Videos are very appreciated for spreading information. This has also
been noted by The Enemy, thus enforcing a "Night of the Long Knives"
on 5th June 2019 whereby thousands of thousands of
videos, deemed critical of Jewish Power and Propaganda, were
annihilated overnight.Don´t forget to always do the three "S:s": See – Save – Share - Before they are deleted by The Enemy!
Remember: They just have the ca$h, but we have the numbers!
Video collection on Min. Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam (NOI), and the
conflict between Blacks and Jews
Video collection on the Jewish controlled Black Slave Trade
Including Farrakhan's speeches, documentaries on the facts, professor Tony Martin's speeches.
Louis Farrakhan's
Epic Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York - a must see and hear!
The great 1985 speech by Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam on the Jews and their campaigns against him and the liberation movement.
Videos of Ashahed M. Muhammad
from Nation of Islam on ADL and The Synagogue of Satan
Reel Bad Arabs
- Planet of the Arab - videos
Revealing the racist Jewish-controlled Hollywood propaganda war against the Arabs
Faurisson in his own words - a collection of video clips
French revisionist Robert Faurisson explains WW II Revisionism.
Rabbi Clips
- Straight "from the horse's mouth" - collection of
Rabbi videos
Jews now talk openly about their plans for the non-Jewish majority... A must see and spread!
Former U.S. congressman James Traficant on the power of
the Jewish lobby
Includes a videoclip from his TV-appearance on Greta van Sustern's show, Fox News, September 10th 2009.
Ambassador Nikki Haley brags about bullying UN for Israel
Video of US Ambassador Haley´s disgusting performance at AIPAC - a true shabbos goy.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo:
"I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had
entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American
Exposed: the Israeli-Jewish lobby in the U.K. - Documentary
The Lobby: Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. Four-part documentary released in 2017.
"Inside Britain's Israel Lobby"
Documentary aired on Channel 4, November 16, 2009. Alternative links: here and here
Britain´s Jewish
Foreign Secretary and former Brexit Boss Dominic Raab
- "Brexit secretary Dom Raab reveals dad’s Holocaust escape in
blast at Corbyn over anti-Semitism"
Articles fom The Times of Israel and The Sun.
The Zionist
Influence Over Winston Churchill
British historian David Irving on how Churchill's political career before the outbreak of WW II was groomed by Jewish Money Men and on Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann's 1941 proposal to Churchill, the Jews getting America into WW II if Britain aided Zionism.
Israeli settlers' Chelsea boss backer
BBC News documentary and article, 21 September 2020.
Chelsea owner and Jewish-Israeli oligarch, Roman Abramovich, usually labelled as "Russian", funnels money to Israel's illegal settlements - AND - is revealed to have secret investments in rival football players! Using money cheated from Goyim to steal land from Goyim!
Rabbi Friedman:
Revenge and Hate - that's the Jewish way - "arise and kill´em first"
Videos on so-called
"anti-Semitism" and the Jews
"Defamation" - Israeli film on the fraud of "antisemitism" and the ADL
External link to the 90 min film by Israeli director Yoav Shamir.
(Alternative video link: click here)
- Zionism founder
Theodor Herzl's promotion of "anti-Semitism"
Theodor Herzl and Adolf Hitler - what's the difference?
Israeli documentary (subtitled) on Zionism's Theodor Herzl - ideological founder of Israel - and his revealing statements on Jewish Power and so called "anti-Semites" and "anti-Semitism". Should be seen by everybody, especially so-called "liberals", "anti-racists", who regularly yell about "anti-Semitism"...
Jewish Defense
League's Mordechai Levy posing as a fake "neo-Nazi", organizing
anti-Jewish, "White supremacist", "Nazi" rally
Revealed in a 2019 lecture from Jewish dissident and investigative journalist, David Sheen. Deceit is their trade!
Alternative link, from KMN: here
"Missing Links"
Documentary on Israel's connection to 9/11.
The Day Israel
Attacked America
Israel's 1967 attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. A shocking 2014 must-see documentary by Al Jazeera English. Reveals the incredible level of Israeli chutzpah - Jewish audacity; how Israel after all support lent by the U.S., attacks the very hand that feeds it; massacring U.S. sailors with U.S. supplied weaponry and ammunition, in international waters.
- Rabbi
explains how Jews "made a mint" off European wars and "back
stabbed" their countries in the process
By Christians For Truth, January 5, 2022
Brilliant song: "We are the Mossad"
Political music video. Don't miss the poignant lyrics!
New French rap music video by Rude-Goy Recordz with excellent graphics and text: "I'm not an 'anti-Semite', I'm a Talmudophobe!"
Spread it - as we speak, the Jews are putting an effort on its suppression!
Talmudic Judaism - Dr. William L. Pierce
On the basic tenets of the Jewish Supremacist so-called "religion", and the Christian reformer Martin Luther's shocking findings as he himself studied the Jewish scriptures.
The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax (2014)
Debunks a widely spread TV programme on an archaeological "investigation"
of Treblinka.
Alternative video link (with French subtitles): here
The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth (2015)
Demolishes the “Gas-Chambers-Disguised-as-Shower-Rooms”
propaganda hoax, and the phony Majdanek "gas chambers".
Alternative video link: here
The Last Days of the Big Lie (2009)
Debunks the liars glorified as heroes and victims in the Steven Spielberg produced,
Academy Award winning “Holocaust” documentary “The Last Days”.
Alternative video link: hereThe Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
The absurdity of diesel gassings, non-existent mass graves,
forced confessions, "Sonderkommando" survivor tales.
Alternative video links: here and here
The Holohoax - Part 8 of "Europa - The Last Battle"
Very good segment with, updated, synthesis of the main Revisionist arguments against the Zionist-Jewish "Nazi mass extermination" story.
Alternative video links: here and here
One Third of the Holocaust
Part 1 (Ep. 1-10 )
Part 2 (Ep. 11-20)
Part 3 (Ep. 21-30)
Pedagogic video that dissects the Nuremberg Trials documentary "evidence" and "Holocaust experts". Total length: 4 hours 15 min
Documentary introductory text (from the Holocaust Handbooks site): here
Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Full video (1,085 MB)
Auschwitz - The Surprising Hidden Truth
Pedagogic video confronting "Holocaust witness testimony" and official "facts" versus simple mathematics, logic, architecture/compound layout, with special focus on gas chambers/gassing procedures and crematoria/cremation process in Auschwitz, "the centre of the worst mass murder in human history".
Documentary introductory text (from the Holocaust Handbooks site): here
Buchenwald - A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil
The liberation of the German war-time concentration camp at Buchenwald presented an opportunity for an Allied Psyche Warfare operation meant to denazify the Germans via atrocity stories: human skin lampshade, shrunken heads, tattooed skin taken from bodies...
Documentary introductory text (from the Holocaust Handbooks site): here
Video channel of CODOH
A copy of the official YouTube Channel of Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), before YouTube censored all things critical of Jewish power and the Jewish version of historical events. Loaded with videos/films to be seen and spread!
Ernst Zündel interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996)
Very interesting - and frank - interview where German researcher and dissident Ernst Zündel gives his views - supported by named sources - on "holocaust" Revisionism, the background to WW II, present-day Germany, Adolf Hitler...
Note: In 2005 Zündel was deported from Canada, after having lived in that country for 40 years, and immediately on his arrival in Germany jailed for 5 years for political thought crimes!
Alternative video versions: here and here
Ernst Zündel: Jewish strategy to silence Revisionists
A detailed analysis of how Jewish organizations are trying to censor Revisionists.
Alternative video versions: here and here
The Great Holocaust Trial with Michael Hoffman II
American scholar Michael Hoffman II discussing with Ernst Zündel the impact of the trials.
Alternative video link: here
The Leuchter Report 1988
- Fred Leuchter interviewed by Ernst Zündel, the report also
discussed with prof. Robert Faurisson
Includes original footage of Leuchter's work to get samples from the alleged "Nazi gas chambers" of Auschwitz.
Alternative video link: here (with French subtitles)
Ernst Zündel interviews David Irving (1994)
Acclaimed British historian David Irving reveals the absurd repressive campaigns waged on him by powerful Jewish lobby groups, after Irving "came out" as a vocal critic of the official, Zionist "Holocaust" narrative.
Alternative video version: here
David Irving's C-SPAN interview (2002)
Interviewed by the respected American network C-SPAN, published May 3, 2002, David Irving spoke about recent books put out by his publishing house, Focal Point Press.
Ernst Zündel interviews Jürgen
Graf (1994)
Swiss Revisionist Jürgen Graf interviewed while at the IHR convention in 1994.
Alternative video link: here
Judea Declares War on Germany
Very good Revisionist video produced by Fredrick Töben.
Alternative video link: here
Fredrick Töben - Portrait of a Philosopher (1997)
Australian Revisionist Dr. Töben interviewed by Ernst Zündel.
Alternative video link: here
chamber expert Fred Leuchter speaks out
Fred Leuchter, former consulting engineer on capital punishment in the USA, compares American with so-called "Nazi gas chambers".
Leuchter in his own words. Seeing this video demolishes the Jewish smear campaign that this expert and technology "geek" is nothing but a veiled agent who wants to resurrect the Nazi Empire. Leuchter just did an honest job, published his fact-founded research - and then all hell broke loose...
Alternative video links: here and here
Revisionist David Cole
Visits Auschwitz
Classic 1992 documentary video with Revisionist Jew David Cole visiting the Auschwitz Holocaust Memorial site. Armed with a Jewish kippah on his head and microphone in hand, the young Jew got unprecedented access to the Auschwitz sites and guides, including the Senior Curator and Head of Archives at the museum, dr. Franciszek Piper, and got them on tape reveal all kinds of embarrasing truths about the historical veracity of the site.
- "Nazi
Concentration and Prison Camps" - Nuremberg Trial film that
"proves" the Dachau "gas chamber"
The 1945 propaganda film also propagated the now debunked stories from the "Holocaust" mythology on the "human skin lampshades" and "Nazi shrunken heads".
A letter to
Steven Spielberg from Prof. Roger Dommergue Polacco de
Menasce, a French Revisionist Jew
Includes video of a very interesting interview with Jewish Prof. Roger Dommergue by Ernst Zündel,
as well as video of a speech by Dommergue on "Auschwitz: Heidegger's silence".
The Jewish plan to murder six million Europeans
Video on Abba Kovner, the "Nakam" group, the support from Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, and their genocidal plan to kill 6 million Germans after WWII, through poisoning the water supplies in four major German cities; Nuremberg, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich. "Kovner received Weizmann's blessing - but also - Weizmann helped him obtain the poison he needed for his attack."
Alternative video link: here
Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The
Oded Yinon Plan
Alternative version, if the above video has been deleted by the Enemy: see here
God’s Chosen People (Banned by YouTube)
+2 hour video on Jewish dominance and supremacy, compiled by Know More News. Alternative versions, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here and here and here
Contents:00:00- Hollywood and Jewish control
1:01:45- Israel as centre of control; tech, trade, web, cybersecurity
04:45- On Jewish World Control, speeches, interviews
1:23:20- Jews and "dual loyalty", "anti-Semitism"
11:48- The Jewish-Israeli so-called "War on Terror"
1:25:45- Rebuilding the Jewish Temple, destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque
22:55- Trump's Jewish bankers, donors, influence
1:42:30- Trump, Evangelical "Christians" and prophecies on Israel
45:35- More speeches on Jewish influence and power
1:53:20- Trump's Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, agent of Israel
54:25- Jewish fantasies about their special "intelligence"
2:09:15- Jews as God's "chosen people", non-Jews as slaves!
Supremacy EXPOSED
Revealing video with Jews speaking overtly on non-Jews, compiled by Know More News.
Jewish Supremacist Psychopaths vs. Palestine
A must watch compilation by Know More News. Alternative version: here
Rabbis, Jewish settlers, Zionist leaders speak...
KAHANISTAN: How Jewish extremists remade the mainstream
2022 lecture by David Sheen, Israeli-Jewish investigative journalist and dissident. The lecture kicks off especially from the 10:00-mark; from here on the quotes, the names and high positions of the mentioned Jewish-Israelis, should be remembered – and spread to a wider audience!
Jewish Diamond Merchant 'Tropes'
From a revealing "official" documentary on who runs the diamond business. Compiled by Know More News.
Ancient Written Jewish Plan to Take Over the World with
Researcher Christopher Jon Bjerknes explains, backed up with quotes from Jewish scriptures.
This video is feared by the Jews and constantly deleted - save and spread!
Alternative version, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here
Benjamin Netanyahu's Plan to Rule the World
"Israeli technology is driving the World!" Revealing video on the growing Jewish-Israeli control of Cybertech, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative versions, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here and here
Internet Censorship War - How the Jews Censor the Internet -
a must see and spread!
Original video, from the If Americans Knew channel, censored by the Jews of YouTube.
Reveals in detail the Jewish State's manipulations; a Hasbara pushing, Zio-troll army run by Israeli military's New Media Desk, National Union of Israeli Students, Camera, Israel's NGO Monitor, Israeli software application, Israeli military's spy branch Unit 8200. Video also details the cooperation between Google/YouTube and Facebook with the Israeli Government and pro-Israel group ADL.
Alternative copies: here and here
ADL (Anti-Defamation League) works with Google, YouTube and
Facebook to use A.I. Algorithms to censor "Anti-Semitic
Conspiracy Theories"
ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt revealed in a February 26 2019 panel hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations:"So we work with Google on using AI to try to interrupt cyberhate before it happens. We work with YouTube to have—to get them to change their algorithms, so it lessens the likelihood that a young person’s going to run into some of these anti-Semitic conspiratorial videos. We work with Facebook on trying to use a redirect method, so when you search for Holocaust as a hoax, you get directed to, like, Yad Vashem page. So there are different ways they can tweak their algorithms and adjust their products, so they think not only about free speech—not only protect the user’s right to free speech but protect the user’s right to not be harassed or hated."
(See full transcript) -
Runs the Internet? - to be spread!
Revealing video compiled by Know More News.
Controls the Music Industry?
Revealing video on Jewish control of the Rap and the Black music industry, compiled by Know More News.
Al Jazeera English under Jewish infiltration
Israeli TV report on the Jews in Al Jazeera - includes revealing quotes
- The Zionist Matrix of Power
- Full Movie (1:35)
By David Duke, on Jewish power, influence, racism, crime...
(Alternative version in case Jewish censorship has deleted the above copy: here)
How does Hollywood help whitewash Israel’s ‘image problem’?
Must-see 2024 clip from TRT World. Includes revelations from the 2022 book "Israel and Hollywood - A History" by Columbia University Press on how "Hollywood has long enjoyed a “special relationship” with Israel".
- Theaters of War: How the
Pentagon and CIA took Hollywood [Trailer]
Theaters of War (2022) digs deep into a vast new trove of recently released internal government documents and uncovers an alternative “cinematic universe” that stands as one of the great Pentagon PR coups of our time.
Alternative video trailer: here
Ahmed Rami speaks
on Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV about the Jewish occupation of Palestine
Interview from 2005. English subtitles.
Head of Radio Islam in Sweden Ahmed Rami: Judaism Is Like a Mafia in the West
Al-Mayadeen TV channel, Beirut, 2018. English subtitles.
Ahmed Rami speaks at
the 1990 Revisionist Conference on Radio Islam and the struggle against the
Jewish mafia
Introduction by world renowned revisionist scholar Robert Faurisson, at the 10th IHR Revisionist Conference in 1990.
Ahmed Rami in English on the struggle of Radio Islam against the Jewish mafia. It is a struggle for the liberation of Palestine, but also for the liberation of the peoples in the West and the rest of the world from Jewish dictatorship.
Seeing this humble and sympathetic man speak, the Jewish vicious propaganda against him as some kind of psychotic "anti-Semitic" monster, crumbles!
Alternative video link: here
Archive with links videos
- external link
Compiled by the site
A Powerful Message From The Iraqi Resistance - The
to download the video from the Iraqi Resistance, right-click on the link above and press "Save Target as...". Choose the location you want to save the file to and press OK.
Videos on the Israeli support of ISIS/"Jihadi" groups to promote the disintegration of Syria
Quotes from former Mossad boss Efraim Halevy, former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon, director of Israeli intelligence agency Ami Ayalon, Israeli politician Naftali Bennett, Israeli Major General Yair Golan, Jewish writer and Zionist activist Bernard-Henri Lévy, Jewish professor Efraim Imbar.
Videos on Jewnited States of Americas' and its allies' covert
support to ISIS and so-called "Jihadi" groups in Syria
General Wesley Clark, Vice-President Joe Biden, Senator John McCain, the CIA...
U.S. and U.K. politicians speak out against U.S. covert support
for FSA and other radical groups, creating chaos and fuelling
the civil war in Syria
Senator Richard Black, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, former UK ambassador to Syria Peter Ford...
BBC reporter
uncovers scandalous US-ISIS deal on Raqqa
The propaganda version was that ISIS and its leadership would be rounded up in Raqqa, isolated and then vaporised - to never wreak havoc again. But what then followed was a completly different issue. ISIS' leadership, fighters and armory was let safe passage out of Raqqa, under US auspices!
"Chabad" Jews perform Jewish rituals in Syrian areas under Israeli army control
Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jewish men and boys of the fanatic "Chabad" group, reading religious texts near the Syrian village of Hader at the foot of Mount Hermon. Israeli forces took over Syrian army positions in parts of Mount Hermon on 8 December 2024.
sings "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"
Israel-Firster Senator John McCain begins his answer to the question "When do we send them an 'air-mail' message to Tehran?", by changing the words to the popular Beach Boys tune "Barbara Ann", and instead sing: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper - videos of a Zionist stooge
Israel's Ehud Olmert Gives Canada and PM Stephen Harper his Love
Stephen Harper's speech in celebration of Israel's 60th anniversary (2008)
Videos on
how British PM Gordon Brown bows to Israel and the British Jews
... wishing Israel happy birthday and the Jewish community happy hanukkah.
Noam Chomsky on Obama's administration: " hawks right
down the line"
Video of an interview with Chomsky.
Trump kissing Zionist ass at AIPAC
Video of the highlights of Trump's speech at pro-Israel AIPAC lobby group rally, March 2016.
Trump's Kids Marry Jews - Top Advisors Are Jews
Jewish activist Ezra Levant reveals that Trump's four kids all marry/date Jews.
Obama = Kosher Puppet
Videoclip from YouTube with revealing Obama and Hillary quotes.
two leading Jewish families in Chicago got Obama started in
Jewish Dem. Senator Chuck Schumer reveals in a speech to an all-Jewish audience in a synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida, September 7th, 2008.
- Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer, "Guardian of Israel", calls
anti-Zionism a form of antisemitism [videos]
Schumer: "For as long as I live, for as long as I have the privilege of serving in the Senate from New York, I will unflinchingly, unstintingly and with all of my
strength be Shomer Yisrael, a guardian of Israel. Ladies and gentlemen, Am Yisrael Chai, in Israel and America, the Jewish nation lives now and forever."
"Zionist" Biden Goes "Home" to Israel To "Honor" the
Very good analysis of news clips and articles on Joe Biden, the "Shabbos goy", compiled by the American dissident channel Know More News.
- Joe
Biden awarded Zionist "Theodor Herzl Award" by the World
Jewish Congress
Article from The Times of Israel (9 November 2016) and a video from Henry Kissinger's introductory speech at the Zionist event.
Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel awarded Zionist "Theodor
Herzl Award" by the World Jewish Congress
Articles from the World Jewish Congress (November 1, 2019), and The Berlin Spectator (October 29, 2019) and videos from the Zionist event.
The Destruction of Libya in 2011
Video compiled in May 2020 by Tales of the American Empire.
Details Hillary Clinton's (and her Jewish con-man Sidney Blumenthal's) involvment in the atrocity called the "2011 War in Libya".
Clinton Foundation and IS funded from the same sources
Video from John Pilger's 2016 interview with Wikileaks' Julian Assange on the leaked Hillary Clinton e-mails.
- Saudi’s Bin Salman, UAE’s Bin Zayed Are More Pro-Israel than Jews: Founder of
Zionist Heritage Center (Video)
Al Manar [Hezbollah affiliated media group], June 18, 2019. "[...] the leaders are more pro-Israel than a lot of Jews”.
Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) to Zionist "Christian" Michael D. Evans: "My father´s house director, who raised me, was an Ethiopian Jew Evangelical."
The Spy in Your Phone
Al Jazeera English, January 6, 2021.
On Israel's Pegasus spyware and the obscure NSO Group developing it. The investigation exposes how Pegasus works and how pro-Israel Arab governments like Saudi Arabia and the UAE use it against their political opponents.
Shah of Iran on the Jewish lobby in the U.S.
Link to the clip, from YouTube (hopefully still active, otherwise you should search for it).
Peres boasts in Hebrew on how the Jews are buying Manhattan,
Hungary, Romania and Poland
A clip of this speech can be viewed at YouTube (hopefully a still active link)
Nelson Mandela Speaking on Palestine [Extracts]
Extracts from a 1990 town hall meeting with Nelson Mandela, held in New York, chaired by Jewish journalist Ted Koppel of ABC Networks.
Nelson Mandela's grandson calls for protest at the
"Apartheid Israel" embassy in South Africa
In the wake of the Israeli aggressions in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza, May 2021. Alternative versions: here and here
Reiterating his legendary grandfather's stance: "Our freedom is incomplete until Palestine is free."
He even has the voice of Nelson Mandela!
Turkish PM
denies anti-Semitism, says 'Jewish-backed media' spread false
info on Gaza
Includes the videoclip of Erdogan's Davos 2009 protest. Tayyip Erdogan stands up for Turkish honour against Israel's war crimes, the beginning of a Turkish revolution against the hijacking of Turkey's policies by pro-Israel forces.
Documentaries on Israeli involvement in Iraqi Kurdistan
Videos from BBC and Al Jazeera.
Videos on Israel's
Nuclear Weapons - the threat to world peace
- Occupation 101:
Voices of the Silenced Majority
Very informative documentary film on the realities of the Palestinians living under Jewish occupation and the background to the Zionist takeover.
Alternative video links: here and here and here
- 5
Broken Cameras
"5 Broken Cameras" is an award-winning 2011 documentary film on the struggle of ordinary Palestinian villagers vs the brutal might of the Israeli-Jewish stooges of the occupation, trying to seize their ancestral lands.
Alternative video link: here
Gaza - The Killing Zone
Channel 4's Dispatches 2003 documentary revealing the shocking level of daily Israeli violence and murderous hate leveled against the entrapped Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Also highlights the Israeli murder of Westerners Rachel Corrie (U.S.), Tom Hurndall (U.K.) and James Miller (U.K.).
Alternative video link: here
2003 documentary film by Israeli director Yoav Shamir on the Israeli occupation forces' checkpoints controlling the Palestinian population. Imagine yourself having to live like this; every movement controlled, guns pointing in your face, having to cross these checkpoints just to see family, friends, medical care... - in your own homeland!
IsraHell On Earth
This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the Palestinians have been going through since their land was stolen in 1948 by a cabal of Zionist Jews. "IsraHell On Earth" looks at the origins of the abomination that is IsraHell and exposes its Apartheid crimes.
Settler Avantguard: The Homocidal Maniacs of Israel's
"Hilltop Youth"
Burning Palestinian children alive, "Price Tag"-attacks, harassment - Judaism applied!
Documentary from Al Jazeera's "Radicalised Youth"-series, November 15, 2018.
Israeli settlers increase attacks in West Bank
In the shadow of the 2023 Gaza War. CNN, November 3, 2023. [Alternative video location: here]
Fleeing/ethnically cleansed Palestinian woman: "The settlers come at night while we are sleeping. They beat us and try to kill us. They try to force us out of our homes. I can't sleep anymore, I'm too afraid."
Israeli settlers ramp up attacks against Palestinians
Charles Stratford for Al Jazeera English, December 2023. Sheep herdsmen targeted by Jewish settlers in sync with the Israeli army.
Israeli sniper shoots and kills two Christian women inside
Gaza's Holy Family Church!
"Beyond desperate" situation for Christians sheltering in Gaza church, says U.K. lawmaker Layla Moran with family trapped inside.
In the wake of the 2023/24 Gaza War. CNN, December 18, 2023.
Jewish kids on Arabs/Palestinians and the destruction of the
Al-Aqsa Mosque
Jewish kids in "Israel" from childhood indoctrinated in toxic racism reveal their Jewish Supremacy: Palestinians to be killed or become slaves, Al-Aqsa Mosque to be destroyed!
Hebrew with English subtitles.
Israeli police brutally attack anti-Zionist Jews in
Jerusalem neighbourhood amid Gaza war
Video showing Israeli police officer brutally attack anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jews in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, because they had raised the Palestinian flag. The New Arab, 2 November, 2023.
Axis of Resistance - Unity and Protection of Al-Aqsa
Includes important videos aimed at Israel:
"Sayyed Nasrallah Threatens Netanyahu: You Will See!" | "Axis of Resistance Releases Short Video: We Are At Swords’ Points"
"Hassan Nasrallah: Any Violation of Al-Aqsa Mosque Will Lead to Regional Explosion"
Arrogant racist Jewish-Israeli youth vs pro-Palestinian
Asian guy
In the wake of the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Also read the comments below the clip.
Video: Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul bicker over Israel
By the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, published in The Jerusalem Post, Jan 13, 2008.
Sen. Joseph R. Biden
declares himself "a Zionist" on Jewish "Shalom TV"
Includes film clip and transcript of the interview. Updated 2024 with more Biden = Zionist quotes.
Former U.S. congressman James Traficant on the power of
the Jewish lobby
Includes a videoclip from his TV-appearance on Greta van Sustern´s show, Fox News, September 10th 2009
Dennis Ross - Jew and former leader of "mission of four Jews" to handle Iran
By Freedom Research. Video clips at bottom of document.
CNN:s Wolf Blitzer - agent of Zionism, and CNN:s Larry King and "femme
sioniste" Christiane Amanpour
By Freedom Research. Includes video clip of Blitzer in debate with the anti-Zionist Jew Norman Finkelstein.
- General
Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
Sensational revelation by Jewish former top general of the US Armed Forces.
The countries mentioned are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
The Trials of Henry Kissinger
2002 documentary based on acclaimed British-Jewish journalist Christopher Hitchens' investigations onthe power hungry German-born Jew Henry Kissinger's long track record of influencing U.S. foreign policy, leaving behind a trail of death and devastation, with repercussion until today.
The big killer of Asians in modern history is not a "Protestant" "White"/"W.A.S.P.", but a Jew from the Tribe of "The Chosen"!
Alternative video links: here and here
Jewish Defence League Canada block pro-Palestinian British
MP George Galloway from visiting Canada
Meir Weinstein, national director of the Canadian branch of the Jewish Defence League threatens...
"The Labour Files"
By Al Jazeera Investigations. Based on the largest leak of documents in British political history. "The Labour Files" examines thousands of internal documents, emails and social media messages to reveal how senior officials in one of the two parties of government in the UK ran a coup by stealth against the elected leader of the party.
The Purge (see all, but especially from 36:55). How Ella Rose, a former employee at the Israeli embassy in the UK becomes a leader of the Jewish
Labour Movement (JLM), a classic case of Jewish entryism/infiltration.
The Crisis - On the fake "anti-Semitism" campaign against pro-Palestinian Labour politicians. See whole clip, but especially from 27:10, on Jewish
Labour Party infiltrator Jonathan Hoffman, former vice-chair of the Zionist Federation and adviser to Labour Against Antisemitism(!).
See also the article "New bombshell film exposes Israel lobby role in UK Labour Party" (The Electronic Intifada, 22 September 2022)
under dramatic conditions under the Jewish occupation of Palestine
Epstein: The Mossad Connection
Includes very interesting statements by Israeli-born Jew and former CBS executive producer, Zev Shalev.
Head of the Snake: Epstein, Wexner, Maxwells, Mossad & Mega
Group Exposed (2020)
The Jewish Mafia in action.
Alternative video link: here
French dissident Alain Soral on Netflix’s Epstein
French author and political dissident Alain Soral sat through the 5-part Netflix documentary on the sex offender Jeffrey Epstein so you don’t have to! Discover the truth about the Jews Epstein, Maxwell, their sponsors, the true nature of their operation, and all the things the documentary doesn't want you to understand! (Recorded 6 July 2020, French subtitles.)
Jewish fanatics in Israel harass
non-Jewish woman:
"Shiksa, shiksa, shiksa!"
"Shiksa" is a Jewish term for a non-Jewish woman synonymous with whore!
Pedophilic Jewish "Religious" Rituals
The bizarre metzitzah b’peh sucking ritual. Content warning!
The Jewish
Kapparot chicken slaughter ritual (videos)
A sacrifice for Satan - according to Jewish sources.
Jewish world domination, non-Jews as slaves, and the Prophecy of Isaiah
Rabbis on the coming of Jewish World supremacy. Religious Jews asked about the Talmud...
"When Israel Is
Mighty" - Jewish Supremacy explained by Jewish writer Yossi
Subtitled video and full transcript from Hebrew to English.
The interview reveals the Jewish religious strategy employed when in a weak position among non-Jews, and when strong - as Israel and Jewry today - the instruction to be totally merciless, “when Israel is mighty”. Also deals with Judaism's stance on the killing of non-Jews and their children, Jews and slavery, the rape of three-year olds(!), theft from non-Jews, the outrageous Jewish treatment of Christians in Israel...
Rabbi Friedman:
Revenge and Hate - that's the Jewish way - "arise and kill´em first"
Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, close comrade of the Jewish racist Meir Kahane, speaks on "authentic Judaism".
incite war between Christians and Muslims - for Israel´s
benefit (videos)
Rabbis now speak overtly...
Videos on the genocidal Jewish Purim festivity -
Videos on the Jewish
hatred against Jesus Christ and Christianity
Christian Pope Dances to Jewish Tunes!
Pope Francis dancing to music played by Hasidic extremist Jews, led by Rabbi Edgar Gluck.
Very symbolic. Could you imagine the opposite ever happening?
Judeo Matrix EXPOSED!
Jews see Christianity as a means of Judaizing non-Jews; call Jesus Christ "a Yid", "millions of Goyim bow down to one Jew", "they believe in our God", that Paul and Saint Peter (the first Pope) were secret Jewish agents, Christians "have converted themselves to semi-Jews"...
Revealing collection of clips with rabbis - compiled by Know More News.
Against Spitting
By Jewish dissident Gilad Atzmon. On "the growing tendency of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem to spit on their Christian neighbours".
Also includes the video "The Battle for Israel’s Soul" on the fanatical Jewish Orthodox Haredi group's growing influence and power in Israel.
Rabbis on Amalek and the Killing of Children
"No Mercy!"
(Note: Hashem = Jewish God)
Kabbalah, Chabad, & Noahide Laws EXPOSED!!!
Heavy information from Jewish primary sources, compiled by Know More News.
Rabbis Reveal Shocking Kabbalah Secrets
Uploaded by Know More News. Very informative KMN Live session with author and Judaism researcher Christopher Jon Bjerknes.
Alternative version: here (HD)
Kabbalah, Amalek, Purim, Holocaust, 9/11, & the Destruction
of America - MUST WATCH
On the Jews' eternal enemy "Amalek" and the Jewish mitzvah of Amalek's total destruction, the murderous Jewish feast of "Purim" and the annihilation of the Jews' perceived enemies, on "Esau" as Edom/Rome/Christianity/The West/USA and the Jewish prophecies of their coming destruction, Jews and their prophecies of Hitler and their war with Germany and the so-called "holocaust", the Jewish prophecies of the fall of the WTC-buildings-9/11, their prophecies of war between Christianity and Islam ("War on Terror") - all for the benefit of the Israelites/Jews in "The World to Come"!
Documentary full of authentic clips of leading Jewish rabbis speaking out, accompanied with scans/screencaps of original Jewish written sources.
Great and super important research compiled by Know More News. TO BE SPREAD!
Alternative video version: here (HD)
1: The
Burnt Offering Atonement Ritual, Mystical 6 Million, 1948, &
2/3rds Refined Through the Fire
Very important video on the Jewish religious background to the 6 million "holocaust" myth, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative version: here (HD)
Part 2:
Jewish "Persecution", Political Zionism, Armilus, Esau, Purim, & Amalek
Second part on the Jewish religious background to the 6 million "holocaust" myth, compiled by Know More News.
Alternative version: here (HD)
Kabbalah Rabbis Reveal Shocking Holocaust Secrets
- with commentary
Rabbi speak out! "Straight from the horse's mouth", as they say. Compiled by Know More News.
Raw version without commentary: here
Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat explains why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews
Every German should see this! Rabbi admits "Russian" Communism was completely Jewish and threatened the German people.
Alternative, longer, versions: here here here
Yaron Reuven on Adolf Hitler and WW2
Rabbi concedes that Jews ran Germany, "controlling the financial system", destroying the country, before the rise of Hitler.
Alternative, shorter, versions: here here
Kabbalah Rabbis Reveal Shocking Holocaust Secrets
Revealing Jewish clips supported with illustrative quotes/screencaps - compiled by Know More News.
To be saved/downloaded - and spread! (according to the important principle: "You are what you know and what you do with what you know")
Raw version with original rabbi clips: here
Version with added KMN commentary: here
Putin, Russia & Chabad
Important news video on Putin, Jewish oligarchs and the Chabad Jewish group - in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine 2022 war, compiled by Know More News.
Israel’s Doomsday Nationalists Want To Destroy Al-Aqsa
Must-see 2022 clip from Al-Jazeera English - AJ+.
Ex-Obama adviser says more Palestinian kids should die in
Islamophobic rant
Al Jazeera English, November 22, 2023. (Alternative article/video: here and here)
Stuart Seldowitz - Jewish infiltrator in the Obama Administration - reveals his real, genocidal, colours: "If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn’t enough"
Deborah Lipstadt - Israeli intelligence asset -
download and see!
From The Piper Report, Jan. 23, 2007. Lipstadt's biography reveals that she's an agent of a foreign government (Israel).
"Historian" Deborah Lipstadt's Zionist associates:
Lipstadt reveals that she got the funds for her campaign against David Irving from Jewish money man and Jeff Epstein associate Les Wexner - Download and spread!
Lipstadt studied Talmud and Maimonides ("Rambam") together with Edgar Bronfman (WJC, Seagram booze Empire)
Jeff Epstein's MEGA Group/Mossad financier Les Wexner backed Deborah Lipstadt's court case against David Irving. Another MEGA Group "philanthropist" is Edgar Bronfman
(President of World Jewish Congress), whose family was involved with the NXIZM sex cult. Deborah has studied Talmud with Bronfman!
Million Jews: 1915 - 1938 (HD)
Predictive Programming: 10 newspapers from 1915-1938 and the "6 million" figure - before WW2 and the alleged Holocaust happened.
Alternative video versions: here and here and here
The Jews
and Six Million
First some newpaper articles from before WW2 on the magical "6 million Jews" figure, then a revealing interview with French-Jewish Revisionist Prof. Roger G. Dommergue Polacco de Ménasce on the so-called Jewish "holocaust".
Made in Russia - The Holocaust
Revisionist video with C.W. Porter.
#ProvenAtNuremberg - True Holocaust
Smart YouTube-video accusing Yad Vashem/U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum/Raul Hilberg of "denying the Holocaust", as they nowadays skip mentioning the most absurd/outlandish of the Nuremberg "proven facts".
Herman Rosenblat's tale, the "Holocaust's greatest love story",
exposed and admitted to be a hoax. Yet Holyhoaxer is unrepentent
and maintains "It was not a my imagination it was true"
From the Holocaust™ Hoax Archive. Includes video of a newspiece on the hoax story from abc News.
Auschwitz canard in 82 seconds
Nazis making soap from Jewish fat, lampshades and purses from skin, sausages from human flesh!
Andrew Burian's Holohoax tale: Making gas from fermented
Alternative video versions: here and here
Fred Wolf's Holohoax tale: Machine gunned Jews sold as meat!
Another beauty from the USC Shoah Foundation archives. Go to prison if you don't believe this!
Josef Kleinmann, a "Holocaust
survivor", finds out he is dead!
A classic...
Holocaust Reunion - Thought each other had been Holocausted
More evidence that Jews have no idea what happened to their fellow Jews during WW2 and simply decided to believe they had been Holocausted without any proof.
Alternative video link: here
survivors" who tell the truth - Video testimony
Interesting collection of "Holocaust survivor" witnesses, from the official archives, "survivors" who have a story to tell that doesn't really fit the propaganda narrative.
Arriving in Auschwitz to flowers and music
A Jewess tells the truth! Clip from the documentary "Swimming in Auschwitz" (2007) by director and writer Jon Kean.
Compare it to the Hollywood version of events at the arrival...
Documented - Germans Punished Germans for Mistreatment of
Jews in WWII
The traditional view of the 'Holocaust', is that Adolf Hitler had an obsession with wiping out the Jews. But, if that were the case, why were many German military officers and soldiers punished for mistreating Jewish civilians and prisoners - sometimes severely?
Holohoax Tales
Large collection of video clips - download before they are deleted!
Soap & Lampshades Remembrance Society
Another collection of "Holocaust eye witness testimony" videos, with focus on the "Jewish soap" story. Download before they are deleted!
Holohoaxers Talking Sh*t
There is some serious scatological obsession in these people. This is also seen in the Talmudic story that Jesus Christ is doomed to boil in excrement/faeces.
Urine also plays its part, as can be seen in the article "Drinking urine in the holocaust", and the Holocaust horror tale "Jews killed with urine gas" from the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Alternative video link: here
Parody clip:
Spanish Laughing Guy on the "Holocaust" Numbers Game
"Knowing primary school math has become a crime!"
What do "Holocaust Deniers" believe?
Interesting compilation of newsreel/documentary clips on Raoul Hilberg and Rudolf Vrba testimonies, Barack Obama's Auschwitz Holotale, "survivor" Holotales of the Rosenblats and Irene Zisblatt, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech on "Holocaust research" in the West...
Hollywood created The Holocaust illusion
Intro from "Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust", a 2004 documentary film directed by Daniel Anker and narrated by Gene Hackman that examines the treatment of the Holocaust in Hollywood films over a period of sixty years and the impact of the films on public perception and thinking.
Alternative video link: here
by The YouTube Team — An open message to Sergey Brin
By Anthony Lawson
Sephardi Connection (English subtitles)
Video by Hervé Ryssen. Sephardi Jews in France behind gigantic multi-billion euro carbon-trading frauds and defrauding non-Jews via fake on-line speculation sites, all of these scams connected to the Jewish state of Israel.
- CNN news fakes
The masters of "Fake News"!
Video Documentation of Israeli Crimes in Gaza 2023–2025
Archive compiled by Middle East Monitor.
Indiscriminate Killing
Wanton Destruction of Civilian Infrastructure
Celebrating Genocide
Degradation and Humiliation
Violating Intimate Privacy
The new Palestinian resistance groups in the Occupied West
Bank - Who are the Jenin Brigades and the Lion's Den?
Al Jazeera World Documentary (45 min), March 22, 2023.
See also the video short (7 min) on the same theme; "New generation of Palestinians fighting Israeli raids", Al Jazeera Close Up, March 21, 2023.
- Palestinian Resistance Action videos from the 2023–2025 Jewish Slaughter/"War" on Gaza:
Watch Hamas fighters blow up Israeli tanks in Gaza
November 4, 2023 (Mehr News Agency) – Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas Islamic Resistance movement released
a video on Saturday showing its fighters heroically attacking and blowing up several Israeli tanks and other military vehicles.
More Israeli tanks blown up - close combat vs Jewish invaders
More Resistance action from Gaza. Video released November 22, 2023.
Hamas in head-on street battles vs Jewish invaders in Gaza
Battles in the Gaza City frontiers, clips taken December 2023. The same day the super-cocky and professional-made Hamas video
"Tel Aviv is burning… and Al-Quds will be liberated" appeared in Al-Manar (9 Dec, 2023). Note that it has been filmed under the very nose
of Israeli drones, satellites, electronic surveillance, and spies!
Hamas battling Israeli invaders; sniping, street-battles, ambushes
From December 2023.
More Hamas street-battles versus the "IDF" of the Jews
Also from December 2023.
Even more Hamas street-battles versus the Jewish invaders
From January 2024.
Three months after Israel declares having "eliminated" Hamas in Northern Gaza the Resistance is alive and kicking!
In May 2024 Israeli invasion forces had to renew attacks and occupation of Jabaliya in Northern Gaza after having stated that Hamas was
defeated there in January!
Intense street combat footage with apparently-not-so-very-dead Hamas fighters.
More videos from the Jabaliya fighting in May can be seen here.
Many more updated Resistance Videos can be seen here: Daily Al-Qassam (from X/Twitter)
- Axis of Resistance Releases Short Video: We Are At Swords’
Published by Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV, April 15, 2023.
All Resistance Groups in United Front Against "Israel"; Warriors from Occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Iran...
“Many of the Israelis who were killed were
killed by Israeli fire, by the Israeli military itself”
On Israel's 2023 Gaza Massacre and the alleged 7 October "Hamasocaust" vs Jewish civilians.
Anti-Zionist Jewish-Israeli former soldier and now peace-activist, Miko Peled. Note: he is the son of famous Zionist military commander Matti Peled, and grandson of one of the Zionist signatories of Israel's 1948 Declaration of Independence (Dr Avraham Katznelson)!
Interview aired in "The Bottom Line", Al Jazeera English, November 3, 2023.
"Israeli baby cremated alive in oven!" - Debunked!
On the 7 October 2023 "Hamasocaust" vs Jewish civilians.
The "Burning Oven"-theme is a favored Jewish propaganda item, here the lie spread through Israel's i24-Channel.
French language video.
What really happened on October 7? - video + transcript
The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal joins Chris Hedges (The Chris Hedges Report) to discuss his investigation into Israel’s indiscriminate use of heavy weapons against Israeli citizens on October 7, and the shock-and-awe campaign of misinformation it subsequently employed to create political space for its brutal assault on Gaza.
OCTOBER 7: The Lies
[excerpted version, 23:22]
A forensic analysis by award-winning British journalist Richard Sanders and Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit provides a detailed examination of the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel. The months’ long investigation found that many claims repeated by politicians and western media, including mass rape and killings of babies, were false.
Long/Full version (1:00:36): here
Israeli source of “executed children” lie admits story was
On Orthodox Jew Yossi Landau of the Israeli "rescue" group ZAKA, who also says that if you don't believe his lies you are a terrorist and "should be killed"!
By Asa Winstanley, The Electronic Intifada, 27 March 2024.
How an Israeli colonel invented the burned babies lie to
justify genocide
On the lies of Colonel Golan Vach, commander of the national rescue unit of the Israeli army’s Home Front Command.
By David Sheen, The Electronic Intifada, 11 June 2024.
German envoy admits he spread lie about 7 October mass rapes
On a fake suicide letter spread by Israeli propagandists. Also includes video debunking former Facebook Jewish boss and billionaire Sheryl Sandberg's Hamas rape/sexual atrocities propaganda film, "Screams Before Silence".
By Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 29 August 2024.
Israeli veteran, 95, rallies troops to 'erase' Palestinian children
By Rayhan Uddin, Middle East Eye, October 14, 2023.
Israeli soldiers cheer and chant "to wipe off the seed of
Video posted by Israeli journalist Yinon Magal, Dec 2023.
"Enjoy: IDF Soldier Says Shema Israel over Jenin
Mosque PA System"
From the, December 14, 2023.
A Jewish occupation soldier, during a raid against the Palestinian city of Jenin, invades a Muslim mosque and there recites a Jewish prayer in the sound system/loud speakers from the pulpet of the mosque, to taunt the Palestinians around.
The famous Jewish site calls it "video of the day" and the perpetrator, a "nice soldier".
Israeli soldiers burning the Quran inside Bani Saleh Mosque
in northern Gaza
Middle East Eye, published on X, August 23, 2024.
Israeli rabbi calls for genocide of all Palestinians in Gaza
Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, the head of the religious school "Shirat Moshe", whose students continue their service in the Israeli army, during a conference for the religious school, called for the killing of all Palestinians including infants, children, women, and the elderly in the Gaza Strip.
(March 2024. Hebrew speech subtitled in English.)
endorses using "the Atomic Bomb" in Gaza!
American rabbi Yossi Paltiel on "How to Actually Win a War".
In case video is down, the clip can also be seen here: Rabbi Yossi Paltiel suggests using the atomic bomb to end Gaza war (Middle East Eye, April 17, 2024)
UN’s Navi Pillay: Israel has ‘no intention of ending
Interview in Al Jazeera English, . The chair of the UN Commission of Inquiry discusses findings on "unlawful occupation of Palestinian Territory". Navi Pillay is a former anti-Apartheid activist from South Africa so she knows what she's talking about!
Supreme Leader Imam Khamenei's Message to U.S. College
Students - in the Wake of the Gaza War
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, hails the American college students' resistance.
Video published by Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV, June 3, 2024.
Houthi Resistance Videos - Yemen Strikes
Video showing how Houthi navy forces take control of Israeli ship "Galaxy Leader"
November 2023. In support of the Palestinians in Gaza.
Houthi Forces Ready for the ‘Promised Conquest’: Grand Military Maneuver
Great action starts c:a 12 min into clip. For more info, see Al-Manar, January 15, 2024.
Videograph | Unveiling Yemeni Naval Operations in Support of Gaza since Oct.7
For more info, see Al-Manar, February 2, 2024.
Yahya Saree, famous spokesman of Yemen’s Armed Forces on Israel's murderous Gaza War
December 2023.
Yemen's Houthi forces sink large ship using sea drones
Cargo ship "Tutor" under attack. Part of their maritime campaign against shipping to the child-killers of Israel.
Video published by Al-Manar, June 20, 2024.
Longer HD version: click here
Infrographics video on the Houthi sea drone: Toophan-1 USV
When Houthis Attack - Resistance videos - UPDATED ARCHIVE
Footage from the front lines that the media don't show you! Houthi-warriors smashing up Saudi military assets and troops.
Armed with guns, khat and a serious dose of bravery and dedication, these "Flip-Flop Warriors" wreak havoc on the Saudi military machine.
"India Stands With Israel"
Segment on India-Israel starts 15:40 into the program. "The Listening Post", Al Jazeera English, 11 November 2023.
Some Indians from the so-called "Hindu-Nationalist" camp, have gone complete bonkers, trying to surpass Jews in their bloodthirst, acting as perfect Jew-stooges: Shabbos Goyim.
ADL and the Jewish Leo Frank Myth
Short video by the by the Nation of Islam Research Group, 2019, promoting the new book: "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews - Volume 3".
Leo Frank tried to blame a black man, James Conley, for his murder of a non-Jewish 13-year old girl, Mary Phagan.
Jews concede that Judaism is not a real "Religion":
Judaism Is Not A Religion
Israeli-American-French Jewish influencer Rudy Rochman. He has since been sent to murder Arabs in their homeland as
an IDF paratrooper attacking Palestinian indigenous population in the Jewish 2023 onslaught on Gaza (see Ben Shapiro video).
Judaism Is Not a Religion with Rabbi Manis Friedman
From Jewish Original Media. Influential rabbi Manis Friedman.
Zionists wanted to establish a Jewish state in the U.S.
Video short from TRT World, February 7, 2024. Before invading and occupying Palestine, did you know that some Zionists considered establishing a Jewish state in the middle of the U.S.? Located in the State of New York, the project was called the “Jewish State of Ararat”. A vision of the Zionist Jew Mordecai Manuel Noah, "the most important Jewish lay leader in New York in the early 19th century".
Breaking Barriers: Direct Action for Gaza
Why direct action is becoming common in the fight for the Palestinian cause. Al Jazeera English, "The Stream", aired April 2024.
Inspirational interviews with pro-Palestine activists on how to combat Israel, on what can be done.
Boycott: The fight for freedom of expression
Al Jazeera English documentary in three parts from 2023. Recommend viewing Part 1.
36 states in the United States have passed laws that require individuals and companies to agree not to boycott Israel as part of their work contracts. These laws prohibit U.S. public entities from contracting with and investing in companies that boycott Israel.
Shooting the Messenger: Journalism under fire by the Israeli
Al Jazeera English documentary, .
From 2000 up to Israel's murderous 2023 war on Gaza and the media, the Israeli army had reportedly killed more than 55 journalists in the occupied Palestinian territories. Highlights Israel's murder of Al Jazeera's Shireen Abu Akleh, but also Israel's targeting of Palestinian media workers Fadel Shana, Muath Amarneh, Yaser Murtaja, and Nazih Dawarzeh.
Israel’s Foreign Army
Al Jazeera English, People & Power-series, 1 May 2024.
Of the 700,000 settlers who live in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank at least 60,000 are also American citizens.
"French Soldiers Fighting In Gaza": France MP Slams Israeli
"War Crimes" | "Macron Should Probe..."
French legislator Thomas Portes seeks probe against French-Jewish soldiers in the IDF fighting in the Gaza Strip. He said over 4,000 French and Franco-Israeli soldiers are fighting in Gaza. Video compiled by Hindustan Times, 24 December 2023.
Jews run
over Jews
Zionist Settler Runs Over Protesters in Tel Aviv. Al-Manar, April 7, 2024.
- Praying for Armageddon
Documentary aired on Al Jazeera English, 2024.
Episode 2: The War Machine - How evangelicals affect the Middle East
Expressing concerns about the influence of evangelical Christians in the US military, retired US Army Colonel
Larry Wilkerson, former adviser to General Colin Powell, says: “The most vivid danger in all of this,
I think, is the special relationship with Israel… They are looking for the US relationship with Israel,
ultimately to bring about Armageddon and the rapture and Christ’s thousand-year reign.”
Episode 1: Political Influence - Evangelicals, the US and the Middle East
Evangelical "Christians" call for the “final battle” which they believe will trigger the second coming of Christ
- central to their apocalyptic prophecy is Israel. Highlights John Hagee's CUFI with speeches from Mike Pence
and Mike Pompeo, and the funneling of giant sums of money and political support to the Jewish state.
in Istanbul – An investigation into the Mossad’s activities
in Turkey
Al Jazeera English documentary, 11 January 2023.
Espionage, secret recordings, spy networks – inside the dark world of Israeli intelligence-gathering in Turkey (read more).
Andinia - The Andinia Plan
Documentary on the secret Andinia Colonization Plan in Argentina/Chile, that caused such consternation in Zionist circles that when it was aired in the Islam Channel, the enraged Jews had the channel fined and forced it to apologise (see "Islam Channel fined £40,000 over 'antisemitic' conspiracy theory documentary", Jewish Chronicle, September 26, 2023).
Alternative video link: here
Every Israeli Prime Minister changed their name to sound
more Jewish or Middle Eastern
By British journalist Richard Medhurst, X, May 27 2024. Did you know that Netanyahu's REAL surname is Mileikowsky?
The Men Who Stole the World (and got away with it)
Documentary aired by Al Jazeera English in 2019, with the title: "The Men Who Stole the World: Inside the 2008 Financial Crisis".
Highlights the arrogant chutzpah Jew Richard Fuld, CEO of famous Jewish investment banking firm Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest in the world. The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was the largest single bankruptcy in the history of financial institutions - total amount: 693 billion US dollars!
Jewish Pirates
Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean - A critical look, compiled from different Jewish sources.
Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean - Jewish author Ed Kritzler in a discussion on his book.
Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean
More Jewish boasting about their criminals.
Radio Islam TV - Lots of videos
in English - don't forget to scroll all the way down
the "content" page, to see all uploads
Rabbi Friedman:
Revenge and Hate - that´s the Jewish way - "arise and kill´em first" |
Lebanon - videos
Military Resistance
of Hezbollah
George Galloway savages SKY NEWS propaganda
against Hezbollah
On the July War 2006
Ibrahim Moussawi speaks
Speeches by Hezbollah's Ibrahim Moussawi, editor of the Lebanese newspaper al-Intiqad
Speeches by George Galloway
Speeches by George Galloway, British member of parliament for the Respect Party
'Hello, My
Enemies!': Why Israel Is So Afraid of Hezbollah w/ Journalist
Ali Mortada
Break Through News, April 26, 2024.
Norman Finkelstein
Norman Finkelstein speaks on Hezbollah
Robert Fisk
Robert Fisk, the veteran reporter, speaks on Hezbollah and media distortions
Various speeches by Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah
Lebanon War
2006 Documentary
Documentary on the July 2006 War
The First Qana
Video clips on the first Israeli massacre of Qana
Khiam Prison
Documentaries on the Khiam Prison
Sabra-Chatila Massacre
Documentaries and video clips on the Sabra-Chatila Massacre
The Second Qana
Excerpts from a documentary on the second Israeli massacre of Qana
Shebaa Farms
Reporter under attack from the Israelis near the Shebaa Farms
Also includes other clips on Israeli border provocations/aggressions.
War and Destruction
Video clips and photos from the July 2006 War and the horrible destruction wrecked by Israel
Cluster Bombs
Documentaries and video clips on the over one million cluster bombs Israel dropped on Lebanon
Divine Victory
On the Divine Victory over Israel in the July 2006 War
Attack on Ambulance
An Israeli helicopter attacking an ambulance near Tyre and hitting it with a rocket
- 2006
July War Panoramic Timeline - includes many videos
Compiled by Al-Manar, July 2023.
- Sayyed
Nasrallah: ‘Israel’ Will Regret if It Wages All-Out War on
Lebanon, Hezbollah Won’t Abide by Any Limit (Video)
Al-Manar, January 5, 2024.
Hezbollah fighters Address Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
Hezbollah guerillas declare their readiness to confront the "Israeli" enemy. Note: Includes clips showcasing Hezbollah's military capabilities.
"We made our enemies experience the might we possess, as the sweat on our foreheads mingled with the scent of blood. Neither cold nor heat can undermine our resolve."
For more, read: Al-Manar, January 12, 2024.
Military Media Releases New Video: From Kiryat Shmona to Eilat
Hezbollah threatens The Lunatics of Zion, reminding them of the reach of the Resistance's missiles - from Israel's North to its South!
Al-Manar, February 17, 2024.
Hezbollah’s Fortified Underground Missile Facility: “Our Mounts…
Our Storehouses”
Hezbollah goes James Bond!
Al-Manar, August 18, 2024.
Hezbollah's second-in-command Naim Qassem interviewed by U.S.
NBC News channel: "If they escalate, we will escalate"
NBC News, April 18, 2024.
Military Media’s Video Addresses Israeli Army: You Will Run Out
of Tanks
Hezbollah's tank-hunter units.
Al-Manar, July 24, 2024.
video summarizing 300 days of Hezbollah's battle against Israel
Summarizes the operations as part of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood; from October 8th, 2023 until August 3rd, 2024 at 04:00 pm.
The average number of daily operations vs "Israel" is 9.
Al-Manar, August 3, 2024.
Hezbollah video on the notion that the Zionist enemy does not
acknowledge its losses in Al-Aqsa Battle Lebanon Front
Compilation of painful and precise strikes with obvious losses of Israeli personnel, dead and wounded - with Nasrallah commentary.
Al-Manar, January 30, 2024.
Kings of the
Sky: The Untold Story of Hezbollah’s Air Force
Al-Manar, July 29, 2024.
Hezbollah's Hudhud / Hoopoe military drone surveillance
videos - over "Israel"!
Video 1 (9:32): Haifa city; military and civilian sites including Israel's Navy port and Iron Dome and David's Sling installations.
Published June 18, 2024.
Video 2 (9:52): Israeli occupied Golan Heights; Iron Dome batteries, command centers, ammo depots, tanks and barracks.
Published July 9, 2024.
Video 3 (8:30): Over Israel's priced Ramat David Airbase, 50 kms from the border with Lebanon.
Published July 24, 2024.
of the elite forces Al-Rudwan
Video released by Hezbollah Military Media and published by Al-Manar, January 30, 2024.
- Despite
Cyprus President Denial, Small Island Certainly Involved in
Israeli Plots against Lebanon (Video)
Video from Israeli media on Cyprus hosting Zionist military drills where Israeli forces train on invading Lebanon! From Al-Manar, June 20, 2024.
Original The Times of Israel article: here Original Israeli i24 News clip: here
- Listen to Louis Farrakhan's Speech in Madison Square Garden, New York - a must hear!
The fantastic 1985 speech by Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam on the Jews and their campaigns against him.
This is the Radio Islam edition, that was broadcast regularly in our transmissions in Stockholm to the Swedish audiences - to the Jews' dismay...
- Radio Islam's Photo Album
Photos of friends of Radio Islam
Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders - a must see!
A collection of revealing photos of world leaders bowing to Jewish power. Also includes photos of U.S. Presidents, Senators & Congressmen, Governors & Mayors, with their Jewish masters.
Revisionist pictures with descriptions
Holocaust Deprogramming Course
Important collection of facts debunking the myth. Loaded with quotes and photographs.
Also available as PDF (not as updated): Version 1 (45MB) Version 2 (22MB)
gallery: "Holocaust" and 6,000,000 Jews article references
from 1869 - 1945
Adapted from Swedish site Metapedia.
Air-Photo Evidence:
World-War-Two Photos of Alleged Mass-Murder Sites Analyzed
- complete study as PDF!
Updated and revised by Germar Rudolf in 2020. Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 27.
WW II vs Zionist terror
Photos from World War II compared with photos of the Zionist war and occupation of Palestine
Jews push for WWII propaganda exhibit
Some photos of real atrocities
Churchill’s Most
Heinous, Barbaric War Crimes Against Germany - And His Jewish
Enforcer, Frederick Lindemann
From the site Justice for Germans. Includes many gruesome pictures of devastation and death.
Skulls, Ears, Noses, And Other Morbid “Trophies” Americans Took From Dead
Japanese In WWII
By Katie Serena, All That's Interesting, November 13, 2017. Includes added material on anti-Japanese racist propaganda.
Revealing photos
of the Jews, the "master race", the "chosen people"
Includes Kapparot chicken slaughter, Purim binge drink...
Israeli MP Ben-Ari publicly tears Christian
New Testament to pieces
"Jesus is a monkey" Jews write on Christian Monastery wall in
Article from NBC News, 4 Sept 2012
Pedophilic Jewish "Religious" Rituals
The bizarre metzitzah b’peh sucking ritual. Content warning!
Leading Israeli Rabbi says that non-Jews are made to serve Jews!
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel”
Includes pics of the many powerful friends of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
Israel's apartheid and
discrimination of African migrants and refugees - collection of articles,
photos, videos
Photos of Black Muslim
leader Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam
with world leaders, "radicals", celebrities, rappers, sportsmen,
Mandela, Saddam, Obama, Michael Jackson, Ice Cube, Spike Lee, Eminem, Michael Hoffman, Jesse Jackson, Fidel Castro, Stevie Wonder...
Pictures of Donald Trump with his
Jewish-Israeli masters
Also includes pics of other people in Trump's entourage like his Jewish son-in-law and political henchman Jared Kushner, his Jewish daughter Ivanka, Vice-President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley and his Jewish U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman.
Pictures of
Putin with his Jewish-Israeli masters
Putin, the Jews and Israel -
a collection of revealing articles - screencaps
Pictures of
Joe Biden with his
Jewish-Israeli masters
Saudi leaders and their Jewish masters, the
pictorial evidence
Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), House of Saud.
Pictures of
Canada´s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his
Jewish-Israeli masters
Pictures of
President Zelensky of Ukraine with his
Jewish-Israeli brethren and masters
"Is it
a pimp? Is it a gigolo?" - No! It's the gay King of Morocco,
Mohammed VI!
Pictures the MSM never show you!
British PM
Boris Johnson claimed as "Jewish" by Jewish
An Illustrated History of Zionism in Modern America - Part 2
America-Israel political relationship. The Jewish Lobby in action, photos of U.S. politicians bending over.
An Illustrated History of Zionism in Modern America - Part 1
The power of Jewish organizations such as B'nai B'rith, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, ADL, AIPAC, JINSA, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Zionist Organization of America.
The Girl
supporters of Hezbollah
- Photos the Main Stream Media will never show you!
Turkish "Muslim"
preacher Adnan Oktar to Jewish Rabbis from Israel: "We love you
all very much"
Adnan Oktar ("Harun Yahya"), former "anti-Semitic" writer-cum-"Islamic cult leader", turns pro-Jewish, pro-Israel and is hailed by the Jews. His harem of plastic surgery enhanced fem-bots - "Kittens" - and his vulgarly eccentric ways, poses no moral problem for the Jews, until his cult empire suddenly collapses...
Media Personalities - photos
Includes copies of media connected articles
Jewish Influence
in America
Updated 2017.
Names and pictures of the people running Government, Media, Finance, Think Tanks, Council on Foreign Relations...
Photos of
Celebrities bowing to their Jewish masters
- Shimon Peres:
Zionist war criminal hailed by politicians and celebrities
- Israeli soldiers' deep connection to Judaism
- IDF - The "glorious" Jewish army
- Jewish soldiers versus Palestinian women and children
- Jewish settlers - the armed
vanguard of Judaism
- Brave Palestinians versus the military might of Israel
Images of a traitor
Collection of images revealing which people Palestinian "leader" Mahmoud Abbas considers as his real friends.
- Photo Archive from the
Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
How to generate suicide bombers - "kamikazes"
Images of Zionism in action! (English/French slide show, pps-file)
WW II vs Zionist terror
Photos from World War II compared with photos of the Zionist war and occupation of Palestine
Photos of the Jewish massacre in Gaza
Looting, Looting, and More Looting
On the Zionist ethnical cleansing and theft of Palestine. Includes revealing pictures of the Jewish thieves in action!
Link to the site
Israel's Ethnic Cleansing (Expulsion) of Palestinians
We present you with 295 rare pictures showing Palestinians being ethnically cleansed (forcibly expelled) by Zionists Jews. Posted by
massacres in
Photos with attached explanatory texts. From Ziomania.
Images of the Jewish bestiality in Gaza
Photos with attached explanatory texts. From Ziomania.
Photos from occupied Palestine
From the portuguese-language site
- See also the photoarchive at the site
- Jewish
children send "love" messages to Lebanese children . . .
Collection of horrendous pictures from the Jewish state's savage aggression on Lebanon 2006, also includes documents on Jewish war crimes
More Pictures from the
2006 July Lebanon War
War and Destruction
Photos and video clips from the July 2006 War and the horrible destruction wrecked by Israel
- Religious Jews blessing rockets
Pictures from the 2006 July Lebanon War
Pictures from
the Second Qana Massacre
More pictures
from the Second Qana Massacre
Southern Beirut - Before and After
Images from the destruction of Southern Beirut
Haret Hreik - Before and After
Images from the destruction of Haret Hreik
Map of Locations Bombed
By Sanayeh Relief Center
Israel's Attack on the UN in 2006
+ more photos from the bombed UN base in Khiam
Images of Lebanon Oil Spill 2006
Satellite images of Lebanon Oil Spill
Satellite Images over Lebanon, showing the oil spill after the Israeli attacks
Photos from the Commission of Inquiry on Lebanon established by the Human Rights
Bombs Ambulance; Says Guerilla
(Reuters) Images
The Girl
supporters of Hezbollah
- Photos the Main Stream Media will never show you!
Photographic evidence of the Sabra and Chatila massacre in
- Images in
the frontline - How the Zionist's Press manipulates and
Photo forgeries from the 2003 invasion of Iraq
- Iraq under Zionist Occupation
A collection of pictures showing the realities of the proud Iraqi People endured under the Zionist boot of Occupation
- Iraq - Images of resistance
Collection of pictures showing the destruction of the Zionist war machine caused by Iraqi freedom fighters
The War against the Children of Iraq - a photographic
160 babies under 5 dying every day under Zionist sanctions!
This perverse Genocide of children shall not be forgotten!
- Iraq Under Siege
With the successive Zionist-advocated Air Raids on Iraq, and with the barbaric starvation process against the Iraqi nation the accurate description of the situation is Genocide.
See also the photoarchive at the site
Other misc. sections
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- Books
- Caricatures / Cartoons
- Links (external sites)