I've found where the archives for the New
York Amsterdam News (a "black"
newspaper) are available
online, but
you need very special library access, I
don't have. But this story is an
absolute doozie (even though I suspect
the girl lied), so I'll just quote
verbatim from, and link to the website
which claims this article appeared; the
Nation of Islam. http://noirg.org/friendship-series-adl/
ADL Minstrel Show Black female
fundraiser at the New York office of
the Anti Defamation League (ADL)
witnessed a minstrel show at the ADL
Fashion Accessories Torch of Liberty
ceremonies in November of 1992.
Cheryl Hamilton told the Amsterdam
News that she was “shocked” when
“blue-eyed teenagers were suddenly
transformed into Black-faced modern
minstrels. Then to add insult to
injury, they passed out white gloves
to members of the audience.” The
minstrel show was popularized by
Jewish performers who mocked Black
people by wearing black shoe polish
on their faces to the enjoyment of
their Jewish audiences. Hamilton,
who has been employed as a temporary
worker at the ADL reports hearing
all sorts of racist remarks and
innuendos from the White employees
and supervisors, according to the
report. She first reported the story
to the New York Post which, after
consultations with the ADL, squashed
the story. Hamilton was unafraid of
the consequences of making the story
public. “I believe in speaking my
mind and doing the right thing.”

Hitler's wife Eva Braun prepares for her
gig at the ADL