Israel: "By Way of Deception" and "The Other side of Deception".
Mossad's Record
Excerpts from Ostrovsky's book "By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad"
Elements Eliminated Rabin Argues Ex-Mossad Agent By Victor Ostrovsky
- Sayanim - Israel's
and Mossad's Jewish helpers abroad - updated!
On the Jewish system of sayanim, katsas, bodlim.
Includes the article "Sayanim — Israeli Operatives in the U.S." (Veterans Today, July 19, 2010).
Mossad and its network of little helpers, the Sayanim
Lists some famous Mossad Ops and the Sayanim system it employs, recruiting Diaspora Jews around the world for its dirty work.
By David Miller, Al Mayadeen English, 13 June 2024.
Capture of Kurdish Leader Ocalan Recalls Mossad's Cooperation with Both Turkey,
Kurds By Victor Ostrovsky (Washington Report 04/1999)
German TV exposes CIA, Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing
- Israel's To
Blame for Distancing Libya from the U.S.
By Richard Curtiss
(Washington Report 10/1999)
- Mossad plot to
assassinate Saddam By Uzi Mahnaimi (London
Times 01/17/1999)
- Mossad
Agent on Trial in Switzerland Admits Charges
By Amnon Barzilai (Ha'aretz 07/04/2000)
BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy's background as Mossad agent
- Mossad Assassinations: The End of Israeli Liquidation
of Commanders of Terrorist Organizations
By Nahum Barnea (Yediot Ahronot 11/08/1996). Translation and Comments by Israel Shahak in the Washington Report 03/1997 issue.
- Israel/Mossad
Zionist Assassination Operations (a list from Baheth for Studies).
- Significance
of Mossad's Attempted Assassination of Meshal By
Israel Shahak (Washington Report 01/1998)
- Netanyahu's Mossad
Mess in Amman
By Charlie Reese (10/16/1997) After the
bungled Mossad assassination attempt against Khaled Mash'al in
- Paris
Fingers Mossad Killer
By Dov
Alfon (Ha'aretz 03/16/1999)
- Fury at
Israeli Assassination Threat (BBC 03/16/1998).
Mossad terrorism and crimes against Palestinians and others in
Europe and the Middle East - Part
1 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Thirty-two.
- Israeli Hollywood mogul Arnon
Milchan - "Mr. Israel" and 9/11
By Christopher Bollyn. Israeli secret agent Milchan's 1978 movie "The Medusa Touch" includes imagery just like the jetliner WTC attack... in 2001!
“On 10 November 1991, Maxwell's funeral took place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, across from the Temple Mount. It had all the trappings of a state occasion, attended by the country's government and opposition leaders. No fewer than six serving and former heads of the Israeli intelligence community listened as Prime Minister Shamir eulogized: 'He has done more for Israel than can today be said'”
- On British Jewish media tycoon Robert Maxwell's burial. "Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad", by Gordon Thomas, St. Martin's Press, 1999.
- Israel and the Panamanian project: Noriega
On Manuel Noriega's right hand, Michael Harari, Israeli Mossad agent.
Brilliant song: "We are the Mossad"
Political music video. Don't miss the poignant lyrics!
Israel, the Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination
The book "Opium Lords", by Salvador Astucia
Is Not Our Enemy, Let's Make This Israel's Last Attempt to Start
a War
On the U.S. assassination in 2020 of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani: “Trump has now fulfilled the wishes of Mossad...”
It's the U.S. that is the "proxy force" in the Mid-East, its Airforce now used for assassinations on Israel's behalf!
Journalist and
former Mossad agent Herbert Pundik turns 90 – and Denmark
By Jonathan Ofir, Mondoweiss, October 4, 2017.
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of
the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
MintPress News, August 7, 2019.
The Maxwells: Mossad's First Family of Spies
By Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review, December 8, 2020. Who was running whom in the Epstein espionage ring?
On orthodox Jew, Czechoslovak-born Robert Maxwell (real surname: Hoch), British media mogul and fanatic Zionist, personal friend of Israel's butchers Ariel Sharon and Yitzhak Shamir.
Maxwell's burial ceremony at the Mount of Olives, Israel, was attended by six serving and former heads of the Israeli intelligence community!
Epstein: The Mossad Connection
Includes very interesting statements by Israeli-born Jew and former CBS executive producer, Zev Shalev.
Head of the Snake: Epstein, Wexner, Maxwells, Mossad & Mega
Group Exposed (2020)
Condensed version of the three hour phone call between survivor Maria Farmer & investigative journalist Whitney Webb. Includes all of their discussion relating to Mossad, Mega Group, Les Wexner, and Israel.
Jeffrey Epstein was not the head of the snake, he was only mid management and was assigned by Israeli Intelligence to work for Ghislaine Maxwell, who reported to billionaire Zionist Les Wexner.
Alternative video links: here and here
Epstein Pedoscandal Mossad-Timeline
By Marco de Wit, The Unz Review, September 27, 2019 - with additions.
Israel - a haven for sexual perverts
A selection of scans of headlines from Israeli and English newspapers about Israel as a safe harbor for pedophiles and sex offenders.
Also graphics on the Epstein/Maxwell/Mossad sex ring.
Trump controlled by Mossad
Part I
| Part
II |
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Fitzpatrick Informer - Exposing the Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy, published 2016-2018.
- To our section on the Israeli
connection to to the 2001 World Trade Center-9/11 attacks
- Israeli
Cyber-Surveillance/Ops, "Unit 8200", NSO Group/Pegasus Spyware - see
our section on the Internet
Other Mossad Ops
Mossad spied on far-right Austrian
By Roger Boyes, The Times
- The Caricatures in Middle East Politics
By James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya
CoJiT: The “Anti-Extremism” Think Tank Started by Sons of
Israeli Superspy Robert Maxwell
By Alan Macleod, MintPress News, August 3, 2021. On the London-based Zionist asset and pseudo-"Think Tank" called Combating Jihadist Terrorism and Extremism (CoJit), a weapon in Israel's dirty war on Islam/Muslims.
Israeli Mossad
mysteriously acquires 10 million medical masks on
international black market
By Christians For Truth, March 31, 2020. Israel's "Jews-Go-First" COVID response.
Mossad Chief Cohen Kicked Out of
DRC, on a Mission That Could Jeopardize Israel
By Gur Megiddo. Israeli paper Ha'aretz, May 19, 2022. Israeli activities in Congo.
Israel's Mossad operating in Turkey:
Mossad in Istanbul – An investigation into the Mossad’s activities in Turkey (Al Jazeera English documentary, 11 January 2023)
Espionage, secret recordings, spy networks – inside the dark world of Israeli intelligence-gathering in Turkey (read more).
Turkey exposes large Israeli Mossad network operating in the region (Al Mayadeen English, 3 July 2023)
Turkey's intelligence agency says a cell consisting of nine networks was operating against foreign nationals in Turkey.
Mossad financial network manager arrested in Turkiye (Al Mayadeen English, 3 September 2024)
A Kosovan national transferring funds to Mossad agents who used drones to film targets, conducted psychological operations against
Palestinian politicians, gathered intelligence on Syria...
Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky and his
second tell-all book about Israel’s Mossad.
Revealed: Israeli spy chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry
"The former head of the Mossad [Cohen], Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, allegedly threatened a chief prosecutor
of the international criminal court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning
a war crimes investigation, the Guardian can reveal."
Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed
"The country [Israel] deployed its intelligence agencies to surveil, hack, pressure, smear and allegedly threaten
senior ICC staff in an effort to derail the court’s inquiries."
Five Austrian officials on trial for helping Mossad protect
Syrian general
By Stephanie Liechtenstein, AP, April 14, 2023.
Swiss Government officials aiding Mossad agents!
Revealing info from the Al Jazeera English documentary "Mossad in Istanbul – An investigation into the Mossad’s activities in Turkey" (11 January 2023).
False Flag
A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies(!) to recruit members of the Pakistani-based Sunni Salafi terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran.
By Mark Perry, Foreign Policy, January 13, 2012.
Head of Iranian unit countering Mossad was Israeli agent, says
ex-president Ahmadinejad
The Times of Israel, 1 October 2024. Iran’s former leader Ahmadinejad claims Iranian secret service division tasked with rooting out Israeli spies had within its ranks 20 who were working as moles and provided nuclear information.
- Jewish Terror Groups in Palestine
- Israel's
State-Assisted Terrorism: "Settlers" as Armed Combatants
By Israel Shahak (Washington Report 02/1994)
- Jewish
Settler Avantguard: The Homocidal Maniacs of Israel's "Hilltop
Burning Palestinian children alive, "Price Tag"-attacks, harassment - Judaism applied!
Documentary from Al Jazeera's "Radicalised Youth"-series, November 15, 2018.
Israeli settlers increase attacks in West Bank
In the shadow of the 2023 Gaza War. CNN, November 3, 2023. [Alternative video location: here]
Fleeing/ethnically cleansed Palestinian woman: "The settlers come at night while we are sleeping. They beat us and try to kill us. They try to force us out of our homes. I can't sleep anymore, I'm too afraid."
settlers ramp up attacks against Palestinians
Charles Stratford for Al Jazeera English, December 2023. Sheep herdsmen targeted by Jewish settlers in sync with the Israeli army.
Survey of Israeli Acts of Aggression Against Al-Aqsa Mosque Since 1967
- Militant
Coalition Of Christian Fundamentalist And Jewish Orthodox Cults
Plots Destruction Of Al Aqsa Mosque
By Grace Halsell
(Washington Report 03/2000)
- Blow Up the Dome
of the Rock!
By Hilary Appelman
(Associated Press 12/31/1997)
Hidden Hand of the "Temple Mount
By Grace Halsell (Washington Report 01/1991) The Israeli attack on worshipers in Haram al Sharif of October 8, 1990. See also Human Rights Group Documents Israeli Actions at Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount By Sally Clark Nyhan (Washington Report 01/1991)
- Kahane and his Kach
Movement By Zafarul
Islam Khan
- Sneh blames
Hebron Jews for violence By Amos Harel and
Nadav Shragai (Ha'aretz 09/11/2000)
concerned by sharp rise in Hebron violence
By Amos Harel
(Ha'aretz 08/10/2000) Settlers deliberately provoke brawls,
officers say
- Israeli
Police Open 143 Criminal Files on Hebron Jews
By Margot Dudkevitch (Jerusalem Post Service 09/11/1998). One may say 143 is not so bad, but .... this is for an eight month period (Jan-Aug 98) covering only Hebron's Jews who, total about 400 settlers!
- The
Dangerous Settlers By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 09/06/1998)
Jewish settler terrorism against the Palestinians in the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip - part
1 -
2 -
3 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Twenty-eight.
- Jewish
Terrorists Try To Kill Three Mayors Of Palestinian
Cities By Donald Neff (Washington Report
Settlers threaten West Bank children with bloody dolls
By Fayha Shalash, Middle East Eye, October 27, 2023. The dolls, left at a vandalised Bedouin school, and leaflets warning of a "major Nakba" are part of a series of escalating attacks by Israeli settlers since the start of the 2023 Gaza War/Slaughter.
- Photos: Jewish settlers - the armed
vanguard of Judaism
(For more on Israel's settler/settlement policies, see our
special section on Expansionism,
Expropriation & Settlements.)
Israel's State Terror and Terrorist
Leaders (Begin, Shamir, Rabin...)
- Terror - The Double Standard
A chapter from Alfred Lilienthal's famous book "The Zionist Connection II". (Includes the introduction to his book)
Israel's white phosphorous rains down on a
UN compound in Gaza in 2009
Remaking the world through terrorism
By Abid Ullah Jan, July 14 2006
The Insane Brutality of the State of Israel - Atrocities in the "Promised Land"
By Kathleen Christison, former CIA political analyst
Israel's terror policies
- a lengthy analysis
Excerpt from the Jewish Tribal Review's chapter on Israel and Zionism.
- On Bombing of
Civilians in the Words of Israeli
Chief-of-Staff General Mordecai Gur (Al-Hamishmar
- Israel and
"State Terrorism"
(Washington Report 04/30/1984)
- Terrorism
in Military Strategy Against Arab Nations during the 1948, '56,
'67, '73 and '82 wars,
By Several Authors (Baheth for Studies)
- Terrorist
Methods Introduced by the Zionists for the first time into the
Palestinian conflict
(Baheth for Studies)
- The Zionist
Terrorism File - from 1936 to
By Dr Anis Sayegh (1996)
- Zionist
"Israeli" Terrorism 1939 - 1947
(Organization: al-Moharer al-Australi)
- Jewish terror in Palestine against Arabs and Brits:
Includes reports from the British official Public Record Office in London and debates in the House of Commons About Jewish Terrorism.
Zionist Terrorism and Crimes in Palestine 1939-1945
Zionist Terrorism and Crimes in Palestine 1946
Zionist Terrorism and Crimes in Palestine 1947
Zionist Terrorism and Crimes in Palestine 1948
Important facts that reveal the level of Jewish anti-British policies when Britain stood in the way for the Zionists' plans.
- Coat Bomb and Explosive
Prosthesis: British Intel Files Reveal How the Zionist Stern Gang Terrorized
Ha'aretz, December 2, 2017. "MI5's dossiers on the group released this week cast the Cold War's early years in a stark new light: Terrorism, not the Soviet Union, was the main threat"
- How Zionist
Extremism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy
In World War II's aftermath, MI5 turned to fight a new threat. It wasn't the Soviets. It was bombers from Jerusalem.
By Calder Walton, historian at Harvard Kennedy School. Foreign Policy, January 1, 2014.
Compilation of Zionist terror gang activities vs. Britain before the formation of "Israel"
- US
Journalists Consistently Ignore Israeli State
Terrorism By Sheldon L. Richman
(Washington Report 05/1991)
- Israel's
Sacred Terrorism
By Edward Herman (Excerpted from the book "The Real Terror Network").
- Israel's Sacred
A study based on Moshe
Sharett's Personal Diary, and other documents.
By Livia Rokach. Foreword by Noam Chomsky (1986)
- Zionist Jews' assassination of Swedish
Count Folke Bernadotte
Folke Bernadotte from Sweden's Royal Family was on a U.N. peace mission! The man behind the assassination, Jewish terrorist Yitzhak Shamir of the infamous Stern Gang, afterwards became Israel's Prime Minister!
Count Bernadotte Assassination by Zionist Gangs: 17 September 1948
By Ghada Sharqawy (Al-Ahram 09/17/1998)
Israeli guerrillas admit they killed U.N. envoy in 1948
(NYT service 09/12/1988).
Details of The Assassination of Count Bernadotte
By David Hirst (Excerpts from "The Gun and the Olive Branch", 1977)
- Why Did
Syria Call Israel's Prime
Minister a "Terrorist"? By Richard Curtiss (Washington
Report 12/1991)
- Excerpt from "The Revolt", by
Menachem Begin
Also includes the Jew Ben Hecht's comments on Jewish terrorism
- The Jews of
Iraq By
Naeim Giladi (AMEU/Jews not Zionists)
"About 125,000 Jews left Iraq for Israel in the late 1940s and into 1952, most because they had been lied to and put into a panic by what I came to learn were Zionist bombs."
- Cruel
Zionism: The Ingathering of Iraqi
Jewry By David
Hirst, (Excerpts from the book, "The Gun and the Olive
Branch" 1977)
- How Jews Killed Jews In Order To
Create The State Of Israel
By Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, May 21, 2012.
One map to visualize 70 years of targeted assassinations by Israel
Le Monde, September 27, 2024. Le Monde looks into Israel's targeted elimination of its enemies since 1948.
The practice of targeted elimination has been a constant feature of Israeli strategy, going back even before the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
- Barak
Assassinated Abu Jihad
and Crushed the Intifada
(Middle East Realities/Reuters 06/09/1997)
- Under
sentence of death
By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 12/24/2000). Assassinations by Israel during al-Aqsa
Judah Magnes, the first president of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was a devout anti-Zionist and a fervent believer in Holy Land binationalism. He was forced to end his days in exile in the US out of fear of Begin-like terror, which struck down his driver and narrowly missed taking his life.
-- From Alfred Lilienthal's "Zionist Connection II", 1978, p.228.
- U.N. Security
Council resolutions condemning Zionist
terrorism (from Baheth for
- Israeli
Terrorist are "Insane"
(but not Palestinian ones) By
Ali Baghdadi (Arab Journal)
- Rabin's
Murder Rooted
in Zionism's Violent Legacy By Donald Neff (Washington
Report 01/1996).
- Shabak
Elements Eliminated Rabin Argues
Ex-Mossad Agent By Victor Ostrovsky
- From
Its Beginning, Israeli Policy Promoted War,
Not Peace By Donald Neff (Washington Report 05/1998)
- Sharon: Israel's
New Foreign Minister By
Edward Said (Middle East Realities/Al-Ahram
- Suha Arafat's
Charges that Israel's poisoning
Palestians with gas and posoning their water supplies
By Alisa Solomon (Village Voice 11/17/1999)
- Eyewitness
Accounts Point to Israeli Death Squads
By Sherry Lapp (Washington Report 01/1989). On the gunning down of Intifada leaders by Israel.
- Undercover
Units (B'TSelem)
- Israeli Spy
Cover-up Crumbles By Jack Colhoun
(Consortium News 10/14/1999)
- Israelis Also
Were Terrorists Says Yitzhak Rabin's Widow By
Jeffrey Heller (Reuters 09/11/1997)
- Two
Snippets of Israeli history (The
Ethical Spectacle 04/1995)
- Israel's Botched
Hit: Flash of Truth Amid Lies By
Robert Parry (The Consortium News,1997)
- Israel Was
the First Nation to Skyjack a Civilian Airliner By Donald Neff (Washington Report 11/1994).
- Please
note, Mr. President By Gideon
Levy (Ha'aretz 08/13/2000)
- Murderer to
Guard the Knesset? (B'Tselem
- President
Pardons Jewish Killers By Dalia
Shehori and Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz
- Atlanta Jewish Times suggests need to "order a hit" on Pres. Obama
Israeli Assassinations and American Presidents
A leading Jew contemplates the murder of Obama if he doesn't comply with Israel's directives
- Israel's Role in
Worldwide Repression
By The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, 2012.
Document also available as PDF for easy spreading.
arms fuel atrocities in Africa
The Electronic Intifada, 16 September 2015
Israel's involvement in shady
weapon and military dealings with dictatorial régimes and civil wars
Excerpt from the Jewish Tribal Review's chapter on Israel and Zionism.
- Israel in Latin America
By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh
- "Hitler should have finished the job..."
Egyptian newspaper
Israel's Assassination Policy |
More on Jewish assassinations of political opponents can be read in the chapter above on Jewish Terrorism.
- Assassination
Isn't Self-Defense
Editorial (Hartford Courant 08/30/2001)
- Army
wants to kill Arafat, says Peres
By Inigo Gilmore (Telegraph 10/01/2001)
- Israel's
Policy of Targeting Terrorists: Implications for the
U.S. By R.S.
Zaharna (Foreign Policy in Focus 09/2001)
- Jury,
judge and executioner By
Saleh Abdel-Jawad (Al-Ahram 08/2001)
- Israel
orders army to kill suspects By Ewen MacAskill (The Guardian 07/05/2001)
- Chief
Rabbi Lau: IDF liquidations justified under Jewish law (Reuters
- Death
by remote control as hit squads return
By Robert Fisk (Independent 04/13/2001)
- 'Israeli
death squad disarmed men and shot them'
By Phil Reeves (Independent 12/15/2001)
- Israel
admits it follows shoot-to-kill policy (AFP/Dawn 12/22/2000)
- Under
sentence of death By
Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 12/24/2000). Assassinations by Israel
during al-Aqsa Uprising.
- Israelis
Confirm Assassinations Used as Policy
By Keith B. Richburg (Washington Post 01/08/2001)
- U.S.
asks Israel tough questions about assassinations of Palestinian
leaders. Also, Israel
rejects Mitchell request for more info
By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 02/05 and 02/08/2001)
- Barak
Adopt Assassin Image to Appear Tough to
Voters By Joseph
Algazy (Ha'aretz Magazine 02/01/2001)
- Human
Rights Group Condemns Israel
By Jason Keyser (AP 02/21/2001).
Also, Amnesty condemns IDF's 'unlawful killings' By Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz 02/21/2001)
- Chronology
of Israel's assasinations of Palestinians
(AFP 04/02/2001)
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) |
Intellectual terror is also a main weapon in the Jewish arsenal. These
modern inquisitors label political opponents as
"anti-Semites" - a term equalled to "devil-worshipper" in Medieval
times - and then want them stripped of their legal and human rights, invocing
media harassment, imprisonment, loss of property and employment.
The ADL is a prime instrument in this Jewish apparatus of "thought control". As described by Noam Chomsky in his book "Necessary Illusions" (1989):
The leading official monitor of anti-Semitism, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, interprets anti-Semitism as unwillingness to conform to its requirements with regard to support for Israeli authorities.... The logic is straightforward: Anti-Semitism is opposition to the interests of Israel (as the ADL sees them). ...
The ADL has become "one of the main pillars" of Israeli propaganda in the U.S., as the Israeli press casually describes it, engaged in surveillance, blacklisting, compilation of FBI-style files circulated to adherents for the purpose of defamation, angry public responses to criticism of Israeli actions, and so on. These efforts, buttressed by insinuations of "anti-Semitism" or direct accusations, are intended to deflect or undermine opposition to Israeli policies.
Ashahed M. Muhammad from Nation of Islam speaks on the Jewish ADL. |
Fact Sheet on the ADL
ADL - The Face of Hate
- ADL - A History of Disinformation and Intimidation
- ADL's
Ties With Mossad
When Israel Was
Apartheid’s Open Ally
By Leni Brenner, CounterPunch, December 20, 2013.
On the Jewish organization ADL:s work against the liberation of Blacks in South Africa, in support of the Apartheid Régime: "ADL spying on America’s anti-apartheid movement, for BOSS, South Africa’s secret police, became public in 1993 [...]."
- ADL:s tactics and
censorship campaigns
Long excerpt from Jewish Tribal Review's document on "anti-Semitism"
- Is ADL Spying on You? Collection of articles
ADL Illegal Surveillance Case
- ADL vs.
Internet, Rami, ADL and the U.S. Senate
The Jewish "ADL" has developed a filter (ADL HateFilter™) that blocks access to Radio Islam and to other Web sites that contain "inappropriate" material!
- Spy vs
The Clinton administration has praised the Anti-Defamation League for helping shield kids from Internet hate. But should a group that spied on thousands of Californians be allowed to police the Web?
- ADL Praises Google for
Responding to Concerns About Rankings of Hate Sites
Includes letter from Google Jew Sergey Brin and Google's explantion for the word "Jew"
Jewish ADL
(Anti-Defamation League) works with Google, YouTube and Facebook
to use A.I. Algorithms to censor "Anti-Semitic Conspiracy
ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt revealed in a February 26 2019 panel hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations:“So we work with Google on using AI to try to interrupt cyberhate before it happens. We work with YouTube to have—to get them to change their algorithms, so it lessens the likelihood that a young person’s going to run into some of these anti-Semitic conspiratorial videos. We work with Facebook on trying to use a redirect method, so when you search for Holocaust as a hoax, you get directed to, like, Yad Vashem page. So there are different ways they can tweak their algorithms and adjust their products, so they think not only about free speech—not only protect the user’s right to free speech but protect the user’s right to not be harassed or hated.”
(See full transcript) -
Who Runs
the Internet?
Revealing video compiled by Know More News.
- Cyber
Patrol to block hate speech
- ADL and US politics
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage.
- They dare to speak out
Two excerpts from former US Congressman Paul Findley's book
B'nai B'rith - The
Jewish Secret Society That Controls the U.S. Media
By Christopher Bollyn, December 1, 2009. B'nai B'rith is the parent organization of ADL.
"Gerald M. Levin (the head of HBO AOL Time Warner) who took over CNN from Ted Turner in the mid-1990s, is also a member of the Media Lodge of B'nai B'rith."
B'nai B'rith member: Jews "will rule the world"
Sir Moses Jacob Ezekiel, Jewish hero of the Confederate Army, senior Freemason and fraternal brother of B'nai B'rith.
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
An Illustrated History of Zionism in Modern America - Part 1
The power of Jewish organizations such as B'nai B'rith, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, ADL, AIPAC, JINSA, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Zionist Organization of America.
- ADL indoctrination of journalists
- ADL:
US editorials largely support Israel
By Joshua Ronen (Jerusalem Post 06/25/2001)
head slams Bush administration
(Ha'aretz 10/25/2001)
(click image for more!)
"ADL Stands With Israel"
A picture tells more than a thousand words...
- ADL strikes a mine! 30-05-2000
- Bookburners and
their Victims
- The dark history of the ADL:
Terrorism, organized crime, pedophilia and murder
By Ryan Dawson, Anti-Neocon Report, 5 Jan 2019
- FBI Investigated Anti-Defamation
League (ADL) for Espionage
By Grant F. Smith, Director of Research, IRmep, 2013
“Many Americans were outraged in 1993 after reading mainstream press accounts of a vast national ADL spy network with organelles passing information not only to Israel’s Mossad but also Apartheid South African intelligence services—possibly resulting in the mysterious death of Chris Hani and the rushed deportation/detention of many Palestinians. [...] It is a timely release since one of Israel’s most harmful spies, [Hollywood Tycoon] Arnon Milchan, is openly boasting about his criminal exploits and Americans may soon demand not only that unsuccessful old law enforcement tactics be retired but new strategies be fielded to punish Israel lobby wrongdoers and end their long stint of immunity.”
- ADL Spies
By Jeffrey Blankfort, CounterPunch, 12 June 2013
- The ADL: Covert action,
censure and courting law-enforcement
Speech by Jeffrey Blankfort at the National Press Club, Washington DC, April 10, 2015: "First of all, I would like to welcome you to the most important Israeli-occupied territory: Washington."
The Ugly
Truth about the ADL Revealing book on ADL:s methods
Ch.1: 150 Years of Perfidy Ch.5: Colluding With Terrorists
Ch.2: A Public Relations Front for Meyer Lansky Ch.6: In Bed With Communist Dictators and Spies
Ch.3: The ADL and the Opium War Against America Ch.7: Railroad!
Ch.4: The ADL and the Junk Bond Bandits Rip Off America Ch.8: The ADL Peddles the New Age
ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt (left) visits the Israeli-Zionist
center of power, the Knesset, in 2022.
Videos of Ashahed M. Muhammad
from Nation of Islam on ADL and The Synagogue of Satan
Black leader Louis Farrakhan's 2010 letter to the ADL and the Jewish leadership
"... we could now charge you with the most vehement anti-Black behavior in the annals of our history in America and the world. We could charge you with being the most deceitful so-called friend, while your history with us shows you have been our worst enemy."
Black Ops Matter — Video Proof of Agent
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, June 4, 2020.
"Jonathan Greenblatt, head of the Anti-Defamation League, the foremost American police training entity, says: “our Center on Extremism is actively monitoring extremist groups’…participation in — the nationwide protests,” yet the ADL is unable to see the riot instigators and obvious police agent provocateurs."
Pro-Israel racist group ADL moves to co-opt Black
Lives Matter
By Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 29 June 2020
ADL's upsurge in “Anti-Semitism”
has disturbing Jewish
By the Nation of Islam Research Group, May 6, 2017
ADL and the Jewish Leo Frank Myth
Short video by the by the Nation of Islam Research Group, 2019, promoting the new book: "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Volume 3".
Leo Frank tried to blame a black man, James Conley, for his murder of a non-Jewish 13-year old girl, Mary Phagan.
We'll torture him until he admits it
ADL and Jewish child rapist & murder Leo Frank, and the use of a specialist in extracting confessions from suspects on the "negro" Jim Conley, who reported the murder to the police.
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
- More on the ADL -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
The ADL's exaggerations of antisemitic "dangers"
Rabbi Michael Learner: "The ADL, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, has built its financial appeal to Jews on its ability
to portray the Jewish people as surrounded by enemies..."
Apartheid in SA is good for the Jews, said ADL director
Dolly Parton an antisemite?
ADL vs Dolly Parton as she criticizes Jewish Hollywood's anti-Christian stance
The ADL Minstrel Show
And ADL are supposed to be anti-racist!
- Cal on Spying & Names
- Counterpunch - Were
the Spies Journalists? - The ADL Snoops
- ADL &
- ADL Info Helped
HUAC In 1947 Witch-Hunts (Middle
East Labor Bulletin Spring 1993)
- Secrecy defended
by ADL
Ruling Allows Activists To Sue ADL Over Disclosure
- Court Rules For
Activists on ADL
- Judge Orders Opening of Enemies
- ADL Claims Victory
in Court Ruling
- ADL Suit
- ADL Nov 98 press
ADC Press Release: Resolution of ADL Spy Scandal
- Stopping Extremism
Before the Crime
- Protecting Privacy, Monitoring Hate
- ADL accused of
McCarthyite tactics
"Jewish Rights" to Put Studies Out of Schools
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, from "The International Jew". Insightful article written in 1921, ADL vs Shakespeare!“Chief among the B'nai B'rith's activities in so far as they directly relate to the rest of the people, is the work of the Anti-Defamation League. This inside committee in every lodge attends to the espionage work necessary to keep the Grand Lodges informed as to what is going on with reference to Jewry in the United States. In its work, the Anti-Defamation League always takes the offensive and works along pretty well defined lines. Ordinarily the head of the Anti-Defamation League in each city is a man competent to bring pressure to bear on the public press.”
"Defamation" - Israeli film on the fraud of "antisemitism" and the ADL
External link to the 90 min film by Israeli director Yoav Shamir.
(Alternative video link: click here)
Cartoons/Caricatures on
so-called "anti-Semitism" and Foxman and the ADL
Cartoons/Caricatures on
the ADL from our section on Jews versus Blacks
its 31 offices across the country, the ADL monitors school
curricula, library acquisition lists, and public conferences
and symposiums, working behind the scenes to stifle
intellectual freedom." |
- Lies, Damn
Lies and Statistics By Lenni
Brenner (Washington Report 07/1996)
- Unions Among 100s
of Groups Spied On by ADL Informant By Jeffrey Blankfort (Middle East Labor Bulletin Fall
- ADL U.S. Spy
Networks Exposed in San Francisco (Middle East Labor Bulletin Spring 1993)
- The ADL Spy
Probe By Alexander Cockburn
(The Nation 05/31/1993)
- The
Changing Role of the ADL By
Alfred Lilienthal (Washington Report 06/1993)
- ADL Settles with
Arabs, Others to Wrap up 6-year Lawsuit
By Julie Wiener (Jewish Telegraphic Agency
- U.S. press
sympathetic to Israel, ADL finds By
Shlomo Shamir, (Ha'aretz 10/25/2000). If even the ADL -- a
pro-Israel organization -- thinks the US media coverage of the
uprising is "fair for Israel", then no doubt should remain in
anyone's mind that the US media is extremely biased for
- Even more on the ADL -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
ADL poster
- ironic, as they should be portrayed!
How not to defend the Hoax, by the ADL
Americans liberated Auschwitz?!?
ADL says Lipstadt & Gilbert are not scholars
ADL: "In fact, Western scholars have never supported the figure of 4 million deaths at Auschwitz; the basis of this Soviet estimate..."
- ADL Watch: A useful Link
ADL is all the time writing "upset" press releases on
how shocked they are of what they call "anti-Semitism" spreading around the
world. So what is this phenomena - "anti-Semitism" - that enrages them so?
To learn more, please visit our special section
on this subject.
Jewish Massacres |
The land of Palestine could never have been conquered by the Zionist war criminals, had it not been for the long series of massacres they perpetrated.
- Jewish massacres of Palestinians
- Selected
Massacres Listing
(Palestine Times 03/1993)
Examples of massacres
comitted by the Zionists - part
1 -
2 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Ten.
- Zionist massacres in 1948: New evidence
- Zionist
Massacres in Palestine: New Evidence
By Guy Erlich, (Ha'ir 6 May 1992) Not for the faint of heart.
Researcher Uncovers 1948 Bloodbath
By Wafa Amr (Reuters 01/19/2000)
By Salman Abu-Sitta, from his 1996 book "The Right of Return".
Deir Yassin Massacre
- Red Cross Eye-Witness Report On The Deir Yassin Massacre, April 9,
- Link:
Remember Deir Yassin!
By Daniel McGowan
- Quick
History of the Deir Yassin Massacre
- Anatomy
of a Whitewash
By Matthew C. Hogan and Daniel A. McGowan (Deir Yassin Remembered)
A Critical Examination and Refutation of the Historical Revisionist "Deir Yassin: History of A Lie,"
Issued By the Zionist Organization of America (Mar. 8, 1998)
See also articles on the Palestinian exodus
(Nakba) as a result of the 1948 massacres.

See the
Lebanon section
for the massacres of
Sabra and Chatila (1982).
- The Ideology Behind Hebron Massacre
By Prof. Israel Shahak
- Details On The Hebron Massacre
Party Celebrates Hebron Massacre
(BBC 03/21/2000)
- The Hebron
Massacre and the American Connection
By Stephen Zunes (Z Magazine)
- No Shrine for a
By Larry Derfner (Jerusalem Post 11/24/1999). See also Goldstein Grave Dismantling Likely This Week (Israel Wire 12/26/1999)
- Ibrahimi Mosque massacre
[Hebron massacre], 23 years on
Qods International News Agency, 2017/10/06. "... the massacre was preceded by a poisoned campaign of incitement against the Palestinians by Talmudic circles."
Qana Massacre 1996
- The Qana Massacre
By Robert Fisk, articles published in The Independent
Liberty and Qana Massacre Compared
By Mark Genrich (Phoenix Gazette 06/05/1996)
See the
Lebanon section for more on the massacres of
The Jewish Gestapo
- the Gaza Beach Massacre 2006
By Khalid Amayre
The Blood Orgy of the Jewish Devils
A collection of articles on Israel's assaults in occupied Palestine
plan to kill 6 million Germans
By Douglas Davis, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 03/27/1998. "Israel's first president supported a Jewish group's plans to murder Germans immediately after World War II, according to the man who led the avengers."
The Jewish
plan to murder six million Europeans
Video on Abba Kovner, the "Nakam" group, the support from Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, and their genocidal plan to kill 6 million Germans after WWII, through poisoning the water supplies in four major German cities; Nuremberg, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich. "Kovner received Weizmann's blessing - but also - Weizmann helped him obtain the poison he needed for his attack."
Alternative video link: here
Israeli president's plan to kill 6,000,000 Germans
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Forgotten 8 Million-Lives Holocaust
By Eric Margolis (12/13/1998). A massacre orchestrated by the "Soviet Eichmann", the Jew Lazar Kaganovitch.
Israel refuses to extradite
'genocide' suspect
Article from Israeli Newspaper Ha'aretz
More on Jewish Terror and Massacres...
For information on Israeli agents' bombing of U.S. institutions in Egypt, see
the Lavon Affair.
For articles on Israel's 1967 attack of the U.S. warship the USS Liberty and
the deliberate massacre of 34 American sailors (and wounding
please see our section on the U.S. cost of
For articles on Israel's connection to the 9/11 attacks in 2001, please see
our section on the U.S. cost of Israel.
The reasons behind Jewish terror, massacres and the Jewish state's constant atrocities:
- Judaism - the ideology behind
massacres - our special section on the Jewish so-called
- Photos: Jewish soldiers versus Palestinian women and children
- Photos: IDF - The "glorious" Jewish army
- Photos: Israeli soldiers' deep connection to Judaism
WW II vs Zionist terror
Photos from World War II compared with photos of the Zionist war and occupation of Palestine
Occupation 101:
Voices of the Silenced Majority
Very informative documentary film on the realities of the Palestinians living under Jewish occupation.
Alternative video links: here and here and here
"Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority" is an award-winning 2006 documentary film on Zionism and Palestine directed by Sufyan Omeish and Abdallah Omeish, and narrated by If Americans Knew founder Alison Weir.
A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Zionist takeover of Palestine. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict, "Occupation 101" presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths and dispels many of the long-perceived Zionist myths.
The film also details life under Israeli military rule and the role of the United States in the conflict. The roots of the conflict are explained through first-hand on-the-ground experiences from leading Middle East scholars, peace activists, journalists, religious leaders and humanitarian workers whose voices have too often been suppressed in Zionist-run "American" media outlets.
The film covers a wide range of topics, which include, the first wave of Jewish immigration from Europe in the 1880's, the 1920 tensions, the 1948 war, the 1967 war, the first Intifada of 1987, the Oslo Peace Process, Settlement expansion, the role of the United States Government, the Second Intifada of 2000, the separation barrier and the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, as well as many heart wrenching testimonials from victims of this ideology called Zionism.
- The Killing Zone
Channel 4's Dispatches 2003 documentary revealing the shocking level of daily Israeli violence and murderous hate leveled against the entrapped Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Also highlights the Israeli murder of Westerners Rachel Corrie (U.S.), Tom Hurndall (U.K.) and James Miller (U.K.).
Alternative video link: here
Broken Cameras
"5 Broken Cameras" is an award-winning 2011 documentary film on the struggle of ordinary Palestinian villagers vs the brutal might of the Israeli-Jewish stooges of the occupation, trying to seize their ancestral lands.
Alternative video link: here
The movie shows the incredible bravery and humanism of the Palestinians - and - the cruel zombie-like mentality of the cowardly Jewish soldiers, soldiers of the purported "master race". It reveals that all Jewish talk about Jews as being especially "intelligent", "sensitive", "intellectual", "eloquent" and "humanistic", is just another pile of propaganda and right-out bullshit!
IsraHell On Earth
This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the Palestinians have been going through since their land was stolen in 1948 by a cabal of Zionist Jews. "IsraHell On Earth" looks at the origins of the abomination that is IsraHell and exposes its Apartheid crimes.
Documentary film by Israeli director Yoav Shamir on the Israeli occupation forces' checkpoints controlling the Palestinian population.
This harassment has continued for decades, remember that this film is from 2003(!) and it has been going on before and since. Imagine yourself having to live like this; every movement controlled, guns pointing in your face, having to cross these checkpoints just to see family, friends, medical care... - in your own homeland!
Also note the sheer stupidity of these soldiers of the so-called "Chosen People"; the low linguistic and intellectual skills and slow cerebration of these men, who by the Jewish media falsely are portrayed as some kind of super humans. Don't miss the scene of their harassment of young Palestinian girls (42:50 into film). Where are the voices of the Western "feminists" who usually so loudly protest against "assaults" on "women of color"?
Shooting to Kill / Maim |
![]() |
![]() |
- Permission
to kill By Yitzhak
Laor (Ha'aretz 10/08/2000)
- No
bangs, no smoking guns: victims just fell and bled
By Sam Kiley (The
Times 10/17/2000)
- Gaza - The
Killing Zone
Channel 4's Dispatches 2003 documentary revealing the shocking level of daily Israeli violence and murderous hate leveled against the entrapped Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Also highlights the Israeli murder of Westerners Rachel Corrie (U.S.), Tom Hurndall (U.K.) and James Miller (U.K.).
Alternative video link: here
Israeli sniper shoots and kills two Christian women inside
Gaza's Holy Family Church!
"Beyond desperate" situation for Christians sheltering in Gaza church, says U.K. lawmaker Layla Moran with family trapped inside.
In the wake of the 2023/24 Gaza War. CNN, December 18, 2023.
- Palestinians'
tell-tale wounds expose shoot-to-kill tactics
By Suzanne
Goldenberg (Guardian 10/05/2000)
- Israel
shifts to live bullets By
Suzanne Goldenberg (Guardian 11/28/2000)
- Shoot
to Maim (Village Voice
02/21/2001) Israel's Favored Ammo is Crippling a Generation of
Young Palestinians
- Young
Palestinians Suffer Bone-Shattering
Experience By Keith B.
Richburg (Washington Post 11/30/2000)
- Envoys
say they saw IDF fire at children
By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 07/26/2001)
- Don't
Say You Didn't Know By
Tanya Reinhart (11/06/2000)
- American
report claims: Soldiers aim for the head
By David Ratner (Ha'aretz 11/17/2000)
- U.S.
doctor: IDF not using Dum-Dum bullets By
David Ratner (Ha'aretz 11/17/2000)
but explains high-velocity rounds cause similar, devastating effects
- Police
armed with 'soft-point' bullets this year
By David Ratner (Ha'aretz 06/18/2001)
- Israel:
Dart Shells Pose Civilian Threat
(Human Rights Watch 06/16/2001)
- Autopsies
prove that police fired live ammo at Israeli Arabs
By Baruch Kra
(Ha'aretz 03/13/2001)
Tom Hurndall, 21-year-old British photography student
after a head-shot from an Israeli sniper in Gaza, 2003.
Tom later died from his irreparable brain injuries.
- Intifadah
toll: disabilities at alarming rate
By Charles M. Sennott (Boston Globe
- Palestinian Woman, 95, Killed by
Israeli Gunfire (New York Times)
- Mutilated
children of a crippled Palestine
By Suzanne Goldenberg (The Guardian 05/01/2001)
- A
Gaza Diary By Chris Hodges (NY Times reporter), Harpers, October 2001
"... I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport."
- Vale
of tears By Jonathan
Cook (Al-Ahram Weekly 04/05/2001) Tear gas or poison
- The
skeleton in Israel's closet By Jonathan Cook (Al-Ahram Weekly 05/03/2001) On Israel's
shooting of 13 Palestinian CITIZENS and the Or commission
- Former
Israeli police commander blames government in killing of 13 Arab
Israelis By Laurie
Copans (AP 09/03/2001)
IDF Wants to Define Sniper Rifle
M-16 as "Non-Lethal" By Uri Blau (Kol Ha'ir
- Israeli
army admits using prohibited munitions against
civilians (Palestine Times
- Foreign
press: Israel ignoring IDF shooting of
reporters By Tamar
Hausman (Ha'aretz 05/29/2001)
- The
first casualty of war -
Israelis say Western reports are biased. But the media complain
Israel is harassing them By Peter Beaumont, Brian Whitaker
and Edward Helmore (The Observer 06/17/2001)
- B'tselem
report: 80% of Palestinians killed in curfew violations are children
(Jerusalem Post, October 16, 2002)
Israel Murders Prisoners of War |
![]() The remains of an Egyptian officer. |
- Israel’s Hush-Up Machine in
Action: Denying Story Israel Executed Egyptian Prisoners
By Richard H. Curtiss and Donna B. Curtiss (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May-June 2007)
- Systematic
Murder of POW
By Israel
By Israel Shahak (03/21/1995)
- Israel Murders
By David Paul (from Yediot Ahronot 08/1995)
- As Evidence
Mounts, Toll of Israeli POW Massacres
By Kathereine Metres (Washington Report 02/1996)
- Israeli troops killed
many Egyptian POWs
By Karin Laub (Associated Press)
- Killing POW is
Killing a POW
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 06/13/1999). On the killing of a POW in 1993 during an operation between Israel and Lebanon.
- More murdered Arabs found in Sinai
mass grave
modern atrocities just follow a historical pattern:
- Israel
Won't Extradite Polish Jew accused of atrocities against German
prisoners after WWII
(Associated Press 12/07/1998)
Torture and Human Rights |
- B'Tselem
Israeli human rights
organization established in 1989. Statistics and facts on torture,
house demolitions, settlements... etc.
- Torture in the Only Democracy in the Middle
East: An Interview with Dr. Stanley
Cohen By Yifat Suskind
(The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel)
- Israel's
Torture Ban By Alexander
Cockburn (The Nation magazine, September 27, 1999)
- Human
Rights Group Accuses Israel of Routine Torture Against Palestinians
Nando Times (from Associated Press), November
11, 2001
- Israel
Seeks to Justify Physical Coercion of Prisoners By Serge Schmemann
(NY Times 05/08/1997)
- Systematic
Torture of Arabs Exposed by
Newspaper By Donald
Neff (Washington Report 05/1996) -
The World Organization Against
Torture. Israel, Action page.
- Scenes from
the Uprising By Noam Chomsky (Z
magazine 07/1988)
- Report: Israel
tortures 850 Palestinians a year
(Reuters/B'Tselem 05/19/1998)
- Commander
charged with torturing Palestinian boy Guardian (UK), October 22, 2002
- Alan Dershowitz: a pro-torture
Jew - Famous Jewish "advocate of civil liberties" advocates torture!
- Report
on Human Rights Practices for 1997
Israel and the Occupied
Territories (U.S. Department of State 01/30/1998)
- 'Rubber
Bullets' Fatal According to B'Tselem By
Amira Haas (Ha'aretz 12/05/1998).
See also B'Tselem's rubber-coated steel bullet archive
- UN Human
Rights Committee:
Israel Violates Almost Every Article of
the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (UN Human Rights
Committee/B'Tselem 08/02/1998)
- Crouching
Position, Suspended Arms, Broken Bones By Amira
Haas (Ha'aretz 11/30/1998)
- Children Work
Negev for Pittance By Aliza Arbeli
(Ha'aretz 02/20/2000)
- Israel
is Second Worse Country in terms of the number of children living in poor
homes, says UNICEF (1996).
Since Israel's per-capita income --excluding occupied Palestinians-- is approximately $16,000/year, (one of world's highest) while the occupied Palestinians' is $1,200/year, one may safely assume that the occupied Palestinians account for Israel's poor performance.
- Thoroughly
Conceived Oppressions By Amira Haas (Ha'aretz
- Israelis Plan
to Give Up Torture By Sam Kiley (The Times
posts video showing Israeli forces barbarically
attacking Palestinian prisoners in 2019 |
- Haaretz reveals humiliation of
Palestinians in Megiddo prison; IPS says “routine drill”
In the wake of the 2023/2024 Gaza "War"/massacre.
Quds News Network, September 6, 2024.
- State-Sanctioned
Sadism By
Amira Haas (Ha'aretz 06/09/1999)
- A Christian
Perspective By Kathleen Kern
(Tikkun 03-04/1998)
- Israel,
The Occupied West Bank, Gaza and Palestinian Authority
Territories (Human Rights
Watch 1999)
- 'Trespassers'
on Their Own Land By Amira Haas (Ha'aretz
- An Open
Letter to "Abu Jerry" By Lea Tsemel
- Bishara: They
Aimed to Hit (Ha'aretz
- Treatment of
workers is a national shame By Akiva Eldar
(Ha'aretz 01/12/2000)
- Thailand plans
lawsuit against Israel for exploiting its foreign workers By Yossi Bar-Moha (Ha'aretz
- Longest-Serving
Administrative Detainee Goes Free By Moshe
Reinfeld and Gideon Alon (Ha'aretz
- Amnesty Calls
Upon Israel to Release "Bargaining Chips"
(Israel Wire 01/27/1999)
- Amnesty
International Critical of Israeli Report (IsraelWire
- Israel admits
torture (BBC
- Report:
West Bank, Gaza Among Poorest Areas in the
World By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz
- Report:
Shin Bet still tortures, but less By Moshe Reinfeld
(Ha'aretz 09/06/2000)
- Trophy
Photos Betray Israeli Police Abuse By Lee Hockstader
(Washington Post 09/19/2000)
- Link:
Palestine Human Rights Monitoring Group
First Intifada
Israeli soldiers breaking bones of captive Palestinians,
unknowingly filmed in their heinious act - from a distance.
See also on Yitzhak "Bone Breaker Rabin":
Colonel Says Rabin Ordered Breaking of Palestinians’ Bones
(Los Angeles Times, June 22, 1990)
- The
Night of the Broken Clubs
By Yossi Safid (translated by Dr. Israel Shahak) (Washington Report 07/1989):“And then the [Israeli] soldiers carried out the orders they had been given:
- To break both arms and both legs by clubbing the Arabs;
- To avoid clubbing them on the heads;
- To remove their bonds after breaking their arms and legs, and to leave them at the site; and
- To leave one local with broken arms but without broken legs so he could make it back to the village to get help.”
- Israel
Still Uses Torture Against
Detainees (The Palestinian
Human Rights Monitoring Group 12/09/1999)
“When the subject is torture, there can be no "middle-of-the-road" policy, no compromise, no putting our head in the sand, no flexible and lenient formulas. The considerable experience that has been accumulated on this issue clearly demonstrates the need for a vigilant and uncompromising moral stance.”
-- Ha'aretz Editorial, 12/13/1999, on Israel's attempt to find ways to allow torture under "special circumstances".
- Ending Culture
of Torture Requires Real Action
(American Muslims for Jerusalem 09/08/1999). After Israel's ban on "Physical Pressure" (i.e. torture) of Palestinian detainees.
- Justice
Ministry panel split on legalizing
By Gideon Alon
(Ha'aretz 12/10/1999)
- My
Friend Returned From Ansar By Pinhas Inbari (Al-Hamishmar,
Washington Report
- Israel
and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) - Briefing to the
Committee Against Torture, By Amnesty
International (30 September, 2008)
- Amnesty
International annual Report 2009 - Israel and the Occupied
Palestinian Territories
- Amnesty
on the Demolition of Palestinian Homes and Dispossession of
Palestinians (8 December,
- Amnesty
Condemns Israel, says civilians' lives must be
( 10/02/2000) On Al
Aqsa Mosque Uprising.
- A Message
From Hell By Victor
Ostrovsky (Washington Report
The Jewish version of "Justice"
- Man Who Shot
Bound Palestinian to be Freed Early By Nina Pinto (Ha'aretz 03/07/2000)
- Don't
Release Killers: B'Tselem's response
to President Weizman's decision to reduce the sentence of five
Jews who murdered Palestinians (B'Tselem 02/04/1999)
- Jerusalem
Stabbing, Palestinian Prisoners after Wye By Patrick Cockburn (The Independent
- Israel
Pardoning Jewish Killers By
Laurie Copans/Batsheva Tsur (Associated Press/Jerusalem
Post 02/04/1999).
“This justice minister should be
reminded that murder is murder and bloodshed is bloodshed, and one absolutely
cannot give preference to one murderer over another or one terrorist over
another just because the murderer 'is one of ours,' as it were.”
-- Meretz
MK (Knesset Member) Yossi Sarid quote-of-the-day on Jerusalem Post Internet
Edition of 02/04/1999.
Pardons Jewish Killers
Shehori and Joseph Algazy (Ha'aretz
Ha'aretz on Israel's Human Rights Record
- Elderly
Palestinian Prisoner Died After Being Chained to Bed in Hospital
- Rubber Bullets
is a Killer
- What
- The Shin Bet's
- A Mini-Pogrom
in Tul Karm
- His son's
life (Magazine
- A Ruinous
Policy (1998)
- The New
Government and Human Rights
- Where's the Rule of
- The Seeds of
Hate (07/25/1999)
- Pop in for a
visit (Ha'aretz
08/01/1999). A call on Israel's prime minister to visit the
occupied Palestinians.
- The
Unbearable Lightness
of the Decision to Impose
Closure (08/08/1999)
- Contorted
Bodies and Twisted Minds
- The
university of hard knocks
- Ask
forgiveness? Who, us?
- Good morning,
High Court
- Descending
from Utopia to Sodom
- Your Eyes
that See
(Ha'aretz Magazine
- The Crime of
Looking a Bit Too Arab
- Israeli means
never having to say you're sorry (08/27/2000)
- The dirt in
Herzliya's Backyard
- Not the best
way to end the conflict
Historical Documents and Chronologies |
- Maps
from MidEast Web
- Historical
and Peace Process Documents from
MidEast Web
- Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
The most comprehensive collection of facts/documents on the Zionist theft of Palestine,
the basis of the real "Nuremberg" trial against Zionism and its leaders.
and information on Palestine - loads
of information from the website of the Permanent Observer Mission
of Palestine to the United Nations
Nation's Resolutions on Palestine
of Palestine at the U.N.
Events in Palestine/Israel of the Last 100
Years, 1895 - till
181 - United Nations General Assembly, November 29, 1947
- The Balfour
Declaration of 1917
" being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."
-- Lord Arthur Balfour 11/02/1917, extracted from Balfour's infamous letter. (Could it be that Balfour didn't know the land was empty? Note also, how Balfour does not mention the political rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine.)
- Documents
from Yale Law school: Avalon
Project. The Middle East 1916-2001 : A Documentary Record
Chronology: From 1940s to 2000s from
South Africa's ICJ Genocide case against Israel over Gaza War (PDF)
Launched December 28, 2023. Includes detailed documentation of the crimes of the Jewish state of "Israel" vs the Palestinians.
Anatomy of a Genocide - UN on the Gaza War
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese. Released by the UN on March 24, 2024. The report can also be read here as PDF (Advance unedited version, A/HRC/55/73).
This is
Apartheid - A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the
Mediterranean Sea (PDF - short version)
Study published by B'Tselem, Israeli Information Center for Human Rights, January 12, 2021.
Visit their website to read the full scope of their 2021 research.
- Visualizing
Other archives on Zionism and the occupation of Palestine:

• Zionism - history, background, Apartheid
• Israeli Wars, Nukes
• Palestinian Uprising / Resistance
• "Peace Process"
• The U.S. Cost of Israel