Christianity - under Jewish attack...Christianity is historically in conflict with Jewish values and the Christian New Testament replaces the Jewish Old Testament. The Christian apostle Paul even writes in the Thessalonians (2:14-15) about "the Jews,who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out. They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men". But the ranks of Christianity have been corrupted, materialism and pro-Imperialist support on behalf of the Church has tarnished the legacy of Jesus Christ, the freedom fighter. And so-called convert Jews have entered the ranks of Christianity, even its leadership. The Jew and Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger in France was even contemplated as one of the candidates to become the new Pope! On a visit to Australia, Cardinal Lustiger was quoted in The Weekend Australian, 4-5 August 2001, p. 9:
"I was born Jewish and so I remain [...] For me, the vocation of Israel is bringing light to the goyim. That's my hope and I believe that Christianity is the means for achieving it."This quote of Judaism using Christianity as a means for Israel is corroborated by Rabbi Martin Siegel, who in New York Magazine, January 18, 1972, p. 32, said:
"I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-idealogical blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish."
Jewish Infiltration |

Jean-Marie Lustiger - the Jewish-Zionist Papal candidate
Benedict XVI and Islam
- The pope is positive for Jewish occupation, and against the Islamic resistance!
By Robert Faurisson
"Chief Rabbi of the Christian world."
On Pope Benedict XVI/Ratzinger. From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
and Wolfowitz to advise the Pope!
By Ahmed Rami
The Paris "Catholic" Archbishop
forbids attacks against Israeli policies
of Bishop Williamson
Interferes in Church Appointments?
By Joseph al-Ghazy (Ha'aretz 08/09/1998)
Christian Pope Dances to Jewish Tunes!
Vatican bowing down to Judaism - Pope Francis kisses Jewish hands
Very symbolic. Could you imagine the opposite ever happening?
Jewish Converts Who Changed the Christian Church
By John Connelly. Opinion article from the Jewish daily Forward, July 30, 2012.
Early Jesuit Order Had
So Many "Conversos" That It Became A Virtual "Synagogue Of Jews"
Christians For Truth, June 7, 2020
"Jewish Question" in 15th and 16th Century
Historian Sustains Spanish Inquisition Myths. The Journal of Historical Review, Jan/Feb 1996. By Brian Chalmers. On the Jewish fake-converts; the marranos, "New Christians", the crypto-Jews - and their power.
We're in the Jewish Century, and society will become Jewish
through Christianity
Rabbi Martin Siegel. From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
The Judeo
Jews see Christianity as a means of Judaizing non-Jews; call Jesus Christ "a Yid", "millions of Goyim bow down to one Jew", "they believe in our God", that Paul and Saint Peter (the first Pope) were secret Jewish agents, Christians "have converted themselves to semi-Jews"...
Revealing collection of clips with rabbis - compiled by Know More News.
World Jewish Congress Troubled by Pope's
Planned Saddam Meeting
By Douglas Davis (Jewish Telegraphic Agency 08/1999)
A Jewish crook
and the Vatican in money laundering scheme
The Jewish swindler Martin Frankel worked with Vatican top men as a money launderer: "Mr. Frankel aggressively courted the Catholic Church and the Vatican religious hierarchy beginning last summer."
own mortgage on the Vatican
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
1000s of Nazi death camps and other lies
On the 1979 Auschwitz visit by Pope John Paul II (who by the way halachically could be Jewish - through his mother!)
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Pictures of Popes bowing to Jewish Power
Embracing rabbis, going to the Wailing Wall and Yad Vashem "holocaust" memorial...
Popes with Israeli War Criminals and Oppressors of Christians
![]() Benjamin Netanyahu with Pope Francis, behind
a Jewish Menorah. |
![]() Pope Ratzinger with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres. |
Jewish hate against Christianity and Jesus |
For the subject of Judaism's infiltration of
Christianity it is also vital to read about Judaism's contempt for this
World Religion:
On the subject of Jewish hatred towards Christianity
By Prof. Israel Shahak
[31 Kilobytes] [about 6 paper pages] Brief history of Christian-Jewish relations; a contextual view of anti-Jewish religious persecution; Jewish-inspired atrocities against Christians in the early years of the Christ movement; traditional Jewish defamation of Christianity.
Jesus in the Rabbinic Traditions
Talmud's Teachings Concerning Christians Unmasked
By Rev. I. B. Pranaitis -
The name of Jesus in Hebrew!
By Dr. James D. Price
What the Jewish Talmud teaches the Jews concerning non-Jews
By the Jewish convert to Christianity Benjamin H. Freedman on Judaism vs Christianity
"The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church.
The whole booklet is now also available in PDF (1948 edition), click on this link.
Talmudic Judaism - Dr. William L. Pierce
On the basic tenets of the Jewish Supremacist so-called "religion", and the Christian reformer Martin Luther's shocking findings as he himself studied the Jewish scriptures.
Farrakhan Spoke the Truth about the Talmud
Black leader Louis Farrakhan on the Jewish Talmud, which condemns Jesus to boil in excrements. Nation of Islam Research Group, May 25, 2018.
Jewish religious teachings: Muhammad and Jesus Christ are buried
in a dung heap as "dead dogs"!
Freedom Research, July 2021. Teachings from the Zohar of the Jews.
- The Fate of the
By Jewish professor David Berger, Tablet Magazine, October 22, 2021.
This Jewish article again confirms that the Jews actually envision a Jewish future, the End of Days/Kingdom to Come, where the non-Jews/"idolaters"/"nations" will be destroyed physically/exterminated and the rest to live in some "Noahide" status, in servitude/slavery under the Jews.
Concedes that Jewish anti-Christianism was well established already before Medieval persecutions of Jews.
"The Kingdom of Edom" = rabbinical code for Christianity.
Jews against
the Pope, Part 1 (and other articles about Jewish activism against
Christian society)
From the Jewish Tribal Review
Jews against
the Pope, Part 2
From the Jewish Tribal Review
Jewish Anti-Christian Tendencies
Documentation provided by the Jews & Poles Database.
Jewish Rabbi vs Jesus and Christianity |
The Talmud: Jesus sentenced to boil in feces! |
Videos on the Jewish hatred
against Jesus Christ and Christianity
"When Israel Is
Mighty" - Jewish Supremacy explained by Jewish writer Yossi
Subtitled video and full transcript from Hebrew to English.
The interview reveals the Jewish religious strategies versus non-Jews, and the outrageous Jewish treatment of Christians in Israel...
Why is Jesus hated by Zionists? Farrakhan speaks!
Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan speaks at Madison Square Garden in New York about Jewish power and Zionist domination in the USA and the world.
For the segments on Jesus listen to 59:50-1:20:00 and from 2:10:00.
Are the Jews Victims or Persecutors?
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, from "The International Jew". Insightful article written in 1921!
“Reference has frequently been made in these columns to a number of addresses made by the late [Rabbi] Isaac M. Wise at the celebration in honor of his 80th birthday anniversary in the course of which he predicted that in a quarter of a century from that date (1899) there would be practically nothing left in Protestant Christianity of a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ or the distinctive dogmas of Christianity, and that all Protestant Christians by whatever name they call themselves, would be substantially Jews in belief. To any one who notes the signs of the times it is apparent that this prophecy is being rapidly fulfilled . . . . The Jesus superstition and the fantastic dogmas built upon his supposed divine origin, die but slowly, but that they are dying is nevertheless apparent.”
—Jewish editorial. As quoted in the above article from Henry Ford's "The International Jew". Italics added by Ford. -
The Jews and the "Religious Persecution" Cry
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, from "The International Jew". Article written in 1921!
Quebec Government funds
Racist Jewish cult that claims all Christians and Muslims are
By Michael Samuel, former professor in the Judaic studies department of Concordia University, Montreal.
In 1998, the government of Quebec promised nearly one million dollars to the fanatical messianic Jewish cult known as "Chabad-Lubavitch." Yet this cult has brazenly published, disseminated, taught and promoted the hatred of Christians, Muslims, and all other non-Jews by casting them as subhuman and demonic.
More on Jewish anti-Christianism -
From the
Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive:
Killing Christians isn't murder for Jews
Talmudic Judaism is anti-Christian
Spitting on the Christian Cross
Jewish aversion for the international plus symbol and the Christian Cross
Jews commanded to burn the Christian New Testament
Jewish names for Jesus
Christians must give up Jesus, says rabbi
Jesus according to the Talmud; has sex with his donkey and performed magic with his penis
Gas chambers replaced Christian cross, says rabbi
Many more articles to be found in the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive
Kabbalah, Amalek, Purim, Holocaust, 9/11, & the Destruction
of America - MUST WATCH
On "Esau" as Edom/Rome/Christianity/The West/USA and the Jewish prophecies of their coming destruction, the Jewish prophecies of the fall of the WTC-buildings-9/11, their prophecies of war between Christianity and Islam ("War on Terror") - all for the benefit of the Israelites/Jews in "The World to Come"!
Documentary full of authentic clips of leading Jewish rabbis speaking out, accompanied with scans/screencaps of original Jewish written sources.
Great and super important research compiled by Know More News. TO BE SPREAD!
Alternative video version: here (HD)
No to Jewish anti-Christianity and racism!
From Italian Christian site Centro Culturale San Giorgio. Click here to read the text in English, via Google Translate.
The "Christians" who wehemently defend the Jews and attack Islam
are a real enigma. Either they love their role of being shabbos
goyim of the self-proclaimed "chosen people" - the Jews, being
nothing but the Jews' "useful idiots". Or they are they
must be completely brainwashed and unaware of the historical Jewish
contempt for Christ and Christianity. This is nothing but a travesty
considering the Israeli desecration of Christian holy places and the
Jewish persecution of Christians, both in Israel but also the
Jewish-led Communist campaigns against the Church in Russia and the
Jewish directed atrocities and massacres against the Christian
Armenians. Christians defending Judaism is nothing but a slap in the
face of the memory of all those Christians massacred by vengeful
Jewish war criminals.
The Jewish Genocide of Christian Armenians (PDF)
Includes lots of information on the Jewish concept of "Amalek" and their murder.
NOTE: In June 2012, the site originally creating and hosting this book was shut down and censored - see article. Spread knowledge of this important book!
Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Real Jew News, December 9, 2007.
The Jewish religious holiday of
Purim is also a feast where anti-Christian acts
climax. Jewish authors Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky write in
their important book "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" that there
are "many well-documented cases of massacres of
Christians and mock repetitions of the crucifixion of Jesus on
Purim" (see Chapter 7).
From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA):
Cross defaced near Ukraine grave of Rabbi Nachman (JTA, August 16, 2013)
Israeli man arrested in Ukraine for desecrating cross (JTA, January 4, 2017)
Israel's anti-Christian policies |
of Christian Holy Places in 1948
Destruction and desecration of Christian holy places and the violation
of Christian religious rights - part
1 -
2 -
From the Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh, Chapter Fourteen.
- Who's
Desecrating the Holy Sites?
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 08/23/1998) - The
refugee and the Pope
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/19/2000). On desecrating religious sites, and preventing Muslims from going to Mecca for pilgrimage.
- Israeli MP Ben-Ari publicly tears Christian
New Testament to pieces
- and throws it in the garbage!
"Religious tolerance"
– Israel-style!
Israeli Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari publicly
tears the Christian New Testament to pieces
- "Jesus is a monkey" Jews write on Christian Monastery wall in
Article from NBC News, 4 Sept 2012
- Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in
By Yehuda Koren, Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot (translated from Hebrew by Prof. Israel Shahak).
Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in
By Yehuda Koren (Yediot Ahronot 03/30/1997).
Jewish Postmen refuse to distribute Christian New Testament
in Israel
Article from YNet.
Church seeks action on Bethlehem siege
By Jonny Dymond, BBC News, 20 April, 2002.
On the 2002 Israeli military siege(!) of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Occupied Palestine.
Israeli sniper shoots and kills two Christian women inside
Gaza's Holy Family Church!
"Beyond desperate" situation for Christians sheltering in Gaza church, says U.K. lawmaker Layla Moran with family trapped inside.
In the wake of the 2023/24 Gaza War. CNN, December 18, 2023.
Banned from Missionary Activities in the Holy Land
(Associated Press 03/31/1993). This is ironic considering the support fundamentalist Christians offer Israel.
Enraged Mob
Attacks Jews for Jesus Meeting
By Aliza Arbeli (Ha'aretz 11/29/1998)
- Baptists
call on followers to pray for Jews to convert. B'nai B'rith call it
'Effrontery and arrogance'
By Nitzan Horowitz (Ha'aretz 09/13/1999)
- Jews Angry
Over Remark By Falwell. Antichrist Speculation Called Antisemitic
By Caryle Murphy (Washington Post 01/25/1999)
- Body of
Christian man exhumed after 10 months and reburied in Christian cemetery
(Israel Wire 02/04/2000)
- Christian
Embassy Shocked by Barak Snub
(Ha'aretz 09/27/1999)
- Palestinian
Christians face ethnic cleansing
By Abe Ata, National Catholic Reporter, November 22, 2002: "Why do American Christians stand by while their leaders advocate the expulsion of fellow Christians?"
- Israel presses criminal
charges against a leading Christian in occupied
Press Release
Very important quote from
the Jewish Holy Scriptures that should be known by
everybody who
really wants to understand
Israel's policies against the non-Jewish “These are the statutes and judgments which you shall be careful to observe in the land which the Lord God of your fathers is giving you to possess, all the days that you live on the earth. You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations which you shall dispossess served their gods, [...] And you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and burn their wooden images with fire; you shall cut down the carved images of their gods and destroy their names from that place.” – Jewish Old Testament, the Torah, Deuteronomy
12:1-3. The Jewish God commands the Jews... |
The Church reacts |
- Pope criticizes Israel
for threatening peace
Israeli tank points its gun against
a Christian priest
(click to see 2nd picture!)
Urge Israel to Ease Access to Holy Sites
By Bradley Burston (Reuters 10/12/1999)
Polish bishop: Jews
exploit Holocaust for propaganda
Article from The Jerusalem Post, 25/01/2010
suggests Israel denies religious freedom to
By Haim Shapiro (Jerusalem Post 02/27/2000)
- Vatican
Official Miffed at Israel
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 07/19/1999)
- Lutherans Charge Israelis
Using Schoolchildren as Human Shields
By Elaine Ruth Fletcher, San Diego Union-Tribune, August 31, 2001
- Pius XII's
1943 letter against Jewish statehood revealed
By Elli Wohlgelernter (Jerusalem Post 07/02/1999). In other words Pius was an anti-Zionist, which might explain why many of Israel's supporters have long tried to defame him using the he-didn't-do-enough-to-stop-the-Holocaust weapon.
- A Christian
By Kathleen Kern (Tikkun 03-04/1998)
Fundamentalist "Christians", the Bible and Israel |
Thus, fundamentalist "Christians" shy away from criticizing Israel, while blaming the Palestinians and Arabs for the problems in the Middle East, often using distorted, out-of-context facts to support their claims. At the same time, they ignore Israel's sins, especially the original sin against the Palestinians that started the conflict.
Fundamentalist "Christian" supporters of Israel include renouned evangelists Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Pastor John Hagee (CUFI).
"In the former days God did separate Israel for Himself and give her the land promised to Abraham. Israel was special among all the nations of the earth (Deut. 7). But ultimately the blessing upon Abraham was to be given to all the nations (Matt. 28:19-20). With the coming of Christ God fulfilled all the promises to the fathers (Rom. 15:8). In this age, "God does not show favoritism, but accepts people from every nation who fear Him and do what is right" (Acts 10:34). All of Israel's institutions were fulfilled in Christ -- including the land concept (Heb. 3-4). The Old Testament clearly states that God kept His work and gave the land to Israel. The notion that God had to give the land "again" is without Biblical foundation. There is nothing wrong with Jews living in a certain land, but to claim a "divine right" to it and to employ this claim as a basis for disrupting, hurting, and killing others is wrong. God is not with people when they manipulate and intimidate others. God uses the wicked actions of people in His purposes, but He does not sanction them." -- Jon Zens from an article (included below) "Today's Israel: Is God on her Side?" |
How Jews created Christian Evangelicalism
A 20th century religion created by Zionists, in which "useful idiots" (i.e. 70,000,000 American Evangelicalists) worship the State of Israel.
From the Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive.
Scofield Reference Bible — From Christ Killers to God's Chosen
Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans.
Prof. David W. Lutz writes, “[Jewish activist] Untermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas City lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism. Untermeyer and other wealthy and influential Zionists whom he introduced to Scofield promoted and funded the latter’s career, including travel in Europe.”
Wide Awake Gentile, December 7, 2017.
America's new
Christian Zionists
Transcript of a BBC program on the "Shabbos Goyim" of the Jews, the so-called Christian Zionists
God’s Chosen People (Banned by YouTube)
On Jewish dominance and supremacy, compiled by Know More News. Alternative versions, if the video has been deleted by the Enemy: here and here and here
1:42:30- Donald Trump and Evangelical "Christians", Israel prophecies, building the Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem
Praying for Armageddon
Documentary aired on Al Jazeera English, 2024.
Episode 2: The War Machine - How evangelicals affect the Middle East
Expressing concerns about the influence of evangelical Christians in the US military, retired US Army Colonel
Larry Wilkerson, former adviser to General Colin Powell, says: “The most vivid danger in all of this,
I think, is the special relationship with Israel… They are looking for the US relationship with Israel,
ultimately to bring about Armageddon and the rapture and Christ’s thousand-year reign.”
Episode 1: Political Influence - Evangelicals, the US and the Middle East
Evangelical "Christians" call for the “final battle” which they believe will trigger the second coming of Christ
- central to their apocalyptic prophecy is Israel. Highlights John Hagee's CUFI with speeches from Mike Pence
and Mike Pompeo, and the funneling of giant sums of money and political support to the Jewish state.
Israel: Is God on her Side?
By Jon Zens (Searching Together, Winter 1991)
- Christian
Zionists' Donations to Israel
By Aryeh Dean Cohen (Jerusalem Post 11/12/1997).
Jerusalem to Japan: Join
the War on Terror!
From The Jerusalem Post, Israeli minister "Aharonovitch called on the [Japanese] Christian leaders to show support for Israel"
- A Letter to Rev.
Falwell from Palestinian evangelical
pastors serving in the Holy Land
- Israel:
Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?
By Dr. Rabbi Elmer Berger (1970)
- Deconstructing
the walls of Jericho
By Ze'ev Herzog (Ha'aretz 10/29/1999)
- Chipping
Away at the Past
By Abraham Rabinovich (Jerusalem Post 12/24/1999)
- "The
Israel of God" and the New Testament
ByFrank Stagg (Al-Bushra)
- Christian
A link from Al-Bushra
- An
Open Letter to Fundamentalist Ministers From a Member of a Christian
Fundamentalist Church
By Kathleen Banks (Washington Report 07/1998)
- An
Open Letter to "Christians for Israel"
By Kathleen Banks (Washington Report 09/1998)
- What
Christians Don’t Know About Israel
By Grace Halsell. Leaflet published by the Institute for Historical Review.
"The danger, of course, for U.S. Christians is that having made an icon of Israel, we fall into a trap of condoning whatever Israel does — even wanton murder — as orchestrated by God."
- Do Jews Have a
"Divine Right" to Palestine?
By Dr. Fayez al-Sayegh
- Zionists and the
By Professor Alfred Guillaume
- Praise
God and Pass the Ammunition: the
Changing Nature of Israel's US Backers
By Phyllis Bennis with Khaled Mansour (Middle East Report Fall 1998)
America's new Christian Zionists
Analysis from BBC News, 7 May, 2002. "Joining well-established Jewish lobby groups in America is a new and powerful phenomenon - Christian Zionism." "This new movement is forging an alliance with American Jewish organisations."
![]() ![]() Pastor and televangelist John Hagee, shabbos goy/useful idiot and founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). LEFT: With Israel's flag. RIGHT: Hagee donning the Jewish prayer shawl! |
- Israeli
Extremists and Christian Fundamentalists: The Alliance
By Grace Halsell (Washington Report 12/1988)
- Is the Golan
in the Holy Land?
By Shahar Ilan (Ha'aretz 12/19/1999)
- Israelis
Don't Know Much About Jesus
By Orna Coussin (Ha'aretz 12/23/1999)
Christians Paid for Summer Airlift of Ethiopian Jews
By Catherine Cohen (Ha'aretz 12/31/1999)
Crazy book
titles in the Pseudo-Christian Zionists' Propaganda Arsenal![]() |
the Bible's Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine
By Michael Prior (AMEU 12/2000). The Jewish bible - the Torah - commands atrocities and ethnic cleansing.
- Uncovering the Israeli-Republican-Evangelical Networks behind the
“Obsession” DVD
By Omid Safi, Palestine Think Tank, Oct 19th, 2008
- Who Are Behind Pushing
By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton, PRA Right Web, October 18, 2008
See also these
Zio-"Christian" sites:
- Friends
of Israel Gospel Ministry (external
- Christian
Friends of Israel (external
- International
Fellowship of Christian and Jews
(external link)
The Jehovah's Witness cult:
Pro-Jewish Shabbos Goyim/Noahidism in disguise of a "Christian" sect.
God worked thru Theodor Herzl
Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witness cult praises Zionism's Theodor Herzl, and; the "Messiah" will assume "control of earth's affairs and Gentile governments will cease, for all nations shall serve and obey Messiah", "and then God's Chosen People, Israel, will come to the front in world affairs".
Jewish dream of world empire
Quote from Charles Taze Russell, father of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult.
In Defense of WWII Pope Pius XII |
"With special gratitude we remember all he has done for the persecuted Jews during one of the darkest periods in their entire history."
-- Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, wrote in his letter of condolence on Pope Pius' death.
- Pope Pius XII and the Jews
By Professor Arthur R. Butz. The Journal for Historical Review (July/August 1998).
- The "Silence"
of Pius XII
By Joseph Sobran (03/19/1998)
If the U.S. mainline media is our resource for news then Pope Pius XII is an evil person who turned a blind eye to the Holocaust. However, facts show that not only this is untrue, but that Pius XII helped save hundreds of thousands of lives, Jews and others. Pointing a finger at Pius XII is one of many smoke screens Zionists spray in front of anyone who might find out about the Zionists' silence to the Holocaust.
- Pope Pius
XII: Victim of the Christian Bashers
By William Hughes (Washington Report 05/1998)
Palestinian Christians
rarely mentioned in the Jew-controlled medias
- The
Vatican Statement on the Holocaust, "We Remember: a Reflection on the Shoah"
By Alfred Lilienthal (Washington Report 05/1998)
- New York
Times Promotes Religious Hatred
By Patrick Buchanan (04/04/1998)
- Pius
XII and the Holocaust
By James Bogle and others (Catholic League). "Oskar Schindler, a Roman Catholic, is regarded as a 'righteous gentile' by many Jews for saving the lives of some 3,000 - 4,000 Jews in his factories. Why then is Pope Pius XII so unjustly criticized, despite saving 800,000 Jewish lives?"
- Pius XII's
1943 letter against Jewish statehood revealed
By Elli Wohlgelernter (Jerusalem Post 07/02/1999). In other words Pius was an anti-Zionist, which might explain why many of Israel's supporters have long tried to defame him using the he-didn't-do-enough-to-stop-the-Holocaust weapon.
- Vatican
Official Miffed at Israel
By Sari Bashi (Associated Press 07/19/1999)
- A little
modesty wouldn't hurt
By Gideon Samet (Ha'aretz 03/15/2000)
- Ask
forgiveness? Who, us?
By Gideon Levy (Ha'aretz 03/26/2000)
Christian Resistance against the Jewish Onslaught |
"The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church.
The whole booklet is now also available in PDF (1948 edition), click on this link.
The Jews thrive on promoting inter-religious strife and ethnic conflicts. But not all Christians are duped.
Christian Resistance sites:
- [archived] Very
good Catholic web site, documenting Jewish racism. Should be read and
- Real Jew News - Site by
ex-Jew, now Christian, Brother Nathanael Kapner.
Christians For Truth - Good news site
- Holy War - Norwegian
Christian site. Multilingual.
Sito ufficiale del Centro Culturale San Giorgio - Italian site