Having Sucked The West Dry, Jews Set Their Sights On China
Jewish-Israeli infiltration strategies versus China
The strategy of a vampire: switching from one superpower to another, after leaving them sucked dry to the bone... Chinese people beware - you're next!
The rise of the Asian superpower of China has been noted by the Jews and the ruling Zionist circles in their self proclaimed state of "Israel". According to their doctrine "is it good for the Jews?" they are now looking for a new superpower to corrupt and abuse - having understood that we are soon entering a post-USA future, where their former "cash cow" has been emptied, sucked dry by its Jewish ursurpers.
So in 2004 the Israel-based organization and think-tank The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute of Jerusalem (abbreviated JPPI or JPPPI) published its strategy paper on China titulated "China and the Jewish People: Old Civilizations In A New Era".
This 126 page Jewish paper is, essentially, a guide for undertaking the infiltration and subversion of China.
Some of JPPPI's main points
The paper is according to JPPPI ”the first document in a series of strategy papers dedicated to improving the standing of the Jewish people in emerging superpowers without biblical tradition”. "
"China and the Jewish People: Old Civilizations In A New Era" contains the main points of the infiltration of China; the overtake of Chinese culture, donating money to and thus corrupting the Chinese people, and translating to Chinese language propaganda on the so-called "holocaust" of Jews during WW 2, to create sympathy.
”China and the Jewish People Old – Civilizations in a New Era” stakes out three particular goals:- Strengthening the links between China and the Jewish people and broadening China’s
knowledge of Jewish culture and history, to facilitate a better understanding of current
- Responding to false stereotypes imported from abroad;
- Emphasizing common interests and perspectives between the Chinese and Jewish peoples,
including shared geopolitical and other global concerns
We will here reproduce some of the main points in this Jewish strategy paper and also refer to a informative video "The Jewish Plot Against China!" that in more detail deals witht the many points and suggestions found there.
The whole 126 page paper can be accessed at jppi.org.il:
China and the Jewish People: Old Civilizations In A New Era (PDF)
The abridged version containing the "Executive Summary", saved from jppi.org.il, can be downloaded here:
China and the Jewish People (PDF)
The paper notes and suggests among other things:
"American Jews have a number of assets in dealing with China: The widespread Chinese awareness of the influence and power of the American Jewish community."
"The official, relatively pro-Arab attitudes to the Intifada could be an issue to be taken up by Jewish organizations."
"A list of five hundred essential Jewish books to be translated into Chinese should be drawn up. Additionally, China’s popular magazines could be encouraged to publish articles on Jewish themes."
"The creation of a nationally known Chinese Web site on Jewish history and culture would be timely and popular [...]."
"A greater effort should be made to show the Chinese people more documentaries on Jewish history and culture, as well as Jewish contributions to China."
"In China as in other countries, there are stereotypes about Jews. Some are false and a few are hostile. All have been imported from the West, the Moslem world, or Japan. Correcting and if possible, eliminating negative stereotypes is another Jewish policy goal."
Zionist-Jew Dennis Ross also notes in his introduction to the paper the importance of the holocaust-card in the coming brainwash of the Chinese:"[Paper author] Wald also observes that the Shoah has become the most widely known episode of Jewish history, and that, too, creates sympathy for the Jewish people."
"The Jewish Plot Against China!"
(Click below to activate video)
JPPPI states:The mission of the Institute is to promote the thriving of the Jewish people via professional strategic thinking and planning on issues of primary concern to world Jewry. JPPPI's work is based on deep commitment to the future of the Jewish people with Israel as its core state.According to the organization it is a major player in influencing the Israeli-Jewish leadership:JPPPI makes an annual presentation to the Israeli Cabinet as a whole on main developments in the Jewish world, offering its assessments and policy recommendations, some of which are already being implemented.
JPPPI annually briefs the leadership of major Jewish organization, such asthe Conference of Presidents, AIPAC, ADL, Jewish Agency and the leadership UJCin North America.
It should be noted that JPPPI has a lot of clout in the ruling Zionist circles. The JPPPI’s President is Major General (Ret.) Aharon Zeevi Farkash, former Israel's Head of Military Intelligence and a senior officer in the IDF’s Planning Branch.
Among senior JPPPI fellows one can find former Director General of Israel's Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Avi Gil.
Zionist Jew and "American" Ambassador Dennis Ross was even the Chairman of the Board and Professional Guiding Council of the JPPPI. (We have written more about Ross and his pro-Israel activism in our article on Iran; "Dennis Ross - Jew and former leader of "mission of four Jews" to handle Iran affairs").
Other non-Israeli Jews working with JPPPI are Dr. Henry Kissinger, Professor Larry Summers and Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat. Kissinger is a name every Asian should remember for his bloodied role in the Vietnam War, when he was U.S. Secretary of State (see Christopher Hitchens' documentary "The Trials of Henry Kissinger").
The subversive JPPPI document on China has also been hailed by arch-Zionist Shimon Peres, former Israeli Prime Minister:”This important paper on China and the Jewish People pinpoints effectively the opportunities in generating relationships between these two ancient civilizations. JPPPI should be congratulated on identifying this new direction of strategic thinking which effectively proposes creative policy directions whose implementation will greatly enrich the affinity and the future relations between these two peoples”.
More Jewish plans:
"Israel to get feet on the ground in China and shape public opinion, to teach the future elites, the future leaders of China."
From Israeli English-language TV channel, Infolive.tv:
Interview with the Jew Pablo Tittel from The Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs, responsible for the project of working up the recommendations to the Israeli Foreign Ministry on how to improve Israel-China relationship.
Tittel here revealingly says:
The second point according to Tittel and a "more practical tool" "is the cooperation in counter-terrorism" whereby Israel with its expertise will involve the Chinese in the "War on Terrorism" spectacle and the fight against "Global Jihad"."More practical tools that should be applied in order to strengthen our relations with China; I wanna mention two here. Lets maybe start with public diplomacy.[...] Now we see across the United States how effective [pro-Israel] campus activism at Universities across the United States is. And this is an example, this is what we have to do in China as well. We have to get our feet on the ground in China and shape public opinion, and teach the future elites, the future leaders of China today."
Israeli brain washing agencies created for China - some articles:
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, JTA
News BriefIsraeli college launches Chinese media center
JERUSALEM (JTA) — A college in Israel launched a Chinese media center — the first of its kind in the Middle East.
The Chinese Media Center at the College of Management-Academic Studies in Rishon Lezion is part of the School of Media Studies.
According to the college, the center will maintain a “proactive dialogue” with the Chinese media and conduct research of the media systems in greater China. The center will be in regular contact with Chinese media to facilitate a greater understanding of Israel by the Chinese media. The center also expects to have scholarly and professional exchanges of students and journalists.
“Chinese media is highly interested in Israel, particularly in non-political content,” according to Alex Pevzner, the center’s founding director. “Stories about Israel, which focus on Israel’s strengths in fields of high importance to the Chinese, such as food security and agri-tech, high-tech, med-tech and clean energy, can help cement both economic and political ties between the two nations.”
One quarter of the world’s newspapers are in Chinese, according to the center.
The Israeli center joins three other Chinese media centers: at the University of Hong Kong, the University of Westminster in London and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Initial funding for the project is being provided by the Glazer Family Foundation and the Mizrahi Family Charitable Trust.
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Israel studies program initiated in China
16 Feb 2014
By Avigayil Kadesh
Participants in an Israel Studies Essay Contest at Shihezi University
posing with Carice Witte (in red shirt)
In October 2011, the first-ever Israel studies program (ISP) in China was launched by SIGNAL, the Sino-Israel Global Network & Academic Leadership, at Sichuan International Studies University in Chongqing.
Less than two years later, six additional ISPs have been established, or are in the process of being established, at China’s Henan University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shihezi University in Xinjiang, Yunnan University, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Why the great academic interest in Israel?
“China defines itself as a growing 'great power' and is actively interested in learning from Israel’s entrepreneurial and innovative high-tech successes as well as its cultural national achievements,” according to SIGNAL.
“Furthermore, Chinese universities ... see Israel's unique geopolitical experience as potentially providing solutions to pressing Chinese issues.”
Formed in 2011, SIGNAL aims to enhance the Chinese-Israeli strategic, diplomatic, cultural and economic relationship through long-term academic alliances.
The ISP aspect is key to this effort by serving as a platform for ongoing academic exchange, says SIGNAL founder and Executive Director Carice Witte, an Israeli resident for the past 26 years. She earned a degree from Yale University in East Asian studies with a focus on China.
SIGNAL brings faculty from the ISP universities to Israel for a semester of university training in how to teach Israel studies. They begin with touring and two weeks of Holocaust education training in cooperation with Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem World Center for Holocaust Research, Documentation, Education and Commemoration. Through a visiting seminar program, Israeli professors teach at the ISPs in China.
Both countries benefit
Diplomatic relations between China and Israel began in January 1992. Since then, business and industrial ties have been steadily growing. SIGNAL provides an academic foundation for this relationship in an increasingly complex Asian-Mideast reality.
Witte says it benefits both sides in practical ways. For the Israelis, China matters because it is taking a larger role in the Mideast.
“It is important to us that they understand our people and region accurately so decisions can be made toward stability,” says Witte. “Our approach in academia is the most direct way to get that information to decision-makers via their policy advisers who are, in many cases, scholars.”
SIGNAL conducted several round-table discussions at Chinese research institutes to discuss the status of Iran's nuclear program, led by Ambassador Oded Eran, a senior research associate at Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies; and Israeli nuclear security expert Ephraim Asculai.
“Even at the leading research centers, the Chinese don’t necessarily have a lot of information about Israel and the Jewish people,” says SIGNAL Managing Director Binyamin Tjong-Alvares, “but they have a positive impression of Jews as wise and inquisitive, attributes they hold highly. They are also aware of the Mideast conflict and the perspective we offer is fresh to them.”
Their interest is not just theoretical, but pragmatic.
“The Arab Spring took the Chinese by surprise, and they feel they have an active need to understand what’s going on here in order to insure the smooth flow of oil to fuel the engine of their growing domestic economy,” Witte explains.
“They need insights into the region that they don’t otherwise have access to. They see Israel as a stable island in a sea of chaos that has these insights.”
Gravitating toward success
There are additional reasons for China’s curiosity about Israel, Witte adds. For one, China strives to be a nation of innovators, so its leaders turn to Israel to learn how it’s done – even though China, with 1.3 billion people, dwarfs tiny Israel with its population of eight million.
“They gravitate toward success. They want to know why we have so many Nobel Prize winners,” Witte says.Another reason is Israel’s ability to engage Diaspora Jews, which China would like to replicate with Chinese nationals living overseas. And China also looks to Israel for its example of how to manage relationships with resident Muslims.
SIGNAL’s fourth Israel Studies Program was started specifically in the political science and law department of Shihezi University in Shihezi City, Xinjiang, an area adjacent to former FSU republics, because it is home to China’s second largest Muslim ethnic minority.
“The Central Party encourages advancements in Xinjiang because they believe that academic, scientific, technological and cultural programs will help maintain stability,” says Tjong-Alvares. “They have challenges in integrating their Muslim population and appreciate Israel’s similar challenges with its 20 percent Arab population.”
Witte notes that SIGNAL has the only foreign academic presence in Xinjiang, a northwestern region covering one sixth of the entire land mass of China yet encompassing only about 21 million citizens, fewer than in the city of Beijing.
“Israel studies is a completely new subject at Shihezi, so introducing it is a process,” Witte says.
Study abroad in Israel
ISPs are not the only area of activity for SIGNAL.
In collaboration with the International Relations School at Shanghai Jiaotong University, SIGNAL established the Center for Contemporary Sino-Israel Studies to lay the groundwork for bilateral research and exchanges between the countries.
Plus, SIGNAL is working to establish a year-abroad program in Israel for Arabic studies students and others from China.
“Chinese students participate en masse in study-abroad programs throughout the world, but only a handful is currently studying in Israel,” notes Witte.
“With so many top Israeli academic institutions developing degree programs in English, SIGNAL has initiated a plan to expose Chinese students to the benefits of degree programs in Israel. We are also developing a range of enrichment programs to provide Chinese students currently studying in Israel with a greater understanding of Israel and its people.”
SIGNAL has also developed the first Chinese-language, online academic resource center providing introductory scholarly material on Israel and its people. Content input and suggestions come from Israeli, Chinese and Jewish academics, Chinese bloggers and think-tank experts.
The organization’s advisory board includes such academic notables as Bar-Ilan University President Moshe Kaveh, Tel Aviv University Rector Aron Shai, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) University President Uriel Reichman, former Israeli Ambassador to China Amos Nadai, Harvard University Prof. Ruth Wisse.
Read also:
- Jewish guys marrying Asian girls... New Jewish inroads into Asia
Creating a new generation of Asian-Jewish supremacists
- Back to our section on Jewish-Israeli influence in Chinal