Summary of Eva's story:
Eva Olsson grew up in a Jewish family in Szatmar, Hungary.
She says that when she arrived at Auschwitz the Angel of Death Himself, Josef Mengele, was there to greet her. Mengele told people to go to either to the left or the right.
Those who went to the left were sent straight to the gassum chambers to be holocausted.
Eva's mom was sent to the left. Luckily, Eva was sent to the right.
After staying at Auschwitz for a while, Eva says she was sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
There, Eva says that "five children at a time were forced into the crematorium to be burned alive"!
She also says that many people were taken to rooms with shower heads, where water did not come out, but gas!
Eva now goes around telling her tale to young school children all over the country. She says that we must abolish hatred, racism, and intolerance.
The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was in Lower Saxony in northwestern Germany. Once again, even Holohoax propagandists acknowledge that no "homicidal gassings" took place at any of the camps on German soil.
There were no gas chambers in Bergen-Belsen, since the mass executions took place in the camps further east. Nevertheless, an estimated 50,000 Jews, Czechs, Poles, anti-Nazi Christians, homosexuals, and Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) died in the camp. 1
This pathetic, patronizing article/story reads like it's coming from a template.
Article: "Holocaust survivor shares her message of hope"
Note: use http://www.archive.org/ to find article if original link no longer works
The following quote is from an article that was published in the Seaway News on November 6, 2008. This article can no longer be found on the Internet, but fortunately, it has been copied and saved:
Olsson told the story of her experiences as a slave labourer at a German munitions factory, and as a prisoner in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen in 1944 and 1945. […]
As people sat at the Nav Canada Training and Conference Centre trying to hold back tears, she spoke of how she witnessed her mother and three young nieces being led away to the gas chambers on their arrival to Auschwitz, never to be seen again. […]
The room fell silent as Olsson told of witnessing firsthand the horror of the “death factories” created by the Nazis. She told stories of German soldiers being ordered to shoot babies in their mother’s arms-killing both mother and child–to not waste two bullets. She spoke of seeing the Angel of Death-Dr. Josef Mengele-and the hospital where he experimented on young Jewish children by infecting them with diseases such as tuberculosis. […]
Perhaps the most gruesome aspect of the tale was her recollection of her imprisonment in Bergen-Belsen when the camp ran out of pellets to fuel the gas chambers.
“On that day, five children at a time were put into the (crematorium) ovens alive, five children at a time, to be burned alive,” said Olsson, who contracted typhus in the death camp.
Notice that Eva Olsson saw the cremation ovens (plural).
Diplomatic Courier (November 24, 2016) noted in "INTERVIEW: One Woman’s Stand Against Intolerance and Hate: A Conversation with Holocaust Survivor and Author Eva Olsson", that "author and widely acclaimed public speaker" Olsson "has spoken to more than one million people across North America"!
Judicial-Inc with commentary on this mythomaniac
Hear Eva speak...
Holocaust survivor Dr. Eva Olsson speaks to students at Amherstburg Public School. 2011.
Video by Blackburn News.
See Also:
- More details on Eva Olsson's tale - "Lived on black, watery soup that had tuffs of human hair in it, bones and mice"
- More on the horrors of the Holohoax from Eva Olssen - If the gas chambers were too busy the Nazis just threw the Jews straight into the ovens alive
- Earlier version of Eva Olsson's tale - "served a special soup with human bones and hair in it" at Auschwitz