Charles F. Wennerstrum (1889 - 1986) was an American lawyer from Illinois
the presiding judge in the
Hostages Trial, where 12 Germans
were tried, and the severest sentence handed-down was life imprisonment.
After eight months at Nuremberg, Wennerstrum gave an interview to Hal Foust, a
journalist for the Chicago Daily Tribune, who was in Nuremberg covering the trials.
Wennerstrum, expressed his disgust about how the trials had been conducted:
He stated the victors of WW2 had used the main Nuremberg trial to whitewash
their war crimes, and pin the sole blame for the war in the hands of Germany
Much of the "American" staff at the Nuremberg trials, had only recently become
Who "were imbedded in Europe's hatreds & prejudices." (ie Jews)
The defence had access only to documents the prosecution deemed necessary to the case
The prosecution complained bitterly when he ruled the defence will be allowed
to view entire documents the prosecution only wished excerpts of to be shown
US Military Monitoring Journalists
The journalist Hal Foust also goes onto explain how the US military intercepted
his article being transmitted back to America. And how he was given a rebuttal
of Judge Wennerstrum's comments, before they had even been published.
Foust also states; it is not the first time the US Military had incepted his articles
being transmitted back to America. He writes that after sending a tele-ticker of
exposé of the corruption at the Military Government's Rest & Recreation
in Garmisch, in the Bavarian Alps, he had been picked-up and
by the American Military only hours later.
Despite the criticism Charles F.
Wennerstrum received, he stood by his comments
Here's Hal Foust famous article, of his interview with
Charles F. Wennerstrum,
which appeared in the Chicago Daily Tribune February 23, 1948

Part two: