and Sensibilities
'It would have been very difficult in 1900 to
predict that by the year 2000 there would be a
state of Israel and that the 50,000 Jews living in
Palestine would have grown to 5.1 million. And who
could predict a holocaust with six million victims?
What happened during the century defied fantasy and
wisdom. Not just what happened to the Jews but also
to the world system whose transformations were
unpredictable.' - Prof. Sergio Della Pergola,
"Census and Sensibilities"
At the close of a turbulent millennium, the
Jewish People counts its gains and losses. At the
lavish balls in Vienna 100 years ago tonight
ushering in the 20th century, so full of promise,
there were not a few Austro-Hungarians of the
Mosaic persuasion among the dancers gaily whirling
in the waltz. Their number was, in fact, quite
extraordinary, not to mention their social
Just half a century earlier, only 2,000 Jews had
lived in Vienna, and they were subject to
humiliating restrictions on work and residence. Now
there were 147,000, 9 percent of the city's
population. Warsaw and Budapest had larger Jewish
communities and so did New York, with its 600,000
Jews, but nowhere had Jews attained the same
glittering prominence as they had in Vienna.
Barred from practicing law until the 1860s, Jews
now comprised the majority of Viennese attorneys.
By 1881, when Sigmund Freud was starting his
medical career, 60 percent of the city's physicians
were Jews, including the personal physician to the
emperor. More than one-third of the students at the
university were Jews. Almost all the city's major
banks had been founded by Jews, including the
Rothschilds, and Jews owned many of the most
fashionable stores in the city. In the
Austro-Hungarian empire as a whole, Jews
constituted less than 5 percent of the population
but they made up 8 percent of its officer corps,
including a vice field marshal and five
Jews overwhelmingly dominated journalism,
Theodor Herzl being one of the most prominent of
their number. Jewish composers (Mahler,
Schoenberg), writers (Schnitzler), actors, and
critics largely shaped the cultural scene, and Jews
were no less prominent as patrons of the arts.
"Nine-tenths of what the world celebrated as
Viennese culture," wrote Stefan Zweig - himself one
of the city's most prominent Jewish writers of a
later generation - "was promoted, nourished, and
even created by Viennese Jewry."
But there were also other kinds of Jews in the
empire. In 1934, Teddy Kollek, who was raised in
Vienna, traveled east by train to Transylvania to
organize a Zionist youth camp. "I saw primitive
Jewish shtetls for the first time," the future
mayor of Jerusalem would write of his journey.
"They were exactly as described by the renowned
Yiddish writers, full of robust farmers, teamsters,
innkeepers, artisans, blacksmiths, horse traders,
dairymen, woodcutters. These people were a far cry
from the middle-class Jews familiar to me. They
didn't seem miserable, apologetic and scared of
every antisemite as did their brothers in Vienna.
They were sturdy characters, visibly sure of
themselves, comfortable in their surroundings, and
they seemed capable of taking on anybody.
Unfortunately, as it turned out, they were not able
to take on the Germans."
In fact, those glittering fin-de-siecle balls
ushered in the most horrific century in Jewish
history, but also, in the creation of Israel, one
of the most exalting. Demographic shifts would,
during the course of the century, profoundly change
the nature of the Jewish world and bring the Jewish
People to the edge of the millennium ensconced in
their homeland for the first time in 2,000 years
but, outside that homeland, more uncertain of their
identity and of their future than they may have
ever been.
Vienna in 1900 was ib the cutting edge of a
phenomenon that had begun a century earlier when
the enlightenment and Napoleonic reforms opened up
the modern world to the Jewish People, hitherto
largely immersed in a closed environment of
tradition and poverty. Improved health conditions
and a reduction in infant mortality resulted in a
spectacular growth of east European Jewry in the
19th century and their relative weight in the
Jewish world. Of the 10.5 million Jews in the world
in 1900, 7.4 million lived in eastern Europe.
Another 1.3 million lived in central and western
One of the most striking aspects of east
European Jewry, says Hebrew University demographer
Prof. Sergio Della Pergola, was its cohesiveness.
"Almost half of the five million Jews in the
Russian empire lived in conditions where they were
the majority in their place of residence. This had
an enormous impact on their interaction and the
perpetuation of Jewish norms. They could speak
Yiddish and live Jewish lives." The bulk lived in
thousands of small localities, but in the latter
half of the 19th century Jews began to move in
large numbers to cities as residential restrictions
gave way. Odessa, Kiev, Lodz and numerous other
cities began developing sizable Jewish quarters.
Warsaw's Jewish population grew from 40,000 in
mid-century to 220,000 by 1900. Although a minority
in the cities, the Jews here, too, were
concentrated in large numbers which eased
continuity of communal life.
At the same time, other Jews, prodded by
pogroms, were packing their meager belongings and
heading in a different direction - to the
goldene medina. By the turn of the century,
there were a million Jews living in the US,
including immigrants who had come earlier from
Germany. A small number of idealists chose to
migrate instead to the backward Turkish region of
"It was a time of incredible mobility," says
Della Pergola. "A lively time of change. You could
still see the old world but new trends were at
their peak."
The Moslem world had until the Middle Ages been
the vibrant heart of world Jewry but with the
decline of their host countries, the Jews of the
region also declined. As late as the 16th century,
world Jewry had been divided roughly 50/50 between
Sephardim and Ashkenazim. By 1900, Sephardim
constituted only 7 percent of world Jewry as a
result of a stagnant birth rate and high infant
Demographers like to shape their predictions by
projecting existing trends in a straight line. That
model would have proved useless at the beginning of
the century which ends tonight. "It would have been
very difficult in 1900 to predict that by the year
2000 there would be a State of Israel and that the
50,000 Jews living in Palestine would have grown to
5.1 million," says Della Pergola. "And who could
predict a holocaust with six million victims? What
happened during the century defied fantasy and
wisdom. Not just what happened to the Jews but also
to the world system whose transformations were
unpredictable." Had it not been for the Holocaust,
says Della Pergola, world Jewry today would number
26 million to 32 million. "This is a very
conservative estimate. It factors in losses due to
assimilation and a lowered birthrate." Instead, the
figure is 13 million, of whom 5.7 million are in
the US. Together with Israel's 5.1 million, this
constitutes 80 percent of world Jewry, a much more
compact concentration than a century ago.
Jewish reservoirs abroad are shrinking. There
are not millions of Jews still in the former Soviet
Union as some would have it, says Della Pergola.
"There are half a million declared Jews there,
around whom are several circles of people eligible
for emigration to Israel under the Law of Return.
There may also be a few tens of thousands of hidden
Jews who have not yet reemerged but not hundreds of
thousands or millions." Other large Jewish
concentrations are in France (more than 500,000),
Canada (360,000), the United Kingdom (280,000),
Argentina (200,000), Brazil (100,000), Australia
(100,000), and South Africa (80,000). The
Ashkenazi-Sephardi worldwide ratio is now roughly
70:30 but in Israel itself, where most of the
Sephardim live, it is roughly 50:50.
Never since masses of Jews dropped out of the
ranks after the destruction of the Second Temple to
blend into the pagan, Christian and then Moslem
worlds have so many Jews left the faith as in this
century. Perhaps never since the Second Temple
period, when the Idumeans and others were co-opted,
sometimes by the sword, have so many non-Jews
linked their faith to the Jewish people as has been
happening with the current influx of Russians and
Ukrainians under the Law of Return. Only a small
number of these have converted to Judaism but the
rest, says Della Pergola, can be expected to
"converge" in time, together with their children,
into an Israeli-Jewish way of life.
"What is happening to world Jewry now is
unprecedented. The losses are very significant and
more recently the gains are significant as well."
The ability of the Jewish people to move forward
from the Holocaust, says Della Pergola, bespeaks a
spectacular power of will. "In this century, we
have seen a unique manifestation of this will for
survival, the ability of the Jews to overcome
tragedy and move on, to create their own
existential framework. They have done this
basically by themselves." Overcoming national
tragedy has proven simpler than staving off the
erosion of assimilation. Intermarriage has been a
powerfully erosive force in the US and elsewhere.
"Surveys show that a majority of children of these
marriages are not raised as Jews," says Della
Pergola. "Hundreds of thousands of children of a
Jewish parent are not Jewish by their own
The existence of a Jewish state, he says, has
been a major element in the struggle to maintain
Jewish identity in the Diaspora. "Even for those
who will never come on aliya and who can't identify
with the policies of the Israeli government, Israel
is a point of reference. It obliges them to reflect
and be more aware of their Jewishness." Another
important stabilizing factor in North America are
the Conservative and Reform movements, which have
permitted many to adhere to their Jewish identity
instead of sliding out into the broader
The Orthodox community in the US has a higher
birthrate than other Jews and is largely immune to
assimilation but it constitutes only 6-7 percent of
the Jewish population. By 2020, says Della Pergola,
this might increase to 10-15 percent. The
estrangement between Orthodox and secular, pulling
the Jewish world in opposite directions, is no less
a problem than assimilation, he says.
Despite the perils of such predictions, the
Italian-born demographer estimates that by 2020 the
world Jewish population will be roughly what it is
today, 13 million-13.5 million, with Israel
constituting 45 percent of the total, instead of 36
percent today.
Whether or not Israel will ever become "a light
unto the nations," it will be incumbent upon it to
serve as a light for the Jews of the world if the
Diaspora is to retain its vital life force. The
challenge for the Jewish People in the coming
century, says Della Pergola, will be to halt its
increasing polarization and seek cohesion. "This
demands leaders capable of creating discourse and
finding common themes." Jewish survival, certainly
one of history's oddest phenomena, has been
sustained by religion, by an apartness partially
self-imposed and partially imposed by the outside
world, and by survival stratagems. The latter have
permitted the Jews to adapt with amazing success to
new environments, as if by an organism with a will
to live. Religion is no longer a strong adhesive
and apartness is also a muted factor in the modern
world. It will be of no small interest in the
coming years to see whether the will to live is
sufficiently strong to enable new survival
strategies to be shaped.
Della Pergola hesitates to predict the Jewish
demographic situation a century hence but his
successor in 2100 will doubtless have a tale to