“[T]here can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the
name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”—The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
“Lying is your mother tongue.”
—Jesus to the Jews
It was a horrifying scene in Fairfield, Illinois, on that August day in 1924. A 74-year-old Jewish man named Emmanuel “Manny” Steiner, an immigrant clothing merchant, was paraded down the city’s main street by 40 hooded and robed Ku Klux Klansmen as 15,000 whites looked on. They brought the man to a city park in broad daylight and had him stand before them. That’s when one of the Klansmen—a Christian minister—pulled off his hood and spoke directly to Steiner:
The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan respect and revere you….As a citizen there is no better….On behalf of the klansmen of Wayne County, who hold you in high esteem and regard, we present you with this token [a basket of 50 red roses], realizing that you are a man. We hope that as you go down the twilight trail you will remember with kindness and generosity the men in the masks.
The Klansmen then knelt and prayed, after which they rose and in solemn procession filed past Steiner to take their turn shaking his hand. The men who the Southern Poverty Law Center declared to be “the historic symbol of racist terrorism” were not there in Fairfield to lynch or burn this Jew alive, or to cut off his body parts to display in a jar at the local Five & Dime, as they had done to 5,000 innocent Black Americans. They were instead honoring the Jewish merchant on his “golden business anniversary.”
“Manny,” as he was lovingly known, was no insignificant figure—he was a city councilor, a bank director, the treasurer of the Masons and the Odd Fellows, and a long-time member in good standing of his people’s St. Louis synagogue. And Steiner received this high honor from the white terrorists as his wife, children, and grandchildren proudly looked on.
August 23rd of 1924 was declared “Steiner Day” and was reported to be “the greatest outpouring of people in the history of Wayne County.” Congressmen and senators sang his praises before all partook in a massive barbeque of 60 sheep, 20 sides of beef and 50 hams (presumably kosher). It was a white supremacist Ku Klux Klan extravaganza for a Jew that even the Klan’s national founder and grand wizard, William Simmons, was never granted. But how could this be?
The history of white Jewish supremacy has been skillfully concealed for generations. And their planned and enforced ignorance has led Jews to an aggressive self-deception that has led them to believe that there were no Manny Steiners in their history. It is a Jewish racial delusion that is today crashing down around them.
The attack on a British rap artist has put white Jewish supremacy under the spotlight. The headline in the Daily Mail was forthright: “Wiley accused of antisemitism after likening Jews to Ku Klux Klan.” Bro. Wiley’s “crime” was as trivial as those “crimes” alleged against the 5,000 massacred Blacks—but no less deadly. He tweeted: “There are 2 sets of people who nobody has really wanted to challenge Jewish & KKK but being in business for 20 years you start to understand why.”
The Jewish reaction was beyond bizarre. Within hours Brother Wiley was banned by Twitter and Facebook, Instagram deleted him, YouTube suspended him, his Jewish manager dropped him, and, most fiendish, the Metropolitan Police opened an official investigation! Jews even forced the respected Black news outlet The Voice to remove the interview they did with Bro. Wiley seeking his perspective! It was all the proof anyone ever needed that the power of white supremacist Jews is all-pervasive and indisputable.

Brother Wiley was addressing two very significant issues that have long been an ugly part of the entertainment industry: (1) the exploitation of Black artists by white Jewish managers, agents, lawyers, and record executives; and (2) the Ku Klux Klan-like racism of white Jews in that business. In his now purged Voice interview the “grunge rapper” was circumspect:
“The things that need to change is the way that the system was set up, why all of these families are rich, or all of these people have heritage, not just England, like, worldwide….They still see us as slaves. Slavery hasn’t stopped it’s just dressed up in a million pound record deal …”
The first issue is an old complaint that was voiced most sharply by the early jazz musicians. Jewish gangster Joe Glaser controlled 70% of the Black entertainers in America and robbed every last one of them, including Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, and Duke Ellington. The Jewish Chess brothers robbed the blues greats blind, including Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, and Muddy Waters. Jimi Hendrix was milked by Jewish thief Brian Epstein; murderer Phil Spector ripped off singer Darlene Love and his own wife, Ronny Spector; and Arthur Goldberg infamously stole millions from Little Richard. Prince had epic battles with Warner Brothers and began appearing with the word “SLAVE” written on his face. Michael Jackson publicly called Tommy Mattola (a Jewish convert) a “racist who exploited black talent.” Pharrell Williams complained that “It’s really weird: They own the fields where you and God have laid the seeds; you do the harvesting, but they have the ownership.” Wild & Out’s Nick Cannon claims “I created a billion-dollar brand” for Shari Redstone’s (nee’ Rothstein) Viacom, and “my ownership was swindled away from me….[T]hey have been mistreating and robbing our community for years.”
The problem with all these cases is that none of these Black performers apparently read or understood the real contract terms. In the Jewish world in which these Black gentile artists operate, the ancient Jewish “holy book” Talmud supersedes all other contracts and agreements. The 42-volume Talmud is thousands of years old and all-encompassing and binding in every respect. Its tractate (section) Bava Kamma 113b clearly states that Jews have every right to cheat gentiles in business. Bava Kamma 113a further stipulates that where a lawsuit arises between a Jew and a Gentile, it is permissible for the Jew to use lying and deception to achieve advantage. Blacks are just the latest to get tripped up by these strange Jewish Talmudic codes that have for many centuries caused often-violent rifts between Jews and Gentiles across Europe. There are no known cases of a Jewish manager being ripped off by a Black entertainer, and it is equally rare that a Jewish exploiter ever had to pay a criminal penalty for this open racial larceny, so obviously the more favorable Talmudic law is in full effect. It is only when Blacks come to understand the reality of these satanic Jewish ground rules that Blacks and Jews might come to a better, more equitable, relationship.
“6. He likes the devil because the devil gives him nothing. 7. Why does he like the devil? 8. Because the devil put fear in him when he was a little boy.” —English Lesson No. C1, The Supreme Wisdom
Wiley compared his exploitative business relationship with Jews to the experience Blacks have had with the terrorist Ku Klux Klan—and that exposure is what truly brought Jews to apoplexy. The Jews have been so successful in concealing their history of anti-Black violence and anti-Black hatred that it is found in but one publication—in a 73-page chapter in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Volume 2, released by the Nation of Islam in 2010. The chapter is titled “Jews, Lynching, and the Ku Klux Klan,” and it documents from Jewish sources some horrifying truths about their significant role in the American white supremacy movement.
But that is not a new revelation. Before the Civil Rights era, Jews readily called public attention to their unkosher KKK connection. In 1928, the Jewish Tribune newspaper actually published an article titled “Jews in the Ku Klux Klan,” in which the Jewish author, Bernard Postal—a B’nai B’rith official—boasted that Jews have had “a considerably more important hand [in the KKK] than Jews know about…” Postal reveals: [T]he attorneys for the dragons, kleagles and other officials have not infrequently been Jews….[T]here are unquestionably Jewish members of the Klan in many states.
The role of Jews in the KKK is surprising to no one who understands how Jews aided, reinforced, and profited from slavery and the trade in slave-produced commodities like sugar, tobacco, and especially cotton. And they performed their civic duty admirably. Prominent Jews fought to establish, maintain, and strengthen America’s slave codes and later Jim Crow laws. There were over 100 Jewish mayors and literally hundreds of Jewish public officials in the slavery and Jim Crow South. Jews served as police chiefs and as sheriffs, and as elected officials they faithfully upheld and reinforced White Supremacy and racial discrimination.
The Jew Klux Klan
Some important background: The Ku Klux Klan emerged in the post-Civil War and post-slavery era known as Reconstruction. Their role was entirely economic, namely, to force the emancipated Blacks from pursuing anything other than a plantation life as growers, cultivators, and pickers of that almighty crop that generated over eighty percent of the American economy—cotton. It was not easy for whites to wean themselves off a 300-year addiction to free Black labor and the violent means they had always used to maintain chattel slavery. They were not going to accept that Blacks would simply walk away from the central role that had built their world-leading empire.
Jews were particularly interested in how this post-war labor situation would resolve itself. Jewish businessmen flooded into the South to restart a collapsed and war-ravaged economy, with a particular focus on the cotton business. Jewish scholar Dr. Michael R. Cohen confirms and expands upon that core theme in his 2017 book titled Cotton Capitalists: American Jewish Entrepreneurship in the Reconstruction Era. He wrote that “Jews clustered in the cotton industry, and as a staggering number of Jews operated dry goods and general stores, Jews became deeply enmeshed in the nation’s—and perhaps the world’s—most important industry.” And so the re-enslavement mission of the Ku Klux Klan and the business aspirations of the Jews actually harmonized.
But it was even deeper than that. Dr. Cohen’s reference to the “staggering number” of Jewish-run general stores is key, because those ubiquitous country stores became the region’s ATMs—the hub of the sharecropping system in which ex-slaves were forced into low-wage service to the Jews’ cotton economy. The Jewish stores brought in the tools, the mules, the seed, and the finance, and likewise became the regional depots for the millions of cotton bales from Black sharecroppers all over the South. It is the ugly truth of how the Jews got so rich in America, and how the Blacks got stalled in abject poverty. So while the Ku Klux Klan and the Jewish business class were bosom buddies, Blacks were their perennial victims. When Black leaders—like Booker T. Washington, W.E.B DuBois, and Marcus Garvey—spoke up about this nasty economic injustice, they too were bludgeoned with the “anti-Semite” label. Today all those Black truth-tellers would have been banned from social media.
Were the Jews behind the formation of the Ku Klux Klan? Yes.
Early leaders of the Tennessee-born Klan sailed all the way to England to seek investment from an exiled Confederate Jewish banker named Judah P. Benjamin. A Louisiana plantation owner with 140 enslaved Africans, Benjamin had arranged Jewish financing for the Confederate Army, a financial deal that extended the carnage for more than a year and earned him an honored portrait on their 2-dollar bill! The KKK emissaries told Benjamin of the “negro threat” to the South and that they needed horses and weapons to “control” Blacks and to reestablish the highly profitable slave system. Benjamin eagerly invested.
Another Jewish congressman, William M. Levy of Louisiana, said that freeing the slaves caused “despair and danger,” and he warned that “innocent maidens [and] helpless infants” were in imminent peril. It was Levy’s white supremacist rant in Congress in 1877 that put Rutherford B. Hayes into the presidency, ending Reconstruction and Black hopes of ever becoming truly free in America.
The respected Jewish scholar Harry Simonhoff wrote about the KKK with incredible irony. It had “A lingering tradition of religious tolerance [that] made it possible for Jews and Catholics to be members of the night-riding group.” Isaac Hermann of Sandersville, Georgia, was a Confederate veteran and a full-fledged Klansman. A Jewish scholar described him as a leader in the movement to “protect the whites against the Negro…” Philip Isenbaum of Mississippi identified himself as the “Grand Cyclops” of the Ku Klux Klan when he signed an 1871 notice threatening a lynching death for the white officials who had recommended “a big black nigger” for a position of authority. Isenbaum warned them to “beware, beware, beware, beware.” The father of Bernard Baruch, the influential banker who advised presidents from Wilson to Roosevelt, was a proud robe-wearing Klansman. The Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, who was himself a Klansman, was invited to join by a Jew.
These are not just Southerners caught up in “southern traditions.” The most prominent Jew in America was New Yorker Rabbi Morris Raphall: he was the highest paid clergyman in America and in his most famous oration he declared to the world that God Himself supported slavery! Another Jewish leader asserted that “the Negro forms the mud at [the] base” of civilization. There were many Jews who believed as did Frank J. Cohen, editor of the Jewish Sentiment newspaper, when he said, in perfect harmony with Klan doctrine:
“The white man will rule by fair means or by foul….God Almighty never created the negro the white man’s equal and even an act of Congress will not change the trend of nature or swerve the white man from his determination to retain his supremacy.”
John Cohen was the longtime editor of the Atlanta Journal. He was the son of a rabbi and described as “high in the councils of the Ku Klux Klan.” He “whipped whites into a frenzy” of race hate that ultimately led to the Atlanta Massacre of 1906, in which 50 Blacks were murdered and 150 were wounded, forcing over a thousand to flee the city. White gangs met and organized at the O.H. Silverman Co. building, and pawnbrokers Morris and Samuel Greenblatt, at 123 Peters Street, supplied guns and ammunition.
In 1905, Cohen’s paper promoted Thomas Dixon’s racist novel Clansman, the book that became the inspiration for the most racially destructive movie ever made—The Birth of a Nation. So vicious was this Jewish-financed film that when it was released in 1915 it became the main driver in the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. It made so much money for its east coast distributor that he went to Hollywood and started the largest movie studio in history. His name was Louis B. Mayer and his studio was Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, which became the fount of many of Hollywood’s racist movie images.
In 1896 a Jewish white supremacist named Adolph Ochs (pronounced ox) bought the New York Times and began publishing racist articles and editorials indistinguishable from Klan attitudes and beliefs. The Times freely used terms like “nigger,” “coon,” and “darkey” to describe Blacks, and it made a conscious point of never capitalizing the word Negro. The Ku Klux Klan capitalized “Negro” in its publications years before the New York Times would.
According to scholars, businesses showed their ideological solidarity with the racial terrorists by choosing names beginning with three K’s, and several Jewish merchants are found following that custom, especially in Klan strongholds: Kaufman’s Kampus Klothes, Kaufman’s Kosher Kafe, Harry Karp’s Kool Kwality Klothes, and Kadetz Kosher Kafe. In Columbia, South Carolina, there was Kohn’s Korrect Klothes and in Boise, Idaho, Kirshbaum’s Klever Klothes.
When Blacks gained a measure of political power in Wilmington, North Carolina, Jews were among the leaders that rallied the mob of whites in 1898 that massacred as many as 300 Blacks. According to the Encyclopedia of Southern Jewish Communities, Nathaniel Jacobi organized business owners to threaten to fire their Black employees.
“At a public meeting, both Jacobi and [Solomon] Fishblate spoke to a growing mob and supported a declaration that whites should rule Wilmington and North Carolina. This meeting later resulted in the violent Wilmington Race Riot of 1898, in which white mobs terrorized the city’s black population and forcibly installed Democratic Party rule.…Jews like Fishblate and Jacobi supported this effort to overturn ‘black rule,’ showing how much Jews had assimilated into the local culture of white supremacy.”
It is well known that the Nazis forced Jews to carry “Jewish passports” stamped with an identifying letter “J”. The most prominent and wealthy Jew in Atlanta, Oscar Pappenheimer, actually proposed a similar plan for all Southern Blacks—30 years before Hitler! His close business associate was a man named Leo Frank, the president of the Atlanta B’nai B’rith. Frank advocated that Blacks be barred from giving testimony in court because, as Frank’s lawyer said, “If you put a nigger in a hopper he’ll drip lies.” When charged with murder, Leo Frank—the Father of the Anti-Defamation League—argued that murder is a “negro crime” and so he, a white man, could not be guilty.
Attorney Dale Schwartz, a national board member of B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League, grew up in a merchant family in Georgia that knowingly sold disguises to Ku Klux Klan members. He said that “whenever we sold a lot of white sheets we knew there was going to be a Klan meeting.” Said one Jewish merchant: “I used to sell ’em the sheets, and Sam the tailor made them into robes. Let me tell you we had a good business going.” A Jewish storeowner reportedly paid the Klan initiation fees for his employees.
In the early 1900s the most prominent Jew in America was Louis Marshall. A top attorney, he was founder and first president of the American Jewish Committee. Lesser known was that he was also the “main legal advisor” to the American Breeders Association, a pre-Hitler organization of whites committed to eugenics and the racial cleansing of America. Marshall opposed the anti-lynching bill proposed by the NAACP and fought to undermine it, calling it “unconstitutional” and a violation of “state’s rights.” He defended the KKK as a secret fraternal organization like his own.
The fact is, one is hard-pressed to find any Jew of any historical significance voicing any support for Black freedom, justice, or equality. The reality is that white supremacy is as Jewish a tradition as is corned beef and Hanukkah. Racism works for Jews—it is highly PROFITABLE and has sustained them over many centuries and in many lands. Find those societies in history where Black slavery forms the economic foundation—the Caribbean, Brazil, Mississippi Delta, South Africa, Rhodesia, Surinam, India—and Jews will be there also, not as an oppressed underclass but as a thriving and vital community. White supremacy will continue to uphold Jews and their white gentile partners as long as Blacks continue to play a passive and supporting role, giving them unfettered access to our children’s minds and a controlling interest in our Black talent and labor.
What we see in Wiley, in Jay Electronica, in Nick Cannon, in Ice Cube, in Tamika Mallory, in DeSean Jackson, in Professor Griff, and what we see in all of those who have endured this latest round of Jewish lynchings, is NOT “anti-Semitism”—but our strongest and most conscious voices demanding to be free.