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Jewish Banking & Financial Manipulations

Gerald Krefetz,
Author of "Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality"


Read a New York Jewish person's well received history for information on Jewish manipulations of US business and banking...

Headings in blue, by Radio Islam




International Banks & Jews Who Founded Them 

Gerald Krefetz,
Author of "Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality"

Modern banking... started in the nineteenth century with the rise of the House of Rothschild. They were not the only important Jewish bankers in Europe: indeed, a surprising number of continental banks were founded by Jews. The old Court Jew had primarily raised money for local rulers to cover his expenses, his personal diplomacy, and his extravagances. The new bankers floated state loans to finance emerging industries and railroads.


Rothschild Banker/Brothers - Rothschild, Warburg, Oppenheim, Speyer

While the five Rothschild brothers had banks in Frankfort, London, Paris, Vienna, and Naples, Bleichroder in Berlin, Warburg in Hamburg, Oppenheim in Cologne, and Speyer in Frankfort were operating their own banking houses. Individual Jews founded banks from London (Hambros) to Bombay (Sassoons) to St. Petersburg (Guenzburg), and a number of points in between.

Besides these personal or private banks roughly equivalent to merchant banks or investment banks today Jews helped to establish a number of important joint stock banks or commercial banks: the Deutsche Bank and the Dresdner Bank, two of Germany's big three, Credit Mobilier, Banque de Paris et des PaysBaa, Banca Commerciale Italiana, Credito Italiano, Creditan-stalt-Bankverein, and Banque de Bruxelles, among others.


Early Jewish US Centralized Paper Money Bank Strategies...

There were a few Jewish bankers in the United States: Haym Salomon of revolutionary fame and Isaac Moses who, with Alexander Hamilton, was one of the founders of the Bank of New York in 1784. It was not until the Jewish-German immigration of the 1840s that the presence of Jewish bankers was felt in America. Some of the established German banks sent representatives, but for the most part, the German-Jewish bankers rose from the ranks only after they arrived. Between 1840 and 1880, a dozen first-rate banking houses were started: Bache; August Belmont; Goldman, Sachs; J.W. Seligman; Kuhn, Loeb; Ladenburg, Thalmann; Lazard Freres; Lehman Brothers; Speyer; and Wertheim. Influential, conservative in life-style, but unorthodox in financial matters, and inbred (like the Rothschilds, their children married each other), Jewish bankers projected an image of concentrated power because they often acted in concert, collaborating on financial deals.


The Jew as 'Alien Financier'

The rise of Jewish bankers reinforced this image. Previously, the Jewish moneylender was a single character presumed born with certain "racial'' traits. His activities were every Jew's activities. With the development of systematic anti-Semitism in Europe, and the rise of xenophobic nationalism, the wealthy Jew was seen as an alien financier, in collaboration with Jews abroad. The collection of Jewish bankers and banks in both Europe and America convinced many people that Jews were out to dominate and control the world.


Fake Money Schemes

Jewish Invention of Fiat Money

They [Jews] had developed the idea of fiat money and were among the first to use negotiable instruments of credit. At the height of nationalistic resurgence in the nineteenth century, the Rothschilds were developing international syndicates, a form of international banking.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12.


Jewish Investment Banking Schemes

In twentieth century America, Jewish businessmen were developing investment banking expertise to finance consumer-oriented businesses department stores, Alaskan fisheries, movies, theatres, copper mining and smelting, airlines, and clothing factories.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12.


Jewish Conglomerate Trick (1960)
Taking Over Old, Non-Jewish Companies
Using Other People's Money to Do It

Worthless Junk Bond Money Buys & Kills Companies


In the 1960s, Jews were again in the forefront in creating a new business form - the conglomerate, a multi-purpose holding company whose disparate profit centers were purportedly synergistic - greater than the sum of its component parts. It was not a Jewish invention - that honor probably belongs to Royal Little of Textron but Lehman Brothers, Lazard Freres, Loeb Rhoades, and Goldman Sachs were forceful in selling the new notion. Besides the self-interest of these investment banking houses (the major interest in conglomerates was only partially due to new products, market penetration, increased revenues, balance sheet growth, and rising price-earnings ratios), mergers and acquisitions generated volumes of new corporate issues that Wall Street underwrote, sold, and traded. And a number of Jewish businessmen were quick to see the potential of the new financial form. Prudent and conservative money managers were skeptical of the conglomerate: it had a striking resemblance to earlier over-blown, credit-created pyramids, which had appeared earlier and milked unsuspecting investors before collapsing. Business history was littered with square cannon balls, rotten tulip bulbs and burned-out matches from Ponzi-like operators of the John Laws and Ivor Kreugers.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12.


Destroying non-Jewish Companies

Besides the investors in conglomerate shares and debentures, the people who had the most to lose were the staid managements of victim companies. For the most part, the takeover candidates were old industrial companies with secure if unexciting markets, substantial assets, little debt, underutilized capital, high dividends, diverse ownership, and no immediate growth prospects. In brief, they were old-line, quasi-somnambulant corporations.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12.


Jews Attacking Establishment Companies

The conglomerate era of the sixties, abetted by a high-flying stock market and a prolonged boom, was really a none-too-subtle attack on establishment corporations. Though the accounting was devious and the newly issued paper of dubious value, the conglomerate posed a substantial threat to the corporate status quo. By the late sixties, stalwarts of American industry and finance such as Chemical Bank, Goodrich, Great American Insurance, Jones and Laughlin, and Pan American were under the gun. And naturally, in the spirit of free enterprise, they ran to the government for protection.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12. 


The Jews Who Destroyed non-Jewish Old-Line Companies

James Ling of Ling-Temco-Vaught, Roy Ash of Litton, and Roy Little of Textron were joined by Ben Heineman of Northwest Industries, Howard Newman of Philadelphia and Reading, Saul Steinberg of Leasco, Charles Bludhorn of Gulf & Western, 4ishulam Riklis of Rapid American, Laurence Tisch of Loews - each practicing the "highest form of creative capitalism." These Jewish conglomerate-builders, from the flamboyant the conservative, spearheaded the attack. Aided by clever investment bankers, a permissive Democratic president, and a credulous public, they shook up old managements, created anomalous corporations and provided Wall Street with a string of dazzling investment vehicles. Just about every one was a star of the go-go years, and just about every one suffered grievously when reality in form of recession and a strict Republican administration returned -in the seventies. "Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12. 


Jews (Democrats) Versus Christians (Republicans)

The battle was, of course, between "the old establishment and the nouveau riche." The old establishment's financial structure was Republican to the core, while the Jewish investment bankers and conglomerate builders were strongly represented in the Democratic party, though they often hedged their bets with campaign donations to both sides. Even so, the Nixon administration immediately directed the Justice Department's antitrust division against what has been called the "Jewish-cowboy connection," that is, the Wall Street financiers and Texas oil men. The Jewish-cowboy connection, according to G. William Domhoff, who coined the term, contains some oil companies (e.g., Amerada-Hess, Tidewater, Kerr McGee, Halliburton), airlines (American, Braniff, Continental), movies (Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, [MGM], and "best of all,... consumer goods and merchandising where Sears, Jewel Tea, Gimbel's, Macy's, City Stores, Allied Department Stores head a star-studded list."
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12.

The Nixon attack cut the conglomerates to the quick and the stock market reappraised their values. Within the first couple of months of the new administration, thirteen conglomerates lost $5 billion in market value. It was not the end of the conglomerates, but their "creative capitalism" was to become more prudent in the seventies.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12. 


Non-Jews End Jewish Conglomerate System Under Nixon

For the Jews, the fall of the conglomerates marked the end of an era. On the whole, they emerged relatively unscathed, but it seemed clear that there were limits to their financial power. While the theory of a free enterprise system welcomed competition, mergers, acquisitions, and a to-the-wall attitude, the reality proved different. When the central or core establishment started to hurt from the exercise of those doctrines, especially when exercised by outsiders who were considered aggressive and pushy, cease and desist was the order of the day.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 12.


Jewish Successful Conglomerate Scheme in 1960's to Buy Up Most Non-Jewish Corporations
With the Sales of Worthless, Empty Junk Bonds


Jewish Parasitism - Living on Others' Labor
Proven Strictly By the Statistical Numbers, etc.



How Jews Exist On Labor of Others

The job pattern of the Jewish work force is as unlike the national pattern....
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 15.

The following table shows significant Jewish and national job patterns differences*
These differences are indicative of an increasing exploitation of labor by Jews who live off the labor of others...

Jewish Vs. Non-Jewish Employment Categories - Nat'l Averages


 Career Classification

Jewish Male

Jewish Female

Non-Jewish Male

Non-Jewish Female

 Professional and Technical





 Managers, Officials, Proprietors





 Clerical Workers





 Sales Workers





 Craftsmen, Foremen










 Non-Farm Laborers











* From the National Jewish Population Study and the Department of Commerce. Observations on Jewish blue-collar workers are made in Marshall Sklare, America's Jews (New York: Random House, 1971), pp.61-69.



In discussing the statistical analysis of Jewish careers versus those of non-Jews, Krefetz says:

"To put the figures in more general terms: 87.4% of working Jewish males and 89.3% of working Jewish females are white-collar workers, while only 41.7% of the white male work force and 63.8% of the female work force are in this class.


The More Jewish and/or Atheist, The Fewer Manual Workers

A Gallup survey from the mid-sixties compared employment patterns among religious groups. There is no reason to think that the findings would be markedly different now. On average, fifty-six percent of the national work force did not do manual labor. For Protestants, the figure was fifty-two percent; for Catholics, fifty-three percent; for nonbelievers, sixty-two percent; and for Jews, ninety-five percent. The last figure seems somewhat high, but close to recent observations.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 15.

Krefetz States that Jewish Blue-Collar Workers are Nearly Non-Existent

Jewish blue-collar workers are rapidly disappearing. In 1919, probably eight out of ten males were manual workers, but now, only five out of ten work with their hands. However, for Jews the change was faster. Shortly after the first mass migrations from Eastern Europe stopped, in 1930, thirty percent of Jewish males were manual workers. In 1950, it was down to twenty percent, and by 1970, it was down to little more than ten percent.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 15.


Jews Find Manual Labor More and More Repugnant and de'Classe'

Since laborers were poorly paid, without job security, and of dubious social standing, Jews found such work distasteful, unremunerative, and de'classe'. Though economic circumstances forced them into such jobs, their basic discontent spurred their rise to the leadership of several labor unions. Today, with the noticeable decrease of Jewish labor members, such as in the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, Jewish leadership will undoubtedly wane. As the Jewish work force becomes nearly 100 percent college-trained, the number of Jewish manual laborers will fall to statistical insignificance rather like the present situation of Jewish farmers.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 15.


Jews Find Professions to be their Forte

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in occupations among Jews: the younger ones have left manufacturing and wholesale trade, and have lessened their participation in retail trade and the civil service. Young Jews are increasingly interested in the professions, entertainment and recreation, communications, education, and construction. In finance, business, and in transportation, the employment patterns have remained relatively constant between generations.
"Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality", Gerald Krefetz, Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982, p. 15.


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- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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