Zionism is the practical application of Judaism.
Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction
Israel's Repeated Aggressions and Wars
1948, Israel's Birth Myths, the "New Historians", and the Palestinian Nakba
Expansionism, Expropriation and Settlements
Ethnic Cleansing ("transfer"), the "Demography Problem", Home Demolitions, Tree Uprooting
Water: Israel's Real Interest in the Occupied Land?
Historical Documents and Chronologies
ZIONISM PT. 1: History, Background, Apartheid/Discrimination
Zionist Strategies |
The Jews are implementing their
religious duties according to the Jewish Bible, the Torah, and the
International Zionist Movement is their prime instrument. During the
years their strategies at times have been revealed, often by
themselves. Studying these strategies one realizes the degree of
cynicism and the powerhunger of these fundamentalists. Studying
Zionist strategies also aids in understanding and predicting their
present schemes and plots against World Peace.
"And I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian - brother will fight against brother,
neighbour against neighbour, city against city, kingdom against kingdom."
-- The Jewish Bible, Isaiah, 19:2
- The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries
Taken from the World Zionist Organization (WZO); Oded Yinon's "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties". Foreword by Israel Shahak.
There is now also a version of this important document in PDF-format, easy to spread!
Greater Israel
- The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The Oded Yinon Plan
Alternative version, if the above video has been deleted by the Enemy: see here
Time to rethink the borders of the Middle East map
As if the WZO/Oded Yinon text above from the 1980's was pure Zionist fantasies, in 2024/25 leading Zionists are prepping the ground for its full implementation; the division of the Middle East along ethno-religious lines - to suit Israel's needs.
Article author, Zionist Jew Dr. Eric R. Mandel, is director of MEPIN, the Middle East Political Information Network, and senior security editor of The Jerusalem Report. MEPIN regularly briefs member of U.S. Congress and their foreign-policy advisers about the Middle East. Apart from that Mandel writes for a long list of international publications (see more).
- Israel Talks of a New Exodus
Written by Ellen Cantarow and Peretz Kidron
Israel's Grand Design: Leaders Crave Area from Egypt to Iraq
By John Mitchell Henshaw
- "A Clean Break" - A Zionist plan for the Middle East
Document published by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
Seize the Chaos - Israel, the Neocons,
and their Bloody, Blundering “Art” of War
Israeli strategist Oren: “... we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran... This was the case ... even if the other ‘bad guys’ were affiliated to al-Qaida."
Videos on the Israeli support of ISIS/"Jihadi" groups
Quotes from former Mossad boss Efraim Halevy, former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon, director of Israeli intelligence agency Ami Ayalon, Israeli politician Naftali Bennett, Israeli Major General Yair Golan, Jewish writer and Zionist activist Bernard-Henri Lévy, Jewish professor Efraim Imbar.
Israeli defence minister Ya'alon: I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria
Israeli think tank: Don’t
destroy ISIS; it’s a “useful tool” against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria
Jewish professor Efraim Imbar, director of the Israeli Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies.
Will ISIS Prepare the Biblically Promised Land for Israel at End of Days?
Rabbi Gimpel quotes from the Jewish scriptures...
Horrors of ISIS Created by Zionist
By David Duke. ISIS - the product of years of intrigue, subversion, torture, terrorism and wars, all caused by the Jews-only state of Israel and the Jewish Lobby...
Cartoons/caricatures connected
to Islam and the Jewish campaign to sow a "sunni" "shia" rift and the real masters behind
Videocap of an ISIS propaganda-video from 2016, "Nations of kufr". ISIS aligning its enemies; Obama at the front, followed by Putin, Cameron, Hollande - even China's Xi Jinping included. And with Israel's Netanyahu at the very back, last in line!
ISIS/ISIL is the Zionists wet dream come true! After decennia of propaganda - finally Arabs/Muslims acting as the worst stereotypical terrorists in the most vulgar Jewish Hollywood-films of the 1980s and -90s, totally copying the clichéridden Hollywood-script in their murderous acts, in their declamations, even in their dress/beards!
These "Hollywood Jihadis", who never attack Israel, in practice have enabled the Jews and their hired stooges - using ISIS/ISIL presence as a "casus belli" - "reason for war" - to justify raining a hellfire of explosives over the whole Middle East, reducing the main population centres and infrastructures of Iraq and Syria to complete rubble and wasteland.
This timeline video on the ISIS-induced U.S.-led bombing campaign, serves well to illustrate what has happened: Airwars Map of US-led Coalition Strikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria 2014-2018 - a must see!
[another version of the same video can be seen here]
Not surprisingly the majority of these ISIS idiots are now (2020) dead in the tens of thousands, their corpses literally fertilizing the vast desert plains of Iraq and Syria, as the Zionist Master Plan of course never was for them to etablish a permanent and viable Kalifate.
ISIS/ISIL and similar "Hollywood Jihadi" actors/groups are just chess tokens in the Jews' hands, used and sacrificed to implement the Kivunim Plan of the World Zionist Organization, of disintegration of the Middle East along ethnoreligious lines for easy Israeli domination and occupation. Nothing else!
- Leaked document exposes pro-Israel lobby's manipulation of US
- Zionist Realpolitik
- Jewish strategies in Palestine; creating traitors, sponsring civil war
From the Jewish Power section on Palestine
- The Zionist plan for Iraq
Document published by the Center for Security Policy (CSP)
- A Zionist plan for relocating
Palestinians to Iraq
- The Plan: Were Neo-Conservatives’ 1998 Memos a Blueprint for Iraq
Article from ABCNews.com
Israel wants strike on Syria while iron's hot
By Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times columnist
- The Zionist plan to attack Syria
Links to interesting articles on this issue
- General
Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
Sensational revelation by Jewish former top general of the US Armed Forces.
The countries mentioned were Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
- How Israel Will Control the West Bank and Gaza
By Prof. Israel Shahak
- The Zionist Myths about the Six-Days War in 1967
Quotes by leading Zionists
Israel to supply Milosevic with arms
"There are powerful elements in the Israeli government who want to meet Belgrade's recent request for arms"
Jewish Holy scriptures speak of occupation of Lebanon and
slaughter of its inhabitants
Facts that every Lebanese citizen - Muslim, Christian, Druze - should know!
Diaries of
Theodor Herzl reveal a Zionist plan to backstab Turkey - to be spread!
Revealing quotes from Herzl's diary.
- Water Shortages
Killed a Zionist Plan to Create a Jewish Homeland in Libya
Raseef22.com, 23 September 2019.
What Is Israel’s Project in Argentina?
By French researcher Thierry Meyssan, GlobalResearch, December 16, 2017.
Convicted Jewish-British billionaire Joe Lewis has acquired immense territories in the South of Argentina and neighbouring Chile.
- Plan
Andinia - The Andinia Plan
Documentary on the secret Andinia Colonization Plan in Argentina/Chile, that caused such consternation in Zionist circles that when it was aired in the Islam Channel, the enraged Jews had the channel fined and forced it to apologise (see "Islam Channel fined £40,000 over 'antisemitic' conspiracy theory documentary", Jewish Chronicle, September 26, 2023).
Alternative video link: here
- The Jewish-Zionist
"Bodenheimer Plan" and "Judepolonia"
Freedom Research, December 2024. Creating a Jewsh state in the territory of Poland: Poles-cum-Palestinians!
- The Jews in the so-called "US" peace mission
Prof. Shahak writes on the Zionist Jews in the US peace mission during the Clinton Régime.
The Insane Brutality of the State of Israel - Atrocities in the "Promised Land"
By Kathleen Christison, former CIA political analyst
"Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies" - Excerpts from Israel Shahak's book on Israel's nuclear strategies for the Middle East:
Israeli Policies Toward Iran and Syria
Israel Versus Iran chapter
Israel's Strategic Aims and Nuclear Weapons
Syrian Cities and Relations with Saddam Hussein
Israeli Foreign Policy after the Oslo Accord
Israeli Foreign Policies, August 1994
Israel and the Organized American Jews
- The Pro-Israeli Lobby in the US and the Inman Affair
Israeli Policies Toward Iran and Syria
Did the Jews Foresee the World War?
Chapter from "The International Jew" (1920), by legendary U.S. industrialist Henry Ford.
Includes a long excerpt of a revealing text by Zionist activist and Herzl confidante, Litman Rosenthal, on the Jewish "steps-of-a-ladder" strategy for their grand political plans, quoting a speech by the Zionist leader Max Nordau.
This "ladder" perspective has to be remembered when assessing Zionist action, in for instance Iraq, Syria or Libya. The degradation and final destruction of the infrastructure and the national frameworks of these adversaries of Zion, followed decennia of meticulous step-by-step actions in one, dreadful, degrading, direction.
Zionist leader Theodor Herzl: "There is a difference between the final aim and the ways we have to go to achieve this aim."
Zionist leader Max Nordau: "All means are sacred if they lead to this great and glorious goal." -
How the Jews Use Power -- By an Eyewitness
Chapter from "The International Jew" (1921), by legendary U.S. industrialist Henry Ford.
Quotes at lengths Rev. Dr. John P. Peters on his personal experiences in Palestine from 1890 up to 1920. These observations from ages back are eerie and shockingly full of insight, now knowing what Zionist "Israel" developed into. John P. Peters talks how "aggressive Zionism manifested itself in an attitude of bumptiousness and aggressiveness. The country was for the Jew. It belonged to him and he would shortly take possession".
- The Zionists behind WWI
By RealJewNews. Jews Blackmailed Woodrow Wilson Into WWI.
- The Versailles "Kosher
Jews were so conspicuous in the American Mission at the 1919 Versailles meetings that some Frenchmen referred to the proceedings as the "kosher conference".
- The Jewish Declaration of
War on Nazi Germany
The Economic Boycott of 1933. Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001.
- Zionism and World War II
The Jewish hand behind the Global events that caused so much suffering, but advanced the plans of Zion.
Also includes a collection of Anti-German Jewish quotes.
- WW2 or the Zionist Operation
for the transfer of Europe's Jewry to Palestine
The Zionist
Influence Over Winston Churchill
British historian David Irving on how Churchill's political career before the outbreak of WW II was groomed by Jewish Money Men and on Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann's 1941 proposal to Churchill, the Jews getting America into WW II if Britain aided Zionism.
"the discerning Jewish eye can see a more exalted plan"
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Rabbi David Samson writes in the article "Israel’s War Against Arab Terror", August 2002:"In our daily prayers, we proclaim that "God is the Master of wars." [...]
The World Wars in our time were the instruments God used to re-establish the nation of Israel in its Promised Land. [...]
Thus, when [influential Zionist] Rabbi Kook looks at the First World War through the glasses of Jewish world history, he knows that the war's outcome will be beneficial to Israel. He knows that the war has come to facilitate the political redemption of the Jewish people and to lead us back to sovereignty over our Land. [...]
Each new war brings another stage of Redemption. From World War One and the Balfour Declaration, we advance to World War Two and the establishment of the Jewish State. The miraculous Six-Day War brings us to the reunification of Jerusalem and the recapture of Judea and Samaria, Aza and the Golan. Once again, we made a giant leap forward through war." -
WW2 was a
bellum Judaicum [Jewish war]
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Revealing quotes from German-Jew and Zionist propagandist Hans Jonas, in his September 1939 text "Our Part In This War: A Word to Jewish Men":"This is our hour, this is our war. [...] this is our war. We have a first right to it and a first duty. It is ours to join the fight since it is being fought for us. It is up to us to join in conducting it in our name, as Jews since it is its outcome that shall reinstate our name. [...] this is for us a bellum Judaicum [Jewish war] in the profoundest sense of the word—the first since the end of our existence as a state. [...] this war is a bellum Judaicum and calls us to our posts."
"Practical Idealism"
by Coudenhove Kalergi - The Racist and Supremacist Roots of the
Ideology behind the European Union
Europeans to become "Eurasian-Negroid" "mongrels", in contrast to "Europe's spiritual leader race the Jews..."
English translation of selections of "Practical Idealism" (Praktischer Idealismus). Count R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the modern European Union.
Jews incite
war between Christians and Muslims - for Israel´s benefit
Rabbis now speak overtly...
"A world coalition of Gentiles could cope with us temporarily, but we are assured against this by roots of dissension among them so deep that they cannot be torn out. We have created antagonism between the personal and national interests of the Gentiles by arousing religious and race hatreds which we have nourished in their hearts for twenty centuries."
- 5th Protocol, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, underlines added by Radio Islam. Note that the Protocols are well over 100 years old!
"The real people responsible for the migratory chaos are neither
Muslims nor Catholics"
On the Jewish-Israeli hand behind Europe´s current migration chaos and who benefits from it.
Interview between Alimuddin Usmani and Monika Berchvok for Rivarol. Note: this is a Google Translate-link to the original text in French.
The Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University, noted (as of August 2021): "The U.S. post-9/11 wars have forcibly displaced
at least 38 million people [...]. This number exceeds the total displaced by every war since 1900, except World War II."
on Zionist strategies to secure Israeli and Jewish hegemony in the
Cartoons/caricatures on
Zionism and the Jewish occupation of Palestine
For more on Israel and the
"War on Terror" as a Zionist strategy, see our special
Israel´s Weapons of Mass Destruction |
![]() "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under." - Martin van Creveld, Israeli professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In an interview in the Dutch weekly magazine: Elsevier, 2002, no. 17, p. 52-53. |
While the Zionist infiltrated
and Jew-owned medias in the West are portraying a "Muslim" global
threat, the Jewish state of Israel continues to fill its depots with
the most horrendous of weapons, without any insight and restriction,
targeting these weapons against some of the biggest civilian
population centers in the world.
Nuclear weapons
Israel's Nuclear Weapons - Facts on the Jewish Threat against World Peace
A compilation of data on Israel's weapons of mass destruction
- The Israeli Nuclear Threat
Inspecting Nuclear Israel: Part One
By Bob Feldman
Transcript of "Israel's Secret Weapon"
- Videos on Israel's
Nuclear Weapons - the threat to world peace
Nuclear Threats & Blackmail - The Samson Option Still
Threatens the World
By Carol Moore. Document also includes "Israel Nuclear Timeline".
Israel will nuke Europe. They've promised to.
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Israel 'may have 200 nuclear weapons'
BBC News, 23 August, 2000
Israel's Strategic Aims and Nuclear Weapons
Excerpt from Israel Shahak's book "Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies"
Israel-Hollywood nuclear
Revealing article on Arnon Milchan from MSNBC News
Israeli secrets
could be exposed by nuclear trigger dealer's arrest
Article on Arnon Milchan from Israeli Newspaper Ha'aretz
Alliance with Apartheid South Africa
Excerpt from Israel: An Apartheid State? a primer by US Campaign Advisory Board member, Nancy Murrary
On Israel-SA nuclear cooperation.
- When Israel
invited a South African Nazi on a state visit
By Asa Winstanley. Middle East Monitor, January 22, 2018:
"[...] Rabin and his “defence” minister Shimon Peres – both still sometimes bizarrely hailed by politicians in the West as “men of peace” – enthusiastically embraced collaboration with the racist white minority South African regime.[...] A mostly forgotten aspect of history is how Israel’s “left-wing” Zionist regime in the 1970s collaborated with the vicious South African apartheid regime to dis cuss nuclear weapons testing in the South African desert."
- Revealed: how Israel
offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons
The Guardian, 24 May 2010. The blood contract between P. W. Botha, the butcher of the peoples of Angola and Mozambique, and Shimon Peres, the butcher of the peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.
- For inspectors in Israel...

- Peres Admits
Israel Has Nukes (for "peaceful"
reasons of course, i.e., peace on Israeli terms)
By Michal Yudelman (Jerusalem Post 07/14/1998). It is widely believed that Israel used nuclear blackmail to force Kissinger and Nixon to airlift supplies during the 1973 Yom Kippur War
- Israel Gets
U.S. Nuke Technology
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 02/22/2000)
- Israel
rejects new technology proliferation code of conduct
- 'Israel
now 6th largest nuke power'
By Amir Oren (Ha'aretz 10/08/1999)
- Israel's Ambiguous
Nuclear Policy Continues
By Ze'ev Schiff (Ha'aretz 09/11/1998). Also Israel Dancing on the Issue of Uranium by David Makovsky (Ha'aretz 08/09/1998)
- Israel's
Nuclear Weapons Program
A Link discussing Israel's nuclear program with pictures (some taken by Mordechai Vanunu) and satellite images of Dimona plant.
- Amnesty for
By Christopher Hitchens (The Nation 05/11/1998)
- Vanunu: An
Israeli Hero
By David Paul, Boston Committee on the Middle East.
- Israel Cruel
to Nuclear Weapons Whistleblower
By Maury Maverick (San Antonio Express-News 10/24/1998)
- Israel: Vanunu Cracking up
AP, 29-Sep-1997
- U.S. expert:
It's safe to release Vanunu
By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 01/26/2000)
- Israel Arrests Ex-General as
Spy for Spilling Old Secrets
By Deborah Sontag (New York Times 05/02/2001)
can tell you clearly that we will not introduce nuclear
weapons --
Shimon Peres. "... the Israelis ... saw that if we were going to offer them
arms to go -- Former CIA Tel Aviv station chief. ("Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship", 1991) |
- Israel
and The Bomb: A book
- Israeli
Court Halts "Secret" Plant Expansion
(Reuters 09/1998)
- A
President's Promise: Israel Can Keep its
By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz 03/14/2000) "In an appendix to the Wye agreement, President Clinton promised in writing that Israel's nuclear capabilities would be preserved if it continues its policy of 'ambiguity'
- Israel's
Covert Nuclear Program
By Eric Margolis (07/02/2000)
Meet Abe Feinberg – The Most Powerful And Feared Zionist ‘Godfather’ You’ve
Probably Never Heard Of
Christians For Truth, April 11, 2024.
Abe Feinberg, a shadowy Jewish influence peddler, Zionist arms smuggler, political fixer, and espionage agent. Dedicated his life to manipulating American politicians for the sake of Israel, promoting Israel’s nuclear weapons program, having intimate access to three post-war U.S. presidents – Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson – while yet avoiding publicity.
endorses using "the Atomic Bomb" in Gaza!
American rabbi Yossi Paltiel on "How to Actually Win a War". In case video is down, the clip can also be seen here: Rabbi Yossi Paltiel suggests using the atomic bomb to end Gaza war (Middle East Eye, April 17, 2024)
See also: Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ (The Times of Israel, November 5, 2023)
Chemical Weapons
Jets Equipped For Chemical Warfare
By Uzi Mahnaimi (London Sunday Times 10/04/1998)
- El Al
Admits Downed Cargo Plane Carried Nerve Gas
(Jewish Bulletin 10/09/1998)
- Crash
of Cargo Plane in Holland Revealed
Existence of Israeli Chemical and Biological Weapons Plant
By Victor Ostrovsky (Washington Report 12/1998)
- Crashed
Plane Had No Chemical Weapons
By Yossi Melman (Ha'aretz 10/06/1998).
As it appeared in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (10/07/1998):
"Israeli F-16 fighter jets are carrying biological and chemical weapons manufactured at a secret plant near Tel Aviv, according to the Sunday Times of London. Israel denies that the plant at Nes Ziona manufactures such weapons. The report comes after Israel acknowledged last week that an El Al plane which crashed in Amsterdam in 1992 was carrying a chemical that can be used to make nerve gas."
- Holland Bars Israeli
Cargo | 1992 Plane Contained
Posion, Explosives and Munitions
(Israel Wire 02/09 & 02/12/1999)
- Israel:
Germs, gas and A-bombs
Neil Sammonds looks at a nuclear, biological and chemical warfare programme that even the Israeli Knesset cannot get access to, let alone the United Nations
Biological Wafare
Shocking Details of Zionist Biological Warfare Against
Palestinians Exposed
MintPress News, October 28, 2022.
"Ethnic bomb", neutron mines, subs
- Israel is Developing "Ethnic Bomb" for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal
- Israel Developing
an Ethno-Bomb
By Uzi Mahnaimi and Marie Colvin (London Sunday Times 11/15/1998)
- Neutron
Landmines Near Golan
By Matthew Campbell, and Uzi Mahnaimi (The Sunday Times 03/26/2000)
- Israeli Navy Gets
German-Built Subs
By Mark Lavie (Associated Press 07/27/1999)
On Israel's theft of U.S. uranium:
"... at least 206 pounds of highly enriched uranium has disappeared from the Apollo [Pennsylvania] plant...". "In July 1977 Congressman Morris Udall, chairman of the House Interior Committee, convened hearings and forthrightly billed the Apollo affair as a scandal in the same league with Watergate, Koreagate, and My lai.""... the agency [CIA] had managed to obtain a sample of highly enriched Uranium from Israel. The chemical "signature" specifically identified it as uranium that had been enriched at the U.S. enrichment plant at Portsmouth, Ohio, which was where NUMEC's [the Pennsylvania Plant] enriched uranium came from."
-- pp 73, 79, A & L Cockburn, "Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship" (1991)
Israel's Repeated Aggressions and Wars |
- The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries
Taken from the World Zionist Organization. Foreword by Israel Shahak.
There is now also a version of this important document in PDF-format, easy to spread!
- Zionist
Conspiracy to Divide the Arab States Into
Small Units, translated by Israel Shahak from the Hebrew
Greater Israel
- The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The Oded Yinon Plan
Alternative version, if the above video has been deleted by the Enemy: see here
- Excerpts from Norman
Finkelstein's Two major books "The Rise
and Fall of Palestine: A Personal Account of the Intifada
Years", University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis and London,
1996. And "Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine
Conflict", Verso, London and New York, 1995.
- The crimes
against peace committed by Israeli leaders in the 1956 war, the 1967 war and
the wars against Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 - Part
1 -
2 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Thirty-six.
The Jews' full-scale invasion of Palestinian territories,
Israel's so-called "War of Independence". Culminating in the
Palestinian "Nakba", the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of 750 000
native Palestinians as a direct result to the murderous Jewish
colonial onslaught.
See our large section below on: 1948,
Israel's Birth Myths and the
Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe).
- The Suez War of
By David Hirst (Excerpts from "The Gun and the Olive Branch", 1977)
- The crimes
against peace committed by Israeli leaders in the 1956 war, the 1967 war and
the wars against Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 - Part
1 -
2 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Thirty-six.
1967 War (Six-Day War)
- The Zionist Myths about the Six-Day War in 1967
Quotes by leading Zionists
- Prelude to the June [1967]
War: Aggression Against Syria 1949-1967 By David Paul
(Boston Committee on the Middle East)
- How [1967]
War Came By David
Paul (Boston Committee on the Middle East)
- The crimes
against peace committed by Israeli leaders in the 1956 war, the 1967 war and
the wars against Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 - Part
1 -
2 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Thirty-six.
- Lines of June 4,
1967, 1949
Armistice, and 1923 border By Frederic C. Hof (Middle East
Insight 09/1999). Includes a DETAILED boundary-map of the Golan.
- Golan Heights - Maps
- Israel and
Syria: Correcting the Record By Stephen S. Rosenfeld
(Washington Post 12/24/1999)
- Golan
Map Illustrating the 1967, 1949, and 1923 lines
- The Myth
of the Golan Heights
By David Hirst
(Excerpts from the book, "The Gun and the Olive Branch"
- The Golan
Heights: A History of Israeli
Aggression By Sheldon Richman (Washington Report
- Did Syria Shell
Israel from
the Golan? By Laura Drake (Washington Post
02/20/1993/Washington Report 04/1993)
- Dayan
Reveals Regrets Over Golan, Hebron in
Newly Disclosed Interview (Associated Press/Washington Post
- Dayan Admits
Israel Attacked
Syria in Land Grab By Prof. Tanya
Reinhart (Yediot Aharonot 5/6/1997)
- U.S. Policy
Hampers Chances for Israeli-Syrian Peace By Stephen Zunes
(Foreign Policy in-Focus 12/15/1999)
- 1967: Why
Did the Palestinians Leave? By Nur Masalha (Shaml 05/1997)
- Information on Eli
Cohen, Egyptian-Syrian Spy for Israel By Lee Hockstader
(Washington Post 01/04/2000).
Jews from Arab countries (as well as from other countries) have been used by Israel to spy on their countries, which certainly is not a good way to help eliminate anti-Semitism, which is supposed to be of interest to Israel. It also was an important factor in nourishing Arab anti-Jewish feelings. An example is the present case of Israeli spy Eli Cohen, an Egyptian with Syrian parents who caused a lot of damage to Syria and facilitated the 1967 Israeli victory. Another example is the Lavon affair (see U.S. cost of supporting Israel)
During the Six Days War in 1967 the invading Israeli army
massacred Indian UN troops (14 Indians killed, 21 wounded, 19
Mrs Indira Gandhi called these Israeli attacks
"deliberate and without provocation", and asked the House to
"unreservedly condemn this cowardly attack" (see "India
in the Middle East", by Prithvi Ram Mudiam, p. 166).
On the killing of Egyptian POW:s in the 1967 war, see our
section on Jewish terrorism.
"We think we are the neighborhood
bully, to use a slang term, that no one would have the nerve to
challenge us, and that should anyone challenge us, they will get
such a beating that will teach them not to start anything next
time." -- Israeli Major General Matan Vilnai, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. As quoted by Stratfor Global Intelligence, June 30, 1998. |
- Barak urged
attack on Syria in 1982 By Amir Oren (Ha'aretz
- Begin's
Admission in 1982 That Israel Started Three of Its Wars By Donald Neff (Washington Report
- Kissinger gave Israel tacit approval to flout 1973 truce:
from AFP / Matthew Lee
- Yitzhak
Rabin's Participation in War Crimes By
Elias Davidsson 10/1992.
Aside from his break-their-bones policy, Rabin expelled over 50,000 people of the towns of Lydda and Ramle. To persuade the residents to leave "shots were fired" Rabin states in his memoirs. He forgot to mention the massacre of 200 people there to force the departure of the rest.
- The Rabin
File: A Book Review By Israel Shahak (Z
- A Solution
in Case of An Intifada:
An Interview with Former IDF Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan By
Denise Bart (Judea Magazine 07-08/1998).
It is amazing how the image of Israeli leaders painted by the western press differs from reality. Only in a safe forum, like this one from the right-wing Judea magazine, that those leaders open up.
- Ending a One-Sided View of Violence
By Marda Dunsky (1996 Washington Post. The Guardian Weekly
Volume 156 Issue 5 for week ending 02/02/1997, Page
- Ideological
Views of the Palestinians - an essay By Gordon
Welty (11/1982)
"kill the Palestinian while they are young" -- Famous IDF saying.
- IDF using
Israeli press for psych warfare By Aluf Benn (Ha'aretz
1982 invasion of Lebanon and the ensuing Sabra and Chatila refugee camp massacres (Beirut)
The Jewish 1982 invasion caused the death of some
20 000 people and included Israel's encirclement and bombardment of Beirut, the
capital of the independent Arab nation of Lebanon!
1982 - Israeli Invasion
1982 - Sabra-Chatila Massacre
See more in our
Lebanon section on Israel's repeated aggressions against Lebanon:
The Lebanese Civil War
1978 - The Litani War
1993 - Assault On Lebanon
1996 - Grapes of Wrath Attack
1996 - First Qana Massacre
Reporter Phil Reeves wrote for London’s The Independent 16 April 2002:
“A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a
fortnight has finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the
centre of the Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where
thousands of people are still living amid the ruins. . . . The sweet and ghastly
smell of rotting human corpses is everywhere, evidence that it is a human tomb.
The people who spent days hiding in basements crowded into single rooms as the
rockets pounded in say there are hundreds of corpses entombed beneath the dust,
under a field of debris, criss-crossed with tank and bulldozer treadmarks. . . .
A quiet, sad-looking young man . . . led us across the wasteland, littered now
with the detritus of what were once households, foam rubber, torn clothes,
shoes, tin cans, children’s toys. He suddenly stopped. This was a mass grave, he
said, pointing. . . . We could not see the bodies, but we could smell them. . .
. Until two weeks ago there were several hundred tightly packed homes in this
neighbourhood . . . . They no longer exist. Around the central ruins there are
many hundreds of half-wrecked homes. Much of the camp — once home to 15,000
Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war — is falling down. Every wall is speckled
and torn with bullet holes and shrapnel, testimony of the awesome, random
firepower of Cobra and Apache helicopters that hovered over the camp. Building
after building has been torn apart, their contents . . . spewed out into the
road. Every other building bears the giant, charred impact mark of a helicopter
missile. Last night there were still many families and weeping children living
amid the ruins, cut off from humanitarian aid. Ominously, we found no wounded .
. . . Israel was still trying to, conceal these scenes yesterday. It had refused
entry to Red Cross ambulances for nearly a week, in violation of the Geneva
Convention. Yesterday it continued to try to keep us out. . . . Hidden,
whispering people directed us through narrow alleys they thought were clear.
When there were soldiers about, a finger would raise in warning, or a hand waved
us back. We were welcomed by people desperate to tell what had happened. They
spoke of executions and bulldozers wrecking homes with people inside. . . .
Rajib Ahmed, from the Palestinian Energy Authority, came to try to repair the
power lines. He was trembling with fury and shock. ‘This is mass murder. . . . '
All had the same message: tell the world.”
Israel's War Crimes in Jenin
Collection of articles.
Lebanon War 2006
See our special section on Lebanon.
Gaza Atrocity Dec 2008–Jan 2009
In spite of the Jewish global media's strenuous efforts to justify the perverse State Terrorism perpetrated by Israel against the people of Palestine in Gaza, repeating time and again that it is all a question of understandable "Israeli reaction" against "Palestinian terrorism", that Hamas is a "terrorist organization", that "Israeli patience is over" and that the current violence is all the "Palestinian's fault", in spite of the information black-out the Sad Truth is coming out daily:The Terrorist State of Israel is committing yet another act of genocide and gross violation of human rights against the Palestinians whom they expelled from their thousand-year homeland over sixty years ago, illegally occupying Palestinian territory in violation of UN Resolutions and in spite of the clamor of the saner part of world opinion. Israel can do this thanks to the absolute support and full backing they get from Zionist controlled United States, the passivity of European governments, and the outright treachery of the decadent regimes in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Western-controlled Arab countries.
The Jewish Holocaust in Gaza
One article from the German site National Journal and another from Ramzy Baroud - Israel's
Own Private Death
Laboratory - a collection of articles on Israel's war crimes in
Israel Treated Gaza Like Its Own Private Death Laboratory. By Conn Hallinan
Video: Israel's Crimes in Gaza - with retired US army colonel Ann Wright
UN says Israel blocks most Gaza aid (news article)
Israeli University Welcomes "War Crimes" Colonel. By Jonathan Cook
Video: Israel Just Committed A Massive Atrocity - with Norman Finkelstein
Canada becomes Israel. By Yves Engler
Can Obama escape the Domination of AIPAC and the American Jewish/Zionist Israeli lobby? By Debbie Menon
- What is this Jewish
really about?
The background to the attacks and atrocities. By David Icke.
The Jewish
massacre in Gaza - a collection of articles:
Link to a video depicting the real face of the Jewish atrocities in Gaza.
Gaza Holocaust continues with phosphorus and cluster bombs
Israel now using Depleted Uranium against defenseless residents of Gaza
Venezuelan president calls Israeli army 'cowards' - Expels Israel ambassador
How Jewish Is Hollywood? (from the LA Times)
Israel's white phosphorous rains down on a
UN compound in Gaza in 2009
- Bombing
of a University! -
What Became
of Western Morality?
By Paul Craig Roberts
- Israel
Committing War
Crimes - Hamas's violations are no
justification for Israel's actions
By George E. Bisharat in Wall Street Journal
- Israel
Seeking Arab Obeisance -
Israel's war is not with Hamas but with the international community, including
Interview with Norman Finkelstein
- How
to Kill a Palestinian
By Dr. Elias Akleh: "All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts" cries the religious opinion of Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, the director of the long-established Tsomet Religious Institute. [...] The Torah states: "Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys."
- Judaism
in its finest hour!
By Mark Glenn. On the Hanukkah Massacre in Gaza.
- "Jews,
who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"
By Kevin MacDonald
- The
Jewish terrorist
By the Argentine Second Republic Movement
Cabbalistic Jewish Mathematics, A Call to all Jews around the World. Also includes...
- Ten
Key Questions to
The Jews
Is it safe for the world to be dominated by very small minorities? How do Zionists explain the unconditional support that the United States of America gives International Zionism and the State of Israel? ...
- Jewish leaders kill for
Jewish votes
By Gilad Atzmon, who has renounced his Jewishness and Israeli nationality. Atzmon explains Israel's massacre of Palestinians in Gaza in terms of Israeli culture, which is imbued with racism and a murderous hatred of Arabs in general and Palestinians in particular.
- We are all Palestinians now!
An American perspective on the Gaza onslaught
- The Old
Testament and the Genocide in Gaza
By Gilad Atzmon. "The Jewish state is the ultimate threat to humanity and our notion of humanism."
Extermination Campaign
By James Petras
Promotes Jewish Genocide of
By Professor Francis A. Boyle
seek ship of secret arms
As revealed by Reuters
Statement on
North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism
Israeli psychopaths bomb Gaza in 2014
outrage at
killings in
Petition for Gaza written in The Guardian
- I
Israel, I am a Jewish State - a poem
- The Rotten state
Egypt is
too powerless to act
By Robert Fisk
- "European"
or Jewish initiatives?
On the so-called "European" initiatives regarding Israel
- Photos
of the Jewish massacre
in Gaza
massacres in
Photos with attached explanatory texts. From Ziomania.
Images of the Jewish bestiality in Gaza
Photos with attached explanatory texts. From Ziomania.
- Album
of the
ideology behind the
massacres in Gaza
Cartoons/caricatures, images. In French, English, Arabic
- Israel:
Boycott and
Fatwas on the Boycott of Israel
- Products'
Boycott starts in
A complete auto-repeat of the above scenario, time-after-time,
2023–2025 Gaza
Slaughter / "War"
In the early morning of 7 October 2023, Palestinian resistance
fighters of Hamas launched the Blitz Operation dubbed "Al-Aqsa
Flood" against the Jewish installations of
occupation around the encircled Gaza Strip; military checkpoints and
army bases, settlements and kibbutzes. An operation that will go
down in military history as one of the biggest feats of
assymetrical warfare; where one anatagonist with miniscule
means but with motivation and planning - managed to inflict massive
damage on a militarily far, far, superior foe - in this case the
"IDF" of the Jews.
Of course the famous Jewish Vengeance as
predicted came down on the people of Gaza - this time with an
exceptional genocidal fervour,
as ordained in the Jewish scriptures
and by the rabbis against the Jews' perceived eternal enemies -
the "Amalek".
- Netanyahu
Accused of 'Genocidal Intentions' in Gaza After 'Holy Mission' Speech
By Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams, October 30, 2023.
Jewish leader Netanyahu's "Amalek" speech
Netanyahu: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible”
Jewish Bible, 1 Samuel 15:3: “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass” -
Israeli veteran, 95, rallies troops to 'erase' Palestinian children
By Rayhan Uddin, Middle East Eye, October 14, 2023.
Jewish veteran soldier and Israel army reservist Ezra Yachin, who was involved in the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre - clearly inspired by the Amalek teachings - tells Israeli troops:“Be triumphant and finish them off and don't leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can no longer live.”
Ezra Yachin continues:“Every Jew with a weapon should go out to kill them. If you have an Arab neighbour, don't wait - go to his home and shoot him. [...] Let them drop bombs on them and erase them. All of the prophecies sent by the prophets are about to occur.”
Rabbis on Amalek and the Killing of Children
"No Mercy!"
(Note: Hashem = Jewish God)
soldiers cheer and chant "to wipe off the seed of Amalek"!
Video posted by Israeli journalist Yinon Magal, Dec 2023.
Israeli rabbis tell Netanyahu that Israel has a right to bomb
Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza
By Jonathan Ofir, Mondoweiss, October 31, 2023. A group of influential Israeli rabbis wrote a letter to Benjamin Netanyahu affirming Israel's right under Jewish law to bomb Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza.
Israeli rabbi calls for genocide of all Palestinians in Gaza
Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, the head of the religious school "Shirat Moshe", whose students continue their service in the Israeli army, during a conference for the religious school, called for the killing of all Palestinians including infants, children, women, and the elderly in the Gaza Strip.
(March 2024. Hebrew speech subtitled in English.)
See also: Yaffa Rabbi: ‘According to Jewish law, all Gaza residents must be killed’ (Middle East Monitor, March 9, 2024 )
endorses using "the Atomic Bomb" in Gaza!
American rabbi Yossi Paltiel on "How to Actually Win a War".
In case video is down, the clip can also be seen here: Rabbi Yossi Paltiel suggests using the atomic bomb to end Gaza war (Middle East Eye, April 17, 2024)
See also: Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ (The Times of Israel, November 5, 2023)
Likud MP calls for Gaza to be 'erased from the face of the earth'
Middle East Eye, November 1, 2023. Galit Distel Atbaryan, who was recently public diplomacy minister, says on Facebook a "vengeful and vicious" Israeli army is needed to wipe out the Palestinian enclave.
Sara Netanyahu's adviser calls for torture of Gaza residents involved in
killing Israelis
Middle East Eye, October 14, 2023.
Tzipi Navon, close adviser to and office manager for Netanyahu's wife, Sara, said it was not enough to "flatten Gaza". Instead, the culprits should be captured and tortured "one-by-one" by pulling out their nails and skinning them alive. Male genitals should be cut off, fried and fed to the captured. "Save their tongues for last, so we can enjoy his screams, his ears so he can hear his own screams, and his eyes so he can see us smiling".
The Israeli Desinfo Campaign - articles by Jonathan Cook:
Israel is caught lying time and again. And yet we never learn (Middle East Eye, October 23, 2023)
Western media’s parroting of official lies is paving way to genocide in Gaza (Middle East Eye, October 16, 2023)
Israeli Officials' Plans to Ethnically Cleanse, Recolonize Gaza Stoke
'Second Nakba' Fears
By Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams, October 27, 2023.
See also: Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza, by Jonathan Ofir, Mondoweiss, October 23, 2023.
See also: Zionist think tank publishes blueprint for Palestinian genocide, by Kit Klarenberg, The Grayzone, October 24, 2023.
Know their name
The thousands of Palestinians killed in 2023 Israeli attacks on Gaza (between October 7-25). List + graphs compiled and published by Al Jazeera English, 1 November, 2023.
Gaza death toll 40% higher than official number, Lancet study finds
The Guardian, 10 January 2025.
Analysis estimates death toll by end of June 2024 was 64,260, with 59% being women, children and people over 65.
Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians
By American journalist/author Chris Hedges, ScheerPost, 5 November, 2023. Also takes up Israel's murderous so-called Hannibal Directive on Jewish-Israeli captives/hostages, held by Israel's enemies.
Facts About The Gaza Raid on Oct. 7th, 2023
Zionist FAQ compiled by palestineremembered.com.
On the concept of an evil/barbaric Hamas 7 Oct attack on poor Israeli civilians; Israel has compulsory military service for all Jews who have chosen to become "Israelis", men and women alike. It should be remembered that even Bibi Netanyahu himself boastfully has stated: "Israel is made up of a nation of soldiers with few civilians"
The Origins of the Israeli Communities Attacked on Oct. 7th, 2023
By Zachary Foster, Palestine Nexus, September 20, 2024.
Be’eri, Nirim, Re'im, Kfar Aza and Nahal Oz were not established so close to Gaza by accident. These settlements were built in the 1940s and 1950s to expand the borders of the Zionist community, take control over more land and act as a first line of defense and a first line of attack.
Video Documentation of Israeli Crimes in Gaza 2023–2025
Archive compiled by Middle East Monitor.Indiscriminate Killing
Wanton Destruction of Civilian Infrastructure
Celebrating Genocide
Degradation and Humiliation
Violating Intimate Privacy
America's Black Muslims of the Nation of Islam on the 2023 Gaza
Slaughter/"Gaza War"
"This is a textbook case of genocide." As the slaughter of Palestinians continues, demands grow to hold Israel and the West accountable.
By Brian E. Muhammad, The Final Call, November 14, 2023.
South Africa's ICJ Genocide case against Israel over Gaza War (PDF)
Launched December 28, 2023. Includes detailed documentation of the crimes of the Jewish state of "Israel" vs the Palestinians.
Anatomy of a Genocide
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese. Released by the UN on March 24, 2024.
"One of the key findings is that Israel’s executive and military leadership and soldiers have intentionally distorted jus in bello principles, subverting their protective functions, in an attempt to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people."
The report can also be read here as PDF (Advance unedited version, A/HRC/55/73).
"Hamasocaust" Propaganda Psy-Op:
Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler
leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village
By Jewish dissidents Max Blumenthal and Alexander Rubinstein, The Grayzone, October 11, 2023.
See also: Unverified reports of ‘40 babies beheaded’ in Israel-Hamas war inflame social media, NBC News, October 12, 2023.“So far on X the unconfirmed report about 40 murdered babies have at least
44 million impressions, 300k likes, over 100k reposts (retweets).”
-- Marc Owen Jacobs, Associate Professor of Middle East Studies at Hamad bin
Khalifa University, Qatar,
X, October 11, 2023.
of the Israelis who were killed were killed by Israeli fire, by
the Israeli military itself”
Anti-Zionist Jewish-Israeli former soldier and now peace-activist, Miko Peled. Note: he is the son of famous Zionist military commander Matti Peled, and grandson of one of the Zionist signatories of Israel's 1948 Declaration of Independence (Dr Avraham Katznelson)!
Interview aired in "The Bottom Line", Al Jazeera English, November 3, 2023.“I want to start off by saying that there was no Hamas terror attack on October the 7th.
This is part of a campaign to always paint the Palestinians as a wild, uncivilized mob, that will behead children and and rape White women. None of that is true and many of the hundreds of Israelis that were killed - were apparently now, according to Israeli testimony, according to testimony of Israelis who were on site - many of the Israelis who were killed were killed by Israeli fire by Israeli, by the Israeli military itself.”
October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’
Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles
By Jewish dissident Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone, October 27, 2023.
Israeli HQ ordered troops to shoot Israeli captives on 7 October
By Asa Winstanley, The Electronic Intifada, 20 January 2024.
Former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant admits that Israel
deployed the Hannibal Directive on October 7
The Palestine Chronicle, February 10, 2025.
Typical Jewish chutzpah = shameless Jewish audacity; admitting the truth they always knew, long after their war propaganda has done its dirty work.
What the BBC fails to tell you about October 7
By Jonathan Cook, 2 November 2023.
Israeli source of “executed children” lie admits story was
On Orthodox Jew Yossi Landau of the Israeli "rescue" group ZAKA, who also says that if you don't believe his lies you are a terrorist and "should be killed"!
By Asa Winstanley, The Electronic Intifada, 27 March 2024.
How an Israeli colonel invented the burned babies lie to justify
On the lies of Colonel Golan Vach, commander of the national rescue unit of the Israeli army’s Home Front Command.
By David Sheen, The Electronic Intifada, 11 June 2024.
"Israeli baby cremated alive in oven!" - Debunked!
The "Burning Oven"-theme is a favored Jewish propaganda item, here the lie spread through Israel's i24-Channel.
French language video.
VIDEO: What really happened on October 7?
+ transcript
The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal joins Chris Hedges (The Chris Hedges Report) to discuss his investigation into Israel’s indiscriminate use of heavy weapons against Israeli citizens on October 7, and the shock-and-awe campaign of misinformation it subsequently employed to create political space for its brutal assault on Gaza.
OCTOBER 7: The Lies
[excerpted version, 23:22]
A forensic analysis by award-winning British journalist Richard Sanders and Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit provides a detailed examination of the October 7, 2023 attack on Israel. The months’ long investigation found that many claims repeated by politicians and western media, including mass rape and killings of babies, were false.
Long/Full version (1:00:36): here
German envoy admits he spread lie about 7 October mass rapes
On a fake suicide letter spread by Israeli propagandists. Also includes video debunking former Facebook Jewish boss and billionaire Sheryl Sandberg's Hamas rape/sexual atrocities propaganda film, "Screams Before Silence".
By Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 29 August 2024.
The Los Angeles Times retracts rape allegations against
Palestinian group Hamas
From Turkish aNews, October 12, 2023. (See also: Misinformation and mayhem: The Hamas invasion as seen on social media, Politico, 10/11/2023)
Scandal-stained Israeli ‘rescue’ group fuels October 7
By Jewish dissident Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone, December 6, 2023.
Founded by a serial rapist known as the “Haredi Jeffrey Epstein,” Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to “mass rape” to a fetus cut from its mother.
‘Untrue’ – AP Investigation Debunks Allegations of Sexual Abuse
on October 7
Palestine Chronicle, May 23, 2024.
Israeli paper Haaretz confirmed there's zero evidence of any
rape or mutilation on any of the October 7 bodies
Original article in Haaretz, April 18, 2024: click here.
50+ Israel lies in 5 weeks
From Propaganda and co, November 14, 2023.
These "Hamasocaust" tales spun by the Jewish-Israeli media apparatus
and cunningly spread around the Globe to justify the up-coming
slaughter of Palestinians - aka "War On Hamas" - are a spiced-up
version of the WW2 "Nazi Holocaust" tales; see for instance our Winston Smith
Archive and Holohoax
Tales Archive.
Israeli captive, 85 year old Yosheved Lifshitz, interviewed
about her experience in Hamas captivity
Released Israeli captive Yocheved Lifschitz
shakes hand with a Hamas warrior.
“Ms Lifschitz said she was among 25 hostages taken into the tunnels and after several hours, five people from her kibbutz, including herself, were taken into a separate room. There, they each had a guard and access to a paramedic and doctor.
She described clean conditions inside, with mattresses on the floor for them to sleep on. Another captive who was badly injured in a motorbike accident on the way into Gaza was treated for his injuries by a doctor.
"They made sure we wouldn't get sick, and we had a doctor with us every two or three days."
She also said they had access to medicines they needed and there were women there who knew about "feminine hygiene".
They ate the same food - pitta bread with cheese and cucumber - as the Hamas guards, her daughter Sharone added.
Asked by a reporter why she had shaken hands with the gunman, Ms Lifschitz said the hostage takers had treated her well and the remaining hostages were in good condition.”
Note: There are also many good articles in our
section on the 2008–2009 Gaza Atrocity, that should be revisited.
1948, Israel's Birth Myths and the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) |
In 1948 the Jewish invaders launched their full-scale invasion of Palestine,
"Plan Dalet".
With famous Jewish chutzpah - audacity, this war
of conquest through massacres and ethnic cleansing has cynically been
dubbed "Israel's War of Independence". And following the Jewish-Israeli Playbook
this false tale has been spread and over-repeated to such an extent through the
Jewish controlled Medias/Hollywood, that many ill-informed Westerners today
actually think it was Arabs who invaded the Jews, when it was actually the other
way round!
"Only then [after an internal
revolution] will the young and old in our land realize
how great was our responsibility to those miserable Arab
refugees in whose towns we have settled from afar; whose
homes we have inherited, whose fields we now sow and
harvest; the fruit of whose gardens, orchards and vineyards
we gather; and in whose cities that we robbed, we put up
houses of education, charity and prayer."
- Plan Dalet -
the Jewish plan to conquer and ethnically cleanse Palestine
From The Electronic Intifada
- Myths and
Realities About the Birth of Israel
By Simha Flapan (A summary of his book, "The Birth of Israel; Myths and Realities" 1987, obtained from the introduction).
The conspiracy to expel and the expulsion of Palestinian Arabs 1948-1950 - Part 1 - 2
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Nine.
- Secret Soviet Reveals: Weizmann
outlined the Nakba as early as 1941
By Gilad Atzmon, Whatsupic, 26 June 2014.
- Gangsters for Zion: How Jewish Gangsters
Helped Israel Gain its Independence
From the Jewish Tablet Magazine, April 19, 2018.
- Myron Sugerman - the “Last Jewish Gangster”
- describes the crucial role the Jewish mob played in arming the
infant Jewish State
[at 29:27] Note that the revealing clip from 2017 is provided by JBS, the Jewish Broadcasting Service. Save and spread!
- Desecration
of Christian Holy Places in 1948
- Exposing
Israel's original sins
By Gideon Levy, A review of a book by Benny Morris titled: "Correcting a Mistake - Jews and Arabs in Palestine/Israel, 1936-1956" (Ha'aretz 11/03/2000)
- Plunder and
Destruction (In 1948) By
Salman Abu-Sitta (from his 1996 book, "The Right of
Looting, Looting, and More Looting
On the Zionist ethnical cleansing and theft of Palestine. Includes revealing pictures of the Jewish thieves in action!
Link to the site PalestineRemembered.com.
Israel's Ethnic Cleansing (Expulsion) of Palestinians
We present you with 295 rare pictures showing Palestinians being ethnically cleansed (forcibly expelled) by Zionists Jews. Posted by PalestineRemembered.com.
- Our
Celebrations, their Tragedies By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 05/08/2000)
- An Interview of
Ilan Pappe By Badouin Loos
- Erasing Palestinians'
Past By Ilan Pappe (Journal Of Palestine Studies). A
review of "Sacred Landscape: The Buried History of the Holy Land
since 1948", by Meron Benvenisti.
- The
Past is Here and Now
By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 10/10/1999)
- Sarid
Asks Teachers to Talk about Kufr
Qasem (Associated Press
10/07/1999). But the State is not responsible, says Beilin
(Ha'aretz 10/06/1999)
- Israel On
Kosovo By
Amnon Kapeliouk (Le Monde Diplomatique 05/1999)
- New History, Old
Idea By
Edward Said (Al-Ahram 05/22/1998). Edward Said on the New
- If Ethnic
Cleansing is Wrong in The Balkans It is Wrong in the Middle East By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel 05/04/1999)
- It's not
genocide when we do it
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
- Truth or
Myth About Israel? Read Between Quotation Marks By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel 06/13/1999)
- ZOA Criticizes US
Holocaust Museum for Promoting Book Accusing
Israel of "Ethnic Cleansing" (Israel Wire 08/09/1999)
- Who's
Threatening the History Teacher?
By Relly Sa'ar
(Ha'aretz 10/14/1999)
- Chronology of
events in 1948 (alnakba.com)
- Fifty
Years of Dispossession
By Edward Said
(Al-Ahram Weekly 07/1998)
- Israel's 50 Years
of Shame
By Robert Fisk (Middle
East Realities 04/1998)
- Expulsion
of the Palestinians -- Lydda and Ramleh in
1948 By
Donald Neff (Washington Report 07/1994)
- What Really
Happened in the Conquest of Lod? By Tom Segev (Ha'aretz 05/12/2000). In a series of books on
the taking of Arab cities during the War of Independence, the
Ministry of Defense launches an attack on the New
- The Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe)
of 1948 By
Rami Khouri (Middle East Online)
must expel Arabs and take their
places." -- David Ben Gurion, 1937, "Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs", Oxford University Press, 1985. |
- The Myth of
a "Land Without a People for a People Without a
Land." By Roger
Garaudy, From his famous book: "The Founding Myths of
Israeli Policy", 1996.
Destroyed Palestinian Villages
(external link to Palestine Remix, Al Jazeera English)
To create the State of Israel, Zionist forces attacked major Palestinian cities and destroyed some 530 villages.
Shrinking Palestine (click to enlarge)
Palestinian Towns Destroyed and/or Ethnically Cleansed by the Jews/Israelis
(external link, The Guardian)
Palestinian Villages (alnakba.com)
- Israel's
Birth Myths Exposed by Israeli Historians By Rachelle Marshall (Washington Report
New Israeli Historians By Israel Shahak
(Shahak Report #150)
- Archives
Reveal Ruthless Settlers, Say New Historians By Adam LeBor (The Independent 04/1998)
- Uprooting the
Past: Israel's New Historians Take a Hard Look at their Nation's
Past By Jonathan
Mahler (Lingua Franca 08/1997)
Israeli historian reveals a few truths
Ilan Pappe speaks... From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
- In Israel,
New Grade School Texts for History Replace Myths With
Facts By Ethan Bronner (NY Times 08/14/1999)
- MK Katz:
Israel Partially Responsible
for Palestinian Refugee Problem By Ben Lynfield and
David Zev Harris (Jerusalem Post 11/22/1999)
- After
half-century, historians debate Israel's
birth By Dan Perry
![]() |
- The Birth of
The Way it Really
Was By Stephen S.
Rosenfeld (Washington Post 04/24/1998)
- Meticulously
Exodus Saga Gained Sympathy For Zionist
Cause By Donald Neff
(Washington Report 07/1995)
- Finally--
Israelis Are Confronting the Myths of the Country's
Founders By Allan Brownfeld (Washington Report
- The Partition
Resolution of 1947 (Res 181):
Who rejected it? By Benyamin Beit-Hallahmi (from his book
"Original Sins" 1993). See also a Ha'aretz article
(http://www3.haaretz.co.il/eng/scripts/article.asp?id=43229 =1)
where Ariel Sharon/Dore Gold call resolution 181(II) 'null and
The Nakba and the Holocaust - Eliminating the Entire
Palestinian People
By Ron Unz, Jewish free thinker and dissident, The Unz Review, December 11, 2023.
- Light at
the End of the Mideast
Tunnel? By Eric
Margolis (Toronto Sun 05/22/1999)
- A Miraculous
Clearing of the Land?": The Zionist Concept of
"Transfer" and the 1948 Exodus By Dr. Nur Masalha (Shaml
- Doctoring Historical
Documents by Zionist Leaders By Benny
Morris (Ha'aretz 02/04/1994)
![]() Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus, 1948 |
Expansionism, Expropriation & Settlements (Colonies) |
has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as
they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because
everything we take now will stay ours...Everything we don't
grab will go to
them." -- Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998. |
- Map
showing the Zionist proposal for a Zionist state as submitted to
the Paris Peace Conference 1919
Alternative map, in colour, can be found here (taken from PalestineRemembered.com).
Statement of the Zionist Organization Regarding Palestine Presented to the
Paris Peace Conference (with proposed map of Zionist borders)
February 3, 1919
Greater Israel - A Study in Zionist Expansionist Thought (PDF)
Book by Ass'ad Razzouk, Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center, Beirut - Lebanon, December 1970.
- Jewish
Settlements - facts and important
links (Palestinians
for Peace and Democracy)
- Israeli
settlements, a Palestine Monitor
factsheet (Updated: 17 December 2008)
- Dear
Settler By Uri
Avnery (Gush Shalom 11/25/2000)
- Photos: Jewish settlers - the armed
vanguard of Judaism
- The Nature of the Gush Emunim Settlements
Chapter 5 from the book "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky.
French Branch of Jewish Terror Group Coming to Israel 'To Defend
Israeli paper Ha'aretz, September 15, 2011. Jewish JDL terrorists and settlers – hand-in-hand.
The Origins of the Israeli Communities Attacked on Oct. 7th, 2023
By Zachary Foster, Palestine Nexus, September 20, 2024.
Be’eri, Nirim, Re'im, Kfar Aza and Nahal Oz were not established so close to Gaza by accident. These settlements were built in the 1940s and 1950s to expand the borders of the Zionist community, take control over more land and act as a first line of defense and a first line of attack.
- Israel Faces
Settlements Opposition By Danica Kirka
(Associated Press 02/05/1999)
- Israel Builds Empty
Settlements: U.S. Says Many Homes in Jewish
Settlements Are Empty By Joel Greenberg (NY Times
This article, along with the many tax incentives offered to settlers, show that Israel's settlement movement is more for control of Palestinian and Syrian land than for the alleged "humanitarian" purposes of housing incoming Jews or for "natural growth". "It is an attempt to create facts that will, in the future, impede any territorial settlement. in the words of a Ha'aretz Editorial of 08/21/1998. American criticism of Israel's settlement expansion has not gone beyond rhetoric, with the exception of a rare mild "arm twist" during the Bush administration that, anyway, faced failure.
Israel's settler strategy, the timeline - click image to enlarge.
Graph from Al Jazeera English, January 2023. - Israelis
Criticize Settlement Study
By Barton Gellman
(Washington Post 05/22/1997)
- Gaza
Settlements Glutted with 454 Empty
Apartments By Nadav Shragai (Ha'aretz 02/24/1998). Also
"Ministry Admits 25% of Homes in Settlements are Empty"
(Ha'aretz/Reuters 08/26/1998)
- Number of
Jews in settlements skyrockets
By Nadav Shragai
(Ha'aretz 02/21/2000)
- Settlements Just
Keep on Growing
By Nadav Shragai
(Ha'aretz 09/07/1998). As of 06/30/1998 there are 169,339 Jewish
settlers - 163,173 of them in the West Bank and 6,166 in the Gaza
Strip. From 01/01/1997 to 06/30/1998 settler population increased
by %12.4.
- Settlements
Increased by 134% this Year According to Peace
Now By Noah Streit (Jerusalem Post 07/27/1998)
- Morality as
the Art of
the Possible By Amira
Haas (Ha'aretz 02/24/1999)
- The Moral Equivalency
Argument, Again By Ray Hanania
Israel’s Foreign Army
Al Jazeera English, People & Power-series, 1 May 2024.
Of the 700,000 settlers who live in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank at least 60,000 are also American citizens.
settlers' Chelsea boss backer
BBC News documentary and article, 21 September 2020.
Chelsea owner and Jewish-Israeli oligarch, Roman Abramovich, usually labelled as "Russian", funnels money to Israel's illegal settlements - AND - is revealed to have secret investments in rival football players! Using money cheated from Goyim to steal land from Goyim!
More on settlements under the Barak
government in the
Process section.
- Settlement
building up 96% in 2000 By Nadav Shragai (Ha'aretz 09/12/2000). Also,
building up 81% in first quarter" by Baruch Kra
(Ha'aretz 08/22/2000)
- Pursuing
Their Agenda
By Gideon Levy
(Ha'aretz 09/26/1999)
- Israel's
Deceit on Settlements Conitinue
By Danny Rubinstein
(Ha'aretz 07/12/1999)
- Get Rid of
the Outpost:
an Editorial (Ha'aretz
- First
settlers return to abandoned outpost
By Nadav Shragai
(Ha'aretz 10/25/2000)
- With First
Settlement on the Golan, Israel Chose Land Over Peace By Donald Neff (Washington Report
- Land: The Core of the Conflict By
Ziad Abu-Zayyad (Palestine-Israel Journal)
- Settlement in
the West Bank and the Gaza Strip By
Marwan Bazbaz (Palestine-Israel Journal)
- An Israeli
settlement plan in the Golan
(ArabicNews 12/8/2000)
- Golan
Settlements to Add 5,000
Units, Ministers Rule By Ziv Maor and David
Makovsky, (Ha'aretz 08/20/1998).
Even though Israeli leadership tells us, on TV, it is "yearning for peace," it has never exhibited a shortage of provocative actions, the major purpose of which is to force the Palestinian to give up on the "peace process" and thus be the ones to blame. Here, Israel decides to add 5000 units, even though reports show that 25 percent of Golan settlements are empty (see several articles under the Zionism link in this site about settlements). This, again and again, shows that the settlement movement, in addition to provoking the Palestinians and appeasing Jewish extremists, is more for possession of Syrian and Palestinian land, rather than housing needy Jews.
- Golan
Law --Making
it More Difficult for Israel to Give Back Golan-- Passes. By
Gideon Allon (Israel Wire/Ha'aretz 01/26-27/1999).
If peace if more important than land to Israel, why make it more difficult for Israel to return Golan Heights back to Syria -- the only way Syria will give Israel peace? What is more startling is that the bill was initiated by Labor PM Rabin, a hailed "prince of peace"!!! Again, the difference between Labor and Likud is proven to be more in style than outcome.
- Israel Wants
Peace, But
Boosts settlements By Amira Segev (11/03/1998). NIS 1
Billion is in Israel's settlement budget for 1999, Peace
Now revealed.
- Sharon
Key to New Settlement
Drive By Geoffrey Aronson (Foundation for Middle East Peace
- Sharon:
Settlements Help Peace!!! and Resolution 181 is void By
Yerah Tal (Ha'aretz 03/17/1999)
- The
Socio-economic Impact of Settlements on Land, Water, and the
Palestinian Economy By Geoffrey Aronson (Foundation for
Middle East Peace 07/1998)
- Settlements
and the Israel-Palestinian Negotiations
By Geoffrey Aronson,
- The lie of
security settlements
By Nadav Shragai
(Ha'aretz 12/21/1997)
Security Interest Map Excludes 59
Settlements (Ma'ariv 07/20/1998).
- The child sacrifice
debate By Lily Galili (Ha'aretz 04/29/2001). On whether
settlers are deliberately endangering their children for
ideological reasons.
- Jewess Albright Calls
Settlements "Legal"
In an interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s The Today Show on October 1, 1997, Jewish Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright related to setllement building in Yesha in Israel and said: “I wasn't happy…I felt that going forward with those kinds of buildings was not helpful. Mr. Lauer pressed her and stated: “ It's legal.“, and Albright admitted: “It's legal.”
- Hillary donates protective
gear for settlers
(Jerusalem Post 04/03/2001)
- Settlement
Produced Products (from an Israeli
right wing source)
- List of products for sale that originate
from Israeli settlements in the occupied territories
Products to boycott.
More can be read here in our
section on settler violence and terror (articles, videos).
Jerusalem |
![]() Palestinian man stands overlooking the Jewish settlement of "Har Homa", West Bank, encroaching on his ancestral lands. |
- The Struggle Against
Jerusalem's Quiet Ethnic Cleansing - Palestinians face home
demolitions spree by Israel
By Jonathan Cook, Antiwar.com, August 2, 2008
the Quiet Deportation: Revocation of Residency of East Jerusalem
B'Tselem, 7 April 1997
- Jerusalem: A Policy of Discrimination.
Expropriation, Planning and Building
- Jerusalem
Keeps Expanding Israel Approves Jerusalem
Expansion Plan
By Daniel Sternoff (Reuters 06/21/1998).
After capturing E. Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967 Israel further expanded the boundary of Jerusalem form 40 SqKm to 100 SqKm. Since it decided, with U.S. support, that Jerusalem is not on the negotiating table, all Israel has to do now is expand it towards the West Bank to swallow as much land as possible hence increasing the "non-negotiable" area. This also has the usual demographic advantage of further making the Palestinians a minority in Jerusalem. See map 1 of 1997 "greater" Jerusalem, and map 2 of expropriated land around Jerusalem. For more maps of Jerusalem, visit the FMEP-site.
- Israel's
"Greater Jerusalem" Engulfs the West Bank's
By Jan de Jong, Foundation for Middle East Peace, Summer 1997
- Jerusalem
Foundation for Middle East Peace, Vol. 16 No. 7 | Summer 2006
- Jerusalem Facts
and Figures
American Committee on Jerusalem 05/25/1999
The Three Israeli Settlement Rings in and around East Jerusalem: Supplanting
Palestinian Jerusalem
By the Jerusalem Story Team, October 22, 2022.
Addresses the Israeli settlement enterprise in Jerusalem. It sketches the present geopolitical reality formed by Israeli settlement expansion in and around East Jerusalem, showing how Israel planned the settlements strategically in three consecutive layers, or rings.
The Inner Ring of Settlement Neighbourhoods, East Jerusalem, July 2018, UN-OCHA.
(click image to enlarge)
- Has
Israel Annexed East Jerusalem?
By Ian Lustick (Middle East Policy 01/1997)
- "The New
Jerusalem": Final Cut
By Michal Schwartz (Challenge 07-08/1997)
- Teddy
Kollek and
the Native Question
By Joost R. Hiltermann (Middle East Report 05-06/1993)
- The Ma'ale
Adumim Coup
Editorial (Ha'aretz 05/30/1999).
Despite promises to the U.S. of not expanding settlements, DM Moshe Arens signed the order annexing more than 13,000 dunams (about 4,250 acres). "About a year ago the [Netanyahu] government tried to expand Jerusalem eastward, in an attempt to create a "greater Jerusalem." But under world pressure Netanyahu capitulated. "Now, however, the plan is quietly returning through the back door. This time, instead of moving Jerusalem's border to the east, the border of Ma'aleh Adumim is moving west toward the capital city. If the plan is carried out, the area of Ma'aleh Adumim will be greater than that of Tel Aviv."
- List of
Palestinian Localities Destroyed by Israel in 1948 and
By Christoph Uehlinger
- Ethnic
Cleansing in Jerusalem, Israeli Style
By Paul Findley, U.S. Congressman
- All in a
Night's Misery
By Danny Rubinstein (Ha'aretz 05/05/1999)
- Quiet
transfer gets even quieter
By Danny Rubinstein (Ha'aretz 01/16/2000)
- A
Three-minute Drive from Here
By Meron Benvenisti (Ha'aretz 10/28/1999). House Demolitions Continue Under Barak Government
- Arab academic
loses residency status in
East Jerusalem
By Einat Fishbain (Ha'aretz 08/01/1999)
- Demographic
By Youssef Courbage (Le Monde Diplomatique 04/1999)
- Ethnic
cleansing: Quotas Imposed on Jerusalem
By Karin Laub (Associated Press 06/19/1998). Israel admits to its ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem, but with the customary use of cute names: "quota".
- Ruthless
Housing Quota System for Arabs,
says Ex-advisers to Kollek
By Ben Lynfield (Jerusalem Post 05/10/1999). Israel's concealed -- aimed at averting media attention-- methods of ethnic cleansing.
- The Politics
of Housing in East Jerusalem
By Usher Graham (Institute of Jerusalem Studies 1998)
- Ehud Olmert:
Jerusalem and the Facts
By Daniel Seidemann (Institute of Jerusalem Studies 1998)
- The
De-Arabization of West Jerusalem 1947-50
By Nathan Krystall (Journal of Palestine Studies Winter 1998)
- Israeli
Ethnic Cleansing Undiminished in Jerusalem
By Catherine M. Metres (Washington Report 09/1994)
- Israel 'quietly
deporting' Palestinians
BBC 09/15/1998
- Expulsion of
Bedouins, 1949-55
By Nur Masalha from his book "Land Without a People", 1997 pp. 11-12
- Out in the
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz Magazine 02/01/2000). Hundreds of Bedouin and Palestinian farmers have lost their homes to a cruel deal between the Jewish settlers and the authorities
- Israeli
High Court Votes to Evict Jahalin Bedouins
By Geoff Lumetta (Washington Report 07/1996)
Ethnic Cleansing ("transfer"), the "Demography Problem", Home Demolitions, Tree Uprooting |
“It's a settler-colonial movement of a project of displacement and replacement. Like all settler-colonial movements if they don't complete the takeover of the land and the transfer of the people [in the first phase], they will continue, because they really believe ideologically that without a total control of the land geographically but also demographically, they need to have an absolute majority, or just an absolute presence.
That's also the main motivation for the Israeli actions today in the Gaza Strip - and also its the Israeli plans for "the day after".”
– Professor Ilan Pappe, Israeli historian, "Palestine: Transfer", Al Jazeera English, "People & Power"-series, 22 February 2024 (10:10 into programme).
Confronting the Bible’s Ethnic Cleansing In Palestine
By Michael Prior (AMEU 12/2000). The Jewish bible - the Torah - commands atrocities and ethnic cleansing.
Territorial Dybbuk and the Cave Dwellers
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/12/2000). On the expulsion by Israel of Hebron cave dwellers.
- Bedouin
Ethnic Cleansing
By Patrick Cockburn (The Independent 06/20/1998).
- Providing
-- Only for Jews
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/21/1999)
- An Old Man
and a Young Woman and Evil
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 09/20/1998)
A Tree Grows
in Palestine
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 01/23/1999). An unusual interpretation of the the motto: "Israel made the desert bloom".
- IDF Uproots
Palestinian Trees
(Israel Wire 02/14/1999)
- Jewish Group Wants to Replant
Olive Trees Destroyed by Israelis
By Caryle Murphy (Washington Post 04/14/2001)
and the Occupied Territories - Under the rubble: House demolition
and destruction of land and property (a report from Amnesty
International, 17 May 2004)
on the Demolition of Palestinian Homes and Dispossession of
(8 December, 1999).
- House
Demolition: Interior Ministry Demolishes
Three More Arab Homes
By Sami Sokol (Ha'aretz 06/16/1998) Arab ethnic cleansing via house demolition and re-demolition (by Alex Somekh, Ha'aretz 08/04/1998). A sad chapter of Palestinian daily life for the last 50 years. Palestinians are very rarely granted a permit to build in or around Jerusalem for the last 20 years. In the West Bank Palestinian houses are often demolished to build roads for settler use.
- A demolished house for
every bullet
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 04/15/2001)
- Palestinian Houses,
Jacob, and the
Road to Heaven or Hell
By Rami Khoury (Ha'aretz 01/06/1999)
- Israel Razes
Arab Home
in Israeli Occupied East Jerusalem
By Samar Assad (Associated Press 01/26/1999)
"It is almost impossible for Palestinians in east Jerusalem to get a permit ... and this is done for no reason other than that they are Palestinian," -- Rabbi Arik Ascherman
- Bulldozers
of Death
By Adam Keller (Other Israel 03/26/1997)
- Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist
- The story of Rachel Corrie (a collection of articles).
Even U.S. citizens are targeted by the Jewish state - if they stand in the way of Israel.
- Israel's bulldozer War Crimes
Fact Sheet on Home Demolitions
(ADC 01/27/2000)
Israel Wins World's
Worst Housing Rights Violators Award
rense.com, December 11, 2002
- City of their
By Amira Haas (Ha'aretz 04/08/1999)
- What 'Final
By Rashid Khalidi (New York Times 10/03/1996)
- A Taste of
Israeli Justice
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 09/27/1998)
- Dealing by
'Creating Facts'
By Stephen S. Rosenfeld (Washington Post 10/02/1998)
Water: Israel's Real Interest in the Occupied Land? |
"Of the 601 million cubic meters [of water] produced annually by the three aquifers in the West Bank, 56.6 percent (340 million cm) is earmarked for Israeli citizens, 23.8 percent (143 million cm) for the 170,000 settlers in the West Bank and 19.6 percent (118 million cm) for 1.2 million Palestinians. The West Bank water crisis is a direct result of this unequal distribution."
-- From a 08/26/1998 Ha'aretz Op'Ed by Amira Hass titled The Settlers are Not to Blame.
Israel's Ministry of Agriculture has admitted that relinquishing control of the West Bank would have "an immediate and significantly detrimental effect on the Israeli water supply." In a full-page advertisement in the Aug. 18, 1990 international edition of the Jerusalem Post, the ministry admits that giving up Palestinian water would constitute "mortal dangers" for Israel and "would, in a most tangible way, endanger her continued existence."
(from Kathryn Casa, Washington Report article, 07/1991, listed below).
Appropriation of Arab Water: An Obstacle to
By Ronald Bleier, Middle East Labor Bulletin, Spring 1994
Israel, U.S. Still Battle for Lebanon’s Litani River Water
By Andrew I. Killgore, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, September 2003
On the Zionist Water Wars
Extract from Judith Palmer Hariks book "Hezbollah - The Changing Face of Terrorism"
Israel's Water Wars
By Jason Godesky, 15 August 2006
Israel's blockade and its effect on Gaza's water supply and
sanitation, Palestine
Environmental Justice Atlas, last update: 2019-07-25.
Israel is practicing a policy of destruction of Palestinian water resources in Gaza and shows that it is ready to violate the Geneva Conventions by using water as a tool of coercion and control.
Israel Wants the Litani River Water and Farmlands
By Sam Hamod, Al-Jazeerah, August 13, 2006
Graphics from Al Jazeera English, 2016.
Click image to enlarge and read!
Water War Looms as Israel Tells Lebanon to Halt River Works
By Robert Fisk, Published on Thursday, September 26, 2002 in The lndependent/UK
Water and the Arab-Israeli conflict
By Gerard Collins, Former Foreign Minister of Ireland
For Israel, Southern Lebanon Means the Litani River
By Andrew I. Killgore, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, September/October 2006
Litani River and Israel-Lebanon
Angela Joy Moss, ICE Case Studies
- Water Issues In The Arab-Israeli Conflict
By David Paul
Israel wants the Litani River water
Compilation from other sources
Roots of the Water Conflict in the Middle East
By Jad Isaac and Leonardo Hosh
Breaching Borders: The Role of Water In The Middle East Conflict
By Isabelle Humphries, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, September/October 2006
The Politics and Economics of Water
By H.A. Amery and A.A. Kubursi
- Human
Rights Group Brings Water to a Dry West Bank
By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 06/29/2000)
- On the
water front
By Amira Hass (Ha'aretz 06/21/2000)
- Water:
The Key to Middle East [Israel-Syria]
(Stratfor 11/10/1999). Golan provides Israel with 12% of its total water supply.
Weaponising water in Palestine
Israel controls a majority of the freshwater resources in the occupied West Bank. And in Gaza, its 16-year blockade and military operations have had a devastating effect on the water supply. Monitoring groups say about 97 percent of the water supply in Gaza is contaminated and unfit for human consumption.
Documentary from Al Jazeera English's "People & Power"-series, .
- Core Issues of the
Palestinian-Israeli Water Dispute
By Jad Isaac. (PDF-file, Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem, ARIJ). "Permission for well-drilling must be obtained from the military authorities; permits [to Palestinians] have been granted for only 23 wells since 1967, only three of these being for agricultural use.
From Cockburn's "Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the
U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship",
1991, p.131: - Applied
Research Institute: Jerusalem (ARIJ).
Water and environmental issues.
Water Crisis Worsening
By Asya Abdul Hadi (Palestine Report, 05/16/1997)
- Israeli
Refusal to Yield Control of W. Bank
Water Forves Deferral of Issue
By Frank Collins (Washington Report 10/1995)
- Water:
The Real Reason Behind Israeli
By Kathryn Casa (Washington Report 07/1991)
In 1953 Eisenhower cut off aid to Israel temporarily because of its exploitation of the headwaters of the Jordan river. After settling this dispute Israel diverted some of the waters of the Sea of Galilee and the lakes above it (used by neighboring Arab countries to irrigate its crops) to its Negev desert. While this may have made Israel's desert "bloom", it helped turn the Arab land into desert.
Israel: a Polluter |
- Israel: A
Systematic Toxic Polluter in
International Waters
(Greenpeace 6/18/1998)
- UN: Israel A Major
Polluter in the Mediterranean
By Amiram Cohen and Zafrir Rinat (Ha'aretz 11/24/1997)
- Israel
Contemplates Dumping Rubbish in the
W. Bank
By Zafrir Rinat (Ha'aretz 11/14/1997)
- Israel Polluting
Mediterranean With Heavy Metals in
Violation of Treaties
By Zafrir Rinat (Ha'aretz 06/01/1999)
Worrying trend: Israel is a world leader in plastic waste
Israeli news outlet YNetNews/i24NEWS, 01.14.2023:
"Studies repeatedly place Israelis among world's top polluters, with Tel Aviv's beaches marked as containing the highest amount of waste in the Mediterranean [...] Israelis among the top world leaders in use of disposable plastic per capita - using nearly five times more per person compared to EU residents [...] A parliamentary report from late 2021 found that Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) families [...] use three times more plasticware than the rest of the [Israeli] population."
- Collection of articles on Israel's
pollution of Lebanon; oil spill, attacks on oil depots...
Israel, a Haven for Criminals |
See our section on Jews and Crime which documents Israel as a center of drug smuggling, money laundering, illegal organ trafficking, so valled "White slavery" and trafficking, piracy and arms exporting (smuggling).

Historical Documents and Chronologies |
- Maps
from MidEast Web
- Historical
and Peace Process Documents from
MidEast Web
- Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
The most comprehensive collection of facts/documents on the Zionist theft of Palestine,
the basis of the real "Nuremberg" trial against Zionism and its leaders.
and information on Palestine - loads
of information from the website of the Permanent Observer Mission
of Palestine to the United Nations
Nation's Resolutions on Palestine
of Palestine at the U.N.
Events in Palestine/Israel of the Last 100
Years, 1895 - till
181 - United Nations General Assembly, November 29, 1947
- The Balfour
Declaration of 1917
"...it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."
-- Lord Arthur Balfour 11/02/1917, extracted from Balfour's infamous letter. (Could it be that Balfour didn't know the land was empty? Note also, how Balfour does not mention the political rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine.)
- Documents
from Yale Law school: Avalon
Project. The Middle East 1916-2001 : A Documentary Record
Chronology: From 1940s to 2000s from
South Africa's ICJ Genocide case against Israel over Gaza War (PDF)
Launched December 28, 2023. Includes detailed documentation of the crimes of the Jewish state of "Israel" vs the Palestinians.
Anatomy of a Genocide - UN on the Gaza War
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese. Released by the UN on March 24, 2024. The report can also be read here as PDF (Advance unedited version, A/HRC/55/73).
This is
Apartheid - A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the
Mediterranean Sea (PDF - short version)
Study published by B'Tselem, Israeli Information Center for Human Rights, January 12, 2021.
Visit their website to read the full scope of their 2021 research.
- Visualizing

• Zionism - history, background, Apartheid
• Jewish Terror
• Palestinian Uprising / Resistance
• "Peace Process"
• The U.S. Cost of Israel