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[Note: As this article is reconstructed from a copy some content/layout may vary from the original posting.]

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Jacob Schiff’s connection to the murder of the Romanovs

«God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.»

Jacob H. Schiff, Jewish financier of the Russian revolutions, the murdered Tsar with his family,
and Heinrich Heine, Jewish poet and friend of the Rothschilds and Karl Marx

This is a photograph [alt. here] of a message written upon a wall in the cellar of the Ipatiev House where the Romanov family was murdered on July 17, 1918. The message written in German reads:

«Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht Von seinen Kuechter umgebracht»
(«Balthazar was, in this same night killed by his slaves»)

‘Belshazzar’s Feast’ by Rembrandt

The graffiti on the wall of the cellar is a line from Heinrich Heine’s poem ‘Balthazar’, about the biblical story of the prophet Daniel and the Babylonian king Balthazar (or Belshazzar). Balthazar was feasting and insulting the Jewish God by drinking wine from goblets ransacked from the Jewish Temple, when fingers of a human hand materialised and begin writing on the wall of Balthazar’s palace. The Jewish prophet Daniel was the only man who could read the writing on the wall, which read:
God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. 1

That night, Balthazar was slain, although it does not mention in the bible exactly how. 2

Heinrich Heine published this poem in 1827, in his collection entitled Buch der Lieder (Book of Songs). More about this and other Kabbalistic graffiti on the walls of the Ipatiev House can be read here. I quote from the site:
But the German for «Balthazar» is «Belsazar» without «t». The addition of this «t» reveals the word «Tzar» (Belsatzar) and Heine’s poem then takes a strong meaning in this place…
Who could have written these words? One red guard of Ipatiev house? He would have been very cultured and had known the German language well.

The Jacob H. Schiff Connection to Heine’s Poem

From The New York Times, February 10, 1914: 3

On Monday, February 9th (1914), Jacob H. Schiff opened the lecture course which he founded at Cornell University (New York) last year by introducing Prof. Ernest Elster of the University of Marburg. In referring to Prof. Elster ‘s course on the Poet Heine, Mr. Schiff told how Heine was driven from his country through persecution and said: «One cannot be a true citizen of one’s country without being true to the faith one was raised in. Heine died as good a German as a Jew.» …
Mr. Schiff founded this lecture course last year by a gift of $100,000.
German born Jew, Jacob H. Schiff financed, and personally attended at least once, a seven week lecture course on the works of German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine, at New York’s Cornell University in early 1914. The lectures were given in the German language by Professor Ernest Elster. 4

As has been established again and again, a huge proportion of the Bolshevik leaders, including Trotsky, who seized power in the October Revolution of 1917, had rushed from New York City to Russia, in the weeks and months following the 1917 February Revolution which had overthrown of the Tsarist regime. Eight months after the Bolshevik October Revolution, the Romanov family was murdered in the cellar of the Ipatiev House by a squad led by the Russian Jew Yakov Yurovsky, and amongst the murderers was someone highly familiar with the works of Heinrich Heine, the German-Jewish poet much admired by Jacob H. Schiff.

Had the author of the graffiti, attended the lectures on Heine in New York, that were financed by Jacob H. Schiff? Or had he independently gained immense knowledge of Heine’s works, and just spontaneously decided to scrawl those words, which held so many separate and powerful meanings:

– The biblical «writing upon the wall»

– The god of the Jews bringing to an end, the reign of another king of the goyyim – The BelsaTZAR being murdered by his slaves (the Bible claims Hebrews were slaves in Babylon)

– The Jewish poem about an ancient bible story being acted out, as if it was a prophecy

Either way, the murder of the Tzar and end of the regime was clearly seen by its Jewish perpetrators as being the wish of the Jewish God, who Kabbalists believe lives within all Jews, and Jews alone.

Sources cited:

1. Daniel 5:26

2. Daniel 5:30

3. SCHIFF AT CORNELL.; Introduces Prof. Elster and Opens Lecture Course He Endowed. The New York Times. February 10th, 1914. Article also appears in The Reform Advocate, February 14th, 1914. The Reform Advocate. Vol. 47. 1914. p.18 

4. As well as above see: CORNELL LECTURES ON HEINE. The Sun (NY). October 6th, 1913. Cornell Daily Sun. March 5, 1914. p.2

1 comment:

  1. Juri Lina is impossible to contact, but he alleged that it was revealed in 1990 that Schiff was directly responsible for the murder ofthe Romanovs, and sent the order to the Bolsheviks.



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