German American Jewish philosopher and political
theorist Hannah Arendt wrote
in her 1963 Eichmann in Jerusalem: A
Report on the Banality of Evil:
" ... in Israel, where rabbinical
law rules the personal status of
Jewish citizens, with the result
that no Jew can marry a non-Jew;
marriages concluded abroad are
recognized, but children
of mixed marriages are legally
bastards (children
of Jewish parentage born out of
wed-lock are legitimate), and if one
happens to have a non-Jewish mother
he can neither be married nor
Hannah Arendt. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the
Banality of Evil (2006 edition) p.7
American Jewish professor of Political Science William
Safran wrote in
his 2003 book The Secular and the
Sacred: Nation, Religion, and Politics:
"A man with the surname of Cohen
(the priest & highest caste in
Judaism) or someone with another
surname who is known to be a kohen
cannot be married to a divorcee in
Israel, and a bastard cannot be
married to a Jew. The status of a
bastard differs from Christian
traditions that designate a bastard
as the child of a couple not married
to one another. The child of
unmarried parents may not be a
bastard in Judaism. Jewish
law bestows the status of bastard on
the child of a couple who could not
be married to one another by virtue
of one or another prohibition of
religious law." *
William Safran. The Secular and the Sacred: Nation,
Religion, and Politics (2003) p.216
* Safran refers to, but doesn't mention, the fact that
Jews and non-Jews can not marry under Jewish Law
and can not marry in Israel today, like in Nazi
You say Mischling, I say Mamzerim

"One of the reasons why issues of
conversion, marriage and divorce are
so important to religious Jews is
because of the possibility of
mamzerim (illegitimates). In
a Jewish divorce, a get must be
signed by the husband. If he does
not sign, then the divorce is not
official and the couple is still
legally married according to Jewish
law. If the get is
not issued, the woman is not free to
remarry and have children, and if
she does remarry and have children,
then those children are considered
to be bastards according to Jewish
law. (There is no
biblical injunction against multiple
wives, however, it has been ruled
illegal according to the Rabbis.) The
bastard child cannot be issued a
Jewish identity card and will not be
permitted to marry another Jew in
Israel. The
illegitimate child is only permitted
to marry other illegitimate
children. Hence, many Orthodox
Rabbis claim the reason they want to
retain control over conversions,
marriage and divorce is to avoid the
problem of mamzerim."
And, of course, Sammy Davis, jr. and Marilyn Monroe count as Judeans, even if they are converts. The miracle is that once converted, their DNA changed somewhat to become like the true-blood chosen one's DNA.