The "6 million" number of Jews supposedly killed is a monstrously untenable exaggeration. It was once deemed an irrefutable fact that "4 million" persons were "exterminated" at Auschwitz, with "3 million" of those being Jews.
Jewish Currents is a secular Jewish magazine published quarterly since 1958. In Volume 31, Issue 7, published in August 1977, it states:
"About 3,000,000 Jews were hanged, shot or gassed in Auschwitz" [1]
But that figure has been steadily revised down by historians over the years, with even the official Auschwitz Museum revising down the number killed at Auschwitz by at least 2.5 million.
Left: This was the plaque on display at the Auschwitz camp until 1989: note the "4 million" victims.
Right: This is the plaque currently on display at Auschwitz (2002)
Note the suddenly reduced number of victims to 1.5 million - a casual reduction in the number of deaths by 2.5 million. Question: Does 'Six Million' minus 2.5 million still equal 'Six Million'?
The Official Auschwitz Museum website currently claims the total number of Jews who were deported to Auschwitz to be 1.1 million (remember, this is just what they claim were deported; not all of those deported to the camp died there):
"As a result of the inclusion of Auschwitz in the process of the mass extermination of the Jews, the number of deportees began to soar. About 197 thousand Jews were deported there in 1942, about 270 thousand the following year, and over 600 thousand in 1944, for a total of almost 1.1 million."
- Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau
Source: Winston Smith Ministry of Truth