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  Great Britain


The Jews in Great Britain make out only 0.5 percent of the total population but have an overhelming grip on British politics and medias, completely out of proportion to their status as a minority. This Jewish influence is used for the goals of Zionism where Britain's foreign policies are made to coincide with the aims of Israel.

     Historical background      Jewish Lobby in the U.K.
     U.K. Politics      U.K. Medias
     The Labour Party and Jewish Influence      U.K. Jewish Influence - Misc.
     The Tories and Jewish Influence      Cartoons: Politics  |  BBC / Media
     The Liberal Democrats     

  Historical background

As just one percent of the population in England, by World War I Jews accounted for 23% of Britain's non-landed millionaires, as financiers, merchants, bankers, stockbrokers, and other such entrepreneurs. [GINSBERG, B., 1993, p. 22] "Of 31 millionaire British merchants who died between 1808 and 1838 ... 24 were Jewish." [BROOKS, J., 10-23-88, p. 42]
Typical too, as everywhere, the Jewish elite in England were genetically insular in consolidating their wealth and control. "[Britain's] leading [Jewish] families," says W. D. Rubenstein, "among them the Rothschilds, Montefiores, Goldsmids, Samuels, Sterns, Beddingtons, and Sassoons -- became immensely wealthy, a self-contained and inter-married caste which has come to be known as the 'cousin-hood.'" [RUBENSTEIN, p. 13]

  U.K. Politics

Only Jewish alternatives: Before the choice of the British citizens was between Labour's Tony Blair, a stooge of his Jewish paymasters Lords Levy, Gavron and Hollick, or the Tories, headed by the Jews Michael Howard, Malcolm Rifkind and Lord Saatchi. Then it was Labour's Gordon Brown financed by the Jews Sir Cohen and David Abrahams or Tories' David Cameron, himself of Jewish ancestry and sponsored by Jews like Andrew Feldman, Lord Kalms and the pro-Israel organization Bicom's Poju Zabludowicz. As an alternative to Cameron we had the Labour Jews and brothers David and Ed Miliband, the latter winning over the former as the new Labour party head in 2010.
And in 2020, the same story; Tory leader Boris Johnson serving as UK Prime Minister, "Jewish" according to the Jewish Press. His right hand Dominic Raab, Foreign Secretary, also Jewish. And in charge of the "opposition" Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer, himself married into the Tribe of Jews.
This is democracy - Jew-styled!

"Due to its heavily corrupted politicians, Britain is now willingly serving the darkest possible
racist national ideology and supporting a criminal terrorist state."

-- Gilad Atzmon, ex-Jew, in his article "Britain must de-Zionise Itself Immediately", November 17, 2009.

Burning brit
A British soldier on fire in Iraq
- for fighting Israel's dirty war

  The Labour Party and Jewish influence

More interesting info on Ed Miliband from the special article archive on him at The Jewish Chronicle.

Keir Starmer, Labour boss, has been voted as one of "the Top 50 Zionist Influencers of 2020 based on over 600 nominations from [Jewish] communities around the world", by the Jewish site:  (see screencap above)
Starmer earning this position as he "has extended family living in Israel, and his wife's family is Jewish" and because he has stated: "I support Zionism without qualification."
It should be noted that Zionism is a specifically Jewish ideology, the basis of the Jewish state of Israel - a newly constructed Jewish entity in the Middle East - and has nothing to do with Great Britain/UK or real British interests.

  The Tories and Jewish influence

The Brave New World of Jewish Power Politics
Rishi Sunak
's Jewish banker boss Richard Sharp, from notorious
Jewish bank Goldman Sachs, to become BBC Chairman.
Screencap from
Jewish News, January 6, 2021. See also Sharp
and the 2023 Boris Johnson £800,000 loan scandal.

"I am a passionate Zionist."
-- Boris Johnson

"Israel’s enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all stand together or we will all fall divided."
-- Liam Fox, MP, Secretary of State for Defence and International Trade

"I will defend Israel's right to exist as long as I have breath in my body"
-- Michael Gove, MP, Education Secretary, The Jewish Chronicle, September 22, 2011

"The popular Saatchi Synagogue - designed to attract unaffiliated London Jews to traditional Judaism - opened its doors in 1998. The opening provoked a degree of controversy because of its accompanying national advertising campaign (provided by the famous Saatchi and Saatchi firm whose owners had funded the new institution) - a campaign which used a sophisticated advertising style to emphasize that the new congregation, though traditional, would not be as 'boring' as other Orthodox synagogues. Today, the synagogue continues to attract many otherwise unafilliated young Jews to its services, lectures and communal events."

More interesting info on David Cameron from the special article archive on him at The Jewish Chronicle.

David Cameron - my values are Jewish

LEFT: UK Government projecting the Israeli flag onto 10 Downing Street after Palestinian Hamas' 7 October 2023 Al-Aqsa Flood-attack.
: Rishi Sunak, UK PM and former Goldman-Sachs banker, licking the Judeo-Zio boot.
Sunak is a representative of this new breed of pro-Jewish hybrids and chamaeleons, sell-outs who bow down for Mammon - the God of Money,
just following the dollar-trail: "Indian" - Not really!; "British" (the formel colonial power violently ruling Sunak's India) - Not really!
This spineless person Sunak even held a U.S. Green Card, as late as 2021. (See article:
Chancellor Rishi Sunak held US green card until last year, BBC News, 8 April 2022.)
And this isn't an innocent act. During the Iraq War and Occupation we even had the phenomena called "
Green Card soldiers", many South-Americans getting Green Cards to fight and die for the U.S. in their illegal war in Iraq, with the deal to become U.S. citizens after this "Blood Deed For Zion". Some of them - killed by the Iraqi Resistance - ending up simply being buried as U.S. Citizens/"Americans".

  The Liberal Democrats and Jewish influence

  • UK politician: Pro-Israel lobby controls West
    Lib-Dem Baroness Jenny Tonge: "The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the Western World, its financial grips. I think they've probably got a certain grip on our party"

  • Lib-Dem leader denouces the Jewish lobby
    Chris Davies, Lib-Dem MEP: "...I shall denounce the influence of the Jewish lobby that seems to have far too great a say over the political decision-making process in many countries"

  Jewish Lobby in the U.K.

  U.K. Medias

Zionist controlled medias feed the British people the Zionist version of the current events, masquerading their racism and constant crimes against Humanity as a struggle for "freedom" against "terrorism".

"In Britain, until 1955, radio and television were a state monopoly ... In 1955, however, commercial television was launched and in time comprised three networks and several smaller regional companies. The networks, Associated-Rediffusion, Associated Television and Granada were headed by Emil Littler, Lew Grade, and Sidney Bernstein respectively, all of whom had spent a lifetime in show-business ... and all three were Jewish."
-- Chaim Bermant, The Jews, Times Mirror, 1977, p. 105. Underlines and bold style added by Radio Islam.

"Britain's Jews are being urged to seize the unique opportunity presented by the digital revolution to create their own television channel.
The call came yesterday from the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), a leading international think-tank, and is being backed by prominent Jews who hold some of the most powerful posts in British broadcasting, including
David Elstein, chief executive of Channel 5, Michael Green, chairman of Carlton Communications and Sir Jeremy Isaacs, founding chief executive of Channel 4.
His successor
Michael Grade was also Jewish. Indeed, until he quit television last year, all of Britain's five terrestrial channels had Jews in prominent positions."
-- Quote from The Independent, 20 March 1998. Underlines and bold style added by Radio Islam.

And in 1998 the (London) Daily Telegraph noted Gail Reubuck, "daughter of affluent Baltic Jewish immigrants," as "the most powerful figure in British publishing," and "recently voted Publisher of the Year." (Daily Telegraph [London]; in Ottawa Citizen, April 1, 1998, p. D4)

More on Rupert Murdoch's media empire is to be found in our special section on the Jews and World medias.

  U.K. Misc.

Rothschild manifesting Jewish power in 21st Century United Kingdom:
Celebrating arch-Zionist Israeli General Chaim Herzog with a memorial party organized by the United Jewish Israel Appeal in London in
Lord Jacob Rothschild, center, flanked by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair on the right and Israel's UK Ambassador Mark Regev to
the left. Furthest left, Jewish businessman Sir Trevor Chinn active within Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM), and
furthest right in the image, Isaac Herzog, Israeli politician, chair of the Jewish Agency and son of Chaim Herzog.
All happy faces. 
Rothschild + Israel = True!

More on Jewish power / Israeli influence in the World:

West Europe East Europe, Russia Middle East - Arab World
Americas Asia Africa
United Nations E.U.

"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

Palestine banner
Viva Palestina!

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Middle East       Africa
      U.N.              E.U.


The Internet and Israeli-Jewish infiltration/manipulations

Books - Important collection of titles

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Israel: Jewish Supremacy in Action - By David Duke

The Power of Jews in France

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- By Ernst Zündel

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Videos - Important collection 

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Quotes - On Jewish Power / Zionism

Caricatures / Cartoons 

Activism! - Join the Fight!