Months later, Benard-Henri Lévy boasted to the highly influential Conseil
Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (CRIF) that it was "as a
Jew" that he had intervened in Libya.
carried the banner of loyalty to my name and my loyalty to Zionism and Israel"
he declared at a CRIF conference on "Tomorrow the Jews of France."
- BHL on his Zionism and the 2011 Libya War in the book
"Circle in the
Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher", by Diane Johnstone, 2020.
BHL learning Jewish philosophy. He is branded as an
"intellectual and philosopher".
"French intellectual" BHL goes religious, wrapped in Jewish
tefillin in Odessa, Ukraine, 2023.
BHL in Hebrew University, Israel.
BHL with the B´nai B´rith, the masters behind
Click here to read article on the American-Jewish site
BHL with Israeli war criminal and Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
BHL with Shimon Peres.
... with Ehud Barak.
... with Netanyahu.
...with Yizhak Shamir, the mastermind behind the murder of the UN
peace mediator, the Swedish count Folke Bernadotte.
BHL with Ehud Olmert.
BHL in Israel, discussing with former Mossad agent and Israeli
Foreign Minister, Tzipy Livny.
During the Ziomassacre of Gaza, Operation Cast
Lead (2008-2009).
BHL inspecting Israels murderous troops during Operation
Cast Lead against Gaza (2008-2009).
BHL chatting with an Israeli airforce officer.
BHL in Israel...
BHL wants you - Goyim
- to die in Israel´s dirty wars...
"The man who led France to intervene in Libya".
The end result: havoc, chaos, turmoil, destruction, refugees.
Suiting Israel but only mistery for the Libyans and African
neighbours alike.
Bernard-Henri Lévy with Libyan military planners.
BHL - agent of Israel - giving directions in "liberated"
BHL at the frontline in Libya.
Bernard-Henri Lévy with bogus Libyan leader Mustapha Abdel Jalil.
"Liberation" of Libya...
Assad of Syria is next on BHL´s list...
BHL with masked "freedom fighters" from Syria.
BHL with John Garang de Mabior (1945 – 2005) the Sudanese
politician who from 1983 to 2005, headed the
group "Sudan People's Liberation Army".
South Sudan is since in turmoil, millions fleeing as
refugees. Thanks BHL!
BHL in Darfur, fueling the rebellion.
BHL with
Ahmad Shah Massoud who joined armed
opposition to the Taliban in 1996. He was the military
and political leader of the Northern Alliance which
called itself the "United Islamic Front".
BHL with the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud,
BHL grooming the young Ahmad Massoud and using his political
leverage in France to promote
the memory of Ahmad Jr's murdered father, Ahmad Shah Massoud,
"The Lion of Panjshir".
BHL with
Abdul Rashid Dostum in Afghanistan. Dostum
joined the U.S. war against the Taliban in November 2001
and led the notorious Northern Alliance. He was with the
Northern Alliance, fighting alongside the US Special
Forces against the Taliban were responsible for the
massacre when they intentionally suffocated as many as
2,000 prisoners in container trucks following the
Taliban surrender of Kunduz.
BHL with Saad Al Hosseini, Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt.
BHL with
Saïd Sadi, President of Algeria's
Rally for
Culture and Democracy Party (RCD).
BHL in Saudi Arabia, meeting Foreign Affairs Minister Al-Jubeir.
Bernard-Henri Lévy with Ukraine´s Jewish stooge Petro Porochenko.
"Petro is a good actor!"
BHL with his Jewish power friends and co-agents of Israel in
Laurent Fabius and Bernard Kouchner, shaping France´s
foreign policies to suit the tastes of their beloved Israel.
Bernard-Henri Lévy with Jewish power broker Guy de Rothschild from
the Jewish banking dynasty.
BHL : Anthologie pâtissière de l'entarté
BHL attacked by pies
(Note that the Jews try to censor this clip. If problems seeing it
checkout the web/YouTube with the search words "BHL" and "entarte".)