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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Zyklon B, hot brick, shovel, Jews, nonsense

At Nazi Death Concentration Camp: Mauthausen in
Austria, 2,000,000 erm... 14,000 Jews were killed

As at Auschwitz and Majdanek, Mauthausen's gas chamber used Zyklon B to murder untermensch. At those camps the Nazis awaited the victims body-heat to warm the gas chamber concrete floor to a temperature high enough to release the cyanide gas from the Zyklon B granules. At Mauthausen, the Nazis had a different method.

French writer Christian Bernadac wrote a book or two on the Ho£ocaust. His 1974 effort The 186 Steps gives details of the gassing procedure at Mauthausen

So, a brick was warmed in the crematory oven, onto which the
Zyklon B was placed, and then shoved into the gas chamber

The "brick method of Mauthausen" was proven at the trial of Martin Roth
in the 1960s. Extracts from the judgement appear in the 1993 book
Nazi Mass Murders, originally published in German in 1983, edited by
Eugen Kogon, Herman Langbein (Jew-ish), and Adelbert Rückerl (Jew).
"If a gassing was due to take place, … Roth gave orders to one of the prisoners of the crematorium work detail, who were his subordinates, usually to the witness Kanduth, to heat a brick in the crematory oven. Roth took the burning-hot brick in a shovel and placed it inside the apparatus for admitting the gas. The apparatus consisted of a metal chest with a removable cover, which could be hermetically sealed by means of wing screws and airtight packing. By giving off heat, the brick led to the quick release of the poison gas, which was fixed to shreds of paper."
click image to enlarge

Austrian Walter Lüftl, former president of the Federal Chamber
of Engineers wrote about the brick in his report which proved
that all the Nazi gas chamber lies are scientifically impossible
"The description of the [gassing] procedure given during a trial before the German district court [Landesgericht] at Hagen suggests the existence of a gas generator of almost ingenious simplicity of design. (The evidence for gassing in the Mauthausen camp was provided by the document archives of the Austrian Resistance Center [DOeW].)
In this case, Zyklon B was not thrown in from above. (Even though this is what a commemorative plaque tells us, (Hans) Marsalek (former political prisoners in the Mauthausen) reports differently.) Why this brilliant procedure was never used in other concentration camps remains a mystery. At Mauthausen, the gas generator consisted of a sheet metal box with a lid, in which a hot brick (that had been heated in the open fire of the crematorium) was laid. This means that the SS could have gassed people only when bodies were already being burned. Zyklon B was then strewn onto this hot brick. But because of the temperature, this would mean an explosively rapid vaporization of the gas, resulting in an explosion of the HCN itself.

This version of gas generation may clearly be relegated to the realm of fairy tales. But it was believed by the Hagen district court, just like the fairy tale of blue (actually, red) victims of hydrogen cyanide poisoning. [The red coloring is confirmed, for example, in: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (Dr. W. Forth, et al., eds.), Mannheim, 4th ed., p. 645.]...

But according to (Hans) Marsalek (Poison Gas in Mauthausen, 1988 p.10), instead of blowing carbon dioxide (CO2) into the "gas chamber," the Nazis sprinkled Zyklon B onto a brick heated on a shovel in the crematory oven to generate cyanide gas!"


  1. Thanks for the photo of Walter Lüftle. His report , The Leuchter Report, the Rudolph Report and even The Kracow Report all pretty much arrive at the same conclusions about the non-leathal levels of HCN residue in the purported gas chambers at Auschwitz, anyway.
    There's the farmhouse(s) version, but that can't be contested scientifically because these are gone now, dismantled by neighbors who recycled the cyanide permeated Prussian Blue bricks. Robert Van Pelt tells us this at the end of Mr. Death, the very skewed documentary film by Errol Morris about Fred Leuchter.

  2. Thanks. I enjoyed David Irving's comment on the Kracow Report at his trial:

    MR JUSTICE GRAY: Was there not another one in 1945 that you are relying on.

    MR RAMPTON: No, the only 1945 report is the report your Lordship has seen. There was a preliminary report by the forensic people in about 1991 in response to Leuchter. It was unsatisfactory. They redid it under Professor Markovic's aegis and that produced positive results.

    MR IRVING: The first one was politically incorrect, so they put it away in the safe and they produced a new version.

  3. The 2 Krakow Reports were prepared by the Forensic Institute Jan Sehn which is named after the biased Communist judge who presided over Poland's Auschwitz Trials. What was presented there, as with Nuremberg, was false evidence prepared by the Soviet "Extraordinary State Commission." Naming an institute of forensic science after a jurist seems rather odd.


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