Old Jew David Faber has an incredible story.
He was born in Poland. The Nazis took over the country when he was 12.
He personally witnessed almost his entire family -- father, mother, brother, and 5 of his 6 sisters -- being holocausted.
While at a camp Faber worked as a sondercommando, removing gold teeth from the dead bodies in the gas chamber showers. One time while at the job, he found a baby alive in his mothers arms who had survived the gas. A miracle!
Young David tried bravely to get the baby out of the camp. But the Germans caught him, and took him and the baby to the ovens. They then threw the baby alive into the flames! But for some reason, they decided not to holocaust David.
In all, he survived 8 extermination camps. In the other version of his tale, he says he survived 9 camps. Faber also survived an 11-day death march. How did he survive all this? A miracle of course.
Faber immigrated to America in 1957. This inexhaustable holohoaxer fanatic travels all over the United States telling this (ever-evolving... see second article) story to young school children in middle and high schools.
He impores them to fight against "hate" and "anti-Semitism". What David means is to not hate the jews. Now, as for hate for the Germans, that's kosher, and what his tale is designed to produce.
David has a book for you to buy also, titled "Because of Romek: A Holocaust Survivor's Memoir". It is required reading in some schools in California.
Article #1: 'Holocaust survivor recounts Nazi-perpetrated horrors'
Update to David's tale. He now says he survived 9 camps, and that he was 13 (not 12 as before) when the Germans invaded Poland.
Article #2: 'Holocaust Survivor Shares Experiences'
Note: use http://www.archive.org/ to find articles if original links no longer work