The following is a scholarly article that one might say is 'advanced studies' for someone interested in Holohoax revisionism. Neophytes and those of 'intermediate' knowledge are well aware of the major arguments and facts that debunk the 'official' account -- such as the human soap and lamp shade lies, the official Auschwitz Museum revising down the number killed at Auschwitz by 2.5 million, the fact that world almanacs show the worldwide Jewish population increased from 1935-1945, the Red Cross records documenting that only ~270,000 internees died in all of the German camps, the impossibility of the alleged 'homicidal gas chambers' and the cremation of 6 million, the many false accounts and hoaxes by supposed 'holocaust survivors', etc.
This essay goes deeper, exploring the much less well-known occult-religious origin and purpose of a fabricated 'holocaust' of '6,000,000' Jews. Although I disagree with some of the presumptions in his argument (eg, his apparent position that the 'Jews' of today are the same people as the Old Testament Israelites), I highly recommended this piece. I have quoted below some of the more enlightening excerpts.
Ben Weintraub’s 1995 book, Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism, fully explores and explains the Kabalistic gematria and occultism involved in the number. 6,000,000 is the number of perfect souls times ten, and ten is number of the Sephiroth, the divine emanations of G_d as seen in the Kabala.
Thus, it is numerologically predetermined, and through various dark conjuring rites, supernaturally imbued with power. As a result, it can never, ever be changed. This is critical, central to the hex. 6,000,000 is the number. There are never more deaths; there are never less. 6,000,000 is the number. It must be ritually repeated and publicly acknowledged.
As you will see, vav/six symbolizes cosmic completion. Thereby, it is an integral part of the miraculous and mystical Holy Name of G_d, a key element in Semitic sorcery and ceremonial magic.
As we already see, 6,000,000 never refers to actual deaths. It is a purely symbolic, esoteric, mystical number, symbolizing the perfect result, a perfect creation, a magical Great Work in progress. Perhaps this is a part of tikkun olam, the Kabalistic-Talmudic “repairing” or “perfecting” of the world, done of course by the self-chosen ones.
The Semitic sorcerers, the tzaddiks and cohanim, of the centuries old ritual murder cult, lurking beneath the outer trappings of Judaism, recognized that in addition to copious amounts of goy blood, a little actual Jewish blood in the mix (“chosen ones” chosen for sacrifice) is particularly useful for certain magical workings....In addition to the magic H word and the mythical number, as you read the 1919 piece [ie, the article in The American Hebrew titled "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!"], look for ritual murder symbols and themes like: blood, bleeding, slaughter, sacrifice, cutting, knives, torture, deaths of babies, etc
Actually, the 6,000,000 appeared even earlier in the 1910 Encyclopedia Britannica (V.25, 482b). "While there remain in Russia and Rumania over six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded….". As we know, this number has ritualistic significance, so must be publicly repeated and acknowledged as much as possible.
While again we musn’t stray too far, inquiring minds into the occult origins of particular ideas might study the ancient Hebrew/Semitic genuine holocaust human sacrifice god, Moloch, in whose fiery Jerusalem temple the allegedly wise Solomon allowed little babies to burn alive in ovens. Read the Jewish Old Testament; it’s all there. Does this give rise to a modern-day psychological neurosis, a compulsive obsession with alleged WWII mass burnings in ovens? Do Moloch, Ba’al and similar Semitic idols of evil, powerful ethnic atavistic images, fuel the fires and fantasies of irrational holohoax fundamentalist exterminationists? Is this gory ancient archetype lurking in their psyche?
Iranian President Ahmadinejad was completely correct when he said: “They have fabricated a legend under the name of Massacre of the Jews, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the prophets themselves.” The international Zionists, in collusion with powerful Western governments, fabricated a legend, and it is held higher than God.
The symbolic 6,000,000 and the special term, holocaust, were carefully created, crafted and fabricated by those who follow undeniably Talmudic-Kabalistic doctrines and dogma. 6,000,000 has nothing at all to do with actual deaths, yet Holocaustianity has become a government sponsored publicly supported and enforced religion...
The primary purpose of the 6,000,000 holo-myths is deceptive, evil and occult. It is an ongoing magical working of the Dark Forces. The Elders of Zion cast Protocols-like spells to deceive the goyim, causing them to ostentatiously and obligingly revere the Chosen Ones – and support them with money. This clever holo/hoax/hex works ever so well on the common people, especially the self-deceived so-called Judeo-Christians, thus we cannot deny its magic powers.