Jewish-Zionist Control of European Right Wing Nationalist Political Parties
"Controlled opposition" is a favoured Jewish political tactic. Using a "Gentile Front", Jews have since the Centuries excerted Jewish power and influence, through
subversion, pulling the strings from behind, acting in the corridors of power, controlling the money-flow and media/propaganda-output.But sometimes outright overtake of the institutions targeted, by direct Jewish control is employed.
This latter technique is more sensitive, as the control is more obvious. Thus the true, Jewish identity of the operator is usually well concealed, and only Jews - or those who have good knowledge of Jewish-identification techniques - can reveal the agents' real identity.
The tactic named "Entryism" should be closely studied. This Jewish technique used by Trotskyist - adherents of Lev Trotsky´s World Revolution doctrine - is actually much in line with the Jewish Esther Saga/Purim Feast where the Jewish queen Esther manipulated a Jewish takeover of ancient Persia, installing her Jewish relative, Mordechai. A scheme only enabled by her keeping her Jewish ancestry and Jewish connections unknown to the Persian King and Court.
The European Right – Jewish Zionist Alliance
The alliance between Israel and European right wing nationalist political parties
Wise French academic and resistance fighter Alain Soral has coined the term "National Zionists" to describe the new breed of Israel-Firster pseudo-Nationalists, totally subservient to their Jewish masters and the aims of "Israel", that now dominate the European so-called "Nationalist" scene.
These scandalous sell-outs pretend to be the last champions of "Western Civilization" but by their bending over to their Jewish masters, in their deeds and acts run completly contrary to the most famed writers and idealogues of Europe, such as Voltaire and Martin Luther who warned of the Jewish schemes, or the ancient Romans - the real forefathers of European history - such as Tacitus, Seneca and Cicero, who also described their contemporary Jews in the most critical of terms.
Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and Colonialism
Zionism, anti-Semitism and colonialism | Poverty & Development | Al Jazeera
Why Europe’s New Nationalists Love Israel
Why Europe's New Nationalists Love Israel | Spengler
The Symbiosis Between Anti-Semitism & Zionism
The Symbiosis Between Anti-Semitism & Zionism | Foreign Policy Journal
Strange Affinities: Netanyahu and the Far Right
Far-Right Politicians Find Common Cause in Israel Far Right courts Israel in Anti-Islam Drive
Europe far right courts Israel in anti-Islam drive | ReutersEurope’s Islamophobes and Israel: The Right Alliance Israeli Right’s Historic Ties to European Fascism
The Israeli Right’s historic ties to European fascism | +972 Magazine
Why these 5 European Jews are Promoting Far-Right Parties
Why these 5 European Jews are promoting far-right parties | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
A Paradox of Hate: Israeli Extremists ally with Neo-Nazis
Jewish Defense League and Far-Right Parties find Common Ground
European Left is More Dangerous for Jews than the European Right
Netanyahu’s Unholy Alliance with Europe’s ‘Anti-Semitic’ Far Right
European Jews Alarmed by Israeli Outreach to Anti-Semitic Far Right
How the European Far Right is trying to Woo an Unlikely Ally — Jews–jews/2016/11/28/36002402-b187-11e6-bc2d-19b3d759cfe7_story.html
Far-Fight Europeans and Israelis: this Toxic Alliance spells Trouble
Europe’s Far-Right proves it’s Possible to be Pro-Israel and Anti-Semitic
The Likud Connection: Europe’s Right-Wing Populists find Allies in Israel
Pro-Israel and Anti-Semitic: Israel’s Dilemma with the European Far-Right
European Far-Right Parties ‘Seeking Anti-Islam Coalition with Jewish Groups’
United Against the Muslims: The Israeli Flirtation with Europe’s Extreme Right
Rise of a New Far-right: The European ‘Philosemites’ Using Jews to Battle Muslims
Growing Far-Right Nationalistic Movements are Dangerously Anti-Muslim — and Pro-Israel
The Growing Affinity between Netanyahu’s Israel and the West’s Far-Right is Hardly Surprising
Prominent Jewish members of European Right-wing Nationalist political parties
Alternative for Germany - Freedom Party and Jews / Israel
The German Jews Who Vote for the Far-Right
The German Jews Who Vote for the Far-Right
Germany's New Nazis see Israel as role Model
Germany's new Nazis see Israel as role model | The Electronic Intifada
Far-Right Freedom Party in Austria Seeks to Win Over Jews
Far-right Party in Austria Seeks to Win Over Jews
Israel finds Strange Bedfellow in Austria's Far-Right Freedom Party
Subscribe to read
Far-Right Austrian Freedom Party Chief visits Israel, tours Yad Vashem
Far-right Austrian party chief visits Israel, tours Yad Vashem | The Times of Israel
Loathed by Jews, Far-Right Alternative for Germany loves the Jewish State
Loathed by Jews, Germany's far-right AfD loves the Jewish state | The Times of Israel
Leader of Far-Right Alternative for Germany says Jews have Nothing to Fear
Leader of far-right German party says Jews have nothing to fear | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Austrian Far-Right Freedom Party Leader calls to recognize Jerusalem as Capital
Austrian far-right leader calls to recognize Jerusalem as capital - International - Jerusalem Post
Jewish U.S. Megadonor Fuels Far-Right Alternative for Germany with Viral Fake News
Islamophobic U.S. Megadonor Fuels German Far-Right Party With Viral Fake News
Head of Alternative for Germany Frauke Petry meets with Russian Officials in Moscow
Head of the AfD Frauke Petry meets with Russian officials in Moscow | Germany| News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond | DW | 20.02.2017
Alternative for Germany claims to be one of Few 'Guarantors of Jewish Life' in Germany
National Front and Jews / Israel
Jewish Support for Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen: Don't French Jews Get It?
French Jews turn to Le Pen after Muslim Attacks
More French Jews drifting to National Front Party
The National Front and the Quest for the Jewish Vote
Why Are So Many French Jews Voting for Front National?
he French Far Right's Unlikely Quest for Jewish Voters
European Jews mull Relations with Le Pen and Extreme Right Le Pen Finds Rising Jewish Support in France
France's Far Right, Once Known for Anti-Semitism, Courts Jews
France's National Front: Rise in Jews Voting for Marine Le Pen
Amid Elections, France's Jews debate Support of Rightist Le Pen
French Populists Visit Israel To Build Relations With Government
Le Pen picks Fight with Father amid Party's Surging Jewish Support
Send the Marine: The Rise of France's Far-Right Front National Party
Senior National Front Politician meets with Likud Party Official in Israel
Marine Le Pen's Rhetoric is Convincing French Jews to Trust the Front National
France's National Front gaining among Jews with Tough Stance on Arab Anti-Semitism
"Israel Magazine"
Marine Le Pen and her Jewish boyfriend Louis Aliot of North-African (Algerian) Jewish decent
National Front Indebted to Jewish Owned Russian Bank
Russia's Big Bet on the French Far Right
Russia 'bought' Marine Le Pen's Support over Crimea
National Front Seeks Russian Cash for Election Fight
French Far Right gets Helping Hand with Russian Loan
Marine Le Pen asked to Repay €9 Million Russian Bank Loan
Roman Yakubovich Popov (Jewish) - Chairman/Owner, First Czech-Russian Bank
Roman Yakubovich Popov
"French" anti-Moslem agitator and politician Eric Zemmour (far left), just happens to be of North-African (Algerian) Jewish descent
- here with a kippah on his head, delivering a speech in a synogogue!
Head of Lega Nord, Matteo Salvini ("Zionini")
Salvini: "I am a brother and friend of Israel."
More pics:
Hungarian PM vows to protect Jewish rituals ahead of opening of kosher slaughterhouse | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
(JTA) — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban vowed to protect religious freedoms in his country during a talk with foreign rabbis visiting for the opening of a large kosher slaughterhouse for geese.
Orban, whose right-wing government is currently under heavy criticism by the Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities for its campaign against the left-leaning Jewish billionaire George Soros, received the rabbis last week in the Hungarian capital, his office’s website said.
The visitors, including Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau, Rabbi Menachem Margolin of the European Jewish Association and Rabbi Slomo Koves of Hungary’s Chabad-affiliated EMIH community, heard from Orban that “Hungary’s Jewish community is under the unconditional protection of the Government” and that, “As with the other historic churches, Jewish congregations in Hungary also receive the full amount of available funding,” the website said.
The foreign rabbis attended the opening of the slaughterhouse in Csengele, situated approximately 80 miles southeast of Budapest, Koves said. With a capacity for slaughtering 2,400 animals daily, it is one of the largest slaughterhouses of its kind in Europe and is under the joint rabbinical supervision of EMIH and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
Israel-occupied Jerusalem, 2019.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán holds a copy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
memoir, 2022.
Viktor Orbán with the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Lau, in 2017
"Anti-Semitic Right Wing leader" Viktor Orbán getting Jewish advice!
Hungary's Viktor Orbán prays at Western Wall, Jerusalem.
See also:
- Orban: Israel and Hungary have ‘great results’ in ‘building conservative community’
The Times of Israel, 20 January 2023
- Viktor Orbán holds meeting with Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel
Discussing "the protection and support of Hungary’s Jewish community and the renaissance of Jewish life in Hungary".
Heinz-Christian Strache has extended his hand to Israel, but the Jew wants to not attend a hoax memorial if his party is there.
The Jew is playing mind games with the sheep because clearly the FPÖ and the ÖVP are against the healthy mindset of Jew awareness.
Sebastian Kurz and Benjamin Netanyahu
The ÖVP/FPÖ alliance is only good for the Jews and Israel.
Heinz-Christian Strache in Israel and interviewed by the Judenpresse there...
Russia’s chief rabbi blasted for meeting Austrian far-right leader | The Times of Israel
Heinz-Christian Strache in action.... again!
I have spent the better part of the afternoon talking with various Jewish members of the clergy, academia and the Jewish community in Antwerp. Respected voices.
First off, no one person speaks for the Jews of Belgium. Period. Two Jews, three opinions.
One thing is clear, Vlaams Belang is the only party that has gone out of its way to support Israel. No political party in Belgium has supported Israel. Vlaams Belang has been the only party staunchly behind Israel for the past 10 years.
- Vlaams Belang: The Jewish Party!
Geller Report/Atlas Shrugs, November 2008.
PVV's (Party for Freedom), Geert Wilders:
Geert Wilders with a Jewish kippah on head, doing the "Wailing Wall routine"
Sweden's second largest party, the Right-wing anti-immigrant Sverigedemokraterna (SD - "Sweden Democrats"), have after years of media flak cleaned up their very slight anti-Jewish past, and are now 100% kosher-certified.
Several Jews in the top echelons have systematically steered the party towards a rabid pro-Zionist/Israel policy, directing the Swedish people's antipathies against Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians - for the benefit of Israel and not for the benefit of the kingdom of Sweden.
Classical Entryism!
More on this can be read in Radio Islam's epos:
- Sverigedemokraterna - i Israels sold ("Sweden Democrats - on Israel's payroll")
Google Translate link, from Swedish to English)Most poignant are the activities of the two Jewish Ekeroth twin brothers, who advanced to top levels in the Sweden nationalist party, SD, where one of the brothers, Ted Ekeroth, in 2006 had received the absolute global Zionist top prize, the "Herzl Award", for having "shown outstanding leadership and devotion to Israel and Zionism"!
Ted Ekeroth with his Zionist award.
Ted Ekeroth's Jewish twin-brother, Sweden Democrat Kent Ekeroth
in Israeli TV.
From the Swedish Democrat's official Election Night, 2014. To the right Zionist-Jewish activist
Avner Yonathan Ben Yisrael from "Swedish Jewish dialogue" (Svensk Judisk Dialog).
Note:This picture is not staged!
Avner Ben Yisrael addresses "the 7-step action program" for shabboz goy
Sweden Democrat party and Swedish Parliament member, Mrs. Julia Kronlid.
Ted Ekeroth, far right in pic, with SD buddies with the Israeli Army IDF, in Gaza.
Ted Ekeroth, again far right, with Israeli military shirt and the
banner of Israel in hand - what a Swedish "nationalist"!
The deep irony is that the mother of these two Zionist-Jewish hoodlums who have made it a career complaining about "thieving foreigners", herself is a Jewess from Kazakhstan, who in Sweden - in her role as a medical doctor - has been sentenced to prison for almost one year for tax fraud!Real Jewish chutzpah!
United Kingdom
EDL - English Defence League
EDL: "We support Israel"
EDL-activist Tommy Robinson with a Mossad T-shirt
Rebel Media's Tommy Robinson's "fact finder" pictures from his Israel trip
Rebel Media's Tommy Robinson's "fact finder" pictures from his Israel trip, here in IDF T-shirt with
Israeli-Christian-Zionist, "Father" Gabriel Naddaf.
Rebel Media/Rebel News that Tommy Robinson works for is a Canadian media outlet run by fanatic Jew and Israel-firster, Ezra Levant.
Tommy Robinson and the Zionist "Counter-Terrorism" Industry
See also:
- Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements?
Veterans Today, April 12, 2021. The Jewish tactic of "Controlled Opposition". Why are America’s Nazis all Jews?
- Frank Collin/Cohen - Jewish Fuehrer of The American Nazi Party
From the site Judicial Inc.
- Bagel-Nazi calls for new Ho£ocaust
Another article on the Jewish "anti-Semite" and agent provocateur, Frank Collin/Cohen.
- Europe's Kosher Right Wing Parties
Highlights: UKIP/Farage, BNP (both UK), Front National/Marine LePen (France), Jobbik (Hungary), BZÖ/Haider (Austria), The Party for Freedom/Wilders (Netherlands).
Wide Awake Gentile, September 17, 2014.More Jewish infiltrations:
- France: Jews Control "Muslim" Organizations
Why are Jews at the head Of ALL Islamic Institutions in France? On Jews Serge Dassault, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Patrick Drahi, Jack Lang.
- Jewish Converts Who Changed the Christian Church
By John Connelly. Opinion article from the Jewish daily Forward, July 30, 2012.
- Early Jesuit Order Had So Many "Conversos" That It Became A Virtual "Synagogue Of Jews"
Christians For Truth, June 7, 2020