The Daily Express - September
17, 1936 - page 12
Prime Minister during World War One,
David Lloyd George, travelled to
Germany and meet with the German Fuehrer
in 1936. On his return he wrote the
following article which appeared in the
Daily Express newspaper.
Despite being over a year since the
introduction of the Nuremberg Laws, Jews
only get a single mention in the
article, which heaps huge praise on
The Daily Express
September 17, 1936
.. I talked to HITLER
by the Right Honourable DAVID LLOYD
I HAVE just returned from a visit to
In so short a time one can only form
impressions or at least check
impressions which years of distant
observation through the telescope of
the Press and constant inquiry from
those who have seen things at a
closer range had already made on
one's mind.
I have now seen the famous German
Leader and also something of the
great change he has effected.
Whatever one may think of his
they are certainly not those of a
parliamentary country—there can be
no doubt that he has achieved a
marvellous transformation in the
spirit of the people, in their
attitude towards each other, and in
their social and economic outlook.
He rightly claimed at Nuremberg that
in four years his movement has made
a new Germany.
It is not the Germany of the first
decade that followed the war—broken,
dejected, and bowed down with a
sense of apprehension and
importance. It is now full of hope
and confidence, and of a renewed
sense of determination to lead its
own life without interference from
any influence outside its own
There is for the first time since
the war a general sense of security.
The people are more cheerful. There
is a greater sense of general gaiety
of spirit throughout the land. It is
a happier Germany. I saw it
everywhere and Englishmen I met
during my trip and who knew Germany
well were very impressed with the
One man has accomplished this
miracle. He is a born leader of men.
A magnetic, dynamic personality with
a single-minded purpose, a resolute
will and a dauntless heart.
He is not merely in name but in fact
the national Leader. He has made
them safe against potential enemies
by whom they were surrounded. He is
also securing them against that
constant dread of starvation, which
is one of the poignant memories of
the last years of the War and the
first years of the Peace. Over
700,000 died of sheer hunger in
those dark years. You can still see
the effect in the physique of those
who were born into that bleak world.
The fact that Hitler has rescued his
country from the fear of a
repetition of that period of
despair, penury and humiliation has
given him unchallenged authority in
modern Germany.
As to his popularity, especially
among the youth of Germany, there
can be no manner of doubt. The old
trust him; the young idolise him. It
is not the admiration accorded to a
popular Leader. It is the worship of
a national hero who has saved his
country from utter despondency and
It is true that public criticism of
the Government is forbidden in every
form. That does not mean that
criticism is absent. I have heard
the speeches of prominent Nazi
orators freely condemned.
But not a word of criticism or of
disapproval have I heard of Hitler.
He is as immune from criticism as a
king in a monarchical country. He is
something more. He
is the George Washington of Germany—the
man who won for his country
independence from all her
oppressors. To those who have not
actually seen and sensed the way
Hitler reigns over the heart and
mind of Germany this description may
appear extravagant. All the same, it
is the bare truth. This great people
will work better, sacrifice more,
and, if necessary, fight with
greater resolution because Hitler
asks them to do so. Those who do not
comprehend this central fact cannot
judge the present possibilities of
modern Germany.
On the other hand, those who imagine
that Germany has swung back to its
old Imperialist temper cannot have
any understanding of the character
of the change. The idea of a Germany
intimidating Europe with a threat
that its irresistible army might
march across frontiers forms no part
of the new vision.
What Hitler said at Nuremberg is
true. The Germans will resist to the
death every invader at their own
country, but they have no longer the
desire themselves to invade any
other land.
The leaders of modern Germany know
too well that Europe is too
formidable a proposition to be
overrun and trampled down by any
single nation, however powerful may
be its armaments. They have learned
that lesson in the war.
Hitler fought in the ranks
throughout the war, and knows from
personal experience what war means.
He also knows too well that the odds
are even heavier today against an
aggressor than they were at that
What was then Austria would now be
in the main hostile to the ideals of
1914. The Germans are under no
illusions about Italy. They also are
aware that the Russian Army is in
every respect far more efficient
than it was in 1914.
The establishment of a German
hegemony in Europe which was the aim
and dream of the old pre-war
militarism, is not even on the
horizon of Nazism.
As to German rearmament there can be
no question of its existence. All
the vistors of the great war except
Britain having overlooked the
obligations of theor own treaty as
to disarmament, the Fuehrer has
deliberately smashed the remnant
which bound his own country.
He has followed the example of the
nations responsible for the
Versailles Treaty.
It is now an avowed part of the
Hitler policy to build up an army
which will be strong enough to
resist every invader from whatever
quarter the attack may come. I
believe he has already achived that
measure of immunity. No country or
combination of countries could feel
confident of overwhelming the
Germany of today.
Three years of feverish preparation
have so strengthened the defences of
Germany as to makethem impenetrable
to attack except at a sacrifice of
life which would be more appalling
than that inflicted in the great
But, as any one who knows war can
tell, there is a great difference
between a defensive and an offensive
armament. On the defensive the arms
need not be as powerful and the
troops that wield them need not be
as numerous or so well trained as in
attack. A few selected
machine-gunners skillfully hidden
and sheltered can hold up a divison
backed up by shattering artillery.
Germany has constructed strong
defensive positions and has
positions and has, I have no doubt,
a sufficient number of trained or
rather half-trained men with enough
machine-guns and artillery to hold
these positions against attack. She
has also a very efficient and
powerful air fleet.
There is no attempt to conceal these
facts. Re-armament proceeds quite
openly, and they vaunt it. It
accounts for the outburst of
defiance hurled against Russia. They
feel safe now.
But it will take Germany at least
10 years to build up an army strong
enough to face the armies of Russia
or France on any soil except her
own. There she can
fight successfully, because she can
choose battlefields which she has
carefully prepared and fortified,
and she has plenty of men trained
sufficiently to defend trenches and
concrete emplacments.
But her conscript army is very
young-there is a gap of years to
fill up in the reserves and
particularly in officers. As an
offensive army it would take quite
10 years to bring it up to the
standard of the great army of 1914.
But any attempt to repeat Poincare's
antics in the Ruehr would be meet
with a fanatical resistance from
myraids of brave men who count death
for the Fatherland not a scrifice
but glory.
This is the new temper of the German
youth. There is almost a religious
fervour about their faith in the
movement and its leader.
That impressed me more than anything
I witnessed during my short visit to
the new Germany. There was a
revivalist atmosphere. It has had an
extraordinary effect in unifying the
Catholic and Protestant, Prussian
and Bavarian, employer and workman,
rich and poor, have been
consolidated into one people.
Religious, provinical and class
origins no longer divide the nation.
There is a passion for unity born of
dire necessity.
The divisions which followed the
collpse of 1918 made Germany
importent to face her problems,
internal and external. That is the
clash of rival passions is not only
deprecated but temporarily
Public condemnation of the
Government is censored as ruthlessly
as it is in a state of war. To a
Briton accustomed to generations of
free speech and a free Press this
restraint on liberty is repelent,
but in Germany, wheresuch freedom is
not as deeply rooted as it is here,
the nation acquiesces not because it
is afraid to protest, but because it
has suffered so much from dissension
that the vast majority think it must
be temporarily called off at all
Freedom of criticsm is therefore for
the time being in suspense. German
unity is the ideal and the idol of
the moment, and not liberty.
I found everywhere a fierce and
uncompromising hostility to Russian
Bolshevism, coupled with a genuine
admiration for the British people
with a profound desire for a better
and friendlier understanding with
The Germans have definitely made
up their minds never to quarrel with
us again. Nor have
they and vindictive feelings towards
the French. They have altogether put
out of their minds any desire for
the restoration of Alsace-Lorraine.
But there is a real
hatred of Bolshevism, and
unfortunately it is growing in
intensity. It constitutes the
driving force of their international
and military policy. Their private
and publc talk is full of it.
Whereever you go you need not wait
long before you hear the words
"Bolshevismus" and it recurs again
and again with a wearying
Their eyes are concentrated on the
East as if they were watching
intently for the breaking of the day
of wrath. Against this they are
preparing with German thoroughness.
This fear is not put on. High and
low they are convinced there is
every reason for apprehension. They
have a dread of the great army which
has been built up in Russia in
recent years.
An exceptionally violent anti-German
campaign of abuse printed in the
Russian official Press and propelled
by the official Moscow radio has
revived the suspicion in Germany
that the Soviet Government are
contemplating mischief against the
Unfortunately the German
leaders set this down to the
influence of prominent Russian Jews,
and this the anti-Jewish
sentiment is being
once more stirred up just as it was
fading into torpitude. The German
temperament takes no more delight in
persecution than does the Briton,
and the native good humour of the
German people soon relapses into
tolerance after a display of
illtemper. Every well-wisher of
Germany—and I count myself among
them—earnest pray that Goebbels's
ranting speeches will not provoke
another anti-Jewish manifestation.
It would do much to wither the
verdant blades of good will which
were growing so healthily in the
scorched battleground which once
separated great civilised nations.
But we should do wisely not to
attach extravagant importance to
recent outbursts against Russia. The
fact of the matter is, the German
Government in its relations with
Russia is now in the stag: from
which we ourselves have only just
We can all recall the time when
Moscow, through its official
publications, Press and radio, made
atrocious personal attacks on
individual British Ministers--Austen
Chamberlain, Ramsay MacDonald and
Churchill--and denounced our
political and economic system as
orgainsed slavery. We started this
campaign of calumny by stigmatising
their leaders as assassins, their
economic system as brigandage, their
social behavious as an orgy of
immorality and atheism.
This has been the common form of
diplomatic relationship between
Communist Russia and the rest of the
world on both sides. We must not
forget that even when we had a
Russian Minister here we actually
sent the police to raid one of the
official buildings of the Russian
Embassy to rummage for treason in
their hampers of frozen butter.
No one imagined that was intended as
a preliminary or a provocation to
war on either side. The slinging of
scurrilities between Germany and
Russia is only theusual language of
diplomacy to which all countries
have been accustomed during the last
20 years where Communist Russia is
It is important we should realise
for the sake of our peace of mind
that a repetition of this unseemly
slanging match does not in the least
portend war. Germany
is no more ready to invade Russia
than she is for a military
expedition to the moon.
What then did the Fuehrer mean when
he contrasted the rich
under-cultivated lands of the
Ukraine and Sibera and the
inexhaustible imineral resources of
the Urals with the poveryt of German
soil? it was simply a Nazi retort to
the accusation nurled by the Soviets
as to the miseries of the peasantry
and workers of Germany under Nazi
Hitler replied by taunting the
Soviets with the wretched use they
were making if the enormous resouces
of their own country in comparison
with the Nazi achievement in the
land whose natural wealth was
relatively poor.
He and his followed have a horror of
Bolshevism and undoubtedly underrate
the great things the Soviet have
accomplished in their vast country.
The Bolsheviks retaliate by
understating Hitler's services to
Germany. It is only an interchange
of abusive amenilies between two
authoritarian Governments. But it
does not mean war between them.
I have no space in which to give a
catalogue of the schemes which are
being carried through to develop the
resouces of Germany and to improve
the coditions of life for her
people. They ae immense and they are
I would only wish to say here that I
am more convinced than ever that the
free country to which I have
returned is capable of achieving
greater things in that direction of
its rulers would only pluck up
courage and set their minds boldly
to the task.
Excellent find.
ReplyThanks Blissentia, I've since found more on DLG praising Hilter: