huge collection of Nazi propaganda posters and pamphlets.
A Selection of Lies about Hitler
Nothing better demonstrates the great hatred the (political) parties responsible for Germany’s misery have for Hitler than a selection of the lies that they spread about him. And nothing speaks more for Hitler.
The Center Party and its allies in the “Bavarian People’s Party” lied: ... As a child, Hitler supposedly spit on the host. He is a covert Bolshevist.
They lied: Hitler supposedly received money from Jews.
They lied: Hitler supposedly received money from Ford.
The S.P.D. and Center Party lied: Hitler supposedly was engaged to a Jew.
The S.P.D. lied: Hitler supposedly ordered Jewish cemeteries to be desecrated. (Even Berlin Police President Bernhard Weiß had to admit under oath that he knew of no case of grave desecration by National Socialists.)
The S.P.D. and Center Party lied: Hitler supposedly stated that in the Third Reich, all handicapped children will be killed.
The S.P.D. and Center Party lied: Hitler was supposedly Czech. When this could no longer be defended, they changed it so that Hitler’s mother was supposedly a Czech who always spoke the Czech language.
The S.P.D. lies today: “To save money,” Hitler would supposedly kill everyone over the age of 60.