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David Irving Sentenced
 to Three Years In
For 'Holocaust Denial


Irving's day in court lasted just that-one day, after which he apparently pled guilty in typical Stalinist show-trial style, and was then expeditiously sentenced to three years in prison and escorted out of the court room. 

The propaganda value of the verdict and Irving's self-abasement and humiliation will probably result in an early release from confinement without any attendant fan fare or publicity.
"I hope my fellow Old Brentwoodian Jack Straw does introduce legislation to make it a criminal offence subject to a two-year jail sentence to question the Holocaust.  That will bring everything out into the open.
I shall claim the honour of being the first prosecuted by repeating the words for which I was fined £13,300 in Munich, banned from German territory and Second World War archives, namely

 "The gas chamber shown to the tourists at Auschwitz is a fake built after the war by the Polish communists."

I assume a British court will permit us to call witnesses and evidence which the German courts denied us. (The Polish authorities have since admitted that the structure in question was built in 1948.”

20 February 2006 - British historian David Irving has been found guilty in Vienna of denying the Holocaust of European Jewry and sentenced to three years in prison. He had pleaded guilty to the charge, based on a speech and interview he gave in Austria in 1989. Irving appeared stunned by the sentence, and told reporters: "I'm very shocked and I'm going to appeal." An unidentified onlooker told him: "Stay strong!"

During the one-day trial, he was questioned by the prosecutor and chief judge, and answered questions in fluent German.

He admitted that in 1989 he had denied that Nazi Germany had killed millions of Jews. He said this is what he believed, until he later saw the personal files of Adolf Eichmann, the chief organiser of the Holocaust.

In the past, he had claimed that Adolf Hitler knew little, if anything, about the Holocaust, and that the gas chambers were a hoax.

Czech Republic

The judge in his 2000 libel trial declared him "an active Holocaust denier...".

David Irving  said:
"History is a constantly growing tree - the more you know, the more documents become available, the more you learn, and I have learned a lot since 1989."

Asked how many Jews were killed by Nazis, he replied: "I don't know the figures. I'm not an expert on the Holocaust."

Of his guilty plea, he told reporters: "I have no choice."

He said it was "ridiculous" that he was being tried for expressing an opinion.

"Of course it's a question of freedom of speech... I think within 12 months this law will have vanished from the Austrian statute book," he said.

    Arrested in Austria    
   for 'Holocaust Denial' 
David Irving,
a martyr to free speech
By D.D. Guttenplan
D.D. GUTTENPLAN, London correspondent for The Nation, is the author of "The Holocaust on
Trial" (W.W. Norton, 2001). He is currently writing a biography of I.F. Stone.
November 19, 2005

Historian David Irving, known for his controversial views on World War Two, has been arrested in Austria on suspicion of "denying" the Jewish Holocaust", (!!!) an interior ministry spokesman said on Thursday. Irving was arrested on November 11, 2005 near the town of Hartberg in the southern province of Styria under a warrant issued in 1989, interior ministry spokesman Rudolf Gollia said. "He is on remand in Vienna," Gollia said. Asked what Irving had been arrested for, Gollia said: "It is to do with ... Holocaust denial." "Denying the holocaust" is a crime in Austria which carries a sentence of 1-10 years !!!

Mr Irving remains in prison until his trial on February 20th. The trial is expected to last 2 days and will be held at the Large Criminal Court, Wichenburg gasse 22. Vienna. There will be an 8 man jury and three judges. Mr Irving has been charged under section 3g of the Verbotsgesetz which forbids denial of the Holocaust. If convicted Mr Irving could be sentenced to between 1 and 20 years in prison. His lawyer, Dr Elmar Kresbach has warned that any conviction will be challenged in the European Court of Human Rights. The prison authorities are holding back Mr Irving's mail and have prevented him from telephoning England. Mr Irving's family are appealing urgently for donations. They can be contacted via ..
PO Box 18812, London. SW7 4WD.

Foggy and very cold
Tom Williams
24 November 2005

Most readers know Irving is one of the top, or the top, British WW2
historian so they want to know his beliefs. Most articles either don't
mention or distort them, but a few articles summarize them. Readers want to know more, and the big jump in hits to revisionist sites proves it.

Irving beliefs summarized in a few articles:

(1)  Irving contends Jews were killed by Nazis, but challenges the number and manner of Jewish concentration camp deaths.

(2) He questions the use of large-scale gas chambers to exterminate the Jews.

(3) He contends most Jews who died at Auschwitz did so from diseases like typhus, not gas poisoning.

(4) he claims the numbers of those who perished are far lower than those generally accepted.

(5) He concludes there is "not one shred of evidence" that the Nazis carried out their "Final Solution" to exterminate the Jewish population on such a massive scale.

Tom Williams,7340,L-3173343,00.html



WHAT DO YOU DO with a "problem" like David Irving? Until a few years ago, the British author of "Hitler's War " was usually described as a "controversial historian." But in April 2000, a British high court judge held that Irving not only had denied the reality of the Holocaust but was an anti-Jewish.

Charles Gray's damning 333-page judgment - which ended Irving's libel suit against academic Jewish Deborah Lipstadt for calling him a "Holocaust denier" - turned Irving from controversial to disgraced. It also cost Irving his London home (in Britain, the loser in a libel case has to pay the winner's costs), leaving him a bankrupt, marginal figure reduced to lecturing credulous audiences of conspiracy enthusiasts and collectors of Nazi memorabilia. Yet for all that, he is still capable of making headlines.

November 11, 2005, it was reported that Irving had been arrested in Austria for giving speeches denying the existence of gas chambers in Nazi death camps. Like Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania, Belgium and Israel, Austria has laws against denying the Jewish the "Holocaust".

There are several odd details about Irving's arrest, starting with the fact that the offending speeches were allegedly made more than 15 years ago; the warrant for Irving's arrest was issued in November 1989. But for Americans, accustomed as we are to the 1st Amendment's robust guarantee of free speech, the mere existence of laws forbidding certain kinds of _expression may invite dismissal of the whole affair as of little relevance to our own concerns. In my view, that would be shortsighted.

Countries that outlaw
Jewish Holocaust denial do so because their history is different from ours.

In Germany and Austria Holocaust denial is also banned. Countries where the experience of occupation still rankle have different views than ours.

Understanding, however, need not compel imitation. In 1949, the Supreme Court heard an appeal by Arthur Terminiello, a Catholic priest who'd been fined $100 by the city of Chicago for making a Jew-baiting speech. Justice Robert Jackson, former chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, warned that "if the court does not temper its doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom, it will convert the Constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact" - an argument echoed today by those who would safeguard our security by abridging our rights.

But Jackson was in the minority. "Almost every generation in American history," wrote the journalist I.F. Stone, "has had to face what appeared to be a menace" frightening enough to justify the sacrifice of basic liberties. Stone, who described himself as "exactly what Terminiello meant … by an 'atheistic, communistic, Zionistic Jew," felt that free speech, though not an absolute value, was worth the risks it carried. I agree.

As for Irving, he seems to me exactly what Pierre Vidal-Naquet meant by "a paper Eichmann." A distinguished classical scholar who lost both parents to the Holocaust, Vidal-Naquet coined the term to describe Irving's French ally,
Robert Faurisson. "Confronting an actual Eichmann, one had to resort to armed struggle," wrote Vidal-Naquet. "Confronting a paper Eichmann, one should respond with paper."

The threat of a 20-year prison term, even if it doesn't come to pass, only burnishes Irving's counterfeit credentials as a martyr to free speech.



British historian David Irving  charged  with violating an Austrian law that makes Holocaust denial a crime.

Irving, a controversial Third Reich scholar who has claimed that Adolf Hitler knew nothing about the systematic slaughter of 6 million Jews, is accused of giving two speeches in 1989 in which he denied the existence of Nazi gas chambers during World War II, prosecutor Otto Schneider said.

He was arrested Nov. 11 2005 in the southern province of Styria on a warrant issued in 1989. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

Irving, 67, remains in custody in Vienna. His attorney, Elmar Kresbach, said he would decide how to proceed after discussing the charges with his client Wednesday.

A detention hearing will be held to determine whether Irving should be held for up to four more weeks, Schneider said.

   Most Jews who died at Auschwitz
did so from diseases


After his arrest, Irving supporters posted a statement on his website saying he was detained while on a one-day visit to Vienna, where they said he had been invited "by courageous students to address an ancient university association."

Irving in the past has faced allegations of spreading anti-Semitic and racist ideas. He is the author of nearly 30 books, including "Hitler's War," which challenges the extent of the Holocaust.

Besides his claims that Hitler knew nothing about the Holocaust, he also has been quoted as saying there was "not one shred of evidence" that the Nazis carried out their "Final Solution" to exterminate the Jewish population on such a massi

Irving said he does not deny Jews were killed by the Nazis, but challenges the number and manner of Jewish concentration camp deaths.

He has questioned the use of large-scale gas chambers to exterminate the Jews and has claimed that the numbers of those who perished are far lower than those generally accepted. He also contends that most Jews who died at Auschwitz did so from diseases like typhus, not gas poisoning.

Irving has had numerous run-ins with the law over the years. In 1992, a judge in Germany fined him the equivalent of USD 6,000 for publicly insisting the Nazi gas chambers at Auschwitz were a hoax.

In March, more than 200 historians from around the world petitioned the C-SPAN television network to cancel a project that would have included a speech by Irving as a counterpoint to a lecture by Deborah Lipstadt, a Holocaust expert.

Irving once sued Lipstadt for libel for calling him a Holocaust denier. He lost his case when a British court handling the case in 2000 declared that Irving could be labeled as such, ruling that he was anti-Semitic, racist and that he misrepresented historical information.


Charges  prepared
against Irving

Austrian authorities have prepared charges against British historian David Irving, who was arrested 11 days ago.

The charges are linked to speeches he made in 1989 denying the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, prosecutor Otto Schneider has said.

Mr Irving, 67, can appeal against the charges under Austrian law.

Mr Irving sued US historian Deborah Lipstadt in London in 2000 for labelling him a Holocaust denier. He lost in a comprehensive verdict.

He is currently in custody in Vienna after having been arrested in the province of Styria on 11 November.

A hearing has been scheduled for Friday to determine whether he should remain in custody for up to four more weeks.


  • Austria !
  • Belgium !
  • Czech Republic !!
  • France !!
  • Germany !
  • Israel
  • Lithuania !!!!
  • Poland !!!
  • Slovakia !!!
  • Switzerland !!!!!

No trial has been scheduled yet.

Despite the mortal blow to his reputation in 2000, he remains a showman and may well relish the opportunity to grandstand before a wider audience if put on trial, BBC legal affairs analyst Jon Silverman says.

In his books, Mr Irving has argued that the scale of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis in World War II has been exaggerated.

He has also claimed that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler knew nothing of the Holocaust.

Mr Irving was previously arrested in Austria in 1984.



VIENNA (Reuters) - Historian David Irving, known for his controversial views on World War Two, has been arrested in Austria on suspicion of denying the Holocaust, an interior ministry spokesman said on Thursday.

Irving was arrested on November 11- 2005 near the town of Hartberg in the southern province of Styria under a warrant issued in 1989, interior ministry spokesman Rudolf Gollia said.

"He is on remand in Vienna," Gollia said.

Asked what Irving had been arrested for, Gollia said: "It is to do with ... Holocaust denial."

The spokesman declined to comment on whether or when he would be charged.

A High Court ruling in 2000 rejecting Irving's libel action against an American professor and her publishers declared Irving "an active Holocaust denier ... anti-Semitic and racist".

Denying the holocaust is a crime in Austria which carries a sentence of 1-10 years.

Irving's Web site ( said he had been invited by students to address a university association in Vienna. In a message dated November 11, it said he was on a one-day visit to the Austrian capital.

David Irving

Since this is a hot political issue, and a matter of tribal revenge, I don't think Mr. Irving will be allowed the 'luxury' of changing his mind, even though this entire affair constitutes a 'thought crime.' The usual suspects have wanted to see men like Irving, Zuendel and Rudolf in prison for quite some time now, and I suspect that behind the scenes pressure is already being exerted on the Austrian government to charge and convict Irving. They will most likely respond that Irving made these statements in the past and that in doing so he violated the law. As such, justice must take its course even if he professes to believe in gas chambers today. A show trial, complete with public humiliation and recantation, is most likely how this episode will play out. It was a serious faux pas on Irving's part to set foot in Austria. As I mentioned when this story first broke, a 10 year sentence could very well be commensurate with a death sentence for a man of Irving's age. If he has the good fortune to be released, we shall all knowsoon enough whether he has really 'recanted' or not.


David Irving Will
Spend Christmas in Prison

Dear Free Speech Supporter:

An Austrian court decided to deny bail to historian David Irving and to keep the 66 year old author of over 30 books on WW II history in a Viennese prison over Christmas.

George Kadar, European correspondent for the American Free Press, just contacted me with the following report:

” I just spoke to attorney Kresbach.

They will keep David Irving in prison and they will probably stack the jury if they can. Judge Seda in not involved in the case anymore. He made the decision to send Irving to trial.

David Irving’s attorney Dr. Elmar Kresbach in Vienna stated today:  At the today’s hearing the court refused a US$10,000 to US$20,000 bail offer from Mr. Irving. Mr. Irving will stay in custody in Vienna. The court refused to release him, stating that once released he can easily go to England and England will not extradite him. The case will go to trial, at the earliest in January of 2006.

The case will be heard by a jury. (three judges and eight citizens) and it will last only one day. “

After several inquiries over the Internet, I can confirm that CAFÉ is collecting money to assist David Irving’s defence. Donations will be passed on to his Austrian attorney. Send an e-mail with your VISA and expiry date or mail your cheque to:

Canadian Association for Free Expression, Box 332,
Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada.

Paul Fromm


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