Jew Goldstone appointed by UN to investigate
Jewish War Crimes in GazaBy Freedom Research, May 2009
Addendum 2011:
In October 2009, Richard Goldstone told CNN;
“I’ve got a great love for Israel”, “I’ve worked for many Israeli causes and continue to do so”, “I have many many friends there”.
(Video: “Fareed Zakaria GPS”,” 4 October 2009)
Original recording from October 18th, 2009, where Richard Goldstone met with several Jewish Rabbis for Ta'anit Tzedek:
Rabbi Brian Walt introduced Goldstone for the audience with the following words:
"Judge Goldstone, in addition to being a renowned human rights advocate, lawyer, and judge, is also a committed Jew and Zionist, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Hebrew University, President Emeritus of World ORT, to name just two of his Jewish communal commitments."So according to a leading Rabbi, Goldstone is a "committed" "Zionist".
Richard Goldstone then said in his speech:
"And I grew up in a very typical upper middle-class white South African Jewish home. It was a Zionist home very much. My mother was very active in the Zionist movement from way back in the 1950s, before I was born. And that was the atmosphere in which I grew up.""I think the South African Jewish community is possibly unique, possibly not, but certainly in the South African Jewish community there's no split between being Jewish and being Zionist as the two go together and I think are pretty much the two sides of the same coin. And that was certainly my understanding of the position – if one was Jewish, one was a Zionist and one supported Israel. And certainly I did that for my youngest days at university. I became, I think, the first chairman of the Younger [unintelligible] Association and then in 1966 I was recruited and became involved with World ORT. And that was my major commitment in Jewish life, to World ORT."
See original MP3 recording and transcript:
The above quotes were re-run in an interview with Goldstone by Christiane Amanpour (married to political activist Jew James Rubin), broadcast in CNN, October 28th 2009, with some interesting editing omissions by CNN:"I grew up in a very typical upper middle-class white South African Jewish home. It was a Zionist the South African Jewish community there's no split between being Jewish and being Zionist as the two go together and I think are pretty much the two sides of the same coin."
CNN cut out Goldstone's emphasis on him coming from "very much" a Zionist home and cutting out his speech on his mother's and his own Zionist activism.
After the massacre of 1400 Palestinians during the "war" in Gaza winter 2008-2009, the toothless peace organization of United Nations, whose very own schools and warehouses had been attacked and demolished by the Israeli assault, set up a team to investigate the Israeli war crimes.
As a travesty of justice, the person leading this UN team - to investigate whether the Jewish state had violated international law, was himself chosen by the UN from the very ranks of the Jewish People - the South African Jew Richard Goldstone.
Even worse than that, as the BBC article below reveals, mr. Goldstone "is also on the board of governors at Hebrew University in Jerusalem".
Even Goldstone thought the idea of him heading the investigation remarkable:
"Mr Goldstone said he was 'shocked, as a Jew', to be invited to head the mission. 'I've taken a deep interest in what happens in Israel. I'm associated with organisations that have worked in Israel."But then the Jew reassured BBC:s readers:
"And I believe I can approach the daunting task that I have accepted in an even-handed and impartial manner."Here follows the BBC article in its entirety:
UN appoints Gaza war-crimes team
BBC, Friday, 3 April 2009
Mr Goldstone headed the UN tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda
The UN has appointed South African judge and former war crimes prosecutor Richard Goldstone to lead a fact-finding mission to the Gaza Strip.
Mr Goldstone will investigate alleged violations of international law during the recent conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants.
Mr Goldstone headed the UN tribunals for
the former Yugoslavia and RwandaMartin Uhomoibhi, president of the UN Human Rights Council, said the mission would be independent and impartial.
Israel calls the council biased and has previously refused to co-operate.
Mr Goldstone will lead a four-member team, which also includes experts from Pakistan, Britain, and Ireland, in investigating "all violations of international humanitarian law" before, during and after the Israeli campaign in Gaza that ended on 18 January.
"It's in the interest of the victims. It brings acknowledgment of what happened to them. It can assist the healing process," Mr Goldstone said.
"I would hope it's in the interests of all the political actors, too."
The fact-finding mission, which will aim to provide clarity on the legality of the deaths and destruction, is due to start work in the region within weeks, the UN said.
Israel 'singled out'
The council voted to set up the investigation into at a special meeting in January, after widespread allegations of war crimes committed by Israeli forces in Gaza.
However, the Israeli army says its operations in the Gaza Strip "were carried out in compliance with the rules of warfare under international law".
It says it took "numerous measures to avoid causing harm to the civilian population".
The Palestinian militant group Hamas is widely accused of basing its forces within heavily populated areas, allegations it denies.
The Israeli government has in the past refused to co-operate with UN human rights council investigations, including one led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
It is not clear whether Israel will co-operate with the new investigation.
"This committee is instructed not to seek out the truth but to single out Israel for alleged crimes," said Yigal Palmor, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry.
He said the council was a discredited body.
'Shock' appointment
Mr Goldstone is a former UN chief prosecutor for war crimes in Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He is also a former judge at the South African constitutional court.
He is also on the board of governors at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Mr Goldstone said he was "shocked, as a Jew", to be invited to head the mission.
"I've taken a deep interest in what happens in Israel. I'm associated with organisations that have worked in Israel.
"And I believe I can approach the daunting task that I have accepted in an even-handed and impartial manner."
So what does it mean to be a Governor of that Israeli institution? Is it a politically neutral position?
According to the Hebrew University´s own document "Officers of the University & Board of Governors":
"The Board of Governors is the supreme authority that elects the presidents and vice-presidents of the University, determines financial policy, approves the annual budget, and authorizes the establishment or abolition of faculties and schools on the recommendation of the Senate and the Executive Committee. The Board is composed of representatives from all parts of the world."So being part of that board is being part of the university´s "supreme authority".
Apart from the fact that Goldstone is a Governor of the Hebrew University he has also got a honorary doctorate at that leading Israeli institution.
Among former members of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University we can see Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, and the first President of the State of Israel.
That the Hebrew University is at the center of Zionist education is also proven by the fact that three Prime Ministers of Israel have been its alumni; war criminals Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak. And three Presidents of Israel have been its students; Ephraim Katzir, Yitzhak Navon, Moshe Katsav. And the daughter of war criminal and Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, Yael Dayan, Israeli politician and Member of the Knesset got her education at that institution.
At the 2008 International Board of Governors Meeting in Jerusalem, May 30-June 4, 2008, there was a program found at: . We take out som interesting points of that program for the invited Governors:
Friday, May 30, 2008:
8:00 pm –10:00 pm
Shabbat dinner for overseas participants with students and with Israel prize-winning
faculty membersSaturday, May 31, 2008:
9:00 pm – 10:45 pm
Festive Opening Reception in honor of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the
State of Israel, the 90th anniversary of the laying of the Hebrew University
cornernstones, and the 71st meeting of the Board of Governors.Sunday, June 1, 2008:
1:00 pm – 2:45 pm
Lunch in the presence of the President of the State of Israel, Mr. Shimon PeresAnd on the program for Wednesday, June 4, 2008:
8:00-10:00 pm
Closing Party at the Scopus Student Village
Celebrate Israel's 60th with our students
2008: From left: Hebrew University President Prof. Menachem Magidor, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Hebrew University Board of Governors Chairman Charles H. Goodman and Simone VeilSo here we can see Goldstone and his friends honouring the 60th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, eating dinner with Shimon Peres and even having a party with the university´s students to celebrate the anniversary of that racist state.
We strongly recommend seeing the homepage of the Board of Governors and the article on Israel´s criminal Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni´s speech for the Board of Governors 2008 as part of the Israel 60 years celebrations.
There is also video posted there including Livni´s speech (last part of clip), which gives a good of feeling of the linkage beteween the Zionist state and that university:
There you can also find Shimon Peres´ speech from his lunch with the Board of Governors:
Above - the logo of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University as it celebrates Israel 60 years.
The next International Board of Governors Meeting will be held in Jerusalem from 5 - 10 June 2009.
"Calling for the Hebrew University to be the intellectual center for Jerusalem, Israel and the Jewish people, President Peres also announced a plan for the university and the President's House to jointly organize a series of conferences with leading figures from around the world.
President of the Hebrew University Prof. Menachem Magidor said 'I'm very happy that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert got involved to help us open the academic year. I hope that during this year there will be a serious discussion concerning the future of higher education in Israel. It is important to bring higher education to the fore again.' "
Quotes from homepage of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University:
The appointment of mr. Goldstone as UN investigator into the Israeli military´s war crimes is especially upsetting as the very Hebrew University that Goldstone is aiding, "the intellectual center for Israel" as Peres put it, just a couple of weeks later boasted about it getting a contract for the Israeli military.
The site for the British Friends of The Hebrew University informs us that "The Hebrew University of Jerusalem will establish a special program for training of physicians for the Israel Defense Forces", and writes in an article from 23-04-2009:
Hebrew University wins Defense Ministry bidding to establish military medical program
23-04-2009The Hebrew University of Jerusalem will establish a special program for training of physicians for the Israel Defense Forces. The university was chosen by the Defense Ministry in a public bidding among Israeli universities to operate the program, which will begin in October.
The Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University, which will operate the program, is the oldest in Israel and has educated the top physicians and leaders of the medical establishment in Israel.
Prof. Ehud Razin, dean of the Faculty of Medicine, said, “We are happy and proud that the Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University was chosen to carry out this important national project here in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. This is recognition that the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University is the leader in Israel.”
The studies, that will be carried out within a new School of Military Medicine, will include special courses such as military physiology, military ethics, crisis management, emergency medicine, and leadership development. The university will also encourage the students to enrich their medical studies with other areas of study, such as law, business administration and public health.
Prof. Razin said that “there is no doubt that the School of Military Medicine will be an important contribution to the city. Within six years we anticipate that it will bring 300 of the best students in Israel to the Hebrew University. Development of the subject of military medicine will also further new areas of research at the university.”
Prof. Razin noted that “military medicine is a growing field in the world and there is a need to enrich its academic aspects. We have obligated ourselves to make available to the new school the best of our lecturers and research infrastructure in order to assure the success of this important national endeavor. We are certain that the incorporation of the military program into our Faculty of Medicine, together with ah infusion of students with academic, social and leadership potential, will provide a pool of quality physicians who will serve as the basis for excellence in the military service and afterwards.”
This last facts is actually a scoop, that the UN investigator into the crimes of the Israeli military in Gaza is Governor and part of the "supreme authority" of a Israeli university that gets a contract from the Israeli military to help that military with a new school for its personnel.
Further information on mr. Goldstone, his work and who he works with.
Richard Goldstone has among other things been a member of the international panel established by the government of Argentina in August 1997 to monitor the inquiry into Nazi activities in the republic since 1938. A typical Zionist/ADL-like project.
Goldstone was part of the Independent International Committee, chaired by the Jew Paul Volcker, to investigate the Iraq Oil for Food program, while Iraqi kids were dying in the thousands during the illegal sanctions. Goldstone here interacted with the fellow-Jew Volcker who - just to illustrate the little pond of Jewish interactions - afterwards started to work for Jewish firm "J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn & Co." An investment banking firm run by British leading Jew Lord Jacob Rotchschild - the protegé of Russian Jewish oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and also run by the would be World Bank President, the Jew James Wolfensohn.
From 1997 to 2004 Goldstone served as the President of World ORT, an international Jewish training organization. Please visit ORT:s homepage:
To show that Goldstone´s ORT is by Jews seen in a Zionist perspective, we refer to the page "Doing Zionism - department for Zionist activities, World Zionist Organization" (which "strives to enhance the impact of Zionist ideology and activity in Jewish communities around the world by encouraging the growth and development of Zionist Federations...") and its "Events and Activities Ideas: International Women's Day - March 8, 2002", where among listed "Resources" for how a Jewess can celebrate Womans Day, ORT is mentioned:
World Zionist Organization, Jewish Agency, National Council of Jewish Women, Hadassah, Jewish Women's International, Women's American ORTThe Jewish History Research Center's page on the history of the State of Israel also lists ORT-material under its header "Zionist Education", with articles from ORT like "100 Years of Zionism" and "Israel's 51 Independence Day".
World ORT - ORT America branch is also a member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, where amongst other members one can see the main organizations of Zionism:
American Friends of Likud
America-Israel Friendship League
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
American Zionist Movement
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Association of Reform Zionists of America
B'nai B'rith International
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
State of Israel Bonds/Development Corporation for Israel
Friends of Israel Defense Forces
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
MERCAZ USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement
Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO)
World Zionist Executive, US
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)
Goldstone has also written the foreword to a book on the Nuremberg Trials of the Nazis after WW II, "Mass Violence and War Crimes: The Legacy of Nuremberg". The Nuremberg Trials - are if anything - a travesty of justice, where Jewish interrogators provided evidence and fraudulent proofs of crime was put forward like mass killings with steam chambers, brain bashing machines, mass electrocutions, a Nazi nuclear bomb detonation, Human Soap, etc. (for more info on Nuremberg "proofs" see ).
In the spring of 2009 Richard Goldstone also became "First Spinoza Fellow", as declared by the "Radio Netherlands Inernational Justice" (see homepage). As a "The Hague Peace Philosopher 2009" Goldstone will work for the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanity and Social Sciences. By chance Baruch Spinoza was a famous Jewish philosopher, so it is with some symbolism that a Jew is chosen to be the first to get this award.
So we have shown how deeply embedded the UN investigator Goldstone is with the Zionist cause.
What our reader also will note is that this perspective of his appointment has got no thorough mention in the Western (Zionist controlled) medias.
Another thing we wonder about is why Jews are chosen for this sensitive task of being a top level UN investigator?
We have already noted that American Jewish professor Richard Falk was chosen in 2008 as United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories.
Although Falk has written some good reports on the plight of the Palestinians, why for heavens sake do you have to choose a Jew for this job when it involves a Jewish state? Why not choose some African person, a person from Latin America, or the Asian countries? How come Jews - that according to official statistics just make up about 2.19 per 1,000 of the world’s total population (Jewish Agency´s statistics) - are the ones chosen? The chances of encountering a Jew is according to these statistics only about one in 457 people.
Is this the meaning of the Jewish term of they being "the chosen ones"?
Is this fair? Is this democratic?