"... in 1913 that of thirty-nine
white slave traders in Galicia,
thirty-eight were Jewish." -
Austrian Zionists admitted
Dr. Brigitte Hamann, German-Austian
historian, wrote in her 1999
book Hitler's
Vienna: A Portrait of the Tyrant as
a Young Man:
The second inimical image of the
Eastern Jew, the white slave
trader, took up the old cliche
of the Jewish seducer. On the
other hand, around 1900 there
were indeed a number of criminal
cases in which Eastern Jews were
implicated. Contary to the
anti-Semitic sterotype, however,
these incidents were not about
seducation of "blonde" Christian
girls, but the trade with poor
Jewish women from the Eastern
European shtetls (towns in
Yiddish), some of them from
The white slaves traders always
employed the same methods: the
well-dressed, obviously
well-to-do trader appeared in
the shtetl, approached a poor
family with many children, acted
like the future so-in-law, and
married the girl, who was still
a child (the Talmud says
Jewish girls can marry age three .ed),
in a Jewish rite. To the joy of
her parents he refused to accept
a dowry and took "his wife"
along with him, offering her a
supposedly nicer life. This
method could be used any number
of times, because a ritual
wedding was not legally binding.
Another method was to take
advantage of the desolate
situation of those young women
whose husbands were itinerant
beggars and had been missing.
These women were indigent but
were not allowed to remarry,
inasmuch as they were not
divorced. If they let themselves
be seduced and were thus
"disgraced," the white slave
traders could easily take them
along. In particularly poor
families with many children
there were even instances of
child trading. Typically the
girls and women were illiterate,
spoke only Yiddish, and were
completely at the criminals'
mercy, especially because they
were emotionally bound in their
marriage. before they realized
what was happening to them, they
ended up in Hamburg
brothels—usually via
Serbia—which were called "girl
export depots," or on a ship
heading overseas. Prices in
Odessa ranged from five hundred
to two thousand rubles rubel
(sic) per girl; in Hamburg the
going rate was fifteen hundred
marks. In Buenis Aires, for
example, the girls were
typically sold to brothel owners
right at the landing dock for
prices between three thousand
and six thousand francs. There
the girls from Galicia, called
"Austríacas," represented the
third-largest group of
prostitutes, after the natives
and the Russians. The
traders—among them
women—constantly changed their
names and carried forged
documents, of British or Turkish
passports. A great deal of bribe
money was paid to civil servants
during these transactions.
Jewish communities supported the
fight against crime with all
their might, for several
reasons: to help the girls, to
stop the criminals in their
tracks, and also to stop
providing fuel for
anti-Semitism. Thus Vienna's
Zionist Neue
National-Zeitung reported
in 1913 that of thirty-nine
white slave traders in Galicia,
thirty-eight were Jewish.
Another times they reported that
90 percent of the three thousand
prostitutes in Argentina were

image to enlarge
Hitler's Vienna (1999)
Brigette Hamann
I've found information on the
origins of the "Hitler a Jew" story
in this book,
I've found nowhere
else, it seems to contain a lot of
new research by
the author. I have ordered a copy
and looking forward to reading it.
Hey BRI,...Excellent work, a brilliant new perspective with which to engage the yiddish khazars.
Seconded. You are moving into fresh pastures here. Well done. Very valuable.
ReplyThank you gentleman.