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In Morocco under French rule, notes the Jewish world leader Nahum Goldmann, "the Jews were on such poor terms with the Arabs that they were nearly all pro-French -- which brought them the hatred of those who aspired to independence." In Algeria, also bucking under French colonialism, Jews "even had automatic French citizenship, unlike the non-Jews." [Goldmann, N., "The Jewish Paradox", 1978, p. 48]


In Morocco, by 1965 Israelis had "set up [King] Hassan's internal security system, including the personal guard unit to the King himself." [BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 46] Israeli aided in helping the Moroccan government murder a dissident, Mehdi Ben-Barka, on French soil which caused an international incident. [BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 46]  "Since King Hassan's succession to the throne of Morocco in 1961," note Ian Black and Benny Morris, "Israel's intelligence had enjoyed a special relationship with his security services ... Israeli operatives helped the new king to reform his secret service and trained its agents on a regular basis." [BLACK/MORRIS, p. 203]  See source.




"King Hussein of Jordan was on the [CIA] payroll from 1957 to 1977"

-- p.100 of "Dangerous Liaison" by A. Cockburn (1991)


"[Israel will] create in the course of the next 10 or 20 years conditions which would attract natural and voluntary migration of the refugees from the Gaza Strip and the west Bank to Jordan. To achieve this we have to come to agreement with King Hussein and not with Yasser Arafat."
-- Yitzhak Rabin (a "Prince of Peace" by Clinton's standards), explaining his method of ethnically cleansing the occupied land without stirring a world outcry. (Quoted in David Shipler in the New York Times, 04/04/1983 citing Meir Cohen's remarks to the Knesset's foreign affairs and defense committee on March 16.)

King Abdullah II of Jordan with Alexander Soros, sleazy son of Jewish billionaire George Soros.

George Soros talking to King Abdullah II of Jordan at Davos, 2018. (Click to enlarge)

King Abdullah II smiling with Benjamin Netanyahu, hater of Arabs and Prime Minister of Israel.



"And I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian - brother will fight against brother,
neighbour against neighbour, city against city, kingdom against kingdom." 

The Jewish Bible, Isaiah, 19; 2

Already in in the 19th Century, the Rothschild family greatly influenced/affected Egypt's history; Lionel de Rothschild financing the British 1875 takeover of the Suez Canal (see The Rothschild Archive, Jewish Virtual Library), on his "close personal friend" and Jew-cum-"Christian", Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli's behalf – and Nathaniel "Natty" Rothschild's support to the 1882 British conquest of Egypt, the so-called Anglo-Egyptian War (see The Jewish Chronicle, January 15, 2020).

Sadat's "Peace"

  • What Sadat's Peace forgot 
    By Edward Said (Excerpted from "The Question of Palestine", 1979). Western media role, Begin's in-your-face settlement declaration.

  • Sadat's Jerusalem Trip Begins Difficult Path of Egyptian-Israeli Peace
    By Donald Neff (Washington Report 10/1998)

  • Camp David Fairy Tale
    Editorial (Washington Report 04/05/1982)

    "... the peace with Egypt engendered the expropriation of half the land in the West Bank and the establishment of dozens of new settlements; the conclusion of the evacuation of Sinai was the signal for the Lebanon War.... The Oslo process also exacted a heavy price by legitimizing the "settlement blocs"
    -- Meron Benvenisti (Ha'aretz 12/16/1999)

By signing the peace treaty with Israel, Sadat basically ignored the Palestinian problem, the core of the whole conflict, and neutralized his country as the strongest Arab country facing Israel leaving Israel to continue its assault on Lebanon and the Palestinians.

Olmert with Mubarak

Israel's PM Olmert with Mubarak
Egyptian FM with Livni

Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit with Israel's Livni


The murderous war on Libya in 2011, was very much a Jewish-Zionist project. The main man behind the war mongering US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - serving as her eyes and ears in the prelude to the attack - was the Jewish adviser Sidney Blumenthal.

In France - the "European" power most fanatic to attack and crush Libya - the Jew Nicolas Sarkozy held the reigns of control. His Jewish henchman and "Mr Fixit" on his part, was the fanatically Zionist French-Algerian Jew, Bernard-Henri Lévy.

In this project we can thus see Western governments hijacked by a small cabal of tribalists, working for a foreign power - Israel - and (mis-)using their respective countries' diplomatic and military mights to attain gains that only serve Israel's needs.

"Months later, Benard-Henri Lévy boasted to the highly influential Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (CRIF) that it was "as a Jew" that he had intervened in Libya. "I carried the banner of loyalty to my name and my loyalty to Zionism and Israel" he declared at a CRIF conference on "Tomorrow the Jews of France."
It is as a Jew that I participated in that political adventure, that I contributed to defining the militant fronts, that I contributed to elaborating a strategy and tactics for my country and for others. I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't been Jewish."
- Bernard-Henri Lévy quoted on his Zionism and the Libya War in the book "Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher", by Diane Johnstone, 2020. The quote can also be seen in Le Figaro, "Libye: BHL s'est engagé "en tant que juif"" (November 20, 2011).
Note: When Levy says "for my country", he of course - as the proclaimed Zionist he is - means Israel, the country of his loyalties.




Israel has always seen Syria as a major foe - the plans for Syria have been outlined in The Jewish plan to destroy the Arab countries (taken from the World Zionist Organization, foreword by Israel Shahak). Even the total destruction of Syria's major urban centers has been in the war plans of  the Jewish leadership: "The highest Israeli authorities actually contemplated the razing of four Syrian cities: Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Latakia" in the 1973 war, writes Jewish-Israeli scholar Israel Shahak (see his chapter on "Syrian Cities...", below.

When the Syians aided the US in the confrontation against Iraq in 1991 Syria for a short period got political benefits. But when they supported the resistance in Lebanon (Hezbollah) they were immediately back on the "Axis of Evil"-list, and "US" (Israel-supported) politicians started talk about war and invading them (the so-called "régime-change"). Only the defeat of the occupying forces in Iraq has prevented that "Neo-con" Jewish plan to be implemented.

Thus "Plan B" - to crush Syria from within, fermenting divisions and flushing Syria with weapons to keep the civil war going (but not conclude with any certain winner) - is the latest Judeozionist machination. And all the while crying false crocodile tears in their Zionist press, pretending to lament the millions of refugees and the destruction caused...

Syria and "peace process"

  • Patrick Seale: Rabin's message of a possible withdrawal from the Golan that Christopher carried to Al-Assad was a "deception"
    (U.S. Report on the Middle East 10/28/1998)

  • Al Shara assails PM's 'credibility'
    By David Makovsky, Yossi Verter & Daniel Sobelman (Ha'aretz 08/18/1998).
    Ariel Sharon: the Golan Heights are of "enormous importance" for Israel's security because of the water sources there. (emphasis added).

  • Either Golan or Peace
    By Daniel Bloch (Jerusalem Post 09/26/1999). Contains also an article from Arabic News (09/23) reporting about Le Monde's calling the Golan Heights "Syrian Territory" and saying that Israel to oppose restoration of it to Syria.

  • An Israeli settlement plan in the Golan
    (ArabicNews 12/8/2000)

  • New Golan settlement under Barak, who is "sincerely" looking for ways to reach peace with Syria!!!
    (BBC 09/23/1999)

  • New Hotel Planned for Katzrin in the Golan
    By Sharon Gal (Ha'aretz 11/10/1999). Again Barak's sincerety about peace with Syria is evident.

- More articles on Syria and Israel can be found in our collection of articles on the Six-Days War 1967.

- More articles on Israel's theft of the Golan Heights and Israel's building of settlements there, se our section on settlements.


  Saudi Arabia



  UAE - United Arab Emirates

Outspoken Jewish racist and supremacist, Knesset MP Itamar Ben-Gvir, invited to the UAE Embassy in Tel Aviv, greeted by Ambassador Mohamed Al Khaja, 1 Dec 2022.

Dubai, UAE: lair of Arab sell-outs and hypocrites, where decadence knows no limits
(see article from Business Insider, "Dubai Is the Most Decadent Place on Earth", August 11, 2015)




Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al Said with Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu in Muscat, Oman, 2018.




  • Israel and the Gulf states: It’s complicated  
    By Raphael Ahren, The Times Of Israel, 9 August 2013. "Take Bahrain for example. Jerusalem and Manama never maintained diplomatic relations, but, in 2005, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa boasted to an American official that his state has contacts with Israel “at the intelligence/security level (i.e., with Mossad),” according to a different secret US diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks."

  • How the Gulf States Got in Bed With Israel and Forgot About the Palestinian Cause 
    By Dalia Hatuqa, Foreign Policy, March 28, 2019.
    "Foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain sat alongside Benjamin Netanyahu at the grand opening dinner. It was supposed to be a closed meeting but Netanyahu leaked a video of the gathering anyway, where Bahrain’s top official was heard calling Iran the main obstacle to solving the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. The UAE’s foreign minister was also shown defending Israel’s “right” to bomb targets in Syria. The love fest was, as U.S. Vice President Mike Pence noted, “a new era.”"

  • Trump's former Mideast envoy to join Israeli venture capital firm, build Israeli-Gulf ties  
    Middle East Eye, 26 February 2020. Jason Greenblatt: "I'm hoping to be able to utilise the platform that I have and connect Israel and the Gulf."
    "Greenblatt told AP on Wednesday that his work at OurCrowd will focus on cultivating investments from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar and Bahrain."

  • Britain and U.S. Lose 'True Gulf Ally' in Bahrain 
    By Robert Fisk (Independent 03/08/1999)
  • Jewish/Zionist agents in Bahrain - external site         
    Project Nemesis - Documenting the Networks of Zion



During Tunisia's struggle against French colonialism, there was fighting between French and Tunisian troops in 1961 over a French naval base near the town of Bizerte. "Hundreds of Arabs died. The 1,200 strong Jewish community was accused of collaborating with the French. Many of the Jews worked in the base or serviced it." [BLACK/MORRIS, p. 181]  See source.




Yemen is also a front in the global war of Zionism against the rest of the world. The Yemeni government is supported by the U.S. to crush Islamist rebellions all over the country. In the North "Houthi" rebels - who among their political slogans have the motto "Death to Israel" - are heavily assaulted by the U.S. sponsored government. The Zionist controlled medias in the West are of course quiet about the amassing civilian casaulties caused by the pro-Western government. No serious media coverage, no petitions from enraged "Western intellectuals".
Up to 2023 this "War in Yemen", has since 2014 caused the death of some 400 000 people!

Houthi Resistance:   

Also deeply connected to the Jewish/Zionist war on Yemen:



For more on how Iraq was setup to invade Kuwait, see our special Iraq section






Adolphe Crémieux, French Jew and Minister of Justice who gave
special privilege to the Jews of Algeria, over the Muslim and Berber majority
In Morocco under French rule, notes the Jewish world leader Nahum Goldmann, "the Jews were on such poor terms with the Arabs that they were nearly all pro-French -- which brought them the hatred of those who aspired to independence." In Algeria, also bucking under French colonialism, Jews "even had automatic French citizenship, unlike the non-Jews." [Goldmann, N., "The Jewish Paradox", 1978, p. 48]

This privilege of French citizenship of Algerian Jews, was a direct result of the actions of the prominent French Jew, Adolphe Crémieux. This Jew, former President of the powerful Jewish activist group Alliance Israélite Universelle, had infiltrated the French government attaining the position of Minister of Justice, and from this position in 1870 issued this special-privilege "Crémieux Decree" for his Jewish brethren in Algeria, aligning them with the French colonial occupiers.

The Israeli paper Ha'aretz writes in the article "The Lawyer Who Brought France’s Embrace to Algeria’s Jews Is Born" (April 30, 2014) on this Apartheid decree:

"It was during this period that he drafted the Cremieux Decree, which offered full French
citizenship to Jews in the colony of Algeria, even if they were born there. Much as this
benefited them, it also became a source of resentment towards Algerian Jews by that
country’s Muslims and Berbers."

During the Algerian war for independence to break from French colonialism, Israelis supported the ultra-right wing French OAS settler community. [BEIT-HALLAHMI, p. 44] Indigenous Jews in Algeria (a community of about 100,000 people) also provided information to the Mossad about Algerian revolutionary activities against French control of the country; this information was passed along to the French (Israel was at the time seeking French good graces for joint research in the creation of a nuclear bomb). [HERSH, p. 36]  See source.



In Sudan, Israelis discretely aided Anyanya rebels in its South. Also, "by the mid-1980s," notes Jacob Abadi, "Israel became increasingly concerned over the fate of the Falasha Jews in Ethiopia and in the refugee camps of Sudan. Besides, Israel had other grandiose schemes, which required Sudanese cooperation. Israel sought to establish a huge arsenal on Sudanese territory. In addition, Israel explored the possibility of using Sudan as a base of operations, aimed at helping the son of the deposed Shah of Iran to return to Iran and topple Ayatollah Khomeini's regime." [ABADI, 1999]  See source.



Please see our separate special section on Iraq.



Please see our separate special section on Lebanon (and Hezbollah).


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