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Saturday, 8 October 2011

Soviet collective farms run by Jews

Major Francis Charles Claypon Yeats-Brown, DFC (1886 – 1944)
was a career soldier, war hero, and award winning writer.

In 1939 he published European Jungle, containing
a synopsis on Jewish Bolshevism/Communism

In 1917, Lenin was smuggled into the country with four Jews, Leiba Bronstein (alias Leon Trotsky), Apfelbaum (alias Zinoviev), Rosenfeld (alias Kamenev), and Sobelsohn (alias Radek), with the help of the Germans and a Jewish banking house in New York, and through the agency of Israel Lazarevitch Helphand, alias Parvus, a Russian Jew who made his fortune in Denmark out of German coal.

Karl Marx, the father of Bolshevism, whose real name was Mordecai, was the son of a rabbi in Treves. He hated the Jews, it is true, but then he held most of the human race in scorn, except the Proletariat, with whom he rarely came in contact.

According to the Rev. George A. Simons, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Petrograd, out of the 388 members of the first Bolshevik Government which met in Petrograd in December, 1918, no less than 265 were Jews from the Lower East Side of New York City. There were 106 European Jews, one North American negro, and only 16 genuine Russians. Sixteen Russians, a negro, 371 Jews! The president of this collection of aliens was the Jew Zinoviev.

M. Oudendyke, the Dutch Minister in Petrograd, sent a report to the British Government at this time stating that "unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread all over Europe, in one form or another, as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose object it is to destroy the existing order." This report was published as a White Paper by the British Government, but disappeared almost immediately from circulation. When reprinted, the above passage was deleted.

The population of Russia was then (in 1918) 158,400,000, of whom 7,800,000 were Jews. The present population is about 170,000,000, and probably the same proportion — say 5 per cent — are Jews. Yet in 1935, in the Central Committee of the Communist Party, consisting of 59 members, 95 per cent were Jews — i.e., 56 members — while the other three members were married to Jewesses: Stalin, Lobov, and Ossinsky.

Among the Ambassadors and Ministers of the U.S.S.R. in 1935 the following were believed to be Jews:

In Berlin: M. Suritz.
In Paris : M. Louritz.
In Rome : M. Stein.
In Tokyo : M. Yureneff .
In Ankara : M. Karakhan.
In Brussels : M. Rubinin.
In Oslo : M. Yakoubowich.
In Stockholm : Mme. Kallontai.
In Bucharest : M. Ostrovski.
In Riga: M. Brodovsky.
In Tallin: M. Karski.
In Helsingfors : M. Asmous.

In the same year (1935) the League of Nations Delegation consisted of one Georgian, M. Swanidze, and seven Jews, MM. Litvinov, Rosenberg, Stein, Markus, Brenners, Hirschfeld, Helphand.

At present, with the purges in progress, it is impossible to give the Semitic percentages in the Russian Government. Certain it is that they are very much higher than the percentage of Jews to the population, both in the lower and upper grades of the State service, which means, in Russia, of practically all employment.

During his travels along the border districts of the U.S.S.R., M. Jean Fontenoy found that 90 per cent of the directors and secretaries of the collective farms he visited were Jews. Field workers received a maximum of 27 days' pay a month: the president and secretary 80 to 90 days' pay a month. The words Communist and Jew were synonymous with the peasants: they thought that the Jews were the rulers of the land.

In Kremlin circles the two brothers-in-law of Stalin, Lazarus and Moses Kaganovitch, are Ministers of Transport and Heavy Industry respectively; the guard of the Kremlin is confided to the Jewish Colonel Jacob Rappoport; while the concentration camps, with their population of 7,000,000 Russians, are in charge of a Jew, Mendel Kermann, aided by Lazarus Kaman and Semen-Firkin, both Jews. The prisons of the country are governed by the Jew Kairn Apeter. Foreign policy is almost wholly in Jewish hands, beginning with that man of many aliases, M. Meyer Moses Polyanski, alias Enock Finkelstein, alias Gustav Graf, alias Buchmann, Harrison, Maximovitch, Wallach, Berr, and Litvinov, the Foreign Minister of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, at whose breakfast-table Mr. Eden found pats of butter stamped with the slogan, "Peace is indivisible." What peace, M. Litvinov may sometimes ask himself, will Russian Jews have in the days to come?

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