The World Order adopted the Hegelian
dialectic, the dialectic of materialism, which regards the World as Power, and the World as Reality. It functions on the
principle of thesis, antithesis which results when the
thesis and antithesis
are thrown against
each other for a
predetermined outcome.
Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish
groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Jewish
groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes
and finances anti-Communist groups.
It is not necessary for the Order to throw these
groups against each other; they seek each other out like
heat-seeking missiles, and try to destroy each other.
By controlling the size and resources
of each group, the World Order can always
predetermine the outcome.
THE WORLD ORDER A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism -
by Eustace Mullins
In 2005, when he was Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra
Modi was denied a diplomatic A-2 visa to the United States.
In addition, the B-1/B-2 visa that had previously been
granted to him was revoked, under a section of the
Immigration and Nationality Act which makes any foreign
government official who was responsible or “directly carried
out, at any time, particularly severe violations of
religious freedom” ineligible for the visa.
remains the only person ever to be banned to travel
to the United States of America under the
International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) provision of
US Immigration and Nationality Act.
In July 2008 an US
government advisory agency had asked the State
Department not to reverse its decision to deny a tourist
visa to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for allegedly
abetting human rights violations.
The Commission on International Religious Freedom “again
urges the State Department to announce Modi’s ineligibility
for a visa under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
We have not seen changes that would warrant a policy
reversal,” the federal agency’s Chairman Felice D.
Gaer said.
Felice D. Gaer who is Jewish
presently directs the Jacob Blaustein Institute for the
Advancement of Human Rights of the
American Jewish Committee,
Gaer is also a member of the American
Council on Foreign Relations.
Gaer became a program officer of the International
Division of the Ford Foundation in 1974, focusing on Soviet
and East European programs, including advocating emigration
rights and refugee assistance for Soviet-Jewish refuseniks.
She is thus a Globalist Jewess - a foot soldier of the
Jew World Order.
Testifying against Modi at the USCIRF panel was another Jew, Kamal Mitra Chenoy.
The Kosher pimp Swamy will never ever tell you that
Chenoy is Jewish. The IndiaFacts-link Swamy is alluding to
is given below.

The website IndiaFacts describes itself as platform for
serious enquiry and discussion on dharma, comparative
religion, cross-civilizational issues, Indology, and
India-related topics.
The researchers at IndiaFacts have dug up an
interesting document from the past………..On Monday, 10
June 2002, Kamal Mitra Chenoy was in Room 1302,
Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. He was
on Panel 1 whose topic title was:
Events on the Ground in Gujarat. This
panel was the first panel of the UNITED STATES
which had conducted a hearing, whose full title reads
The hearing was chaired by the former Commissioner of
the USCIRF Ms. Felice D. Gaer
who now directs the Jacob Blaustein Institute for the
Advancement of Human Rights of the American Jewish
Source: The USCIRF testimony of Kamal Mitra Chenoy

Kamal Mitra Chenoy is
Jewish and in his own
words “The work that I do to challenge injustice and
communalism directly stem from my Jewish roots. ”
The so called “Modi ban” was a big deal in India. All sorts
of conspiracy theories were floated:
U.S. Evangelicals, Indian Expats Teamed Up to Push Through
Modi Visa Ban
Why Christian Missionaries Hate Modi And RSS So Much -
This masterpiece by a the blathering bimbette Madhu Kishwar
Turns out the Modi ban was primarily the work of
two Jews.
Turns out Modi is a big fan of Israel
his NSA Doval an even bigger fan

Turns out the good old fashioned talmudic sexual
blackmail political model is in full flow in Gujarat
Our great Gujju Helmsman himself may be involved in a
recorded sex romp
Modi is just another (semi-literate) pawn, thrown up by
the NWO via funding and media pump priming done by its
Indian agent the rumored to be crypto-Jewish Tata and the
Ambanis Adanis Goels etc who know they better keep up with
the program ……..or else
1948, the United States Advisory Commission on
Public Diplomacy (ACPD) has been charged with appraising
U.S. Government activities intended to understand,
inform and
influence foreign publics and to increase the
understanding of, and support for, these same
activities. The ACPD
conducts research and symposiums.
More than 1 million people have participated in ECA
programs since they began 76 years ago.
Forty-eight alumni are current members of the U.S.
Congress and
573 are current or former heads of state and government.
These people arent taken on frebies to the US out of the
goodness of someones heart.
While more then a million get into the US State Dept
program about 500 made it to the top political jobs in
their respective countries.
They are investments in the future.

American Council of Young Political Leaders
provide young leaders, from both the United States and
around the world, with the opportunity to learn about
international affairs through meaningful exchanges of
people and ideas which build relationships that can last
a lifetime.
The CIA it seems keep close track of ACYPL Alumni. It
probably tracks the State Depts SUSI alumni too...
In 1993 Modi went to the US as a guest of the US State
In 1992 Modi was on a “break from politics” after some
“friction with Shankersingh Vaghela”.
It would be interesting to know which BJP politician or
CIA asset brought an out of work RSS Pracharak
to the attention of the US State Department.
Was the US already planning for Indias “turn to right
wing politics” and wooing all the sangh
His US trip seems to have worked out very well for him
as he managed returned to electoral politics in 1994.

Seen here Narendra Modi (2nd from left) outside the
White House in Washington in
1994 along with G Kishan Reddy (1st from
left), currently BJP State President, Telangana.
(Source: PTI)
It would be very interesting to know who the White guy
is. Is he just another State Dept employee shepherding
their latest ACYPL asset or is he a more sinister
Langley man keeping an eye on the latest Gujju
In subsequent visits, Modi traveled far and wide in
the US using NYC as a pitstop, remembers Prakash
Swamy, one of several Indian scribes who Modi kept
with in the Big Apple where he stayed weeks at a
He also traveled, often by road, to and around
cities such a Chicago and Boston, and flew to
Texas and California
Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs)
for Student Leaders are five-to-six-week
academic programs designed for foreign undergraduate
students between the ages of 18 and 25 to improve their
understanding of the United States.
Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs)
Scholars and Secondary Educators are post-graduate level
academic programs for mid-career foreign
scholars, faculty, practitioners, and secondary
educators whose purpose is to strengthen curricula and
to improve the teaching about the United States in
academic institutions abroad. SUSIs for Scholars are
six-weeks long; SUSIs for Secondary Educators are
five-weeks. These Institutes are comprised of a four to
five week academic residency and a one to two week
educational study tour to a different region of the
United States.
In 1999 49 year old Modi with his “MA in Entire
Political science” wasn’t qualified for any SUSI
program, yet he seems to have gone to the US in a space
of 5 years twice as a guest of the US State Department
Modis 1999 SUSI trip somehow seems to have been scrubbed
clean (at least off the digital records).
It completely fails to mention that Modi was in the US
as an
invitee of the US State Department run program.
Washington, Sept. 25:
Narendra Modi’s hitherto
unknown role in the Kargil pullout forced on
Pakistan by US President Bill Clinton on July 4,
1999, has thrown light on Modi’s style of
functioning…………..T.P. Sreenivasan, who was deputy
chief of mission at the Indian embassy here during
the critical week in the Kargil denouement,
confirmed to
The Telegraph that Modi rang him up after
arriving in Washington in the last week of June
To his great surprise, Modi told the senior diplomat
that he wanted to meet people at the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund
(IMF)……………………Sreenivasan could not have known, of
course, that Modi was already working on Capitol
Hill on his own steam with the help of his party
faithful like Shekhar Tiwari, co-founder of Overseas
Friends of BJP, and the late Narayanan Kesavan, then
a foreign policy aide to Congressman Gary
Ackerman,(who is Jewish) head of the India Caucus
in the US House of Representatives in the formative
years of the group.
About 50 persons from the World Bank and the IMF
responded to Sreenivasan’s invitation to meet Modi,
far exceeding his expectations.

K P Nayar Project Interchange 2011
More on Sen Gary Ackermann and the
Ilan Grapel affair:
Ilan Grapel affair was an alleged Israeli espionage
incident in Egypt involving dual U.S.-Israeli citizen
Ilan Grapel. On 12 June 2011, Egyptian authorities
arrested Grapel on charges of fomenting unrest in Egypt
as a Mossad agent in the wake of the
2011 Egyptian revolution. In the summer of 2002,
Grapel interned in the Queens office of Democratic
Congressman Gary Ackerman, who has lobbied for his
Later on Modi was to be marketed by APCO which is
closely tied with Israels internal spy agency Shin Beth.
Coincidence or Cohen-cidence???
Will be useful to
ferry in all sorts of people,including old
State Department friends without media scrutiny ………
Those who say Modis fast track to Prime Ministership
began after the
Shin Bet linked APCO brand campaign, where brand
Modi was marketed like biscuits or chips and the Vibrant
Gujarat jamborees where the Gujarat Model lie began, may
be wrong.
Modi may have been groomed to bigger things a decade